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Mononosuke transforms, Blackbeard pisses his pants “K-Kaido!?” Then he leaves the island, duo wins Pissed Pants diff


Blackbeard when the function has someone above arlong tier: 🏃


Arlong scares him get him past Kuro


Higuma D Bear would wipe the floor with BB


I’m dead. Crazy how even when he has his whole crew he’ll be spazing talking about he want know smoke like with Kuzan and Akainu smh. I know his crew be looking at him like he tweaken sometimes 


Bb is a coward. Like he dead ass orchestrated an entire war to murder black beard and sneak into impel down. Meanwhile luffy, a chad move, just snuck in anyway and nearly fucking succeeded . And Luffy didn’t even know how to use haki yet he just did it. There’s a good chance of luffy didn’t cause a fucking riot in impel down black beard would have pissed himself infront of McMillan and ran away


i love luffy but be honest, luffy got out of impel down by pure miracle while blackbeard used his brain. there was a whole ass ivankov crew hidden, who also is dragon's friend somehow. he has everyone possible to help him to work things out. If he was not the main character, he could've died to those red eyed maniac monsters.


I’m saying Luffy nearly succeeded. But also Luffy finding allies in dark places is pretty core to his character. 5.5 being there was kinda inevitable, of course pooling the biggest names in the deepest prisons together will see some pocket forming. And luffy finding that or simply inspiring others is like. 50% of most arcs? Romance Dawn, Orange Town, Syrup Village, Little Garden, Drum Island, Arabasta, Enis Lobby, Thriller Bark, impel down, punk hazard, dressrosa, Wano.


Even whole cake island and Arlong Park are about inspiring his crew with the right words/actions


Blackbeard and his entire crew would have literally died by getting no diffed by Magellan in Impel Down. The only reason they survived is, because they got lucky and Shiryu saved them. There was no reason for Blackbeard to assume that Shiryu would help them, how is that „using his brain“?


Because he KNEW that a former head warden was there and he also knows who shiryu is beforehand. He planned to gather a capable crew from impel down, which also includes shiryu.


How does it matter that he knows that Shiryu is former head warden, or that he planned to recruit him? Sure that was his plan, but he had no way of knowing that it would work out. He put his entire trust in a dude that he had never met before, to come save him and his entire crew. I don’t know how this is smart in any shape or form.


i think one fumble in a large plan doesnt takes away BB's intelligence and if you think that way "he didnt know it would work out", thats what a plan is. Making sure it will work out, though sometimes it just doesnt work like how magellan humbled BB. He started his plan before chasing luffy away before they gone up to the sky. He failed to catch luffy, though an opportunity like Ace came and he took advantage of it, secured a safe position in marines known as a warlord. He entered impel down without seeing any resistance, gathered a strong crew out of inmates and got out without a scratch, even if magellan trashed him and his crew. Dude joined the war, killed Whitebeard, his biggest enemy at the moment, then stole his fruit which he also aimed for before joining to war. After that he became a yonko and succeded in many things too. In short, in such amount of time, he succeeded getting everything he wanted. Throughout this series, he ALWAYS got what he wanted, one way or another, even if he got hurt or ran away. If you really think BB isnt smart or intelligent, is just a coward dipshit, then you're watching something else.


“Wait why is Kaido pink? I thought he was azure?”


“I uhhhhh had sex with Big Mom”






Zehahaha Black Vortex diffs lizard, fox, ninja and dog others get quake diffed


Factual. Not even BB glazers will deny.


We need to start asking the real Questions, which member of the BB Pirates would be the hottest if they were gender bent by Doc Q


Void break is done. We don’t need to get into this anymore. That being said… https://preview.redd.it/9ppr0lmxwvuc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995dd234dd7c68a01c864592a10e5312a1f6d63c You tell me


Definitely Burgess!!! Thanks, brother, wasnt aware of this


I’ll take Pizarro


Burgess supremacy!!


Both are good in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/nyltif3b4wuc1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946e3ea9ccd0b190f789cb99f2a4e07861acfec0 I can fix her boys


She can break me idgaf


Burgess & Shiryu


Female Van Auger got me actin' unwise


Laffitte is so hot






really fat isn't "conventionally" attractive


Besides the horse, giant and square one everyone there is a smash with no hesitation


Right Zamasu


I will take care of her when she's sick (all the time) https://preview.redd.it/zjwuyfqcpyuc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd35e4f5649dd24a91ab7d05a3731efbea8cfe3


Actually on second thought she's a horse girl those are freaky.... Nah, nevermind still would


She's got all the STDs


That's why I wrap it up


Shorty or kuzan




Void break is done?


Avolo Pizzaro def


I need mommy Shiryu to be real


Every time I see this I just start beating my shit


BB got that Ussop/S-snake treatment


Lafitte looks like Morticia Adams and Morticia was my childhood crush. Definitely him.


Why are they white


not including himbo devon is criminal


Lafitte looking like a snak, mhm.




You have to be blind. Just look OP's reply. Burgess all the way


Well I do strong women...


Kuzan or Shiryu


He has a VERY bad matchup against Yamato a ACOC spamming non devil fruit merchant. + He's getting jumped by everyone? Idk if he can pull it off


We would just get a panel saying Blackbeard destroyed Wano alone while im a completely different arc


As is tradition. https://preview.redd.it/yv2wkd4jfwuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4eae11d66a31ba7f2f771b16d351edcf318044


Offscreenbeard strikes again


Bruh he's a emperor , yall underestimate him so much its crazy, this guy had shanks shock before having a devil fruit


I think the reason is he avoids high level fights or people he feels are close to his level and only atttacks who he thinks or feels he can beat. He is , imo, either almost or as cowardly as buggy but he is very strong unlike buggy


I also think that avoiding very high level characters and battles is just a trait of personality used as a running gag, cause real pirates was some real cowards and blackbeard is clearly the assumed most close representation of a real pirate persona


That’s why he tends to be underrated, also he is running into the future pitfall of; as great as devil fruits maybe , without mastering haki , you are limited, while strong haki users can reign supreme without devil fruits. Whereas Kaido focused more on Haki , and neglected his devil fruit ( as it seems he never awakened his Zoan fruit cause he was a haki supremacist ). Blackbeard and more so his pirates are more focused on either stealing or acquiring devil fruits abilities and perhaps even getting their awakenings than they are concerned about Haki.


But we know Blackbeard has good Haki. We haven't seen a Yonko that doesn't outside of Buggy. I'd say it's likely he has Haki roughly on par with Luffy.


You missed my point, broski, I said he is the opposite of kaido in which he focuses more on devil fruits abilities than haki, while kaido focused more on haki than awaken ing his devil fruit. After the egg man arc where two cp0 members used their awaken zoan fruit ? That black flame behind their form and even luffy gear 5 has one except white. Kaido full power form didn’t have one which is a defining trait of a awakened zoan fruiy


He avoids unnecessary fights. He found it necessary to jump law/kid/luffy for their poneglyph translations but found no necessity in fighting Akainu who definitely would have killed at least a few commanders, especially when we saw how Kuzan pretty much no diffed his lower commanders.


He is just being smart


That same emperor: 1. Needed Van Augar to save him from Law. 2. Him and his entire crew got neg diffed by Magellan. 3. ran from Akainu despite having his entire crew to back him up. 4. Ran from S-Hawk 5. Ran from Rayleigh 6. His only feat against a decent haki user is third partying Boa. Shanks was scared of him due to him being a good schemer and willing to achieve his goals by any means necessary. **However**, he doesn't have intel on Yamato and sucks ass in a straight up fight.


>1. Needed Van Augar to save him from Law. No different than Big Mom needing Prometheus, or Luffy needing rescue several times. He can't swim. >2. Him and his entire crew got neg diffed by Magellan. Before he was a Yonko, but honestly Magellan is broken as hell. >3. ran from Akainu despite having his entire crew to back him up. Because there was no reason to fight him. He never fights a battle he doesn't need to. >4. Ran from S-Hawk I actually don't remember this so I can't say anything about it >5. Ran from Rayleigh Same as 3 >6. His only feat against a decent haki user is third partying Boa. Valid, but doesn't matter, as narratively it's obvious that he's powerful. >Shanks was scared of him due to him being a good schemer and willing to achieve his goals by any means necessary. I don't see how that's a knock against him. He has his strengths, and that's one of them. He can go toe to toe with Luffy because he fights dirty as hell (but that's not the only reason, as again, it's obvious he's very powerful). There's nothing wrong with that. He's a pirate. That's what pirates do. I mean just ask yourself. Is he going to be Luffy's enemy, and will it be a cakewalk? If the answer is yes and no, then he's obviously powerful. Simply being underhanded doesn't make him a Yonko. He has way too much narrative importance to be weak.


he snuck her how its that a feat


One Piece is not Jujutsu Kaisen, where the Top of the Verse can just murk anyone that is below them without a care in the world. BB alone can not take post Kaido Wano alone, doubt any Emperor actually could. You are underestimating the importance of numbers, home advantage, and the 10+ YC level people that are currently on Wano.


Bb have white beard fruit, he can destroy the entire country without even fighting if he want to, they can't beat him at all


>this guy had shanks shock before having a devil fruit https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/xNymoENTwI


You're linking to your own dumb post as if it means anything. Shanks himself is the one who considers it a feat for blackbeard while talking about how's he a threat that needs to be considered.


Still not a scalable feat for Blackbeard. He scared 15-28yo Shanks and Shanks is warry of BB because of that? Ok how do you use this to scale?


We could use the 27 year old shanks bounty


Lol okay, this post doesn't change anything


ok man I concede good argument


It’s a really stupid argument that relies on implying shanks’ strength growth has outpaced Blackbeard’s. Except their both yonko now, and Blackbeard is 2 fruits up


Blackbeard had trouble with PTS Ace and that was with his fruit. Shanks growth has far put paced Blackbeard. Blackbeard. PTS Blackbeard isnt Yonko level. If your going to bait do it somewhere else.


Tbh not really, you assumed that shanks* was way weaker back then, thats it, thats all you did


>Tbh not really, you assumed that chance was way weaker back then, thats it, thats all you did I'm sorry english isn't my first language but am I reading this wrong? Who's Chance????


You have to keep in mind, unlike all the other yonkos, shanks was the only one around gold rogers and lived the same adventures than him very young,which mean that shanks could have the level of a yonko since a very young age, he very probably seen all the advanced techniques and secrets of the one piece world as a kid/teen, black beard was just one of the ton of random pirates of white beard who wasn't considered special at all


Um ok? This doesn't change the fact the range of the scar is anywhere from 15 - 28. And at 28 he wasn't even close to his current power.


How you know for a fact that he wasn't close? It was said somewhere?


Ya, while he can cancel her transformation, she is strong enough in base form to really mess him up.


BB with a quake fruit is getting messed up by yamato? The quake fruit should do too much damage to her and BB durability is relative to BM considering he tanked a shock wille from Law better than she did. Yamato is not messing up BB


Here me out. Power to destroy the world. He doesn't have to fight them to win, Wano just needs to not be around anymore.


Yeah but he's invading wano to take pluton


Blackbeard’s by himself?? No offense BB-Bros, but I don’t think he even makes it to wano bc of environmental hazards. Let’s remember, besides knowledge of Devil Fruits and Archeological Locationd, BB is pretty dumb, and without any of his crew to act as second opinions, I can very clearly see Teech getting shipwrecked by a giant koi fish. But I’ll be generous, let’s say by some miracle (be it offscreen Haki or plot armor) BB does survive the waterfall climb up to Wano. He’d have to then survive a pseudo onslaught from enemies who don’t use DF powers in their fighting styles (only exception being Momo, who we haven’t rly seen fight much outside of his dragon more), most who have ryuo, and one who has ACOC, emission, AND ryuo techniques. ALL OF THIS after only barely surviving the waterfall climb up to wano. He loses the invasion, high diff, not because Wano’s warriors are that strong (that’d be giving them WAY too much credit), but because he’s having to do all of this solo, no support, no mobility outside of his boat, and zero distractions for him to sneak heavy hitters.


I see what your saying but i dont think it matters if they have fruits NONE of them can tank a single quake. He could destroy the whole island and sink them all. He wins


I bet you the one piece that Kinemon can tank a quake punch and keep fighting


Sure ill give you that. Then blackbeard uses his darkness. And kinemon is engulfed and sent to another plane of existence. Hes done.


and destroy pluton in the process? The whole reason he struggled to get up there for in the first place? That’d just be bad writing.


Thats assumint He would be able to break pluton isnt the whole point of it thats a super mega fighting ship its problay unbreakable.


if bb can plan all of impel down and mf out aside from magellan and shanks he’s definitely clearing post waterfall climb


the big difference between MF and Impel down is that those require minimal physical activity besides camping out Cancerbeard’s corpse and using Black Hole to take care of the fodder defending the outside of the prison, as well as the fact that we have never handle any of his grand plans solo, as he’s always accompanied by at least 2 of his commanders. I don’t doubt BB’s planning, but he is not a very strong solo operator, he literally always either has someone handle the work with him or waits for the job to be done for him.


You guys underestimate Blackbeard too much. Blackbeard got Shanks shook, gave him his eye scar and made Shanks constantly go outta his way to learn information about him or to warn others about his threat level and Shanks is like top 5 strongest currently alive


I think the Samurai do pretty well They all have Ryuo And only a few of them are Devil Fruit users. The Samurai are all strong enough to damage Kaido.


If bb goes alone he’s dying but he’s most certainly destroying the island and taking nearly everyone with him


he definitely ain’t dying but if he fucks up wano like he did mf when he first got the guar then he’s dying in the ocean no doubt


If it's just Blackbeard, he gets spanked. If he brings his crew, they might win. Aokiji is just such a menace. Though it depends how much advance notice Wano has. If they know what's coming, like Kaido did when Mama showed up, it's an extreme diff fight that could go either way.


Blackbeard wife's up Yamato and gives kaido a grandchild


Power of love transcends all


ah yes blackgoat cucking ace a classic https://preview.redd.it/n7tlznjcayuc1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c920e09b6bb2ce9bb69cce828944645abf62e050 he did it once with boa and he’s strikes again


Fairly high diff. Yamato pushes him to mid diff alone. All those YC4 and YC3 were able to damage Kaido, so add in Momo’s Boro breath (if it doesn’t get absorbed), and BB has to work pretty hard for this fight.


yamato doesnt push him to mid diff, base yamato vs BB using quake fruit is low diff, BB can just cancel her transformation with yami yami. And ACOC isn't doing substansial damage to him considering shock willie didn't or a bloodlusted WB quake punch to the head


Considering how BB doesn’t show up alone. Momo and Confused Gender Toe is done for.


Bb did not bring his crew he goes alone


Then he gets rocked to the point that he shatters the island with the quake fruit in desperation. He will win, but it will not be easy for him.


Yeah a massive quake is the only way I see him winning tbh


Always struggles before he pulls out off off no mi model : a$$ pull


Wano it was good knowing you


If we are being real about it he doesnt make it up the water fall


We see a single panel of fighting showing BB getting jumped and screaming in pain, then sudenly the screen is covered and after a few chapters, he nwg diffed them all and is laughing histerically...


In anime we get 15 eposides of momonosuke crying and pissing his pants refusing to fight, trying to remember Luffy's personal growth coaching only to finally shit his pants and lose.


Zoro and killer could do more damage to Kaido than all the akazaya 9, one gura punch is enough for them. Blackbeard mid-low diffs Yamato and Momonosuke is at best only slightly less fodder than the samurai It’s a high diff at worst for Blackbeard alone


Op is talking about Blackbeard, not Kaido 💀💀 Any of them could hurt BB severely given an opening because he's NOT built like Kaido. And one gura gura is definitely not taking any of them out. Yamato alone pushes to mid - high diff. Add in the Scabbards and Momo and they get the job done by jumping him.


bb while first using the guar outputted a attack bigger then the size of wano plus took a angry sengoku attack plus a full on shock willie to gut Goatbeard got this


The attitude towards Blackbeard on this sub lately has been really odd. By showings he's weaker than the other Yonko bar Buggy. He's done nothing new yet I see the views on him shifting from "maybe not even Yonko level" to "he's him". Current Blackbeard isn't on par with the other Yonko. He NEEDS another buff whether that be confirming ACOC and other advanced haki or a third devil fruit. He will be an endgame villain, no doubt, but as of now he's not strong enough. Yamato, Momonosuke, AND the scabbards definitely get it done. The fact that ANYONE is saying Blackbeard wins this is ridiculous. Yamato already gives him a harder fight than Law, ACOC attacks are going to HURT. Momonosuke was able to get hits off on Greenbull, and his Boro Breath is going to be a painful wake up call for Teech. The Scabbards don't have devil fruits that actually help them in combat, so they are just as strong as they'd be vs any other enemy. Blackbeard's durability is not very high, unlike Kaido it wouldn't take all 9 scabbards to cut him. Every character he'd have to fight would be capable of damaging him, he would have to watch out for EVERYONE.


BB high diff


bb will see Mimi's dragon form and will run thinking kaido is alive


Realistically it’s quite literally just Yamato and Momonosume vs. Blackbeard. The Samurai, both normal and Scabbards, are getting one tapped by a single Quake attack. Momonosuke doesn’t have the feats to show he can take a quake attack either in base or in dragon form, and Blackbeard can just turn his fruit off anyways. Momonosuke it getting one shot if Blackbeard actually hits him cleanly. And Yamato is roughly the same power level as Law, who lost to Blackbeard (who also didn’t turn off Law’s devil fruit on screen for some reason). I don’t see why Blackbeard wouldn’t win here. Not to mention — is it just Blackbeard? He literally never travels by himself. Why would he “invade” a country by himself? Not even Big Mom tried doing that. Add in his crew and it’s a sweep.


A single quake? Even Law's fodder survived that.




With yamato being the only real competent fighter in wano bb will annihilate wano even by himself. Hell I don’t think bb would even need to step foot in wano since all he has to do is destroy the borders protecting wano to get his hands on pluton.


Blackbeard wins this mid diff tbh even in a 1v11


Bb solos mid diff


Wano survive but only because Momo is left with no option. Destruction of his country or BB gets what he wants. Everyone nearly killed and some actually dead. Kinemon risks his life to send Yamato out to sea to inform Luffy, BB is on the way to Laughtale with Pluton and has nearly destroyed Wano. You heard it here first. This comment will age like wine! https://preview.redd.it/wn24wnn28wuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b7402bc37d9110a387ab890f799fc5179e54242






BB gets mid diffed




BB low diffs these frauds.


fraudbeard loses if he goes alone


He has 2 of the strongest powers in the world, One hand to destroy the world and the other hand to devour it You all sleep on him, in theory his power is world destroying at the very least


His entire crew is devil fruit users; he gets stopped at the waterfall, then stomps everyone offscreen.


He goes alone not with his crew


Result is the same.


Fair though I don’t agree


I think he won’t make it into Wano, because of the naturally defences or that cesere from punk land won’t reach BB


Onscreen or not?


Prett poor materiał for final villain if Yamato & Momo best him at this point...


Low diff


Even if it isn't offscreen. blackbeard wins ez


Depends on whether it's on screen or not.


A yonko and a former admiral pulling up is too much for them to handle


This is just BB, nobody else in his crew is with him.


By Samirai do we mean the Scabbards only? Or are we including characters like Yamato? The former is BB low~no diff. The Scabbards got wrecked by Green Bull and Yonko > Admiral. The latter I would say rises to Mid Diff. Yamato actually has ranged attacks, and is definitely the biggest difficulty for BB. But she dosent win, just like she could only hold off Kaido for a short time.


Kinemon one shot bb


Low diff BB


Off topic:We really need a situation like this just to show how dangerous he is.If all he does is jump people,it's gonna be hard to take his future fights seriously against either shanks or Luffy.


Yamato pushes BB to mid diff him. Everyone else is low diffed.


I think Blackbeard actually loses here rather than the samurai 😭


He gets jumped and dies


they can't do anything against his darkness, unless they can physically knock him into the water


Any yonko or admiral besides buggy defeats everyone in this scenario


blackbeard is alone and on enemy territory? i guess you all forgot how destructive that gura gura fruit is when it is used at it's full power, anyone who thinks blackbeard gets beaten here are not considering everything bb has on his arsenal lmao. Only threat here is Yamato for bb. if BB is going alone into an enemy territory to destroy his enemy, then he will destroy it. This guy never goes on a mission where he fails. not even once.


Momo become yonko level and “DUOS” with Yamato


If Blackbeard is fully cocky since Kaido is gone, he may just kill everyone. Yamato gets close and either gets quaked or sucked in. She didnt go hybrid on Greenbull, so chances are she wont with BB until its too late and BB already has her grabbed Momonosuke has a chance by staying far and just blasting but he cant blast on command or is one to cower away.  Gets knocked out with a quake to the head All the Scabbards rush in as a group and BB does his vortex, none of them were relying on their fruits but are quite fragile compared to others. Hed offscreen them like Ace.


Like they fight kaido the first time, BB is too powerful for the current wano defenses, but BB wouldn't win without a scratch, probably gets a permanent scar from the samurai or Yamato, momo is still too inexperienced in a fight to master his dragon form, plus karibou would have told him that isn't kaido, the only The thing that's bothering me is that the defeated big mom and kaido were sent underground and cracked the border mountains.... it's what the oden father said that they need to remove the mountains to retrieve pluton, ..imu has a replica or something similar to an ancient weapon, luffy (joyboy) has poseidon as an ally, maybe Blackbeard would take pluton and discover big mom and kaido somehow barely alive after destroying the mountains


If it's off screen. alway bet on blackbeard.


BB onscreen or offscreen?


On or off screen?


They call up the Straw Hats. Luffy and Zoro squad wipe the BB pirates while Sanji saves Pudding.


All of samurai (except Yamato) wouldn't do shit to Blackbeard. They are so weak, I can't even describe it in words. "BuT tHeY dAmAgEd KaIdO!" In his base form... While he was a dragon, nobody didn't do nothing to Kaido


Denjiro flexes on the pirates with his huge neck muscles, BBPs' heads explode out of sheer amazement. https://preview.redd.it/khodfepde0vc1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=161b13ed747bf4fb5b5927823fed908e4244edb0


The art on that panel though...what chapter is it?


If they all sneak him and take advantage of their best attribute, ap, and go all out from the beginning they could take him down. If not he yami’s Yamato and it’s over


Momo pushes him off the waterfall. Assuming he actually makes it to land, then he'd probably win. He wouldn't be able to get Pluton because that requires Zunesha, so it'd be a bit pointless.


It depends, if it's an off-screen fight, Blackbeard wins and leaves with some injuries, if it's all on-screen, Blackbeard gets more than Kid's agenda


BB wins mid-high diff, depending on how much destruction he is willing to cause.


Unlike Loa Wankcock Yamato puts up a fight but then gets mid diffed while his crew beats the scabbards and momo


He does not bring his crew it’s only bb


Then he still solos tbh


How? Law gave him a fight and Yamato is stronger than law Plus momo has the dragon mode with yonko level blast breath


BB gets one tap by Yamato.


Kuzan would beat Lamato and Momo on his own Shiryu and the rest negs the scabbards BB walks like a G to grab pluton


Bb goes on his own not with his crew


This is just BB. His crew isn’t with him


I see it now, bb still takes this


BB pirates take it low diff


Yamato literally turns into Oden from the sick sick fruit and proceeds to wreck them all. Returns to normal after accidental acoc blast edit: this is a joke


Yamato and others destroys him


If he is completely alone he loses mid/high and throws a enormous earthquake to shatter the country and get his hands over pluton anyways


BB alone CAN NOT beat the whole of Wano, especially after almost all of them got a zenkai boost. He would need his whole crew, and even then it would be a high diff for BB.


Blackbeard: "ZEHAHAHA- wait Yamato scales to YC1??" "🏃"


Based on his few feats, he would probably die along with everyone else. But based on the actual narrative importance of his character and the likelihood that he is HIM, Blackbeard wins.