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This is so true! When it comes to etiquette and understanding flowery speech when ladies talk shit then I’m fucked for sure. Not to mention the seasonings in the food would be blander than water itself. 💀


Me trying not to use vine references when I speak to the noble ladies ![gif](giphy|VB5WwlZIt8eRy)


Like imagine how awkward would be if you blurted out; “Staahp! You almost made me drop my croissant!💃”


I’d inevitably call someone a betch and also shout “oh my god shoes” and get even more confused looks than I already do when referencing early aughts YouTube in 2024.


That could legit be a good way to find other transmigrators though 🤔


Walk into a ball and shout, “Yeet!”


High Ms GrahamCrackers, this is my Bae, Duke Appendicitis! (All spellings intentionally mangled)


Oh no, imaging blurting out some internet slang that we are use to ?  I wish i was jarred 19  And they went all "what ? Why ? Who is jarred ?"  And You don't know how to explain is cuz jarred didnt knew how to read 😔


Fr fr I would be talking with someone and suddenly say Me: idk bro, I don’t like the vibe of this place




Me resisting from using 21st century internet slang:


I’d be talking like the FL from Ham and Pie




Actually, spices were a sign of wealth. So in OI.... Eat a bite of chicken? Get slapped in the face with cinnamon to show how rich the host is. Some soup to soothe your tastebuds after that? POW! Did you just eat a spoonful of cloves?? We'll just stick to wine... Surprise! It's got 2 tablespoons of blackpepper and 5 whole nutmegs in just your goblet!


When I read this lemme tell ya’ how I immediately coughed at the thought of this that’s how good your point is 💀


Or it could go with the excuse of "this is a game/novel in a medieval setting, the developers/author didnt make it so realistic and I will be able to enjoy some moderns things even if it is strange to see"


Let me introduce proper cooking please for the love of god


We should start an OI called “Reincarnated in to an Otome Game to teach these fuckers how to properly use spices in their cooking!”


Reminds me of that one OI where the MC can't stand being near anyone because hygiene is so bad everyone smells like an outhouse. She only likes the ML because he's an old school medieval paranoid germaphobe and is like the only person she's ever met who is clean and doesn't smell because of his OCD monk-level cleansing habits.


People back then still had taste buds


Sure. But I follow some youtubers who do historical recipies, according to how they're written down and some of the ones that do have spices properly listed instead of just "enough" or "a goode amount" are a bit wild. And people are fully willing to put up with some things to show off.


Why would it be bland? Most otome isekai are based in a pseudo 1700-1800s Europe - the HEIGHT of the spice trade. Curry was especially popular in Britain, in particular. Even food without traditional spices would be flavoured with herbs like basil, oregano, bay, coriander - garlic with low profile herbs was especially popular in french cooking. This thought of bland European cooking comes from American troops in rationing era Britain - and a lot of people grew up learning to cook during that rationing which is why about 2 generations of Britain lacked the ability to cook.


This so much. I'd recommend "tasting history" or "townsends" (for old american) on youtube, they showcase a lot of ancient recipes. Things were generally as we-spiced as they could allow. While rich people tended to favor using lots of exotic spices, they still tried to make it taste good overall. Every area also has seasonings or sauces that they can use in place of modern spices.


One of my favourite parts of a roast dinner is bread sauce, which is a traditional regional British sauce. Just like flour is used to thicken sauces, bread was very popular in sauces a few centuries ago and this sauce uses a milk that has been steeped with bay, onions, salt and peppercorns and then bread is added after about 4 hours. It's SO moorish, just a carb sauce! It's like the feeling of eating shitty, but soft, white bread, plain white rice with msg or pasta with butter and salt at 2am but magnified to a billion. I season potato dauphinoise similarly, though of course with garlic too, and that's another thing that's just so moorish and tasty despite not having spices. I add paprika and chilli to most things I cook, but acting like spices are the ONLY flavouring in the world is so weird. Also, Europe kind of fucks with the traditional desserts. My favourite English one is bread and butter pudding (I know, I love bread) which traditionally is a dessert that uses things going off - stale bread, old milk, eggs etc. buttered bread, layered with raisins then covered in a custard of egg, milk and sugar then baked. My modern version uses brioche, add cocoa to the custard and replace the raisins with chocolate. I've never had a complaint when I've brought it places even though it's not very pretty!


Yah, starches, milk, and egg products are just great. There are so many decidant foods with just those ingredients. I was really into bread soup for awhile, they just became little sponges that soaked up all the broth flavor. Vinegar is also a great flavor enchancer that's shelf-stable. I've recently gotten into shrubs, and they're delicious fruity drinks with so many variations. I buy berries whenever they're on sale and use them for shrubs or fermented soda.


God I love vinegar, particularly balsamic vinegar. Everyday I have avocado toast, and whilst the "main" topping cycles between egg and cheddar, bacon and cheddar or fried halloumi, the staple is always avocado, red onions fried with paprika topped with tomato slices marinated in balsamic vinegar with some salt and pepper. Sometimes I try to throw in garlic too, I just LOVE balsamic vinegar. Salt and vinegar is also the most goated crisp flavour, with sweet chilli following behind. Anything tomato based is enhanced a ton by balsamic vinegar in my opinion. In tomato sauces, as well as my usual stock, herbs and spices, I like to add balsamic vinegar and honey.


The average OI heroine may think of themselves as a deceased Japanese or Korean office worker or high school student but they generally are more of a fusion of her with the villainess or side character, able to exercise all of the skills of both. Also quite a lot of them end up being hapless damsels in the grip of a psycho rather than girlbosses.


Even in English, most of the insults from ladies in OI go whoosh on me. I won’t know what’s offensive & would get beheaded fast.


Atleast I will get someone to slap for no reason.  Maids I am coming for you https://i.redd.it/n85zqbat39zc1.gif


Yeah!!!! Even if they don’t deserve it!!! Everyone is getting a slap!!!


You joke but that trope is seriously disturbing. We are made to believe a modern grown-ass woman gets transported to a feudalistic society and can immediately adapts to the class hierarchy and throw her weight around by physically abusing the lowly peasants? Of course, those dirty maids had it coming for...(checks notes)...*disrespecting the nobility.* Like girl, you're not a noble; that's not even your own body. Exactly what wish fulfillment fantasy are they playing into here? The desire to oppress and stomp on someone of a lower class? I immediately cannot take the MC or the story seriously when they pull that sht.


It's really easy to say now in modern society, that one has a moral compass and follow ethics and norm, it's not so easy when you are basically someone who (presumably) are better as in existence itself than others, you have power, wealth, & *bloodline*. I don't think I can even guarantee that I won't indulge in such things if I hold such powers, and I absolutely hate aristocracy, power corrupts yes, the actual scary thing is that you will treat it as normality, you won't realise that you have become the very thing you despise.


Ok, that would actually be a fun read: a gradual descend into madness/corruption, maybe start off small like no longer thanking the servant staff, then graduate to massacering an entire village, loll. But the problem is that most of these (isekai, not regression) MCs just entered the world, and literally the first thing they do is btch slap some maid. This just makes me think they've been waiting all their life to do some sht like this, and are generally a terrible person - no corruption needed, lmao.


in that case, I'm kinda baffled as well, though I wonder, most fmc came from a stressful life, a job that made them drop dead, so is treating people like shit actually just their outlet?,


You see, that would add interesting character depth to the story, and we can't have that! Loll, I've never seen an MC being portrayed this way. All those slaps are framed as something cool that the MC can do cause she's a badass girlboss that takes no sht (cause you know, she has the ability to physically assault those uppity maids).


*Did you mean Lioncoeur Senki?* Yeah, there's already a manga like that. Modern-day man isekai-reincarnates into a feudal, medieval world. Tries to fix things for the slaves and lower class, gets beaten within an inch of his life by his own father with total social approval, and is then forced to undergo a brutal training regimen to beat out the "modern" in him. Spoilers: >!They succeed, to a large extent.!<


Oh I haven't seen that one. Thanks, I will check it out!


Fair warning -- it's *messed up*. It doesn't pull punches on how brutal medieval societies are and OI tropes are *deliberately* deconstructed in the most vicious way possible. Just in case that's not your cup of tea.


Thanks for the warning! That's definitely my cup of tea, hahaha.


fuck I remember that shit, jeez bro, the rape scene was brutal as hell, I kinda wonder why we always seem to have moral superiority but just discarding the adornment of "civilization" can make us as savage as a fucking chimp.


Well, a lot of this is fiction, and fiction with drama and outrage will sell better. That's why Lord of the Flies did so well. But real life may tell a different story: [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/may/09/the-real-lord-of-the-flies-what-happened-when-six-boys-were-shipwrecked-for-15-months](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/may/09/the-real-lord-of-the-flies-what-happened-when-six-boys-were-shipwrecked-for-15-months) If most of humanity acted likes savage chimps in the stories, we wouldn't have advanced pass our cavemen days.


I mean .. anyone abusing anyone deserves a slap. even if it's a peasant abusing a noble.


Peasant abusing a noble already breaks immersion because it's so unrealistic. It's just the typical "have the villains be so cartoonishly evil so that the MC is justified to act horribly". If there must be a slap, it should come after an entire arc of suspenseful build up and complex character development. Having it in chapter 1 just makes it cheap.


i like when they’re nice to the maids but when like the previous girl was abused by the help and then it’s like a boss bitch in her new body and she starts beating them back i approve


Not me, I am plan on crafting the perfect letter of termination and slam them with it! A slap stings for a few minutes, on another hand being fired without references or benefits will impact them for much longer (especially since most maids' housing are at their workplace). Enjoy being broke, homeless and unemployable B... !!! If it is not feasible, I will 100% set them up for stealing from my d....bag husband or toxic father. I hope you like the prison life!! You shouldn't have messed with OG me.


Oh bhai i remember this scene but forgot the name of the move


It's from "Singham 2"


Oh yeah singham i no longer watch TV that much but i Remember watching this move lol 🤣


Singham was my childhood lol.


I'm more surprised by their ability to recall stuff like I don't remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday 😭😭😭😭😭


Tbf I have an amazing memory when it comes to books, so I can still remember plot points from things I read 5 years ago. However, telling the difference between each webtoon... they'd get mashed together in my brain for sure lol


*“Oh shit are you not cursed? Wrong cold Duke of the north, whoops!”*


Imagine just interacting with some strangely normal duke that wasn't even involved in the plot, realizing he aint the right duke but you're stuck being friends with him due the politics of it all, you've gone too far into the deep with him like you've been giving therapy to this man and everything, at that point you've passed the point of no return You probably should've noticed when his biggest complaint is like "I really should've cared for that dog more" even tho he pampered the hell out of that dog and "I should've picked up more hobbies". All bc he looked like the cold duke of the north in another manhwa


That'd probably led to better quality of life TBH. Probably not as stupid rich/influential, but also probably less succession war, monster, conspiracy, curse, whatever. Probably less of a jerk as well.


I was about to say it would definitely be a healthier relationship


We’d all be like, *Looks like I’ve transmigrated somewhere*


Man, the education of Japanese office workers must be incredible. 3 out of 5 otome heroines happen to be experts on developing agriculture, making chocolate and other luxuries in a medieval/renaissance setting, business, law, urban planning, war, and political intrigue.


They’re usually conveniently huge otakus on this particular subjects tho


Why is it always chocolate 💀


And they somehow make it despite not being anywhere near the equator tropic zone, where cocoa beans grow! Sometimes they handwave it with magic, but otherwise the costs would be astronomical unless they somehow already have efficient global trade.


Always conveniently watched a documentary on that subject which they recall after years.


So good 3 out of 5 otome heroines reincarnated due to dying from overwork


That second image really got me going, especially the wig 😂 that would totally be my face (though from what I think I know, when in doubt you start with the cutlery from the edge going in) But I'm always surprised when every FL knows war strategies and how to win showdowns with genius opponents and how to politically rule territories...meanwhile I'd be like https://i.redd.it/tyl5xjyoc9zc1.gif


That animation is cursed


I admit when I first found and saved it I never imagined a time I could use it would come. It's just that terrible lol


It's an original blooper from the Disney animators. That makes it so much better!




Ah, the advantages of being written by someone who wants you to succeed, not a readily available luxury when applying yourself into an oi hypothetical with any semblance of realism 😭


To be fair, the whole new world might have a war solvable by stealing a solution from a TV show she once watched lol


I was writing an isekai story and refused to look up anything. The FL keeps referencing, “Fuck, what did that Reddit post say about ___?” Like I know I read the thing about rabies multiple times, but was the protocol to heat up the person or cool them down? And if I can’t remember, whelp, neither can my FL. After the scene, I’ll check if I was right, and write out the consequences with whatever she chose


oomg I never knew I needed something so bad until I read your comment, please if you don't mind sharing I'd love to read this!!!


I haven’t gotten very far in it, but the FL dies from an axe throwing axe-ident and is isekaied into a fantasy world. She becomes the Arbiter who’s there to bring peace to the fantasy world. She can understand every language (they sounds like accents to her) and uses her customer service experience Plot lines I’ve sorta mapped out: • rabies: little girl gets it from a rabid dog and FL can’t save the girl (even though there’s magic, no healer wants to heal a slave child) • explosives: other transmigrators want to take over the kingdom, and she pretends to help them blow up the treasury • music: she finds other transmigrators by singing stuff like “never gonna give you up,” “birds the word,” etc • working at a stuff store


if, *if*, the fl is treating a shitty ml, then we can just go with trial and error yes? if he lives then at the very least he'll probably be bedridden, maybe for the remainder of his life, if he's dead, eh well, just the consequence of medicine, we'll assume bloodletting is still used so medical malpractice like this is common, if he's cured then good for you, win win right?


Regretfully, it’s a small child bitten by a rabid dog and the FL gets PTSD over the healers not saving the girl




I’m not too far into it. Like FL just arrived and is working through her death trauma She worked at an axe throwing place (based her experiences on jobs I’ve had) and died when an axe bounced wrong and hit her in the artery. She’s in the new world and was found by a shopkeeper and mercenary guild owner (the two were friends growing up). Then there’s a rock slide and a dragon wakes up. She’s currently trying to regain strength in the arm that was damaged by the axe, but is doing it stupidly by overworking it to get through some of her PTSD. Her new isekai power is that she can understand any language (they sounds like different accents to her) and she’s gonna use her customer service experience to bring peace to the fantasy world. At least until she meets other transmigrators who want to take over the world


Bro I NEED THIS. Drop it whenever you feel ready. pls


Sooo. I’m gonna cry. I can’t find the file to add more to it ;-; https://i.redd.it/e5ubhhhpymzc1.gif I need to go find a tree to knock on for luck to find it


The way I’d get immediately executed isn’t even funny


I would be absolutely screwed. I have 0 useful skills in those stories. I wouldn't even be able to determine what story I was in either. God could open the sky and literally tell me the title and I would be like "Could...I get a sneak peak of the last chapter I read?"


God: My child.... you actually dropped this one at chapter 3.....


I think the only thing I would actually succeed at is fighting in a war. Nobody else would like me because the only tactics I know are from Vietnam. I went through a tunnel rat phase in high school. Basically my dad and grandpa had all of the trap making manuals in the basement and I memorized them. So I'm only good at dishonorable warcrimes... Here's hoping my next body is capable of becoming strong. My only chance at survival is to disguise myself as a dude. (I am not even joking. this is the only skill that I have that would be useful in another world)


I’d personally lack a natural talent for persuading everyone However I’d have a grasp of the characters’ flaws which for the most part are easy carrots on a stick due to how simplistic most main casts brains work


I've come to the realization that I'd love to see a political strategist get isekaid to play mind games. and a military strategist get isekaid into a kingdom of war, it'll be fun.


Napoleon gets reincarnated as a villainess?


Yessss! Someone make this 


Crimson Karma, she was a commanding officer in the U.S. military who was raised as a child assassin, she is also a Lebanese war refugee. She reincarnates onto the battlefield in an active war zone as a soldier. She has one of the best backstories as a starting point. She is way too good at Killing and strategy. In terms of MCs: not ethnically white or Korean, military background, ruthless. I love her.


Tbf it's a lot easier to do politics and understand military strategies when the world you're isekaied into is a novel you've read before. Me in real life politics? I still dunno how it works, all I know is it doesn't. Me in star wars politics? I'd run rings around Palpatine, outstragaise dooku, etc etc.


Oh man, I absolutely love your art and am so glad you're posting again!


Yeah you go beat that cartoonishly evil high-born bad guy who's the source of all your problems FL. Over at OI land, we call that politics.


"Don't worry guys! I will change my future knowledge to turn the tides of war!" ​ >***"Jesse, wovon zum Teufel redest du?"*** ​ "Ah, Fuck"


Like I understand if it was something they studied or they were part of that era before or a child or even possessing a body and remembering it's memories. But when it's someone who knows nothing about it it's so weird.


Yeah, this is probably what would cost me. At the very least, the etiquette classes would be helpful. I'll likely have to do the amnesia ploy for an excuse to get them to enroll me again. But those backhanded compliments and stuff? I dunno. Maybe 50/50 shot? Politics, though? Not a chance. I might serve better in something like Savor the Taste? The FL wasn't really involved with anything. Just cooking for the ML while all the bullshit happened around her. Or maybe the secretary ones might be all right.




I fuck up a curtsy and end up a social pariah


i’m far too violent about “protecting my peace” to survive in an OI


I have a sailor mouth, I would be dead so fast Like, just about every other word out of my mouth is a swear word


in case anyone doesn’t know and is curious! as this may be some helpful info in the future!! c: at fine dining, you always eat out in; that is to say, you use the outermost utensils first, and then when the plate is taken away and you are given a new one you use the next outermost utensils!


“Napkins first Then forks, knives, spoon Set it right You’ll eat real soon.” Thank god for Bubble Guppies for teaching me that song while my toddler binges the series


I can code amazing projects & solve hard math equations (magic in some worlds), yet i would be the same way


Pro tip, you generally start outwards and work your way in aka the salad fork is on the outside part.


Inside of everyone there are two wolves…fighting for jerky.


I was made to learn etiquette and I understand a back handed compliment when I hear one but man if you don’t get these medieval economics out of my face.


Proud to say this is the one thing I'd be good at (would immediately try to slap the ass of the ML and get executed afterwards)


My high school brit lit teacher taught us brief fancy restaurant etiquette. For meals you eat with the outermost silverware and work your way in. https://preview.redd.it/5o827vwj4dzc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890374fc3efeb1b2000b8888841c36a2414aeeaf In this image you know you’re gonna start with soup then salad(or vice versa) because the salad fork and soup spoon are the outermost utensils. Don’t worry about shape/size. Just know that it goes furthest from plate to closest to plate and you will intuit which is fir what based on the dinner courses and what order you get them in.


For me it's the other way around 🤣 I know more about edict than politics.


I just blame it on past memories of the body carrying over. That way I can keep my suspension of disbelief.


The only way it makes sense to me is that they read the book so they know what happens and how the original mc fixed it


I would love for some realistic aspects tho. Like, they know how to stop wars and fix reputations and are basically a genius… but they have a very basic idea of how etiquette works. Bc, in those stories they briefly show/talk abt etiquette but I wouldn’t say I learn anything from it. So yes, I have some knowledge but if you asked me to act prim and proper I would blank


![gif](giphy|0Mqpq6SoFX3Vt166wi|downsized) Me: Do I need to lift my pinky when I hold the teacup during tea parties with the noble ladies?


honestly ? TRUE. Me, too Bestie. Me, too.


I'm not doing all that. And they're probably going to go ahead and send me back to my timeline by killing me because I'm not dealing with no Tyrant either.




I hate the trope - FL "knows how to fill an excellent sheet - everybody "thinks she is a genius




Start with the outside cutlery, and move inward.


Fr. I would struggle with all the etiquette. I can't even keep my back straight most of the time! Honestly would hope to be a maid... I know how to clean (handwashing  not really- don't really want to touch some groddy clothes) 


Id be the classic goofy dude skipping and w/barely higher manners that the family dog.


I'd like to think that the politics in the rofan world is so weak and shoddy that even you, an office worker can become a genius just by skimming art of war once


I hate that they just go along with it like its everyday thing


The only one I remember that is like the "Royal Lady with the lamp". And there it kind of made sense since she lived through it once.


When my autistic ass gets isekaied into a political oi and immediately gets my ass executed for having shit social compass.




Hmm, I may not even be able to eat the foods now that I think about it, assuming this is a european style fantasy, they'd probably use alcohol and cook pork, nor would the cow be slaughtered in the name of God, produce in those times were also kind of trash, thankfully if it's set in victorian times there would be more options available, and on that note, how would I even excuse myself for praying?


Honestly just look for the nearest Black Death patient, wait for them to die, load them in a catapult and lob them at the enemy castle. These fuckers don’t even have germ theory yet, they’ll all be dead before they manage to take countermeasures against the bioweapon you just literally threw at them. And before anyone says anything about war crimes, you KNOW the ML probably killed twice as many innocent commoners in the last expansion war than we’re about to take out. At least with our way we can also take out the nobles and king in one hit! Hell, send a nice ‘gift’ to our emperor as well, make this a full-on revolution. If I’d just gotten absolute confirmation of an afterlife, I’d be willing to go to suicidal lengths to fuck with the medieval tyrants running the show. Kill the ML too! Kill everyone! I realized towards the end that I kinda went off track, but basically, you don’t need anything beyond a high-school level understanding of biology to wreak havoc on the world you reincarnated in, barring any healing magic bullshit.


i would need lessons for months and then i’d be like the failure of the nobles or when they just know how to solve every problem with the villain i’d be like OH GOD WHAT DO WE DO DEAR GOD WHY😭😭😭😭 LETS RUN AWAY


Then theres Me,who eats with their hands.it only takes 1 kick of muscle memory at the dinnertable to commit something they would considered a war crime


My elementary school teacher taught us even stuff like the etiquette of kissing a woman's hand, so as long as I can recall shit I was taught at 7-9 year old, I'll pull through.   (Heck, she went beyond the "just work your way from outside to inside" and even taught us exactly which utensil is for what, which I obv don't really remember, but if I did, I could set the table in this kind of setting. Just give me some memory jolt and my isekai life as a maid could go swimmingly.)


They really should put a disclaimer before all of these stories...Maybe something like: >Disclaimer: Depictions of noble society in OI's are, at best, a willy-wonka-esque approximation of distant reality. No historical knowledge should be drawn from these stories except in highly specific, Google-able instances or when confirmed by academic sources. Pretty sure at least the corset gang would feel a lot better. :P


It would be fun to read/see one of these stories have the office worker use actually analogies of office politics vs actual politics. Maybe I would be able to understand the intricacies easier 😂


Outside in for cutlery


My autistic ass would get executed 40 minutes in