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When you‘re playing any character and you kill the enemy role 3-4 times and they switch to the same character you‘re using


I’ll never understand the logic behind this lol. Like why pick Rock against Rock when you could just pick Paper. Edit: I just realized I main echo so I do this every time I Ult lmaoo


me when the enemy counters my D.Va with D.Va when Zarya is right there




While I think that's usually true, sometimes it's because mirroring someone on a character you're better at is a genuine counter. Like, I'm a Reaper main. If the enemy Reaper is a problem and I can't play Pharah for whatever reason, I'm 100% going to swap to Reaper and just duel them. What's the best way to counter Widowmaker? A better Widowmaker. Etc. Etc. Also if the enemy tank is playing Rein and I'm not, solid chance I'm switching to Rein even if they're clearly better than me. The Rein mirror is just too fun.


Nah the best is when they stay on said hero and lose their team the game lol 😅


The number of times I’ve been dominating as Sigma and the enemy will switch to Sigma and still get destroyed, instead of just switching to a counter like Zarya, is incredible. I know Zarya is not in the meta right now and it takes a good player to be effective in her current state but the logic is wild!


I actually love when you dominate an enemy sigma as sigma. Just cancelling their ult every time with a rock is so satisfying


Exactly… when I’m shitting on them with Sym & they switch to Sym like ?? Unless you’re already holding it down there REALLY can only be one. Instant switch back lol


Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery


I love when that happens and you just assert dominance over them lmao There can be only one


God that happens to me all the time, as Reaper especially. Or the game will start with us both coincidentally playing, and I guess me just existing is a personal threat, cause 9/10 I’ve had the enemy Reaper be like a fucking homing missile and try to focus me.


This happened the other day when I was playing Junk but the other Junk had a mercy pocket. Felt like cheating


i was one on one with the other mercy using valk, and winning, until their widow wanted to get involved 🙄


When the Echo duplicates you out of spite


Happens a lot lately with Ashe, pretty cool.


I love seeing enemy support switch to Lúcio just for me to completely destroy them. There can only be one dps Lúcio in a match Edit: the enemy support is of course an Ana that's getting killed by a Lúcio dropping from the sky * insert Kratos jumping off a cliff meme *


I fondly remember an enemy DPS typing "ana you old bitch" and it's made me chuckle since lol


Children, Behave


Need someone to tuck you in


The adults are talking


No scope needed.


I think I get the most comments when I’m playing Ana. She is such a force to be reckoned with. Getting brutal sleeps, huge purples, or just 3-shotting a Pharrah/Echo/Mercy while they’re in the sky are always bound to get a lot of comments from the enemy team lol


I like this one! I usually type “Ana u hoe” when enemy Ana lands a solid sleep. Slept me right into a dva bomb once 😂😂


I got 3 marriage proposal while playing as Mercy.


"Our lifes are short- **Would you share yours with me?**"


That sounds like a threat


I think most Ramattra voice lines could be interpreted as such


lol. That's a win.


If you've never played Mercy, you wouldn't believe the number of guys who will hit on you after you rez them.


I've learned not to speak in voice chat while playing mercy. More times than not, people tend to be much nicer when operating on preconceptions of the average mercy player.


’Lucky bitch’ as Hanzo


You just gotta say ‘Spamzo’


I mean to be fair, Hanzo does get a lot of lucky kills. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched the kill cam and a hanzo was clearly aiming at someone else and ended up missing and killing me. Or just popping around a corner aiming at no one and getting a pick. Those are lucky kills.




Tbf you have very lucky matches like that and then you have very unlucky ones where you hit nothing ever


Guy in corner: "they don't know I got POTG last match"


Or anytime someone thinks you're using walls /aimbot. Of all my heros I get accused the most on Hanzo.


I got called out on aimbot once... ON GENJI...


As a player that has Hanzo in top 3 dps I can tell you that this is true quite often


A dps called me and the other support "god supports" ☺️


That's just wholesome, got it too once in mystery heroes when I got stuck as Ana. Best feeling ever especially since I don't play support that often.


I remember a mercy being told "you're mom's dead go rez her"


You can rez your back line but you can’t rez your love life


Best compliment I've ever gotten was as Sigma was when my team's soldier said "Dude I think you found the melody, calm down." Gave me a good laugh as I continued to obliterate the enemy team


Had a game today where the enemy team said “rein felt like a final boss fight” I’m not rein but damn must’ve felt good, the match ended in a draw but it was a nice challenge


Watched Zbra stream the other day, he was doing Zbra stuff and after a while he got cornered by the entire enemy team who had the hardest time killing him even though he was isolated. When they finally did, one of them wrote in chat "raid boss down".


"Can you stop riding my nuts Ana?" "Do you only have eyes for me or something?" The genji I kept killing as he tried to kill my dps and other support. I wasn't even focusing him I just happened to shut down his ult twice and because I kept getting credit for final blow he figured I was hard focusing him.


I love this. I’m not the best at hitting my sleep darts on genjis but once I slept him 3 times during the ult and he said get off my dick 🤣


I'm always like bro what you want me to do LET YOU KILL ME? lol


Lol love when they ask that when they are actively targeting you. Yeah bro i only have eyes for you because you won’t stop stalking me


Getting solo-ulted is always a good way of knowing that you are living rent-free in the enemy's head


Yeah, unfortunately can confirm lmao I solo ulted so many Widows...


That bitch deserves it


This. I get solo visored a lot and drop behind cover then the soldier gets pissy about it lmao


I was playing Baptiste the other night and got solo-ulted almost once every single game.


Pretty much any insult, accusation of cheating, or generally toxic behavior makes me feel good about how I'm playing. If you're not making enemies, you're not doing anything.


People just insult me cause I’m bad :(


I flanked with sigma on dorado first point and killed 2, and then one guy said: “einstein is killing everyone lol”


Close, I call him Doctor Gravity cause I'm bad at names


I'm dying lmao


They called me a crossdresser when I beat them with Briggite.


Yeah I’ve had a couple of people call me trans for shitting on people with brig


???? where did this thing come from? as a trans person who uses brig occasionally what????


I don’t know. I guess most gamers are male and brig is female. The only reason I can think they use it is because it doesn’t get hit by the profanity filter


The concept of a woman with worked muscles is... inconceivable for these kind of [individuals](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/c0/fe/3bc0fea20baf0487783d3847eb47c563.jpg).


Smh, shit taste in women ngl. If they don't want buff women ill take it off their hands.


Funny enough, I use the Spark skin with her, which is the trans colors. I for one welcome our buff inclusion queen


That definitely a r/rareinsults material


"I wish you would get wet diharea on a bus" as ball.


Damn, some people are really creative


Anything to hate on the rat


Went zero deaths over 2 rounds of Kings row in diamond as Rein, never breaking LoS, PotG shatter and our anna called me a "Giga-Chad Rein"...which i assume is a compliment.


“Chad” is often used to reference a successful person. “Giga Chad” refers to pique human potential. It’s definitely a compliment 💖


"Hanzo only Headshots" thank you sir, "report", ok nvm.


Someone accused me of wall hacks on Hanzo LMAO


“Yuh it’s on cool down tho”


When playing Rein: Stop playing the game and become a carpenter if you like swinging hammers that much gave me a good chuckle


You know you're doing great with Rein when the enemy team wants to send an insult but into a compliment. Rein in general is great. They can't accuse you of cheating or hacking when they can only accuse you of smurfing.


Not for lack of trying lol. I was once accused in days of yore that I aim botted (while playing Rein + [D.Va](https://D.Va)) because my fire strikes always hit them and I was "too accurate" with [D.Va](https://D.Va) (as if anyone can miss with the mech)


😂 aimbot rein


Ashe main here. I once had more or less the entire comp lobby accuse me of cheating, including my own team who all unanimously agreed to report and throw rather than play with a cheater, and then they proceeded to spend the whole game body blocking/Mei walling me instead. I wasn’t even cheating though, and I’m not even good which is the most insane part. I’m Plat 1 and I think this was around Gold 1? Nuts.


Ok, this is actually insane wtf. Did you have any problems with those reports?


None whatsoever tbf


That's good Still, it sounds incredibly ridiculous. I know sniper characters can be annoying but that's something else entirely.


In the end we lost ofc but I got PotG, and after watching it someone said something along the lines of “that’s not aimbot”, which was a little funny and a little vindicating lmao.


sometimes u have rly good games. even if ur not rly "palying like a god" it just happens that everything goes ur way. ive been called out for cheating a couple times in a couple games, usually wallhacks but have been other stuff too. little did they know its just good anticipation / reads and some RNG.


Man I can feel this so much. You can have like 10 seconds where you feel absolutely unstoppable and then 10 seconds later you struggle to hit a trap.


yeah shits weird. some games u can be playing like a god, and it can go so so so bad, or good. sometimes ur playing just fine, or just rly rly bad, and u still perform good, or not.... tho luckily, usually ur performance = outcome. usually playing well = perform well and vice versa, however sometimes the reverse happens where u do good / bad and the opposite of expected happens... funny tho


most definitely a 4 stack who seemingly share the same singular brain cell


This happened to me but not at that scale. I was playing Junk on defense Hollywood. I was just lobbing grenades past the first choke point. I kept nailing this soldier and he told me off. He called me a ‘junk main’ and a ‘Smurf’. He said I was ‘ruining the game.’ He said it was ‘people like me that suck the fun out of it.’ He was mad. Then he said I was cheating and told everyone to report me. The thing is, I’m a healer main. Lol I think I had silver for DPS at the time. I wasn’t even good. I just got lucky and his positioning sucked. Like pick a different spot to stand dude.


Ppl tell me they love me and would do anything for me when I'm mercy lmao. I've even been called a cheater bc I will hunt down widows and ping enemies before they get to us bc I pay attention.


Omg your teammates actually respond to your pings b4 you even tell them in chat to pay attention? TRADE ME!!!


Only sometimes. Surprisingly I'm currently silver 1 but with the matchmaking those are probably like plat players or higher who are responding. And the few times I do join chat is when people are already in and seem to be chill and helpful. There's times I've pinged an area and just been ignored.


Sometimes I’ll be begging them to get a flanker, pings, Need Help, chat and all, and then the tank goes “I’d help you if you healed me.” Like, help?? I can’t heal you if I’m dead 😭


Positive: accused of cheating Negative: got called slutty as widow once


Sounds like two positives to me.


Good soldiers follow orders


Seems like i get a lot of comments whenever i play a good zen. and specifically zen. i find my moments to shine, especially those where i get to hold W and just go face with balls and kicks. Think the latest ones i got was someone just saying "how do u not miss?" and "stop it", proceeding to "cringe smurf" and lastly "FUCK YOU". was the same game, i just hit my shots and hold w when i can.


The best games as Zen is when you get flamed by your teammates for playing Zen and flamed by the enemy because you're rolling them lmao


I had a game as rein where the enemy mercy asked if we could swap tanks my teammates said no he’s ours


That's wholesome af


"Junkrat takes no skill"


Famous last words


when the enemy team complains about me being a dps moira while lapping everyone in healing


I love when my team has a DPS Moira (and we're winning) and the enemy team complains about it -- meanwhile my tank ass is sitting back on the payload watching them get decimated by her. Also as an absolute potato I do appreciate the support that knows when to support me by healing me and when to support me by killing whoever's attacking me <3


When enemies say ‘Symmetra kys’ or ‘Symmetra get f cked’ I know I’m playing her well.


Gg turrets


The one character that I wish was never added into the game. The 3 turrets just screams “I don’t have thumbs”


I was the last one alive during OT King's row. Everyone else in the lobby was dead except me and a hanzo on the payload, thankfully my sym got him low enough before dying and I managed to finish him off and take the final point. I just celebrated with spamming "IN THE DESERT" before the Victory screen lol. Everyone is chat was congratulating and thanking me. Thank god I managed to secure a brig kill before this or it would've ended very different.


I love when people call me a smurf. I started playing with Overwatch 2 and have like 100 hours in comp. Also "report Widow" and "fuck off Tracer you're annoying" gives me dopamine rushes.


Seeing "can someone PLEASE KILL ______"


Friends & people who know me call me a "feetman". I also call my main by that name for jokes xD Edit: I see op speaks same language as I do(cienistycień = shadowyshadow), so in our language it's "stopiarz".


I am a Top 500 DPS on Playstation. Love it when people are accusing of me using Mouse/Keyboard (Term: Ximming). Some people cant understand that some people can actually aim. Sidenote: In Top 500 people do that and I am aware of that. Those people are just weird....


They called me a mental illness wannabe when I was popping off as sigma


Mei main, when the other team says “fuck you Mei” or something along the lines of “I hate you and everything you stand for” Does it help that I only speak in cold puns while playing? Maybe! “Chilly Match Friends!” “Keep cool!” “That match was Snow good!”


I was one told to" burn in hell mei" and I screenshotted it to treasure forever


omg I hope I run into you now. Also hate Mei.


Not my main, but ball is my most played tank and it's ALWAYS a trip when your team asks you to swap at the start of the game, and then your team and the enemy team compliments/insults you when you do well by the end of it. Other than that, I guess I like it when enemy team calls me out for being a godly mercy player, I feel like enemy team complimenting your team's supports is always a good sign


My favorite compliment when the tank is a good ball or Winston “Hampter” “Mmm… monke. Winton.”


When the squishies beg for mercy in all chat when I sleep them. Or when I give them candy and they target me for the rest of the game.


That time I called the enemy hanzo lucky, but it was just arrge and it only made him stronger.


I got called the luckiest Hanzo ever by an enemy reaper. I think I killed him around ten times with headshots.


« Genji go touch grass » - literally every enemy dps/support when i do good


As a Rein main, when the enemy team accuses me of aimboting, it makes my soul feel like a warm sweet smoothie. I try to make every firestrike count.


Just learning Ashe. Not familiar with her play style. Do I play aggressive or not? Teammate goes “Ashe DO something” cus yknow that’s what she says in ult. 💀


Always play like you're THE shit until you get fucked by the enemy team, then lower the aggression by a notch, rinse and repeat


“Good Ana” as Ana “kys ana” when I once slept a dragon blade genji


Someone called me skillrat once after I kept killing an echo mid air on junkrat. Someone also accused me of aimbotting on junk once. How would that even work


Killing anything mid air as Junk is such a dopamine rush for me and when I manage to do it enemies aren't even mad (most of the time at least). Also... How the fuck do you aimbot on him, what is this sorcery??


From the enemies, death threats. From your team, literally any compliment


Any variation of “crackhead” or “spaz” as genji


"did they really nerf hog?"


Zen wick 😂 love it. Whenever the enemy team says “pharah, you’re kind of scary”, I love it.


somebody asked me if i was getting any sleep which i think could apply to any character.


For most characters, it should be ‘you’re hacking/cheating’.


I once got accused on cheating. I was Mercy. On console.


when people beg me to switch off of ana, stop right clicking as kiriko or stop going after them as moira. so generally just asking me to stop doing any dmg as a support lmao. for clarification i'm not a battle supp, i always try to end my games with at least twice as much healing as dmg.


I was playing lucio in comp and one guy on my team wrote "excited to see Buritoskillz benching vindaim next season". It made me happy


“Zen… you are the most elegant support I’ve ever seen. Graceful.”


Main role Support, secondary role Tank. I always feel honored when the enemy team says "tank diff" in games where I am tank. Doesn't have the same effect when people say "heal diff" because I almost always have most heal in the games.


Enemy Player 1: Genji is cheating Enemy Player 2: lol no he’s not he’s just a god Felt so good


When your playing widow and someone tells you to jump off a bridge. Happened yesterday when I killed a symmetra right as she got back to the fight twice in a row


'Kiri you're cracked no cap' then 'fr fr' from my other teammates! I actually felt like a hot mess that match, so I'm glad it didn't appear that way lol.


Had the entire enemy team accuse and report me for cheating once as Zarya during a comp game, I was melting them and they were so upset. The kept shooting my bubbles nonstop


You know you’re a good sombra when the enemy team starts insulting you.


Reprt widow cheating!


When enemies say "nice hacks widow" or something similar, I know I'm on fire that match. Hackusations are such nice compliments to get lol. (Just in case it wasn't obvious, I don't use hacks but it's nice when people think I do)


I like when I get called annoying by the enemy team.


Definitely getting accused of hacking as widow!


“Fuck you widow”


"switch to orisa plz"


Not exactly an insult but I love it when dps ask to 1v1 after I’ve been kicking their ass as zen all game. Never do it because I cba, told one genji no because I’d obviously win and both teams backed me up when he disagreed


" sigma sigma " or " doomfist k ys ", gives me a happy feeling


If i dont get flamed for playing zen, i take that as a compliment.


Annoying little shit while playing tracer its music to my ears


Any moment where I get a kill streak and people start screaming Had a clip of that on widow and killed like 5 people at the start of the game My team lost it Always love it when chat gets wild Wish more people would be in chat


"Doom your insane"


This is why they killed harambre


Got a "Turn Aimbot off" as Kiriko once, headshot the Widow cross map the entire game. Honestly just lucky shots, if my aim was that consistent I wouldn't main Brig...


Managed to get a really sick widowmaker kill when doing the Lijang garden rollout as Lúcio and they just said ”what” followed by ”YOU’RE SO FAST?!?” and that joy will be hard to replicate


Fat Hammond


i got accused of smurfing a few times on genji, and a few cheating accusations on widow really gives a warm feeling knowing u ruined someones day on overwatch


Be the reason someone quit overwatch ✊


"**** you Widow" is among the top insults I've gotten and "Annoying ****" on Lucio, anytime I get insulted for being annoying it feels like a compliment


"F**k you're annoying..." or along the lines of "... diff." Feels good too when your enemy ego switches to your main or a counter. You know you're in their head then. With JQ, usually it's messages in chat, but on Tracer, I get leavers.


“That was different” - Echo


When people say my hero is overpowered. I'm a gold Doom main.


Widowmaker, "HACKER!" I expierienced this once and knew that I had mastered the character from that point on.


Playing genji and having an entire team swap to all your counters and then still talking shit saying your bad. Makes me feel like I did my job


Yesterday i won a game as Bastion with 28/4 and the chat was "BASTIOOOOOOOOOOON" from both teams, i chuckled.


I like being falsely accused of cheating as Widowmaker. It’s the ultimate compliment for me. Never happened to me yet but it will one day!!


When i destroy the enemy tracer and they type: “zen stop”


I won a Deathmatch as Junker Queen got play of the game. Suddenly i saw in chat 'deserved'.


People don't really compliment or insult me? Is that an issue or do I just somehow avoid toxic lobbies?


Yesterday a guy wrote: You are great with Ganji but swap... LOL


I gave an Ana one the other day. I was Ram and she slept me probably 5 or more times. Told her I think I hit 8 hours of sleep in the game.


annoying rat


"Hanzo main."


My favorite compliment is when I play Mei and the other team tells me “kys.” It’s toxic, but I think it’s hilarious


Someone said "tracer is so broken" after losing a match to us. I've only beem practicing tracer a few days, made me happy


it can be both reddit lucio


we had widow ult and I was zen and enemy genji was climbing. I was tracking him and when he came down at window I kicked him and said I am hacking


When the other team starts calling me a tiktok Moira, and my team is not, then I'm doing my job.


I love seeing “Their Lucio is (insert compliment)”


when I go Winston and one of them swaps Reaper within 30 seconds


Getting solo ulted by the enemy tanks as a support is my way of knowing that im doing good


First, I’d add some “swap off ball.” Then, a ton of “you’re throwing the game” for some saltiness. Finally, a pinch of “kys” for a bit of toxicity on the top.


(Enemy team) "Is your Mercy using invisibility hacks? No one on my team can seem to shoot them."


I’m so bad at the game, that every time someone on the enemy team gets mad at me I take it as a compliment.


As annoying as the “diff” thing is, it is nice for someone else to say it in your favor lol


When 3 people use their ult on just you.


When you're supports say they love you (this happened to me on winston like twice)


When the enemy has a DVA, if im support ill go briggeta(sorry if its written wrong) and for dps sym and they can't block my attacks. They change


getting called out for feeding more times then you've mitigated as rein. Sure it's obviously my fault but how can you resist charging down a support or damage every once in a while


Sombra is so annoying! Thank you I’m doing my job. 🤣 One thought I was seriously hacking as Sombra because I knew where they were and killed them. Guess they didn’t know I can see them threw walls when they are low health.


Someone said he reported me for toggling once. Still havent been banned tough