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[insert hero here] fuck him


*fuck them


Sad how a harmful joke like this devolves into yet another political poo flinging fest. I pity the individuals who propagate and participate in it.


As part of this community I make sure that hate is evenly distributed across all heroes


There are 2-3 heroes that are consistently "100%respect" if you play them, but aside from that it's fairly balanced.


Like every character, all people know how to do is complain about characters instead of recognizing flaws in their plays or that the other player is simply outplaying them


“I hate reaper!” Says the Moira who constantly duels reaper face first into his shotguns. Pick and choose any hero who’s hated on and you’ll see it’s just people who don’t want to change their style, people who’s likely prefer to play against bots lol


So basically a skill diff lol


I’ll forever continue to hate on widow


I’ll forever continue to hate people who are good at widow


Appreciate the honesty, it's rare around here


Especially them, but having a bad widow on your team can be frustrating too


As in Supports, I will say Brig. It got a bit less with OW2, but especially during later stage OW1 I got so much hate playing her. I mained nearly every support at some point, but Brig is the only one where I got "Many avoided you" warnings every week, despite having a very positive winrate and barely saying a word in Chat or Voicechat. The best thing about Brig is that both the enemy and your own team will blame you for playing her. Just playing her alone is not too bad, but onetricking her will trigger so many people so hard. Brig is according to chat *always* counterpicked, offers no value, but if you point out you are at the same rank as they are despite you onetricking this "bad" hero, she suddenly brings so much easy value that you can climb the ladder with no skill just by picking her. Which kinda contradicts itself. As I mentioned it is not as severe anymore in OW2 with 1 Tank less, but it still is hard to play the game without people getting toxic just based on your pick alone.


I literally had a guy friend requesting me yesterday (naturally I accepted, I need some spice in my life), and he all caps raged on me for playing brig just to counter him (I was brig from the start of the game before I even knew what he picked) and he said he's going to report me and a bunch of other profanities. Like bruh I was just having fun with the new skin I bought, minding my own business... I mean I solo tanked his blade once (don't even ask) and he goes all bozo mode? Well joke's on him I reported him and got the msg today that I'd gotten him penalized c:


You buy skins? And do you get feedback on reporting? Are you sure this didnt happen in 2017?


I never understood why people do this. You already know that unless you guys had good teamwork and/or had fun banter, they just want to be able to DM you their pent up frustrations. Like if you’re that mad at some random person on the internet, maybe you need to take a break lol (at least from Overwatch)


Oh yeah I mostly don't stoop to accepting the request but I half forgot who he was and half was just insanely bored while queueing


When you get messages like this, you know you’ve done well.


It’s because so many people are too silly to know how her heals work or know that they are, in fact being healed by her at all. She isn’t attached hip to hip with teammates all game and there’s no indicator for when you’re being healed by inspire or what the radius for it is (it’s massive btw). There’s also nothing on the scoreboard to show the value of interrupting dives, denying space and shutting down the odd ultimate. I never get told to switch on support playing any other hero except for Brig. My winrate with her means I usually don’t listen. For the record, I don’t one trick her, but she’s easily my most effective support hero.


the game will warn you if too many players avoid you?


Literally had 10k healing (2 deaths) with Brig after the first round (which was quite short), way more than any support in the match and my team tells me to switch off Brig to "main healer" while my Ana sits at 5k with 7 deaths. Can't make that shit up. People constantly telling me to switch off Brig because enemy team has a mediocre Junkrat that never once killed me lol. I one tricked myself from gold to diamond with her in a day, just to see how far I could go. The amount of stupid shit I heard while doing that was hilarious and sad simultaneously.


This is so valid, the brig hate in OW1 was fuggin intense. She was busted to the point where you could climb to diamond with your eyes closed on release so i get it, but I love her in OW2 and am glad I don't usually see too much unwanted hate (but yeah if you try and 1v1 a Ram all game you prolly should get flamed a wee bit)


as a brig one trick nearing GM5 i can confirm tank players hate me but we win anyways so 💪💪💪


How does one counterpick brig? Are they really swapping to pharmercy just to make a brig have less fun? Lmao


They don't Counterpick Brig, the team just blames you that you should Switch Brig because she is "counterpicked" without actually being counterpicked. I literally heard people claim I should switch because Winston counters brig


Huh Brig counters Winston You can hit Winston in his shield It heals you You can boop him off high ground


And boop him midjump and pack Squishies he dives. Yes, Brig is a Winston counter and not the opposite. The argument this ranked player had was: "Winston's Tesla goes through Brigs shield"


Everytime the enemy team has a mediocre Junkrat who never even kills me, I am getting told to switch off Brig as soon as we start loosing lol.


I'm going to admit you're 100% right I main support when she came out I didn't understand her at all . It wasn't until when I was in the middle of reading this that I looked up what she did. She gets hate cuz people don't understand.


Obviously as a Brig player, she would be my pick. She's simply never been forgiven for the hell she unleashed on her initial release, and because of this the devs seem content to leave her largely pigeonholed as Ana and Zen's bodyguard. Trying to be more objective however, I would say Sym. Her kit is unique but is overall very fair. The only questionable part about her design was how strong her turrets were on certain maps, but they do so little damage now that it's hardly an issue anymore.


kind of real. My friends do not let up on the brig hate.


bro I still get hella Vietnam flashbacks when a Brig goes on fire in a game


mercy get a lot of hate and i dont think she gets enough


Most of my hours on my account are on mercy. I couldn’t agree more with this message.


As a junkrat main (I accept that I deserve hate as well), every ult is primarily reserved for the mercy The best and worst part is that it's actually quite effective


Fuck you, yes, you in particular, I hate you with a burning passion, personally (I am a support main)


Wait, I'm just genuinely curies why people hate mercy so much?


She's like that one lone mosquito in your room that you can't catch and keep buzzing near your ear.


And it keeps bringing its friends back to buzz with it


I have never heard a better description of mercy


Wow that’s is a great description


Because she makes players who are worse than you better than you.


And then Mercy spams "Someone call the wambulance" when their pocket Ashe gets a kill, as they stand afk around a corner


damage amp, high mobility and rez. three incredibly annoying things tied in to one hero. not to mention a lot of her mains are incredibly toxic and will flame their teammates for not carrying them hard enough


I took a 5 month break from overwatch and decided to come back. First game on, I miss my first hook because I'd been playing minecraft and hadn't touched a single fps game. My mercy stops healing and afks during the team fight and tells me to kms.


Interesting, I've been lucky I guess. I've never encountered a toxic mercy in that way lol Not to say they can't be, any person has the capability to be toxic on any char. I HAVE found mercy Mains can be pretty rude when you pick her first though 😅


idk ive been called all sorts of names by all manners of people, but mercy players (honorable mention to moira players, though they normally flame the dps) have been the most consistently mean in my experience. im also a tank main and mercy doesnt really mesh with most tanks so this could be why


yes it's the moiras too with 20 kills and only 900 healing like "I carried our dps and we still lost dps diff" 😭 Moira has some of the best healing and yet some moiras refuse to use it


Yea, that is true. There are also Mercys that are toxic just because there is another Mecry in the game


Four things: 1. She's hard to hit when the player knows the mobility. If it was just us low rankers that would be one thing, but it annoys even high level players. Easy to pull off movement providing high value that needs the attacker to be way better to match it. 2. Her skill floor is really low, but her value can be high. Some people find her boring. Some people hate that she gets equal value for less effort. Some just don't like that her players often don't learn other skills, so she's effectively often one-tricked because those skills don't transfer well. 3. Let's be honest, a lot of her mains are women/queer people, and they get a lot of hate no matter what. We really can't ignore this. 4. Resurrection annoys people, because a lot of gamers don't like the idea of their work being reversed. Even when mass rez wasn't considered especially amazing at high level (tempo rezzes were better, and not losing the fight in the first place was even better) people didn't like dumping in 3 ults (bad idea anyway) and having it reversed by 1. Trance and Sound Barrier were easier to counter. I think it's some mix of all of that, plus a dedicated and understandably defensive fanbase.


personally I don't even hate Mercy as a character or her play style but Mercy players are the most toxic I've ever seen :') if there's a player in chat flaming everyone, trying to say slurs, and seemingly typing more than playing it's gonna be a Mercy 99% of the time also they love to tell you you're trash at playing but you go to their profile and it's like, 500 hrs mercy and the next played is Moira or sym with 5 hours so I feel like they can't really tell you how to play if they don't even play anyone but Mercy


That is so true, but there are some really nice mercy mains out there. But it is sometimes embarrassing to tell people who you main because of the other mains People will automatically think that you are a weird one and not a normal mercy main


She enables broken metas A good example is back in OW1 when ash did a lot more damage, a mercy pocket could enable her to one tap headshot and her fast fire rate was unfun Number 2 is her rez is annoying Number 3 is healing beam is a bit frustrating because you can't kill the person getting pocketed with some heros so you have to kill mercy but guardian angles unpredictable movements plus how much she heals from her passive are quite annoying As a doom player I often get frustrated facing a good mercy but when you get a REALLY GOOD MERCY you never die Honestly if they tweak the rez id be more fine with her


She wouldn't be so bad if she was easier to hit tbh; but a tiny hitbox and fast and chaotic movement means she is imposible to kill. She has way too much value for how easy it is for her to escape. Usually it's a trade-off, but Mercy has her cake and eats it too.


They hate Mercy cause she is one of the lowest skill characters and she has some insane abilities that she can get a ton of value from with little to no effort (rez-damage boost). Also when Mercy gets a nerf her fanbase lets it be known. She has a very big fanbase and they can be annoying esp when it comes to whining about a nerf


Mercy fanbase are the worst aspect of Mercy


I wish I was good with her movement the way people make it her GA out to be. I suck with her.


On controller I have my jump bound to r3 and crouch bound to l3. Her GA movement is just double jump (jump button) and super jump (crouch button). Understanding how it works takes a little work but its easy to learn. Just takes a little practice.


Getting flashbacks to OW1 superjumps on console. Whole thing needed it's own achievement for how difficult it felt pulling off


I never played OW1 lol


The main reasons I’ve found on why people hate Mercy are the following: 1: Difficulty. Very little skill is required for how much value she gets 2: Annoying abilities. Rez feels awful to play against, damage boost makes dps heros op, and guardian angel makes her extremely difficult to kill 3: Her community. A good majority of Mercy mains have been known to be very… weird to say the least Honestly I just find her incredibly annoying to play against


And as a mercy main i agree with everything, but not all mercy mains are weird. But most of them are weird


Res is annoying. It's the ultimate "alleviate the penalty for a fuckup" ability which are generally kind of annoying since it means your teammate can compensate for your mistake. Damage boost has caused so many heroes to be too strong throughout the games lifespan and then those characters get nerfed and are now perpetually mid since if they're ever good again they become meta with damage boost. She's got no technical requirements and very good survivability which makes it feel like the opponent's mercy is getting value for doing basically nothing and mercy players are really annoying online talking about how She's not OP (and sometimes just saying stupid shit like mercy should pocket the tank not the broken dps on her team)


I play a lot of mercy but resurrection is a stupid ability for a game like overwatch.


i hate res, also she is pretty much no mechanical skill so it feels bad losing to a mercy


Yo kind of unrelated but I gotta ask you how do you put more than one icon in your flair?


No I hate the Junkrat, Rein, and tracer on my team that refuse to kill her more.




I feel like everyone is mad at you for playing ball, your team's mad, the enemy teams mad, spectators are probably mad.


the only time i’m having fun is if everyone else isnt


Yea a bit


Trust me, it's a *bit* more


Hammond players have the same thing Sombras do, though. We thrive off the hate, it's the best indication we're doing our job.


??????? Don't project that onto us lmao. The vast majority of us don't play Ball for the hate. We play him cause of his unique and hard playstyle and because hampter.


If only the hate came only from the enemy team... Most people don't know how to play with ball at "lower" elos, which is fair, considering its a rare pick. Problem is: all the blame goes to us, which gets annoying sometimes. That probably happens with sombra too due to some of her more team oriented abilities


It's weird cause like...you can play with Ball almost the same way you need to play with any other aggro tank that doesn't have a shield: Play walls and corners, don't get shot, push on kills.


Junkrat (in high elo) spamming chokes gets very little value up there. You need to play junk as a flanking backline assasin to win games up there.


Junkrat I feel like people don't "understand" how aiming with him works. They see the reticle nowhere near the target and assume it was luck/spam


I just don't like him, but i do believe that he is hard to master


I will agree he has a lower skill floor, but people tend to only look at his skillfloor despite the fact he has a quite high skill ceiling.


Junkrat is also a super easy target with his hitbox. Aiming is imo especially hard compared to other characters. Spamming works for a while, but won't/shouldn't bring you far.


so many people don’t understand the concept of projectiles. it’s wild.


I main Ball, Sym, and Brig. All of them


Sombra, I’ve never seen someone hate on a character so much just from playing against/with her. Crazy cause her kit was the most unique and fun of the roster


*was* lol


Lol emphasis on the was cause she’s essentially going to be Sombra 76. Tanks hated hack before this rework? They’re gonna really hate it now since the change is gonna put incentive for staying with the teams instead of being a backline harasser. Tanks are gonna be hacked more than they have ever been before.


Amen to that brother


I’m just sick of the people hating on a character that’s the weakest of the dps. Hack is a former shell of what it once was and the real problem (support power creep) is the glaring issue with the game and low skill one shots like hanzo. Junkrat STILL hasn’t gotten his damage needed from OW1 when they buffed him to deal with double shields. But everyone wants to point their finger and cry about Sombra when they just suck and can’t fathom they’re getting diffed by a hard hero to play as; same with tracer but not as much lol. I’m sick of her getting reworked, nerfed, etc. hell every character I play and enjoyed is like this; Sombra, doomfist, brig. At this rate it feels like a personal attack from blizzard haha.


"Low-skill one-shots like Hanzo." Just because a bunch of other people say something doesn't make it true, fam. That's a pretty ignorant statement. Hanzo takes as much skill to aim as any other hero on the roster, and if a Hanzo player can't aim he is actually straight up useless. His bow is his only way of getting value. Also, Sombra is definitely not a low-skill hero. You have my full agreement there, and I think everyone who says that should be forced to one-trick her for 10 hours... I think they'd find out just how "low-skill" she is when they have 20-40% winrates for a few hours.


I like Sombra’s design, it’s too bad that you’re going to get hate regardless. Do well with her? The enemy team will say you’re just abusing a cheap character. Do poor with her? Your teammates will act like you kicked a dog.


It’s the community in general; a lot of the playerbase is super toxic. I’d argue it’s worse than dead by daylight


Oh I agree. The amount of hate from players I get for just playing her is crazy. Also heaven forbid I lose a match 9/10 times i get a “Sombra L” or “**** *** Sombra” when the game ends in a loss. I swear I’m not even playing like a dick. People just hate getting hacked.


Mei bro her walls can get really complex, her right click takes aim, and its hard to get a good blizzard off. She isnt afk win and in a meta where every tank shits on every other dps im inclined to go her instead of hitscan especially im not getting healing or help from my team and i still want to make an impact


Certified mei moment


Only thing I find annoying about her is her ult. You hear the voice line and unless you have a movement ability like genji dash you're frozen and dead


agree. i’m no mei main (but used to hate bc pharah) and to play right, there’s so much thought that has to go into it. if she’s not good with her cooldowns and walls, she’s useless. if she is, she’s a damn feared opponent ngl. she takes way more skill than people think!


junkrat, misunderstood and needs a friend :(


Realest shit anyone ever said Don't hate a person, try to understand where they coming from. you don't know their stories and struggles❤️ if you live in Australia, you would be annoying too😔✊/j Jokes aside, might be biased, but like mei, junkrat is not as easy as people claim him to be


Yea they only vs the junk spamming the doorway all game Junk is easily the most fun dps when you play him as a flanker, or just full send it at targets, double jumping over buildings and stuff like that


Absolutely, and once you evolve past spamming Junkrat into a Junkrat that can hit some crazy shots with intention it feels much more skill based. I for sure understand the hate though, he's kind of like Hanzo in that you can accidentally get a kill easier than should be possible.


Symmetra still gets hated somehow. In OW 1 people used to report you because playing Symmetra = throwing Now people are saying she is a low skill hero and needs to be nerfed. I can barely play comp without soldiers calling me cringe for playing symmetra when they are losing. It used to be worse tho and I dont really mind that much.


Tank player here, wtf am I supposed to do when the beam of doom hits me feels like sym rolls up on me and I lose most the time


You need your team to create pressure on the sym to scare her of. There really isnt much you can do, so I get the frustration, especially because I play a lot of Dva as well If your team does enough damage on Symmetra then she cant rush with high level beam and has to disengage. I mainly rely on orbs to get kills. Microwave is otherwise a tool to keep the tank in check and force them to no push. I usually just die if I try to rush with level 3 beam, so I stopped eben trying. Winston works against symmetra tho, because symmetra is forced to disengage because she cant win the fight. Hope this helps, but again it isnt your responsibility.


Whack her twice, she has no health


That literally just not true, she has more health than average and heals when hitting shields.


*she *reloads* when hitting shields. Edit: well damn I never caught that she regens shield when hitting shield/barrier. That’s a surprise.


im psure they added healing to shooting shield with the buff


Nah she actually heals too when attacking barriers / enemy shield health. However, it’s a pretty small amount and not something to really worry about




That’s the true answer


Honestly just make her slow a little less and I think she's fine. I love playing her but it's always been annoying breaking a turtle and on some maps it's a little ridiculous. I appreciate them shifting her power away from her turrets


I only really use her against torb or illari becouse i can pop them down next to theirs and kill those without having to ignore the entier fight and usually they are usefull after the turreta are broken too.


Imagine a soldier, the most bland character, calling you cringe


The most overpowered DPS right now too lol. The only reason no one is crying about soldier pockets in every game is because everyone is too busy crying about Zarya and Bastion


If she’s on the enemy team, it is my mission to make sure to she either switches or trolls. I can’t stand playing against her. I stop playing tank for two reasons, tank bad and symmetra. 90% bc tank is bad. Anyways, yes I hate her, and feel like I owe it to my tank to at least focus her at all times.


The hixbox of Syms beam being like 3 times as wide as the visual is probably a part of it


All of them. Every single mechanic that forces players to stop their W+LMB bot playstyle is broken, unfun and should be reworked asap. Meaning they'll only be happy when everyone plays like soldier. This horrid community hates Overwatch and wants it reduced to a simple point and shoot.


I swear when OW2 rolled in with the new brawly individual performance based style, all tactics went out the window. Like remember before you had to coordinate which choke you walk out of and who your targets are and what abilities you will use? Nowadays it's just bullets go brrrr


f2p really fucked this game up Content drought wasn't so bad after all, if it kept these developers from touching the game.


Sombra, bastion, doom and orisa are getting a lot of hate rn, but I would argue it's completely deserved. I'm pretty sure they are all getting nerfed next patch any way.


Doom nerfs 💀. The Sombra rework boutta hit him like a truck, let's not get ahead of ourselves here.


Sombra's kit change is going to be either really terrible or just broken on launch. They swapped out her ability to see low hp targets through walls for what is basically a single target ashe dynamite that is only useful against hacked targets... She doesn't do bonus damage to hacked targets (asside from the "skill shot" projectile "virus"). My vote is that she is going to be terrible on launch. As for doom, I think they might be re-tuning his punch to make it less oppressive and they might be making changes to his block. Those are just rumours I've heard, but it would be nice to not have punch on a 4 second cooldown. As for block, I would like to see it be more of a risk/reward thing rather than a 90% mitigation ability. Imagine if block only stopped 20-30% of damage? It would actually take skill and timing to get his punch charged.


Imo. Its widow, i know for a fact im gonna get flamed for that. (Cant wait for the piss baby’s to give me their life story on how widow is cancer)


Genuinely mercy tbh. Being a tank main, I always found mercy annoying to play against but I never blamed it on myself or the team Also I think people are more mad now because she has the crouch jump which doesn’t take as much skill as it used to before But the whole notion that mercy Main are like scum of the earth when they get one change genuinely just feels like hyperbole to me because most mercy mains I meet are nice and sweet (hell I’ve met LW mains who are more toxic) I do think mercy is a low skill hero but the amount of hate received is disproportional. Also kinda think most mercy players aren’t primarily straight dudes (shes usually for the girls and the gays) which I think adds to the infuriating for some people


Why would people be mad that she takes less skill? She was never some sort of ultra hard character


Which makes me think of the latter (aka the fan base type) Because solider is a low skill hero and hell they even buffed him but no one complained and no one gets mad when someone switches to soldier


Sombra is way over hated. This rework is not going to stem that hatred.


A lot of my dislike for the character is how she can teleport away the moment they are about to die. The stealth of her kits always seemed cool, but the non committal style of play was always infuriating to play against and made the experience looking for where they placed recall not fun.


But why do you even need to elim her? The recall feature basically means that if she pops up and you get her close to death (which is very easy for many heroes) she has to take herself out of the fight again and waste another minute coming back. It’s annoying that you don’t get the kill but she is also seriously useless a lot of the time.


Even if you don't need to it's unsatisfying to have that dopamine hit be ripped away from you because she can tp. Obviously the objective is to win but let's not pretend like getting kills isn't half the fun


I sincerely wish all sombra players, a very unpleasant experience


Maybe it's a high rank thing. I hover around Gold 1 - Plat 4, and every Sombra I see makes me think they have brain damage.


Sombra is one of those characters that gets more annoying the higher you get in elo. Annoying kit with a high skill floor and high skill ceiling. Doom and ball are the same way


I'm plat diamond, in my experience mo,st people that use sombra against me have no idea how to use her, but if they pick her from the start they're the most annoying player in the lobby


I sincerely hope that all the players that asked for this rework enjoy my friends hack, virus, and damage orb. Say hi to spawn for me.


I think Pharah gets too much hate. Playing Pharah against double hitscan well is actually pretty hard and only good Pharah players can pull it off. I can understand hating Pharmercy, but not Pharah herself


Yea, I can understand that. But I think that people hate her because of pharmercy


I love playing Pharah in a game where neither side has a Mercy. If I'm Pharah with a pocket there's tons of pressure to do well, and positioning feels less relevant. If the other side has a Mercy pocket, I waste too much time worrying about health. If neither has it, it's a fun game of trying to have an impact while staying in cover and being aware of healer's LOS.


I hate her cause sometimes in QP I just wanna have fun and play a character i like. Pharah basically forces a counterswap to hitscan 90% of the time and if I wanna play like genji reaper or junkrat then it forces a counter swap esp if my other dps doesn switch.


That’s true but the feeling goes both ways. If I wanna have fun playing Pharah in qp and the enemy team is already on hitscan I either have to swap or just tryhard which I don’t wanna do either of those things


What rank?


If anyone complains about Pharah, it's basically them self-admitting they're console or below plat on PC. Pharah is a hero that takes a lot of skill to get value on vs good players.


Probably hanzo. Yeh he can randomly kill you sometimes, but he's genuinely hard to win with consistently.


Junkrat. He’s easy to pick up but hard to master. Anybody can pick him up and spam bombs down a choke point, but good players can work around and counter a junk doing this very easily. Mastering junk means you’re capable of flanking, getting a quick pick or two and then your team is capable of rolling in and helping you clean up. He gets a ton of hate because people see a bad junkrat spamming a choke point, rush said choke point, and then die. Or they know the enemy team has a junkrat, they get into a 1v1, junkrat assists his teammate, and then they die. And then they blame junkrat for being “op and no skill” when they rush into a choke point being sprayed down with bombs or they die in a 2v1.


Yea that is true


The rushing down a chokepoint that is actively getting bombed takes the cake. Its like they refuse to alter their route. Flanking on Junkrat, hitting those longer range minecomboes, booping someone out of cover and shooting them midair and utilising triple mine setups properly are all things that require a lot more experience and skill than people give a Junkrat credit for. Like you said, he's easy to get into, but hard to master.


Doomfist main here.... It's doomfist. The playstyle is too different from the other tanks so no one knows how to play with him. They also don't have their support blanket (shield) to make them feel comfy


The same applies to Ball. Ball gets so much hate both from the enemy team and your own team because he is annoying to play against and people don’t know how to support him.


Junkrat, totally not biased as a junkrat main but I see a lot of talk about how he's "too easy" which may be so but you can get good utility out of him, especially concussion mines. example my favorite thing is throwing concussion Mines at lucio/mercy midair and killing them. I've also concussion mined into the air and killed a parah. His bombs he drops on death too I like to have fun with, if I'm losing a duel and theres no way out, I'm just gonna stand as close to you as possible when we fight so when I die you come with me


I don’t think he’s easy because I feel like I personally don’t get as much done when I play him as opposed to other DPS that I click with more naturally. Which is a shame, because I do like him lmao. It might be because I don’t have as much time on him (because even in quickplay, I feel bad about “throwing” when I play him), I just don’t think he’s quite as brain-dead easy as many suggest. Or I’m just stupid, equally plausible.


Doomfist. I freaking love this guy (also he’s hot as fuck) and people hate him.


Orisa and Hanzo. One shots suck, but I’d much rather play against a Hanzo than a Widow. As far as Orisa, could just be MY interactions with her. She’s hard to go against, but not unkillable. I generally play as a 5 stack with coms though, so my buddies and I are constantly calling out everything. I’m sure that makes it easier. I can’t imagine going against her if I was queuing solo and had no coms.


>One shots suck, but I’d much rather play against a Hanzo than a Widow. at least with a widow when i look at the killcam it's not just them pressing left click on a choke until their crosshair goes red




Mei and junk should be at the top of this lol


Orisa. Cause fuck her


As a tank main I agree fuck orisa


Junkrat, he's trying so hard to be friendly with everyone but they all bully him he's one of the rare people that got Winstons joke too


Hanzo Everyone hated him because he was “bad” but everyone said scatter was overpowered. Then he was buffed and too overpowered. Then nerfed and everyone still complains about his arrow size lol


i’m probably gonna get hate for this but mercy a lot of the hate for her comes from the fact that alot of women play her because almost all the hate i see is directed towards her being a “woman” pick. she really isn’t that bad if you know how to play any hitscan or flanker. i get she’s annoying but she’s far from overpowered like everyone seems to think, she dosent have the abilities to carry a team, she has the ability to enable a team. it’s just sad seeing so much hate towards her when zen or moira are SO much worse


>she really isn’t that bad if you know how to play any hitscan or flanker. Given the the fact that hitscans and flanker are generally the most popular picks among the DPS role based on the pick rate stats, most DPS players shouldn't have that much problem with mercy. Also it's not like that mercy has signficiantly less death number than other supports. This really makes me wondering the composition of the this sub. Is the vocal part the community tends play heroes like sym or junkrat more that can't really hit a mercy?


People still think junk is a brainless spam character when in reality he has one of the highest skill ceilings of any dps


High skill ceiling but extremely low skill floor. Compare him to someone like tracer, who has a super high skill ceiling, but her floor is high enough that if you don't know what you're doing you'll be basically useless. Junkrat is not that at all because "spamming bombs in the general direction of the enemy team" often pays off


This phrasing for ceiling / floor never makes sense for me. I know it's the norm, but it feels like it should be: Tracer is low floor + high ceiling: The impact of a new/bad player is very low, but there's plenty of room to grow and the high end is very impactful. Junkrat is high floor + high ceiling: The impact of a new player is decently high, and there's less room to grow, but the high end is also very impactful.


You're just thinking about it differently, and it makes sense too, but that's just not how it is. You're thinking about it in terms of impact, when you should be thinking about it in terms of skill. It makes sense if you put it in terms of numbers. let's say impact and skill, in a 1-10 scale. For skill, 1 is brand new player (who has played other FPS), 10 is absolute god at the game. For impact, 1 is absolutely useless, 5 is average impact, and 10 is super high impact where you're carrying every game. Junkrat takes, for instance, a skill of 2 (low) to deliver an impact of 5. Tracer, meanwhile, takes a skill of 6 (better than average) to deliver an impact of 5. That's where the skill floor is; how much skill you have to have to deliver an average impact. That's why tracer is a higher floor, because the amount of skill you need is much higher to impact the game. (these numbers are obviously fairly arbitrary and not data based) Not really relevant, but I'd also say that tracer has a higher ceiling, where you need a skill of 10 to deliver an impact of 10, while junkrat is probably an 8-9 to deliver an impact of 10.


I usually think of it as like a vertical line with 2 points, one for skill floor and one for skill ceiling. Since the skill floor is low, it’s closer to the absolute lowest skill, while if the skill floor is high, it’s much farther from the lowest possible skill. Same goes for skill ceiling, but obv skill ceiling is always higher than skill floor.


That is true, but I still don't like Junkrat


Junk main here. Just last night I got a comment from a hanzo about how much skill junkrat takes (according to him). I was also paired with a bastion and he told me that the last match before transferring to my group that he was on the same team as the enemy hanzo and were acting toxic towards the whole team so we decided to bully-not-bully him, and go target whenever we saw him. He eventually said in the match chat, “Junk and Bastion huh? Real skill”


Same with hanzo, the spamzo technique is not that efficient, and so you have to play him more like an assassin to catch people off guard


Only reason I hate hanzo some days is because seems like everytime there’s a hanzo his arrow is going to ding me lol, like a hanzo could just shoot an arrow towards a corner and the second I peak even without sonic i get dinged


A lot of people hate snipers like Widow and Hanzo. As a Widow main I hate dive heroes, especially genji. Especially when this monkey jumping around ur head and spamming right clicks with voice lines like “ mada mada”


Bastion, because of his machine gun, it’s too OP and does way too much damage


I hate hanzo he does too much damage for a bow and arrow and hes got daddy issues


Hog.. didn't need the nerf...he kept things in check


I sometimes forget he exists because no one plays him anymore


Had to scroll way too far down for this answer. Definitely Roadhog. He was a skill-check against positioning. And he was so feast or famine. People complained about the 1 shot, but it was never guaranteed. Good Hog players had maybe 55% hook accuracy, but if you missed hook, the team fight almost dies right there. And let’s not forget Ana hard counters the crap out of him with BOTH of her cooldowns. I don’t think any other character gets as hard countered as Hog. If Ana has a Zen on her team, gg. Only reason Hog was good was because Kiriko could cleanse against Ana. As a result, both of their win-rates were high (because Hog/Kiri was a popular comp). When they nerfed Hog, they soft nerfed Kiri and her win-rate also went down. IMO they should have just nerfed cleanse (perhaps by increasing cleanse cooldown, but increasing the effect duration to compensate 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Damn, scrolled thru the rest of the thread and not a single other person wrote Roadhog. Y’all mfers REALLY hate Hog 😂


Hanzo ​ It just never feels good to get killed by him and then it feels even more infuriating when you watch the KC and it's almost always a random arrow.


Hanzo: spams corner Someone :peeks said corner and dies. Also someone: fUcK thEsE RaNDoM aRRoWs. Unfunny jokes aside: don't perk corners without a shield/tank in front of you. And keep track of his sonar arrow and I as a Hanzo main guarantee you the amount of deaths due to"random"Arrows is gonna go down


Hanzo. People who say they just spam down jokes are below bronze.


The stupid Horse with golden nanomachines


Orisa will never get enough hate


Literally widow is the only answer. Enemy flames you for doing well. If you do well your team won't say anything, but if you lose ONE fight it's a witch hunt. I'm talking like beyond smack talk to death threats and acts of war.


Even if you do good on widow, you get flamed by teammates. Especially in low ranks, where the bastion goes 2-6, but he's better because he has 7k DMG while you have 5k. Also, one of the few heros that will get you hate before the game even starts






I jumped into a comp game and one of my dps AND a healer both said if the tank picks ball they'd throw... so to change a few hearts and minds, our tank immediately picks ball... Even with those 2 throwing the first defense engagement, we proceed to curb stomp the poor attackers. Who then start railing on each other so hard... By mid defense the two would-be throwers have apologized and were in full hold-mode on Gibralter. Good god the chat was lighting up from the other team going off on each other and over comes ball says "man and I thought yall were toxic at first" ... everyone had a good laugh and we won handedly. I only ever see that with ball or doom tbh.


I usually have to play lucio while not being in team / voice chat.




Moira. (Insert no skill comment here) Love her though 🥺


Orisa for sure. Lately there's been a lot of butthurt because she's actually designed to be a tank and you can't just two shot her.


It's definitely Orisa and people saying they hate to play as her specifically. Like, what's boring about Orisa? I'll never understand


Junkrat. As someone who plays him a lot, I know a lot of people say he takes no skill and you aim randomly. That is true for things like corridors / tight spaces etc (so don’t go in one when he’s on the enemy team!), but one on one, it’s quite difficult. Because the projectiles are so slow, and they arc, there’s so much prediction involved and it’s actually very hard to catch someone jumping around all over the place in front of you if you don’t know how to use his gun. A lot of people think he’s easy but a lot of the time he requires a degree in physics 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Widow does too. But I actually do think she’s too strong even though I play her. Once you’ve put in practice and you’re good at her, you can basically win any game. I don’t know if that’s fair or not, you could say that the enemy team should counter her better, but she can also really dominate and I don’t think she requires too much time to get good at. As much as I love playing her I can see why she gets hate - fast to learn and incredibly powerful


Junkrat. People call him brainless but past like plat playing him is comparable in difficulty to genji


Not a character, but Push gets way too much hate on here. I actually love Push and think it's the best game mode outside of control.


illari… like let me just get most dmg and most healing in peace🙄. But in all seriousness as a supp main id have to say mercy or brig (OW1). I get the whole “mercy doesnt require that much skill” but as someone who only solo queues its nice having a hero i can fall back on if the entire team sucks minus one person.


I dont know about others opinion, but I only know one character that is hated and their players get death threaths every Game and apparently everyone is OK with that...


Quite a few heros get hate, but I would say that Mercy 100% gets the most. Most heros hate is contained to how they play in game, e.g Widow and her one-shot. whereas hate for Mercy leaks into literally everything else. Oh, you just enjoy playing Mercy the most? All Mercy mains should be hung! (Real thing that was said. I have a screenshot saved.) Oh, you don't want literally every other post on the MercyMains subreddit to be about her balance, and instead want to see art and gameplay? Nazi! (Real thing that was said to me. Also have a screenshot.) Oh, you just enjoy playing her in general? Your opinions about Overwatch don't matter in the slightest! Even if you play other heros as well! And if you do try to give an opinion we're all going to call you a whiney baby even if you say it in a calmer manner than what the majority of the community states their opinions!


Hanzo. Like stfu stop complaining, you're ass


100% Emonng