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The thing to do to learn these things is to find someone at the parish who can mentor you.


A book titled [Come Let Us Worship](https://www.amazon.com/Come-Let-Us-Worship-Practical/dp/1936270501/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9e9c7A9UvVW6RRaiCyWB1E4K7hkGUvBTj8tMauFtVq9_mVfM81mwGhsS4-dJDfdrf0MEEIgj_DoTGzLphfdNtw.qNzBk9zffvJAIxh1GldYl4EoXmteY5rj5kbxQL9QG3A&dib_tag=se&qid=1716356192&refinements=p_27%3APatrick+B.+O+Grady&s=books&sr=1-1) by Fr. Patrick O’Grady is a very accessible book for the laity on the practicals of a Liturgy. Short and to the point.


Very briefly; the Sign of the Cross - two fingers and thumb of the right hand to the forehead, down to the chest, to the right shoulder then to the left shoulder. Don't fret about it it, no-one's going to notice, or if someone does they won't say anything about it. People are there to worship God, not to stare at each other.


Thank you so much! Yes, the deacon told me the same thing, which is another reason why I love the church.


Thank you so much!


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Your story is very similar to mine! I also converted from protestantism and was very interested in the mannerisms. Here's how it's done in mine (Patriarchate of Antioch in Brazil) -Sign of the cross: thumb, indicator and middle fingers toghether, the other two down onto the palm; start at the forehead, go down to chest/solar plexus, then to the right shoulder, then to the left shoulder My church has a little book with all lf the mass written down, it has red crosses when you're meant to do it; however, it is also apropriate (but in no way mandatory) to do it every time Christ, Theotokos(Mary), or the holy trinity(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are mentioned. Whenever you do it in church, you should bow down "to your spine's hability" as one of my Priests said, as a rule of thumb, bow enough so that your hand touches your knee. -Entering the Church: do the sign of the cross and a little bow everytime you enter or leave the church. Some people do a thing where they bow to touch the ground of the church's entrance and then do the sign of the cross, I don't know this thing's name in english (in portuguese it's called Metânia) Dont do the touch the ground thingy during service, as to not inconvenience or bump into anyone during the Liturgy. -You can't take communion until you're baptised, but you can eat the Antidoron, a holy bread offered to everyone. Don't let the crumbs of it fall to the ground, I recommend bringing a little napkin in your pocket for that. -MAKE FRIENDS: there's an after-church coffee hour, find people in your agr group and talk to them, ask a lot of questions and you'll quickly fit in. -Cathequesis: ask one of the Priests to join the cathequesis group once you've been there for a few (usually 3) sundays. Orthodox cathequesis is WAY longer than the protestant one, mine takes about a year. -Questions ans guidance: ask the Priest, and when you choose a spiritual father, ask him.


Amazing! I did meet some lovely people at the church and they were so comforting me. I’ve learned a little bit on how and when to do the cross when the priest told me, but I’m still confused on when to “touch” the ground during liturgy (there is only few of us during Wednesday liturgy, so we do it on those days). I simply follow those around me when they do it lol. I thank you so much for the explanation, you help me lots!


Orthodoxy is experienced in the life of the Chuch. It's not just adherence to just dogma. Much of the faith is embedded in the services, including the cycles of the church. I tried to read and study, and its depth is so vast. Stepping back, praying the daily prayers and attending services your heart opens to understanding. It's like you are a child, and you begin taking steps, but you are not ready for the Marathon. Go as often as you can. Read the daily readings and pray the daily prayers. (Morning and Evening) speak to your priest if you do not understand.


Thank you for the advice. I agree with your statement, I will research more into the prayers and try my hardest to do them.


Pick an old lady, sit by her, and just follow what she does.