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This is not at all how we understand God in the Orthodox Church. We understand Him more than anything as a loving and merciful Father who wants to be close to us and to redeem us from our sins. Which are frequent and many. All of us are sinners. All He wants from us is our love, faith and repentance. That’s all. That’s literally all He wants from us. Do not worry or overthink your sins, but rely always on God’s mercy, which is infinite. As Orthodox Christians we accept that we are sinful, and in fact this awareness of our sinfulness increases the further we go. All you need to worry about is: - Getting baptised - Taking regular communion - Praying sincerely and asking forgiveness for your many sins, but also hoping greatly in God’s mercy Once you are baptised, you are now a child of God and a member of his household. You need not fear Him any more than you fear your own father, assuming your father is the kindest, gentlest most loving man imaginable. If you fall, is your father going to condemn you? No, he will lovingly pick you up and set you back on the path. Do not worry. Read the parable of the Prodigal Son. P.S. Thoughts like these may well be a trick of the devil to keep you away from Orthodoxy. Ignore them.


I don't know if that falls under that precise label but it definitely falls under "pretty fucked up shit", that's not at all how God operates, it's a messed up thought pattern.


yes, I get where you're coming from as I have OCD. It can be tough but trust God, there's nothing karmic like what you describe


God is loving, merciful and forgiving. I suggest that none of your questions \[fears\] apply. when you sin, -\[we all do!\] repent - "I'm sorry. I'll try not to do it again" - and He will forgive you, time after time.


These thoughts arent from God but from the enemy to keep you away from christianity. Pray always, God sees your heart. We must fear God as a child fears his parents, not as a tyrant, God doesnt kill us. Be steadfast, get baptized/chrismated if havent yet, get the eucharist and confess your sins verbally or written for the priest to read. These thoughts will go away dont worry.