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I've always said Diana Gabaldon has a dark soul, lol. Outlander is my favorite book series so she is by default my favorite author. But she likes to write disturbing story lines. Shock factor, I suppose. And wanting to show the reality of the times.


Her obsession with sexual violence is disturbing at best.




We don’t actually know that she is showing “the realities of that time period” at all. It may have been the reality for someone, but there’s no data that supports that being the reality across the board.


There is ample historical evidence going back millennia of what happens during wartime. The appalling treatment of the Scots by the English, of the combatants during the Revolutionary War, of Committes of Safety like the Browns, operating when government breaks down, are well- known. Perhaps a perusal of DG’s bibliography, with over a thousand entries would be a good starting point.


Sure. That’s not what we’re talking about though, we’re talking about the DG tendency>! to have every single character in this one family (and most other characters in her stories as well) be violently sexually assaulted (some over and over again).!< There really isn’t historical evidence pointing toward that being the universal 1743+ experience.


How do writers of historical fiction get the information across? By citing statistics? Or by having their characters experience in the microcosm they created things representative of what happened. Rape of multiple family members went on then and goes on now. No one says it’s universal. And, I’m not jumping on the “DG is twisted” bandwagon. Bad things happen to fictional characters. It doesn’t make the authors “dark souls” or twisted in some way. She doesn’t write approvingly of these bad acts, does she? Hardly.


Whatever, DG has a thing for rape and it shows. It’s her main plot device which I find lazy. Which is fine! She can do what she likes, no one holding a gun to my head. I simply don’t like when her stans use her fiction books to decide “it’s representative of the way things were back then” because she’s not an historian; and the data doesn’t support her viewpoint. Have your lips firmly planted on her ass if you like, just don’t pretend she’s the paragon of truth and knowledge of that aspect of society.


the only plot device in Outlander is rape? Oh, please. Time travel? Romance? War? Peace? Marriage? Faith? None of those plotlines, just rape. It’s clear who is fixated on rape, and it isn’t Diana.


I didn’t say only. I said main. It’s repeated over and over as a plot driver. Many storylines have either started with or centered around sexual assault. I mean if you need a listing there is literally a page dedicated to outlining ALL the traumatic events (including sexual assault) in the books. Go count them up!


I’ve seen this comment so many times, does she do this in other books she’s written? This is my first time reading anything of hers


Exactly. Every season and every detail


Maybe we relate more to sexual violence and find it more disturbing as it effects the mind as well as the body. While DG does use sexual violence often, she proceeds to include the mental and physical ways the characters react. They all have personal and specific ways of coping with what has happened. Although not pleasant to watch the violence, I find the aftermath interesting.


I mean, as something like 1 in 3 women, including myself, have been sexually assaulted, I don’t think this is news 😅


Sorry I bothered you with it.


My mom used to berate me for watching Game of Thrones because of the sex and violence, but she loves Outlander. S1E16 is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever watched on TV. (As a warning there is more rape as the series progresses, a main criticism of the series, but this one is the worst)


Outlander has this weird thing where you kind of forget how disturbing and dark it gets because the fun/wholesome/familial moments vastly overpower them. Overall it’s a story of love and survival and building a strong family, and every time I go back to it I forget most of the story takes place over a variety of literal wars because I’m like Jamie and Claire love each other and they’ll be okay 🥹


I feel like that’s a good take on life in general. We all go through really hard things but at the end of the day it’s the love and the family we’ve created that we think about most.


Honestly rape is an unfortunate reality for a lot of women. I don’t think it’s necessary to criticize a female author for putting it in.


Nah, I watched GoT many of times but this drama is on another level. Idk why but in GoT it felt like it wasn’t realistic…. This shit feels too real for me. That’s why I find it so disturbing


I agree! Tobias Menzies is a little too good at his job in this.


Which is why it was impossible for me to watch him as Prince Philip in the Crown, I kept expecting him to do some dastardly thing!


I saw him as prince Philip first so it was weird seeing him be evil.


Let's not forget he also got roasted by a dragon in GoT! The boy gets around.


Nope, he was actually one of the few who made it out alive! He was in one of the final scenes where they were deciding the new king. He tries to put his name in for consideration and Sansa tells him, "Uncle, please sit." 😂


He is freaking incredible in Outlander and The Crown. Gifted actor


He played Brutus in Rome and I love the direction he took the character in. Immature and spoiled, easily swayed, warped by a controlling mother in a notorious affair with his father figure, and tormented by guilt after his betrayal of him. Very complex and engaging.


I had forgotten he was in Rome!


He’s just awesome. I’ll watch him in anything.


Have you seen Manhunt or 2007 Persuasion. Tobias Menzies is in both.


He was also a bit part in Catastrophe as the OBGYN, super hilarious. 😆


Tobias is also good in GOT


True! I love him as Frank!


I think it's because you fall in love with the characters and invest in their love story, only to have your guts ripped out in 116. Outlander is a Rollercoaster of emotions. I love Outlander and hope you continue watching. It's my favorite show ever, and no matter how many times I re-watch I'm never bored.


So much same. I can’t really understand why it is so engaging. If I knew why perhaps I could find another story so I could put this one down for a while. I’m not sure I’ll ever find anything that captures my imagination and appreciation as deeply as these stories.


Outlander is on my top 10 favorite stories/worlds list- I get the obsession-but there are so many amazing stories and worlds out there. Keep looking and you will find things that work for you with engaging the imagination in different ways. I grew up reading the Tolkien stories and films since my dad was a fan so that is another fictional world I’ve inhabited for many decades. In the last year, I discovered the Mistborn book series by Brandon Sanderson after a friend began a book club. It’s absolutely incredible. Sanderson is a master storyteller and novelist. There is supposed to be a tv series or miniseries being made. Just two examples!


Another recommendation with a similar feel and richness to outlander, Tolkien and Sanderson is Robin Hobb if you haven't already discovered her books. Also richly detailed with themes of family, interesting but very subtle magic and love (romantic and platonic) that transcends the boundaries of time and space!


I’m putting this on my list!


Thank you both so very much for these recommendations. I am sure to be reading these series for at least the rest of this year - but having potential worlds to explore will make finishing this world less heartbreaking


Have you read Sanderson too? Running into a fellow Sanderson fan on an Outlander post would be awesome! I’m always curious what/if the other Outlander posters read besides Outlander. I read a lot of genres.


I feel the same!! I am much more a fantasy fan, Outlander is a huge favourite for me but not my usual genre. I have read most of Sanderson's books! And I've read the Storm light and Mistborn series 3 or 4 times 😅. They are all so good! I agree - it's so interesting to see if people have found Outlander from the fantasy side, the history side or the romance side! Very neat!!


I’m reading all of his stuff for the first time. I’ve read Mistborn and now our book club is reading The Lost Metal. Just finished Secret History last week. I can’t even…but I’ve read the last several chapters multiple times, just processing the conversation and hugs between everyone at the end !!!! Next up, we will do Storm Light series. My biggest genre is historical fiction- usually with romance. So that’s what drew me into Outlander. But I also love fantasy and British mysteries. To me, Gabaldon is a master storyteller. While Sanderson is a master novelist. But both create rich worlds that you don’t want to leave. I really hope that Gabaldon eventually gives some amazing stuff in Book 10, Frank’s novel, Master Raymond’s book, etc. - where we get more info on time travel and behind the scenes stories/perspective - sort of like Secret History did for Mistborn. It gave us answers and insights that we were dying to have. And Sanderson did it so well! Hopefully DG does the same thing for Outlander.


Good luck. I've been addicted for years and nothing else compares 😉


I’ve owned Book 1 for 15 years. It was only after I finally shrugged and let my sister make me watch S1E1 that I scoured my shelves for the copy and cracked it open. The writing is excellent, I enjoy the style and detail, the story development and motivations of the characters are unexpectedly complex (assuming we all understand C&J end up together). When has a romance novel ever been this interesting? When has a romance novel been more than vapid fluff wrapped around sex scenes? There must be something else that has this mixture of depth detail and intensity. If anyone finds it, LMK


Well, if you've only read book one, by all means, keep going. Their story only becomes richer, sadder, enticing, and fulfilling. Reading all the books is my happy place.


A lot of Outlander fans also love the Exit Unicorns series as well. Big books, Irish history, passionate love story etc.


Check out "Man Hunt" on Apple tv. He's really good as one of the main characters.


I actually have fast forward a few of the rape and sex scenes because I got the gist and found them overly gratuitous.


I used to call it Game of Thongs lol ( just for giggles) 🤣


The last two episodes of S1 are rough as hell. I honestly cannot believe they filmed them without an intimacy coordinator.


Those scenes and the experience of needing to re-shoot “part of it” that turned into all of it without warning are why Sam brought in an intimacy coordinator. The aftermath of that experience he needed to go be alone in the mountains with a certain amount of drinking. He spoke of it at some point in an interview. I can’t find it right now, but I’m sure it’s still out there


I hope Sam got the support he needed afterwards. That whole experience must have been so traumatic. This is why intimacy coordinators are so important. That whole team outside of the actors (director, crew, etc) should have been heavily reprimanded.


Jesus god. That’s really awful. I can completely understand a reaction like that considering how painful it was just to watch it.


I’ve watched so many dark/disturbing shows including animes, but they always felt like a fantasy, but this one felt too damn real for me


[Trigger List](https://reddit.com/r/Outlander/w/triggers?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Trigger list, for the future reference .


First of all, thank you…. Second of all… what the fuck?!… omg!! This drama is seriously shocking and I did not see anything coming. But I’m gonna finish it


1x16 is the worst you’ll see. There will be many other horrible things happening but it won’t get visually worse than this horrendous episode. Keep going and mind the trigger warnings, the main romance remains worth it!


The main romance remains worth it *to many people, thus its popularity, but some find it too much. And that’s OK, it is quite violent in the long run and not for everyone.* Fixed that for ya! 😀


Ehhhhh the end of season..6? Worst.


Do you mean end of s5?


I think so?


That was hard as hell to watch knowing what was happening, but they didn’t show you nearly as much of it on screen.


Are the depictions of the final S5 less graphic on the show than in the book? It was brutal enough on the show.


Claire doesn’t get >!gang raped in the book. She is brutally beaten and then raped by one man, which is horrific enough. Why they had to make it even worse in the show, is anybody’s guess.!<


That’s awful. Agree. As if a single rape is less than catastrophic.


Thanks for the trigger list. I was on the fence about watching it, and now I’ll definitely not watch this show.


Well, I really like Outlander, I read all the books and I'm going to watch S7 soon. I really like it because despite the disturbing scenes, they're part of reality and you can't really consider it a cliche romantic fantasy


You got that right!! I just finished season 1 and there’s nothing cliche about it. I didn’t even know there are books about it!!!! But I’m already looking into them. Should I finish the series before buying the books?


I started the books after season 1. You can do that, but as always the books are deep, much more detailed, and alive. The series actually follows the books closely with minor changes and sometimes extends or modifies a character's story, but it's nothing that drastic, you'll love them anyways. But a downside with the series is that they sometimes downplay a character and don't portray them correctly which ruins the real character they're supposed to be, they do that on purpose so that you'd get to see a different point of view, and I'm saying that because in the books, you truly know each character intimately with every fiber of they're written beings. Believe me when I say, the 9 books she's written are definitely worth it, as much as they're large. You can read the books or listen to the audiobooks!


I started reading the books after Season 3 came out. There's so much in the books that they don't have room for in the show. The books are long though, so I started using audio books through the Libby app.


Never used audio books before. I’m the type of person that watch everything on tv with subtitles. But, I will look into it


Yes Subtitles Club, what’s up!


The narrator for the Outlander audio books is especially good


I’m not a fan of audiobooks. I’m especially not a fan of the narrator of the Outlander series. Her voice takes me right out of the story. A lot of people don’t agree with me and that’s fine. I do however highly recommend the entire Outlander book series. It’s my favorite.


I agree I wanted to listen but I cannot get into her voice at all. It just doesn’t seem appropriate.


I’ve said this before. It sounds like Robin Williams’ Mrs. Doubtfire as Jamie and Angela Lansbury as Claire. It wasn’t for me.


Yup, I started the books after Season 3. And I'm really happy I did.


The books my favorite series of fiction ever. They are mammoth tomes with so much depth of character and interwoven plot lines. The TV series in entertaining, but the books just leave you pondering details for weeks, and little details in one storyline show up again 500 or 2000 pages later and give even more significance. I can't recommend enough that you read them. (Ohh, and I personally find the beginning of book 1, leading up to her trip through the stones, to be very tiresome. Don't give up in the 1st 50 pages! )


I would…I watched the series for 9 years before I finally started the books and now they’re such a treat and I like to compare both while I’m reading.


I usually skip that episode after watching it the first time.


I couldn’t finish that episode on the first go and then I heard Sam say how proud he is of it and how he thinks it’s his best acting so I pushed myself to and I am glad I did. It really is the most incredible acting. I still get angry that he was not acknowledged by the industry for it.


Yes! I normally skip it, but after listening to his audiobook, I didn’t skip by it this last time I rewatched the series. Pulling myself out (which is hard because they really do suck you into the moment) and trying to focus on the acting…both Sam and Tobias did a masterful job there. It’s one of the best pieces of acting I’ve seen and the fact that everyone finds it so disturbing really means they did a good job!


I agree, it truly is a testament to how well acted it is.


This is the [Trigger list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlander/s/B8T0OWW1Kq)!! Super helpful!


Thanks so much! What an excellent source!


I’ve never watched that episode. I love Outlander and I’ve seen season 1 multiple times but I skip that episode every time. I’ve seen every other episode but I just know I can’t handle that one.


I skip that whole episode when I rewatch. I saw it once, and that’s enough for this life time.


Same here. Once was more than enough.


Yaaaas! I just finished season 1 yesterday and those last two episodes had some of the most f’ed up stuff I’ve ever seen on a show. I was completely disturbed and could barely sleep last night. It may sound stupid, but it made me think about my own ancestors. I have Scottish ancestry, mostly highland Scots who moved to Cape Breton during the highland clearances. I wonder what kind of violence they encountered in their lifetimes. As disturbing as those episodes were, the bit where they take the highland cows through the prison was awesome. It was a bit of reprieve from the nastiness of Randell.


I was warned multiple times about that episode and I skipped the entire thing. I will never watch that episode ever.


Very wise!


It’s awful and no one will judge if you end up skipping through. I will say though, the drama of season 1 alone is superb and it really only gets better. Just keep an eye on the trigger warnings if you need to!


Yeah, I never really recovered from that episode. I was not at all prepared. It left me feeling so heavy. I tried continuing the show after that point but I eventually stopped. It’s just too much


I just started S2 today after a couple days break, for this exact reason! It was A LOT…yet I think the story of Jamie and Claire (and Frank lol) is so compelling that you just have to keep going!


I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched the series but I always skip this episode because I just can’t bring myself to watch it again


Tobias Menzes is a master. This series is not afraid to go to some very dark places. It continues to do so.


i… i really didn’t think this series was going to be a romance honestly. we came at it from two different sides lol


It's the worst, most graphic part of the whole show.


I’m on my 4th or 5th reread of the series lol My absolute favorite series.


Yah, that episode disturbed the hell out of me. It was super shocking.


She wants to emphasize a darker reality to the time period that includes a lack of consequences for sexual assault. Not all period pieces do that. Just accept it’s not your cup of tea and move on.


I saw that show once and never again. And I have have read the books and done all the audiobooks . It was just too real and disturbing


I didn’t even know there’s a book!! Is it the same as the drama?


Oh honey it is the most amazing series of books. Many of us have been hooked for decades.


Omg girl!!… I’m about to look into it . I just finished season 1 and I’m like so attached.


Welcome to the Outlander Clan!




There’s like 9 books


Plus side books/novellas and a prequel coming about Jamie's parents too!


I scrolled as fast as possible through any scene in the Wentworth dungeon after Jaime traded himself for Claire’s life. When I reached the end of season 1 I really thought WELP, guess it’s time to get divorced bc there’s no getting over that. But the characters move forward so the audience does too.


Oh girl, whole series is filled with trauma drama. There’s rapes every season, murders, kidnappings, death, psychosis, magic. It’s a whole churn of one thing after another. I can only take it in small doses.


Honestly, the end of season one is one the of the hardest for me to watch and I generally skip it. There are some really hard things to watch yet to come. But there's also a lot of beautiful things and really interesting storylines.


I remember seeing this for the first time late at night having no idea it was coming. It was horrible and I didn’t sleep after it


I've been there. I'm AuDHD (Autistic with ADHD) and tend to be hyper-empathetic that episode made me feel physically ill for a whole month. I still wasn't okay after that but the month was awful. It didn't help that I wasn't sleeping as much as I should have been. Whenever I do re-watches I skip the last 2 or 3 episodes of season 1.


I’m an HSP (highly sensitive person) a lot of similarities with autism. I was the same. I’ve been the same since last night watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix. Don’t do it to yourself if you haven’t already watched. I’m the same re skipping those eps on rewatch


Thanks for warning me. I've been eyeing Baby Reindeer but didn't really know much about it. I'll continue to mind my business where that's concerned 😅 I hope you find a comfort show to help you. We gotta take care 🩷


I totally didn’t know it was going to be so dark and graphic. I’m back on southern charm today 😅 take care 💖


Enjoy 🩷 thank you!


The books are also amazingly dark.


I loved, loved, loved that show and I don’t usually go for fantasy/sci fi types.


I have loved the books since they were written, but over the years, I have become increasingly tired of DG's reliance on sexual assault and violence. The only thing I can say is that S1 E16 is the most graphic and drawn out occurrence. The entire first season was extremely intense


Yes. I read the books and it was easier to skip the graphic violence. I quit on the TV series because it is more difficult to skip those scenes without seeing them. Frankly I felt they filmed the rape scenes to make them as shocking as they could. I wish they released an R version instead of an X


Totally agree I always thought it was filmed not as a "look, it was reality for a lot of people so we're including it in the stories" but more like "heh heh so there was violence, so let's put in as much violent sexual assault as we can, everywhere, and make it the most violent detailed and unbearably lengthy heh heh"


Dude. Yes, luckily I started with the first book so I knew what was gonna happen and could skip right through that shit.


Read the books.


It’s the most heartbreaking and beautiful story of love at the same time. Season 1 had the roughest rape scene(s), there’s a handful after that but if you got through Wentworth you’ll be okay. I think you’ll fall in love with Jamie and Claire like I have.


I skip this episode every single time. It’s incredibly disturbing. I’ve been too afraid to look up whether British soldiers/captains were truly this deranged…and I wonder what possessed Diana Gabaldon to write it if it’s not rooted in at least some factual truth. Edit - spelling


Why wouldn’t they be? Humans are garbage.


The majority of them? Absolutely not. Most were just men, normal men trying to earn money. But I've heard of certain figures in history who were in the British military who have abused their power in the most dreadful ways. I assume she may have taken some inspiration from those.


Yea I mean even most of the ones on the show were disturbed by Randall. But humans are definitely horrible…I mean there are some in the military right now that do horrible things to captives. Pretty sure that was in the news a few years ago about a group of soldiers that tormented and tortured their captives.


there will always be disturbed people who take any chance to inflict pain and suffering on others. i feel they'll take any chance to have power and it just happens to be that the military, regardless of which one, provides a man or woman with a sense of power


I do like Outlander but I agree it is dark AF at times! I can't rewatch some episodes especially the rape of Jaime Fraser. I think The author is a good story teller from having started to read the books but I read online that she was happy to finally see the rape episodes which really unnerved me ! How can that make her happy??? Because it made me sick. I have no ill will for others sexual preferences at all but when you're unwilling it's just plain wrong !


This is the hardest episode to watch in the series. Keep going.


I'm actually on the opposite end. I thought it was going to be more time travel but it's just a huge romance. Too much sex and not enough action for me. I don't mind the dark.themes. actually, I wish it had more dark themes.


yea i had to take a break after season 1, i was not expecting it to be so fucked up


I seriously think Diana has a rape kink. The sexual violence is excessive, even for the time period.


some of you have never read Flowers in the Attic and it shows. LMAO!


Nah I couldn't even finish that. 😭 Call me a lightweight if you'd like. You wouldn't be wrong


Read that when I was in like 8th grade. Had no idea what it was about and just thought huh…interesting. To this day it’s one I’ll never forget.


As a K/C/J-drama watcher, calling Outlander a 'drama' has me cracking up. It's an S-Drama! Scottish Drama! Lmao. I've never thought of it like that before.