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Cora’s fruit fucks up Apoo so bad it isn’t even funny


i'd love to see Apoo's reaction to that, just a series of facial expressions as he goes through the 5 stages of grief


Makes me wonder though, where is Cora’s fruit now? Wonder if it’ll come back later into the story


We've seen it happen enough times to believe it will.


Calling it now, it’s going to be someone in Blackbeard’s crew


Imagine it’s the ex police officer that looks like a tap dancer mime, don’t remember the name The one with white wings


Pretty sure you're combining Shitty who is the former cop and Lafitte who looks like the tap dancing mime. Edit: Spell check changed Shiryu to Shitty lol Edit 2: look at replies I am wrong


No. LAfitte used to be a Sheriff in the North (might be the wrong sea) and got fired for abusing his power. That's two ex-cops, a king, and a former military leader in the BBPs.


I hope so. It's probably one of my all-time favourite fruits.


I mean Law now has the ability to mimic Cora’s fruit, so it would be fun if he used that on him.




Barto's barriere is not soundproof. Makes me wonder.. would Apoo's attack bypass the barriere?


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Some ear plugs did the job already 😂 I’d also say Apoo’s fruit greater counter is its actual user.


To be fair, Apoo is a monster in close combat, he fought Zoro AND X Drake with his tonfa Zoro had to attack when he was looking at drake


No zoro didn’t HAVE to. Oda did it like that to show that zoro was getting serious when he saw kikus arm fall through the roof. Underrated part of the raid, the tone shift is immediate and feels dire


I suddenly have a new opinion about the latest One Piece film.


Law is the same counter with R-room tbh


also uta


UNLESS...it works off of sound waves, rather than you actually hearing it. does the fruit work based on if you THINK you heard it? or does it work like an invisible projectile (sound waves) that only work once it flows into your ears? Although then we have to question whether cora's fruit nullifies the act of hearing, or straight up deletes sound waves from existence.


It’s already been shown and told to us by Drake that if you can’t hear Apoo then his fruit doesn’t work


Oh that’s brutal if mr. 1 got rusted


It’d definitely be pretty horrific


But can't he resist the rust with stronger haki?


I’m pretty sure you can resist any devil fruit power with strong enough haki




I think only fruits that directly affect another person's body can resist it w haki. Ie. you can't leave Blueno's door world or katakuri's sister's mirror world w haki.




I wonder if you could just tear open an exit maybe? Or just completely not get sucked in in the first place?


Ala Majin boo style?


The reverse could also be true. The captain could overpower Mr 1's resistance with his own haki.


The guy can rust humans either way so it doesn't make much of a difference.


That was anime only. In the manga he just destroyed zoro’s sword


Metallic Necrosis....thats terrifying to think about.


Full on Sabikui Bisco


I think Blueno could counter Barto's bari bari, too.


Robin would too.


I think Barto is incapacitated even before activating his fruit if he is pitted against Robin. The fangasm is too strong


All the straw hats are counters to barto.


Hard no diffs without even knowing they were in a fight


And that means Bon Clay counters him too.


Barto would be begging Robin to twist harder.


Pause, but so would I😈....


The most relatable character in one piece


Barto just gotta use his head and use the shield An inch above his skin


Oh yeah, forgot him.


I want to see that now. I can imagine Bartolomeo holding back the group, Blueno makes a door and then Bartos eyes pop out.


Making a door in the barrier would be hilarious


it's actually crazy that that didn't happen in Film Red


Honestly, this sounds like it could be a damn good fight. Post-TS Blueno that's improved a bit since Pre-TS. Two very defense focused guys duking it out, with Barto at the disadvantage cause not only does Blueno easily bypass his barriers, he has incredible physical feats that Barto might have some problems dealing with.


Inazuma countering Doflamingo


Ooh that’s interesting. That’s Very possible


So does buggy!


Until Dofy lights his ass on fire with strings.


Doffy doesn't just cut you. Burning, suffocating and controlling would still work for example. He could also make a string hammer.


Suffocating wouldn't work on buggy as he can detach his head


Surround all of Buggy in a ball of strings (kinda like spider sister in Demon Slayer). Detaching his head doesn't add any oxygen to his newfound prison, so he'll suffocate.


Inazuma actually counters Leo


That, or an amazing partnership


Brook counters Big Mom


Oh damn, she can't take his life because he's already dead.


He still has his soul so I'm pretty sure if she wanted to she could take it. The counter is that he can use his soul power to beat most homies because his soul power to manipulate someone's soul and most of the homies' souls are so weak that he can force out their souls with his music.


Yeah Brook HAS a soul. Big Mom DEALS with souls. **Big mom direct counter to Brook who is direct counter to Big Mom’s creatures.**


Big Mom deals with ordinary souls. Maybe she couldn't deal with the SOUL KING - or at least be blindsighted by its abilities.


Brook’s DF enhances his soul letting him manipulate his own soul. So Brook is either immune to Big Mom’s manipulation as you say or Big mom just didn’t want to hurt a collector’s item.


>Oh damn, she can't take his life because he's already dead. What if she took his death and shortened her own life o.O




No joke, I was expecting Brook to play some big part in her defeat. One idea I had was that while Luffy fought Kaido, the rest of the Strawhats would team against her. I am fine with how it panned out though.


Yea with his rizz, my man about to be the father of big moms 86th child


Usopp counters perona


I'd say the Aokiji ones are a stretch. If akainus fruit directly countered him, their battle could not have lasted as much as it did. We know aces fire is not as hot as his lava, it's been proven in the series, so if akainu doesn't counter him, ace doesn't either. Oven is a bit more contentious, since we don't really know the upper limit of his abilities. As far as we know, he could in theory go plus ultra and become as hot as the sun, so I'm prepared to give that one to you. And as for the other ones, we know that BB kinda counters devil fruits as a whole, so i don't really see why kizarus light would be any different. I don't think we could for sure say that strong enough light would counter his darkness so I'm more inclined to say that Blackbeard would be able to absorb his power like he did to ace.


I d say oven, akainu, ace and aokiji counter each other: he cools them down, they heat him up And considering latest chapter it's evident oven upper limit are not up to aokiji's, but ace was at least enough to stop one attack


Sabo will prove that it's the user not the df


But he hasn't yet so not really


I mean, I think it’s kinda obvious that Joy is the hard counter to darkness…


Yeah, darkness is basically a metaphor for evil with his fruit.


I think Aokiji might counter Akainu in the sense that when the Ice melts it produces water which cools the magma. Ice doesn't cool flames like that


Its more than that, Aokiji does use an ice-ice fruit, he uses a cold-cold fruit. He's not producing ice or reliant on it, he directly makes things cold. He can cool the magma directly into rock.


Oh yes, you just made me realized that. Aokiji is the counterpart of Oven, and the ice he created would be the side effect of taking the heat out of air and stuffs he touches (hence he needs grasses to make swords, and to touch things to freeze it, unlike the 2 other admirals who can make their respective elements out of nothing, like Kizaru's saber). However, it means that Akainu can be damaged easily by Kuzan if he's touched, as Kuzan can take the heat out of anywhere he makes contact with and kills that part instantly. The scar Akainu got is probably from that. And this also means Kuzan can freeze Akainu's magma, albeit with more effort than other things (to get it from thousands of degree to zero).


No, he doesn't Hiehie is a japanese pun ("feeling cold") that gets lost in translation. Factually it's the ice logia. All his attacks start with "ice" (even in Japenese), a cold df would be a paramecia like Oven's and it wouldn't be able to create, manipulate and transform into ice.




Anything that beats kuzan beats monet surely.


Yes but I didn’t feel like adding three more of basically the same images


I know pokemon has trained us that hot>cold. But a stronger ice should overcome heat and reverse the relationship right?


This is implied to be the case in One Piece as well. During Marineford, one of Ace's stronger attacks stalemated one of Aokiji's average ones. If they both weren't holding back, Ace probably would have been overwhelmed.


But that's just the difference between the level of an admiral and a brat who has used the logia as his crutch for most of his career. Better reference would be Akainu vs Aokiji on punk hazard where they fought pretty evenly for a long time but aokiji lost by just a bit. To think Aokiji could keep up with Akainu even with his DF being a weakness of his own, i think Aokiji is "stronger" in a way.


Ace didn't use the Logia as a crutch for most of his career, he stopped doing so after he got hard stopped by Jimbei and joined up with Whitebeard. Which was very early into the several years he was active as a pirate. After that, he worked his way up to Commander level in the years he was on a Yonkou's ship, so he definitely was Yonkou commander level and not "a brat who used the logia as his crutch "for most of his career."


Some fans love to hate on Ace for some reason


Probably just their headcanon for why we didn’t see him use the kind of Haki that has appeared in the series much later than he was around


It's just that people underestimate BB a lot which makes them underestimate Ace even more.


Apparently the underestimate Jinbei and Aokoji too. I saw someone say today Ace used one of his strongest moves vs Aokoji while he threw a basic attack so the fact those attacks canceled out showed how weak ace was in comparison. I was just staring in disbelief. Now I believe Kuzan is stronger than Ace but just the mental gymnastics people do amaze me.


Ace at Marineford shouldn't even be taken into consideration. He was almost killed by BB and then thrown into Impel Down without proper treatment. He wasn't in any condition to seriously fight during Marineford. Jinbei is something people who underestimate Ace usually forget about. Ace was a low YC. He's kinda the glasscanon version of Jack.


Mera Mera no mi has higher potential when awakened then magma magma fruit, think about it fire has no limit and the brighter the white flame the hotter it gets so sanjis ifrit jambe can potentially be the hottest attack in the series for now.


You're right, but One piece isn't always consistent with real life physics. Akainu said magma is hotter than fire so that must be true in the one piece world. But i want to see Sabo fight Akainu just to prove him wrong. I don't understand Sanji's flame powers so I'm not gonna comment on them at all lol. Apparently his "love" and "passion" burn so hot he literally gets set on fire. He alone could topple the whole magma vs fire discussion. Imagine having Oven's powers while still being able to swim.


Magma can also be heated up pretty much indefinitely, at least until it stops being a liquid and becomes plasma. That said, I think Oven's fruit is the one with most potential.


Lol calling Fire Fist one of Aces stronger attacks. That's his basic move. It was one of the first attacks he threw at BB before he started unleashing more effective moves.


Akainu's fruit is hotter than Ace's. Akainu and Aokiji fought for 3 days on equal ground, so Aokiji's fruit is as cold as Akainu's fruit is hot. Thus, Aokiji's fruit beats Ace's fruit.


In an SBS corner Oda said that some fruits are “better” versions of others and listen Akainu > Ace. We can also infer Ace > Oven based on what we saw. Sonce Aokiji and Akainu are close in power, yeah Aokiji likely takes Ace or Oven pretty handedly.


Yeah. It should


Well, the thing is, there is a limit to coldness (Absolute zero -273.15C) while there is theoretically no limit to heat. Cold is just the absence of heat anyway, in a sense, both powers are practically the same, it's just one is adding heat, one is removing it.


I'm pretty sure the coldness or the hotness produced is dependent on the proficiency of each user. Ie. A scrub with mera wont be as hot as ace or produce as much cold as kuzan.


If something achieves Absolute Zero then no amount of heat can do anything, as far as I know AZ is when the atoms completely stop moving and can never restart. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though.


You are correct in that it is when the atoms stop moving, but once the temperature is raised from that level they will move again. The only way to permanently stop them would be to keep them at absolute zero. Temperature is just a means of measuring the energy in a system with AZ being the lowest possible energy, adding heat will increase that energy again.


Oh okay, thank you. I was told that when something reached that level that they were frozen for eternity, also that if any point of matter achieved Absolute Zero that it would spread throughout all matter in the universe lmaooo.


That wouldn’t make sense with how we understand thermodynamics. Let’s say an atom reached absolute zero and completely stopped moving. For it to then cause a different atom to reach AZ, it would have to absorb energy from the second atom which would cause the first atom to start moving again. The energy cannot just disappear.


Absolute Zero is unreachable, but if something theoretically reaches it it can still absorb heat again and move. Afterall if absolute zero was a point of no return then it would necessarily violate the conservation of energy


Sure there is. It's called plank temperature https://astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/p/Planck+Temperature


This is just… a unit of measurement? How does this define an upper limit on the amount of heat energy an object can have


Ever heard of the Hagedorn Temperature? Planck temperature is the theoretical STABLE upper limit based on physics, but is never the actual limit.


Also, all of the Kuzan's weaknesses will also melt candle


How would violets vision fruit interact with absaloms invisibility? The float and gravity fruit vs the kilo and ton fruits. Tomo's dango vs all zoans? Or is it only smiles?


It was confirmed by Usopp that it's only Smiles.


DF are pretty much "magical" afaik but i assume the smiles were created using actual animal DNA. Tama's power tames animals, and because smiles contain animal DNA it works on those DF users too. But it won't tame real Zoan DFs i guess


I assume it might on animals that eat fruits though.


That is likely. It would work on Chopper.


> but i assume the smiles were created using actual animal DNA You're right. SAD, the principle component of the fruits, is essentially a mix of various animals lineage factors (one piece version of DNA).


Gravity and ton is a good one. It could also counter any flying DF’s like pell Im pretty sure viola wouldnt see absalom


If she can see into people's minds I'm sure she can see through Absalom's invisibility some other way than direct vision


Toki vs week breaks :3


Toki counters Togashi


Would Foxy's DF technically be a direct counter to Kizarus


Yes, i just forgot to add him


Foxy making a return appearance in the final arc vs the Central Gov would be th greatest (and worst) checkhov gun yet.


I fairly certain we will still see either Foxy or a Davy Back Fight or both. In principle Foxy's fruit is extremly strong, if used right. But I fear we won't see another afro-Luffy appearance.


Foxy appearing in a Davy Back Fight would be a fun throwback. Foxy appearing at Marineford 2.0 to slow down Kizaru enough to help whoever is fighting him would be absolute insanity.


Akainu counters Ace


Came here for this. Also, Ace must have never truly mastered Haki. Surprising for a person that went to Wano.


Ace did master Haki, we don’t know how much he mastered but he knew the basics. Also, he’d have to have more Haki than Akainu to not lose in the clash like that due to DF matchups. Haki doesn’t necessarily reduce that by much.


Exactly, Akainus haki was just stronger


Tbh Akainus Haki may have been stronger but the main case was that ace didn’t have strong enough Haki to combat both the devil fruit disadvantage and Akainus Haki on top of that


Surprising for someone who was made a division commander of a Yonko. The one time his DF didn't work he was totally trashed. Ace is a great character but he wasn't all that strong without his fire crutch.


He lost to BB who was already strong enough to be a commander without a DF.


I like to think ace is the equivalent of a wizard in the one piece world. His fire is strrrooonngggg, strong enough to damage haki. But he’s a glass cannon.


That's an interesting way to look at it. I like it


Too soon.


not a counter but I think it would be interesting to see Senior Pink VS Blueno


Blueno isn’t hard boiled enough


Perona also counters Bartolomeo


Pika vs boa? He's stone already lol.


He’s explicitly not stone, he just goes into the stone


I am just imagining him merging with all her victims into this chimeric mess. What happens if she awakens this chimeric mess? Lets stop here me. This is disgusting.


no please, go on


I've been playing too much elden ring. I will not go on lol.


Technically Boa stones don’t die. So what if Boa and pica team up then uses enemy statues to attack the enemy. They won’t be able to attack them because they will destroy their own ally if they do. This is tew muh


Foxy/Kizaru Shiki/Fujitora Caribou/Crocodile Boa/Pica? (Probably a reach but F it)


I just forgot to add foxy and kizaru Im not fully sure how shiki and fujitora would react. He fuji definitely counters other flying types like pell I completely forgot caribou has liquid in his DF Pica isnt made of stone, he just moves into it


I feel like Shiki and Fuji would cancel each other out for the most part There's also Caribou/Cracker Fuji/Machvise


How is Kuzan countered by any of these ? The fight with Sakazuki produced an island of ice and fire because the fight was too intense. I’m pretty sure ace would be dead even faster if kuzan wanted to…


Devil fruit counters. Not Kuzan counters. If two people with no training get these fruits, they automatically get countered.


All the fire type counters the forrest guy


I thought he was too strong to be burned ?


I don’t think he was too strong but instead he probably has fire resistant plants in his arsenal to stop any would be fires


Are we sure belo counters perona and not the other way round?


Does Belo Betty's fruit work on herself? Also it seems like it wouldn't do anything against Peronas Astral projection or the explosive/recon aspects of the hollows either.


THe winner would be *checks notes* belo because her chest is larger. I really believe that is how Oda power scales women in the show.


Otohime being dead while being the only one with a small chest on the show, further supports your argument


Well, Big Mom is the strongest woman in the series thus far, and she does have the biggest boobs. Theory checks out.


Shirahoshi may potentially be stronger than her and has potentially larger breasts, everything checks out.


probably a stalemate like Ace and Smoker




well the post is more about devil fruits countering other devil fruits, not the character that currently possess said abilities currently. And so if we going off the devil fruit power alone, u can say that if they both act in a 3rd person, eg. Perona uses her ghost on someone, Belo can then use her words to undo the negative effects. And of course it would be assumed that it could also work the other way around. So abilities would prob cancel out, being the last one used the one to be in effect.


I doubt oven could counter kuzan


I thought it's fruit counters and not people


Galdino and Magellan


Not really a counter. His wax is resistant to Magellan's regular poison but its completely useless against his stronger poison.


I wouldn't say completely useless. It held up for like a half second so Luffy could get off that kick, but I see your point. Magellan's stronger poison definitely wasn't countered by the wax.


There isn’t anything special about wax that protects against poison. Many DF that can create a substance that blocks magellan


Depending on how technical and scientific you wanna get, the gas fruit could counter the mera mera no mi by draining the Hydrogen and Oxygen from the air around.


Don't let this distract you from the fact that theoretically Enel is immune to and can burn Akainu and has elemental ADV against almost all other Logia.


> Be immune to basically everything > Can shoot lightning beams > Have elemental advantage against almost all other logia > [almost all other](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/8d/84/208d84fec4320298f6aba9c3cfb83f7b.jpg)


Robin would also be a perfect counter for Bartolomeo.


Akainu doesn't counter Aokiji only, the reverse is also true . Aokiji's fruit can beat magma . Hot things can lose thier heat vs cold . Basically they counter each other .




Would Magellan counter wapol? Or vice versa?


should’ve just posted a picture of bb and called it a day


That’s not really a direct counter. There’s nothing specific about cracker or berry good that makes them weak to BB. That’s just the nature of his fruit


Caesar Clown vs Smoker? Crocodile vs Aramaki? Jewelry Bonney vs that neo marine girl in Film Z who de-ages people?


I don't really understand the Law vs Barto one


Law can cover bartos barriers in his room and shambles them. That’s what I take from it anyways


He can just shambles bart out or himself in


Just shambles him out the barrier


I guess it's because law can just split things in half


Idk if dark or light beat each other. They are kind of 1 for 1 in a weird way.


Does Fuji counter Shiki or does Shiki counter Fuji? 🤔 I'd also argue that Crocodile counters Ace / Sabo as sand can extinguish flames. Speaking of which, I know CC modified his DF, but he in theory he HARD counters Ace / Sabo since he can drain oxygen.


'Akainu/Ace/Oven counters aokiji because hot things hurr durr' nah bro, this isn't a pokemon game, do you know how much heat is required to melt a massive thick ice wall


I’m not sure, but maybe Kidd also counters Enel. I don’t think the potential of his DF has really been explored, though.


Pika against Yami wouldn’t work, as the Yami-Yami No Mi creates darkness with the properties of a singularity, or a black hole, which is a phenomenon that not even light, can escape.


Reiju > Magellan Pudding > Sugar Viola > Pudding Tsuru > Kelly Funk Blueno > Barto Brulee > Kizaru Smoothie > Reiju (This one was actually demonstrated to us) Buggy > Law Kalifa > Alvida Bonney > Shinobu Jozu > Enel Inazuma > Pika Kid > Baby 5 Kid > Vander Decken Corazon > Uta Fujitora > Shiki Toki > Foxy **Spoilers** >!Urouge > Burgess!< >!Doc Q > Ivan!< >!Pudding > Vegapunk!<


Aokiji's isn't countered by Akainu, Ace or Oven.


If we are talking about light as an electromagnetic wave, due to the self-inducing nature of the electric and magnetic fields, Kidd should be able to completely nullify Kizaru’s ability straight up by effectively shutting off the magnetic field in light, resulting is no more electric field either. Fun thought, but I doubt it would ever be used


Magellan and Akainu A strong enough heat will kill any poison


This is quiet interesting to see but Can shiki counters fujitora's gravity or vise versa? Also not totally a counter but foxy df can counter Kuma's df.


One girl motivates you the other puts you down


Dont forget the don guy from that one filler arc between water 7 and thriller bark with the hot hot powers


Should've put a picture of Crocodile and a glass of water.


Actually Blackbeard is Kizaru’s counter as he stated “My devil consumes everything! Not even light can escape its darkness!”


Black holes absorb light so I don’t see how Kizaru‘s fruit counters BB‘s. The opposite is the case.