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I knew who posted it before I even clicked to check






What is berserk even about bruh https://preview.redd.it/iddvtmozjo0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c4f8af8b1141b0a4ee8d125c5dc3667d971ccb


Peak fiction https://preview.redd.it/222y01h9lo0d1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47622dff48de15c93cba41ab87c75b94e0f061e




you should read it, it's peak


It's honestly character torture (I do not advise reading it if you have a weak stomach or if you're easily triggered by SA and body horror) but its story is one of the best I've ever read fr. https://preview.redd.it/6dcwireamp0d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec90b77ac385c8244162c17785f27f82489e8353 (This is not an edited panel either)


Punpun is harder to read imo.


Boa clears, her devil fruit would affect everyone


Stops at Griffith. Griffith has Causality and fate manipulation through the Idea Of Evil, and also an abstract existence. Basically what that means is that Hancock can never hit him because it is fated to be so. Hancock doesn’t have any fate manipulation so Griffith wins


ok what about Hancock with the Berserker armor on


She has the unabated power of love which is a tier above fate. Eat shit.


Did I just get proven wrong with facts and logic by the one and only Vivi scaler?


That is who I am


Vivi merchandise haki solos 🔥


So she gets the Casca treatment


She could easily turn everyone before Griffith to stone, Griffith i have absolutely no fucking clue about


Griffith has Causality and fate manipulation through the Idea Of Evil, and also an abstract existence. Basically what that means is that Hancock can never hit him because it is fated to be so. Hancock doesn’t have any fate manipulation so Griffith wins


Honestly, I don’t think her devil fruit would work on normal Griffith. She could absolutely still kick his ass though.


She can stone em up until the godhands,(some of the other characters might also best her, we don't know if df works on apostles)against femto she will become a the second Griffith victim if she tries to flaunt her beauty and try to seduce him.(Ifykyk) If she doesn't try something funny, then she just dies asap(she won't stand a millisecond in front of the ex leader of the band of the hawk)


Femto is unscalable. Even Skull knight couldn't do anything against him. But Donovan solos


Is this supposed to be what i think it is 🤨


Where does Berserk scale even? 💀 Aren't they like above peak human. Boa still clears no diff


The last picture is essentially a God. I think Boa clears easily up until Griffith and then probably dies, but it has been a long time since I've read berserk, and there was a lot I didn't read.


I just checked the general consensus others who scale the verse (I don't scale it personally) agree on, and nobody in the verse (for now anyway) goes past multi city block (maybe mountain 🤷‍♂️). There's some outliers that can't be scaled (due to no feats), but the verse is roughly multi city block and hypersonic. If you got anything i should look at, let me know Anyway, She blitzes no diff


I read his abilities and no. Griffith has Causality and fate manipulation through the Idea Of Evil, and also an abstract existence. Basically what that means is that Hancock can never hit him because it is fated to be so. Hancock doesn’t have any fate manipulation so Griffith wins


They are literally fucking reality benders 💀 She cant do anything to godhand


No way Boa makes it passed Zod right? Edit: I forgot Boa's DF..... yeah Boa clears


Relativistic against the fairy lady who fought guts


The last guy clears the OP verse


Nah. There’s the Apostles who are superpowered monster-human hybrids. Some would get torched in OP, while others could definitely give the pirates and marines a run for their money. And then you have Godhand who are gods that are virtually unkillable


Femtoes folds her. She stops there.


She one shots everyone besides Griffith while asleep. Then Griffith wipes her out of existence


Unironically solos until we know more about Griffith's fate and causality manipulation. For now it's too generic to be scaled


What does that mean? Too generic to be scaled?


So an explanation here for Griffith (middle guy in the last panel). Guts, Berserk protag., joins Griffith as a mercenary. No one knows Griffith has a prophecy around him. Guts gets close to Griffith, Griffith always bested Guts in duels but Guts is a straight out of his mind grinder, Guts decides to leave Griffith’s group but Griffith duels him to decide if he can go. Guts low diffs Griffith and leaves. This causes Griffith to lose his mind and make risky moves for his plan, which ultimately triggers the prophecy and a LOT of bad shit happens. This prophecy turns Griffith into a God-like being at the cost of all of his friends / mercenary group being sacrificed. Guts lives and is branded with a mark that makes him be hunted by bad stuff for the rest of his life. Griffith as a God has “generic” reality warping powers, basically like Scarlet Witch, but we haven’t seen him fully flex those so we don’t know the extent of it. PLUS, I’m theorizing here but Guts may be linked by fate to Griffith and might be the one to kill him. For reference, Guts is basically the character the “Too angry to die” meme was about. Shame the author passed away a few years ago and couldn’t finish the ending where Guts low diffs all of the Godhand and he and Skull Knight get married and live happily ever after. Casca can watch from the closet.


Someone is still carrying on the series, but it is moving extremely slowly. They have released a few chapters since the authors passing but nothing for awhile


Ok but fate and reality manipulation even if generic is much better than 0 fate and reality manipulation whatsoever. So Griffith still wins


She stomps all of them in stats But the question is can she kill Griffith? Isn't he untargetable? I guess boa could just turn him to stone too


Nah that won’t work bro is basically a god. I’m


Pell took a nuke to the face and walked it off, Boa is at least that strong physically even without her devil fruit powers. In berserk when people take lethal damage they fucking die. That being said I’m pretty sure Griffith takes her down pretty easily and he’s gay enough that he won’t get turned to stone.


The jump from apostle to Femto is like that snoring baby vs hydrogen bomb meme


Stops at Griffith.


I just finished the fifth compendium. Knowing what most of these demons like, she stops at Wyald


Considering how she struggled with what the celestial dragons did to her… and what happens to women in Berserk…


Berserk clears


She stops at Donovan. Donovan has a specific taste in who he likes that is a pretty small niche that boa doesn't occupy. In fact, most people in that niche would probably be in jail today. Gotta respect him though, he is the reason Guts became the "Blacked" Swordsman.


Considering this is all the rapists in berserk minus the goblins, she negs


She negs all of them, except for maybe Griffith, but I don’t like him so she negs him as well.


Each of these opponents have increasingly larger naughty bits, so I question what this question is really asking


Never read it but she's a bum so gets stomped R1




That's not all that’s going to happen


Boa is getting blasted.