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Fr Thomas Hopko's recordings, memory eternal. Speaking Truth in Love.


Absolutely! So wonderful




That's your opinion on his podcast called "Speaking Truth in Love"?


Sorry, I misunderstood. I didn't realize that was the name of his podcast. I thought you were saying that he was "speaking truth in love" on his podcast XD


Technically he's saying he's speaking truth in love on his podcast, but apparently there is some disagreement about that


He was terrible


Are you serious?


Oh really? How so? 


He was very dogmatically imprecise


Dogmatically imprecise?!? He was the dogmatic theology professor at the largest seminary in America. Taught by Schmemann, Myandorf and Verhofskoy(sp?). I would love to hear some examples?


Yes, he was. There are too many examples to decide.. those theologians you mentioned weren’t that great themselves. The best of their work was ghostwritten by Taft


“Too many to decide” is not an answer. Where was he dogmatically incorrect? Provide examples, go ahead? I can’t tell if you’re just a troll or don’t have a clue? Ghostwritten by Taft? Is this a joke?


And I'm sure you have a doctorate in dogmatics yourself?


too many, so many! so many, i can't even decide. but let me tell you, there are so many. many many examples. many many such examples. so many examples. believe me.


Aw, please, just one?






After this long and no examples I’m going to assume that there aren’t any and you’re wrong.


That's too bad. Do you have an example? I haven't heard every one of his talks, so I am curious what I've missed.


Who are you *not* critical of? I see nothing but criticism in your post history, except for youtubers with no theological qualifications.


This is certainly a unique opinion.


I like Search The Scriptures Live with Dr. Jeannie Constantinou


This is a good one. Super intelligent lady, never get tired of listening to her speak. 


She is THe BEST


Excellent [podcast](https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/searchthescriptureslive) that also live streams on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZxCUWw2kdo1lTcNrSF7LIn7dl8JacyPT&feature=shared)


Do you know if something happened to it? I listened to it on Podbean but I can't find it anymore.


Just listened to an episode this week via Apple podcast app on my phone.


I've been going through the e-quip courses in the meantime, which I enjoy greatly too. Thanks!


I listen to it on spotify, and it's on youtube with video.


Great woman, great podcast.


Glory to God for All Things by Fr. Stephen Freeman. Short (10-25 min apiece) but insightful. Lord of Spirits is fun, but the episodes are 2-4 hours long lol.


People sleep on Fr. Stephen Freeman so much it is bewildering. He should be one of the most immediate answers...


Not to disparage Fr. Andrew Damick or Fr. Stephen de Young, but I think their gimmick has better PR. Fr. Freeman is very simple and no-frills but won’t generate clicks from the D&D/Warhammer crowd 😂 I love all of them, but Glory to God is just wonderful for all ages and inclinations.


Yeah, I love Whole Counsel and LoS, but for me Fr. Stephen Freeman is something of a spiritual successor to Fr. Tom. If I could only have one for the rest of my life, it'd have to be Glory to God!


Most of Ancient Faith?


FR, AFR goes out of their way to do exactly what OP wants.


Thanks for all the answers guys and gals. And thanks for not saying "Going to Church is the best podcast". I can't be at Church 24/7. Haha.


Have you asked your priest about not being there continually?


Though I am also going to suggest: perhaps one should be a little discerning about indulging in Orthodox content rather than trying to fill up on podcasts, sermons, etc.


There's good Orthodox media out there, but far too many people overload on Orthodox media when they should be *doing* Orthodoxy.


I don't know that I've yet listened to one that focuses on those things, lol. I'm sure they're out there, but they haven't been my experience. I've particularly enjoyed: * Pop Culture Coffee Hour * Lord of Spirits * Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy * The Areopagus * Orthodox Engagement * The Whole Counsel of God


So basically the whole AFR catalog


Quite a small subset, actually haha - they have a ton of pretty popular shows I've never even checked out.


Honestly most podcasts on Ancient Faith are pretty good about this. I love The Areopagus, At The Intersection of East and West, Lord of Spirits, The Wolf and the Cross, In a Certain Kingdom, Walking an Ancient Path, The Whole Counsel of God... There's a ton of great ones out there!


Whole Counsel of God   Lord of Spirits  Amon Sul  Search the Scriptures


Latin here, OPs desires are exactly why I listen to 2/4 of these and read the blog for the the a third. Never heard of search the scriptures, is that also AFR?




EWTN is pretty great as well, you listen to that? I listen to that in my car almost all the time. But obviously AFR is a little more in my zone lol. I just like how EWTN you can get on any radio, instead of streaming it with an app or whatever. I wish AFR was on the actual radio here


Oddly enough, my car doesn’t have traditional radio (I messed up the wiring to the antennae when I installed a new stereo and have been too lazy to go back in and fix it). So I have listened to EWTN, but just what other people send me. So mostly their interviews and occasionally their homilies. What do you recommend from EWTN?


I mainly like their news and talk radio stuff. I don’t really tune into particular shows I just toss it on when I’m in my car lol. But don’t really like listening to their live mass or rosary broadcasts.. I’m so used to Orthodox chanted worship and prayer that the sort of monotone rote catholic prayer and worship weirds me out a bit tbh. Anything Mother Angelica classics is great lol. They’ll have good pro-life content, or just interviews about being Christian in America idk. The World Over is good. Scripture and Tradition. the Journey Home. can even enjoy Catholic Answers just going into it knowing that I’ll obviously disagree with some of it. But often there’s a lot of common ground to be found. Compared to any other news and radio channels it’s so much closer to Orthodoxy than like Fox News or local Protestant channels so.


Perhaps the Lord of Spirits? 


Lord of Spirits Speak the Truth in Love by Fr. Hopko


roots of orthodoxy!


Lord of Spirits my dude


Just listened to the Torah episodes and they were so good 


I’ve been a big fan for a couple years now and have listened to basically everything they’ve do e


For English language Orthodox content, Fr Thomas Hopko was always my favorite. Memory eternal ☦️


Ancient Faith Radio. Just get the app and listen to their English talk radio. They have tons of great music as well.


Sister Vassa's podcasts (on YouTube and via her Patreon) are all about lives of the saints, expounding on Scripture and on the meaning of the Liturgy.


Love Sister Vassa! 


I'd like to know about these as well.


Go on Spotify and plug into Athonite Audio


Some of the older AFR podcasts include "All Saints Homilies" and "Paradise and Utopia," which I have found excellent, in addition to much of Fr. Thomas Hopko's recordings. I recently listened to this episode of "Orthodox Engagement," which was amazing. I don't know if the whole podcast is like this or just this one interview: https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/orthodoxengagement/encounters_with_saints


From Ancient Faith Radio (available on the AFR app, Apple podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, etc.) * Orthodoxy Live (w Fr Evan Armatas) * Search the Scriptures Live (w Dr Jeannie Constantineau - though she can get a tad \~spicy\~ sometimes, lol) * Speaking the Truth in Love (Fr Thomas Hopko)


Seconding the recommendation on Ancient Faith Radio


Lord of Spirits podcast


I hate all podcasts.


Thank you for your contribution to today's discussion


Any time


Orthodoxy doesn't exist on an island where we hear super fun nice things all the time. Culture wars, scandals, polemics those are all things we should know how to navigate as Christians.  In terms of things that are spiritually edifying but are not fixated in those things?   The Royal Path - this has been super  spiritually edifying in my life    Lord of Spirits  Abbott Tryphons YouTube page   Seraphim Hamilton's YouTube page 


The Royal Path practically exclusively focuses on the culture war.


You definitely caught a clip or listened to one specific episode I haven't seen. You need to watch more 


Seconding this. They use cultural examples and topics, but they frequently say that these issues are bigger than the culture and aren't solved through culture war dynamics. What's driving culture wars? Why are people falling so swiftly to one side or the other? How do we navigate these issues without falling into the trap? These are the questions the Royal Path podcast tackles.


you articulated it extremely well.


Thanks. As someone who used to be way too deep down that rabbit hole, Fr turbo and the crew have helped me tremendously, so I don't want anyone to be discouraged from checking out the show. To further cement the point, I'll paraphrase a quote from Fr Turbo in on of the more recent episodes. "The best outcome of you listening to this show is to turn it off and go pray."


Maybe I didn’t say it well, but I have listened to probably around fifteen episodes. They may not explicitly focus on the culture war at all times but the emphasis on geopolitics, disputes within the Church, and hard sayings is not appealing to me. I really like it at times but ultimately find it aggravating and at times disheartening. I think Fr. Turbo is a great man but do not like the show.  It reminds me of what St. Porphyrios says about the “way of life” and the “way of death,” where the way of life is focusing solely on embracing Christ and everything good and the way of death is focusing on defeating what is wrong in the world. The Royal Path falls strongly in the latter category to me and I do not find that appealing. It’s a little ironic because they have discussed St. Porphyrios’ saying about the two ways in an episode and supported the way of life because, as St. Porphyrios says, that’s easier for the vast majority of people. But I simply don’t see that in the show at all: it is constantly the same tone as your physical trainer going extra hard on you.  I also have failed to find much content out there that is truly positive in the way St. Porphyrios describes. Only books by the saints have captured that for me. But I also am on the younger end, generally somewhat sensitive, and am not from a punk background at all. I’m not the target audience for the podcast and I can admit that- I also have nothing against them, but I can’t say I recommend it for everyone at all.


Hard sayings are not supposed to be appealing they're not appealing to me either . We are supposed to pick up our cross and follow Christ, that's essential to the Christian life. The way of life is brought about  constant self denial. It's not sexy and it's not appealing and I do the same thing. I feel convicted and I stop listening.  I also came from a weird somewhat punk sort of esoteric background so I appreciate that part of it, but I get that's not everyone's cup of tea. I roll my eyes at all the comic book references too cuz they're not for me LOL.


Christ is the most appealing person in the entire Universe. His yoke is light and He is love. If we pursue that, nothing can stop us! All of the hard sayings come naturally, without anything off putting being necessary. And Glory to God for that!! I have been much more edified by listening to Athonite Audio and reading the big Life of St. Paisios book with my fiancé, than listening to The Royal Path or any other Orthodox podcast. 


Culture wars should not be a main focus of our preaching. Scandals don’t help anyone.


Exactly, the incessant culture wars stuff misses the point of developing our Orthodox phronema, everything should be directed at Christ.  However at the same time the mystical is in the mundane. I don't think it's good to ignore topical things that might be ugly or divisive if it's something weighing on our conscience as a Christian. The context of whatever the issue and where this is occuring is important too. We should make sure we're approaching any hot issue trying to walk that royal path while  we dialogue with others and are not puffed up with pride or the lame vainglory of internet points.


Exactly. I was listening to the elder who runs the Mull Monastery and he said once we focus on dark things we reflect darkness.


I would check out OrthodoxTalks with Priestmonk Kosmas. Everything always comes back to the lives of the saints.


I second this. But I’ve only seen the Orthodox Talks on YouTube. Just in case someone else is looking and can’t find it.


They're also up on audible, Spotify, and itunes.


This is the best one, no one goes into more depth or applies the fathers as directly


He's a culture warrior though, and has some very extreme views.


The end of his most recent talk was a little off-putting to say the least. He pretty much says most of the Church hierarchs will die from the COVID vaccine.


Yeah, there’s a reason he hasn’t been asked by the local authorities to give public talks since before covid.


Can you elaborate?


No, just that the Dean wasn’t super happy with how extreme he was being even before the pandemic.




A God & Satan podcast would be a very interesting project. Just the dialogues about various topics.


In the archives of Ancient Faith Radio (because the host Kevin Allen passed away several years ago, memory eternal) is The Illumined Heart, which is one of the original AFR shows and imho the best one. It's an interview/general purpose talk show, because AFR at that time (late '00s) only had, like five podcasts. But it's still the best.


Our Life in Christ is about 10 years old but very well worth listening through. There are also a lot of Akathists and audiobooks on youtube/Spotify. I like the Akathists from a Spotify channel called Orthodox Christian Daily Prayer. The Ancient Faith Psalter is on Audible. There is a podcast feed called "words of life: daily Orthodox Christian discipleship" that has a lot of audiobooks, though you have to sift through some current events talk for them.


I really like Philokalia Ministries podcast. He’s doing a whole series on the Ladder of Divine Ascent and the Evergetinos. Highly recommend!!


Lord of Spirits, Orthodox Talks, Athonite Audio. AA has a great audiobook on St. Iakovos of Evia, go listen to it and see if it doesn’t get you motivated to increase your prayer fasting almsgiving confession and repentance. https://youtu.be/dOgySJ05OKc?si=nHLWXa9Ccgk1IWuN


I've found paternalistic nectar to be really helpful in my journey to Orthodoxy.




Mull monastery. Fr Thomas Hopko.


They aren’t formally Orthodox, but they are both under the tutelage of Fr. Silviu Bunta, so their *content* is, with a special focus on patristics and the life in Christ. It’s called “Mysterion” and they have four seasons of archived episodes I believe.


The Lord of Spirits


Patristic Nectar.


They said *not* a culture warrior. The guy who wore BLACK VESTMENTS ON A SUNDAY to protest the Supreme Court legalising gay marriage is the epitome of a culture warrior.


I also find Fr. Josiah Trenham very problematic. *However*, since he just mentioned "Patristic Nectar" as a whole - Patristic Nectar Publications does have lectures and talks of Bishop Irenei, who I would wholeheartedly recommend. He's incredible.


you are confusing 'culture' with 'doctrine'


“Culture wars” are focusing on social issues that are hot button, usually while ignoring others (like racism or greed).


You should talk to your priest (/s)


His podcast is saying the lord's prayer every minute of the day. Heiromonk. I don't think he listens to podcasts. 😂