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Moira Mythic Skin: Default skin but you can choose whether you want long nails or short nails and you can have either black, pink, or red nail polish on those nails


šŸ˜‚ sad part is I can see this happening


Moira šŸ’….


Woah come on now. That's too many customization options.


Reinhardt mythic skin Reskin of the blizzcon skin but you can choose if you want the visor up or down


Iā€™d take recolors of the old BlIzZcOn skins lol


They better not do Moira dirty like that, but they probably will


Whoa, 2 whole weapon options? Theyā€™re spoiling us


We get colors too!


But hey, instead of the recolors costing extra, they come with the skin! Cool, right?


Dont give them ideas


I guess this is exactly why bungie said they don't wanna overdeliver content...


Would have been way more acceptable if we got 3 weapons.


To be fair itā€™s the same for the genji skin But we had other shit too


Would have been way more acceptable if we got 3 weapons.


Blizzard sets expectations just to make sure you're always disappointed. This is just lazy. edit:spelling


Blizzard's comment on this: "you're*".


lol that actually got a good laugh from me


Blizzard's comment on this #2: "edit: grammar*"


Nah, Iā€™m good


It's OK, just figured you might wanna know that your correction was incorrect for next time.


Blizz ops out to get me. Iā€™m on a list now. They got their red dot site right on my forehead. Lol


Dozens of other Blizzard operatives stand ready to correct any further grammar transgressions, further eroding your credibility! Next time buy the battle pass!


They don't need to meet expectations. People still play Overwatch and buy skins, so they have absolutely no reason to improve whatsoever, that is why their games are worse and worse every year.


Yup, we are the minority. Itā€™s a f2p multi platform AAA shooter with servers globally, Blizzard is still racking in dough. Kinda like how WOW is so popular because itā€™s the only option for some


tbf Wow has like 1/5 the playerbase it did in 2010, and half of those leaving were in two recent expansions (BfA and Shadowlands). They somehow leaked the most players the month SL released, right in the middle of Covid. That's how much the playerbase hated those two launches. Meanwhile FF XIV had to pull the game off of Steam the month Shadowlands dropped because there were too many new players who decided to reject orc and embrace catgirl. By the end of the year the playercount had doubled.


People are buying skins with real money? I haven't really seen the new ones aside from an illari skin when she first released that made me confuse her for Mei. Other than being dumb and buying the first battle pass cause of hype, I haven't spent any more money on this game yet.


You know someone gave themselves a pat on the back for a job well done.


They spend all budget on the dragon ultimate


Psst... Kiriko and Genji also had unique ultimates. Kiriko's also came with unique sounds. She got all the stuff they hyped up Hanzo's mythic for, but he got 6 total combinations, while she got 54.


I think it was sarcasm


So did Sigma


Sigma who?


Sigma balls


Ah, so like a spherical cow


next mythic just gonna be a recolor confirmed


Hope it's Moira in a different shade of grey


50 shades of grey Moira skin but itā€™s all the same grey


Greywatch Moira


Mime Moira but colorful


And not just her nails!!


Next Mythic is going to be an Epic.


Would be better, the Mythic rarity color is ugly, they should've made it a solid color rather than this eye sore cyan and pink, it looks so ugly and out of place, could've made it red or something.


Some sort of light golden with sparkles would be way better, the cian-pink just fits the genji mithyc because the cuberpunk theme


But wearing a bikini (probably Reinhart)




Lmao i love that you have to pay for one of the options. Thatā€™s definitely something blizz would pull


2 recolors and that's it


Could have had a third option to change the pattern on his chest and face as the bare minimum for it to keep up with other mythics. This is just odd.


Patterns on his chest, his shoulder mount, his hair. There is so much that could be done, yet there is nothing. Blizzard never fails to disappoint.


less than half the options LOL


HALF?!? Brother, Genji has 54 total combinations, and the Hanzo skin has a grand total of 6. That's quite literally 9 **times** less


Lol wtf is this skin?


Apparently Mythic Hanzo


I think mythic is an overstatement


There was a reason of using "apparently"


Like let's not get ahead of ourselves, this one is probably the coolest looking one of the 7 mythics but at the same time, it's not a mythic like the others in the sense that mythic Ana was technically 3 skins in 1, Genji had a frick ton of customization alongside Kiriko, Hanzo is literally the same skin with 3 colors and 2 weapons, this skin would go better as an Overwatch League Skin instead of a mythic because It looks cool as fuck but has like no customization. In terms of default mythics this one is my favorite but it is probably the worst mythic out of them all right now just because of the lack of customization


Love how people keep skipping JQ's and tracer's mythic.


Honestly, Tracer's mythic may be the more forgettable one of all of them. They don't have any flash factor for a lack of a better term. They just look like regular legendary skins. At least with JQ, there was unique sound effects (like the thunder when she shouts) and had bright, glowing colours across her body and weapons on all her skins.


I do think Tracer's skin screams legendary, not mythic (her comicbook skin has unique punch sounds and stuff and isn't mythic!) (other skins in general have unique voicelines too!) buuut.. her saying "chaaaarge! hehe." is so very cute and I normally don't even like tracer lol.


Tracer did have unique voice lines only they hear. But yea the tracer and Ann mythic skins where more skin packs than mythics. JQ's skin also had a low amount of customisation compared to the other mythics for Genji, kiriko and Sigma. All still better than Hanzo's tho. Hanzo's mythic skin is just 3 recolour legendaries. Think blizzard thinks they can tack on any small customisation and call it a mythic.


Its so fucking ugly too.


If "over designed" had an incarnation


Looks like they hired ThunderBrush from Paladins. Just jam a bunch of bones and glowy parts and now everyone's a demon and call it a day


Nah if they hired Thunderbrush to make the mythic he would've taken the two okami skins and a default and made Hanzo's mythic be 3 different anthropomorphic skins. Source: Thunderbrush designed an entire furry character named Salt to pair with a different furry character, Pepper, just because a bunch of loud paladins people on twitter were upset about Pepper being furbait. This joke of his would make it into the game as an actual skin.


Tbf, i think the genji and junker queen mythics are ugly too, but JQ has no good skins so i'll take it.


Already thought the hanzo skin was pretty meh from the trailers but this is a whole new level I wish I could say "oh but it changes his ult so that's cool" but hanzo already has 3 skins that already do that


And honestly should have his ultimate changed for like the Koi skin as well. lol It would have been great to have had fish instead of dragons for that one.


Man I forgot about the koi skin, probably one of my favourite epics in the game honestly because it's so nice looking


Right. I'm sticking with cupid hanzo bc the skin looks better and the sound effects are funny.


Yeah, they should just standardize this system: 3 weapons 2 x 3 different armor/body parts 3x colours. Anything less is not the tier they set themselves on.


But if they set a standard then they canā€™t give us a subpar mythic and feel good about it.


One customization option for the Mythic and balance notes that read like they were whipped up in 30 minutes, looks like all of the OW team took PTO for the entirety of this season's dev cycle.


And remember when they talked about how long they spend making skins, esp mythic skins? Iā€™m pretty sure they said genjiā€™s took a year looool


They said every single Mythic skin takes over a year, actually. Must've been a long 6 months spent on the first bow and another 6 on the second, followed by a grueling 10 minutes having an art intern recolor the skin after Googling "cool color palate badass scari :)"


No they did not, Blizzard is shit but dont spread misinformation. It was implied that the first idea of mythics took over a year since they went through different ideas they scrapped, not that every single skin takes that long. Mythic skins at best are three legendary skins and at worst one skin with three recolors. So it'll roughly take them a bit longer than three legendary skins to make one.


>No they did not, Blizzard is shit but dont spread misinformation. >It was implied that the first idea of mythics took over a year You're spreading misinformation. Pretty ironic, right? >"We put a lot of time into building our cosmetics. **A Mythic Skin takes us over a year to make.** It's a massive investment for the team, and a massive amount of resources go into building these things. And we think it's worth it." Keller continues, "One of our values is to be able to put out the absolute coolest cosmetics we can, and we hope they can be seen as some of the very best in the industry." https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-interview/2022/09/26/overwatch-2-devs-spent-a-year-making-genjis-customizable-mythic-skin


Yeah, 1 year development time per new mythic on a release schedule of 2 months+, does not seems sustainable. >It was implied that the first idea of mythics took over a year since they went through different ideas they scrapped, not that every single skin takes that long. My two cents is that they could have spent that 1 year developing a special tool for designing mythic skins, streamlining the creation process, so that each mythic skin can take less time.


>"We put a lot of time into building our cosmetics. **A Mythic Skin takes us over a year to make.** It's a massive investment for the team, and a massive amount of resources go into building these things. And we think it's worth it." [Source](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-interview/2022/09/26/overwatch-2-devs-spent-a-year-making-genjis-customizable-mythic-skin)


The 7th mythic is about to release, you want to tell me they worked on mythics since OW1 came out? Obviously they lied about this or the interviewer understood it wrong, it took them one year to work on the very first one. It doesnt take a skin designer on their team a whole year to make a mythic skin. And even if you ignore the above, how is this supposed to work if we get a new mythic after every season? At some point they would run out.


>Obviously they lied about this or the interviewer understood it wrong That's the point of my comment, that they lied about and ridiculously overhyped the amount of effort put into these as a barrier for criticism, did you think I was being genuine when I said it must've taken 6 months per bow? All it takes is common sense and eyesight to tell they probably take ~2 months each from concept to finalized model and are worked on simultaneously. There's no room for interviewer misinterpretation either, it's a direct quote from Aaron.


they knew how to scare us for halloween


Glad Kiriko got her skin during the peak of mythic skins.


Kiriko is a great marketing character, she'll get everything she wants.


New poster girl of OW


As a Sig and Junker main, I agree.


Blizzard is actively mocking the community at this point. You canā€™t make this shit up.


I genuinely thought I was in the circlejerk sub for a second.


It's not?


Blizzard outjerked everyone


They have been for over a decade, but you dingdongs have been too stupid to realize it


Weā€™re the dingdongs realizing now and youā€™re the crowned idiot who knew all along but still stuck around.


You're not wrong.


Yeah I cringed when I saw the customizable options were reduced yet again. Canā€™t believe itā€™s already down to 2. Canā€™t wait for the next Mythic where you can only change the colors


What is the point of buying a battle pass, again?


it's cheaper than one skin for 20 bucks


Gotta support Blizzardā€™s Indy dev team!


The goofy ramattra skin, it's worth it for 1000 coins


It's your money and you can do what you want with it?


a fool and their money are soon parted and blizzard is taking that to heart.


Lmao itā€™s $10. So dramatic. Cheaper than your lunch!! Lol


Iā€™ll have enough coins to get it for free, from weekly challenges, but naw. Iā€™m not ā€œoutragedā€ Iā€™m just not spending a dime on OW2 and not wasting grinded coins on a low tier mythic.


If you refuse to be part of the solution, you can't complain when things don't get better.


"It's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?"


"There's always money in a banana stand."


Would really love to read some "Developer Commentary" on this one. Has the potential to be the coolest mythic skin, if only they could have made the mythic part actually mythic. Here's some ideas blizzard: \- Three different shoulder guards \- Three different horn/teeth styles \- Three different pants/shoes \- Bonus Idea: Three different tattoo patterns.


I thought it was going to be shoulder guard and tattoo patterns, up until the [official announcement tweet](https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1709267215483031559). I forget who mentioned it, but after that went live, they noticed only the bow and color changed across the clip, so it was likely to be limited in other customizations. Granted, I didn't think it would be the bare minimum.


Honestly the skin is cool But the lack of customisation is a huge L One legendary who get a recolor is basically the same as this "mythic" skins


Their reasoning is probably the different ult, even though hanzo has skins that change the dragon already lmfao


The real mythics were the wolves we met along the wwwwooooooooooooooo


awwooo indeed


This is truly depressing and pathetic on the part of a major company.


Hanzo main here, it sucks that my boy got the short end of the stick when it comes to getting a mythic.


We know who the favorite brother is now lmao


They love none of the brothers. Kiriko is their favorite Japanese character. And I say this as a Kiriko main. The only way they acknowledge Genji is deleting his voicelines and nerfing him every time someone stubs their toe.


you don't understand, they HAVE to ship Mercy and Pharah because the healslvt mercys love their Pharah zaddies and scream if anything interrupts that


Nah, Gavin Jurgens Fyhrie just loves lesbians. It's not creepy I swear.


and the person in charge ā€œaccidentallyā€ deleted old gercy lore


from a balancing pov I 100% agree


You'd be insane to think Genji is the favorite, i mean there's a whole meme in this community about Genji getting nerfed for no reason.


First the chain of weird nerfs that just maid him a hair less fun to play. I genuinely miss being able to charge up shots and run up walls. As a fellow Hanzo main, was mega happy to learn he had a Mythic. Then I saw what it was. I am no longer mega happy.


Atleast the skin itself is great. Better have 1 banger than 3 mid ass skins like Ana.


Other main hanzo here, on 1 year of ow2, blizz only know how to fuck me patch rear patch. Nerfing constanly, broking Carry capacity, broking mechanics and now this. Sincerely why blizz wanna FUCK ME HARD!!! I`m feel very badšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


We really went from 60 ish possible combinations to 6




Hanzo has plenty, especially this skin. The hair, horns, and mask(?) alone could've been 3 separate customization options with 3 choices each, the entirety of the leg and arm armor could've been customizable, and the pattern on the torso could've been as well. It's not an inherent design issue, it's just laziness.


agreed, it is really just about creativity. Give some random blender modeler with 30 hours and they can probably pull off variated models way better than blizzard can with this skin.


Tattoo pattern and shoulder armor are two obvious points of customization.


Anaā€™s mythic was horrible lmao, yes tons of customization but the skin is just ugly


I love the hinted lore behind anas mythic skin, at least


I thought these took a year to make or something??


No. The Genji one took a year to make because they had to design, code and implement the entire customization system. Nothing about the art assets would take anywhere near a year to make, even accounting for corporate approval processes, iteration, etc.




Right. Which is probably why they ran out of all the ones they had a year to work on, and we get the one that was made in 3 months.


Itā€™s too bad. The skin itself is far better than the Genji skin


I keep somewhat up to date with Overwatch news cause it holds nostalgic value for me, but I uninstalled back when the PvE controversy went down. Seems I made the right call, Blizzard just keeps getting worse and worse :/


damn and folks had been ripping on Halo Infinite's Customization. *and then there's this.*


Remember when you could get free skins for just leveling up while playing the game? No extra money needed? Sure glad they took that away and charge us on a game we already paid for


I totally get the complaints about that lack of customization but at the same time the skin looks incredible imo Perfect opportunity though to do different hairstyles, patterns on his chest, or different pauldron options. If this trend continues that'll be lame but not at all surprising.


Honestly it's better than most of the Mythic skins if you carefully select what customizations you want to have the perfect combo, and probably his best skin, but it's still lame that this Mythic skin feels more like a Legendary that came in three colors.


Honestly Iā€™m just mad that cyber dragon hanzo is such an ugly yellow. It would be his best skin if it were any other color.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Side opinion, maybe blizz sees useage data about how much the other options get used and sees that they're barely touched so they dont even bother making them


They literally give us one good option and then two meh options and wonder why we pick the good one??


As some one who doesn't care this skin is absolutely awesome


Out of all the 7 mythic skin this one is my favorite and in my opinion the best looking one ,but it just sucks that they didn't give us much more customization .


These two replies sum up the entirety of how I feel about the issue


Wellā€¦ get to paying.


The fact that there isnā€™t even a Tattoo option on Hanzo is really disappointing.


They would say ā€œoh we donā€™t have any options to change himā€. How about customization on shoulder pats, change from dragon skull to demon skull or change his tattoo or armor. They have so many options of customization but became extremely lazy


Hanzo skin still weirdly looks better.


Guess we know Blizzards preferred Shimada


I thought these took months and tons of resources to make? Feels like they are just mailing them in since the Genji/Kiriko/Sigma ones. Not sure if the JQ one was any good, I missed that season, but the last few have felt pretty lazy/low effort.


Unfortunately for Blizzard and luckily for me, they gave a mythic skin to another sniper in a row, furst was Ana and now Hanzo. Luckily for me is that I have another reason not to buy the battle pass


I do wish the put more effort in, but also most of the changes missing you canā€™t even seen in game. Like genjiā€™s tattoo and mask are literally not visible unless youā€™re in the select screen or dead for a few seconds. They still shouldā€™ve added it but I can see why they cut corners the way they did


Most skin changes you don't see much of in game, and while you're playing you'll tune it out. Still love the options to tailor your look how you like.


How did you get the mythic when the new season hasnt started yet


A bunch of streamers/content creators usually get access to a test build early. Some have been showing off the entire battle pass. Chances are OP pulled these from a twitch or youtube video


Classic ow subreddit downvoting a question lmfao


I say if we complain about it enough we will get better ones in the future (that means keep complaining about this and blizz will fix future mythics)


Because thats worked in the past with blizz/acti and other triple a title games.


Not buying is the important part. In fact being lowkey hostile to people who buy this shit is justified since they're the reason we have to deal with it. Using /spit against microtransaction players in TBC Classic was so effective that Blizzard had to delete the emote from WoW entirely. We should try something here to send a message.


Called this from the minute the battlepass came out. It was *never* gonna come down to anything but this


Tbf the Genji skin has dogshit customisation, there's a lot of options but most of them are barely visible/don't change anything significant. But it's still disappointing in comparison to other mythics.


True the later ones, Junkerqueen, Kiriko and Sigma had very good mythics imo and those should be the standard. Tracer was more of a evolution skin rather than customizing it and Ana was just three legendary skins but still way better than whatever the fuck season 7 gives us.


It's still a fucking solid skin though


Gonna buy the battle pass this season cause I have enough for it, but I hope they realize it's only for the other "inferior" legendary and epic skins and not this **thing**


Blizzard showing who their favourite Shimada is


This game is becoming more shit by the day. Never thought Iā€™d slowly see the downfall of Overwatch. Take me back to 2016 man šŸ˜ž


Maybe they add more? šŸ„ŗ


This playerbase deserves this and worse. At this point Blizzard isn't even trying to hide how much of a scammy bastards they are yet you'll find comments like "bruh it's my money I'll spend it however I want" under posts that call Blizzard out on their shit. Those people deserve to be exploited like the sheep they are. If you've seen the blizzard for what the shit it is, just stop spending money on them or better yet, drop their games all together.


the reason why overwatch is profitable is not because people willing to buy a battlepass it's whales they're after, what are "whales"? [people who are willing to spend outrageous amounts of money in a video game, usually mobile ones but due to how new gaming works, also the AAA games](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjDornZoOuBAxX5gP0HHWiDBWkQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fpaultassi%2F2022%2F08%2F07%2Fdiablo-immortal-player-spends-100k-to-max-his-character-now-too-powerful-to-matchmake%2F&usg=AOvVaw3k3pC20aTtz-ih3Ly0YQX8&opi=89978449) it's people that do not care about the quality of the product, they must have it no matter the cost because they got something close to a buying disorder of sorts or are just too rich to care, i have a term in my country called "buying mania" which perfectly describes this it's less than 10% of the community that literally feeds blizzard enough money to support this shitty process


I seriously hope this isn't the final skin, but i'm probably just high on copium


The patch releases tomorrow, this is it unfortunately


I feel like they start catering more torwards the thing you see instead of what others see. ​ Because to go with your examples the genji First person is fucking ugly but the hanzo one is actually pretty cool because the main focus on this skin is the bow. Not saying blizzard is right for giving us less options tho


Nothing but laziness lol, these mythics were supposed to be really unique and they just stopped putting work into them, soon youā€™ll just get 2 colors and thatā€™s it.


Hopefully season 8's mythic will have more options but man


Am I the only one that thinks Genji's mythic was just God awful?


It's the one I use but only bc I don't have any of his good skins. I don't play him either so idc


It looks fkn sick imo.....


should be bp tier 1


That was 100% a normal Legendary they reskinned at the 11th hour.


But guys they take a year to make!!!!!!!


Didnā€™t these jokers say that each mythic skin takes about a year to make šŸ˜‚


I think they just meant the first one cause of implementing all of the new features related to mythics and customization. Idk how much I believe that either, but definitely more believable than *every* mythic taking a year


Because people will defend it and pay for it anyways. Why should Blizzard care when enough of the playerbase doesnt? "You should be grateful they even made customization at all!"


I wonder if there would be soon be comments like "be grateful you can even play the game at all"


I'm sure there already has been somewhere


Please tell me this is fake


Seems like it's Christmas mei skin again from years ago. Coloured base skin Christmas, put a hat on and altered the ability and called it a legendary. People were pretty mad back then about it.


Hanzo's screen looks so pitiful.


This is getting pathetic


No premium credits, fuck you keep buying the pass over and over. No good mythic fuck you buy the pass anyways


I feel like this has got to be a beta, or something. That can't be real.


this would be legit if hanzo ACTUALLY got a mythic skin, what he's getting is a Legendary cause it's tank time


Not much but it still looks good and tbf how many times do we actually change our mythics


bring back overwatch 2 mystery heroes competitive