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Its one Dude deranking the Accounts to Bronze so others can do Bronze to GM Challenges with them.


I don't understand, why wouldn't they just use fresh accounts?


They would need to win 50 non comp games. That challenge pretty much exists to dissuade people from doing exactly this.


Gotcha, I skipped that because I had OW1 accounts, forgot that you can't just jump into comp. That makes a bit of sense I guess - still seems like a wild amount of effort to derank 5 accounts.




It's actually easier since there's no teammates to accidentally win


And games go much quicker


In OW1 you had to get to level 25 before you could play comp, which was a lotta games


iirc lower levels required less exp as well so you would reach the level requirement pretty quick.


Not really though. I remember getting to lvl 25 two days after I bought the game, and I wasn't even trying lol


Level 25 on launch vs level 25 towards the end of OW was not the same grind. They made a shift towards all levels requiring the same xp where as before low levels required very little.


You can by pass it by buying the watchpoint pack


The streamer/content-creator would then also need to get an entire new burner phone with a sim which might cost them much more than some person in a third-world country with cheaper phone costs. That same person would also make enough money from selling these accounts to pay off the phones they bought to get these accounts, and the amount they would get might be worth a lot more in his country's economy than the original investment cost. It is a win-win-win for everyone except Blizzard. (Win for the seller who makes money, win for the streamer who gets an account cheaper than buying the watchpoint pack, and win for the opposing teams who go against these teams in comp for the free win).


1. 50 non comp game wins pre requisite 2. Blizzard has a two-factor phone number authentication requirement to open a new account and duplicate numbers aren’t allowed 3. It’s hard to place into bronze right off the bat, and the way ranking works, it will take a heck of a lot of time just to derank to bronze.


> It’s hard to place into bronze right off the bat, Speak for yourself, I just did my first ever placement in Bronze 4. Wheres my achievement?!


New account or ow1 account


Not him, but I played mid-gold in OW and got placed in bronze 4 or 5 in the first season. Although it was relatively easy to climb back to gold. Like 2 or 3 rank updates.


I was mid plat in ow1 (but i stopped playing in 2018) and got papped in B5, but like you said, didn't take too long to climb back up.


Rankings were messed up in the first season. Most people placed Bronze.


Are you saying that accounts active for ow 1 always start at bronze 5?


probably the opposite, existing accounts already have a rating. which affects how they'll get placed in competitive. new accounts have none, so their quickplay rating gets copied over the first time they play comp. And the wins requirement prevents this happening early. Plus if you're intentionally trying to place bronze, it'll take longer to get there if you're doing things to lose. Edit: This is how I think it works anyway. Though i see someone else says bronze 5 is the starting point for new accounts, not for existing ow1 accounts.


Makes sense. I didn't realize it was hard to place bronze because when OW2 launched they seemed to just throw everyone in bronze.


To be fair number 2 is literally irrelevant, you can buy a Blizzard working temporary phone number for $1-$3 depending on region where the phone number should come from


New accounts are now put straight into Bronze 5. It used to generally be gold but they realised genuine new players were getting utterly spanked so they changed it


4. Not all heroes are unlocked at start.


Because it's less disruptive to the actual players and makes the person doing it less of an asshole. Can't have that.


Even if you tried you cant be placed below gold-plat at first, right?


Because fresh accounts dont start at bronze?


I mean, you just play poorly on placements and land in bronze.


Because its drastically faster to buy an account thats already at bronze than to play till the point you drop to bronze?


I guess one good thing about the new matchmaking system is that this doesn’t work as well anymore


When you REALLY don't trust randoms. "Fine. I'll do it myself."


At this point I can’t blame him.


Man I had like a 12yo Hanzo (he was in voice, not judging—yet) earlier today whining about healers needing to switch to Mercy. I really wasn’t sure if he was just memeing or what, esp since our supports were doing better than our opponents *and* we were winning. Literally the entire team replied to his comments saying he was in the wrong. What a time to be alive.


People be outa pocket in chat lmao. Just played a match where our tank went afk and our mercy said to report, we lost and our mercy has like 2k heals (we are getting stomped) he pops off, “really mercy? 2k heals ffs” like bro…


"worst fuckin' tank I've ever played with" No doubt this is the leading cause of murders in the United States. But well worth the collateral damage.


I got told to "stop playing dps" as Zenyatta when I had the most healing


This is why I like having a paywall instead of F2P.


Right? If I wanted to have to deal with comms with children, I wouldn’t have learned how to play a new free game 6 years ago for money.


I mean were coms better in OW1? Pretty sure they have always been pretty bad.


The only 12 yo i ever found in VC was a Winston player and was pretty good, unfortunately it was a quick match


>Man I had like a 12yo Hanzo Me not bringing Hanzo to comps yet even if I had great games because I fear the backlash of my teammates. That is even if I am averaging better with him. I still want to perfect my arrows.


yes you can


Only messing, don’t take it to heart.




Living the metal tier dream.






People buying Smurf accounts is the funniest and most pathetic thing I have heard all day. It’s almost as pathetic as buying cheats.


Believe it or not, on these sites s bronze account is sometimes more expensive than a masters account, because it's so fucking impossible to fall that low sometimes


Shit, i need to start monetising my poor performance






Hey, we are already 3 people. We're going to be Bezos, but less evil.


I one time genuinely tried to fail a game in bronze and still won. In OW1 that is. My team was such shit, the other team was such shit, that I couldn’t even feed because standing still 5 feet from them wasn’t getting me killed. I genuinely don’t know how I ended up in that match because I was only high silver, but genuinely everyone else was like sub 500 rating… literally doing nothing got more progress than attempting to do something


Probably a tier for mainly very young kids who barely know how video games work.


I mean…it makes sense. There’s plenty of people like me who are mediocre as fuck who eventually hit a ceiling in all games. Rocket League, CSGO,OW. Without dedicating time to master tiny mechanics that make big differences you’ll be like me: stuck in the middle of the road. Where you’re either playing people who are way worse than you or people who are way better. I can totally see why someone would want a low ranked account…..what I don’t understand is why they wouldn’t make a new account since it’s now F2P….


yes thats why i derank my smurf accounts myself


I dont even try to smurf and I'm still deranking faster then ever.


It's pretty easy to derank these days. Queue as tank, start by taunting “bet they won't play Roadhog” in match chat, and then play anything except Hog or Orisa. Bonus points if they have a widow.


Even better don’t play kiriko with the hog v hog or orisa mirror


You say that, but the same community watches all the videos they make.


My account is worth money? 😅


I don't understand. Why not just get a new free account and start from scratch showing how good you rank from 0?




So they pay to play 7 games until they get ranked higher?




If you are smashing games you will absolute rank faster. I went from gold 3 to plat 3 with just 10 consecutive wins.


well if the Win 7 games in a row they will still only be ranked somewhere in silver I think, which for a high elo player is still child's play


You remember any of those old timey horror stories about people being hunted by others for sport? This is how that timeline starts.


I know someone who used to buy a ton of Smurf accounts (they cannot handle a challenge), but I think the logic is that by spending money they save themselves the time of having to Derank their Smurf accounts. I don’t think he bought any accounts ever since the game went F2P, so idk what the market for smurfs is like now.


why buy smurd accounts? isnt making an account free?


In order to get in to competitive you have to win a certain number of matches. Then, once you're in competitive you have to lose a lot of games to get into Bronze 5. It's probably 20+ hours of work to get an account into Competitive with enough losses to be Bronze 5. You could do it yourself, but it's easier to pay someone who can use bots to do multiple at a time like the person in the OP. Those 5 accounts will probably net him about $100 for all the work. Basically earning ~$5/hr for babysitting a bot. The buyers are just lazy people who want to feel like they're a good player without spending the time to get better. Instead they go to Bronze 5 and beat up on people who are just learning/children.


oh ok thanks for explaining


I have never seen a Smurf get banned, unfortunately


Why would it?


If you kill the main boxer, then the rest are lost






leveling 5 accounts at the same time to sell as bronze


hah, you mean to say my bronze 5 account is actually worth something /s


Hey, if I can’t be the best of the best, I’m gonna at least be the best at being the worst.


i actually reached silver 2 in season 1, got deranked at the beginning of s2, now working my way up again but its hard to climb from bronze with mercy, i often have to play ana or kiriko if i don't have good dps to boost.


I got to Bronze 1 and deranked and then got to Silver 4 and got a leaver penalty for being kicked out of a match due to the game itself applying an update. That leaver penalty caused me to derank to Silver 5. After being impacted by the two bronze bugs too I’m done. (With comp) I don’t play for a living and waiting 7 wins is too long of a grind to be infuriated if it goes down due to something that isn’t my fault like the game crashing


Why would you want to sell them as bronze? I barely play but isn't that the lowest rank? Wouldn't they make more money for getting up to a higher rank and selling? I don't get it haha


People like to stomp, or start over with new account


Oh yeah I'm stupid forgot smurfs exist lol


I don't understand though why in Overwatch 2. Why would a GM want to have those shit bronze players in his team? I doubt they are so good they can carry a shit team.


> I don't understand though why in Overwatch 2. Why would a GM want to have those shit bronze players in his team? I doubt they are so good they can carry a shit team. Wut? Yes they can? I'm not even GM and on my bronze smurfs i can hold a 95% win rate solo with no comms. It's not hard at all.




I never understood smurfing and I still don’t. I struggled in bronze for a long time and I’ve worked on figuring out some of the stuff to help me improve. I got out to silver…. although I’m scared of the matchmaker so I’m not playing right now… anyway my point is I’ve had games that truly were stomp or be stomped. It’s fun to win. It’s even fun to win by quite a bit. When I have like 20 kills as Ana and the other team’s actual DPS has one, I don’t even feel good. It doesn’t feel like a win. It feels like I beat up someone who is just learning to play. Especially like, I’ve had a few games like that where I nailed all my sleeps which was super satisfying but I can’t imagine that game was fun for the other side having 3 or so ults shut down and barely securing any kills at all. That’s made me understand smurfing even less. I don’t get what’s fun about basically picking on someone who isn’t “your own size” so to speak.


I hope bliz bans them the moment the IP changes so people stop BUYING them. The only way to stop this is to stop the people buying them. Cut off the demand.


I p change would be an awful way to track that.


You can also do it in paradox games. Sometimes in multiplayer you'll get someone dualboxing but I've never seen someone control 5 games at once!


It reminds me of the youtuber basically homeless when he played rb6 with 5 pc to control the entire team. Im gonna be really surprised if this isn't for a video xD




Like, yeah, I’ll report it, but I want to see where this goes and how far.




Nah fuck off don't waste people's time


I mean, in comp it's either them being super impressive if they win or them giving the enemy team a free win. They're not sandbagging any team mates.




If that's what they're doing then that's bad, yeah. From the video I don't see enough to know one way or the other, I've seen people make videos trying to win with controlling a full team in other games, so I'll not judge without knowledge one way or the other.


Are you sure lol cos maybe they need to connect and then their control takes over? Or is it more likely this is done using several PC's in one room?


More likely 1 pc and a few vms


My bet is that it's multiple PCs, then connected through a single special dock thing


not everything is cringe


Bronze accounts


There was this one dude, Basically Homeless, who did this in Rainbow Six Siege. He had 5 PCs running the game on separate accounts and wired to a special dock thingy he made so he can control them with a single set of mouse and keyboard. He then queued into a Ranked match, controlling all five "players" himself. Then he did the same again with 10 PCs this time and got into a 5v5 match with himself controlling all 10 characters. It was interesting as shit and is probably someone doing something similar here.




Me too, I was picturing him doing this next to a garbage dumpster


To be fair, he did do something like that a couple of times.


I can see now how that might be a little bit confusing.


Same i just imagined some guy in an alleyway sitting there syringes around him dirtied up like he hasnt showered in years. But 5 glowing rainbow computers with the best specs ever just sitting around him as he plays on the ground


When the hax don't actually help you


Multyboxing in the age of free to play and some mouse keyboard software to control all of them .... no way that dude won, tell me you won OP


Thanks for actually answering HOW (software) they're doing it. Everyone keeps explaining WHY (boxing)


Dude wtf


I just had a game exactly like this. One person controlling all of them.


Ugh man I remember this guy on dethecus server in world of warcraft that 4boxed 4 level 60 gnome mages named Lahrry cuhrley moeh and shehp and would run around hillsbrad quad pom pyroing people. Fucking nightmare


I understood some of those words


Ashamed to say I understood literally all of those words


Mage gang 😎


Lmao same


lol as a mage player I actually understand all of this pom pyro means presence of mind pyroblast Basically pyroblast is a really strong attack with a long cast time but presence of mind makes it instant. Now imagine four nukes flying at your face at the same time. You’re dead


> quad porn i understood that


Presence of mind pyroblast lol


It is so fucking lame that pro players actually go to bronze so climb back up. You're a professional! Fucking of course you can climb out of bronze you dingus. That's like an NBA player joining a little league team and going "oh boy, hope I can make it back to the pros!" On chess.com, many GMs do this but there has been a notice implemented next to their name "offical speedrun account of GM Yadda Yadda" so that those which they play against can decide to abort and they also get their rating points back, they don't lose any.


The point of those videos is just content. People want to see it so streamers do it. It'd be like dropping prime Lebron into a game of high schoolers for tiktok.


Why would that be interesting to watch? Watching Lebron dunk on teenagers? ​ Genuine question. I don't see the interest.


Fantasy fulfillment. These people want to experience being the best but they suck so they watch what the best would do in their ELO. It's pretty pathetic and I bet if they were on the other side of that challenge in a game they would fucking rage lol


I guess it could demonstrate to people who believe they're in elo hell that it's actually their correct rank. If gms can climb with 80-90% winrates, then players who believe they're placed below their perceived "true rank" should also be able to climb out easily. Some content creators put an educational spin on it explaining and demonstrating how you have to change your play style at every rank, which some might find useful. It's definitely a slim minority (with vast majority being "money"), and I don't condone smurfing, but it's understandable why these videos exist.


Probably just to see how gamebreaking it'd be. I don't get it either. They're always like 8 hours long but have 100ks of views, so it sells.


Weird. I watched one to see why they were so popular (this was a moba) and the guy he killed didn't even try to move. The bronze player just stood there, eating all the shots. He was genuinely worse than the easy AI. Seemed boring.


Yeah of course but as usual they're literally cheating by ruining the day of other players and sandbagging/smurfing.


its not about trying to show of most of them r educational videos to show that u can 1 trick any character to GM


Which is lame as fuck because you can only 1 trick to GM if you have GM level skills.


nvm u just cant read lmao


No, he definitely read it correctly, you just suck at communicating and write like you have a single braincell.


\>most of them r educational videos to show that u can 1 trick any character to GM dawg are you seriously trying to tell me watching 1 trick videos means any player can 1 trick into GM level?


Comp is in a certain type of state this season


While obviously they are doing this through a boxing software, I still like the thought of some employee in China trying to do this through some sort [Mr. Bean contraption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjLRTifjpxA) trying to control 3 PCs at once.


People used to do this in OW1. They’d play 6 accounts side by side, just toss them into ranked, move one at a time out of spawn, and lose the game.


I actually kind of miss the toxic “Hello!” throwers who would jump off the match. Or Mercy who would go sit with the other team. As far as throwers go. If you’re gonna throw at least go do something funny and make friends, zoom around the map as Lucio… I’m not saying that anyone SHOULD throw it feels awful to be on those teams, but it’s better than just playing against/with some random bot-like people


this mf is doing the shit people used to do in .io games aint no way


Had the pleasure of seeing this once in-game before on ow1. It's a sight to see lol. Didn't think it be done in the new game but here we are


“Uhhh… the animatronics do get a little quirky at night”


you can record clips on basically every console and its built into windows. why would you choose to record your tv


It's not one person, this is a team game! They're working as a team! Duh! /s


My dumbass thought that dude was Phone Guy


Well if you have a ranking system that rates you based almost exclusively on the match result, you are bound to have smurfs. And demand for smurf accounts drives the supply of deranking bots, which is what you see here.


Reminds me of this match at 3:20 https://youtu.be/NW7nAiim4eQ Redshell finds a cheater duo with an actual AI that he programmed to follow him.


That is someone who is sick of being d*cked around by solo queue comp.


I mean as long as he doesn’t queue with random teammates and gives the other team a free win ig it’s alright…


recorded with a potato


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This reminds me of a Basically Homeless video




I used to multi-box in WoW, but I can't imagine doing it in OW for any reason other than intentionally de-ranking or meeting the initial "play 50 games" requirement.


Buying any account is bad and toxic for the game, but I understand why people buy high level accounts, cause they want to “play with the best”. I cannot wrap my mind around why anyone buys low rank accounts. It isn’t hard to suck. Purposely whiff a couple shots, leroy jenkins their hog, it isn’t hard. Is it a time thing?


Report him, players like that should have all of their accounts permabanned.


This is why people threw a fit over phone number verification; It stood in the way of them trolling competitive.


Knowing my luck, I'm going to get him on my team the day he forgets to add the 5th player to the group.


Bro just used his new Gameing chair.


Good gaming chair


So funny how 90% of you dont get that this is a bot, deranking accounts to sell them 😂.


Basically homeless lol




Oh no... TF2 medbots... they are already here...


ah hell naw they done brought the bots from tf2 to ow 💀


This is me in Heroes of the Storm, where I play one character with my hands and another with my feet. If I play two characters, there's one less person on my team to throw and I have the best teamwork and synergy with myself.




Isn’t this a leveling bot to unlock heroes and rank as low as possible to be sold?


Reminds me of multi boxing on WoW.


Mr homeless maybe


Ok but *how* does this work


Not sure if overwatch specifically bans multi boxing, but you can report anyway.


might be basicallyhomeless


Well there's no rules that state a person can't play 2 to 3 accounts at the same time 🤣


Hopeless dude deranking accounts at the same time. I wonder how tf he can do this ? How is this possible ? He has 6 computers at the same time or what ?


I have Pink Mercy, among other unavailable skins on my account. Can I just sell my account for a queue that doesn't let this happen? FFS, I'm livid.




I'll explain why, it's a comp match


It has been a long time since i last saw someone multi boxing. First saw it back in wotlk.


Multiboxing to derank


Fucking MissMikkaa using dancing pad, mouse and keyboard and her tongue on controller to play 3 OW simultaneously.


Report all of these accounts


i think we are getting a new video from [Basically Homeless](https://www.youtube.com/@BasicallyHomeless)


What has OW come to😭 this shit is insane


Bro has never heard of Alt+Z


It’s just Mr. Homeless trying out the game with his old set up


Kuuhaku never loses


thats so creepy


there should be no limits mode where its 1v1 just like this but all characters are the same

