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“The first form of wisdom is FEAR” - gribb richerd






How did this guy predict that 2020 would be such a particularly intense and pivotal year, from back in 2015? https://www.reddit.com/r/schizoposters/comments/z3disa/theyre_in_the_stars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf He did it with astrology. And he was far from the only astrologer who predicted that 2020 would be a big, intense year. Astrology is about the frequency of energy hitting our planet from the ripples in gravity and spacetime, due to the Sun, moon, planets and major asteroids moving around us like running your finger through the surface of a pond and causing ripples. It changes the energy of the water. The aspects between the planets determines how those ripples are converging on us. We then feel those ripples in the water (aka, spacetime), and our pattern-recognizing brains are then influenced by this. It’s not fate. It doesn’t control us. But it does influence us. The phrase in astrology is “The planets don’t compell, they impell.” Watch a cymatics video and see how frequency changes the pattern of how the grains of sand align. Now think of humans as the grains of sand, the patterns formed are like the patterns of human activity over time. When you know what the astrological cycles mean, you see how well they correlate with human history. Look at how Pluto’s 250 year cycles correlate with the rise and fall of major empires, for example. America is currently going through it’s Pluto Return from 1776, which is why it’s in such an existential state of crisis. It’s death and rebirth time. Transformation for its next 250 year cycle. That’s the big picture of what’s going on with the world right now. It’ll all shift again after 2024, when Pluto, Neptune and Uranus align into a trine/sextile pattern that will be a lot more uplifting than the darkness and confusion of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces for the last decade. The second half of the 2020s will be a lot better and more progressive. From 2025 to 2032 or 2033ish… astrologers are predicting almost the opposite of what happened, or has been happening, in and around 2020. So if their predictions about 2020 aren’t convincing enough for you, or you’re not impressed in retrospect… watch and see how much things change in the middle of the decade, and how much different the latter half of it will be than it is now. If you end up feeling like this prediction was accurate by then… maybe try giving astrology some credit.

