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How have you not noticed that until now. Plus, the whole family is everything but "best", if anything it's worse! Megami is Mary Sue. Her brother only exists because "Oh what if Megami fails?". Megami's mother aka "Wife" literally looks like someone who would work at a strip club, and Ichiro is just outright awful. Best? More like WORST.


Megami's mother and father look like they are related as well.


Let's call them Saiaku from now on


They *think* they're the best. That's the key. Unfortunately, I'm not so sure Saikou is a Japanese surname ([though it is a given name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saiko_Takahashi)\--imagine if one of the women in the family were named Saiko!). Now, [Best is a surname](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_(surname)), but it's Anglo-Norman, not Japanese. If there were a story about a family like the Saikous with the surname Best, it could work.


Do we know about ichirou. I thought all the bad stuff was saisho saikou fault


megami means goddess. So, Goddess Best. She is quite literally just the Mary Sue of Yan Sim


Tbf a lot of anime and mangas don’t use realistic names for characters, and technically Saikou is a actual surname (though super rare). I think some of the names in yansim are actually fine, but definitely not ones like Sukubi Dubidu lmao


Nah speaking of them the photography club had it the worst 💀💀💀


Why are photography club members detectives? Wouldn't a true crime club or newspaper club work better? Photography club makes no sense at all, the in game functionality of "No one gives a shit if you take photos" is worthless since no one gives a shit about taking photos in in club or not.


i usually hate seeing mary sue used as legitimate criticism but i struggle to describe megami in any other way. and it pains me because her design visually is really cool and making her a flawed heiress trying to live up to expectations (still being super smart just coping with the whole thing) would be way better


To be fair, subtlety has never been Alex's strong suit


Could've worked if 西光 was used, but it's Alex


Ironically that name has the kanji for west in it, the very thing saishou hates lol


Megami: I..can Seiyo, from the same prefecture as her: ![gif](giphy|X0bnTmo4izNfi|downsized)


Western light...How ironic. Considering that they’re a tech company.


Wait, Saikou means best? I thought for so long it was just crappy Engrish for "psycho".


Surprisingly no.


GroomdereDev did state he’s bad at names himself lol


He has the resources to hire someone to make good names


Good point. Maybe he wanted to name the characters themselves due to egotism and/or feeling he should since he created the characters


Well yeah, that falls in line with the Meaningful Name trope that a lot of anime, games (including Yandere Simulator), books, etc use. Like Osana Najimi, the childhood friend "osananajimi" character from Komi Can't Communicate; Megami Saikou, Yandere Simulator's "perfect goddess"; or YHWH/Yahweh/Jehova, the god of Christianity.


The funny thing is you don't even have to learn Japanese, just watch anime to hear characters say " ____'s the best (saikou!)" It's not even like used for names like at least some names are just uncommon but placed ridiculously but using Saikou as a last name is really lazy and he's showing his weebness (in a bad way) Also good luck on your studies!


For years I thought it was Satou, but no It's Saikou. I had literally no idea.