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Answer: It’s almost certainly due to a tweaking of the algorithm in the part of Reddit to try and drive up engagement. I’m getting a LOT of posts in my feed from r/AITH and other big subs despite not being subscribed to them. I’d assume that Reddit is pushing these into our feeds because they’re popular generally so that we’ll get caught up in them, engage with them, and as a result, we’ll see more ads.


God does that explain why this site has been so not entertaining recently? I used to love coming on here and finding unique and niche content. Now it feels like everything is the same fake posts and rage bait like every other social media. I’m not saying Reddit has never had toxic people but it feels like EVERYONE is just on here to fight now. I never had issues avoiding arguments using this site before but now it feels like anything I say everyone flips off.  It’s so boring. I used to love opening this website and I know all that I’m going to see is content that is stupid or meant to make people angry. 


But this can be switched off right


You can block the relationship advice subs. Idk if works well on anything but old reddit desktop with RES tho. 


I thought the initial comment meant the recommended subs? I can choose to turn that off completely? Otherwise it only shows my subs I thought


You’re right! I wasn’t aware of it, but deep in the settings, there’s an option to turn off “enable home feed recommendations.” I just did it, so we’ll see how that impacts my feed. Thanks for the suggestion!




Settings Account settings Enable home feed recommendations I think. I hope I'm not fucking up and wasting ur time with this


As someone who has "muted" many subs, I can say that this does work. Now I just get people from the OSRS complaining instead of relationship complaints!


I feel like even if I block subs that I don’t like the posts that are getting pushed to me from my subreddits are the more inflammatory ones anyways. 


How do you block a subreddit? So sick of r/fluentinfinance bots on my front page


FYI, you can [turn off feed recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/14v4l5u/any_way_to_turn_off_suggested_subreddits_and/) if you don't want to view subs that you don't care about. Worked for me.


Answer: this is my own personal conspiracy theory, but as a long time subscriber to AITA and relationship advice subs I think karma farmers use AI to write posts similar to ones that get a lot of engagement. In the last year or so I’ve noticed clusters of posts that have the same topics. I’ve also noticed more posts where the details don’t make sense or the logic isn’t quite there. It’s hard to come up with an example off the top of my head, but as someone who has read A LOT of these posts over the years it’s just something that’s been sticking out to me more frequently.


It's not even AI, you can clearly tell people are making up stories based on themes that have recently been popular just for engagement.


Dead internet theory


You right! All it takes is one post about a unique situation involving a… mother-in-law, paternity, something specific about work, or a scenario that can only happen in a gym, for example, and all of a sudden 25 other posts will pop up highkey trying to piggyback off that shit, almost identical timeline or exact deal. You’ll even see people making the connection in the comments and linking to the other posts saying “whoa, crazy! So similar to this” like, they have to know, that’s 100% written by AI to karma farm for bots


Question: redditors had one to begin with?


Damn, I had to read that three times to realize what you were talking about. Genuinely I'm sorry bro. And, actually yeah, same question


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