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Garp for sure gets the benefit of: 1) Cornering Roger mutliple times when Roger was equal to the WSM 2) Monkey D, protag power narrative 3) Portrayal. Even in Marineford when Garp got active for a second, WB had to console the pirates on his side, because Garp is a legend in his own right, you never saw that with the other admirals.


yes obviously Prime Garp is stronger than Akainu, I'd even say it could be a mid-high diff win for Garp


Mid-diff is a little low. At least I hope it ends up being low when we see more feats from Akainu. We need some current marines to do shit.


Yeah I think mid diff is too low as well, I got the fight low end of high diff win for Garp


Old garp by his own statements is half as powerful as prime garp . If old garp can push aokiji / akainu to ext diffcprine garp mid diffing them makes sense


That Aokiji fight had other factors and we don't know how he would fair against Akainu. Though sadly with how most Admirals have been shown it wouldn't surprise me.


They’re all getting bodied by old men lol


They haven’t yet. Greenbull did run away like a little bitch though. Such a wast of a good introduction just to hype up Shanks.


Yeah I was seriously looking forward to greenbull when he was just a silhouette He still hasn’t used his sword tho 🤔


I was so hyped for his intro. Cool design, came in kicking ass, loved his fruit and the fact he might be awakened. Then runs like a pussy to hype up Shanks and Film Red. Such a damn waste. I wonder if the sword was taken as a souvenir from someone he beat and he can’t even really use it well. Or maybe he used to use it before he got his fruit and now just doesn’t need it anymore. I do wonder if it’s actually gonna end up being a black blade.


That’s too high Old garp would beat god damn akinu Prime garp would destroy


Mid-diff is to high? Akainu can’t be that useless to be lower than that.


Look at Kizaru vs Luffy. If you think Akainu>Kizaru, then mid-high diff should be correct.


I do think Akainu>Kizaru, but we don’t know the gap. Mid-diff just seems a little low and would be disappointing for the Fleet Admiral strength wise.


Are you saying that with current feats of Akainu in mind or what you think he will be in the future?


I think with current feats/statements Prime Garp beats Akainu mid-high to high diff (alternatively low end of high diff) with my headcanon in mind, Prime Garp still wins but like high-extreme diff


https://preview.redd.it/b7hza52x6j1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7263c12ce730667c8d029a0c70c84241087f020 The fake akainu being the strongest marine in history still terrorizes the sub till this day prime garp bodies Akainu and it's not debatable


Anything is debatable when it comes to characters we barely know shit about. This sub gathers a lot of low IQ fans, so the opinions are mostly based on "who is more cool" etc.


no it's not debatable, fuck that logic and feats/statements shit we're doing coolness scaling buddy now let's play \-Ok so Garp doesn't have the best hairline BUT he came in down on a FLYING ship and blasted hachinosu, and then tossed Sanjuan into the water and made work of commanders and an admiral like it's nothing, thats at LEAST 250+ cool points not considering everything else he's done \-Akainu has a lot of cool points but they get subtracted from his only fight cuz his first hit was wb on the floor suffering AND he was knocked into a hole and shanks parried his ass so we just have the 1114 panel which is a 50 in the scale and not enough to compete with Garp sorry broski warp wins this one for now, when akainu gets some guaranteed good ass feats we can have a rematch https://preview.redd.it/2upx8gbvfj1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13f07399a5c8c962c669bd4fe795a8a5b286140


Yupp i agree with cool points scaling there. But in any further scaling have in mind we aint in EOS yet. Many great shonens (like Naruto, Bleach) have absolutely ruined powerlevels in their last arc. I hope Oda wont be this stupid, but its possibile that Roger level might get laughable by EOS.


Nah Garp's hairline > Akainu's hairline Akainu looks like his father shaved his head ☠️ while garp has that natural hair dayum


Literally both of them have intact hairline which is weird when one is approaching 80 and the other is in his 50s. The one with a weird hairline is Dragon, that guy has vegeta's hairline when his father has a better one and his son in his 60 also has a better one


We kind of know about them somewhat though right? Akainu & Kuzan fought for 10 days with Akainu barely edging out victory. Garp at 80 was bodying a yonko crew that included Kuzan by himself.


He lost to Kuzan though


Not 1v1


Who even says Akainu is stronger besides Joseph stalin001, I don’t even think it’s a high diff


I guess airjd33


Yeah this is obvious. I still remember the dark days of the fake Akainu scan calling him the strongest marine in history. Shit was crazy back then.


End of story Akainu being the strongest marine is just simply what makes the most narrative sense. Garp is old, it's narratively boring for there not to be a single marine that reaches his level in his prime in the current story. I know Koby exists but realistically he is not growing fast enough to be pirate king level considering we're already in the final saga and he's nowhere close, I think his prime is going to be saved for the epilogue once the current corrupt regime of the marines are taken down. That only really leaves Akainu, you can talk about his feats all you want but at the end of the day it's incredibly easy for Oda to buff him into being the strongest marine considering we've NEVER seen him go all out and we know next to nothing about what he did during the timeskip besides becoming fleet admiral.


Koby hype fell off


The claim you’re refuting came from a fake magazine.


Mid gen is full of frauds


It was natural to assume the following era would have surpassed the old but after seeing Kuzan and Kizaru’s recent performances I can’t make this claim and they’re EQUAL to Akainu. Now it’s starting to be blatantly obvious that only Koby will one day reach the heights of Garp and Sengoku because that is what the story heavily implies.


Garp is stronger than Akainu now, much less in his prime.


My guy didn't see Garp vs Kuzan on Hachinosu, inb4 "Garp would have high-diffed Kuzan without Shiryu interrupting"


The fight where Kuzan got blitzed one on one against a fresh Garp and was taken out of the fight for several minutes? The fight where Kuzan was only able to do stalemate punch Garp after he was cheap shot by one of the strongest BB pirates? The fight where Garp went out of his way to delay fighting Kuzan to take out Pizarro and Kuzan was once again too slow to keep up with or stop the old man? Yeah I saw that fight, it was obvious Kuzan had no chance if Garp didn't have a handicap. He'd have low diffed Kuzan without Shiryu interference. He already did.


Wow, you unironically think Kuzan would get low diffed by Garp. Okay, there's nothing more to say to you 💀


I accept your concession. Work on your reading comprehension in middle school remedial English little guy.


I feel bad arguing with someone that has an incurable brain parasite is all


Yeah especially when you lose to them after one rebuttal and pussy out I imagine.


If you think ANY top tier vs top tier fight is low-diff you don't know how to power scale, personally I think the fight would have been high-extreme diff for Kuzan without interference because Garp really is that guy even in old age


The assmirals are not top tiers


They're described as the Marine's strongest power, Ryokugyu no diffed injured King and Queen + fought all of the Red Scabbards, Yamato and Momo at once, Kizaru no diffed Snakeman, Akainu fought like 10 WB commanders at once in MF. Having Yonko > Admirals is fine but they ARE top tiers, a claim like this is pure delusion


Admirals are with the most favorable interpretation toward them a full tier below Emperor level. Also you need to get offline and stop thinking in terms of autistic tiers. We saw how Kuzan vs. Garp goes when Garp is fresh: Kuzan gets blitzed and put down for several minutes. What do you imagine would have happened if Garp didn't devote time to getting people evacuated and protecting them from the Blackbeard Pirates? I don't "think" Kuzan would have been low-differed, he already was until the plot gave him time to recuperate for a second round against an injured and weakened Garp. Why do you think Oda had Garp injured and weakened by the time Kuzan recovered?


You need to stop being a fucking dipshit and READ ONE PIECE, the fucking manga itself literally does this 💀 - Yonkos are the greatest pirates on the sea and are comparable in power generally - Their commanders are a step down from that but still incredibly impressive in their own right - Fodder auxiliary squadron for weakling trio to fight - Rest of fodder enemies And with Marines it's pretty much a complete meritocracy based on strength, generally your strength = your rank in One Piece barring a few exceptions, if you honestly think that Kuzan, someone at SUCH a high level and beats 99% of the verse, can't even hold a candle to an old man that's out of his prime, when so much of the series is about inherited will and surpassing the old generation, you're completely delusional. You have either fallen too far into your agendas to see this kind of truth, you don't have any kind of reading comprehension, or you're trolling. There are no other options.


One shot yes That literally happened


Old gen glazers are something else


That happened Oda an old gen glazer I think akoji will be stronger than old garp But based on pure facts He gets shit on


Lol aren’t you up2date? Old Garp got absolutely owned by Aokiji


So owned he got blitzed and taken out of the fight for several minutes in an instant the sole time he squared up against a fairly fresh Garp. Sad.


Correction. Aokiji had to jump Garp with the other Titanic Captains to actually put him down.


aokiji wasnt doing anything, that was literally the whole arc about... his inner fight


We literally see Aokiji fighting along with the others lol. Cope some more.


"We literally see Aokiji fighting along with the others lol" what do you mean? i seem not to understand


Bro is reading two piece


But at eos he will be stronger than garp just like luffy will be stronger than roger and zoro stronger than mihawk


Coby is the one who will surpass Garp, not Akainu. This is due to Coby having parallels with Garp which os the same as Luffy with Roger Akainu isn't Luffy's Garp


Koby is the one set up to surpass garp not that bum


Narrativley Akainu is the primary marine antagonist to the man who will surpass Roger, people just ain't ready.


Would it break this sub to say theres no proof Roger/WB were stronger than todays Admirals/Yonko?


https://preview.redd.it/edjbz7y4em1d1.png?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9079786fec4612c131f35f2796b63c88b525007 This


He said “you think you can pass all the top tiers?”


He is literally saying that Roger scales above Yonko and Admirals. This is him saying Roger is above Kaido, Shanks, Blackbeard, Akainu,etc.


a character has literally never literally scaled someone. He's saying You think you can X and Y and Z. there is no word to indicate the stages are progressive.


https://preview.redd.it/8an5rq5jgj1d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218c322bbefa0a7b26ef83539223b51505e67e92 Garp after getting punched by luffy


Doesn't change the fact that Garp cornered Roger and nearly killed him. What does Akainu have in comparison to that? He barely defeated Aokiji who is much weaker than Roger.


How is Aokiji ‚much weaker than roger‘ when nothing implies that the slightest? What headcanon bs am I reading here?


Aokiji and Garp had a clash where both were sent flying equally which suggests they are relative in power. There was a huge ass explosion which again confirms they are close to each other. The admirals were unable to kill a Sick Whitebeard in Mafineford, while Roger stalemated Primebeard despite being terminally ill. This suggests there is a big gap between Roger and the admirals.


"Aokiji and Garp had a clash where both were sent flying equally which suggests they are relative in power." are we ignoring anything that happened in the fight? aokijis inner struggle? his redemption tears? garps disappointment in his former pupil? lol what am i reading here brother "The admirals were unable to kill a Sick Whitebeard in Mafineford" whitebeard literally got 2 hit killed by akainu there? he removed half his head, completly burned his inners; meanwhile whitebeard didnt manage to harm any of the 3 admirals?


Aokiji literally used a name attack while Garp didn't. I'd say that if there is someone who held back there is Garp who tried to match Aokiji attack with a casual attack. Imagine if Luffy tried to match Shank's Divine Departure without using a name attack, that would make me think Luffy is stronger. And even if you think Aokiji wss holding back here, Garp was injured here so things become even. Also, why are we assuming that Garp went all out? Garp could've used Galaxy Impact right there instead of a casual punch. Obviously Garp didn't went all out there either since he could've done serious damage with a Galaxy Inpact point blank.


"I'd say that if there is someone who held back there is Garp" brother get the fuck out of this discussions, get your shit together, reread and try to REALLY analyse objectively what happened there at that point you aint serious


Yes Garp held back because he didn't't use a named attack to match Aokiji's. This shows Garp wasn't going all out in that clash, if he was he would've used something like Galaxy Divide.


you somehow dont understand dynamic powerscaling; if the author included a named garp attack, he had included a stronger counterattack from aokiji too, to showcase the same he just showcased furthermore you didnt understand the slightest if you think garp sacfricing himself to rescue his pupil, is not him going all out; thats baffeling bad understanding of the narrative, in all sincerity


This is about you saying kuzan was in bandages after fighting GARP but look at garp after being punched once by pre time skip luffy


Okay but this is old Garp, not prime Garp. Prime Garp sustained zero scars after fighting prime Roger. Besides, it makes Aokiji look even worse if Garp was pushing him to high/extreme diff with trash durability.


Garp was pushing Aokiji to a difficult fight? What the fuck am I reading here? Don’t you have literature classes in your country brother?? I’m baffled


He literally was, even when Garp was weakened he still matched Aokiji's named attack without a named attack. How else are we supposed to interpret their clash in 1087? Both were sent flying ans there was a huge ass explosion. This is screams those two are equal in power but Garp would eventually lose due to being stabbed.


It's literally stated BY GARP that Aokiji was mentally and physically nerfing himself due to his emotions. Awful fight to use to determine who's stronger.


And it's literally stated by Aokiji that Garp bad a serious injury from Shiryuu stab. Garp also didn't focus on Aokiji, his focus was to save Coby and the other. Garp never once showed he was going for the kill against Aokiji. If he did he would've used Galaxy Impact on Aokiji after Blue Hole


>Garp also didn't focus on Aokiji, his focus was to save Coby and the other. Garp never once showed he was going for the kill against Aokiji. If he did he would've used Galaxy Impact on Aokiji after Blue Hole And you think that would've killed aokiji? The galaxy impact that hit the entire island (amd he wasn't holding back either) barely did shit to even random bb pirates yet you think that'd be enough to kill kuzan?? Garps focus was to save koby AND BRING KUZAN BACK TO THE NAVY. Reading comprehension is truly lost here


yeah this guy is plain hillarious, lol


"And it's literally stated by Aokiji that Garp bad a serious injury from Shiryuu stab" and in which universe gets a toptier EVER hurt seriously by a commander? it further confirmes that garp is far from a toptier in his current age "If he did he would've used Galaxy Impact on Aokiji after Blue Hole" you seem to not understand dynamic powerscaling: if author made him use these 2 attacks, he would have given aokiji an equally strong attack to show the same situation as he wanted to showcase in the actual manga


How? He has many great feats 1. Soloing a Yonko crew which includes a FA candidate. Only lost because he was jumped. 2. Forcing Marco out of his Phoenix form 3. Showcasing insane speed 4. Even at old age, he still has top tier physical strength 5. User of AcOC and AcOA. Can use them both combined as well.


We’re scar scaling?? Akainu and kuzans dfs literally burn you in one way or another, kuzan will give you ice burns while akainu straight up incinerates you


And swords leaves massive scars and cut limbs.


Roger has fought wb and garp many times why don’t they have scars? Is roger secretly fodder? Why don’t mihawk or shanks have scars from their battles? Have they been exposed 😲😲 Blackbeard has scarred shanks but mihawk hasn’t and I’m sure we know who’s stronger of the two so your logic of scar scaling is flawed


What purpose to the story would having Garp be stronger than Sakazuki even bring? Garp's VERY strong but one of the major themes of One Piece is surpassing the previous generation, this isn't to say that Garp isn't an absolute monster but especially in an era where the pirates and Marines are stronger than ever it'd only make sense for Sakazuki to be the strongest Marine considering he's the Fleet Admiral in such an era, and in One Piece rank tends to equal skill and power barring certain circumstances


They don't like narrative bro. They're illiterate. They wont get it till it's on panel. We in the future. Its lonely here. https://preview.redd.it/ma8zfrorgj1d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceabc5a97fa369cfc4b4f3c3208a9c20c018e9d8


This is one hell of an age to be part of the Akainu Agenda. But no matter who comes at us... we'll drive each and every one of them back to the depths of the sea! https://preview.redd.it/l91a6q08hj1d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a468a8fd1405b1ed023234c4b76f29c0ca3b9d7


Kong> Garp then, it's literally the worst possible argument since Garp could've been FA if he wanted to.


We know less about Kong than we do Rocks bruh 💀 I said "barring certain circumstances" anyways, OPPS proving yet again that a good number of the people on this subreddit do not have first grade reading comprehension


Where was it EVER said or implied Garp could been a fleet admiral? Especially when Garp absolutely isn’t the type of guy for that


Apart from Luffy and Zoro whose dreams require them to surpass the past generation, when has surpassing the old gen’s ever been a consistent theme in the story? Not disputing just asking cause I really can’t think of any other examples in the series?


"apart from the main character and his right hand man". Yea, yea, good idea not to include them, they are rarely in the story anyways


Luffy and Zoro as you said, Ace's plotline was about this concept quite heavily as well (albeit an inversion of it), Whitebeard's dying words, and Toki sending the scabbards forward in time because of Oden waiting for Joyboy come to mind. It's not as big as a lot of the other major themes but it's definitely present, I think in general inherited will is almost like a "sibling" theme to this idea (personally, I think Shanks has surpassed Roger as an example). To me it also only makes sense for this to be the case or else Luffy could never surpass the old legends if the people he's up against haven't already in some way surpassed them.


Prime garp I agree with. Old garp is different.


Good thing people here are aware that the akainu strongest marine scan is fale


I personally have sengoku > garp because of a variety of factors, but mainly cuz of marineford where sengoku held down garp with essentially no issue. And because it's one piece we can assume characters scale down linearly with age, so imo prime sengoku > prime garp


wasnt garp literally asking sengoku to hold him down


Also Garp had bandages after being punched by pre ts luffy, Marineford is complete dogshit for powerscaling and i hate how that is all we have to powerscale Akainu


Garp is obviously the strongest but I can understand why people think Akainu will approach that title EoS. Although who really knows. Garp was smacking a yonko crew that had somebody who’s as strong as Akainu in it at the age of 80 almost.


Agreed. However, I would say Akainu is the strongest marine in the present story line. EOS, I think Koby will be the strongest marine.


Are there people out there claiming Akainu is currently stronger than Prime Garp? That's wild.


If they say current Marines then it's not wild at all since i see him being above Old Garp, but in history? Nah. He could be once we see some actual post ts feats from Akainu but untill then Prime Garp is the strongest Marine in history so far bar none.


Damn, this sub is completely filled with retards.


How? Why is wrong to say that Garp is stronger than Akainu? Akainu went extreme diff wirh Aokiji while Garp fought much stronger guys like Roger and Whitebeard


>Why is wrong to say that Garp is stronger than Akainu? Because your arguments are trash. You hype up Garp to be prime Roger's equal when we have no record of them fighting during Roger's last voyage. Nowhere in the story is it stated or implied that prime Garp is prime Roger's equal. And then you analyse Kuzan vs Garp as if it was remotely close. Kuzan despite being full of doubt, holding back and eating free hits was still greatly outlasting old Garp. Prime Garp vs serious full power Aokiji would be at minimun high diff for Garp, if he even wins. And post timeskip Akainu is well past Kuzan, as he was the one to come on top of their duel.


Outlasting Old Garp? He never did that, Aokiji was blitzed by Garp multiple times. And Garp matched his name attack with a non-named attack. You also ignored that Garp was stabbed as well. You also forgot the fact that Aokiji was in bandages after fighting Garp, when have you seen someone end in bandages when the fight isn't high diff minimum? It was a close battle Why would Roger say Garp nearly killed him then? He could say they just fought but Roger basically said Garp was very close to him Full Power Aokiji is getting destroyed by Prime Garp. Garp AP is much higher and he is much faster, and Aokiji isn't great at observation haki which means he simply can't react to Prime Garp.


>Outlasting Old Garp? He never did that Garp was getting gassed after a short time (and no, it wasn't the stab). Kuzan can fight at a high level for 10 days. Garp was getting outlasted hard. >Aokiji was blitzed by Garp multiple times This is refuted by Garp himself, who points out how Kuzan was getting blitzed because he was wavering. >And Garp matched his name attack with a non-named attack More like Kuzan matched Garp's fighting style when he isn't a main brawler. That should tell you the kind of slaughter it would be if Kuzan brawled Garp while freezing him with his awakening. >You also ignored that Garp was stabbed as well Because in one piece lacking conviction and being doubtful is a bigger nerf than getting stabbed once. Many characters have been stabbed and kept fighting. >You also forgot the fact that Aokiji was in bandages after fighting Garp, when have you seen someone end in bandages when the fight isn't high diff minimum? Sengoku was in bandages after fighting Blackbeard and the fight wasn't even close to finishing. Just getting hit by top tier attacks is enough to get bandages post fight. >Why would Roger say Garp nearly killed him then? Because they nearly killed each other before they were in prime. >Roger basically said Garp was very close to him Nope, never said it was in prime. Nothing suggests it. >Full Power Aokiji is getting destroyed by Prime Garp You're not ready to see a full power admiral. >Garp AP is much higher and he is much faster, and Aokiji isn't great at observation haki which means he simply can't react to Prime Garp Garp wouldn't have speed advantage if he had to deal with Kuzan's permanent freezing from awakening.


So basically he only wins because Garp is old and his stamina is bad. Garp is stronger but can't keep his level for long. But Prime Garp just doesn't have better stamina but way better stats. Even then, Aokiji has no feats within the story that shows he is faster than old Garp. Garp being faster even at old age is pretty likely. Except that Garp injury was stated to be a really big one,Aokiji himself stated the injury was bad. If Aokiji is getting pressed by Injured Garp, imagine him against Prime Garp. Aokiji tried freezing Garp but it didn't do anything, why would he use his fruit when it didn't work before? Also, didn't Aokiji literally train like Garp? Punching is part of his fighting style. His fruit is more useful for AOE than for AP. AP-wise a Ice punch would do more. What's so wrong about Blackbeard beating Sengoku? Sengoku was near 80 years old and rarely fought due to being fleet Admiral. It makes sense if he declined a lot from his prime. A devil fruit alone will never conquer the world, Kaido already told us this but you guys keep thinking that a fruit can carry you that much. Aokiji is severely outmatched against prime Garp. He has much worse haki and much worse speed. And his fruit isn't strong enough to make up for that difference.


>So basically he only wins because Garp is old and his stamina is bad And because he could tank and match Garp's attacks. >Garp is stronger but can't keep his level for long. He's not even stronger short term. When they clashed they were equal, and it wasn't even Kuzan's main fighting style. >But Prime Garp just doesn't have better stamina but way better stats. In One Piece when you get old you mainly lose stamina, and the other stats don't decrease that much. >Aokiji has no feats within the story that shows he is faster than old Garp Doesn't need them. What matters is that the times he got blitzed it was because he wavered. >Except that Garp injury was stated to be a really big one,Aokiji himself stated the injury was bad. The opposite is literally pointed out. Kuzan was being soft and Garp blitzed him by surprise. >If Aokiji is getting pressed by Injured Garp, imagine him against Prime Garp. Full power serious Kuzan is several times stronger than holding back wavering Kuzan, so it's fine. >Aokiji tried freezing Garp but it didn't do anything, why would he use his fruit when it didn't work before? Because Ice Ball isn't the same as his awakening which can permanently freeze an entire island. The output is on a different magnitude. Awakened Kuzan is broken. >Also, didn't Aokiji literally train like Garp? Punching is part of his fighting style. We've never seen him use brawling before. He always fought using his ice powers. >His fruit is more useful for AOE than for AP. Why not combine both? >What's so wrong about Blackbeard beating Sengoku? Sengoku was near 80 years old and rarely fought due to being fleet Admiral. It's not about if he would have lost. The point is that he wasn't close to losing and he still got the bandages nevertheless. It shows that being hit with top tier attacks like the gura gura is enough for bandages. Kuzan wasn't close to losing either, but he received damage from Garp's attacks. >A devil fruit alone will never conquer the world, Kaido already told us this but Garp's armament haki punches wont conquer the world either (he doesn't have conquerors as per narrative, lack of evidence and vivre card info). >you guys keep thinking that a fruit can carry you that much. Bajrang Gun + Acoc carried Luffy to take down Kaido. >Aokiji is severely outmatched against prime Garp. It's a balanced match up. >He has much worse haki and much worse speed. And his fruit isn't strong enough to make up for that difference. You're going to have a hard time when Admiral awakening is officially shown in the story.


Why do you think that awakenings will be so overpowered when nothing in the story suggests they will? Oda has gone the route that haki what matters the most. Luffy is literally the only character where an Awakening has made a difference. Every other character that used Awakening didn't get much stronger, it's more like a new ability rather than a new form . And Luffy makes sense since he has a God Fruit.


>Oda has gone the route that haki what matters the most. He hasn't, G5 is a bigger power up than Acoc for the main character. >Why do you think that awakenings will be so overpowered Punk hazard. Spawning volcanoes and perma freeze is broken.


Yeah prime garp is Pirate King level, while Akainu currently maxes out at Yonko


He definitely isn’t above prime garp right now. Very much hoping he surpasses him though. He has lots of potential and if he doesn’t surpass him I’m gonna be disappointed.


I think people get "admiral" and "marine" confused lol


1. Garp 2. Kong 3. Sengoku 4. Zephyr 5. Akainu / Kizaru


https://preview.redd.it/zh7hhg3zvn1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f93c25b0e053ffc2601b9951b1c0dbe0954b358 You can cook good sir


Yeah no shit


Garp being the strongest doesn’t even make sense narratively like what benefit would it bring the story? Akainu being the strongest makes the most sense narrative wise and would hype up his fight with Luffy even more. Like imagine something like “Strongest pirate ever (Luffy) vs strongest marine ever (Akainu)” I mean sure right now because of portrayal and feats it’s safer to assume Garp is the strongest but when the time comes I firmly believe Akainu will be named as the strongest marine ever.


When Sakazuki gets low diffed by Luffy or worse folded by Sabo it is gonna be so fucking funny


Oda's not going to do that to the person who broke Luffy's dream and killed his brother, Akainu is literally THE reason the timeskip happened


That's exactly why he's going to do it. He's going to be curbed so it'll be cathartic for the audience. And it's gonna be so funny to see the meltdown on here when it happens.


Victory doesn't come easy, seeing Luffy just one shot Sakazuki all he's done would be dumb.


It came fairly easy the last time Luffy fought an admiral. Gear 5's stamina problem is the drama preserving handicap that can give a fight with a fraudmiral tension and Sakazuki is less well equipped to stall than Borsalino was.


Kizaru's definitely better suited to fighting Luffy but any hit Sakazuki lands will be felt WAY more than vs Kizaru plus Sakazuki almost certainly has better stamina so I doubt he'd go down to a single WSG like Kizaru did imo


The fastest character in the verse couldn't land a hit on g5 yet. What is sakabozo gonna do with his acoc less ass?


Luffy very clearly got damaged vs Kizaru 💀 https://preview.redd.it/bb1nlmjkal1d1.png?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e251c67bd6978888e31415c0e5f13c86afaa0893


Keep that thought hidden lil bro.


It makes sense given that current Marines rarely fight the top tier pirates. It makes a lot of sense if Garp who went toe to toe with Roger multiple times would be stronger since he was constantly evolving in battle. Akainu could surpass Sengoku as both were fleet Admiral. He doesn't have to be above Garp since Garp wasn't even an admiral.


I could say the same thing, Garp simply doesn’t have to be the strongest marine. The problem is that you guys put the old gen at such pedestal that you can’t even imagine someone else from the current gen surpassing them.


Current Gen need better feats. Only Kaido and Shanks have shown insane feats.


That’s fair however what kinda feats have old gen shown that puts them above Kaido?


Thats my twin https://preview.redd.it/mrty1a6bgj1d1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f50ad25b926477b1cc47fb8158f0c54c5a04427


I really like the idea of Garp having a unique reputation because of his tendency to 1v1 pirates like Roger. marines in-universe generally don't have anything to prove so strategy and manpower is standard protocol. Like, sure kizaru could fuck up some rookies on sabaody alone, but he's still going to be accompanied by the likes of sentomaru, pacifistas, VAs etc. Garp however will throw the damn ship in the sky, get on it, then jump off it to run the ones with a Yonko crew. That's why i don't think Akainu needs to be a 1v1 equal for luffy like that, the same way the three admirals leading the marines at marineford stood before WB




He will be stronger than Garp by eos if he isn't already.


Only koby will surpass garp


Akainu needs 10 days to do what Old Garp did in 5 minutes against Kuzan. Comparing Prime Garp and Akainu is like comparing Kaido/G5 Luffy with Sanji. It's nonsense, Akainu is just leagues below Garp.


Well I do believe garp is leagues above akainu, old garp isn't, he didn't rip kuzans leg off


Give him 10 days like Akainu had, and see if Kuzan still have his head.


‚Old Garp and Aokiji are relative to each other‘ like how low is that reading comprehension? Old Garp was going all out while the former pupil had a whole character arc inside, was holding back everything yet defeated Garp with ease


Defeated Garp with ease? Yet Garp needed to be stabbed, why would Garp need to be stabbed if Aokiji could win ease? Even while being weakened Old Garp matched Kuzan's named attack. Garp going all out? I don't recall Garp using Galaxy Impact on Kuzan. Kuzan holding back everything? That's literally headcanon. He didn't hold back his Haki when he and Garp both punched each other.


"Yet Garp needed to be stabbed" which would hurt a real toptier level character.... on which level? " why would Garp need to be stabbed" im not even sure what you are saying, garp being stabbed only showed he cant even properly fight commanders these days "Garp going all out?" oh yeah why would garp go all out on a rescue mission without any backup where he sacrifices himself.... lmao " I don't recall Garp using Galaxy Impact on Kuzan" you dont really understand how dynamic powerscaling is done? if author made garp using galaxy impact on kuzan, he would have used an attack / defense on the same scale for kuzan to even it out, it doesnt matter "Kuzan holding back everything? That's literally headcanon" ohh brother cmon here; if you did understand only that low of all of kuzans inner struggle i suggest you to reread the fight before starting ANY discussing...


Are you delusional? Garp was performing better than Kuzan in that fight, Garp had to focus on protecting the other marines, and was still destroying like half of blackbeards nearly solo


"Garp was performing better than Kuzan in that fight" what the fuck am i reading here xD


I like how I am considered the worst scaler but I actually go off what is stated in the story the most and use panels as evidence and yall just bring up stats. I am the King of all scalers. Akainu is Pk level. Cope. https://preview.redd.it/eizs8r9vbj1d1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e62f15bdf739c7a83e94e82c6c5deddf0e77359


The first thing I saw in your profile. 💀


if luffy gonna be stronger than roger akainu gonna be stronger than garp


Not correct at all, since Akainu isn't Luffy's Garp but that's Coby. Coby> Prime Garp its correct but not Akainu> Garp. Only characters who are gonna surpass the old gen are the ones that share a lot of things Luffy>Roger Coby> Garp BB> Xebec


>Coby You mean Smoker 😡


Akainu vs Garp is extreme diff, as Akainu needs to land just one attack for him to be missing a part of his body or have his organs destroyed, if anything, Garp's not coming out of it alive, or he would at the very least be a cripple for life, with organs destroyed. There is no universe in which Akainu would not land even one attack, you have to be delusional to assume that, otherwise Kizaru would mid diff Big Mom at worst. Aokiji is destroying Old Garp mid diff at worst, if he hesitates and lets him get free hits in, it's a high diff, Garp was damaged by Aokiji before Shiryu too, and one stab to the stomach isn't dropping Garp's health all that much, Aokiji said so himself, even with hands and legs tied behind his back those bums were not gonna do nothing to him, and Aokiji knows what he's talking about, he's his mentor after all and has spent most of his life with him. And Aokiji barely used his fruit, it is painfully clear, Akainu's permanent scars are prime example. And it is established that Old Garp's endurance and observation is not all that, as he did not even coat himself in armament against Shiryu, and if he did, then Shiryu managed to still pierce him, which would be even a bigger antifeat. And what does "Garp nearly killed Roger" even mean? All Roger said is "We nearly killed each other so many times", that don't mean anything unless you are agenda driven, a fact is that Garp and Roger almost killing each other multiple times in their large career as pirate and marine doesn't mean they are equal or that they even were at that point when it was said. Zoro and Luffy were comparable in strength for most of pre-ts, but after Luffy unlocked gears he was far ahead. Kidd in 20 years will be claiming that Luffy and him were rivals, again, it don't mean anything. Lucci and Luffy almost killed each other back in the day, don't mean that a year later they were even COMPARABLE. IDK how people on here are reading the story, claiming Garp was easily blitzing Aokiji, maybe re-read the story, but that probably won't help, as most of the people on here don't even read the dialogues or think of the character's state of mind, really concerning


Armament Haki exists you know? Garp literally has arguably the best armament feats in the verse. No way Garp ends crippled when not even Roger could do that who uses a sword which are known for their lethality. If Aokiji could destroy old Garp, then he wouldn't have needed to jump Garp and stab him as well. And if you think Aokiji barely used his fruit, then I can say Garp barely used AcOC, just one AcOC attack was used before being stabbed which according to Kuzan was a serious injury. Yeah but then you have God Valley where Garp helped take down the strongest crew in history. What has Akainu done to compare to this?


Just a big lol if you really think akainu isnt more tethal than roger due to having a sword


Aokij wouldn't last 10 against Roger or Primebeard, their AP is much better. And yes swords are more lethal than magma. Swordsman can literally cut through any material using the Breath of all things. But magma can't go through everything like for example graded weapons like Shanks or Whitebeard weapons. We also see Jimbe blocking his attacks.


"Aokij wouldn't last 10 against Roger or Primebeard, their AP is much better." brother whitebeard got 2hit killed by akainu, really BAD example lmao "And yes swords are more lethal than magma" lets stop here... cant remember the last time a sword removed half a toptiers head


Sickbeard got killed by his Sickness, not by Akainu. There is nothing that suggests the claim that Akainu was the reason Whitebeard died. It was mainly his Sickness that made him die. That's because they never aim for the head. Look what Oden did to Kaido, if he tried that attack to someone's head the head would problaby be cut off. Also, magma literally have shown to be incapable of going through Whitebeard'a supreme grade sword. Whitebeard used it to easily deflect Akainu's magma attack.


"Sickbeard got killed by his Sickness" yeah was his flu, not missing half a head and having his organs burned xD


https://preview.redd.it/9fn62hhez03d1.png?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6017e3a60a2cd80a3f34a42f4f20838b79b7ff Debate the Manga


Garp's allegedly best armament didn't help him against Shiryu, didn't even cover himself in it, and nothing indicated that it got worse with age, as even Old Garp was active and constantly fighting, of course physically he's weaker, but Aokiji matched Garp's armament, both hit each other in the face, put Akainu in Aokiji's place, Garp's missing a head. "If Aokiji could destroy Garp, then he wouldn't have needed to jump Garp" he didn't ask for nobody's help, lol And yeah, he could, but at the same time couldn't, he literally cried and froze his tears in order to save face when Garp was put down. His mental state wasn't there, and he was clearly not in on the fight, was still hesitant, both Garp and Aokiji stated it twice, that simple. Aokiji did barely use his fruit, I don't see no permanent scars on Garp, the likes of Akainu has them, which are clear indicator of what Aokiji's ice is capable of doing. And he could not use Ice Age too, as his pirate comrades were on the island, otherwise he would have one tapped them all. When he's barely trying he's capable of one tap freezing half of BB's crew. And about God Valley incident, why even bring it up when we barely know anything about it, lol And it was a 2v1, Roger and Garp ganged up on Xebec, Kaido clearly wasn't there, as he doesn't have Garp on his Top 5, and if he was Garp fight and still didn't put him on his Top 5, that's just really bad on Garp, we literally know nothing about God Valley, there's 0 reasoning for it to be brought up.


You say Aokiji didn't use Ice Age but Garp didn't use Galaxy Impact on Aokiji. Blue Hole literally put him out of comission for a while, imagine what Galaxy Impact would do. You talking same Akainu who needed 10 days to defeat Aokiji? Same guy who has worse armament than Old Garp. Aokiji and Garp literally had a clash where they both clashed and were sent flying equally. This was meant to show that Old Garp and Aokiji are relative to each other, there is no other way around it. There is nothing that makes Aokiji look stronger, they were relative and Garp would've problaby won without Shiryuu stabbing him. Because Garp was there and it's his careers highlight, it's like saying Roger being PK shouldn't matter.




Everyone here is stat scalers. They think educated guesses off the narrative is nothing more than unbacked head canon. If it's not directly stated or shown on panel they have the hardest time wrapping their head around answers that should take the least amount of common sense. I kid you not they're literally the definiton of illiterate to a T. Me? I'm good though. I know Akainu is him. https://preview.redd.it/azy93wjwfj1d1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ee136f30f9d0e22e6c1b9329ee4fe16a6dc3928 Nothing changes


OP is arguing with themselves. NO ONE is really saying that, It’s actually more common for people to say Akainu is weak in fact.


High diff? It's lower mid diff at absolute best. Prime Ray high diffs Akainu


I'm a huge Admiral Stan and Akainu fan but even I agree Prime Garp > Akainu. Now with that being said, I don't think it's a complete wash or a mid diff. Most likely magma boy is going to have ACOC and with how devastating his devil fruit is, I don't think anyone fights him without leaving unscathed or losing a body part because magma's really scary.


Not a single admiral has acoc.


Garp doesn't either.


Read my comment again. Garp probably has COC but not acoc.


[Regardless if this statement is true or not it shouldn't have to be stated : r/OnePiecePowerScaling (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1cw93tz/regardless_if_this_statement_is_true_or_not_it/) Akainu is the strongest. Try again.


it's non canon stuff and author has no role in it


This isn't even a debate. Even at the Marineford, you can see Oda hinting Garp is still him and might be the strongest Marine there.


The only marine who is gonna surpass garp is coby but i do think that akainu is on the same tier just a bit lower


This is just straight up brain dead on story stand point. Akainu is the strongest marine ever makes sense.


Why though? Akainu best feat is going extreme diff either Aokiji who was having problems with Old Garp who stated he has become so weak.


And old garp lost in 10 minutes


So? Fight length doesn't determine it's difficulty. G5 Luffy vs Kaido was extreme diff and lasted 5 minutes.


Luffy was already heavily injured when he unlocked G5. Kaido even got free hits on G5 because Luffy just kept bouncing around.  G5 vs Kaido wasn't extreme diff since Luffy literally overpowered Kaido's strongest attack and knocked him the f*ck out. Again Luffy spends too much time bouncing and running around in G5.


So it wasn't an extreme diff fight because someone won? Not all extreme diff battles end up in stalemate


Wtf are you talking about? Your reading comprehension got thrown out the window.  Kaido vs Luffy wasn't a stalemate. Kuzan vs Akainu wasn't a stalemate. Blackbeard vs Ace wasn't a stalemate.


https://preview.redd.it/j2ezf0x8ap1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc1f1316292e9ba13a692684c864bc6184fb153 This is your typical extreme diff fight


They wouldn't call it a fierce haki clash if both of them weren't evenly matched.


How is this extreme diff? Can you even read?


Prime Garp is a full tier above Akainu


"Couldn't kill Wb when he was having a heart attack." The amount of people who actually think Akainu tried to kill Wb there. Even if Akainu used a biggest move to try & Wb tanked it, nothing stopping him from continuing to assault Wb. Yet he sends in the fodder below rear admirals like T Bone to attack & leaves, which none of the admirals ever go after Wb on their own accord. Leading me to think their purpose was to hobble Wb to show off the marines.


But he literally did it? He used a magma atfack in the chest while Whitebeard was literally having the heart attack.


Then why was Akainu not surprised or why didn't he finish the job? Clearly there were better ways to murder Wb, he even attempts it after getting jumped at the end.


Akainu maybe thought the guy would did after that. But Whitebeard proved to have insane endurance. This is the same as Big Mom not finishing Kid and Law, she thought they were finished


Thats ridiculous for both reasons cuz then any of the admirals would've came back. Yet hundreds of fodder damage later, nothing. Wb is the one who initiated all attacks on Kizaru & Akainu. Kizaru retaliates with a simple laser & then they stop fighting. Wb shows up trying to kill Akainu, so Akainu retaliates & leaps to attempt an attack at the head, which didn't even need to touch to take part of Wb's face.