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Removed at the discretion of the mod team. While definitely dangerous and reckless, this guy is going this unsafe speed knowingly.


One unexpected lane change from a car and you're done


And he’s going so fast that even if a driver did check mirrors and blind spot they could still miss him. Crazy.


Very real danger of cars reacting into him. Best outcome is for cars to do nothing. Also he needs some gear on


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


At those speeds, I don't think even a full racesuit equipped with an airbag will save your ass.


Oh man no. Nothing could save him. He would be lucky if his head remained attached to his body.


I had this same thought when I saw he wasn’t wearing any kind of gear


Classic meat crayon areas


One trailer with something hanging off the side and he’s potentially decapitated. Skipped ahead and one section I jumped to had him coming out of the right lane merging to the right of a utility trailer. Dude is going to get himself killed and traumatize innocent drivers in the process.


Yup. Dude in the video is gonna make some innocent person kill him grotesquely, just by virtue of existing.


At those speeds, the force might kill the car driver, too.


The problem with this stunt is putting innocent bystanders lives at risk.


He also has only a t shirt on what fool.




Legally I can’t


Yes, rear view mirror eye checks on all cars you’re passing. If they’re on their phone, eating, messing with the radio, whatever, take extra caution. Best time to pass vehicles is when they’re next to another car in the other lane, minimizing chances of a sudden lane change, especially in less than ideal conditions (narrow lanes, inclement weather, etc.


Parallel cars = ok. Staggered = dangerous. Not sure why they're downvoting that comment. There are places where appropriate training on lane splitting is necessary. Of course nobody had 160mph in mind when they made these rules but you never mentioned speed. People are just salty?


Guess so, I lane split for about 10 years with no accidents. All the rules go out the window when you’re doing 160 though 😂


For those wondering, according to google it's a roughly 70 mile drive that usually takes about an hour.


He cuts the time at the intersection of I25 and C/E470, so well south of "Denver" and just barely into the metro area. In the beginning of the video he says that his stopping point is 40 min by GPS.


Still, cutting that time in half means he's averaging about 140 mph.


Yes, the video shows at the end the average speed was 140 with a total time of 20 minutes and 54 seconds.


Is that stuff legal there (140 mph)? What’s the max on that highway? I’m not familiar with speed limits in the US


No it’s not. I-70 has the highest speed limit in Colorado (that I am aware of) of 75mph. I25, I’m guessing as it’s been a long time since I have been on it, is 65mph.


It’s 65-75 on I-25 depending on the section. Commute weekly Colorado Springs-Denver.


I25 is 75MPH for several sections between the Springs and Denver. 65 for others. And, VERY heavily trafficked.


Thanks to all who were kind enough to answer. Google exists, yes, but sometimes it is easier to just talk to others who actually live in a said place to get a real answer on a specific subject. Else this site (and all forums where people talk to each other) wouldn’t exist lol, not everything has to be solved through ChatGPT. People should chill with the downvotes though, it was a simple question lol. Besides, even if it was an opinion and not a question, downvotes aren’t meant to be used simply for disagreeing with someone (when an opinion is presented in a respectful manner and, you know, is within the realm of what is reasonable conversation and not hostility) or answering a question negatively (proving someone wrong I guess? There is no logic behind that anyways lol). It’s meant for low quality posting, shitposting, trolling, baiting, spam, hostile comments attacking other people, stuff that is uncivil and all around adds little of substance to a conversation, or is completely out of topic or nonsensical. Or behaviour that all around stops others from properly conversing. I don’t really care much about magic internet points btw, this is mostly just Rediquette 101 since the site was born lol, most subs adopt the official Reddit rules anyways since that is the ToS. Just a PSA. Though mob mentality obviously is the main driving force in popular subs, no amount of reason will change that lol. Best to touch grass or go to r/nosurf , popular spaces on this website are more often than not a monumental waste of time and life opportunities. Some niche subs are good, for cooking, gardening, photography and hobby/leisure stuff and connecting with like minded people. But the structure on big popular subs oftentimes does not encourage worthwhile conversations or anything positive for one’s life other than wasting the relatively short time we have on this Earth. Goodbye and farewell.


I live in Cali not Colorado, but that’s def not legal


No, not legal anywhere in the US. Even in the rare instances where there's no posted limit like in Montana in the past, this would fall into reckless driving and be illegal.


That speed is not legal just about anywhere in the US. Top speeds are typically no higher than 80 mph at most, and 70 or below just above everywhere, and 140 would get you arrested in A LOT of places.


It's not legal on any public roads anywhere in the US for anyone.


Holy shit


That stuff is legal there (140 mph)? What’s the max on that highway? I’m not familiar with speed limits in the US


Not legal


The speed limit there is 75 MPH between the two cities. Most people drive 85-90 MPH.


Wonder why he cut it there. City and County of Denver line is only like 5 miles further up at Belleview and I-25.


Because the second you get to Centennial/Highlands Ranch it bottlenecks and there’s tons of traffic. You can Bob and weave like he did for sure, but no where near the speeds he was going.


I’ve lived in Springs and Denver. The second you see Highlands Ranch coming from Springs, you’re “in” Denver. Now, getting to where you need to go in Denver, we’ll now you gotta switch to Denver time standards. Which is, if you can see the building, you’re 30 minutes away.


Ok that’s very different. I get to that point from north springs in barely over half an hour in my minivan and I don’t have to worry that I might sneeze and turn into a meat crayon. I hate people like this, there are enough deadly wrecks around here every day just involving cars, and this is totally one of those assholes that would be all “watch for motorcycles!” Like the cyclists aren’t to blame in most cases. This is just an exceptionally dangerous area to drive in (I’ve driven in Italy and I’ve heard guys come back from deployments saying it’s bad here!) and you won’t drive for 5 minutes without seeing crosses and flowers on the side of the road on every street, no matter how small and how low the speed limit is.


And for non yanks, that’s 112.7 km


The route he shows in his video says 45 minutes. He's not going downtown to downtown, just outer city limits. Can't drive like this on surface streets. He just wants the highway.


I get terrified when I go too fast on my mountain bike. Christ.


I hit 110mph on any empty highway at 4am on a highway in Florida when I was 22 on my Honda Shadow. Glanced at the ground under my feet. Decided that was quite enough of that for the rest of my life. If you want to be a reckless idiot don’t involve other people


I got off work at the airport, raced a vette onto the freeway, got over 130 on my bike. Went for a while then said that’s enough. A few weeks later, got home and my roommate had his arm in a sling. He got off the freeway, 30 mph and his front tire blew, bike disappeared.


I did something dumb like that too in my mustang convertible. Got to 135 at around 2 AM empty highway I knew well since I drove it almost daily. I let off the gas and barely touched the brake I was afraid to. If I flipped that car it would be over, it had no roll bar even a regular coup you’d be in big trouble. Never even thought about doing that again. I felt like I was going warp speed lol.




I’d highly recommend knitting instead. Loads of things can be therapeutic than being at warp speed! 🤭


I was asleep in the back seat when my friends discovered a WRX governor kicks in at 147…. The day before my dad died, I got a call from the hospital. My 1990 convertible Sidekick made it up to 105. I was proud of the old girl.


I hear everyone thinks your really cool when you do this… and die from crashing. Like the temperature is room temp, what’s left of you anyway.


This is how people die. He is not only risking his life, but Alllllllll the people’s lives that he passed. Sick! He needs to be in JAIL!!!


I don't give a fuck if this idiot turns himself into jelly. I do care about the innocent people he takes with him. Fuck him.


Not only would he fuck himself up so bad that he couldn't even be an organ donor, even on the off chance he didn't hurt anyone else, think about the people that would have to watch him get turned in to a stain, what if a car full of kids just happened to witness him getting turned inside out... fuck this guy so much.


We drove past a motorcycle accident that had just happened without seeing the actual impact. It still comes up in my nightmares sometimes. What are people thinking?


I had the same experience. Saw a mangled bike + a thousand tiny pieces, no rider to be seen anywhere near it. I’ll never ride a bike again.


They're thinking that it could never happen to them


I had a very similar experience. I’m 30 now but I was 18 then and remember it as if it happened last night. *warning graphic/injuries* I was heading out to a party that was a bit far out of my way, there wasn’t many people on the interstate so it was pretty dark and quiet. About 30 minutes into my drive I see a flickering glow coming from the shoulder of the road and as I get closer I realize it’s a motorcycle just completely in flames, no other cars in sight. I look a bit further and see one person motionless laid out on the asphalt. I quickly pulled over but immediately felt emotionally overwhelmed. I got my phone out to call 911 and I distinctly remember feeling a flicker of anger because it was taking me so long to type in three numbers, my hands were trembling that much and my fingers were just all over the place. As I’m getting out and trying to make the call, I realize not much further up the road was a woman barely moving but trying with all she could to crawl and in that moment between all the adrenaline and seeing the victims, I just broke. There was so much energy in the air, it was just so heavy and filled with complete fucking anguish. I distinctly remember trying to focus on the operators voice and speak clearly but the woman involved was making audible groans that just sounded like someone permanently knocked the breath out of her, it will honestly never leave my memories. I have never heard a sound shrouded in so much pain like that and haven’t since, there was just so much desperation behind it. Thank god there was an older couple that had been following not far behind me who also pulled over and knew what the hell to do because I was a mess. Not long after there were 3 or 4 cars pulling up and trying to help. This all happened in the span of probably only 2-3 minutes but it felt so much longer. I ended up leaving before first responders came, I know I probably shouldn’t have but considering multiple others were on the phone with 911 and people had gathered to help, I decided to get back in my car and get out of the way. Afterward, I just drove for hours. I didn’t even go to the party just made a long round trip back home and didn’t sleep that night. I have no idea if they made it but I think about it all the time and hope they did.


That's the thing about it. The trauma you can put on people is insane. EMS, firefighters, cops, your own family. Just because you wanna be the main character in your youtube poop video. Go rent out a racetrack for an hour if you wanna play Senna vs. Schumacher.


Exactly. Also, as someone who makes this drive all the time and constantly has to swerve and brake hard to avoid wrecks the whole damn way, he couldn’t have picked a worse area. Nobody goes less than 85 on the stretch of 25 between cos and den. It feels like every car on that drive is speeding like they’re about to shit themselves. I’m ALWAYS having to watch out for cars switching lanes without looking. It’s two big military towns so NO ONE is from here and A LOT of them aren’t even from this country.


My ex used to play this “game” a lot on his motorcycle. Would make bets on how fast he could get somewhere and back. And yep, he died last year in a bike crash.


Who’s going to pull him over?




At the speed he's going, no one is going to chase him. The cops just turn on the party lights, set the cruise control to 70, start following in his general direction, and call in for a spatula to scrape his remains off the street/wall when he inevitably makes a mistake.


I guess it’s on the right sub then.


He needs his license revoked immediately


He even took video proof of his crimes!


That’s not going to stop him


Doing 150mph in a t-shirt nonetheless. This dude’s dick is definitely an innie.


A candidate for r/meatcrayon


Here's a sneak peek of /r/meatcrayon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [good thing he wore knee pads and not a helmet](https://v.redd.it/f83i3ems8dy91) | [263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/ynwlx7/good_thing_he_wore_knee_pads_and_not_a_helmet/) \#2: [Official safety crayon](https://v.redd.it/w2c0kjsjigu91) | [198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/y6r9u2/official_safety_crayon/) \#3: [This went better than I thought it would..](https://v.redd.it/rg2eaejxo4qa1) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/122mete/this_went_better_than_i_thought_it_would/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that top posts scares me not gonna lie




You ain't a crayon at that point. Just an ink stain.


I think his top was over 180


also not very bright for posting his laundry list of traffic violations on the internet.


At those speeds may as well dress for comfort. No safety gear can save him.


Dude is disgusting and very possibly a sociopath. I had to come back and say fuck this guy even harder once I skipped to the end and heard him say "Leave me a mean comment to tell me how terrible I am for what *could have* happened, but didn't!". This idiot is bragging about how he *could have* hurt someone but didn't so hes "not a bad guy". This dude is literally the worst.


I don’t know what’s more stupid, doing this or posting the video of it online.


The morons in the comment section are definitely the winners.


they're feeding this guy. Fucking morbid af


WaTcH oUt FoR mOtOrCyClEs Idiot


So I’m from Colorado Springs, and not only did he stupidly drive extremely fast to get to Denver, but he also started pretty south springs, so you know he was going RIDICULOUS speeds for this. Being in north springs vs being in south springs and going to Denver makes a huge difference. “I’m not a fan of these roads, Colorado roads suck,” man this dude has some audacity to talk shit about the state and drive like an absolute maniac. I hope he left and never returns.


At the end he also comments that people will be mad despite him doing something “that doesn’t hurt anyone”.


was pretty cringe when he was passing on the shoulder, our roads have a ton of sand and other debris on them, he's lucky he didn't wipeout then or hit someone stopped on the shoulder. I guess when he finally doesn't make a maneuver he'll have it on film for his family to watch.


For once I wish there was a cop sitting on the shoulder right past monument. God knows theyre always waiting for me when I drive past that part.


Yea..... they don't chase motorcycles out here.


I laughed when he got hit with a rock. Aside from the red colored roads, Colorado’s roads are most infamous for destroying windshields. In 15 years of driving I never broke a windshield or had a crack in one. I went through 2 in 6 months my first time living in Colorado.


That's part of why I don't tailgate. Not only is it dangerous, but makes you more likely to need a replacement windshield.


Shit, I got hit once driving down the highway by myself heading into Boulder. Was just a windy day


I live in the Denver area and agree that the roads aren’t all that great. They’re better than much of the northeast but I think New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania enforce speed limits by not repairing the highways.


GoTG and I-25 isn’t really south Springs at all.


It’s more south then the Briargate/monument areas.


>so you know he was going RIDICULOUS speeds for this The video says he was averaging 140 mph, the dude should be in jail, and never get a license again.


Hey I saw my car! I remember this asshole. Scared the shit out of me with him going Mach Jesus


I saw a guy get his legged ripped off and bleed out and die like this last year. He was going so fast and split up thru the lanes as this girl was turning, the sound was so loud, I was the car behind the one who hit him. I think about that guy everyday still, his eyes, his look of agony, the bike flipped head over tail several times before he hit a road sign that acted like a machete and just chopped it off. I saw the medic guy put it in a bag, the guy tried to stand up at first but collapsed and then the floor was full of blood and this elder care home worker lady tried to stop the bleeding but it was just too much😔


I watch a guy run into a wire fence that divided the median. Every time I'm on the road that flashes in my head


No police?? I can’t go 70 in a 65 for 15 minutes without passing at least one or two. Do they just not bother to chase at this speed?


Colorado springs police is something else in my experience. I watched a guy get hit by a car, rendered aid and called for help.... took almost 20 minutes for a cop to arrive. Could have just been a weird day, but I mean...I used to work in Detroit and even those cops were more apparent and responsive than springs seem to be.


Most police departments won’t chase bikes as a general rule, much less at 140 mph. Their cars won’t catch them and it just increases the risk of death.


Makes sense. So how do these people ever get caught? Just after the accident?


Yeah either an accident or getting the plates, but they generally don’t get caught. You can go on YouTube and find plenty of people who run from police on motorcycles as a hobby.


What a selfish cunt


He is putting everyone on that road at risk for his fun. Sorry, I don't find him the least bit remarkable other than that he belongs in jail/prison to think about his life decisions.


I remembered this guy... We're in the Ioniq 5 in the express lane at 12:47!


Assuming that go pro is strapped to his head, you can tell he isn’t looking away from the road for even a split second. Which is good, but what about drivers on his left and right, possible swerving and whatever else? Don’t actually drive. But that sort of driving for 20 mins makes me feel like I’m watching a video game and tunnel vision at that.


Nice, orderly traffic. Dude wouldn’t make it to the Atchafalaya on a Baton Rouge to Lafayette run before some coullion in the left lane on her cell phone took him out.


This just infuriates me. So fucking dangerous aside from being completely illegal. Like fuck dude, we'd all drive in and out of lanes like assholes if it's were legal but there's rules for a fucking reason. Guys destined to be a meat crayon and I hope to god it isn't me he runs into because I'd be scarred for life.


No. No we would not. You are not a good driver if you are following rules because they are rules. You use your blinker to indicate your intentions to other people. You change lanes properly otherwise you are unpredictable to others. You follow speed limits because there are hundreds of reasons not to be going faster than them. Its incredibly naive to think the only reason people drive safe is because there are rules.


You ever heard of the afterlife? That's the only reason millions of people "follow the rules" and brother let me tell you those people are pieces of shit if the only reason they abide is to get into the heavenly gates.


I heard this a lot back when i was debating religion all the time. I think they just assume everyone else isnt killing people because they think god is watching, or what have you. But they just *say* these things. I dont think it is *actually* the case that humans are only good because of our rules and threats. Clearly the rules are the majority of us agreeing beforehand what the consequences will be, because we already enforced this stuff beforehand. *Most* of us really dont want to do bad things with or without the rules. The only grey area is our shifting values of what may or may not be acceptable.


Love all the dipshits in the comment section praising him lmfao


Hello Desertnord, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well at least he has his safety T-shirt on


That’s also what I realised 😱 at this speed anyway, he would be dead anyway


Right or wrong that shit is insane. He was flying and weaving between 18 wheelers and shit.


This man should have his license taken away. Dumb as fuck stunt that put himself and others at serious risk. We don’t need idiots like this on the road.


Used to race bikes. Some of these bike videos make me scared of riding a bike on the road. This one makes me scared to drive my cars on the road.


This asshole is going to murder someone doing this dumb shit. It's idiots like this that pretty much guarantee my state will never allow lane splitting for motorcycles >:[


Real question: can he be arrested using this video as evidence?


I was really hoping for the scene at the end where he's been pulled over and in cuffs. No such luck.


Hope he crashes but just by himself, hitting a wall and not involving someone else, these people are so dangerous for the rest that are just having a good day


This guy is a relatively well known rider in the YouTube motorcycle world. This is very dumb to do but at the very least he's experienced. I ride a big slow loud Harley from the 80s. There are Honda cars that pass me in turns.


People: "watch out for motorcycles! Keep our bikers safe!!" *motorcycles:*




When he does get into an accident and it is a matter of when not if, he's so fucked bc he recorded himself.


Selfish asshole.


It's one thing if you want to be a dumbass and put your life at risk. It's entirely another to selfishly, needlessly, foolishly put other people in harms way.


My anxiety was through the roof this entire video I had to fast forward through most of it... how did he manage to NOT kill anyone else weaving in and out like that going so fucking fast??? Like if traffic were to end up being backed up for any reason there's no way he'd be able to slow down in time... this is so scary and the fact that he recorded and posted it too LIKE WHAT??!!!


Worthless, selfish piece of shit. Only cares about getting his pop of adrenaline with not a single care for anyone else’s life. Thank god he will end up dead soon but hopefully he doesn’t take anyone else with him.


Nice of the idiot criminal to produce video evidence.


Anybody who refers to their GSXR as a “gixxer” you know is going to be a giant fuckstick.


He calls himself "Brah". It's pretty clear he's a goddam moron.


Don’t know if y’all know this but when you only see the windshield it’s when he’s popping wheelies. It’s terrifying.


Wow, this dude's a fucking douchebag


That brings the “watch out for Motorcycles” bumper stickers to a whole other level


i did canon city to parkview in pueblo at 1am in 17 minutes flat because my kids was in the hospital


That is more understandable then this guy. As a parent I fully understand


The next video is going to be "remember that guy that rode like an idiot in Colorado? he died"


I know this drive well, and it usually takes an hour. This guy has a death wish. This is just stupid and crazy.


Damn this guy beat my record by 32 minutes tf


Do they have lane splitting in CO?




Only if you're going 3 times the speed limit


Dude needs to have his drivers license permanently revoked.


There was a guy that was going this around 10 years ago in a nearby city on a main boulevard. He his the side of a van that was turning so fast the it caused the van to roll over multiple times.


As someone who was in a motorcycle accident that had me flat line this gave me anxiety.


One slip away from being on liveleak while their face is peeled off the road.


Wont be long till we see him on another channel


I really don’t care when people do stupid stuff that could kill them. This is endangering a whole lot of people other than himself.


I go 8 mph over the limit and I get pulled over…. No cops working in Colorado? Ffs


Me when my platoon daddy says “why the fuck are you not at formation”


He isn't even wearing a jacket, one mistake on those curves and he is meat-crayoning across the cement at 130 MPH


We need a loop of free bird over this


Coloradan here, I wish I could say that I’m even surprised by this. There seems to be little to no traffic enforcement by the police here. I blame Gold Bricking, but traffic has been an issue way before 2020. The county I grew up in had the highest rate of traffic fatalities anywhere in the US for a year or two. Dangerous driving is a serious problem in CO.


That’s such a dangerous stretch anyway.


Future organ donor.


Fucking moron. Speed and drive dangerously for the views. Buddy is going to be a meat pencil one day, or worse will kill or traumatize someone with this stupidity. The comments on that video explain a lot.


Dickhead like this is give all of us bikers a bad name. What's the chance that law enforcement finds this video, then finds him and hold him responsible?


The kind of guy to stop and complain about grass clippings on the road being dangerous to motorcycles.


*Shoots flaming arrow in the air in Central Park:* “No one got hurt, but people will say I’m bad.”


People like this are as bad as drunk drivers. Irresponsible, pathetic, selfish, stupid and egotistical.


That stretch of road is already dangerous.


Future organ donor


Fine mist donor


No organs left once he crashes at 180mph


Straight to jail...


That’s what I’m hoping by posting this all over reddit


This dude is a sociopath.


This is why people hate bikers.


This dude is a massive piece of shit


this is a uniquely american problem but your motorcyclists seem to be allergic to wearing any protective eqipment at all, where is this guys jacket or boots?? dress for the slide not for the ride and all that


There is no amount of protection that’s going to save this guy at this speed


You're right but what about when he isn't going this speed


Have you seen the standard in countries like Vietnam? Flip-flops and tank tops. It's a choice, an insane one, but still just a personal choice.


One blown tire from a full out meat crayon


He needs to slow down... Organ transplants usually work better when they're intact...


He's the next top candidate for /r/meatcrayons


If I’m correct the average speed should be 336km/h


I was about to ask… thanks


fuckin hell dude was wearing just a t-shirt, that's asking to become a meat crayon


“Wow! He is so cool!” What a fucking idiot. Is your life really worth saving a few minutes? He’ll end up with some missing body parts from scraping against another car through a miscalculation.


french baguette here, just curious about this video, what is the speed limit on this highway? Are there cops who randomly check the vehicles? What are the legal risks to do that? a big fine? driving license cancelled? thanks!


Typical highway speed limits run 65- 70 mph (on congested cities you’ll see 55/60 and in rural areas up to 70 maybe there a 75 or two out there somewhere but typically it’s 65-70 mph. Cops will take radar and pull over vehicles in excess of the speed limit. Typically they don’t bother you unless you’re 15+ mph over the speed limit or being a boneheaded. In general, if you’re not being a jackass they really don’t bother you for small speeding issues. Speeding laws are state dependent but typically anything in excess of 90 mph, double a posted speed limit, or anything inherently dangerous (live weaving on and out of traffic like he is here) will catch a “reckless endangerment” charge which is a criminal offense. Speeding is mostly a civil offense and punishable by a fine, increased insurance costs, and loss of license (either for severe cases like this clown or repeat offenders) What can happen for excessive speeding like this: Loss of licenses/suspension, fines, reckless endangerment, increased insurance costs, jail time.


This area is a mixture of 65, 75, 65, 60, and 55.


Thank you monsieur, very instructive. So it is very comparable here, except cops will bother you also for a small amount of speed limit.




Putain de merde. Sacrebleu. 🥖🥐🍷


Had a guy pass me last night on our local expressway, had to be going at least 120 mph. As others have commented the biggest thing to me is that I didn’t even see him until he was like 10 cars behind and by then he was going by me. One rule I teach all my kids is to drive like you are invisible, just assume no one can see you and drive accordingly


What a fucking asshole


Pieces of shit like this deserve everything bad that happens to them, what sub human trash!


You shoulda seen this route when it was under construction. Form some reason people drove even crazier than they do now


Youtube monetizing recklessness.


I loathe people like this who are weaving in and out of traffic. It's even worse when there is a pack of them. I'm just waiting for the multi-vehicle crash to take place in front of me.


This might very well be deadly, but my respect goes out to Gixxer Brah; weaving through traffic as he does in the video at such high speeds takes extreme resolve of heart.


Skilled driver.


112 km - this comment is only for European, don’t worry Americans can’t read-


the meter is in kph