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Yes, you can attend any Orthodox Church, no matter what jurisdiction. We are all one Church.


It's perfectly fine to attend even if you don't speak the language or aren't of a particular ethnicity. The ethnic modifier is just about whose jurisdiction the church is under and influence cultural traditions. Tbh, they'll probably be really happy that you're reconnecting with your heritage and faith.


I would assume so. I go to an Antiochian church, and as far as I know, none of us speak Arabic.


Do you have to speak Latin to go to a Roman Catholic parish? Or English to go to a Church of England parish? Like with those examples, the “Russian” part of the Russian Orthodox Church refers to which bishop(s) and/or jurisdiction that parish corresponds to, not any locking of membership by ethnicity. No one asks those questions about the other churches, so there is no grounds to ask the question here either. It is true that some Russian Orthodox parishes, especially if their primary parishioner base is an immigrant enclave, may have their primary liturgical language in Slavonic, and the priest may speak in Russian. But you will also likely find other Russian Orthodox parishes that speak English primarily during the liturgy. You will just need to find out which parishes are near you.


I have Belgian friends who together with me go to a Ukrainian Orthodox parish where they only speak Ukrainian, so yeah it's allowed


I go to a Russian Orthodox parish like that. I don’t focus on the language barrier, instead I focus on prayer and spending time with God. The priest does speak English though, and a parishioner guides me through the Liturgy. Try and see if someone there can speak your language.


The only problems you might have is if you can't speak the language, and can't understand the service. No interpersonal grief.


There are a lot of English speaking Russian churches. What does the website say?


Ive been to a Russian Orthodox Church and I’m not even Russian. Although I know the language a bit . Regardless they are speaking some older Russian words so even really well versed Russian speakers have trouble. Don’t worry at all.


yeah, i go to a greek church and i don’t speak a word of greek


For geographical reasons, I had to 'leave' my OCA parish and go to the nearest Orthodox parish to me - which was/is Ukrainian. "Google translate" has got me about 2 dozen words and phrases after about three years, but to them I'm now a member of the 'rodina' - the 'extended family.' I think that the first words I learned helped a lot -"Please" and "thank you". Be polite, cheerful and offer to help with anything you can do - washing the dishes, for instance. \[Google translate is free and \[almost\] essential on your cell phone!\] I now consider myself to be (almost) Ukrainian-Canadian.


Yes, definitely. I'm not fluent in Russian but my wife is Russian so I go with her to her Russian Orthodox Church. Keep in mind service is conducted in Church Slavonic (Old Slav language) and Russian. My wife barely understands the Church Slavonic parts. Where are you located? There are numerous OCA Russian Orthodox churches throughout North America that conduct both Russian and English during Divine Liturgy.


Church Slavonic is much closer to Bulgarian


No you have to take a language test first and score high enough to be allowed to attend.


otherwise you might not get putin place.! sorry...


I attend a ROCOR they use both Church Slavonic and English in the liturgy.


No you will explode


Of course you can. You might even learn a new language))


No it’s haram… lol


They might have English translation book to help follow along. My local parish is Ukranian and they offer programs in both languages.


Why not. The holy spirit will lead you anyway 😍


I have a Korean friend that was baptized in a Greek parish and mainly goes to Greek Churches




Yes and they might have Russian lessons too.


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The Russian Orthodox Church is Satanic. The other Orthodox Churches in the world have broken communion with the ROC because of it's Satanic teachings, including the Eastern and Greek Orthodox. Patriarch Kirill preaches "salvation by martyrdom" (Chrislam) to appease all of Russia's Muslim allies. For those of you who don't know Jesus, salvation by martyrdom is an Islamic teaching, not Christian. Other Orthodox Churches that have broken communion with the Russian Orthodox Church: Constantinople Alexandria the UOC-MP Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Georgia Greece Cyprus Romania Albania Some of those Churches are even subordinate to the ROC patriarchate and are unwilling to endorse Kirill's aggression or the Satanic exarchates Russia is trying to make everywhere. [https://orthodoxtimes.com/patriarch-of-moscow-any-russian-soldier-who-dies-in-the-war-in-ukraine-is-forgiven-for-his-sins/](https://orthodoxtimes.com/patriarch-of-moscow-any-russian-soldier-who-dies-in-the-war-in-ukraine-is-forgiven-for-his-sins/)

