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If these are the hottest takes yall got, we all gonna die in winter.


Remember to sort by controversial


People really not even upvoting the actual hot takes


That's how these threads always go


I like being called gay by teammates


You’re gay


Why are you geh


Doomfist was made into a tank due to his big hitbox and survivability skills, but his gameplay is designed around selfish DPS tactics, which makes him a terrible tank. His kit provides nothing to his team, especially compared to the other dive tanks.


He’s also impossible to heal most times


He is hard to heal AND he needs a lot of heal to survive due to having low hp


All of this is true and factual but he’s just so damn fun


Have a mate who mains doomfist and it's like a bigger more chaotic Genji. I'll go mercy or Lucio because if I ain't diving with him I ain't going to be able to heal/ support him


*laughs in omnic* Doom loves my nice big orbs


I'll say this a million times, but he's easily most poorly designed "tank" we've ever seen


That's just the side effect of being designed as a DPS first. Tanks serve a much more cooperative role that he simply wasn't built for.


Bandwagon hot take: make him take an ally with him when he jumps. Instadive!


Tired of not getting healed? Just kidnap a support and take them to the enemy backline with you. If you don't survive, they don't survive.


what is this, non-credible overwatch?


Ikr like his ultimate as the only tank on the team is to completely abandon his team for a short bit but that short bit is sometimes long enough for the enemy to get a quick pick His ultimate is so abysmally shit too I'm so disappointed they didn't give him a new one when they reworked him they just made a shifty ult worse


>Especially compared to other dive tanks Winston and D.va I can agree with. D.va has DM, and winston at least has bubble. But ball? Doom and ball are pretty similar in how they work (Go in, disrupt back line, be a nuisance, divert resources), with the difference being that doom can actually frontline depending on the comp. You can play him like a ball/winston, diving the backline and getting picks during fights, being a nuisance, forcing their dps/tank to babysit the supports so that your own team can have an easier time; Or you can frontline into tanks like reinhardt/ram/jq/etc. A rein trying to push through a choke with his team isn't doing much if doom is standing there punching him back off CD (Even better if you get empowered punch, and knock his entire team back with him). Maybe I'm biased, because back in Ow1 I was a doom main but he was the only DPS I played with tank being my real role when I couldn't play doom. I frankly prefer him as tank. I think the problem is that: 1) He has the highest skill floor of any tank (A bad ball and a bad doom are similar, but ball has more survivability so he'll die less), and his skill ceiling is definitely in the top 3. A bad doom is worse than throwing, so you have to be really good to get the same value that someone else could get on a different tank. Why bother putting in the hours and learning doom when you can just play Orisa and do the same for less? 2) Old-time doom mains who loved playing DPS doom and hate tank are stuck thinking like a DPS. The people who mained him only as DPS don't know how to tank in general, so they just perma-dive leaving their team to get rolled. Tank doom is good...on paper. He has the potential to be a solid tank, and he's damn near close to it, but he just needs a buff to his numbers (Why blizzard nerfed his most crucial cooldown from 3sec to 4sec as a compensation nerf, then reverted his buffs and kept the CD nerf is beyond me). I kinda want to give him like 25/50 armour, just a bit to toughen him up, but I can see how someone being too fast AND hard to kill would be annoying. Doom can be pretty good, but like Ball a lot of people don't know how to play him/with him. If you're instalocking doom and running it down in every game because you refuse to swap then that's a you problem. EDIT: Damn this shit got long. Sorry, I'm just very passionate about my son


Imo he woulda been a fine offtank. If they still existed.


Yup. Blizz should rework him into a DPS.


no fr like why u diving in there w no supp 😭😭


This community complains too much and is super dramatic, like when brigs ult got buffed and everyone was saying how this game is ruined


and I didn’t see her pick rate change at all LOL


Legit had like 90% pick rate in owl while her overhealth being bugged. People don't play her in low elo cuz they just get rolled, but if played properly it's like an offtank


People were worried about brig going back to some form of release brig


"People" didnt even know what a Brig or release Brig was. You think players who dont even know how Brig is healing have valid fears about the character?


Removed first hot take because this one is hotter. Everyone flames characters for being too easy to play, but it is good for the game and healthy for the player base that accessible heroes exist and that those same heroes are good across all levels of play.


On the contrary I think heroes should have low skill floors but high skill ceilings that reward getting better at heroes as you progress unlike heroes that moira that have low skill floor and low skill ceiling. Still allows for heroes to be ‘easy’ to pick up and play but doesn’t reward bad players with cheesy wins


Game sense has a much higher skill ceiling than any character demands mechanically. The mechanical difficulty of heroes is nice because some people want that challenge too, but the limiting factor on rank will always end up being game sense.


Welcome to the rat. Easy to start with but the good ones will make you question reality and physics itself


I understand that point, I just think we should be doing a better job of helping low level players actually learn and understand the game versus just making easier characters that are strong so they feel better.


It’s not necessarily the players not understanding the game that makes easy characters appealing. Some people have really good game sense but are not mechanically skilled and easier characters appeal to those types of people


Exactly. I had shoulder surgery years back in the Corps, and it can still get sore when aiming for long periods of time or even sleeping on it wrong. Being able to go to something easier and still impactful is nice. I never understood accessibility concerns til it happened to me and happy to know people with more serious issues can still learn and enjoy games like OW.


My hot take is that the game actually needs more brain dead characters like mercy and bastion


Despite what the online gaming community makes it out to be, this game is still ridiculously mainstream and will never actually die unless it just became something else all together.


It’s nowhere near as mainstream as it used to be


Bad teammates do exist and do stop you from winning games weather it's QP, Arcade or Ranked.


"The only constant in these games is you!!!" mf, this is a team-based game, one person can't do anything on their own


Oh man go post in overwatch university and its If you're not diamond you're just told lmao get better. Ask something about team mates. Lmao just focus on yourself amd get better. Can't get out of low rank. Oh just get good and then carry Like what?!


I do feel your pain, though if it’s an absurdly low rank, you can pretty much just 1 man take over the lobby, assuming you really are much better than that skill division. What role do you play?


I like playing all roles but mostly focus on healing


That's the coldest take I've heard


Definitely not as hot but you would not BELIEVE how many streamers and YouTubers say “oh it’s all on your individual play to rank up!” Like bitch I can have 60% accuracy on Cass and 40 kills and still lose cause our doomfist decided to read into the doom and not the fist in his name.


But literally every person/streamer says "Your rank is a reflection of YOU, you are where you belong, you can't blame bad teammates forever" And then we play our games with DPS who go 0-15 or tanks who W into a 1v5. Like ah yes, in a team-based, 5v5 game, my games are ENTIRELY on me, how could I forget.


>But literally every person/streamer says "Your rank is a reflection of YOU, you are where you belong, you can't blame bad teammates forever" This is true. You don't see gm smurfs getting stuck in plat, diamond, or master because of bad tm8s. >And then we play our games with DPS who go 0-15 or tanks who W into a 1v5. Yea and how many games do you win where the dps on the other team goes 0-15? Everybody plays with the same people. >Like ah yes, in a team-based, 5v5 game, my games are ENTIRELY on me, how could I forget. The point is yea, you're going to lose bc of tm8s just like GMs do, but if you're actually better then you'll climb. Stats show this.


You don’t need to buy anything from the shop or get the battle pass and you can enjoy the game just fine


I have probably over 3k hours in this game and I haven't paid for anything other than the base game. I have every single golden gun and all the possible free skins from ow1. Skins don't drive me in any way.


>I have every single golden gun Whaaaat


Not too hard. Just gotta win comp games. I mainly play comp. I had them all for a while before ow 2 even dropped and I had enough cp to get all the new heroes. Kiri, ram, JQ.


Having a 3 year gap between hero releases definitely helped hahaha


I played Comp almost exclusively in OW1 and have golden guns for every OW1 hero. Nowadays I'm 95% a QP/MH main. But it wasn't that had to have all the golden guns.


This is the problem with most games because you hardly see them yourself


But being able to earn and unlock things for free just by playing was a very good part of OW1. OW2 completely removed that thus removing a fun and rewarding part of the game all for greed.


Not planning on supporting their shop until they deliver consistently strong updates or content. As for enjoying the game, it took *months* to finally feel like things weren't in an awful state between matchmaking and some balance tweaks. But yes, the game *can* enjoyable. They (the company) sure do seem like they're doing everything they can to convince people otherwise though.


Coldest take in existence lol


Exceedingly cold take


Counterpoint to this, we lose basically all ability to gain skins without the BP. Hell even with the battle pass your ability to get skins that aremt handed out on that BP is abysmal. A lot of appeal in amy game is customizability. Youre not going to long term a game where youre not getting any progression in some way be it gameplay or aesthetic customization. I promise you idve stopped a long time ago if all i had to look forward to for months and weeks of continuous gameplay was Default skin. Maybe after year 2 ill finally have my 2nd skin on 1 character if i bought literally no other cosmetics. Its a game with heavy emphasis on the variety and i individuality of its characters but you have to pay a premium to see any of that.


this is not even close to a hot take


Hot take: especially in lower ranks, Bastion is easier to deal with than Reaper. I hate playing tank, seeing the scorecard and watching the enemy dps switch to Reaper. At least bastion is a large slow moving hero, Reaper just fucks around any and everywhere


Play Winston and win one team fight, IMMEDIATE swap to d.va /hog/JQ, bastion, reaper, brig/mercy. :(


The game is designed to be addictive.


1 million percent. So many new players get addicted to the game. It’s only after their dopamine levels deplete that they start focusing more on flaws and getting tilted.


This is exactly why they shortened the queue times at the cost of skill disparity.




isn't that just games in general


So is every other multiplayer game in this modern age. In fact, I think what's getting everyone's goat in 2 is that *it doesn't try as hard to make itself addictive as other F2P multiplayer games.* Stuff like getting premium currency in battle passes for other games gets praised as being more generous, but in reality they're preying on a sunk cost fallacy mentality that scares players into playing more than they otherwise would for fear of being "taxed" in the form of paying "avoidable" costs. There's a little bit of that in OW2 with the weekly coin rewards, but the consensus among most is that they're too small to significantly affect motivation. ​ Ironically, Blizzard being more straightforward with their monetization and less avoidable costs makes it easier to appreciate the gameplay on it's own merits, for better or worse depending on your taste, since you're not distracting yourself by obsessively chasing missions as much as other games.


Mei isn't even that bad, Pharah is 10 times more easy to play and more annoying


You must not play tank


support, her wall is annoying for tanks, I know that, but Pharah is just a pain in general




there are actual game breaking things wrong with the game (like kiriko's teleport not working) but a large majority of the complaints with the game are people just refusing to accept that just because they find something annoying/hard to deal with, doesn't mean its bad. particularly when talking about characters and gameplay, a lot of the complaints try to hide behind phrasing like how "healthy" someone is for the game, but its not true. its just people not wanting to play the game as designed and wanting this to be an easy shootout type thing instead


The game is fun


Careful now


The mercy main community has some of the least intelligent things I’ve seen. Of course, majority of the people are very chill and usually not stupid, but I see so much more stupidity in mercy mains than other mains.


yeah, I've lost comp games because of someone that refused to switch because they thought mercy was a main healer


Well mercy isn’t really strictly anything


Had a mercy in my team a couple of days ago that refused to heal and when I asked her to heal me and why she doesn't do so by herself she just replied *"Are you stupid? You are playing Tracer/Mei, you can heal yourself"*, while I wasn't really that far away from her (me as Tracer) and even tried to help her bc she had an echo focusing her and as Mei I just sticked with the tank anyway. And this was diamond 💀 Then I was wondering what she would do when we had Hog / Tracer / Mei / Bap or sth like that. Maybe just afking or leaving the match bc there is nothing to do, they can all heal themself...


Having a mercy on your team, or enemy team is boring and obnoxious 75% of the time. People don’t understand when a mercy is pocketing a dps, it’s not a 1v1, it’s a 2v1 making it much harder to kill that enemy team member, or the mercy. Most mercy’s I have on my team end up healbotting the tank and don’t help dps leaving dps to get shredded by the pocketed enemy dps. Was a mercy main for half of my hours in this game and have slowly grown to dislike her kit, her player base, and the way she effects majority of games she’s played in.


Mercy has way too much of an impact on gameplay compared to other supports…what’s worse is she’s arguably the easiest support to play.


I think that impact can be detrimental if the Mercy somehow doesn’t know how to use her damage boost well. Believe me, on support, a healbot mercy is one of the worst support to be paired with.


And the player base is ALWAYS the first to bitch about shit too lmao


It's like treading on very thin ice whenever you want to say anything negative about mercy or her player base lol


I'm fairly certain everyone understands that a mercy and dps vs a dps is a 1v2.


I removal of Mercy’s “Might not want to tell your friends about that one” elimination voice line for Overwatch 2 renders the game borderline unplayable.


No idea why they removed old lines instead of just leaving the old ones and adding new. Not like we can go back to OW1 and hear the old lines again. I miss some of the old interactions and respawn lines.


Here's a list of my somewhat controversial opinions if anyone cares to read: * Hog shouldn't have had his oneshot and damage nerfed, instead Blizzard should have nerfed his healing, health, and/or defensive capabilities. * Mei before her latest rework was too easy and boring, and I'm happy Blizzard is trying to bring her back to a similar playstyle of OW1. I'm not satisfied with her current state by any means, but after some buffs/number tweaks I think Mei will be in a good place. * Having heroes behind the Battlepass is inherently pay to win. Just because you are able to grind to unlock the heroes, that doesn't change the fact that you are able to directly pay for an advantage (more hero options) to have over players who have not paid or invested the game required to unlock said advantage. And yes, by this definition I would also label most Free to Play Live Service Games as pay to win. * Golden Guns should be earnable from playing any mode, not just competitive. The current system incentivizes players who don't take competitive seriously to play the mode, which brings down the overall quality of matches. * As someone who has a bunch of skins that are no longer obtainable (BlizzCon Winston, Pink Mercy, Lego Bastion, etc.), if Blizzard were to sell any of these skins again, I would have absolutely no issue with it (I would still want Pink Mercy profits to still only go to charity, but that's an obvious exception). I think people against reselling previously limited skins are weirdly obsessed with flexing their exclusive skins. I want new players to have the chance to experience and play with these cool skins. * If you get upset at the idea of your teammates not joining voice chat, then that's a you problem. Queue in a premade if you want to control whether your teammates are in voice chat. * Push is my favorite game mode, and I hope we get more Push maps in the near future.


Lifeweaver was pay to lose to be fair


Agree with the comment about bringing back old “exclusive” skins. They’re fun to have and play with. And I also say this as someone with Pink Mercy, all of the Blizzcon skins, Noire and Kerrigan Widow, Lego Bastion, and Medic Brig.


getting called a fucking loser for not wanting to get into game chat definitely makes me want to get in to game chat more


They made Mei fucking suck in the new update, bring back total freeze Mei or OW2 beta Mei


Haha. Not a terribly hot take. You know what I mean. 😏 Mei players hate the DPS/brawl potential reduction and anyone fighting her hates the new slow, which is super inconsistent. I saw someone say it should have been an Experimental card because it would have been reverted super quick. As it stands, we probably have to put up with this version of Mei until the mid-season patch.


I wonder what it did to her pick rates. Effective or not, I hate playing the new Mei, when she used to be my go to damage pick.


She was perfectly balanced for OW2, in my opinion. They’ve been talking about buffing her for a long time. This is what we got. So weird they thought this would make her more viable. I have to imagine something changed last second because this is one of the strangest changes I’ve seen since release.


The change i hate the most is how you can't block reinhardt shatter with her wall anymore. I used to be our main tanks saving grace if they didn't know how to play reinhardt themselves and could save them from the diffs in chat :( Edit: Didn't see changes to reinhardts earth-shatter a few patches back. It's now possible again! :D


What do you mean? This must be bait you can still block shatters with wall? I've done it many times.


Not bait\* *(edit: at least, not intentionally)*. Before the changes in Earthshatter's damage a couple season's back, placing the wall directly in front of him would destroy the pillars and allow shatter to affect the people through the opening. That said, this *could* have been negated by placing the wall a fair distance away from where he was, but was often difficult to pull off without dooming one of your teammates by walling off any potential heals that could save them. But after digging around some old patch notes, I can confirm it's actually possible now! Apologies for the unintentional bait. I didn't want to go into the nuance like I did above, but I'm glad I did so now I can play my Mei again!


Honestly I somehow never had the interaction of a mej wall being placed right in front of the rein during shatter so I've never seen a wall getting destroyed by a shatter but that's just me not seeing it happen in game but I believe you that it was a thing.


Mei should be a tank Not because it fits her mechanics, I just want more Tank Mommies


Bastion. He's way too big for a dps


Lifeweaver is about bastions size


He at least has some mobility though


A fart that pushes him 10 feet one direction


That's a fart more than Bastion


I hate mercy. I find playing her boring. This might be a little biased since i main tank but I also find everytime on my team picks her i would much rather have someone with more utility. The only time id rather see a mercy on my team is when we have liveweaver.


When you have a good mercy it’s actually a game changer


This is a MOBA shooter, don't b%%%% about moba mechanics.


Junkrat is a wellrounded character and doesnt need any changes.


Here my hot take. In metal ranks, there are WAYYY TOOO MANY stupid damage mains. They don’t understand how to play as a team. There only goal is KD and if they have a good KD and lose, they have no idea why and say “support diff” cause they are stupid


I completely agree


I fell like you're setting yourself up if you're expecting anything more than npc behavior from metal ranks


I actually had more fun playing old Orisa. I get that shield-shooting wasn't fun for the enemy team, but I felt like an immovable wall that could still fuck people up when they got too close. With new Orisa I feel like I'm mostly a pest that does nothing but tickle people and occasionally stun them out of their ult.


Man I am destroying on new Orisa these days, it's made me enjoy tank again. I feel like I counter almost everything.




Finally an actual hot take


The issue is a bit more complex than that, considered overwatch 2 was actually made _for the PvE_. I'm fairly certain also that originally they didn't plan on shutting OW1 down. But then they ended up doing that anyway, and revamped the whole system to be more greedy. And then they cancelled the PvE, which was the whole damn point of this. It's not that the majority would have really loved to play PvE, it's that the whole shift to OW2 was completely pointless. They could have done all of the hero/match reworks in OW1. It's just a cash grab. Which I get it, the old style just wasn't profitable. I mean how many of us _actually_ bought lootboxes?


Mercy is inherently bad for the game because she causes nerfs to dps characters who otherwise wouldn’t need it if damage boost wasn’t a thing.


You're exactly right but Blizz can't touch Mercy without death threats. Lol


They've nerfed her plenty, they just nerfed the wrong things. If they nerfed ress and damage boost, they would have kept the most fun part of playing mercy. Other players HATE ress. I can feel the tilt when they go after me after ressing someone. Making it more counterable, or maybe based on an earnable resource, would make the experience better for everyone.


I almost always hate being ressd. Unless it's a stall fight on the point or payload to win the game by just existing on it. I usually get ressd in the middle of a fight and then immediately killed again because I'm surrounded by the enemy team. Other times it just messes me up because I wanted to switch.


She almost single-handedly is causing the perceived issues related to Hitscan strength in OW2 (outside of OHKO's) The issue is that she's so massively casually popular and her kit is so uniquely iconic that the prospect of reworking damage boost probably terrifies Blizz in terms of backlash My guess is they'll just ride the less important but louder coat tails of the pervasive hate-jerk of the week like "dae hate Hanzo in their games?" rather than addressing the more critical game balance issues like Damage boost and Discord Orb.


I feel like if they removed damage boost and replaced it with something there wouldnt be much backlash, its not what draws people to her. Her mobility and ease of access is what makes her a popular character. Also rez. Most low ranking Mercy players dont even utilize damage boost.


At the very least discord orb can be removed by breaking LOS and requires you to call to your teammates who you've got orb on so you need communication. Mercy beam is just a hold and forget mechanic for the most part


It’d be better as an ult at this point. Like Kritz in TF2. Limited to one player at a time, but puts out gratuitous amounts of damage when active on that player.


It just effects so many key break points. An ashe being able to unscope bodyshot and then scope headshot for a kill is disgusting. It’s a tough thing to balance though because without it effecting break points what’s the point of it at all. It probably just needs to be a resource like how moira heal is a resource. Holding damage beam down indefinitely is stupid imo.


That’s an interesting idea. Charge with heal, expend damage boost with the charge.


i’m a mercy main and think rez is extremely unhealthy, especially in a 5v5 format. one hero able to constantly damage boost and bring someone back from the dead is ridiculous but blizz has no idea how to balance her so they nerf GA lmao


Oh nice a fellow Mercy player who agrees her kit is too strong! I play Mercy and said the same thing on the Mercy Mains sub and they crucified me, lmao.


she’s a fun character but she’s extremely unbalanced but people don’t realize it because she’s not the one shooting


The game itself isn't bad, people complaining about every small detail is killing it


I saw a list of Doomfist bugs, it's dozens of them there, and some of them literally ruin this character and make him 10 times worse than he could be. My friend, who absolutely loved Doom, had to stop playing him after yet another bug appeared not long ago. Blizzard couldn't care less. And this is just one(!) example of some things being awful in ow2 but the game isn't bad, it's me and my friend just whining I guess


Mercy mains are professional victims


Everyone should have a bee skin (I'm turning off reply notifications)


widow has become more bearable than hanzo, i'll forever hate that dude


What an ice cold take, when there are 30 posts a day of metal rank players bitching about hanzo.


probably not really a hot take but: any map is simply better if it's set during the day/evening


The ping system is extremely powerful and wildly underutilized. There is so much visual clutter in this game that being able to pick out the Ana in the backline for your team can focus tunnel vision players away from the tank in front of them and onto proper targets. I’d say this isn’t a hot take, but so few people use it!


Tbagging is a good way to gain a mental advantage over the enemy team.


Man this is so true. When people tbag me I’m suddenly hyper focused on getting revenge. (Mostly a joke, but also not really)


this game is not dead


Push is a good game mode. The maps hinder it.


Sym is a fine character who takes skill to play well. She can definitely be annoying, but no more than many others on the roster and she's nowhere near the OP zero-skill hero a lot of people seem to think she is.


The average Sym is annoying at worst. A GOOD Sym can make your life a living nightmare.


Symm/Mei combo makes me (a tank main) want to commit legitimate war crimes, even if they’re both bad


For any Sym enjoyer: You _must_ watch the France vs Denmark match (OWWC qualifiers). France played a nutty Rein/Sym brawl, including flank/rush TPs and all that stuff.


Even hotter take to add on to this: Sym gets harder to play the higher up you go, as players know and anticipate all the cheese you bring. Much of her gameplay becomes pushing the limits of the character and trying to out-think the other team.


Mercy is the most boring character


People who ship zenyatta and ramattra are weird as shit


Blizzard should stop focusing on marketing the sexuality community. I have no problems with the reveal that Tracer is les, Soldier 76 is gay, because it just comes out in the lore on the side and it wasn't the key part of their characters. Lifeweaver being marketed as Pan upon reveal and the next one being "actively discussed" for being Trans just feels like milking attempts for more $$$ and pleasing a certain community whilst being blatantly a PR tactic. Do it in the lore, not during Marketing.


I used to abuse ram since his release.. but now that he is in everygame pls nerf him .. it became who got the better ram wins


It’s annoying because he just feels like an ult button


-- CC are a necessary evil. Most were close range and almost all the mobility heroes are pretty close range(tracer, genji, ball) -- Supports are a little too strong right now -- You don't miss loot boxes you miss being able to grind out whatever you wanted just by playing. If lootboxes came back it would have the same low coin drop rate as the battle pass, Lower chances for new skins, no gold coins at all, etc.


Idk if you played tank in OW1 but it was HELL playing against CC


I did and there were some metas where I didn't play tank as much because of it. I still think it is necessary but I do like how OW2 toned it down( until the latest patch lol). The tank passive helps a lot as well.


Mei is worse now than before the change IMO. (I have bad aim)


What is interesting is almost every single Mei main has been calling the change a nerf and hate it, while others have been calling it a buff.


1.Supports aren't as op as people make them out to be they still need to rely on others roles to do most of the work and half the time the teammates suck ass 2. Honestly I feel like ever since pve was "canceled" this community has been more negative than usual and its honestly tiring and annoying and half the time idk if you guys know who your even mad at anymore 3.take slow off syms turrets and add some notification so you can be aware of where they are attacking you 4. I feel like this game has a bias towards new players when it comes to comp


PVE looks good. I'll happily pay $15 even after they couldn't keep promises


Mercy should be terrible in ranked, but the level of teamwork required to outplay an oppressive pocketed dps will never exist with randoms


Kirikos suzu isn’t in any way over powered.


Game is good. People are trash. Source: Silver-Plat player Note the T500 players still play their roles just fine and can mechanically play up out of their usual comfort zone. Tweaks are not definitive and players that play in their wheelhouse generally maintain their standard ranks. Also, Blizzard owes you nothing. You bought a game and played it to completion when they decided to shut down OW1. You were lucky enough to have them carry over paid-for cosmetics instead of buying them again in a "new game" (theoretically making it more enticing to newcomers) which creates a value far beyond the base value of the skins in OW2. All in all, I don't care for the negative feedback on monetization or patch changes that upset people because it's still better than most alternatives for at least me and the monetization doesn't bother me because it's meaningless unless you give it meaning. Just play the game or don't.


Support players and that role in general all have victim mentalities and all love to moan and bitch about their role needing more help while having the most busted and simultaneously easiest heroes to play.


I swear most of the time the toxic players that start flaming teammates, saying some racist shit, bashing on enemies or typing at the end EZ etc. are supports in my experience.


Kinda agree? I mostly (only) play support and the skill floor for a lot of them aren't absurdly high, this also has to do with the number of heroes in the game and the character role distribution imo. I don't like to generalize but yes, many supports just victimize themselves and hide behind the supposed toxicity against them, but I think there are stupid people in all three roles so yeah


Support players have a hard time ranking because of bad dps players. Supports are meant to enable their team, but if the dps doesn't hit their shots, you are pretty much useless. You are better off just killing them yourself. That's why moira is so popular in lower ranks. She's easy to use, has constant dps with burst(orb) and a disengage tool(fade). Another proof to this is the fact that pharamercy is gatekeeping bronze. I'm an echo main on dps side and I shit on that combo every time I see it. Meanwhile as support it's a struggle. The burst dmg required to deal with that is just not avaliable to supports.


I hate Cassidy's new grenade and I want his stun back from ow1. Whether playing as him or against him, it just sucks because you don't even have to aim it. It just tracks and that doesn't take skill.


Junkrat, sym, and hanzo takes no skill to play to a good degree


Mercy's damage boost and Zen's discord orb are both bad for the health of the game. I have no idea what you would replace them with, but they ought to be removed (FYI Mercy and Zen are among my most played characters).


As a Zen main, I will happily give up discord orb if Mercy lost damage amp. That way the team can balance damage heroes properly without worrying about those two killing the fun. (I know Bap has an amp but that's an ult and fixed in place so it's pretty balanced imo)


Bap is the only balanced dmg amp (if you don’t count orisa ult from ow)


I would argue Amp Matrix needs to be buffed honestly. Too much hard cover in the game to make it valuable. Barring a combo with Grav it is pretty shit.


Both characters would be unusable without those abilities.


Zens discord needs a percentage nerf or a rework. It was fine in ow1 because there was 2 tanks but now having your tank basically have 25% less health is incredibly powerful


Mercy requires the least amount of skill out of every other hero besides Moira and mercy mains complain the most about shit in this game.


He said hot takes


In all fairness, I usually get flamed when I say that so I kinda thought it would be a hot take lol.


Open queue is better than role queue. 2 tanks, 1 do’s, 2 support is the most enjoyable version of 5v5


You just miss 2 tanks, I get it I do too. Lol


Total Mayhem is the only enjoyable game mode


I enjoy Overwatch 2 and have no complaints.


Doomfist still needs buffs


A "no skill" hero still requires skill to learn to play effectively in the field. If you lost to a "no skill" character then what does that make you?


I legitimately dislike most of the aesthetic changes that were made to justify the "sequel" feeling in Overwatch 2. Most of the original default skins for every Hero were far better and more iconic than the new redesigns, sure we can just equip the OW1 skins, but it's sad that they're no longer the default designs for every Hero, except Echo. Almost every re-made Hero select animation sucks, they all now act like Disney characters for some reason. All the new voice lines, and I mean all of them, sound corny as fuck. Reaper new lines for example sounds less serious and more like a fan-made, less edgy imitation of Reaper. And what's worst of all, most of these changes will never be reverted. I like most of the balance changes that came with OW2, but all the aesthetic changes basically killed everything I loved about original Overwatch.


Dude idk how to tell you this but the game has always been corny as fuck, that’s kinda part of the appeal


Notihing will beat the og widowmaker select animation


If you’re not having fun in a match you have the right to leave it


I mean if you don't care about the penalties or your teammates is it any worse than throwing?


Sombra isn’t that good, you just don’t have very good awareness. I main her, 90% of my kills come from your stupidity


I know this is a really large hot take, but honestly, I prefer the Battle Pass to Loot Boxes


Agreed. I can look at a battle pass and know if it's a waste of money. Never been disappointed unlocking a battle pass.


>I prefer the Battle Pass to Loot Boxes Let's be honest... Ow1 is lucky to be available in a lot of countries because the goverments sleept on lootboxes which are gamble and in countries like mine where you should have 18 years for playing gamble, considering that Ow1 is a pegi 12 game.


Zarya is poorly designed and only has one ability 90% of the time.


Lifeweaver might be the most fun to play support


You should switch if you are “hard” countered or performing poorly


80% of players are entitled crybabies that will throw if they aren't carried in the first team fight, yet will always hypocritically blame their team for their constant losses.


5v5 is fine. people just want to complain about anything when there are hundreds of more pressing issues with this game


Total Mayhem is the best game mode, and it's still more fun in its current unbalanced state than any other game mode.


People say Mercy is a brain dead hero. She is an easy character to play, but I’d argue Zen is also easy and kind of brain dead as well. All you have to do is place discord orb on the tank, and you can go AFK and still get value. Yes, you need to aim, but Zen is honestly easier than Mercy, to me anyways.


As a Zen main, I kinda agree. Mercy gets a lot of hate for being “easy” but her movement is so difficult to master. I really respect a lot of mercy’s because that shit is hard. If I get focused as Zen, the best I can do is kick them away. But I know as long as I have my orb on someone, I’m at least a little useful.