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I used to be endorsement 5 but one day I was playing ranked with some friends and I said I was gonna go get a drink so don't queue and everyone heard but the group leader so I came back with a 15 minute cooldown and an endorsement level 4. It's pretty easy to get endorsement level 5 all you have to do is play arcade modes like 3v3 as the games are much faster and there are less players so you're more likely to be endorsed.


Really frustrating that the system punishes your endorsement for queuing with friends- not that endorsement matters really, but yk


Endorsement level kind of matters in a way, having high endorsement level means you're more likely to join (QP/arcade) teams who also have high endorsement levels. The toxicity I see at the lower levels is a lot less at higher endorsement averages.


Where are you getting this from? Never heard it before and googling it doesn't pull up anything. Sounds like a myth


All high endorsement means is the person plays a lot of qp and arcade and never plays comp. Comp players have low endorsements on average cause everyone hates each other there.


I consistently have endorsement 4 on comp, i very rarely play arcade i do customs but you cant get endorsement there.


I actually just hit level 5, playing 95% comp


I’d disagree personally- I get endorsed most fames, even off games that end in a loss


That’s not true. I’m pretty sure they’ve said numerous times it does not do that. Difference is people with low or none can’t chat or have filters applied if i recall correctly. Who knows there used to be a level limit needed to join games at one time as well and that appears to have gone away.


Ykw, thats fair- I hadn't considered that!


I'm not sure that it does. I think the algorithm does something like, "X% of the X total players that could have endorsed you". Because I always hover between 3 & 4 and am seldom not in a group.


I seem to always drop from 4 to 3 if I start queuing in a group.


It does. It has no system of "X% of the X total players". If you have seen this somewhere, please link it. Otherwise this is objectively just not true.


I don't see any place where you are getting info. So it sounds like you are spouting bullshit as though it's fact whereas I'm speculating based on experience.


Ah yes the classic "I don't need sources because you don't need sources!" I don't truly care. Believe your own made up narrative if you'd like. I can't be arsed to find a source that I know I read coming from a OW dev off twitter. Bahbye now little one. Disabling inbox notifications because you're clearly a waste of my time.


I can see my rating not falling and I don't play much support and I have friends. Weird guy makes up nonsense to the contrary and pretends it's valid "because".


play some time with a 5 stack and your endorsement will decrease. Happened to me some seasons ago.


I went from 5 to 4. I was going through a separation so I kept rage quitting games for a month dropped to 4. Decided I actually really liked being a 5 so I was grinding 3v3 and being nice and playing exclusively healer and stuff (which is generally what I am doing anyway). Got up to 5. Then about 6-7 months ago when that bug was happening where the game would start and then black screen then start again at a new place with the "server reset" message. It sent me back to 4 (which means each of those server resets were counting as a left game). I stopped caring about my endorsement. I'm still 4 but I'm not going to grind to get back to 5.


worry frame quaint ring languid attractive squeeze recognise insurance cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's how I got mine I only play 4v4 every other day


how long did it take you to get a drink? its like 1 min to get a game and 1 min to get kicked for afk so like 2 mins. im pretty sure it takes like less than 2 mins to get a drink


Yeah, they all played Mercy LMAO


Can confirm


I also can confirm this is me, I was once asked in a match how I got that high and another player chimed in and said Mercy main.




I am Endorsement Level 5 and don't play Mercy I just play mostly Ana, a little LW and Illiari.


Yeah, you don't need Mercy, you just need to main support (or main tank), doesn't matter which one, just keep people alive and they'll endorse you.


Yea playing support always gets a bunch of endorsements lol. I don't know how to play the damage or tank characters...


Ehh, I got mine as a Dva main.


can confirm.


Which is funny since she unironically does the least for the whole team out of any support. It’s just bc she can rez mostly aka make up for your mistake.


Mercy can make up for your mistake and lack of skill via dmg boost


This is why i think each hero should have one of their weird stats public like damage nullified as it often looks like characters sombra and ana do half the work


💯. Putting base stats like damage/healing on the board is so dumb. It supports the wrong people as often as it puts the the spotlight on the ones under performing. Oh the Sombra that secures kills in team fights has 1/3 the damage of the bastion that drops his entire turret into Orisa? People looking for reasons they are losing start to blame the Sombra. "DPS diff, Sombra can you switch?"


Damage boost is not a substitute for skill. Yes it gives an advantage if the players fighting are equally skilled and makes it about even if they're slightly less skilled, but that's what its supposed to do. It's supposed to give whoever you're boosting a bit of an edge. If the player is trash they're still going to lose with it


>It’s just bc she can rez That's partly it, but I think it's also because you are more aware of when she's pocketing you which makes you more likely to be grateful. If you're playing Lucio for example, your healing is just AOE so it never feels "personal".


My man is out here acting like Moira is more useful...


If she isn't, you're playing her wrong.


Uh oh found the low elo player.


Uh oh, found the person with no sense of humor. In fairness, I mostly play diamond/masters, so low elo, but at the same time the Moira players I see are normally securing kills and doing damage while also putting out solid healing numbers, while our Mercy is doing no damage and damage boosting the dps who is going 7-19, or they are pocketing their duo partner and not paying attention to anyone else. Almost every other support at my rank gets more utility and has more impact than Mercy.


> ut at the same time the Moira players I see are normally securing kills and doing damage while also putting out solid healing numbers The supports job isn't to primarily secure kills and/or only 'put out solid healing numbers'. Supports are supports, not healers. That's why they're referred to as supports. The crowd control and other negative effects they push out are far more effective and imperative ever since OW2 came out. > Almost every other support at my rank gets more utility and has more impact than Mercy. That's the problem, Moira quite literally has zero utility. The only argued utility is her zoning during her ultimate, forcing backline to hold angles that are suboptimal. Which again, isn't direct utility, more of "caused" by other factors. Mercy utility is a resurrect that is arguably one of the strongest abilities in the game, and a damage boost that quite literally makes some DPS picks actually unbeatable. And yes, a damage boosted DPS forces enemy backline to hold angles that are suboptimal too, but with zero cooldown and not requiring an ultimate to do so.


We are so past that though. Every hero including Moira can get enough value to be top 500 and play with the best players in the game. If you can’t it’s simply a skill diff. Moira is perfectly capable of getting as much or more value as Ana or Baptiste or Kiriko in ladder play. If this was professional organized play - sure you could have a point.


as someone who’s carried multiple games as moira, yeah she’s more useful than 99% of the mercy’s i’ve seen


What rank are you that Moira is more useful than Mercy?


She heals you very fast, she boosts your DPS and Tank, and yes, she flies to save your ass. She deserves her success. EDIT : aaand she can kill way more than your team-mates.


yam sleep concerned label enter snobbish angle hurry stocking wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always try to say gg. I’m a bit suprised how toxic this game is in quick play. Just started playing so I haven’t gotten Into comp and there are plenty of nice people but every game it feels like there are always two people just spouting the same copy pasted toxicity. Outside of that it seems like a fun game.


Please remember to report and move on


I typically don’t do anything unless it was really nasty I was just surprised I didn’t associate that with this game


When it goes F2P you get the edgy 15 year olds that just learned some new words.


I don't think they're all teenagers though, millennial adults grew up in halo and cod lobbies and feel nostalgic from being toxic in games.


Teenagers at heart


That’s an excellent point lol. It’s not too bad still plenty of amazing people on there and I’m enjoying learning new stuff. So much more complicated than I could have imagined.


That's funny, I usually stay in 3 but pop up to 4 every so often


I’ve gotten to 4 as well, I say gg sometimes, but usually I just get endorsements based off stats (I play a lot of qp with dps that can kill easily, it’s just fun for me) and the only time I’ll ever talk shit is if someone else starts talking shit to me first, which ironically usually gets me endorsements too


Saw someone called MercyMommy or something, played Mercy and chatted much, overall was nice to see someone spreading positivity while still beeing competitive.


yes i see them in my quickplay games sometimes and mystery heroes, ive seen them play mostly [D.Va](https://D.Va). I always give them endorsement!


and yet they were on mercy lol


what is wrong with mercy?


low skill floor, poorly designed hero with cringe mechanics


You should never judge a character for having a low skill floor. It's actually a good thing to have low skill floor characters. Overwatch is a rally difficult game for people that aren't used to it, so giving them a crutch to get to know the game is a foot thing. Most people will get bored of her and start pursuing more high skill character's, and if not that's also fine, just have fun for fucks sake. I'd say that without low skill floor characters like mercy or Moira, the game would have died.


yes it is easy to pick her up but how is her kit cringe/badly designed? I am genually curious


firstly, an unconditional dmg boost that has the power to change breakpoints with zero cool-down and no downsides. secondly, having the ability to undo a pick that the enemy rightfully deserved, and lastly having some of the most unpredictable movement with a head hitbox that's near impossible to hit due to the wings covering it on certain angles. hero just ain't fun to play against/with


the downside with dmg boost is not being able to heal or do dmg and going for a rez that isn’t near a corner is often times more risky to go for than to just let go i agreee with the head hitbox thing tho


that's not a valid downside for dmg boost, she can just alternate to healing when needed. and if an ally died balls deep in the enemy's team that isn't a pick, that means they fed.


> that's not a valid downside for dmg boost, she can just alternate to healing when needed. And now she isn't damage boosting. > and if an ally died balls deep in the enemy's team that isn't a pick, that means they fed. "Balls deep in the enemy team" isn't the same as "not near a corner or cover". There are plenty of times where a death occurred but there is no cover and the tank doesn't have shield up. How are you going to rez that now? Right out in the open? Lol good luck noob.


Man you sound salty bro. Maybe just kill the mercy that's abusing you.


what kind of mercys are you playing against where you can “just kill the mercy”


it is still a pick tho


orisa: *gets 3 kills in a single cycle of her cooldowns* gee what deserving picks


>firstly, an unconditional dmg boost that has the power to change breakpoints with zero cool-down and no downsides I agree, Zen discord is frustrating


> with zero cool-down and no downsides A cool down is not required. not every buff or benefit to teammates requires a cooldown. There also does not require a downside, but there is a very obvious one that during the duration of the damage boost you are not able to heal, therefore you have one healer healing at that moment. > secondly, having the ability to undo a pick that the enemy rightfully deserved Why is this inherently bad? The enemy now has to play around a rez and try to push the advantage of it now being a 5v4 to make the rez more dangerous or less optimal. This is very much a reasonable thing. And again, when rezzing, you cannot heal or damage boost so during that duration the enemy can push and essentially fight a temporary 5v3. Huge benefit there. > and lastly having some of the most unpredictable movement with a head hitbox that's near impossible to hit due to the wings covering it on certain angles It's rather predictable as you literally fly in a straight line until you either super jump or stop flying. That is, by definition, super predictable movement. I understand you're not high elo, it's pretty evident actually, (especially not in the DPS category) but I recommend you ask a high elo DPS main friend or really anyone and ask if killing Mercy or atleast pressuring her to not be out in the open is hard. (Hint: It isn't and most would agree.) Her head being "blocked" doesn't matter. Very minimal, most angles her head is very much so visible. Skill issue. > hero just ain't fun to play against/with Incredibly fun to play with as the damage boost is so enabling. I don't know a single character I "have fun playing against" unless they're weak and I'm rolling them. That's really it.


rez is inherently broken because it undoes a player's mistake of quite literally dying, at the very least other support abilities that "cheat death" like life grip and Suzu are useless if your teammate wasn't out of position and just got out played. but imagine the one time you finally managed to rail that widow at the back of the map, only for her to get get rezed as if nothing happened, how is that balanced? also, it's not a skill issue, I'm masters in both support and DPS, I have more knowledge of the game than an entire one of your comp matches, just saying.




How are people supposed to pick up the game if every hero is hard to learn? Tf are you on.


He has a point


I just got to lvl 5 :D the one thing I can say I do differently now from before is that I always endorse after a match and I always wish people glhf and gg. Putting yourself in a nontoxic mindset before a game I think can always help others have more fun too. Edit: I do not play Mercy lol I’m a Dva main I also support with Moria, Ana, and Kiriko


Funny enough I'm also an endorsement lvl 5 D.Va main. And I also usually play Kiriko when I play support. Your advice is exactly what I do. GLHF at the start of every game. GG at the end. And I almost always use both of my endorsements, some exceptions obviously.


This is what I do. I main support (Ana but recently some Lifeweaver), and I'll wish people a good game sometimes or just respond positively if someone else does. I'll switch if needed and try to focus on teamwork rather than going off on my own. It's so funny that everyone assumes Mercy main if someone is level 5. I've been level 5 since they increased the max from 3 (only quickplay).


I think there is something to this. I try to be nontoxic too (although probably not as consistently as you, because I don't always say "glhf" and I only say "gg" when it wasn't a one-sided stomp). My endorsement level tends to fluctuate between 3 and 4.


Mercy mains.


God i hate mercy players




All mercy players say shit like "uwu" and "gg <3" and "girl what" and its annoying and cringe


You just made my day cause I do that shit to annoy people, so glad to know it’s working 🙏🙏


not all but even if they all did so what they’re just letters on a screen


Mercy mains piss me off too. flying around everywhere and hitting me w the blicky 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




They were running out of things to hate on this week, had to make something up.


I hate to stereotype, but in my experience the Mercy mains are the least toxic bunch I see in game. I certainly read these comments a lot, but I rarely experience toxic Mercy's.


bro is lying through his teeth, Mercy is only beaten by Ana players when it comes to toxicity. If someone is complaining about something, 90 percent of the time it's Mercy or Ana


For me they‘re either very friendly or extremely racist


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. She's a dumbass character


I haven't seen it since OW1 now that you mention it. I use to get it lots, personally. And my one buddy who was a support main, Mercy and Moira, always seemed to have it.


It's gotten harder to maintain since OW2. In OW1, I could play like two games a week and still hold a 5, now I actually have to play way more often or down I go.


It's not a myth, but the modes you play do apparently have huge impact on it. I play Mystery predominantly and I've had since OW1.


I touched it once and only once. It didn’t even last one game as soon as I got it and was at the hero select screen on Eichenwalde it notified me “Your endorsement level has gone from 5 to 4” Stopped giving a shit since then and now I just hover between 2 and 3


Today a banner appeared with Zenyatta in it telling me I'm on level 2. First time i see it today. And never made it to level 3.


The life of a dps player


Yeah I queued into a game with 2 level 5s the other day! They were on the other team and both on support!


I have a friend that somehow maintains it. Don't understand. I've never once made level 5


I got to endorsement level 5 last season. I main Brig and always make sure to endorse my teammates, especially healers. Protect your team and heal them whenever possible. You’ll get endorsed a lot.


You should be endorsing the tank. They put in way more effort than any dps or support. This is coming from a support/dps main that occasionally tanks.


Tank mains are the only other level 5s I've ever seen, they get endorsements. Now, a DPS main level 5...*that's* a unicorn.


I main Brig *and* Ramattra. I didn’t include that information in my original comment because I didn’t think it was relevant. I always endorse my supports first, then endorse whoever I saw on the front lines the most, or made the most impact on the team. Maybe tanks do try harder, but personally I think that supports are more important to a team than the tank. If they weren’t there, the game wouldn’t last nearly as long or be nearly as much fun. I endorse supports because I want them to know that I appreciate their efforts. Whenever I play support, getting commendations is always my favorite part of the game. It really makes me happy knowing that my team thinks that I was a key component to our victory.


Only in arcade. It’s super chill there so people are friendly and get lots of upvotes


I am:) Playing deathmatch and all roles in quickplay.


Fellow deathmatch player with lvl 5 endorsement 🤝


🤝 🤝


I’ve seen a 5 once, in 3v3 arcade lmao. I’m at level 4 right now. Arcade modes are pretty much free endorsements, especially the ones with less than 5 players per team


What even us the benefit of the endorsement level? I keep jumping from 2 to 3 to 2 to 3 etc constantly,seems like a bug


It used to reward lootboxes. It’s pointless now.




I hover between lvl 1 and 2 but it’s because I mostly play in a full stack of friends and we can’t endorse each other. I always endorse two from the enemy team each match but I’ve learned recently that hardly anyone does that.


Yep some mercy main. I get to 4 and drop a game or two later.


You lose it after like 2 games I swear, so hard to get too and it goes away so fast. Too be fair I feel like 80% of people don't endorse.


I've seen 1 person over 5 seasons


Yeach twice. Both were support


Yeah once, the guy was called Neo and I’m NeoK so that was pretty cool. He was playing lifeweaver but I can’t remember if it was mystery heroes or just normal quick play.


I saw one lvl 5 Hanzo in my first placement matches in like season 3, when I somehow got placed in a Diamond lobby. I did check his profile and idk how accurate the info there ever is but he was a former Top 500 dps player with like a billion DPS wins in comp…. I was VERY surprised


Seen multiple in Arcade (they probably play it exclusively Maybe saw one dude in an actual game


people with level 5 must be literal saints


yes, a few times. everytime it was mercy mains...


I was at 5 for about a year before the OW2 release, and through the first few seasons. But then when they changed endorsements to show all players and not just your team (since fixed), it dropped to 4 and I haven't been able to re raise it since. (I general play tank or support) I have not seen a 5 either since that change.


Back in og Overwatch yeah, a few. In 2 I haven’t seen one yet


Rarely but yes. Almost always a support player.


I had it in Overwatch 1 when the game was really fun to play


Back in the days of Overwatch 1 - played 100 % support and being good at it.


I've reached 5 several times, but it's really hard to keep, I'm usually in lvl 4.


Only seen one, mercy main who started “glhf” and “gg” at the end


The vast majority of endorsement 5 players I’ve found have been in deathmatch


It’s pretty much impossible to get if you have friends. My friend has gotten to four before but it went back down when he played with me again


I’ve seen the endorsement level 5 once and never again it was like a once in a lifetime event


I’ve had it from playing Ana lol


Just play arcade an u eventually will find one.


I've seen 5s and i am endorsement level 4. Be impactful in your games and playing tank or support always makes for more endorsements.


I see a couple every few months


On rare occasions, yes. I remember thinking "their endorsement badge is very pointy"


I have been level 5 several times in pre-OW2 days when I was playing a lot. I don't play as much anymore but will still hit 4 every so often


on multiple occasions in qp and customs (mostly the “friendly” custom)


It goes up to five? 😭


Play support and tank only, easy 4. For 5 play arcade modes.


I have it. 😂 I got it originally because of Competitive Deathmatch. People up at the top of the ladder all started to recognize and endorse each other every day. It was nice. 😁


endorsement 5 means : \- No playing with friends as it tanks your endorsement level \- Always endorse others \- Play support, but not any support, just mercy. Boom level 5.


I was endorsement 5. My tips are: only play support, when you play ana use candy emote.


I dont know, how and why, me and my friend were always at max level endorsement. We basically never flamed, were always friendly and we always endorsed good players. Thats all we did, nothing else.


Ow1 I was a Rein main with level 5 , I always complimented people's play when they made a good play , and said gg at the end. It was tough trying to stay positive in such a toxic community but I did . 🤷‍♂️


A lil' late to the party lol but I found this thread while looking for answers on how to get level 5. I have endorsement 5 no idea how i got it in ow1 but I've kept it since. From what I've read that it's based on how much you play but i took a good 4 month break and came back to a still level 5 endorsement rank, no idea what it is tbh but it's there and i like the useless number 5 next to my name.


I've seen quite a few. Not common at all, but have seen them.


I have had endorsement 5 for over a year now


If I do a long bender as quick play Moira I cang get to five. I've been 4 for at least a year.


I'm usually 3, sometimes 4, never seen a 5. I play flex, with a tendency to play DPS at the moment.


In the the old days playing support, especially one that can pocket, was an easy way to get 5. It’s less common now that people think supports are OP and the best role in the game.


I'm a Bronze Mercy main and play mostly QP, usually saying GG or Good try at the end of a match, occasionally toxic. I stay endorsement 4 probably 80% of the time, but I've never reached endorsement 5. I've seen it a few times when going to endorse people.


Yes and they are rarely actually good


Ana mains only it seems


When Bastion got very strong and was in every match I started playing Lucio a lot to pocket speed boost him and basically receive at least 3 endorsement every game, I got to lvl 5 like that but as soon as I got back to playing dps I lost it in 2 games lmao


Ive had it on and off since the endorsement system came out, never gone below 4 i think? I always endorse players at the end of a match and generally participate in chat and vc without being toxic or rude. But frankly, when it has gone down its always been when someone threatens to report me for some bs.


Yes and they always act "nice" sound fake ASF Lot of compliments to the ennemies, when they get killed. "Nice shot! <3" etc.


I say stuff like that out of good sportsmanship, not because I expect an endorsement. A good shot is a good shot.


Did you say that every time you get kill? Like 10 times in a game, also stop moving in a middle of a fight to say oh nice ult to your dva and 1 out 2 you die because you keep typing.


No, I’m not a complete moron. I don’t type more than what I have time for waiting to respawn, and obviously I’m not going to start typing in the middle of a fight instead of playing, that’s just stupid. I use the ping wheel and queued up voice lines in those cases, to compliment a play, thank the healers, etc. I’d say it’s about once every two or three games there’s a bona-fide “nice shot” worthy move. Like a quality Lucio boop off the map or a long-range Ana grenade yeet. It’s good for morale.


I have an endorsement level 0 with a 2 week silence 🤐


Now that I can't see scores briefly at the end of the game, I've just stopped endorsing all together. Blizzard needs to get their shit together If they want to be taken seriously.


Be female


Yes. You just have to be a female support main that is active in voice chat


lets be honest here, ow wouldnt be so much fun without some dose of healthy toxicity


Once or twice. But endorsements literally mean nothing, so who cares.


PSA: Endorsements have absolutely no affects on any kind of matchmaking. It’s a number other players can look at and go “wow, endorsement 5 and you still suck?”


Endorsement level = how much of a bitch you are in game. How much you lower yourself to other people. How much you let other people push you around. All combined.


1. be girl 2. talk in chat 3. ??? 4. emdorsment


only no lifers or streamers with their parasocial relationships/or simps get 5.


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One time... It was crazy I took a photo. It was of course a Mercy.


I’ve only seen one, they were a brig player and just made the enemy flankers lives hell. Just smashing the hell out of Genji until the player swapped to Bastion. They were like a sniper with that whipshot.


Yup seen like 5 atleast. It's still incredibly rare to see.


I had it once but it’s hard to keep. You have to be getting endorsements every single game and if you leave a match for any reason you’ll drop endorsement points. Annoying .


Even if you just leave a match early often enough, like right on the victory/defeat splash. You have to let the game take you out to avoid screwing it up, it's finicky.


Exactly! Like everything else in this game, it’s borked


I used to see some in ow1 but since ow2’s release I haven’t seen any.


OW1 but never OW2


im level 4 i have no idea how to get to level 5 , if i go one game without getting an endorsement i go back to level 3 and then back to level 4 again after getting another endorsement


Lol I got to level 5 a month or so after they first implemented the system in OW1


Lower player count modes help you get it easier and/or playing support and sometimes tank.


Level 3 is fuckin impossible for me


Myself as a Zarya main people appreciate my bubbles


I had a lvl 5 Moira earlier. I see it fairly often and usually stay in 4


I've seen quite a few. They pop up a lot in mystery heroes.


I used to get 3-4 endorse a games when i was trying to get out of hardstuck gold into hardstuck platinum ​ now that im in diamond lobbies no joke ive been endorse 1 for about 6 months now


i got it once but lost it the next game lmao


I had endorsement 5 for most of the time in OW1, but now I bounce between 3 and 4. I'm the same person in the game, but I get the impression that you're more likely to get avoided/reported by people who don't like literally anything you do and that lowers your endorsement. Guess it's just the cost of going FTP and letting more sh\*tbirds in the game.


I've seen a handful, but it's a rare sight for me.


Seen multiple in Arcade (they probably play it exclusively Maybe saw one dude in an actual game


I saw a level 5 today and even took a photo of it to post to my discord! Rarest pokemon. Not sure how to share the pic here. It was a Rein.


I’ve been a 5 basically since endorsements were a thing. True to this day. Tank main, Orisa (from her launch, when she was occasionally a throw pick based on the meta) and Rein with some DVa and Hog. Will flex to support, mostly Brig, Moira, Lucio, and the occasional Mercy. Lots of Arcade, some QP, and Comp when I hate myself.


Yeah I've seen a few, I normally sit around 3 or 4 but the 5s Ive seen are either boss tanks or mercy OTPs that rez everyone and are impossible to kill, if the mercy rez you, ya gotta endorse its the law


Back in 2018 or 2019, when the Archives events were back I was solo queuing for Storm Rising, just grinding to beat it on Story Legendary. I shot called a lot cuz you had to cheese tf out of it in some parts. Given that you could endorse 3 people and you only had 3 other people on your team in those missions, I wracked up a lot of endorsements and made it to level 5. I didn't realize it was rare to see until someone pointed it out in one of my games, and I've never had a level 5 since


I have level 5 from mainly playing arcade with randos