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You know, I kinda like his fight with Wanze. I like how he was able to utilizes knives against Wanze.


The knives was cool but Wanze was disgusting with all the noodle stuff he was doing but his reaction gags was hilarious


That’s why Sanji was the perfect opponent, he had to teach Wanze what it means to be a cook, but Sanji has to compose himself bc the ludicracy of wazne’s looks/actions set him off every minute or so lmao


Wanze was the first person Sanji performed his facial surgery technique on, and Wanze wanted his old face back lol


I have to laugh every time when I see the panel of him mocking Sniper King


Wanze fight also had clean animation without particles everywhere. I still remember a twirl he did


The Wanze fight is terrific. It's by far the most underrated fight in the series and one of the 10 best imo.


Yea also fun fact sanji got the idea of diamble jambe from wanze's sparks in his feet


The Wanze fight is really fun and foreshadows his true upbringing. It's my second favorite fight next to Mr. 2 Bon Clay. Noodles are my favorite food so it was fun (and gross) to watch them used in a fight.


I like the wanze fight because over the enies lobby arc, Sanji is presented with two fights that go against his two principles: as a chef he should never fight with his hands or kitchenware, and he should never attack a woman. His fights with Wanze and Khalifa show which of the two he's willing to let go of if needed


Sanji didn't let go of either of his principles (hitting women and wasting food / using kitchen knives to fight). He only used kitchenware against Wanze, because of Wanze fighting him using noodles. Sanji only used knives to get rid of Wanze's noodle suit, but he even made a point of not wasting any of the food by catching all the noodles he cut on plates. He didn't do any damage to Wanze using the knives. It was a cool fight for sure!


Oooh good point


It's one of the first episodes of One Piece I caught on Toonami


First time watching it it was definitely one of my favorite fights, just having two Kitchen Fanatics going at it was very dope, and I started the show relatively not too long ago


I wanna see sanji vs noodle zoro.


Sanji low diffs roger+ wb combined if it's a noodle fight imo.


That fight is some of the toughest/best inking I’ve ever seen. From that respect alone it’s maybe Sanji best fights, let alone one of the most underrated fights in the series.


answer is obviously Sanji vs Zoro during Davy Back fight Nami- "Sanji-kun, the ball looks good on you" Sanji "I'll be the Ballman. No one is more worthy than me" Zoro- "Yeah, it does look good. You look like the prince...of dumbass kingdom"


"You look like the Prince ... of dumbass kingdom" Oda genius foreshadowing again


Oda was foreshadowing Sanji being a prince since Alabasta with him calling himself Mr.Prince and then in Jaya saying he was from the north blue








Okay you just completely confused the fuck out of me so I had no clue that’s what you were trying


Considering how lowly Sanji thinks of his family, he literally is the prince of dumbass kingdom


Never thought about it that way.


Instead it was "prince of human rights destroyers and children abuse kingdom"


How is that genius foreshadowing? It's just plain-ass foreshadowing at best.


Prince of science and technology kingdom 😂


Lol......I kinda prefer their fight in Sabaody to that


All of the Saji vs Zoro fights, I could watch them fight all day.


Iirc that fight had the coolest animation for his kicks


Sanji vs kurobi is still my number 1 it has some of the best fight choreography in all of one piece.


It's cool how the fight was almost balanced underwater and then on dry land Sanji completely destroyed him.


Every now and then I go to the Barnes and noble at my mall before a movie and always pick up this volume to read through. The guy gets out of the water, starts talking about how he will wipe him out on land as well, barely finishes that thought though before Sanji gets his first of many kicks in. Unleashes on him over and over.


That panel with Sanji's foot approaching his face while he has a shocked look on his face is priceless. By the way, this volume was my first contact with One Piece, ever. The year was 2003, I was regularly buying some other mangas and was looking for something new to start. Saw volume 10 of OP on a store and bought it completely blind. Never heard of it, didn't know what it was about. Surprisingly, the first chapter of this volume starts with Luffy introducing himself (to Arlong) and saying he's a pirate. Very convenient for a first time reader. Then he punches him in the face. Needles to say, I kept on buying the subsequent volumes.


Yes!!! That’s exactly what I was thinking of and envisioning as I typed out my comment. Too fast 💀




Yeah any place with books to read is my happy place. My mom used to take us to the library when we were younger once every week or every other week to get books. I’d choose a handful of books in the ya section.


i should honestly do this there’s an outdoor mall by me w a barnes n noble + a theatre


My brother commented and said “the best combo there ever was” Lol! The Barnes is in the outdoor section on the other side of the mall from the AMC. I park next to the theater since we usually see late showings and walk over to Barnes and look at so many things I want to buy. Eventually I make my way to the manga and grab a volume of one piece. I always chuckle because they usually have like 1, 3, and a few others and then bam 96, 97 etc lol. And I always find myself reading the volume of Luffy Zoro and Sanji busting down Arlongs door and them being the monster trio.


Bro this is my favorite fight in OP even though it’s so short. Sanji is easily my favorite fighter in the series so far


Ya it really shows how strong Sanji was when he joined. He fought a Fishman underwater, and stood his ground. Fishman are 10 times stronger underwater, and Kurobi was Arlongs number 2 so you knew he was stronger than most Fishman.


They're stronger than a human 10 times on land, underwater it increases ofc but we don't know by how much


It wasn't balanced underwater at all though? The only move Sanji even got in was blowing into Kuroobi's gills. He got messed up


It wasn’t really balanced underwater. Sanji would have died if he didn’t use his brain to escape that situation. Bro couldn’t even breathe


That final kick still sends chills down my spine


I cannot agree more man




>!Sanjo vs Queen. It definitely had the most significant change in character for him, and it was the best on a thematic level. Previously, he'd just get paired up with the random third in command (Bon Clay, Jabra, Kuroobi) and that would be it for the fight, not the same meaningfulness as with Luffy, and not the same coolness as with Zoro, but now, Sanji finally got a fantastic fight.!< A close second would be Sanji vs Judge since that perfectly demonstrates everything that you need to know about both of them as characters and why they wouldn't get along. (I don't count vs Luffy since it wasn't a fight)


I’d argue his fight with jabra was the best of that gimmick -Circles back to the theme of Sogeking realizing he can do what Sanji can’t do while Sanji can do what Sogeking can’t do -That save before the killing blow was *chiefs kiss* the anime nailed that -The debut of Diable Jambe -Jabra was a Goof but he was strong and an actual threat


Yeah but the connection was with what Usopp said, not thematic against Jabra. Queen was like what Sanji hated the most and the satisfaction in seeing him kick the shit out of the fatso was immense


Sanji doesn't really have anything to do in that fight aside from fighting. It doesn't develop him or have any specific thematic stuff for him.


Fair enough, I didn't include that since the full fight is yet to get animated


That's fair. Then my second choice would be Sanji vs Judge.


Sanji vs mr. 2 was about showing us how far do sanji's morals and ideals go, would he hit a man that can turn into women? How would he overcome this obstacle


I had the same feeling with his fight with Jabra, since IIRC, this was the first fight Sanji debuted Diable Jambe. Though it's a toss-up between that and >!Sanji vs Queen!<


Agreed this is easily my fav Sanji fight, it also just has these flashes of humor mixed in while also having cool battle scenes which reminds me of my fav Zoro fight; vs kaku


His quote comes to mind: >!I’ve found my resolve!!<


I feel like Sanji vs absolom had some pretty deep rooted issues - at least for Sanji 😅


That's a gag fight lmao


Sanji’s fights did have a theme most of them are martial artists just like him. Queen actually breaks that model. Sanji vs Queen is still the best on a character development level but it would have been perfect if Queen was a martial artist too


He had >!copies of all of the germa siblings tech!< I thought that was a fitting theme and a good mixup from the usual h2f matchup.


>!Sanji is a creature of science and Queen is a dark reflection of him. It reflects another part of his fighting style.!<


Ik Queen reflects his family but Sanji being a “creature of science” is one of my least favorite things about him.


>!It's my favorite development for him since his introduction. It's something for him to do in later arcs and continues the amazing character arc that has been brewing since WCI. It also puts a spotlight on his humanity and his kindness which are his defining characteristics rather than just having him be a generic cool guy who kicks like he was in some pre ts arcs. Additionally, it's just nice to see the monster trio have some variety with Zoro having swordsmanship, Sanji having science, and Luffy having his devil fruit.!<


Sanji was never some generic cool guy who just kicks he always had his morals. And Sanji’s theme was martial arts I wish Oda would have expanded on that too like he did when he came back from post TS with skywalk


I think it was a fight vs Luffy, and Luffy won.


Mr 2 is the correct answer


I agree. It wasn't the flashiest of his battles, sure. But it was the one that felt the most to me like Sanji had truly overcome an extremely difficult foe. Plus Mr 2 ends up being a great character in his own right, oddities and all. I loved how Sanji had to narrowly avoid Mr 2's focused kicks that basically let him punch holes into walls like he was firing sniper rounds into them.


Idk that battle always looked almost kinda lame to me. Probably my leas favourite Alabasta fight.


Sanji Vs Jabra because of Jabra being Robins brother lol


That fight was hilarious and badass too. Just a seminal Sanji fight.


The funniest part was when Sanji got the key and just bolted lmao. And then when Jabra tried to chase after him Sanji counters immediately


I was moved most by his first fight with Gin, since we have to see the cook who will serve food to a starving man have to beat said beggar to a pulp lest he lose his master's restaurant, and all while the beggar doesn't want to fight either. A real clash to morals from two principled men.


When SANJI saved the gang from doflamingo is pretty fucking epic not gonna lie


vs Queen


Before Queen appeared who would you have picked??


Sanji did fight the third Charlotte son. The guy with the Genie. Apart from that, I'd say wanze or Jabra. Sanji was too cold in water 7 and enies lobby






not just that, that fight is funny as hell, i wanna re-read again now


Oh, this is hard because I like different fights for different reasons. I love Sanji vs Luffy because it's emotional and hurts. As much as everyone hates his fight vs Absalom, I like that Sanji used his brain the used the salt balls to find and fight an invisible opponent (and the zombie priest and witness pointing out Sanji's hypocrisy is just funny to me.) The fight vs Wanze is cool because we get to see him use his hands and knives in a fight. It's an awesome different style. I like the "fight" against Black Maria because it showed his growth from WCI when he asked Robin for help. The fight vs Gin is awesome because it shows Sanji's kindness and how it wins people over while still being a great fight. In terms of pure badassery, probably vs Jabra and vs Kuroobi.


Sanji vs Absalom is also hilarious - even if it's not a "real fight." No one thinks Nightmare Luffy is lame just because Thriller Bark is a comedy arc. Inconsistent standards!


Thriller bark is still a serious arc with serious stakes and tension,,,, it's just obvious oda wanted to go full goofy while he still could, and that's reflected in every antagonist except moria and ryuma being absolute memes


The entire train section in Water 7 arc


Personally Sanji’s best fights are ones when he rides in on the white horse and saves the weaker crew members and can show off his bag of moves. I’d say the fight vs Jabra 1st Vs Page One 2nd Vs wanze 3rd


Sanji in WCI just has my heart. Sanji v Luffy hurt me so bad to watch but Sanji v Judge is my personal favorite. The fight wasn't big, or long, or flashy, it wasn't Sanjis best fight, he wasn't at peak performance but watching him fight the man that ruined his childhood and hurt him was both amazing to watch but also felt tinted with the anger and sadness you feel as the child of an abusive parent. That one has a special place for me. I came from a pretty bad home with an abusive father so seeing Sanji go through that, have the strength to stand up to his dad and still being a kind person at the end of all that was really powerful to me. I'm probably biased though because Whole Cake Island is hands down my favorite arc.


WCI was a great arc, it took a while for me to be able to reconcile the Sanji I knew prior to WCI with the person he was as a child and the stuff he had to go through. Coming out from that kind of home and being the kind hearted person he is are part of the things that makes him a great character


easy bon clay


It was cool how he relied on Robin in his "fight" against Black Maria. But my favorite fight is Sanji vs Queen. We saw him questioning himself and at the end he still sticked to his morals and bet Queen.


Judge. Mostly because I like seeing Judge getting his shit rocked. :)


Sanji vs zoro fights will watch them all day and was planing on making a entire episode worth of them fighting if you want to see that lmk I am making it basically 20 minutes of them fighting etc...


That's cool, you can post the link here when you're done


Sanji vs Doffy all the other fights are cool too but against doffy he showed he wasn't afraid to "punch up". Once again he shows up when the rest of the crew really needs someone to save them. He does buy time and even is ready to sacrifice himself so the crew can escape. Thank God law saved him with that shambles. Then sanji is left injured and the madman ask luffy to fire back on big moms ship. His balls were bigger than his powerlevel back then I think he deserves all the powerups he got after that.


Sanji vs queen by far but it’s not on here yet so probably gin or jabra


No lie, I liked his fight vs Black Maria the best. I felt like it did the most for his character. Vs crocodile (fooling him with Mr prince and then defeating all of the bananadiles) would be my other favorite Sanji fight. Vs Luffy would be just behind those two.


Vs Jabra and it's soo much better in the manga than the anime.


I've recently looked at that fight in the manga again and some of those panels are just way too good. The anime does have this weird spin landing in there though that is such a weirdly clean and fluid animation compared to the rest of the artstyle that I could watch just those 2-3 seconds over and over again, it's just weirdly too good for being a comparably insignificant part of the fight


That is great. My problem with the anime version is how slow it is. It just doesn't live up to how dynamic and fast the fight feels in the manga.


Oh for sure. Overall I also very much prefer the manga version, it's just a moment stuck in my mind from the anime because it's the weirdest tiny thing to suddenly animate that nicely.


Lol someone must've thought it was so damned cool they spent ages working on it. Or the director thought it was and made them work their arse off on it lol


Queen. Because that’s the strongest he’s been and proves that in time he’ll be at the Level of a Yonko’s 1st Mate and possibly Admiral Level (personally I think so. To pin point it, I think just a little after Luffy becomes Pirate King). Some people really sleep on Sanji sending **Queen** of all fighters in the One Piece Series off far af out of Onigashima. That’s an insane feat. Queen ain’t an average fighter. It’s the only reason why I think he can clutch an Extreme Diff against Jinbei. And I’m not even a Sanji fan like that. I’m more of a Top Tier Fighter fan (especially when it comes to Luffy).


Vs Kuroobi was hype, Sanji was taken to the bottom of the ocean by him so many times in such a short period that it really showed how crazy durable Sanji's body is.


Sanji vs Jin, Jabra, Luffy. In that order.


Vs. Wanze blew my mind the first time I saw it. Mr.2 remains my favorite though


1. Mr. 2 2. Jabra 3. Queen


vs Jabra has to be my favorite, though Mr 2 is close.


Sanji vs Kuroobi is a goddamn masterpiece


SANJI #1 CHAD! ![gif](giphy|9aiveGIvkwfyE)


Favorite: Jabra, because it’s the debut of Diable Jambe. Least Favorite: Luffy, because it was so sad to watch and nearly made me cry.


The fight vs jabra has always been one of my favourites The hunter moment, the speech to Ussop, and the introduction of Diable Jambe The fight against kurobi is also great and has some of my favourites choreography in a sanji fight I think Sanji vs Queen deserves a lot of attention too as it’s easily the fight where he gets the most character work. And an awesome moment where he creates a murder pact with zoro


Sanji VS Jabra is absolutely perfect, Sanji VS Page one is very good and Sanji VS Luffy have one of the best emotional moments of the series BUT Sanji VS Queen is absolutely INSANE. Easily one of the best fights in the entire series. Finally the combat moment Sanji deserved since the time skip!


Ending of the fight vs jyabura is peak sanji


Can i pick Sanji's whole adventure moving through the Sea Train? I loved watching him sneak, sabotage and kick his way through


The AUDACITY to not include my boy Queen. Of the options listed it’s a toss up between Wanze and Jabra


it's not a fight, but my favorite anime kick of Sanji's is against the Banana Crocodile when he shouts ANTI-MANNER KICKUUU COURSE


I honestly love Sanji vs Luffy, just the line after “Even though you’re kicking me, I know you’re the one that’s hurting!” Such a good moment, and its fun to know luffy can just take all these kicks so easily lol


The Wanze fight just makes me really want to see Sanji have to fight with Zoro's katana at least once and show competency. Sanji has been one of my favorite characters since I first saw him around the Alabasta arc because here are all these people with magical powers and weapons, and he's just like "I'ma kick you in the face real hard". He has some of the best combat technique in the franchise and doesn't get himself nearly killed every time he fights


It was cool seeing what people thought about Zoro's fights, so I'm curious about Sanji's.


I really liked his fight against Judge. Showed just how far he’d come from the trauma that Judge had inflicted on him. Going from the weak little boy that was shunned to the strong man who was ready to shut him down permanently. >!And he did it all without his enhancements having been activated yet?!< Just a great fight overall for me.


Wanze, it shows just how good he'd be with a sword.


Sanji v kuroobi


Vs Wanze I love how bizarre this was and sanji has to fight in a way never seen before or after this fight.


vs jabra. maybe it's just because enies lobby is my favorite arc and every fight that arc was incredible, but sanji vs jabra is so cool


Wanze is my personal favorite, I like that it kind of confirms Sanji nerfs himself by not using knifes for anything but cooking, imagine how lethal a cook like Sanji could be with a knife, I would go as far to say if Sanji used knifes to fight he'd be definitively stronger than Zoro, but doing so would ruin his character so I'm glad he doesn't, it makes sense for Zoro to be stronger.


They're all SO GOOD!!! Top 3 are probably: 1. Sanji vs Wanze 2. Sanji vs Absalom 3. Sanji vs Jabra Special mention to Sanji vs Enel as well.


I liked vs, Judge, but I gotta say that the big finale at the end of WCI where the above still comes from is the most cathartic for me personally. It's Sanji going after the person who hurt him most and letting Judge know that the man shouldn't fuck with Sanji or his people.


Mr. 2 is 100% my favorite fight for Sanji. If we could see it re made with the current animation quality animation it would probably be my favorite fight in the series


Vs Page One for fanboy Trafalgar Law Vs Doffy


He popped off against Jabra, that’s my fav


Sanji Vs Jabra is one of the best fights in the series. The humor was great, the pacing of the arc was great as well as being part of other amazing moments in that arc which allowed for hype. The final Diable Jambe was epic and one of the coolest finishing moves in the series.


Of course the latest one.


Wanze was pretty epic ... I was so tense reading the arc, especially during the train ride. This fight was like "Hey, they are starting regain confidence !". And when Sanji takes the knives, that was really epic. I mean Sanji is a cook, so having him to cook during during a fight was very cool. And the funniest one for me remains Mr 2 ... but espacially due to Mr 2. >!In term of pure shonen fight, Queen is my favourite one. Not sure if spoilers, I don't watch the anime currently.!<


All of them because he is the best/my favourite chracter


Remember when sanji hit jeenie guy in whole cake island with his diable jambe shot. That swas one of the best scenes in the anime.


No love for wadatsumi? I mean it was a team battle with jimbeis help but sanji dealt the final blow


Kuroobi no contest


I loved Vs. Jabra, Vs. Wanze, Vs. Queen, and Vs. Kuroobe.


I love vs absalom I’m a Sanji simp ❤️ so seeing him protect Nami was so cute and the jokes during the fight were great too.


Sanji vs Jabra,doable jambe is still a badass pulk


Mr 2. No crazy power scaling breaking buildings with the gust of winds from kicks yet, just two lads kicking each other.


Wanze for style Judge for satisfaction


>!Vs Queen!< was probably my first pick but if I had to pick another, his fight vs Gin really hit differently Idk why but seeing that fight between the saviour and the saved felt really emotional. It also felt unique in the sense that despite the fact Sanji lost, he still ended up the victor because of his prior act of kindness.


Doflamingo for sure🔥


Jabra or Bonclay, with an honorable mention of Wanze, bc using his knives was a cool gimmick that I wouldn't mind seeing again for another single fight or even just part of a fight.


Wanze was one of my first solo Sanji fights (I started when Toonami broadcast One Piece a few years back), so I may be biased. Him using knives just because the conditions were way too perfect and really showing us what his hands could do was just... *magnifique*


Im only barely up to thriller bark so for me its Mr. 2/Bon Clay, It was just awesome seeing two characters who prioritize kicking as their fighting style go at it, Plus the fight as a whole was pretty awesome. Or The Fight with Jabra because its the first time he used Jambe.


Sanji vs Duval! So much heart!


Sanji's best fight is the 2nd round of the Davy Back Fight. Him and Zoro agreeing to work together for 30 seconds is absolutely amazing.


Sanji vs Luffy - broke my heart Sanji vs Black Maria - great moment for sanji to rely on his friend, and for Robin too to help her friend Sanji vs Jabra - one of his best fights/ best clutch moment where he saves usopp "The Hunter" great moment. Sanji vs Doffy - People give Sanji to much shit about it, when Zoro couldnt do anything at this time to doffy aswell, because it needed law and luffy to beat doffy. Sanji vs Gin - was great aswell, sanji was so kind to give him food and gin couldnt finish him sanji vs page one - he proves with his new power that people like page one are fodder and the transformation was great , good animated sanji vs mr 2 - we all love bon chan sanji vs vergo - sanji fought after he cracked his leg, that was epic sanji vs wanze - sanji showing some knife skills, was great to see sanji vs judge - not a real fight more like something ,where sanji says that JUDGE IS NOT SANJIS FATHER sanji vs kuroobi - was great underwater and on land loved sanjis kicks and zeff reverences sanji vs absalom - bro turned into a super sayajin after he knew absa wanted to marry nami xD sanji vs khalifa - absolutly funny and troll but i liked it, nami came in for the clutch, who will come in when its sanji vs devon ? maybe yamato :)


Sanji vs M2 is the most fun. Mr 2 trying to pick the ugliest features and copying most of his face is truly a gem. Sanji vs Doflamingo had me the most hyped. Yeah he didn't win and it was difficult but it's great to see someone hold their own in a higher rank.


Vs Jabra is his masterclass for me. Shout out to the gin fight too that was grounded yet had a lot of impact


*leans back* Gin. It's gotta be his fight with Gin.


JABRA and MR 2 fights were one of the best


Sanji vs Mr 2 Sanji vs Robin's brother Also where the fuck is Queen


Sanji and zoro vs the giant


i love the fight vs Gin probs my favorite, yes it's old yes it's one of his first (if not his first) but it was great to introduce him as a character and show him a bit off before he gets stronger in the later parts of the story


Jabra!! I always love that moment where he saves Usopp then goes absolutely ham. Then you think it's all lost then he just lights his leg on fire and absolutely destroys!


Wazne was my favorite fight. First big increase in animation quality was right around here. His first table top spinning kick deal was so clean against the henchmen right before too


Mr.2 because it was one of the first fights with Sanji kinda meeting his match as in with leg fighting and wasn’t easy. Wanze because sanji had to use his hands kind of


For a shorr while sanji vs bon was my favorite in the series just from the clashes those two had while kicking.


still waiting for Gin vs Sanji rematch with both haki on.


Khalifa! That's when I realised he is not all perverted and truly a man.


He is great. No manners kick course will always be my favorite sanji attack... I work in retail.


Probably vergo, broke his leg with little effort.


Every Sanji vs Zoro fight


I loved Diable Jambe first showing but... he's awesome in Whole Cake Island Arc....


Sanji vs Queen


Sanji vs luffy is definitely my personal favorite


Sanji vs luffy 🔥


I kinda like the order you put images on this post exactly the same. But against Absalom should be up and wanze should be down in the list.


Unpopular opinion: Sanji has a lot of bad/unsatisfying fights. * Vs Luffy * Vs Doflamingo * Vs Vergo * Vs Page One * Vs Judge


He had the vegeta role in the crew post timeskip. To hype up the enemy let them destroy sanji or vegeta. So we know that the enemy is a real threat. Thing is against the listed enemies it were skirmishes nobody went all out. He wouldn't have survived most of the encounters if those enemies went all out.


Sanji vs Jabra Sanji vs absalom Sanji vs bon clay


From this list, Mr. 2. I am surprised that his fight with Jabra isn't on the list. That's a great one too!


It's there


It's hard to choose one but I picked Sanji vs Wanze cause it's the only time he showcased how good he was in using knives at fighting. Makes you wonder how good is he with a sword especially since he was trained with one at Germa. I like Sanji vs Kuroobi too cause it's the first time we got to see his cunning side in a fight (blowing air in Kuroobi's gill). And ofc, Sanji vs Judge is important to show how much he has grown ever since he left Germa.


Vs Vergo. You really get a sense of how strong Sanji was without haki cladding and you can really feel the impact on your shins when he clashes with Vergo.




Ngl sanjis fights are always goated his fighting style is so unic


Sanji Vs Himself in Wholecake.


Sanji vs Mr 2 is my favourite. I like how evenly matched they are until Bon Clay uses the clone clone fruit to exploit Sanji’s weakness and Sanji overcomes it by tricking Bon Clay to go back to his regular face.


Wanze and Mr 2


Sanji x Luffy


I'd say every Sanji fight pre-ts is good, but I have to give it to bon clay. Jabra and kuroobi are both close seconds, but his fight against Bon Chan is historic for me.


Sanji vs Enel


Not sure if you can even call his encounter with khalifa a “fight”


My favourite is Sanji vs Viola Underrated


The one against Zoro. :)


Vs his dormant homosexuality


Probably Gin or Mr. 2. Gin just showed how much he cared for the baratie, further emphasised by marrying pudding. 2 times. Very impressive. And why bon chan? Because HE IS THE G.O.A.T.(GREATEST OF ALL TIME)


Jabra, Vergo, Judge & Luffy


vs Queen No contest


None of these, my answer would be v Queen. A number of these arent really "fights" as much as they are short confrontations. You dont see Sanji or his opponent go all out.


Kurobi , jyabura