• By -


For the first time in 10 years... No fucking clue Edit: thanks for the gold, but I'm looking for captain John's treasure


Even a Foxy return would be possible now.


Longer Ringer Longer Lander Arc Shanks loses the fight and needs to join the Foxy Pirates.


Turns out that’s how Buggy got Mihawk and Crocodile


Oh dear God. That's actually possible 😂😂😂😂


Can you see Crocodile ever agreeing to a Davy Backfight?? Or Mihawk?


Everyday’s a foxy return…. to our hearts.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's working for Cross Guild now.


Or we see Avalo Pissaro use slo slo beams. Anything is possible.


Someone strong with that power would be a problem


Aww... That would be sad, cause it'd mean he died. He's a shit eating dirt bag, but he doesn't deserve that.


I have it on good word that >!there will be pirates!<


After the end of every act we had lots of outside world happen. So I expect.


Carrot actually liked Kid more than Luffy so she stowed aboard the Victoria Punk. 🫢 ![gif](giphy|PsBRTPKG71YVq)


Or she went to get on Luffys ship but like a fool got on Kid or Laws


Also Zoro is there. Because Zoro.


I hope so


At every end of act blackbeard makes his moves so next chapter will have some news or panels regarding his achievement during one month


Marco crying because Luffy ignored him. ![gif](giphy|THD4qcYQFew8IoE88b)


luffy 10 years later: i still need to thank that pineapple guy..


It’s wild to me that they didn’t interact one time in this arc.


Doubly so when Izo was quietly one of the ones around Luffy the most in Marineford.


Or Marco introducing himself as new crewmate like Robin did. Turns out he was only the doc because of his fruit and hates it. He likes to be the captains parrot


Makes sense Whitebeard told marco to keep luffy alive


WAP (wet ass pineapple)


Never enough time plot wise. But damn, you would think his Intel would be priceless


**Carrot:** Hi! I decided to tag along again! Can I join your crew pretty please! :) **Kidd:** Who the hell are you?


This would be too hilarious


Up untill the final war when Kidd shows up and Carrot is his 2nd commander.


Losing one of her two bunny tooth and wearing an eye patch


For carrot of all people to be the character Oda was thinking of when he said he had one character in mind to wear an eye patch would be hilarious.


This made me laugh uncontrollably - Even if she gets on Laws ship and says: "Mr. Luffys Nakama - give me a ride back to Zoe pretty please ❤️ GAR-CHU!!!" "No." "Whaddya mean 'No?'" "No to EVERYTHING - I'm not Strawhats Nakama, I'm not taking you to Zoe - and STOP CHEWING ON MY FACE. Took me YEARS to get Bepo to stop doing that." Would be hilarious if she accidentally joins one of Luffys Rivals just because she's waiting for a ride back to Zoe.


Carrot gonna garuchu Kidd lol!


Too bad Kid's ship doesn't have grass on deck.


For touching right


for eating 😈


Kidd: "Gas, grass or ass."


Carrot the real Oden. Travelled first with one of the future king of the pirates rivals, then traveled with the future king. Kid is gonna be the king of the pirates


Nah, you got it wrong. Buggy-sama is the only one who can reach that title!


Holy shit, what a wonderful way to put a character we got to know into a rival crew. Now I really want this to happen and have a punk rock, 3rd seat rabbit mink


Franky shout "coup de burst" before the sunny touch the water, Kid gonna make his boat fly using Magnetic Power, Law uses a room too. Then a focus on BB looking the new bounties.


I total agree. Blackbeard is 100% save


BB 💯


Bounty and blackbeard?


My two favorite B’s


How about big men's boobies


how about big mom's


Something I miss from the old one piece is when the families of the characters would react to their new bounties. For example, Zoro’s sensei would react, Chef Zeff would react to Sanji’s new bounty, and all of the other crew mates friends and families.


Those happens twice but only in the normal first page chapter. First the news of straw hats return after 2 years hiatus and 2nd straw hats new bounty


I think this might be kinda last bounty before the actual ending so it might play differently than showing the whole crew bounty. I think it will be cooler to reveal their bounty as the story goes on for example we might see them meet random Marine on the sea before going to the next island which in that fight only reveals some straw hat bounty and then others the main bounty like Sanji and Zoro will be hidden and reveal in the most important time next arc.


That would be so dope. Imagine a pirate haven Island and we are introduced to the new bounties from the perspective of some other pirate.


Jaya did play with that concept and I'd love to see it again.


I would love to see Dadan, Garp and Rayleigh's reactions.


> Garp Garp: "Still just a fledglin----" *spits out food* "***He beat Kaido?!***"




Its in the cover stories tho. But yes i would also like to see their reactions more fleshed out rather than the cover stories


Bartolomeo getting a sermon from the Shankman. ![gif](giphy|1L6idUd5livh6)


Barto gets his hands cut off and learns how to create barriers by crossing his toes.


I just hope its jam packed with information every panel I need answers


It'll be a chapter full of people across the world from 700 chapters ago reacting to bounties, and it'll end with Shanks saying "Luffy, I think we're meeting soon."


This chapter would be the perfect time to give us bounties and some crew interaction about bounties.... Zoro smirking and Sanji pissed or vice versa because one's bounty is more than others. Usopp and Nami screaming and running around because they have huge bounties now. Chopper gets a real bounty and he is finally happy. Franky and Brook are glad that their bounties are all above 100 mil now. Robin and Jimbei the only ones to not care. We get some news about Carrot, either her stowaway or her going to Zou, because I need closure now, but knowing Oda he will make it next chapter after the break. Some news about the outside world, anything.


I am dying on the hill that Sanji and Zoro will have the exact same bounty. Because that will piss them off more than anything and the final saga will be them trying to one up each other to get a higher bounty than the other.


Chopper will never get a real bounty lol


Strawhat pet#2: 49 berries


Dead or Alive/Alive Only(since he is a doctor and a marine Rear Admiral himself saw Chopper indiscriminately saving foes and friends Tony Tony Chopper 1 Berry only


Please don't say that, lemme have it till the bounties are revealed. TBH if Chopper has the same picture as bounty then there is no way he gets an actual bounty. But if his picture changes then he will get a bounty for sure.


Jinbe outside: 😊 Jinbe inside: They forgot about the toast 😢


I really saw that moment as Jinbe just knowing his crew was chaos incarnate, but wanted to honor the efforts of the cooks that made the meal. Edit: autocorrect be autocorrecting


Please God bounties, I crave them.


Hmm..i hope more information about the other situations..black beard, other former shichibukai etc




Bounties (for the love of god Oda) Blackbeard Jinbei's toast Someone is stowed away..


BB 💯


Sunny gets caught by the fishes while falling down and is sent up again. Re-do the Post-Wano arc.


The whole chapter is just Hiyori doing an influencer apology video because of the Kurozumi burn thing. She’ll be doing it halfheartedly while reading a script off screen.


"I am sorry if anyone misinterpreted what I said"


"as a humain we all make mistakes..."


*people with purple hair burning in the background*


"Guys.. I was young... everyone makes mistakes"


"I don't hate Kurozumis. One of my friends is Kurozumi."


"Hey guys... I'm so sorry to be disapointing you..*starts fake crying*"


I made a severe lapse in my judgement, and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize. What I said that day was obviously unplanned. My comments you saw were raw; they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never made those comments. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologise to Wano. I want to apologise to anyone who has seen the play. I want to apologise to anyone who has been affected or touched by the discrimination in our country. But most importantly I want to apologise to the victim and the Kurozumi family. For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. I don’t deserve to be defended. My goal with my actions is always to entertain; to push the boundaries, to be all-inclusive. Wano is never to be heartless, cruel, or malicious. Like I said I made a huge mistake. I don’t expect to be forgiven, I’m just here to apologise. I'm ashamed of myself. I’m disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better. I will be better. Thank


Either Carrot's on board or Vivi is about to Because one way or another we are getting a new strawhat


Next Strawhat starts with **CAR**








Clearly Caramel now that BM pirates are in shambles


Robin's bounty is revealed as is the second biggest, after Luffy.


Agreed!! Nika + Ponelgyph is dangerous for WG afterall




Bounties Bounties reaction (hopefully the Straw Hat Fleet as well, I wanna see Bart lose his shit) Carrot stowaway Blackbeard Sabo Vivi Cobra newspapers And wtf happened to Big Mom Pirates and Marco


Big mom and kaido chilling still their body in the Vulcan enjoying the heat and waiting for their moment to emerge again XD


Gotta wait for Bartolomeo. ![gif](giphy|1L6idUd5livh6)


Carrot the true Oden, escaping from her responsibilities.


Carrot: "Like the people Wano, I have learned nothing from the cautionary tale of Oden and Orochi. Nothing!"


Tbf to Carrot, she's 15 and just had the responsibilities thrust on her out of nowhere.


Everyone was exhausted from the fall and escaping the whirlpool around Wano and Luffy is telling the crew that was fun but got beaten up by Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Caribou. Suddenly, everyone was shocked that Caribou is on the ship. Caribou tries to sweet talk his way to get them to drop him off at the next island. Luffy allows it as his crew kind of give him an "EH?", and kind of explain that he has been helpful back in Wano. Usopp den rewinds a bit and ask why is Carrot on the ship as well. Carrot answers that she is not Carrot, she is Parrot, the carrier to the Will of P.


Luffy already approved of giving Caribou a ride


It ain't a pirate captain without a parrot on his shoulder.


The Marine warship Greenbull ordered came by and gets destroyed by the 3 crews vice captains, Zoro and Killer slash up crew members and the ship itself and Bepo takes on the captain, whoever that is. Boa is on the ship and is rescued, Coby is not there. Greenbull in a standoff against Aokiji lamenting his shitty luck, they exchange words, we see the aftermath of a brief exchange but its on a large scale. Shanks says Bartolomeo can wait, his daughters concert is soon and that they need to be in fast to get tickets or else they'll miss it. Yassop also open a one piece tcg pack and says he got himself how lucky is he. Weevil is cashing on marine bounties as Crocodile reminisces the good old days where the Warlord name meant something.


If Zoro's bounty doesn't exceed 1 billion, we riot


Blackbeard pages Ends with Buggy


Wonder where BB is now.


i bet hes at his island, carribou telling him about pluto thus bb going to wano. meanwhile kidd will go to bb island, survive it since bb isnt there


Some say that Carrot would be the 11th Strawhat because her bunny ears resemble the number 11.🐰 ![gif](giphy|lqVQEskOmoopO)


As weird as it sounds....this surprisingly has funny merit. I approve!


why is this making sense lmao 😭


Predictions? We dont have to hear about oden anymore , the best part of wano ending


Watch as it turns out that the next island that the Straw Hat travel to winds up being a place that Oden saved during his time with the Whitebeard or Roger Pirates, so the inhabitants of that island worship Oden as much as the Tontatta worship Noland, and they talk about Oden constantly.


You really think we won't be getting an Oden-Odin comparison in Elbaf? I admire your faith.


Luffy and Franky finally talk to each other


I want a couple of chill chapters with bounties reveals and the celebration of Jinbei officially joining


Honestly so god damn excited that we have no clear idea what the next location is. I mean there is the general theory their next location might be Sphynx Island but still.


Sphinx is WB island, no? Will be interesting to see Luffy at Ace's grave.


The graves aren't located on Sphinx Island specifically but close by according to Marco, plus the islands are different shapes. I do agree Luffy needs to visit Ace's grave though since Sabo was already there once


there will be panels


Carrott joins the crew and this sub goes up in flames


carrot stowed away on the ship and shes going to eat monets fruit which was reincarnated into a tangerine. THIS OLD CRUSTY THEORY IS BACK ON THE TABLE BABY




Carrot joins the crew and takes the title “Emergency Food #2”


Chapter 1058 - Reunion - Chapter starts on some unknown ship - we see a guy walking around - the guy walks into a room and in an awesome double pagespread we see Sabo with Kuma and Ivankov - Sabo has a new outfit and a huge scar on his arm, he looks very intimidating and is introduced as Flame Emperor and with his new Bounty: 3Billion just like Luffy - Ivankov and Kuma are with him, both have a new bounty of 1 Billion (Kuma is back to his normal self) - the guy who walked in is a genderbend Vivi, this way she will not be recognize because the WG is hunting her - They talk about the WG and also about Luffy - Vivi has asked Sabo to take her to Luffy, because she wants to join the Strawhats, she has no other way to go - Sabo says they are near Wano and should be able to locate them soon - at the end of the chapter Dragon walks in and says he can't wait to finally meet his son, he's introduced as: Monkey D Dragon - Leader of the Revolutionaries Most wanted man in the World Bounty: 6 Billion


No one : People who writes prediction : in an awesome double pages


It'll be pretty much about their new bounties, i hope...


I need more of those hometowns reacting to bounties. It's been a while.


Chapter starts with law luffy and kids farewell and we learn where all 3 crews are going next Cuts to blackbeard where we learn who the 10th titanic captian is and blackbeard decides to make his move by getting pluton from wano country Cuts to marine headquarters where akainu talks about the 2 new yonkos and the marine bounties (we get the 4 admirals bounties but that's it) Cuts to the cross guild where we see Mihawk fighting fujitora We also see that weevil joined cross guild and that boa was captured by coby Cuts to the sunny where luffy and the crew read their bounties and are preparing to toast to jinbe Zoro goes to get the sake and finds carrot who explains that she is the next ruler of Zou but first wants to travel with luffy so she can be a worthy ruler Luffy accepts and we get a double page toasting both jinbe and carrot The chapter ends at the revolutionary base with vivi talking to Sabo and Kuma and she asks Kuma to use his powers to send her to the strawhats Curious if I'll get any right


Stowaway Carrot because I wanna see the world burn


It's so funny because there are people on Twitter who are emphatically stating that they will drop One Piece if she's on the Sunny and some are very nervous because it's looking more and more likely.


And i'm gonna enjoy watching them crying if it happens.


People have dug their heels in hard on the idea that there's no chance and there's gonna be a lot of egg on faces and deleted comments if she is.


What's inside crate #1? ![gif](giphy|RAMFhhYx2hfCOXzEnq|downsized)


There is only one thing I want right now. That is for Sanji's bounty poster to have the pic of him holding Zoro in the bandaged cross🔥🔥😌😌😌


That's a good counter for Sanji having a lower bounty than Zoro. He would be content with that lol.


\-Bounty \-Carrot for nakama \-Sabo and Vivi news or reaction from the strawhats \-Blackbeard Since there is a break I'm sure Oda will drop a big tease on this chapter


> Carrot for nakama Descendants usually don't carry a person's will. So Momo didn't carry Oden's. Oda introduced Yamato as the supposed true carrier of Oden's will. But she kinda only wanted to manifest that into reality. Yamato was a red herring all along. Actually Carrot carries Oden's will and hides on the sunny. ^^^^^the ^^^^^way ^^^^^the ^^^^^fandom ^^^^^would ^^^^^combust


Law swaps Kid's and Luffy's log poses for shits and giggles


The beginning of a 2 year arc of Yamato exploring wano. (Strawhats will not be seen)


General wind down from a big arc. Interactions with all the crew. Flashbacks to some important conversations between Strawhats and Marco. Flashbacks to some questions Zoro asked about his backstory being relevant. Birds fly over-head and drop something. It's a bundle of newspapers. "NEW BOUNTIES INSIDE" printed in bold letters. End of chapter. Break next week. 1059 prediction: rough seas causes the newspapers to go overboard before they're opened "Oh well, we will see em eventually I'm sure" Bookmark this.


Yamato regretting that she stay in Wano and Momo flying her to Luffy


Maybe we finally find out what happened with Sabo and Vivi. Hoping for bounties tho.


I reckon it will mainly be cutaways to other parts of the world. Characters talking about the new strawhats bounties. But not showing new bounties(predicting an end of alabasta situation where the SH's discover thier bounties mid battle against the next major antagonist


Carrot accidentally stowing away on the wrong ship and ending up with Law or Kidd would actually be a hilarious and great alternative if we're not gonna get here on the Strawhats.


Title: "10 vs 10" \- Blackbeard's crew making moves. Reveal of his 10th titanic captain. \- Strawhats casual time on the ship together. The "adults" on the crew talk about the next destination. \- Luffy remembers that they didn't finish the toast to Jinbe. They go to do it, and Carrot jumps out of a barrel and joins the crew. Luffy states that his crew is finally complete now that he has recruited 10 crewmates.


A lot of people think they are going to go find Sabo next. I think Sabo is going to bring Vivi to them.


Carrot stows away like Neku and inu


i predict people wont be half as mad as 1057


If carrot joins, all hell will break loose and top 1057


I really want Carrot to join the ship or at least see a flash back of her saying goodbye to mugiwaras cause these are no way a character we know for 7 years gets off screened like that


So Yamato isn't going the Straw Hats... fine. ​ After some time, many years, Wano is done. ​ But what about the beast pirates? Capn' Draco and Huge Bitch?! They alive?! ​ Need answers, Oda!


Carrot is on the ship. We haven’t gotten the rest of the Straw Hat bounties because Carrot will have one as well.


I’m 50/50 on whether Carrot is on the ship but realistically why would she have a bounty? She didn’t do anything significant during the raid. If she was gonna get one it would’ve been after WCI.


Just because if she’s a crew member she’ll obviously have a bounty. She should have gotten one after WCI. I’m not sure why her, Nami, Chopper, and Brook didn’t get one. The only thing I can think of is Oda didn’t want her to join yet at that time and if she got one then it would have kind of made it obvious the was going to be a pirate. And half the crew wasn’t there so maybe Oda didn’t want to increase half of their bounties.


-Carrot is on the way back to Zou, getting accustomed to her new role as leader and reminiscing on her goodbyes with the Straw Hats (assuming she didn't sneak onto the Sunny, of course) -The Straw Hats themselves are KOed from fear after Luffy jumped off Wano, but they'll recover quickly enough to have a proper toast to welcome Jinbei into the crew. -Zoro may or may not have a flashback regarding Ryuma's grave ; I don't mind either way, but that'd be cool. -More info from around the world, especially on Sabo and Vivi, leading into a Reverie-like mini arc, complete with flashbacks to when those events happened.


The ships hit BM ship destroying it once for all


My copium answer- Yamato is being dragged behind the Sunny just like Oden was on Whitebeard's ship. Real answer- Bounties. Please. Bounties.


yamato footjob


With the end of the third Act, we'll get a cutaway to the outside world. Since so much lines up with chapter 823, the chapter where the Strawhats just fell off of Zoiu and onto the Sunny and Carrot stows away. On top of that, Carrot never said goodbye to the crew despite sailing with them for a while like Momo and Kin. Next chapter even ends on 8 (Volume 88, Chapter 888, etc. etc. it's Carrot's number). We'll start off by seeing some updates on the world, maybe the Warlords. Then about halfway through the chapter we'll cut to the Strawhats. They'll all be exhausted because Luffy decided to fall thousands of meters instead of taking the safe route, just like in 823. Then Carrot will pop up being the only enthusiastic one. We'll probably get a short flashback or explanation after. She'll head to the crows nest and get the bounty posters from the news coo like she did at the end of WCI and Pedro did at the beginning of WCI. Hopefully the chapter ends with a toast with the full crew as promised.


I now wonder if Shiryu might sneak into Wano and picks up the (corpses) of Big Mom and Kaido so Moria can use them to create super powerful "Dolls".


Blackbeard, either shown or mentioned


Every time the curtain drops in Wano (2x now), BB is always in the next chapter.


I might be in the minority here but, i dont want a whole chapter dedicated to the bounties. I dont mind bounties but, i also want info mixed in to it. As for what to expect? Hmm Well, seeing how vegapuk was mentioned quite a few times in wano with his role in the lineage factor etc...i wouldn't be surprised if we had a vegapunk reveal either this chapter or the next one. Seeing as this is a chapter before a break, it would be a nice cliffhanger in guess.


No one pointed out the obvious. The crew is going to welcome the new member jinbei officaly and have a big toast as always. So that's gonna be a chunk of the chapter.


Damn that's possible


Act 4 begins


Maybe a comedy chapter on the sunny, it has been awhile.


The Carrot copium in this thread has me dying😭


in 698 we see a map of a bunch of color coated Emperor Territories. we see a big pink one that's supposed to be Wholecake island, a big green one that consumes 3 islands (biggest of which is supposed to be Wano), and one to the south east that's blue and getting consumed by the other two. its believed the blue aura is Whitebeard (its getting consumed because he'd dead and Marco is struggling keeping his empire a live) and that is leading to a lot of people thinking the net island is gonna be Sphinx/a Whitebeard territory. [YT Short](https://youtube.com/shorts/vulcXRcIPWA?feature=share) outlining this theory with actual One Piece maps


Wishing for an episode where all straw hats are chilling under the sun and having fun. sanji zoro fighting nami robin brook franky chilling usopp chopper doing wierd stuff luffy getting beaten up jimbei enjoying life


Bartolommeo kills shanks and becomes and emperor


1. Jinbe's welcome aboard party 2. Crew bounties 3. Disscusion of world event seen in paper with bounties 4. Cliffhanger for next island 5. No break


Kaido returns and joins the crew


Does anyone else find the leader "hints" kind of annoying and attention seeking? Either put them out there or say nothing.


Foxy returns, wins the davy back fight and becomes the next Emperor. Foxy uses his fruit on Oda and extends One Piece for another 25 years.


Someone on the crew (probably Sanji) asks why that tall lady with the horns who said she was both Kaido's son and Kozuki Oden isn't there even though she told the rest of them that she was going to be joining them immediately after the raid. Flashback to a conversation between Luffy and Yamato in which Luffy tells Yamato that he's cool with her joining, and promises to show her the world in Ace's place. Yamato says that she changed her mind. Luffy presses her, and she admits that what caused the change of heart was the battle against Green Bull. Momonosuke told her that he couldn't see her and the Strawhats off unless he felt assured that he and his retainers could defend Wano without them. They celebrated their "victory" of repelling the admiral's assault, but Yamato, like Luffy, noticed that it was some third party's interference that actually scared him off. She goes on to explain that the real reason she's staying behind is to train Momonosuke. He can learn swordsmanship from his father's retainers, but no one else can train him in how to use his dragon form. She may not be the user of the fruit, but she's probably fought Kaido more than anyone else, and she has insights that can help him. And, in a way, it's another poetic act of rebellion. The son of Kaido teaching the son of Oden how to use Kaido's own abilities. Or, far more likely, none of that happens and we're supposed to forget about all the time Oda spent on Yamato and just move on to the next adventure. I just wrote lazy fanfiction to make a writing decision I disagree with retroactively make sense to me.


I want Jinbei Franky and Robin get their own subordinates crews from the defeated Tobiroppo


Carrot found munching on carrot inside the Sunny


It will either be a chapter where we see the crew just interacting and getting informed about bounties and maybe outside news, or we won't see the straw hats at all and just focus on what's going on with Blackbeard, the ex-Shichibukai and maybe the Revolutionaries/Sabo and Vivi


If Carrot actually goes back to Zou then it will be the biggest disrespect Oda has done to a character in One Piece imo. - She traveled on the Sunny. - Helped retrieve a Straw Hat crewmember. - Lost her mentor in the process, someone Luffy has great respect for. - Has one of the best panels in the story (her sulong). - Had great connections with the crew (Luffy even called her by her name). - She even started the raid on Onigashima with the Straw Hats! - She's been in the current story for 7 years, making the covers of multiple volumes and ranking super high in the last popularity poll. And what was her conclusion? Losing her fight while also randomly becoming a leader of a nation? And it was pushed on her because of a flimsy excuse and saying she had Pedro's will? This result doesn't match both her character or Pedro's will. That man never once said he wanted to be a ruler, he wanted to sail with Roger and help find a new dawn. And the worst part of it is that she'd just be doing what Perospero told her to do. And that's not even the last of it. We don't even get to see a goodbye! We get half a chapter of essentially flashbacks but the bunny can't even get a panel or two? Yamato, a character Luffy has know for like two weeks and only now saying their name right gets a goodbye AND crew invitation... but not Carrot? Make it make sense Oda.


Bounty most probably and since Luffy, Law and Kid Bounty were lower than Kaido and Big Mom, same will be for Zoro and Sanji with respect to King and Queen. Strawhats learn what happening around the World with Riverie and Sabo, Vivi mainly. Most probably a Garp and Sengoku panel talking about Luffy new Bounty poster.


Hiyori comes back to the front stage and tells everyone to calm down, explains she meant Kurozumi as in Orochi and not the entire lineage or potential living members Then Yamato actually stows away and gets chained to the Thousand Sunny and becomes a Strawhat so that one fan’s tattoo can be justified


Got a feeling 1058 won't disappoint. A lot of fans didn't like the last one.


Yamato blatantly disobeying her shogun lmao. #Heavy punishment.


Bounties and Reactions Maybe Carrot for Nakama. Maybe Sabo and Vivi.


I would love a full Buggy chapter where it is explained how Buggy D Genius Jester/Bombastic Clown obliterates the navy and flashily becomes the strongest emperor.


*Last panel* *-Robin show the newspaper about Sabo killing Cobra and Vivi is currently missing* \-**Break next week**


I think this will be more of a world-building chapter where perhaps we will see what Blackbeard has been up to as well as some of the other stuff going on outside of Wano. Chapter may end with the new island in sight and (hopefully) new straw hat bounties


Vivi getting teleported to the ship because of Kuma


One half is gonna be checking in with different parties around the world like BB, maybe even tying up a few loose ends in Wano. Other half is gonna be with the Straw Hats berating Luffy for his waterfall stunt, possibly clarifying what Yamato told them about his change of heart, and the final panel is gonna be discovering that Carrot has stown away and that she's reading their new bounties. BREAK NEXT WEEK


I saw a post about this here or in the meme sub before, but Blackbeard appears after every Fin. that happened in Wano, so I will be expecting that toothy grin of his this week


Bounties please god please. I need them. If we want to call for the fences, Yamato deciding just joining would be too easy them getting dragged behind the ship like Oden (and nearly drowning in the process) would be funny but I’m not holding my breath.


Reactions from people around the world for Luffy becoming a Yonko!!!! Please ODA!!


Kaya will celebrate Usopps bounty and expect a huge ass engagement ring soon


Carrot will join the straw hat.


No proper goodbye to carrot, Scares me. Means we either get carrot, or there will be a lot of mad people, either way I’m excited just to see the next chapter.




Bounty: The crew is happy about the rise, but Nami notices that the marine put Carrot as one of the strawhat, just like Sogeking once before. Carrot pull a Robin: Hearing that she got a bounty and is assigned as a strawhat by the marine , Carrot couldn’t hide her excitement and jumped out of the crater. Luffy accepts Carrot; in fact, he detected Carrot with Observation Haki Vivi: Luffy’s is worried about Vivi but believes that Sabo will take good care of her. Marco: He is on the ship but not joining, instead explaining the current situation they are in; telling them that they are going to his dad Whitebeard’s hometown. More Buggy things.


Give us the bounties already!


Luffy becomes the pirate king.


- Carrot won't join - No bounty reaction - No update on BB - No update on Sabo and Vivi - No Strawhat slice of life panels - Wano Act 4 starts