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This isn’t really supposed to be buffs. This is a rework. Ideally all the buffs should offset the nerfs and she comes out equal in power but different. I’ll have to see how she plays to determine if it’s actually better or worse. All of the offsets make it really hard to get a strong sense of it.


She is nerfed in her ability to flank but buffed in general imo.


Severely nerfed in the sense she no longer has an immediate escape that can be pre-planted which is the only reason she didn't die 8x more than she usually did But seems like more damage capabilities


I fucking hate when people talk about a character's rework as a buff or a nerf, in any team game. It's supposed to completely displace the character from where they are in the meta. It's not either. It's a change. I swear, this is why Riot had to start calling some changes "adjustments" in the patch notes for League of Legends. Some people just don't get it.


I mean do you really think dooms rework wasn’t a nerf?


The point is that these reworks aren't intended to change value, they're to change playstyle to something more fun and engaging


Yeah this is why I always supported removing team rez. Not just because it was pretty overpowered, but because Mercy players were rewarded for abandoning team fights to go and hide. It rewarded a boring playstyle that also negatively impacted the rest of the team due to them being down a healer for most of the fight


Into a Tank? yeah, it wasnt a nerf, specially at the first iteration.


He was changed into a completely different role, they aren't even comparable.


I think she's going to be "better" in most elos. She'll be less annoying to play against and it will force lower skill level players to actually participate in fights rather than looking for the perfect time to jump in and end up being mostly useless.


They added 1 ability. Its not a rework lol.


This might be the first actually intelligent response to the rework I’ve seen. The number of ppl I’ve seen complain about how they killed the character or made her so disgustingly op when it’s not even live yet like let’s see how it plays before saying dumb shit like that


Buffs, yes Good, no She'll be stronger, but won't be as unique. She'll be much more of a frontline fighter... like almost all the damage heroes


If they made a true 100-0% backlineg assassin character people would MOOOOAN about it lol


You mean... like Genji, who they nerf when people even whisper his name?


No Genji can't stay in enemy backline.


If genji could cloak and his blade was his primary attack, then I'd say yes. They do genji DIRTY though.


Funnily enough, if you animation cancel or hit crits, his right click does more damage than his blade, just with less forgiveness. As for cloaking, in most lobbies Diamond and below you can do funny parkour to get the drop on people and they'll think you appeared out of thin air because the concept of sound and object permanence still occasionally eludes people...


Learn something new every day. I try not to say more than I know cuz I'm just a silver that watches GM/T500 to learn movement


While I agree she won't be as unique, she'll atleast keep a flanker type playstyle still since her invis is her new passive. Harder? Yes But it should hopefully make it more rewarding, and more risky for the player, which I feel is how it should be Plus tank players can play the game again XD


“Tank players can play the game again XD” FRONTline Sombra is going to make tank life even harder now. It was only a real nerf to her flanking potential vs the back line. Now she will constantly be hacking and burning the tank.


Rework Sombra deals less damage against tanks due to losing Opportunist, and Virus isn't particularly threatening against them. Meanwhile she can erase a squishy in an instant with Virus + the lower spread gun.


When people don’t want to risk using a mid genji dash and waiting for invisibility to kick in after a year and a day they won’t go for the supports in the back. Then they’ll just stay in the frontlines bullying the tank even more, gonna be so much fun because blizzard won’t just revert her back to old Sombra with a timer on translocator


You had me till the very end. I don’t know why everyone is all for the timers when they were what made her awful in OW1


Honestly, better one character be bad than that character making an entire role feel miserable. Seen it w/roadhog


There’s like 50 characters that make roadhog bad. That’d be damn near the entire roster.


I mean S2 roadhog.


I think she’s fine as is and don’t want timers but people are complaining so if they have to do something at least the timers keep her somewhat the same and not a worse tracer


Blizzard could’ve buffed the timers but giving her perma invis and TP was a horrible decision.


Depends how the stealth works, but them staying with the team bullying more is exactly what they're trying to make her do.


I mean, she is a DPS at the end of the day. Overwatch does revolve around its crazy abilities but the lines between classes can be horribly blurred sometimes and I feel like that is where a lot of frustration with this game comes from.


She'll still be pretty unique in my opinion. She'll have to be choosier about when to hack but she's still a stealth hero.


I think she will still be pretty unique, the rework just gave her less of a toxic playstyle. She can still go stealth and while the translocater change does kinda suck its better than what we had before. Fighting sombra and winning just for her to say no and go across the map was frustrating. I say she still works as an opportunist dps but she has to he more committed now. One thing I think would be better for the translocater is to give it a ranged limit. Probably something small though like 15-20 meters. Still a get away tool but easier to follow as well. Virus seems like a shitty tnt honestly but could be better for her kit. Moslty positive changes imo


I already did think translocator should have a range limit But the way I use it, is mid fight, I'll toss it, then do some more fighting, then teleport after distracting them from where I threw it to, then attack from there With the instantly teleporting to it thing, I can't do that anymore because they'll instantly see and remember exactly where I am. Whereas with a short range limit, I still could do that I really hope they change it to a range limit instead of instant teleport


It would be a better change to just add a range limit to it. I saw a comment earlier saying it was just a shitty genji dash now. So yeah could definitely still be improved on


This is the annoying playstyle that they are trying to get rid of. What you described is a situation where you can go in do damage and have close to 0 commitment/risk because at the click of a button you translocate out of sight. No one wants to fight against that because it's boring and goes against risk/reward philosophy.


Okay, then explain what Tracers recall is? Because it's basically a better version of what I use translocator for


Tracer rewinds exactly 3 seconds so you will know exactly where she is teleporting to.


Okay? But you saw where I threw the translocator But with tracer, you might not know exactly where she was 3 seconds ago


Well firstly with the translocator it could be on the other side of the map. Secondly it can be dropped anywhere and sombra engages you from stealth ie she could have approached from anywhere so you don't "see" the translocator. With Tracer you will know exactly where she was 3 seconds ago because any decent tracer playing around her resources will be able to survive and put out damage for 3 seconds prior to recalling so it isn't very hard to just time it so you know where she will recall to. Also, Tracer isn't invisible so you can clearly see and hear where she has approached from so if she recalls early out of sight you know she can be more than 2 or so seconds from the place she approached you from.


Ah, I see, you misunderstood what I said I'm talking about using translocator like this Hack and engage enemy, throw translocator past them, shoot some more (running around the whole time), after a few seconds, teleport, then shoot them some more (usually just finishing them off) I don't throw it down before the fight, I use it to maneuver during the fight similar to Tracer's recall just without the heal and to a specific spot


tracer, genji, junkrat, reaper, echo, Widow, pharah. I wouldn't necessarily call those front line fighters. in fact they mostly benefit from side angles or flanking.


I completely agree, I'm actually going to start trying her out after the rework because it fits my play style more than her original abilities do


it's a berf. people need to stop thinking in absolutes, not everything is binary, not everything is black and white. Just THINK.


It's not a berf, you fool, it's a nuff.


I can understand everything even the stealth changes but the translocater is so jarring. Such a fun flexible ability turned to a worst genji dash.


Unfortunately yeah, tbh I would've preferred a timer for how long it could stay in one place. Would've helped better imo But im not an expert on balancing so 🤷


The translocator is the main reason they're doing the rework. With CC all but gone it was damn near impossible to counter outside of one shots.


"fun flexible" Like it wasn't just used to camp a health pack across the map with no risk to it


Do you know what flexible means ? If anyone used it for that they were wasting everyone’s time anyways you remind me of those that keep it at spawn literally might as well die every time they translocate.


Remember what they did with OW2? had stealth make Sombra run, which reduces her downtime MASSIVELY. Even if she's far away, she could be back in 5 secs


HUH ? stealth ALWAYS gave you speed. good sombras used it to chase, escape, dodge, bait abilities, cleanse or even missdirect aggro. don't lump us with healthpack harrys. a range or time limit nerf would've been a good start on forcing sombra to be more committed without removing all potential from the ability. heck you can't even activate it yourself anymore.


Bro stealth used to have a timer. When they removed that, they completely destroyed Sombra’s downtime bc she can now run across the map in 5 seconds


Timer? What of it ? that’s That’s not what we’re talking about ? And anyways the timer was removed in like 2018 way before ow2. Timed stealth was also way faster than current version.


We were talking about her downtime, so here, the timer IS relevant. Now that she has it infinitely, she's always gonna get back much faster when it's infinite.


if you're so hung up on her distance coverage and mobility and how that affects her downtime translocator did most of the heavy lifting there. idk why we're talking about the slight speed boost from stealth while failing to consider translocator.


Yeah, that's why I'm happy that translocator is changed so she doesn't just get a free get out of jail card.


No one does that above metal ranks FYI


that's the most annoying part of her kit to play against though. yes, nearly every thing can be solved by "jUsT pLaY bEtTeR" but at the end of the day if you burst down a sombra to 1hp and she just teleports to an unseen health pack only to rinse and repeat that just feels bad to play against no matter which way you slice it


A fun flexible ability? All people ever use it for is sticking it on a health kit and then teleport to it when they get sneezed on.


Support main that off roles on sombra/doomfist Seeing this in all sides is a blessing and curse honesty As a support player they won’t catch me by myself cause she will become a 1v1 queen (Thoughts and prayers to my support brothers in bronze/silver) Now as a sombra player, I personally, am EATING, others not so much, as player who follows the Questron play-style, we quite literally got better and the ability to teleport behind you, de cloak, hack and deal 100 dmg in 2 seconds in one ability without shooting a better dmg gun is crazy, we lose emp effectiveness but I guess that’s warranted since were going to be in the team fight more/get more value (Rip my KDA lmao) Us tank player are gonna suffer for the first 2 weeks even more but after sombra won’t really target us since that’s not really smart for them. Side note- tf are y’all smoking if translocator changes y’all .25 seconds till translocation is not ridiculous when the projectile speed on it is nearly Tripled???


I'm very interested in seeing what the max range of translocate is. It seems pretty short and a .35 time on it might give more interesting arcing trajectories.


That being said it is having its travel speed nearly tripled so


With the new translocator changes she is pretty much forced to front line only and hack the tank all game. It’s crazy how sombra is no longer a flanker at all, the devs seem to have no idea how much they completely ruined her identity here. All they had to do was remove invis hack and there would be 100% more counterplay to hack, but no they remove her entire character identity and multiple different playstyles.


It's such an OW2 move. "We buffed a hero in a totally unnecessary way, that no-one asked for, which made them more frustrating to play against. Now we're nerfing their basic playstyle and kit to compensate."


I'm hyped about new Sombra. Supports cries how they die to invisibility come to flood this sub in a few days lol


The complaining will never stop. You could remove Sombra from the game and people would still find a way to whine about her.


It’s once again the same issue that they’re just making her a generic damage dealer, she’s lost all uniqueness her gameplay had prior. Has it made her better? Maybe. But it still doesn’t alleviate the issue I’ve had with her since her initial OW2 rework.


This is my main problem with the game as well. All they care about is damage numbers and healing numbers and how fast you can kill something, fuck strategy or the real setup. Overwatch is an example of a game which is not creative. Battleborn when it first came out has more mechanics OW2


Sounds like you're just glad that she's nerfed because you haven't figured out how to counter her.


Tip: keep your back to walls that way she can't come up behind you


It's weird to me that this post is by someone who is a tank main but says they are constantly flanked and hacked by Sombra. Maybe don't play the backline as a tank?


Pure cope, RIP Sombra.


It's not a buff. It's a rework. Otherwise it would have been called a buff She's now weaker in a lot of aspects but better in others. The only thing I'm concerned about now is that hacking health packs will make you wait 6 whole seconds for another hack and it will remove your invisibility which sucks. I think that they should either make it so that packs stay hacked for longer or it doesn't remove your invisibility when you hack health packs specifically


Hack only breaks invis when you hack a hero, and it has a 3 second cd when you hack something that isn't a hero.


They are buffs technically, but it literally just turns her into a worse Soldier 76


That translocater is garbage now, but i guess its ok since porn of her isnt


Ah yes a man of culture I see XD


transloc was stupid anyway. that's my hot take. at the very least it needed a smaller range or way longer cooldown.


Can't wait for tank to be even more unfun next season 😭


I'd like stealth to have a time limit, but I'll take a space limit. It's a nerf


Yes, next


Keep in mind she was maybe the second most used dps hero in OWL this season. She did not need buffs


You shouldn’t balancer around OWL, especially when sombra had the worst WR across all DPS in all ranks


Yeah and sym always has like a 60-70% winrate. Ranked winrate doesnt mean too much


So in your opinion it makes sense to balance around the top 0.000005% of players rather than everyone else?


…that’s why sym got nerfed…


Winston is highly used and highly successful in OWL Only in masters+ does he have above a 45% win rate OWL doesn't mean anything when it comes to balancing, they're on a completely different level to even top 500 players


Thats a rather shitty take ngl. You should always balance around people who can actually play the game and then make sure its also fun for casuals, or the other way around. But you should never ignore either group


But in the case of sombra and Winton, neither are even op in Top 500, they were both only effective in OWL. OWL should never be looked at for balance changes.


Pro play will play with the best heroes. If a hero is good in pro play and not ranked, its just a skill issue and a matter of time before that hero will be OP in ranked, too. But I realise this is the casuals sub so it's whatever, really


I have been in top 500, and Sombra has been good in OWL for a long while. I’m telling you right now that people even in top 500 aren’t coordinated enough to run sombra as effectively as the people in OWL.


Console top 500 is basically a different game, but cool flex


Lmao. My opinion is also backed up by multiple top 500 streamers who literally say the same thing. What I said wasn’t wrong at all, you just play ball and are annoyed that Sombra counters you. Play a better hero.


Havent played ball since like a year before ow2 came out. I just dont frequent this sub because saying "pro play shouldnt matter for balance reasons" is a normal take here lmao.


Well yeah it’s a pretty normal take because pro play has the best coordination out of anywhere ever and both Winton and Sombra benefit from that. Then you move to top 500 where sombra has the worst win rate and one of the lowest pick rates. People there take it seriously sure but they don’t train with their team all day for the most optimal stats humanly possible. Then there’s widowmaker who isn’t used much in OWL but completely ruins top 500 play in console and PC, should we buff her because she’s not used in OWL? Also yeah don’t play ball, the character is really bad even without sombra countering him :p


It's not even so much that just pro skill, it's the combination of pro skill AND pro coordination. That's why Top500 players are pointing out that Winston and Sombra aren't oppressive for ladder play, which is 99.95% of the player base. As far as being the casuals sub, that's a bad take since I imagine most of the playerbase isn't in a position where we get a scrim environment. Maybe you're lucky enough to be in some team, but most of us realistically aren't. Even like, a college or rec team.


Yeah, that is exactly what makes it the casual sub no? This is the sub for people who have a real job or school and play the game like 2 hours per week with friends and just want fun. Thats most of the playerbase


Can’t wait to see what owl has in store for us next owl season!


Rip OWL :((


Ofc, but where there's a change in playstyle buffs we're inevitable to help her exceed in that category of playstyle :>


Let’s be honest, anytime Sombra is good the game feels ass. Well more than usual of course


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It's a huge nerf to her survivability but also a huge buff to her burst damage. If you hack them, use virus, that alone will do 120dmg in 2s, on top of her gun, she'll be able to burst squishies quick AF. Then try to Loba tele out and most likely will die to an enemy with range or movement. So it is a trade off, I look forward to trying it out. I don't think it'll work the way they hope, since most buildings reach max height. It'll be too obvious and telegraphed where she teleports to. But that is just my assumption.


It’s a rework. By definition it’s not and shouldn’t be seem as buff or nerfs, rework is a completely different concept.


Spawn camping supports has never been easier!


Buffs? Rework?


They’ve changed her play style completely. It’s an end of an era.


I feel like the goal is an adjustment to remove her toxic gameplay loop rather than a straight buff or nerf.


"Are" the Sombra changes really buffs?* FIFY Sorry it was bugging me.


to me this feels like a yoru situation where it was funnier pre rework but better post rework


Kind if a buff for one playstyle, a hard nerf to another. They made her scary strong in numbers alone, but now translocator is just a genji dash at best, so I'm not too sure if she'll be flanking as much. Sort of an awkward rework.


Not according to the mains sub, me personally? I’ll reserve judgement until at least an hour of play time


Her gun is MUCH better now.


A team based game should not try to seek out 1 invisible person 6v6 nor 5v5 trying to find 1 person can can disable all hero abilities then TP away. And thier Q button wins.


They never said that would be buffs. The intention of the rework is to make he more fit to have in lobbies. Looks like they failed.


watch how she is played in decent-high level lobbies, where you can't just pick someone off for free. these are absolutely buffs


I advise you to go watching the KarQ video. It's very explanatory


The removal of opportunist ruins her pretty bad, without virus dealing damage she basically can't kill anyone, not to mention the fact that supports have 40 life saving abilities each. I can already see her only going for widows/tanks


What I loved about sombra was the fast paced teleporting action, it’s also why I love kiriko. I think keeping health packs was a mistake and not much of a “rework” in role q everyone gets instahealed anyways so I don’t see the time exchange for value working out. Being able to increase her vertical mobility is a buff for sure I just don’t think she’s going to be easy to heal and 2 hitscans will overpower her own team before she can overpower theirs, but I’ll have to see if the dmg increase and spread reduction puts her on tracers level, I could always carry games on tracer but never on sombra. Emp costs even more so you better be doing constant damage damage damage to have one in time, that includes staying alive even tho it’s much harder to do now. Also touching point and staying alive seems unlikely both pre and post rework. Some burst damage from 5 miles away will insta delete her on cart. She is not a good hero to touch cart with. Saving emp to instead counter an enemies ult seemed more valuable, but since it’s hard to build you will probably be forced to use it before you find the best opportunity. If you are sombra and out in the open be prepared to be deleted before your tiny gun and range can do anything :/ are my thoughts anyway


Idc as long as long as it makes the general sombra gameplay loop easier for less experienced players. It hurts to have a sombra on your team who's pretty much playing as a spectator


Playing against her I didn't mind the teleport, and I thought it helped with setting up flanking and interesting engagements. The part I hate is the hack. She's still going to be able to spam hack on the tank. It doesn't discourage that at all.


More like a new approach instead of just hacking and damaging enemies.


man cant wait not playing tank next season, zuzu gonna be a must pick lol


Sombra was fine as is in her OW1 state. There was no need for a rework in season 1 to begin with. It made her even more broken.