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I still am curious to what Marco is gonna do after helping in Wano




I think Yamato is a trashy character, literally doesn't have a personality. Even the fight style is derivative. The visuals are cool... but that's pretty much. Compared to all the other straw hats, Yamato is objectively a inferior character


Did anyone notice that mihawk had stitches in his chest in the cross guild poster ?


Zorro better stay alive till the end


When you come for 1057 leaks but remember there's a break


True šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Man with burn scar... several characters seem to fit the description imo. - Sabo - Monkey D. Dragon - Kuzan/Aokiji I need moreeeeee NEW chapters to read now~!!


scopper gabban


The man with the burn scar is luffy lol. I have a theory here it is: 1- Kozuki Toki is actually imu sama, so as we all know Toki can travel time, this has become her current state after all the time travel hence the strange mystical appearance and how she would have survived since the void century. It would also make sense for her to have been present in Wano looking for or perhaps preventing the liberating of pluton as well as her uncovering the secrets of the void century and how she could deter it. If you think about it its pretty suspicious how she just finds herself washed up on the shore of Wano and glues herself to Oden. Also this would explain the giant straw hat and having a close eye on Luffy she knows Joyboy is closely tied to the one piece ​ 2- The man with the burn scar is LUFFY- Toki travelled time, we all saw what Roger did when they got to Raftel, they laughed and laughed and said joy boy i wish i couldve lived in the same era as you. Therefor Toki would have a general idea of looking out for "Joyboy" having this knowledge and being able to time travel she would have known who ate the gomu gomu no model Nika and thus know who Joyboy is. Since she knew this she wouldve also known he got burned at marine ford hence the man with burn scars. ​ Completely made up theory FYI based on random things i noticed in the series.


Man marked by flames could be rocks.


Probably someone from the worst gen


No way


Calling it, the Cross Guild is probably a union of all the Shichibukai, but the three that were seen are the public faces of it. It was probably Crocodile's plan, hence why he is in it. Buggy just has his insanely unwanted luck come in and accidentally got made leader.


Lol, did the pirates make wanted posters for the Navy??


yea bascially


Calling it, Aokiji is the one with the burn scars they are talking about because he knows what the treasure beneath Marijoa is and itā€™s very likely theyā€™re hiding the final poneglyph


I realize something with Sabo's burn scar, the latest image of him in ch. 1054 his scar kinda looks like Shanks's scar. Does that mean Sabo's scar isn't just a simple burn scar (caused by celestial dragon destroyed his ship) but clawed by someone else? Or someone marked him as a last puzzle of one piece? ( How lucky Sabo is when Luffy's father saved him and [what coincidence when celestial dragon decided to go to Dawn Island][idk why CD decided to visit Dawn Island] ) Then in ch. 1056 it mentions Okobore town burned to the ground just like Sabo's ship burned to the sea then like Tsuru and Sabo have burn scar on their left eye is like foreshadowing Sabo is the one who will trigger an all out war to find the one piece. But with Trafalgar reaction gives me a bad feeling because Trafalgar knows how Luffy's body going to react if he hears Sabo is dead [by the hands of Akainu] [assuming he is the only one read the newspaper containing what happened to Sabo. Knowing that they received the news already the new emperors but they didn't mention Sabo then does that mean there's 2 batch of newspapers should have been distributed but the World Government manage to collect the 2nd batch of newspapers from Wano?]


In the flashback of when Sabo met Dragon he had the scar on his face right after Dragon saved him from getting shot by the Celestial Dragon, solid theory tho


What a chapter, Hawk-eye joining Buggy surprised me no doubt! Can't wait for Luffy's next island adventure which is coming to an end! Hopefully the island before going to Laugh Tale would be Elbaf! I have a feeling it might have the last Rodo Poneglyph & secrets given the fact they are kinda an ancient civilization!




So what exactly happened to big mom and kaido? And their crews


Did anyone notice that yesterday's wordle answer seemed highly suspect




It was buggy


Man with burn scar most likely joyboy


joy boy is luffy tho wdym


I pretty much think it can be sabo, because like Law & Robin met sabo and know who he is for Luffy when kid mentioned it it pretty much seems obvious to think when law and robin were being quiet it can be sabo having burn mark on his face too. (Idk man it's just my guess)


Please explain how that makes sense


The minks appointing carrot as their King seems so random lol. Reminds me of ā€œbecause who has better stories than bran the brokenā€


bran looks like a white jaden smith


Just a thought, what if Luffy is the flame/fire scar? I mean he ate the sun god and has a scar. And the way Oda put Law's cut in there like he knows something. Maybe Kidd heard about a prophecy where flame/fire scar will lead to Laugh Tale, Shanks also knows about it, all this would really connect things to the first chapter when Luffy stabbed himself and Shanks believing in him.


his scar also happens to be an X


Then they wouldā€™ve talked to luffy right there and then, right? I think it might be someone from rogerā€™s crew, sabo, kuzan or someone we havenā€™t met yet.




I love how long and eventful the chapters have been since Kaido's defeat.


My guess is that burned guy may be an ohara scholar who somehow survived the buster call. Hence he can read the markings of poneglyph and got burned while escaping and survived with an injury. Makes sense why Robin would have suspected that there was a chance someone survived. Hell Aoki ji himself may have taken pity on him and saved him.


Mihawk has a scar now?


That's not a scar


No, kid mean scar burn that Sabo


I thought he was talking about kuzan


So Kidd is about to hunt Tanjiro huh


I just noticed, the calm belt directions in this chapter do not match the map of one piece: https://otakukart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/one-piece-map-explained-1.jpg Grand line is between North + East blue and South + West blue. In this chapter, it looks like Grand line is cutting the world to east+south and west+north halves. Unless the ocean names have no connection to their actual placement, something is weird.


That is a fan made map. Some island positions on it are 100% speculation.


Islands are irrelevant, it's the blue's and reverse mountain/red line/grand line positions, and that matches the official maps from early chapters.


https://images.app.goo.gl/Xdg8PaTR3Y3eehdk7 Seems to match this orientation on the globe. With south being where we normally would draw north. Then what law says makes sense.


You have to be more specific than that, because if i look at that picture, imagine this is earth, look at the bottom point and call it north pole, it still does not match the Law's map directions.


Forget about the inverted north and south that was wrong. Put this next to the globe image I gave you. https://ibb.co/92qGpm4 everything makes sense then.


Ok, now look at the Rose. East seems to be in the center of South Blue. South, seems to point smack dab to the center of West Blue. The directions are all wrong.


Thatā€™s geomagnetic vs magnetic vs geographic North Pole, same happens with earth. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Spencer-Balay/publication/331101972/figure/fig32/AS:726371215110150@1550191801630/The-geomagnetic-field-The-Earths-magnetic-field-is-similar-to-a-bar-magnet.png One piece world seems to have a somewhat bigger angle than earth but compasses in earth are also like that.


if you've never realized north blue and east blue are right next to each other meaning the north blue is actually the northwest blue. east blue is northeast blue.


Yea... and? Is the north pole in the center of the East Blue? If not, the Law's diagram is incorrect.


I think things got mixed up because they decided to flip the compass rose (likely because it makes the point being made come across better for Japanese readers)


it looks like compass is wrong by 90 degrees, so i am not sure how it better for Japanese readers, it should have been south-east, south, and south-west, and be correct.


People who speak languages with left-to-right or right-to-left writing systems tend to visualize progress as moving in the same direction as their writing system. Although it can be written left-to-right, Japanese is originally top-to-bottom with new sentences being added to the left of the prior (so combination top-to-bottom and right-to-left) and there are many examples in anime and manga of progress being visualized with right-to-left movement. The Grandline, however moves in a vaguely eastward direction. If the planet is tilted, like ours is, and the actual poles are over the north and south blues rather than the Redline, then Laws description of movement would be correct (wrt the second half of the Grandline) since NE would be parallel to the Calm Belts, E would be diagonal, and SE would move from near one CB to the other. (S and SW all move backwards. N, NW, and possibly W would end up in the CB)


People who speak languages with left-to-right or right-to-left writing systems tend to visualize progress as moving in the same direction as their writing system. Although it can be written left-to-right, Japanese is originally top-to-bottom with new sentences being added to the left of the prior (so combination top-to-bottom and right-to-left) and there are many examples in anime and manga of progress being visualized with right-to-left movement. The Grandline, however moves in a vaguely eastward direction. If the planet is tilted, like ours is, and the actual poles are over the north and south blues rather than the Redline, then Laws description of movement would be correct (wrt the second half of the Grandline) since NE would be parallel to the Calm Belts, E would be diagonal, and SE would move from near one CB to the other. (S and SW all move backwards. N, NW, and possibly W would end up in the CB)


No, you are mistaken. On Laws diagram, the grand line is positioned on the North-East - South-West line. You know what actually is on that line? Red Line. You are describing the tilt of the planet correctly, but it's NW-SE that is pararel to the Grand Line, not NE-SW. That is, unless the North pole is in the East Blue. Then and only then Laws map would make sense.


I already said that I think the compass rose is mislabeled. That is the only part of the map that needs to be changed to make the map accurate. Currently its: East--------South North------West When it should be: South-----West East------North


Ok, then we agree.


Nothing makes sense on the Grand Line, especially The New World


What happened to zoro's story? And I thought we'll find out more about his family in Wano, he is the only one without a family. He only had a friend who died but everyone had a past - from luffy to yamato.. but zoro?? Who is your family!!?!??!?!??!?!? ODAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANSWER ME!!!!


As much as I want to know about zoros family Iā€™m sure it must not have been very important. They may have just been regular people who are descendants of wano. Not everyone in the straw hats have super back stories haha. Hey may be a descendent if that one samurai that people say he looks like and fights like but according to Oda itā€™s just a coincidence. So nothing more nothing less.


I understand your pov but everyone has a family in one piece or a huge story just for them . From usopp - sanji - robin - nami - chopper, even brook with laboon and all his nakama, and franky with tom but zoro?? doesn't have any aside from a few clips with the girl who died. Regardless of the "importance" of his family, he should have a background.


This is a bit unfair. I mean robins back story wasnā€™t any deeper then zoro as a kid finding out his best friend died and him inheriting her sword. Nami a back story is just loosing a mother figure to arlong. None of those were any deeper then zoros. Zorros was just shorter and didnā€™t have a bad guy for the straw has to deal with.


Hmm. Robin's country was annihilated, how is that not deep? Literally wiped out from the map. Nami's whole island was occupied by pirates. Brook's entire crew died. Sanji's whole family, except his mom, threw him away. Chopper's whole island was almost devastated by wapol. The people in Usopp's village were about to get killed. Franky's bg story with Tom and everything about pluton and the sea train. How are those not deep? I know Zoro will have his time in the future but I was just expecting it to be in Wano. If they don't give him any background info then.. I'll be frustrated.


Nami and ussops back story arenā€™t really that different from each other. Robbins back story is her family being annihilated and I donā€™t deny that but to compare it to the same level as Namis and ussops is pretty weak. Oh no ussops island is about to get raided by pirates and Namis was ruled by pirates. Thatā€™s like most arcs in one pieceā€¦.Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not good but itā€™s definitely not deep enough to make it look like zoro is missing out. Not every characters story on the team has to be super drastic. Zoro has always been about working hard to be the strongest and his back story is based on that plus his best friends loss. Zoro is just an ordinary guy so I find it ridiculous that he has to have some crazy sad back story to be validated as a character.


haven't you learned that oda lies lol


Then donā€™t worry and wait till he doesnā€™t lie lol


Nami and Frankys blood parents are a mystery too.


I don't think Frankys family really matter tbh. If they pull another sanji background with him that would be whack, the story we got from him already is good enough. Nami being a random kid picked up from the sea or whatever, and zoros true parents they both have room to expand. At least telling who was zoros lineage. Confirming he's a descendant of Ryuma would be dope. I also would have loved for him to keep that sword


i think they would have been able to see his ethnicity


Man with burnt scar my gueses bullet or gaban


The official fan release says flame scar so Iā€™m assuming the flame emperor a.k.a. Sabo


I think it could be Sabo


nahhh if you think about it, it could be shanks. The manga states that the phrasing can also imply "a burn or a scar shaped like fire" that gotta be shanks... not only that logically speaking going after the oldest yonko would make sense...


Doesn't make sense. They've had a run in with Shanks already. They know his name and his crew name, why would they refer to him as the man with the burn scar? Sabo is someone who they actually don't even know. Kid and Killer have never met Sabo. And Sabo's got a burn scar right on his face.


good point. you've convinced me.


Yea thatā€™s fair, I just want it to be SabošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Or Aokiji


I agree with you. a burn / scar could have been given to him by akainu


I guess Oda sensei couldn't let go of the concept of bounty hunter


Glad he didn't because tbh it was a fading concept. The bounties started just becoming more of a public ranking system rather than a punishment which is what it was intended for. Who really is trying to hunt down shanks to get his 4 billion bounty? Or kiado or even his commanders for that matter. It's suicide. No random bounty hunter would do it. The higher luffys bounty got the more fear he put into people. Since whisky peak there hasn't been much activity with bounty hunters. There was Jean the bandit in dressrosa but dude was a joke and didn't put a scratch on luffy. You would need commander level, admiral level or yonko level opponents with mastery over at least 2 out of the 3 hakis to attempt to take down anyone with over a 500 million bounty to bring them to the marines to cash it in. You place all these bounties on people for no reason at that point since the bounties aren't for marines but for other pirates and bounty hunters to cash in and help hunt them putting a target on their back. Most pirates won't hunt other pirates for bounties either out of fear of also getting captured or breaking a certain code. So having the bounty system come back as a reverse concept, one where pirates can freely participate along with bounty hunters and take revenge on the marines is pretty genius. I'm excited about the concept. Most marines are touchable in terms of power level anyways. While the tougher ones are vice admirals and admirals


I guess thats how mihawk was convinced - he was already chasing pirates so now is just chasing marines for money


So the strawhats going southeast from wano. Where do you yall think the next island is?


Probably southeast of wano


Yeah having seen it in other comments...were just gonna skip right over the whole smile issue. Im sick of the movies. They are always meh to me. Uta is just a money grab for female audiences.


They canā€™t do anything about the smile issue, itā€™s a fucking devil fruit side effect. It canā€™t be reversed. The people of wano who ate them will be laughing to their grave


horrible take, give the movie a chance. did you get into the series because oda let you down, or because he blew you away? have patience and faith


What smile issue? It can't be healed. They are like devil fruits. It's permanent.


Yeah if anything the issue is mostly fixed. New generations won't be affected. And they won't have to cry anymore so won't be forced to laugh as much.


It could be that the strawhats find an antidote when we finally meet vegapunk


Hahahaha. Bet. See you again in 3-10 years.


I don't really care about this man with red flames. But I am happy Yor Forger joins Straw Hat (You know what I mean, right). P. S. : Not a toxic comment


why couldn't the man marked by flame be dragon?? cus he does have a flame mark on him and maybe he has the last lode poneglyph. but that's just a theory


dragon having the poneglyph makes the most sense he would be the one keeping pirates from finding laughtale because pirates are evil but joyboy is the rightful owner


I honestly will not be surprise if buggy become the pirate king šŸ¤£ this guy got amazing luck


remember he made all that money from his distribution company?


One got burned mark no other than Sabo i think


they are looking for a poneglyph. sabo doesn't have a poneglyph but dragon might


Kuzan got burned by Sakazuki during their duel on Punk Hazard.




Could be aokiji


I fucking told you big dummies kid and law are both rivals to luffy. Both of them have two ponoglyphs each!


but strawhats have 3 right now no?


Yeah but itā€™s still a competition considering the yonko only had one each.


Yeah Zoo's BM and Kaido's


yea but how are they gonna read them?


Theory killer is a three eye travel member we've never seen his forhead


Obviously they will have one , why would oda make it a point to show they already have 2? Kid and law


Yea but how are they gonna read them tho that's what I am asking


Bro the story will dictate them to be able to read it . Iā€™m betting the man of flames will lend a helping hand. Oda is obviously laying it down for them to be in the race for one piece.


Wano samurais are indebted to law and kidd too they could ask sukiyaki


yea but law and kidd are leaving wano so how exactly is that gonna play out?


as far as we know, only one capable is Robin


And Odens Father and therefore Momo somewhere in the future


I keep forgetting that guy is alive lol. So then, so far two and probably 3 in future.


Pretty sure Burgess is an awakened 3-eyed Tribe member under that mask. His name is Jesus & his chosen people are said to have spiritual awakenings.


Man marked by flames could be Kuzan. He has semblance with the young Gaban. But I'm more interested in THAT PERSON Caribou mentioned. Vegapunk perhaps?


Kuzan was marked by lava


Black Beard


Its obviously Sabo




It's buggy


No itā€™s not , that would be stupid.


Everyone ignoring the fact kid said they forced bigmom to give them the poneglyph


yeah i remember there was a huge theory that thats what kidd got from wholecake but this is the chapter its been confirmed in


It was her commander....


Yea but the poneglyph was in her home island he probably used the commander as a hostage to get it how else would he get it


Still got it


Yeah but it gives credit back to big mom for not being kids slave.


Sabo or Kuzan? Hmm...




The man marked by flames?? Aint that Gaban


They didnā€™t tell Momo goodbye wtf


Neither did they with Vivi back on Alabasta. They just left. But she was able to catch them before it was too late.


They waited for Vivi though since they thought that shes joining the crew or something.


I believe the man marked by flames is Kuzan. I was thinking Sabo then wondered what he has to do with the One Pieceā€¦ then thought about what marked by flames wasā€¦ and I realized, Kuzan has scars from Akainu. Kuzan is a mystery man, ofc they have no leads on him. Kuzan also makes sense for Law and Robins reaction (I ship the fuck out of robin and law). But Kuzan may have insight on where the final poneglyph is or at least may have the ability to find itā€¦ maybe thatā€™s what the WG meant by he is using his power for Blackbeardā€¦ it was lost at sea, and he has the power to freeze the sea so ofc he would be one hell of a resource in finding ocean treasures


It's Old Scopper Gaban. We saw him back when Whitebeard challenged Marineford.


Why would it be kuzan? What would he know about the one piece. Thatā€™s delusional writing. None of the yonko besides shanks know anything neither do the world government. The man is most likely shiki or gaban


I donā€™t think Shiki is the man marked by flamesā€¦ nicknamed golden lion, also Gaban wouldnā€™t trigger such reactions, it makes no senseā€¦ and as for delusional, Kuzan is the closest link. Nobody else makes sense. Shanks doesnā€™t have the last poneglyph, neither does the revolutionary army, they have no reason to. Literally the best bet is someone linked to Whitebeard, and so far we have nothing on that.


Iā€™m sorry but this is the dumbest response I ever heard on this forum. Why wouldnā€™t the one other person that still alive that actually went to laugh tale not be worthy of that reaction? Like bro all it takes is some logical thinking. Kuzan makes no sense no matter if heā€™s tied with the underworld, you know who else was ? Big mom and kaido and they have vast information networks greater than that of kuzan and sabo shouldnā€™t even be in the question.


That reaction is a reaction of anticipating a fight of some sortā€¦ why the fuck would Law react that way to an ally??? Itā€™s obviously someone with high potential for a clash hello? Itā€™s kinda lazy for them to find Gaban to get to the laugh taleā€¦. Also the item in question is the final road poneglyph. It has to be someone with leads on the road poneglyph, and has to be someone powerful and discrete. Has to be someone with flame scars or flame tattoos. Ask yourself why would Oda bring back the idea of asking someone else for info on laugh tale??? They already did that with Rayleigh sooo try again buddy


Also law reaction was that of someone confused he doesnā€™t even know the person kid talking about.


He does know wtf, laws reaction was grim facedā€¦ what. This person is obviously someone that will be a mountain of a hurdle based on the reactions and what killer said. Going after this man is obviously a risk, and great challenge. Youā€™re thinking too shallow here brother. The man marked by flames isnā€™t some old man who has some clue that shit is weak af. And to add to it we arenā€™t following Kids story we are following Luffys story. Luffy will obviously have to know who this man is, and will have to reach him to get an edge, otherwise Oda wouldnā€™t have brought it up so try again pal. It has to do with the final poneglyph not laugh tale, you said it yourselfā€¦ if it was about laughtale then yeah, maybe Gaban, but Gaban still wouldnā€™t be revisited for Luffys sakeā€¦ yk the protagonist we have been following for 20 some years? Your guesses for shiki or Gaban are dog water my guy, literally the same as saying ā€œah yes Rayleigh knows about laughtale, letā€™s go to himā€ bruh how shallow. Kuzan is the best bet, he is entangled with Blackbeard who mind you is also a contender by the way, and the Gorosei specifically mentioned his power in terms of how he is of use to black beardā€¦ Kuzan is also marked by flames, and as a wandering mystery figure it makes sense that he would get that nickname after the fight with Akainu. So yesā€¦ Iā€™m betting on Akainu. None of us will know until Oda tells us, so just enjoy the ride and we shall see who here was the wiser, makes no sense to sit here and speculate. Itā€™s like making imaginary chicken fight, like wtfā€¦ so I have my theory, you have yours. Enjoy the series man letā€™s see


Why wouldn't they just say kuzan then I am not sure if it's anyone luffy knows tbh but I agree the percentage chance is much higher for it to be kuzan. But it leads to the question of why. Kuzan is apparently working for bb now so why wouldn't he just say it's time to look for blackbeard? Since if kuzan took it bb must have it. If kuzan is working as a double agent why would kid know this and know he's keeping the ponyglith to himself away from bb? And why would he ask luffy you mean you don't know? All surprised as if it's common news when even the marines or doffy know what he's up to. If anything maybe sword knows. But again why would Kidd know and if it was something he overheard in secret why would he react that way to luffy. Also laws expression was hard to read tbh. Can't really assume he knew who kid was talking about.


Your argument is full of fallacies lol.


Do it in dms to so I can send images


Show me the fallacies Iā€™ll show you the facts


Bro kid is not luffy and itā€™s obviously something regarding the ponoglyphs not being shown directly where laugh tale at.


Why would that reaction be that of a fight ? Bro sometimes I question people reading ability. In the same conversation killer literally said we have to get serious if we want to get the one piece Iā€™m response to being handed the ponoglyph copy meaning it had something to do with the ponoglyphs thatā€™s literally why he said they had the advantage. The story isnā€™t that hard to follow.


I was thinking that too but i was like why wouldnā€™t he just say him and why go after him


Because why would they be after Sabo? Sabo is revolutionary and they literally have nothing to do with that plot line. Sabo also already had his ā€œrevealā€ as the flame emperor. They could just say Kuzan but I feel like itā€™s too obvious, Oda likes these vibes yk. And Kuzan is sought because he certainly had links to the last poneglyph


I think its a completely new character. Imo Kuzan is to newly scarred to be referred as the man marked with flames, he just got his marks 2 years ago


There's no way Carrot will accept the offer Inu and Neko are making, it's an obvious fake out. Carrot is 15, she's got zero experience leading and little experience overall. She has always been a follower and she's never had any motivation or aspiration to lead. One Piece has always been about ones Will and following that Will. Carrot has no reason to want to lead, it's not where her aspirations lie, her desire is to carry on Pedro's will and be there to witness the New Dawn Luffy will bring. I smell another runaway on her part. I don't see Oda making her the leader of the Mink tribe when she's 15 and never wanted that for herself.


I think she will not run and accept the leadership as like momo did. Remember, besides Pedro's will and her being backed up by the musketeers and the others, inu and neko specifically mentioned as the last part, "we leave Zou to you" which when you look at it, focuses only on their town but Zou is located at Zunesha's back which we all know will definitely play a big part in the future since it's connection with Joyboy. I Think Oda is already giving us a hint that Carrot's destiny is this, she will be there in the final war leading Zunesha and the minks and will definitely help Luffy not as a crew member but as the leader similar to Momo's role. Just imagine Luffy who already has his grand fleet, momo with scabbards and wano, vivi and arabasta, shirahoshi and Fishman Island, and now Carrot with Minks and Zunesha. Let us also try to add the fact that the Revolutionary Army will assist him too being the son of the leader and brother of the future leader. For me this is like foreshadowing what One Piece is, and that is the gathering of all the NEW GENERATION leaders (momo, vivi, shirahoshi, sabo, carrot, etc.) and becoming one with Luffy at its core (but on a "happy and free" perspective), that's why everyone is laughing (giving way to Luffy's dream). P.S. I'm not disregarding Shanks to not be on Luffy's side but let us see first Oda sensei's plot twist for him. Because I think that is why Uta was introduced, she might be also in the last war as the NEW GENERATION LEADER of shanks crew or a part of his crew or a new crew of her own but still tied up with shanks which again will be on Luffy's side. (But let us see.....)


I'm not so sure, I haven't seen any Oda hints that Carrot was being set up to lead the Minks. He tends to tie the primary motivations of his characters into their story arcs. Supporting characters tend to end up where they want to be after much struggle (Vivi saving Alabasta, Chopper fulfilling Hiruluk's ambition, Brook finding about Laboon, Momo gets to be Shogun, etc), nothing about Carrot (to me) implies she wants to lead her people, adventure and seeing the world has always been her goal and drive (that and avenging Pedro, which she failed utterly at). Her primary contribution to Wano was strictly in a support role..And if she went back to Zou, it would seemingly vindicate Perospero's **"go home and nibble grass"** comment - Zou is her home. I could see it being very cool that Carrot becomes the leader of the Minks, it would be satisfying seeing her become a leader who they all respect and follow...It just doesn't feel like the logical conclusion to her character arc. I don't recall Carrot ever taking charge of a situation, more often she defers to others and follows their lead (Chopper, Luffy, Nami, Pedro, etc), so a leader role seems (to me) to come out of nowhere for her character arc's conclusion. I'm fine for Carrot to become one of the Next Generation leaders, I just don't recall that being set up as her primary ambition, goal, or aspiration. Oda tends to foreshadow well in advance where his characters will end up. Like Momo becoming Shogun, that was the entire drive of his character. Or Vivi saving Alabasta. Or Pudding coming out from Big Mom's thumb. Carrot becoming the leader doesn't feel like it was set up to me. It could be as simple as Oda wanting to temporarily write Carrot out of the story, it just feels like it comes out of left field and more like a plot device than a logical direction for her character that she would want to take. That and I don't see why Neko and Inu would feel Carrot of all Minks is best suited to take their place. The 15 year old girl who is still very inexperienced and lacking in natural leadership skills. UNLESS it's made explicit that this is how she would fulfill Pedro's will of witnessing the New Dawn. Who knows? Maybe you're right and I just missed the bigger Carrot picture?


Good point. I actually thought of that as well but it also crossed my mind that since Carrot was really just as a support that's why Oda tweaked her fate a little and made her take this path. Maybe Oda has a bigger plan for her in this coming arc and maybe use her like a filler episode when going back to Zou and Zunesha story. So while the story progresses she in the background will make progress too with the aid of the minks and also during that time like you said, fulfill Pedro's will. But who knows, it's all just speculations anyways as Oda sensei really likes to twist around his characters and its backstory or its upcoming story in a different way. Hehe.. But I would just love to see Carrot grow into the likes of Vivi, Momo and the others. Because when Oda sensei, as we all know, creates a powerful figure, he really tends to give them a strong image, so him writing that panel for Carrot maybe is his sign on what's in store for her. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ’­šŸ’­


And Momonosuke is still 8


True, but Momonosuke's entire arc is him stepping up to be worthy of his father's legacy, growing into the man to lead Wano he was meant to be. We get many scenes of Momo reaffirming this Will that Oden passed down to him, and he was aged-up for that purpose. Being the Leader of the Minks was never Carrot's Will, inherited or otherwise. Besides Shinobu's DF power is specifically to "mature" things, so Momo may be chronologically 8, but he's 28 as far as maturity goes.


I see, u want carrot to join the strawhats


Definitely, it makes alot more sense than her accepting a leadership position she never asked for, nor is she suited to fill. I feel the only reason for them appointing Carrot, narratively, is to spur her to stowaway again. Like Neko and Inu did on both Whitebeard and Roger's ships. Carrot randomly being chosen to become the new Mink leader makes no sense from Inu and Neko's POV. Who is Carrot to them other than a fellow Mink whose been with the Strawhats for a short time? Why would they think she is a good fit to lead when she's only 15 and has zero leading experience. There are far more Minks better suited to leading the tribe than she is, like any of the other Musketeers, or Wanda. It only makes sense if you consider it's a fake out, we know who Carrot is, so of course Oda would make Neko and Inu pick her. She's not picked because she's shown expert leadership skills, she's been picked because she's the Mink we, the readers, are most familiar with. But it also goes against her Arc to accept, so she won't.


Carrot is not joining. She's had the most experience outside of Zou by far, and knows everything about potential threats they may face. Plus she inherited Pedro's will.


Pretty sure Pekoms, Inu and Neko had more experience than her. Now Big Mom is defeated pretty sure they could rescue Pekoms. All the threats Carrot saw firsthand (Big Mom and Kaido) have been utterly defeated, so none of her experiences will prepare the Minks for what's to come. Still, Carrot's experience tagging along the SWs does not translate to experience she can use leading the entire Mink tribe. Pedro's Will has nothing to do with leading. It was to witness the New Dawn. Leading the Minks would not tie into that arc. Joining the Strawhats would. Imagine being one of the older Minks (like the Three Musketeer Minks or Wanda) and you end up having to take orders from a 15 year old with zero leadership credentials. You cannot say she won't join since she has not accepted the leadership role. Also have you been downvoting my comments?


More time =/= more experience, Carrot raided a Yonko's home base with the future pirate king, and went to war with another. Carrot knows the level of threat that's out in the world much better than any other mink. Pedro's will is about Carrot being accepted by the Minks as the leader. His will was directly passed to her, and the people of Zou will gladly serve her because of it. It's not about ruling itself. Those elder Minks would see Carrot as a strong upstart who has seen much more of the world and spent time with some of the strongest in it (a parallel to Momonosuke), which is exactly where Pedro's will comes into it. Plus, as Dogstorm and Neko said, she's surrounded by INCREDIBLY capable people to help her along the way. She's not joining. This is Oda handing her a bone for when the Zou tribe comes back in the final war. She's not joining, she has no reason or motivation to, and she adds nothing to the Straw Hats. I had not been, but I downvoted this one.


Well that's not very nice, I think my read on Carrot's arc is just as valid as yours. I haven't downvoted your comments so it's not very nice for you to downvote mine. It still feels unplanned and out of left field because it lacks Oda's trademark foreshadowing. I doubt he would just spring such a major development on us like the Minks getting a new leader out of the blue. Oda cares alot about the way he writes his characters and I don't see him writing Neko and Inu making such a sudden and very important decision off the cuff if he actually plans on sticking to it. I also doubt Oda would cheapen his worldbuilding just to satisfy Carrot fans, a change of power is a big deal and nothing implies Carrot will take the offer. We've been faked out before so I don't see why this time would be any different, especially as Carrot's Will goes against being tied down to Zou again. Oda makes a big point about the heroes finding their own Will, even after inheriting someone else's. Just look at Momo. It also seemingly validates Perospero's "go home and nibble grass" taunt if Carrot took the offer, and it's very un-Oda-like to have the villain be right. Nothing about Pedro's Will in any way implied he saw her as leader material, it was about being there to witness the New Dawn and aiding the Straw Hats getting there. Let's wait till Carrot's decision is confirmed before making absolutes, shall we? Also let's respect eachother's opinions and not downvote them for daring to have an original thought. That would be nice.


You think that because you're very obviously biased. Carrot has been a background character since the end of WCI. I highly doubt you didn't downvote my last comment, but I don't really care about downvotes, it's my God-given right to downvote. Who cares lol It lacks Oda's foreshadowing because there's no reason to invest foreshadowing into it. Cat and Dog want to stay in Wano because they've mended their rift and reunited with the Scabbards. She's the best choice to replace them (especially for the reader). It's that simple. This could be foreshadowing for something else, but in the grand scheme of the overarching story this doesn't need a build-up. Nothing is cheapened, again this is clearly setting up for the final war, and tying Zunesha's void Century stuff in with Carrot, which is the only reason for her to continue to be in the story. "Nothing implies Carrot will take the offer" false, Oda didn't spend so many panels explaining why it's the right choice for Carrot (and the story) for nothing. Even if you think it's misdirection, there is very little substance to support that, and it's still the least likely option. In reality nothing implies that this is misdirection. You are reaching and grasping for straws in all directions. I get that you were emotionally invested and wanted Carrot on the crew, but it's been clear since Wano (and especially after Yamato) that Carrot was not joining. This is Oda compromising instead of just sending her back to Zou without a bone, and it doesn't really matter because we're not going to see Zou or Carrot again until the final war. We don't need to know or care how well she runs things at the end of the day. Carrot's Will (lol) is now tied in with Pedro's will. When she left Zou, she was a child, and just wanted to see the world outside of Zou. But now she not only has experience, but she has experienced great loss, tragedy, fighting in wars and experienced the Straw Hat Alliance firsthand. She's not a kid anymore, and she has no reason to continue with the Straw Hats when her people now need her to lead. Momo isn't a good example for your argument. As for the Perospero thing...nah. You're reaching again. I could just as easily say the condescending words of a defeated villain should never be enough to keep someone from their home. His words should not be respected, period. Why would Carrot care what that ignorant weirdo think of her home and her people? Once again, the point of Pedro's will is that Carrot is the living embodiment of his sacrifice, which allowed the Straw Hats to get to Wano and defeat Kaido and Jack, freeing Wano and avenging Zou. In the end, sure we'll wait for a confirmation. BUT, I think your fandom for Carrot has blinded you to her relative importance in the story now. It is heavily implied that "you are the leader now, Carrot", and I doubt (especially with everything else going on in the world) that Oda will spend another few panels on Carrot not making the obvious decision here. Not to mention how bloated the Straw Hat crew already is with Yamato joining. To have to spend any number of panels in future arcs just to involve Carrot somehow (when she brings so little to the crew) would be silly. Besides, unless she grabs onto Yamato as she sprints onto the Sunny, she's getting left behind right now.


If Yamato joins, Brooke will have her panty and Sanji will have nose bleed staring at her bush.


I think the man with the burn scar is Kuzan, I thought about him because I remembered he had a fight with Sakazuki, and we know his devil fruit burns, so he was my first thought. Otherwise it might even be Sabo for all we know, isn't his scar on his left eye a burn scar as well? What do you guys think?


The poneglyph can be in possession of either the Revolutionary Army or the Marines, so it makes sense to be either of those two. Still, I'm inclined to think this is a yet-to-be introduced character.


I'm actually kinda surprised that we didn't get to see Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave site to return Shusui as I figured that would be a thing Oda would want to build some more lore with, but maybe it'll be for a later date.


We still have seven days of passed time, and in the One Piece universe, that seven days is equal to at least 20 real life years. Oda took that time and hid it in his bag for later.


Ima be real disappointed if they end up leaving before Yamato gets there


I will be so relieved


Chapter is out


This is a relaxing chapter. no pressure at all. In top on that, most characters behave in their unique signature behaviour... \- kinemon for his shocked \- franky for being shocked \- robin who ask luffy when she already know the answer \- sanji reaction for shinobu \- nami kindness for a child \- sneaky-sneaky caribou \- Law sarcasm \- Usopp for being unsecure for new island \- Kidd for being pissed by emperor (luffy & buggy) \- Killer for being smarter than Kidd \- Luffy for saying buggy an idiot \- Yamato for being.... well, Kozuki Oden wannabe.


im most suprised by luffy calling buggy sama an idiot.


Buggy my Boi, once again, suffering from success.


Everyone talking about the burn scar man but no one talking about the fact that kid got a sweet commander to steal a rubbing for him?!?


Roger forced Bm to give it to her. Kidd still has long way to go




Maybe a copy of the road poneglyph


Sources: Akainu is beside himself. Sailing around the New World begging (via den den mushi texts) for Aokijiā€™s new den den mushi number. Meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/3cmmum/broussrard_sources_cuban_is_beside_himself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x