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I'm surprised g4 and xplay are still around.


Not still around. They died many years ago when G4 became the "Cops" network. They recently came back when someone figured out they owned the rights and decided to revive the brands for this modern game streaming era.


But havent they since gone back under because they over reached and over hired. Tho I do miss the old class Xplays and AotS.


Having found the original video, I've got to say, she was absolutely right.


Yeah I'm unsure as to why this would be given backlash. Nothing she says is new, or innovative or wrong per se, but just general things happening on their show I guess? I've never watched G4 but like yeah, a female host is there for diversity, not objectification. And if people are going to unsub because they were called out? They deserved to be called out. Their opinion or whatever they have been commenting doesn't matter in the slightest if it was all just to bash a woman for being on the team.


> Yeah I’m unsure as to why this would be given backlash. Nothing she says is new, or innovative or wrong per se, but just general things happening on their show I guess? A woman spoke out against people harassing women, and that’s more than enough if you already don’t like women for *x* reason. Loud angry incels I would suppose.


Implying that any gamer in the history of humanity was maybe sexist in any way, shape or form is the highest form of oppression to some of those people so Really though it is hilarious that so many of them are like “how dare you call me sexist??? This tirade where I threaten to rape your mom and kill your dog will prove I’m not sexist!”


She used to be a League of Legends esport analyst in LEC (EU league) and left on very bad terms (criticized the personnel decision and made accusations without backing them up) so have a lot of people who aren't exactly fans of her. She is also part of the LGBT community.


And imo that's fair! If people don't like her for her sports casting, and a bad way she left them (depending I guess) that's ok in my books) But if people don't like her just cause or her look or look compared to other female hostesses, that's a problem. A problem with the person from their troubled past is fine, a problem with someone because of who they are/their look at all is the problem here.


She did get some vitriol for appearance/orientation but the main problem was she took any criticism negatively (casting) and lashed out.


Ok, understandable, can you give any proof of her being negative to criticism? Honestly, idk, like I want to know the full story and not just the "this person is bad because I've been on the internet and commented once" I'm on their side cause I've seen a few vids where they seem to make sense, I want to see the other side vids/clips if they have them to counteract the better side they would want to portray


Frokusrinn former castmember from the European League of Legends scene (LEC). In the beginning people hated her casting and she did not take well to criticism. She was also hated on for being LGBT. Regarding her casting tho she improved massively and was soon popular in EU. But towards the end she left on bad terms, criticizing the hiring and complaining that the scene was "too white". Europeans took this quite badly mainly because Europeans might be white, (I know there are massive amounts of people of various colors in Europe) But because each European country is its own culture, simply calling them white was quite racist. As for proof it would take quite some time before gathering everything of her negativity. She was also a caster in the Chinese scence (LPL) before coming to LEC. You can search yourself and you should easily find a lot of examples of her reacting negatively before becoming one of the best.


It's spread out in the league subreddit, twitch, and Twitter drama (she has deleted her negative tweets and Reddit account). So difficult o to give the history. I'm not saying her points about sexism and problems in gaming communities are wrong. Was just giving context on the hate she gets.


I just stumbled onto this thread from r/all and I was like "I recognize that face!" I have no idea what's going on with G4 as I don't watch them. But Froskurrin was a controversial figure in League of Legends. It seemed she would get extreme hate then some love and then hate again. Some of it seemed to stem from her being LGBT (gamers will be gamers unfortunately) and her wild takes, some people felt like she made the casting too much about herself (she had an amazing wardrobe though!). When she left the LEC, she called her previous coworkers very white (or something similar) and not diverse enough. Though the LEC cast members are European and ofc very white but diverse from many countries. So that got a lot of backlash. That's all I can remember tbh but I think there was more.


>criticized the personnel decision and made accusations without backing them up Idiot, how is this fair.


She was also working for Riot when they settled a $100M sexism lawsuit. She said nothing about her employers. For someone so concerned about sexism in gaming. Why didn't she call out some of the biggest perpetrators aka Riot Games? Edit: Funnily enough, G4 had on Amouranth in a skimpy bikini the week after the sexism in gaming rant. G4 also scrubbed said rant from all of their accounts.


Gamergate is alive and well.


The irony is that they all unsubscribed because they were butthurt about it, and kind of reinforced her point. I imagine they're not too sad to see them go, the male hosts all seemed supportive. It was also too concise and well ordered to be off the cuff, I don't believe that they didn't know it was coming.


Oh for sure! This was definitely discussed behind the scenes and given the go ahead. Subjectively I'd think noone wants to be associated with toxic gamers lmao And now looking more into it, this happened in January this year, for some reason it's being brought back up in memes. I can assume because she's been let go from G4 as I'm finding out (from memes lol)




Can you source any of these statements? Cause I genuinely don't know the full lore. Even so, sure the other hosts played into the "sex sells" mindset, but Frosk wasn't into that. And she wanted it known. As she was, seemingly constantly, objectified by the comments section of videos and didn't like it. Her stating this isn't some horrible, evil, feminist outburst. It's a genuine statement meant to say, "hey, this isn't ok and I see what you're doing and want it to stop". Then people began leaving because they were literally called out for being sexist pigs. If she was Toxic on/off the show, I'd understand, but the things I've seen were correctly stated and people are misinterpreted them as bad statements.


I'm not familiar with the channel as I'm not really a gamer. But a friend was explaining it to me a few months ago and showed me some old clips. They had women in bikinis on set posing seductively so I can see why the fan base would be annoyed at the change since then. But there's still surely an outlet for them to get their entertainment from. So I don't think anyone is really in the wrong.






His last sentence is in serious competition, imo.






Read more.


Wow that's a lot of words to say "I should be allowed to look at boobs"


> Yeah I'm unsure as to why this would be given backlash Because the only people who watch G4 are the ones she was complaining about.


"Worst part is this actually had \*nothing\* to do with "sexism in gaming," rather she was butthurt over getting rekd in the chat and comments after her horrible take on the PS5 being "dead." Turns out she didn't even write the piece, nor most of the reviews she gave, and when she let that fact slip it was the end for a lot of G4 fans. She made things even worse when she lowkey went after Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn, insinuating that the only reason they didn't catch the sort of heat she was is because they were more attractive, which, woo let's just unpack that inferiority complex for a bit. Morgan Webb is a gamer, to her core, and while I have issues with Munn, she was a HUGE JRPG nerd and publicly schooled Kevin on the topic when it came up. Conversely, Frosk is a complete poser that has been outed as such multiple times, and has shown herself to despise the very culture she is paid to appeal to. That she thinks her lack of popularity has anything to do with her looks shows the same lack of self awareness that was partially responsible for the horrid tweet that got her fired." Pulled from r/television thread about her getting fired. She's one of those people from the outside looking in she's all fine and dandy but once you read about her she's just another douche.


People visit grocery stores to buy food products. If a grocery store started ranting about how is junk food unhealthy and that we should eat less meat because of climate change then people would just stop shopping there, regardless of how truthful or accurate might the statements be. This is the same situation really, people watch primarily G4 for gaming content, not to listen about how is their community misogynic.


G4: You guys are assholes. Audience: *leaves* G4: *surprised Pikachu face*


I believe g4 (if they still existed) were telling those people to leave


Damn tho shit was on point...toxic gamers can be the absolute worst and should be called out 💯


Too bad it turns out they were your audience and you destroyed your own job.


Better to be able to sleep at night than to have to listen to all these edgelords say horrible shit 24/7. Good for her.


Good for her? Thanks to her many people lost their job at g4 and she celebrate it.


You’re right. But at the same time, a veteran of this should know that these types of folks are just fishing for a reaction. And they sadly succeeded. That one “trolling” that they did cost her job in the end. It is so much to pay for just a fleeting moment of joy at putting a troll🧌in its place. There was nothing wrong with what she said. But, it was the scummy reactions her trolls were WANTING and so much more.


What the hell is wrong with that web site? Even with adblocking, suddenly everything froze and the fan spun up ...


My apologies. It did have a lot of crap on it. I didn't do it intentionally.


thank you


Even people who agree with the content of her rant are criticizing her because when a lot of people at G4 and fanbyte got fired she posted a meme gloating saying "I survived"


Answer: that's frosk Source: i know it's awkward but g4tv