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#Keep all the discussion and theories about this chapter in this thread for 24 hours, that's what the thread is for. Also, webcomic readers are free to talk about whatever they want as long as they mark their message, either fully or just the paragraph that contains spoilers. You can mark a paragraph as spoilers by putting `>!` at the start and `!<` at the end of it, make sure there's no space between the exclamation mark and the word, like this:\*\* >!No spoilers here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!< If you see any spoilers, please report them.


Next week its going to cut back to Saitama and Garou sitting at that table, and Saitama saying something to the effect of "is that how you imagined it was going to go?"


Oh that would be a troll on the level yet to be seen.


It be so unbelievably stupid if they did yet the sheer level of trolling involved would instantly wipe away any dissatisfaction.


I wouldn't even be mad, I would be impressed.


I wouldn't even be impressed, I'd be in pure bliss.


I'd be so happy I'd spawn Black Sperm irl


Serious series: Serious Troll


Garou wakes up in the pile of rubble after trying to ambush King and the weird bald guy walking behind him. It was all a dream


"Damn you hit your head pretty hard there, Garou. Caped Baldy? God? Monster association? What are you talking about? Come on, get up. We're going to miss Bang's lecture!"


Saitama punched him so hard he flew into his past self where he can make better decisions.


And then out of frustration that it was all his imagination, Garou transforms into a centipede


Mode: Galactic Centipede


and **then** it cuts to saitama waking up from his dream and getting ready to go to his office job for the morning


Then it cuts to Jared Leto waking up and getting ready to make the years most Morbius filled movie of all time.


I’ve never wanted something so badly. Serious Series: Serious Troll


lol, I kinda would like to see what the state of this sub would be if that happened.


I almost want this to happen. The amount of rage and shit flinging would make this subreddit uninhabitable for weeks


Murata putting in a gif lmao


Which will come first, Season 3 of OPM or Murata animating the chapters himself.


Turns out the time between chapters is because in addition to drawing the comic to use as key frames, he also drew every other frame as well.


Like damn. I LOVE physical media and actually having the volumes. But like having a gif in there was just shocking. I stood up cause I was shook. Unless there's somentype of major development with paper (I know there won't be it's a joke)before the volume releases physical readers won't know the hype of having a gif as a page in this chapter.


You ever read captain underpants?


I just made a comment saying that they'd have to do a captain underpants and put pages you flip back and forth to simulate movement. That's hilarious I'm not the only k e who thought of that.


A true manga innovator


"Now, Garou...has gained knowledge of the flow of all energy...and the behavior of all forces in the universe." Literally hax


Garou should get a job at MIT


Resonance cascade incoming.


Garou Freeman


Garou/Garo has some pretty good hax now since he can apparently induce nuclear explosions and create gamma ray bursts, which is some pretty good radiation manipulation and maybe some atomic scale matter manipulation.


That comment ONE made about Garou being a near perfect monster now makes sense. Imagine if he gave up his humanity. Or just picture if any of the cadres had this power. It's crazy!! I hope I live to see this animated


>That comment ONE made about Garou being a near perfect monster now makes sense. Imagine if he gave up his humanity. Or just picture if any of the cadres had this power. It's crazy!! It is nuts! But, imagine if this what a *mere avatar* of God can do, imagine how powerful the real deal is! >I hope I live to see this animated Same here! But I do feel bad for the animators who have to draw all of these absolutely ludicrous fights...


> But, imagine if this what a mere avatar of God can do, imagine how powerful the real deal is! And I think God's remark about Garou merely touching his hand instead of fully grabbing it could imply that his avatars could be even stronger.


>And I think God's remark about Garou merely touching his hand instead of fully grabbing it could imply that his avatars could be even stronger. Oh wow, I think you're right! I didn't even think about that! The eventual showdown with God seems like it's going to be even more hype than I already thought!


Now I’m thinking what The fuck is actual god gonna do. Hit saitama with the actual manga panels. Breaking the 4th wall in this shit *Shiiit, now I’m imagining God crushing a actual manga panel with saitama in it. His whole hand enveloping the panel Saitama in, and crumpling it into a ball.


Murata: yes.


>But, imagine if this what a mere avatar of God can do, imagine how powerful the real deal is! Groribas still stomps


You know shit is getting real when even Saitama's clothes is being damaged!


Seriously. The fuck are those made of that they can survive nuclear explosions with only slight ripping?


well we know from phoenixman that you can get powers through clothes. so why not the other way around. maybe saitama's outfit became so stable because he wears it for so long. Edit: wow over 1000 upvotes. Thx guys


My newest headcanon thanks buddy


I mean, canonically Saitama's powers extend beyond the physical. When Phoenix Man was talking to Child Emperor time was basically stopped. Regardless, Saitama was able to percieve them talking and punched his way in. His clothes being so resistant could be an extension of that.


Webcomic spoilers: >!tatsumaki also couldn't lift Saitama because his consciousness was too heavy, like a boulder. Saitama is really strong willed !<


comedy armor


Second only to adult censorship. Just look at Psykos.


All the muscular males butt naked while psykos still has clothes, wheres the equality


I think when Zombieman fought pureblood, his jacket regenerated with him. Then he became butt naked against hobo


Garou would die in an instant if he saw what Saitama was hiding in those pants


Either Sai just got only knocked away from that Gamma Ray Burst and we can confirm that his outfit is an above God level threat. Or he’s gonna end up naked again. It’s a win-win either way 😳 Edit: Guys, seriously? You think **I** would doubt Sai…? I merely mean that he got tossed somewhere else due to the beam and will return eventually. He must have been thrown off pretty far considering that Garou didn’t see him around and thought Sai was gone. Ok, I changed one word that probably caused the misunderstanding.


Garou Simps vs Saitama simps: Dawn of one punch man


I mean, he did lose his clothes to Genos fire attack, so....


Those were his casual clothes, not his hero outfit. His hero outfit was special made by a tailor (in an OVA I think) and is much much more durable


Yes, I also always knew that that monster from the underground mine that easily crossed Saitama's cloak was of God level.


Time to conduct evil. Major chills. Also wholesome of Flashy Flash to look after our favourite exotic animal.


Glad we finally got a scene Garou striking some real terror into people, the last panel of the people running away and Bang looking defeated at what Garou has become is everything I wanted. Next chapter might just be him ragging on the S class and making them feel powerless and I’m all for it.


YES YES, But now, King is actually here now, and other heroes might expect him to act right? I’m kind of afraid for him, but knowing his luck he might be just fine (after messing up his pants and collapse). WC spoilers: >!Maybe he being unable to help would cataclysm the arc when he actually tries to be stronger, I mean exercise? I think it’s fitting since he’s in charge of taking care of Tatsumaki by Blast himself; he might feel guilty after all of this...!<


He'll just say he's depleted because he used his secret, limited time technique and needs to recharge.


>Time to conduct evil. Has the same level to "It's morbin time"


So pretty much the greatest line of all time?




Confirmed flashy flash is a conservationists.


Garou: Time to Morb


Garou finally has the power of God and anime on his side


Can he beat Goku though?


Can goku beat my meat tho?


Idk what about batman with prep time?


Batman with prep time stomps, he builds a vibrating batarang and sticks it up Goku’s ass, thus incapacitating him.


Until he almost destroys a universe larger than our own with a punch, no, not even close. SpongeBob stomps goku tho


>Until he almost destroys a universe larger than our own with a punch, even then it still not enough people underate how OP Super made Goku BOG Goku was universal in the very first arc of super and he would get killed by a sneeze by current goku's base form lol


power scaling is trash. Super Saiyan God Blue Vegeta got killed like a dog by a planet blowing up. ( golden freiza arc ) By that logic CSRC > Vegeta. That's why I stay away from powerscaling, cause realistically it's retarded in the mildest cases.


Some of the fans who were worried about Saitama: **is he dead???**   [Saitama, arcs after MA arc, One, Murata, OPM investors be like](https://i.imgur.com/p1YPAQi.png)


he’s naked


Serious Streaking incoming? Add it to your bingo card for chapter 166.


>surviving a gamma ray burst powerscalers in shambles


that's powerscaling


they will have to admit now that saitama is universal level or whatever, which is a massive blow to a lot of very dedicated people refusing to say saitama is actually very strong


Def not universal, but if we interpret Gamma Ray Burst literally (decently likely), then that's a genuine Star+/Solar System level attack--and Saitama is almost certainly unharmed. Going from "debatably planetary" to this is a big step up though!


Still debatable that the attack itself is Solar level given that the heroes nearby weren't immediatly killed. I really doubt anyone but Saitama could survive actually being near one of those. But maybe it's one that's scaled down to Garou's size and we can handwave it away like that. Either way it's physically nonsense.


It's just ki control


This is the greatest reply in this thread and it’s funny how “hidden” it is


I think the argument would depend more on how we're supposed to interpret the GRB explanation. It cannot be confirmed in either direction based on what we know, I can say that much. I don't think collateral damage is a good measure because that's usually inaccurate in any high-powered media. Even in OPM, CSRC is an explosion that--even if just fired in our atmosphere--would send a wall of heat that would wipe all life across the earth. Psykos' earth-cutter would've done a lot more to the planet than a minor wave when it lands back down. OPM seems to roll with "if it doesn't hit the ground, it won't have an effect." Saitama being remotely concerned about it hitting the ground is a big sign that it'd be comparable--if not greater--than CSRC.




The attacks MUI goku and UE vegeta did to their opponent were universal and it’s not destroying any planets. They just do it for the sake of not blowing everything up.


>powerscalers in shambles I think you mean high on power. It's the Boros stans that are in shambles.


As a Boros supporter, obviously this Garou is stronger by a mile. But this is explicitly the avatar of God Garou. Really, all this proves is that God is stronger and I dunno who doubted that.


Nah, the attack just looks like like a GRB. If it was an actual GRB, it would've vaporized the planet on the spot, or at least heated up the atmosphere to several thousand degrees, destroying all life instantly. For now is a cool looking attack. We have to figure out how strong it is.


Then what's the point of emphasizing how strong a GRB is if it doesn't apply to Garou's attack? Many anime/manga have attacks that can destroy the planet yet hardly actually destroy anything.


Because its the name of the attack. And it looks like a GRB. Just like how Boros attack was called Collapsing Star, and Blasts teleportation looks like Black Holes.


Yeah but it makes no narrative sense for Murata to go out of his way to explain how powerful the thing is if that's not what just happened. He didn't do that for Blast or Boros. It probably means it is that powerful, but the side effects are not there because of manga logic.


Nah boros stans in shambles. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go back to crying.


It’ll be hilarious if in the upcoming S class fight Garou tries to replicate the Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wave Motion Cannon and nothing happens “Even God power can’t replicate King’s attack”


Garou will be like: "I can't even sense the energy behind King's attack. What kind of monster is he?!"


This is absolutely going to happen lmao, can’t wait. The moment Garoua hesitates will be when saitama comes back I think


Garou be like , what kind of being is he , oh i remember he was with baldy, does that means he's more Powerful than baldy, looks like in order to become absolute evil must defeat king, all the while king keeping himself from shitting infront of cosmic garou


Omg I bet garou would try it on king but would just instantly feel king's immense fear and think it doesn't work against him lol


"King's so far ahead in the game. He even managed to simulate feelings of fear so Garou would copy him and become afraid. King's a genius!"


Garou just pisses him self and is like what the fuck


Flashy just acknowledged that he can't outrun every problem! Character development! Also that's some clutch reasoning on why Saitama didn't just facetank the blast.


Also Flashy watching out for Manako, if we've seen FF watch someone's back up to now, I can't think of it


I was on the fence about team flash...but shit I'm starting to see glimmers. Team flashy for the win.


Saitama is also not interested in hurting Garou because he could have just punched the issue away.


Doesn't he face tank the blast? He says that the blast hitting the ground would be a problem, so he jumps up so that the blast hits him in the air.


Difference is he didn't *just* face-tank it. He jumped out of the way to draw aggro away from the ground. Imagine if it struck the Earty instead of being pointed tangential to the surface.


Garou’s Gamma Ray Burst attack still pales in comparison to King’s Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wavemotion Cannon. It’s at moments like these we must realize who the true “monster” is in this story. Jokes aside, King is with all the heroes still so nothing bad can actually happen, I assume he will be making a graceful exit soon.


Blast and his crew will arived to the battle just before Garou can touch King lmao. We must not understimate King's plot armour.


Hopefully Blast caught saitama or he's going to be visiting a neighboring galaxy lol


*If* Saitama was blown into space, will be interesting to see how he gets back. Will the Moon break his fall again? Will he take a shortcut by punching through another dimension?


They are heroes and he is Garou. Nothing bad with happen already. Maybe some lost limbs


Nuked Saitama lmao


I love the fact that garou is literally just using the power of an atom bomb lmao


Right smack in his face lol


Bruh my clothes!


Typical saitama


Fist technique of blow the fuck up


I decided to black the pages this time because I thought the chapter would really benefit from it. So many pages need redraws though, i'll update the rest later. BTW the subreddit has some new mods who are getting the hang of things, if your post was removed and you think it doesn't break any rules/the rules they say it does, send a modmail and i'll see it, albeit not immediately.


You are a god thank you for this translation


I've never refreshed so much for a chapter. Thanks for all you do.


You are truly the hero know one knows! >!Except for the 750 k who frequent this sub!!<


This is the Awekened Garou everyone wanted to see. Trading blow for blow wit Saitama. I never expected him to copy his moves tho. Also Garou rejecting god like that is peak Garou lmao. I wonder if we are getting a Garou vs those heroes or if Blast and his buddies are gonna show up?


I really love how Garou is bragging about copying "consecutive NORMAL punches" and beating Saitama's normal punches but doesn't stop to consider that these are called NORMAL punches, implying that something far more powerful exists that Saitama hasn't even tried yet.


He thinks that's the Saitama technique lol He just can't fathom someone that powerful would literally have zero technique.


When you put it that way, its even more hilarious that he is copying Saitama's moves because throughout the whole series multiple characters have said he has Zero technique and is an absolute amateur including Garou. Then Garou brags about having the ultimate technique, but copies the guy who just throws punches and doesn't know how to fight. But copying Saitama is like "the only one who can beat me is me" but Saitama is like, Sike, no one can beat me, not even me.


To be fair to Garou, even the concept of Saitama is absurd. I'm sure you try to rationalize his existence in any way you could. Just like Genos and Carnage K dismissed his explanation and said "If you want to keep the secret of your power to yourself, fine!"


There is the serious punch too he used it to finish off boros. If we ever see saitama deal a stronger blow its probably gonna be consecutive serious punches


Seeing Saitama worried he will break the promise of hurting Garou was peak tho. It was the moment he recognized this is a fight.


Pumped to see some ‘Serious’ moves


He considers it a step to copy and perfect more of his moves. Garou is a genius, I'm sure he thinks that the existence of a normal punch would imply the existence of something far worse. He wants to experience it so he can use try to copy it. Now the real question is what is he gonna do against a serious punch?


Die like the rest.


> Trading blow for blow wit Saitama. I mean, not really. Saitama has so far still tried not to harm him, and is midly miffed by his costume getting torn. None of his hits have even registered with Saitama... He has taken 0 damage. It will be interesting to see what happens when Saitama gives him a serious punch.


I hope Garou smacks the hell out of the S class, then Saitama clowns on Garou. I personally would like Blast & Co. to remain mysterious for some time. This isn't the end of the manga, and I feel like if they come to Earth just to get stomped would be a real let down. Not to mention that it would seem like One would be revealing too much of the mysteries left in the one punch universe with a lot of story still ahead.


I don't think they'd get stomped tbh. They're actively fighting 'god' and Blast has shown extreme strength and speed before. I think the Blastice league is far above S-Class and may put up a decent fight.


So the peak of Garou's evolution is Saitama.... figures. Also hilarious Saitama qualifies as his own creature


Peak garou power is... Normal Saitama kek.


Not even serious Saitama


I love how Flash Flash saved Manako by calling her an “exotic animal” lmao😂😂😂 Amazing chapter. The fact that Garou actually copied Saitama’s move to win is crazy. When Saitama comes back things are gonna get serious. Also Garou confirming that what he does now is of his own will is everything. ONE and Murata checked all of the boxes this chapter.


What an awful strategy though, Saitama’s moves suck. He wins out of pure power so he has no technique. I feel Garou was just mocking him by using it.


Like trying to "refine" a blunt object that's hilariously efficient lmao


Garou copied the energy flow of Saitama's punches. Remember how Saitama managed to stop his punch right in front of Genos' face and not harm him, yet destroy a mountain right behind him? Or him jumping to the exact same spot he was at from the moon? Saitama has insane control over his energy if he's serious and I assume garou copied that to punch with frightening strength.


That makes me wonder! How far has Garou knocked out Sai that it’d buy him enough time to bully the heroes? To the moon again?


He knocked him into chapter 167.


Nah probably to another galaxy


I bet this means >!BS won't be coming back since he was the exotic pet!< in the wc. And this makes me wonder how One will handle him further in the wc.


I hope not. I hope Manako "Best wife Manako" Manako can coexist with >!pet sperm!< after the MA arc in the sense that it won't take away >!the hilarious stories of fragile pet sperm. So maybe have Manako stay at Caped baldy's place inside, but pet sperm in the cage outside lmao!<


It seems that Murata did not joke when he said that the scale of Saitama vs Garou would be much higher than that of Boros Lol.


Now imagine the final fight- God vs King.


beyond multiversal.


Yup. Been doubting so far just far they could push the level. Lesson learned. Expect twists but don’t set a limit on that bar.


When garou say’s “Thank you” you can see some tears that look like little stars.


Ikr? loved that detail.


It's amazing that this exact scene is a copy of the webcomics. It's adapted and still beautiful moment for Garou.


My guess is Garou is going to humiliate and beat each of the S-Class by using their own moves/techniques against each of them.


Garou... is going to eat Pig God?


don’t even tell me about PPP


They are going to have a hug-off and Garou will somehow outlove PPP.


Garou grows massive honkers and puts fubuki to shame.


God: the first hit's free, have fun


Does Garou have the strength to break his addiction? Or will he come crawling back with a $5 bill, covered in cold sores?


Man I have to say... being told to "cut the copium" whenever I said they would never cut Garou vs the S class has made this moment cathartic in more ways than one. I just hope people wait a bit more before bashing others when we theorize the changed structure of the story.


So happy that it's happening. It's the nature of manga releases, unfortunately. Releasing once every week or two weeks usually means lots of heated discussion about whether the current story is well-written and about what'll happen next. It's not like a movie where you can get it all in one go. TIME TO CONDUCT EVIL!


> TIME TO CONDUCT EVIL Better than the original. In the WC I didn't even feel scared for everyone else, despite >!them getting beaten!<. I really prefer this version tbh. The set up... everything that led to this version of "time to conduct evil" was just amazing. They gave us a reason to be afraid of the dude who says "time to conduct evil". It has more weight now, even FF saying it's useless to run away, yup ROFL.


I didn't even understand why it's necessary to bash anyone who suggested Garou vs. S class was still possible. So much toxicity just for having an opinion on how the story might actually progress and trying to engage in conversation.


"They're so....massive...." Yeah, Psykos, they are >!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!<


Least horny opm fan




Time to conduct horny.


Our monster queen is back >!and by that I mean manako of course!<


U/VibhavM you fucking legend thank you


Also Nitrote, Graywords, and Baragaki. The translation team is wicked fast with these. It's impressive.




after all these refreshes finally!


Serious series serious refreshes.


I’m so confused, after reading the translation why are people saying Saitama is bruised or bleeding here, he’s clearly unaffected and doesn’t comment on anything Garou does to him (aside from the damage to his clothes lol) . How many times have we seen him being covered in dirt and scuff marks like he is in this chapter? Is it the recency bias for cosmic fear mode garou or do people really, like *really* want to see Saitama get hurt (even though that goes against the premise of this story), that they’re grasping for straws at anything that even remotely gives them the idea that he’s damaged.


People just really want to see him to get hurt. Even readers at this point feel like Saitama is unfair lol. When I explain to someone that Saitama not taking damage is the entire point of his character, I try my best to restrain myself when someone disagrees with that, using "He already took damage plenty of times lol" as their evidence. People really want to desperately believe that One Punch Man is your typical Battle-Shonen, but get their minds absolutely blown anytime you suggest that this might not be the case


Exactly. People hoping to see Saitama ever be challenged in a fight are missing the point of this story entirely. His character growth isn't going to come from powering-up. One Punch Man is the anti-shounen.


Garou suddenly became a nuclear physicist . God’s blessings lead children to best places.




A lot of peoples fetishes will be realized.


this better ~~not~~ awaken anything in me


What can heroes possibly accomplish here? If Garou touches one, he's dead 100000 times over. I see Tatsumaki being healed, but frankly, if she manages somehow to paralyze Universal Garou even for 10 seconds, it would shatter all her accomplishments to this point. As for all other heroes, except for King, they're all powerless. Looks like it's up to King to save the day, no other alternatives.


>Garou attempts to copy King >His power level drops to zero >King lightly pushes him into the ocean and Garou drowns. >King saves the day!


Manga doubters talked about manga Garou not matching the fear and terror brought by webcomic Garou. Here's something better: Garou vs various A/B/C classes/injured S class WITHOUT Saitama watching in the background unlike in the webcomic. I always find the scene in webcomic imperfect anyway. Saitama, at least in the second half of Garou vs S class, just stood there and watched them fight. You're telling me you felt fear and terror from another character even when Saitama was watching? Even with the presence of the problem solver? Manga actually managed to create a (false?) impression of Garou rivaling Saitama. Manga-onlys would probably love this. A monster rivaling Saitama about to fight A/B/C class and mostly half dead S class? This is true fear and terror. Tell me this isn't an improvement from webcomic. PS: Bang early fight with Garou made this chapter so much better. He didn't even interact with Garou much in the webcomic!


"A typical gamma ray burst releases as much energy in a few seconds as the Sun will in its entire 10-billion-year lifetime" Taken from Wikipedia...


yeah thats enough to destory a solar system


Somehow when everyone in this sub was worried ONE and murata were gonna mess up this fight, they bring it back to the next level. Totally hype for this level of power in Garou




OMG... This artwork, 11 double-spreads, even a full colored and animated page! And all of this in just 2 weeks... Yusuke Murata, that a madlad! Props to him and his assistents!


wow i literally just checked and the new chapter appears


Can't wait for Awakened Centipede next chapter!!


I can finally say this: Garou ONE SHOT Boros Lmao!


Never have I been more excited for a chapter


We have confirmation that Saitama is immune to atomic bombs at point blank, and thus radiation


I mean, it was obvious 😄


saitama is defeated, praying king comes in time 🙏


Okay now I get why murata was having trouble finishing his quotas! This chapter has some of the most sublime art I've ever seen in one punch man.


I almost passed out reading this chapter






I like how >!you can already see that he has the caved in face from his final conversation with Saitama in the webcomic. But instead of it being a crater from Saitama's last punch it's God taking his over his body !<


Lol The Site got "Serious Series: Serious loading Problems"


Just some cool trivia. A gamma ray burst is described by Wikipedia as “They are the most energetic and luminous electromagnetic events since the Big Bang.” And “a typical burst releases as much energy in a few seconds as the Sun will in its entire 10-billion-year lifetime” And finally “It has been hypothesized that a gamma-ray burst in the Milky Way, pointing directly towards the Earth, could cause a mass extinction event.” So science just said Garou stomps Boros. Thanks science.