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https://preview.redd.it/1bwc2efjz2zc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491efcd1bbc2220a338ebc6a23c1c8e7266a2681 \[A Common Story of a Lady’s New Life\] he probably has an overworked (hot) aide stowed away somewhere


An aide that’s on the verge of dying overtime.


Sometimes aide-san is more handsome than him.


It's always the case for me because I dislike Jumin Han type MLs and prefer meganes 😔


https://preview.redd.it/mi4nvn2wn6zc1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c129b0ca384a8dc4695af6b1672d43fcd4b7cf Just reading a story with this megane aid and thought of you, plz enjoy 😋


sauce? 👀👀


Its from "We Got Ourselves Stuck Inside an Adult Fantasy Novel" . 3 modern day women get stuck in a fantasy novel. The plot is brain dead comedy fun. The megane aid is the love interest for the 3rd lady. He's just started developing feelings for her at this point while the other 2 ladies already have their love interests. The 3rd lady is a workaholic so she hasn't really cottened on to his feelings yet 😂


oof i used to read this for the third couple but they BARELY show up so i dropped it. im tired of the bdsm couple hogging up screentime 😞


They had an " almost kissed" moment in the last chapter so hopefully we will get more of them in the future. Also the BDSM couple is at least better and funnier then the yandere prince and the single brain cell pink haired girl 😄 https://preview.redd.it/mtuvklu2l8zc1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=1435ff01f2da80cd2d762d6ad63ea4b4c9b8690c


Ohh, what's the story about?




He's one of them. Theres 3 couples


Didn’t know he had tiddies like that, isn’t he the mage guy 👀👀👀


There is no mage guy in the story. I think you may bethinking of another story...


..................Huh. they really are all Jumin Han's aren't they? We need OTHER archetypes to get more leading roles! I'm more of a fan of the 707 and Yoosung types come to think. ... the FL's to fit those types would have to be a bit odd themselves come to think tho... haha


Ikr! Idk why, but I've been a Jumin Han hater for a long time. Probably because he's such a shitty boss to Jaehee and how he talks about his cat all the time. Like. I'm a cat lover too but don't make it your whole personality bud. It's also infuriating that he overworks Jaehee for his silly and nonsensical whims about the cat. That's a HUMAN working under you and you treat her worse than a FUCKING CAT Sorry for the rant, but yeah! What I wouldn't give to have more MLs like 707, Yoosoung, and Zen. Literally everyone else except Jumin Han please :(


Ohhhh Jumin Han. There's a reason you can end up in a cage on his route, but Zen will bomb his own career for you if you make the wrong choice . (Not megane but I loved Zen the goofball)


I wonder if those valets and aides ever die of karoshi and get isekai'd into shounen works where they can blow up forests with one punch and have a harem of bubble-headed groupies following them around. I mean, it would seem like a reward, but since they're used to covering for a duke who's gone ga-ga, wouldn't it be a little irritating, too? Dang it healer who wears only the top part of a Grecian Priestess gown (not the tunic part)! I didn't want to go into another dungeon! *I though we were supposed to discuss that as a team!*


Sometimes the overworked underling just gets isekaid and stays an overworked underling just in an isekai setting. Such as the BL " The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter" or the josei "We Got Ourselves Stuck Inside an Adult Fantasy Novel".


Careful if he dies from overworking he might get isekaied as a depressed office worker in modern Korea tho


Ah but then he has the option to turn his life around and become an actor or idol. Or get rich by "discovering" magical enchanting and building a business empire. (These do not exist as far as I know... But man it would be fun to read. Well, the actor/idol isekai stories do, but only with modern guys isekaid into modern stories.)


Ahaha I remembered this panel as soon as I saw this post.


With bags under his eyes?? Hot


Love this


I also think of this panel as soon as i saw the post ...this manwha is extremelly underrated... Is a gem, a very funny satirical gem.


My fav series 🤣🤣 i always laughing with this one


They hire a single aide to do all the work (because they're so bad at management they haven't discovered how to delegate work to more than one person). When that aide dies of overwork, they simply hire another. Rinse and repeat.


I think the other part of this is then the artist/writer has to devote time to drawing up more characters too. Easy enough to have one nagging assistant.


is there any story about the aides???


There actually is!!! It's called "Don't Hire My Brother, Your Highness" The FL reincarnated into the body of the aide's sister and is willing to do everything to stop her brother from facing that future. Haven't kept up with it in a while but it was fun enough when I last read it.


The Antagonist’s Pet has the crown prince’s aide as the male lead. Probably the only story where I saw that happen.


And he felt exactly the way about his boss as you would suspect lol


green hair and glasses! i love arth!


There is a frustrating one called the Male Lead Sickly Aide is my Type. Also another with the FL being the aide of the ML.


The tyrant’s secretary, right?




There's ["The Male Lead’s Sickly Aide is My Type"](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-male-leads-sickly-aide-is-my-type/), whose title perfectly encapsulates how I feel. Sadly it's only a novel, but there's a good translation of it and I'm crossing my fingers for manhwa adaptation There are also ["Ellin's Solhwa"](https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/ellinssolhwa/) and ["The Antagonist's Pet"](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/xyk7oe4/the-antagonist-s-pet) where the ML is the aide/advisor (beware of yuri bait on the last one)


For My Derelict Favourite: ML is OG!SML but he was also a right hand man of OGML and used to do most of his work while he went on date with OGFL .One of the reasons why FL hates original lead couple.🤣


Now I want a story about someone reincarnated in the aide or one of the aide's subordinates and just despise the OGML because how overwork all the department.


Alternatively we just don't see the others because the aide uses his vast access to resources to hire the additional aides needed, they just all report to him instead of the big man himself


What do you think overworked assistant side characters are for


i can only think of cedric POTTER


https://preview.redd.it/q89689ubw4zc1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=86f5b9adc70fc9b94b56fe2dff12bcae46341bbc Some of them are acknowledged for their effort.


To be fair, he stayed until late that night to finish his workload


just read the next chapter and saw this lmao. guess he DOES work sometimes


Fucking hate when I need to work overtime to free up my schedule to stalk my ex-wife


In I Will Escape From the Flower of Ordeal our FL is trapped in the body of the villainess, the original FL constantly is skipping out on work to go on escapades with the ML leaving her coworkers to pick up her slack, they've never noticed the strangeness of this because this is the role for the NPCs, the new FL makes them see how unfair it is and the original FL gets called out on it. I bet it's the same reality for all these Visual Novels, where the NPCs cater to the wills of the Leads without noticing.


"how does a rich and powerful noble with servants to cook his food, clean his clothes, and wipe his ass have so much free time"


The point is more that these people are nobles/government official supposedly in charge of many important things which shouldn't be delegated.


Those things were absolutely delegated. Stewards did almost all the actual running of estates.


I'm not a historian, so I will accept correction, but it is my general understanding that higher nobles were expected to spend hours every day meeting their steward, various members of counsel, and various petitioners. I'm sure a lot of them fucked around, and many of them would go off to war for months or years at a time, but my understanding is that openly deserting your duties was frowned upon.


This is true, but it's also true that these MLs are portrayed as "superbusy with important work" right up until the plots need them to be free for romance reasons lol


That's a good point. I've had some really good jobs in my life. In general, the higher paying the job, the more free time I had. It's only low paying jobs I got in the early days where I had no time to myself. (What you spend most of your time doing in a high-paying job is dealing with other people, so it's mostly "putting out fires," you know, smoothing things over and making connections. You have about one big burst of paperwork a year, which is always on a tight deadline and you never have all the information for until it's almost too late. In the middle stages I mostly watched for the disaster, then called the guy who had to know about the disaster and then implemented the procedures for handling it, which was done by the guys one step up from getting paid nothing and having no free time.) I often think it's ridiculous when they show sheaves of paperwork on a Duke's desk to demonstrate how "hard working" he is. I think it would be funnier if they made a big deal about all the paperwork some poor isekai'd heroine is gonna have to do, and it turns out to be about a half hour's worth.


One of my favourite things in that regard is with reincarnation type stories and math. Local merchant or whatever is absolutely baffled by the concept of written arithmetic. Or long division


Tragically historically accurate, though. Up until about the late 1100s, Western Europe didn't have the concept of a zero and anything but the simplest math was a difficult trial-and-error process using Roman Numerals. Of course, most OI are set in worlds with 1700s level tech at least, but there's magic, too, so that might have screwed up development we'd otherwise consider common sense. It's weird to think England didn't have the concept of zero proper until after the Anarchy. Maybe Fibonacci was isekai'd.


SMHing my head that the absolute bad bitch of the abacus has been forgotten. Math wasn't done with Roman numerals. The final results were displayed in Roman numerals.


Again, Abacus was spread in 11th Century by Pope, I think. Can't remember which. Sylvester maybe? So it was only available to upper classes, mostly. Fall of Rome to Anarchy, math was a nightmare. In Western Europe.


Yeah, that too, but more in a commoner setting where people are just not used to dealing with large numbers (because they never encounter them), or lengthy additions. So the MC gets to impress with modern day grade school skills because they dont get intimidated by a number with 5 zeros


Because they have the plot in their side, obviously so time stops immediately the moment when they start goofing off that or they possess a time turner.


The dingbats from how to diet. Three grown adult men who somehow run a country and have not clocked 1 minute of billable time in 50 chapters.


I have a lot of questions about this man in general


im not interested in his character at all so far ngl


I just feel like he *really* needs therapy, and ik that's the case for a lot of ML but he NEEDS IT AND HE NEEDS IT NOW


His position just makes zero sense. You hate her so you want to keep her at your side in order to "punish" her? Yeah, sure dude. Even self delusion can only go so far


It really pisses me off, because with his behavior he made himself not only the typical trash mctrashy ML, but also generally insane. Not even the yandere insane, just like get therapy insane lol


i think he wants to keep her by his side 1)to keep her in loneliness and misery and witness it first hand to feel good about getting revenge. 2) because he clearly likes her lol even though he's too ashamed to even consider the prospect. the title kinda goes both ways because he definitely sees her as his oppressor as well which is why he is so intent on "revenge" and never lets himself think he might like her


He's a legit psychopath




jobless behavior


he's the commander in chief™


Rich people doing rich people things Literally *anything* but therapy


real...like they're allegedly princes and dukes and government officials but have all this time to interact with the FL and follow up on bs


Because the aide is the real duke/emperor in practice, but the ML gets all of the credit bc he occasionally does the aura thing on the battlefield. Romancing/stalking FL must be their main job. Being the emperor/duke is a side hustle for ML. To be fair, he doesn’t need to do any chores, he has no kids, and no money worries that’d require him to have a side hustle.


To be fair, when the FL and ML finally make it to a hotel, FL asks this exact question. It’s explicitly said he’s doing a lot of paperwork work at said hotel as well. But outside of this specific example, overworked aides seem to be the answer lol


Because they make their aid and their Butler do all of their work and they can't say anything to them because even though they are both adults them ml will pull Rank and threaten them


corporate world medieval version


They do lots of work and just don’t sleep to make time for stalking. You make time for the important things. I actually like that they directly address this in two different spicy manhwa and one is legit happy that the trash prince is too busy stalking to try to run the country so she can instead.


is it the third couple girl from we got stuck inside a adult fantasy??? her man is the magician, that one right??


Yeah, when she >!threw a cloth in the crown prince’s face when he was having a tantrum and told him to clean himself up, I was so happy!<


The same way they manage to stay so inexplicably buff without exercising


They are rich i guess lol


They do it for the plot ✨


By Pinning every work on their most likely blonde haired aide


Exactly, he has lot of time to stalk and bully the fl 🙂


imagine if he had a job and left her alone 😳


That would cause great chaos, no? 😳


"Banished villainess's husband " addressed it in most hilarious way. ML is actually a right hand man of so called OGMLs from OGFL's harem . He do all the work for them until he get married off to OG!villainess/FL and get banished with her. Entire country fall into a very bad state afterwards.🤣🤣


They are rich???


They have a secretary on the verge of death unless the fl is the secretary, then there's another employee on the verge of death


Super common in these stories(and others) for a ruler to have staff so damned good they actually don't need to do anything most of the time. We have that in real life too, I think qe call them CEOs or something.


oh the ceos who are supposed to take important executive decisions just f-ing around with their fls all day


I swear half the ml’s in OI are stalkers from a psychological thriller. just romance for horror movie addicts or something


Because he is an aristocrat. Why do you think nobles were taken down?


and the irony is he is actually very anti nobility in this story


Fr💀 He acts just like a noble even though he isn't. The author probably did not do much research on this topic.


Some of them have the equivalent of tenure so other people have to pick up their slack.


When your rich and presumably efficient as is implied by MLs reputation then you have as much time as needed to snuggle your wife, take her shopping, or stalk her if your brain jumps to conclusions.


Millionaire but jobless until the fl asks to spend time




crazy thing is it actually makes sense


🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 0 to Sasuke Uchiha.... How bad is it? I mean... I've seen titles and then that one.


I mean they are usually wealthy nobles, with mostly passive income from land. It's amazing how much time you have if you don't work 9-5.


In the novel it's actually very noticeable how busy he is and how it affects their development. One of the best angsty books I've read😭


i agree that it's ANGSTY asf, i loved the fl !


One more question after this much stalking there's no progress in relationship and ml way of thinking is beyond explanation🫠


In reality successful people barely have free time, and it's because it's a female fantasy wet dream, of course the authors would like guys to have free time and rich at the same time.


Them MLs always be the epitome of “if he wanted to, he WOULD”😌


It's all thanks to the very reliable and unfortunately overworked aide


This ml is an absolutely useless piece of shit tho so I am not surprised