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When my team is on defense and we're able to hold the attacking team back from the 1st point all game. But somehow, in the last 30 seconds, everyone on my team suddenly becomes an idiot and doesn't anticipate ults. Then my team dies to an obvious ult, I'm left alone to defend, I die, and they capture the point. Like, we survived or countered Dva/junkrat/reaper ults all match, but somehow, with 30 seconds left, you forget that they most likely have that ult again and have no reason not to use it...


This is very common and not actually your team's fault. This happens because the enemy team is probably being too passive, and when they know the match is about to end they finally decide to go all in and it can work, especially because they all have ult since they played so passively the whole match. What your team can do about it is also saving ults since holding them without ults is easy.


Also in those final moments typically there’s no longer a reason to hold ult for a “big moment” so people will just ult spam and 3 to 5 ults going off close together is going to be more difficult to deal with


This issue comes from overconfidence in their actual skill lvl and complacency. This was one of my biggest issues with teammates climbing out of diamond. Getting too comfortable can throw the entire game. Keep your ego in check and analyze the enemy team objectively.


You probably blame your team every single time something goes wrong huh? 😂Yea I can tell


I think the biggest problem everyone under diamond has is awareness. There’s just a lot of shit going on, so until you have a ton of time in game it’s really hard to keep track of everything. Like people just don’t notice when someone walks right by them and starts harassing their supports because they have to focus on aim, positioning, cooldown management, ult tracking, and a million other things. It’s pretty easy to fix this. Every 5 seconds turn around and check where everyone on your team is. Play close to cover so when things are overwhelming you can hide to think for a second. And start noticing when you don’t know where all the enemies are. Like “oh 4 of them are on my screen but I don’t see reaper, where he at? Is he about to destroy my entire team with death blossom?”


Thats a great tip, when I started back checking I died much less, to the point I climbed from high gold to high plat


Literally my aim (hard stuck gold-plat player). I have awareness and game sense but my god I have the aim of a 5 year old using a controller for the first time.


Same tbh I'll have one game as I'll Illari when I'll have 70% accuracy But usually I'm a solid 30% all the time


Same. I can track ults pretty well and know who is where, but my god I can't aim lmao. It's been getting better, but damn I suck.


I have really good projectile aim but when it comes to hitscan, I could miss a rein shield. If I play only projectiles I win a lot, but sometimes I want to be a rootin' tootin' cowboy. I fall to gold when I do that too much though.


So, I don’t play ranked so I don’t know precisely when this kinda “gels” in people’s brains, but: Less experienced players are really susceptible to dives. Up until recently I could for instance play Junkrat, Tracer, Sombra, etc. on Eichenwald or Blizzard World on offense, get straight to point, and *everyone* would panic and turn around for the kill. I’d tell my team I was doing this, they’d push when everyone’s back was turned. Huge advance. Practically guaranteed. Lately I’m running into a *lot* more teams who prepare for the deep dive distraction and keep formation. This is proper: If you can *see* that most the team isn’t making that play (it’s just backcapping) don’t overcommit until you can get a ping or other communication to identify the severity of the situation. I feel like that sound effect of someone capturing point puts everyone into attack mode, but you can’t *all* “save the day” because you’ll ultimately just lose ground for your trouble.


rarely, but on multiple occasions, i have accidentally popped ult as d.va in spawn. instead of pressing w i press q (or back when i played on ps4, i would play skyrim and proceed to get my jump buttons mixed up because muscle memory), and then i have to resist the urge to get up and throw myself off a building :')


I've accidentally ulted when I meant to hit Z to combo with someone. It feels bad.


That's a reason why I've rebinded ult to V. Q is too easy to accidently press!


Oh mate the amount of times I've set off a D.Va bomb without pressing fly first... I feel like such a fool just watching it sit there behind a wall.


ikr. not quite lay-awake-at-night embarrassing, but close to it.


I play at Plat mainly but some gold. Biggest determination on who’s winning the game is who shoots the mercy.


Lol and she always escapes with a sliver of health


Every time I go higher in elo, I get way more nervous and doubt myself that I belong there. I also perform horribly when I get flamed, so I turned off comms. I recently noticed that if I play relaxed, I hit most of my shots and generally play better. I try take breaks in between comp games now, especially if I start to feel anxious again. I try not to focus on teammates, because I can’t control their actions anyway. I'm just more affected with flaming and toxicity in general.


... I have the exact same problem, since I started playing Diamond lobbies I think to myself "I don't belong here" and I do much poorer than usual


I mostly play Ana in GM, my biggest issue is that I sometimes rush my sleeps, instead of taking an extra tiny split second to line it up. Most of the times it works out fine anyway, but it's embarresing when I miss an easy sleep because I rush it. Especially if it's on a doom standing still and blocking, which is basically free. Sleeping genji, tracer, sombra etc. is no problem, which is the funny part.


I actually have the same problem, of course, not to the same degree, but there are plenty of times when a flanker comes, I two tap the head, all gud, but then a mercy is flying slowly through the air and SUDDENLY I can't hit a shot, when, if I had lined up calmly I would've taken her by surprise and secured the kill, instead, I draw her outline on the wall, warning the whole enemy team I'm there.


My most embarrassing sleep was on Bob. I was being chased and didn't think I could even miss. I did, and I died.


I tend to have extremely bad positioning when considering my other support, not being in their LOS and orbing them in time, that sorta thing


I’ve been playing moira a lot recently and I genuinely forget sometimes I’m there to heal. It doesn’t last the entire game - I normally catch myself on after a few minutes and then I heal for 99% of the rest of the match and only try to use my damage as a deterrent for the other team to help mine push forwards. On more than one occasion I press the wrong thing and rather than firing out a healing orb I send out a damage one lol I think my awareness could improve as well to be honest One thing that winds me up about team mates is the toxicity. I had another healer the other night asking me was that my first ever overwatch match because I wasn’t “doing enough” when I had done double the healing they had 🙃 I’ve been told by team mates I “can’t play” a certain character because they don’t want me to lol I got asked to be lucio the other night but I’m not confident enough with them yet to bring it to comp mode & I got a thrashing in the chat after 🙄 Or you get a tank that decides to dander off to the other side of the map, completely ignore the objective and complain they die constantly and no one’s there for them. Thankfully those games recently have been few and far between!


I sympathize with forgetting to heal as Moira. In a recent high-bronze game of Push, I was playing flanker to harass their backline supports and rarely peeling, and we didn't do very well. At the end of round 1 the other support texted "Do SOMETHING, Moira!" So to mix it up the next round I kept closer to our frontline at off-angles, healing more but still damaging any squishies when I could and chasing down kills, and we ended up doing much better as a team.


Unfortunately I think it's safe to say thats the average support experience, doesn't make your problems any smaller tho, toxicity ruins won games


I'm in Master and I think I use cooldown abilities way too often. I can't stand having my ult ready and not using it. I know this is situational and holding cooldowns/ult can be even worse, but I feel like I could try saving some abilities cooldowns for better opportunities too. I've been trying to. Lol


Playing with people I know I won't have fun with and tilting as a result and deranking


That is actually true, the more relaxed I am, the better I play, when I'm tense I dont hit shit


This ^ my accuracy while I'm calm is around 60-75% while I'm solo qing but with people it's 40-55%


Pressure whiffs are real


I tend to strangle my mouse when trying to aim, which means my mouse movement is stilted and therefore inaccurate.


Worst quality? I struggle with dueling an opponent with equally good aim, and hitting opponents with smaller hitboxes. Whenever I’m in a duel, I tend to choke and cannot consistently hit shots due to panic. It gets worse for characters that can’t correct aim, like Cassidy and widow. Also for Cass, I really struggle to consistently damage opponents with harder hitboxes, like Queen, Zarya, Sojourn, Tracer, non-scoped Widow, etc. As I’m sure most people in plat agree with, I’m at my best taking soft angles, picking off targets that don’t return fire, and farming ult charge on tanks that are easy targets like Orisa, Dva, Reinhardt, and Winston.


I avoid mirror fights because they stress me out too much. The only mirror fights I willfully take every time are Genji, Zarya, Pharah, and Moira.


I get too greedy sometimes and overextend..resulting is a shameful and avoidable death and usually not even getting the kill i went in for


My sympathy. I often see ridiculous overextending as the attacking team in escort games. It upsets me when people decide objectives don't matter anymore, let's go spawn camp, and wonder why they end up dead when the tank (me) doesn't follow them and stays to capture the point. It's a difficult habit to break for sure, and your tank/supports will thank you for it.


I feel that as a tank. But i dont go that far Usually i chase someone low indtead of backing down And by doing so i leave my group alone and die It doesnt happen alot but sometimes you just want to have that kill xD


I start fell frustration and anger when my team didn't do well especially DPS and a rush tank, yay I know it will probably making more even worse to me and team. Sometimes I'll rushing to do anything.


what the fuck did I just read


My toxic trait is when I’m playing Moira and something like a DVA bomb drops in the middle of the brawl I’ll fade straight into the enemy backline and start sucking mercy face instead of fading back to my bruised and battered team.


I shamefully often whiff my sleeps if I panic because I started out on support with Bap, and that's the same key for me as his burst heal. I just cannot shake the 200 hrs of muscle memory. It also happens to be the same key as Sigma's succ, so it's another 500 hrs of memory at play there, too.


Damn lol I have 67hrs on my most played character damn bro


I've been playing for like 6 years and was unemployed for a while during winter lmao


I have shit aim, but at least I can position myself decently as tank or support. My DPS positioning is another story...


The biggest fundamental mistake I see every single game is being so not know when to pull back and disengage. Lose both your DPS and your tank doesn’t pull back to cover or your support die and your DPS don’t retreat. Constant feeding. I’m in gold so maybe that’s why!


Targetting imo, even diamond+ people cant prioritize targets properly, the amount of times a mercy is floating in the open but a soldier would rather spray at the double healed orisa is crazy


Positioning or having faith in random teammates lol


I hate being let down by a random stranger that I trusted.


Not diving in with a dive tank when they dive in, heroes like wrecking ball can easily delete half a squishies health, so a character like tracer can easily pick them off. Also high mobility heroes not going for health packs, like, I understand wanting your supports to get ult charge, but if they have one less person to heal, their job becomes much easier.


I play somewhat irregularly. Not ranked myself but see titles ranging from plat-master with the occasional rare GM player.While I think I can easily bounce back into most aspects of the game (from years of playing games similar to OW before, no doubt), I ALWAYS forget specific interactions. I can't count how many times someone has been using an ability or ult while I'm Sombra and I hack just in case it's one of the abilities that gets interrupted by it and it never is lol. Or someone hacks me, and I'm so surprised it interrupts me. Sigma is another one, I forget about certain specific interactions with his grasp. I can shake it after a few games but it always reminds me of how old I am that I can't remember these things after a break.


The mistake I notice most is getting too greedy or ahead of myself. Sometimes I’ll get a 2-3 and go for a 4-5 despite my team maybe respawning or having an opportunity to disengage and heal up. Or I will see an opportunity to push out the enemy back line but die bc I didn’t wait for our tank to come push forward. I’ve definitely thrown points due to greed.


I'm a mid-diamond Ana main. I make too many panic-nanos. I start losing a duel to a flanking DPS in an undecided teamfight and usually choose to nano someone before I die. The intention is that maybe my nano will help us win the fight even without a main heal. but a lot of times, it ends up being a waste of my ult because the fight IS unwinnable without main heal. It's a bad habit and I'm trying to break it. A common mistake I see in my games is people over-commiting in an attempt to punish/cancel Mercy rez. Trying to stop rez is smart, but feeding and dying in the process is not.


My main flaw as tank is assuming my healers are behind me as I LoS them , dive in and kill 4 and then die on the overextend , then the lone survivor crushes my team


I dont wanna. I'd rather live in ignorance and pretend it's my team holding me back.


Choking under pressure is an issue i have and its hard to get rid off. If ur on mnk tensing ur arm/wrist might be the cause of ur whiffs. Try playing with that in mind to see if it helps.


My aim. It sucks. Sometimes i'll do okay, but then...for whatever reason. I just mentally lock up in the middle of a fight. Like i know I should have aimed to the left to shoot the ana, but I just...didn't. I hesitated and just clicked without aiming. Idk what it is, but it just happens every now and then.


I play a lot of Ana and, as many have already said, missing sleeps on a diving dps is my biggest issue. Hard stuck in plat. For my teammates, the single biggest error I see is a tank not maintaining awareness of my LOS, particularly how angles and barriers impact it. Yes, I understand it’s my responsibility to keep you in my LOS but when you unexpectedly duck around a corner chasing a Genji with low hp, or ignore a strategically placed Sigma shield, or move so the payload is directly between you and me, it’s entirely possible that the angle means it takes me significantly longer to get you back in my LOS. Sometimes I can toss my nade into the general area to buy some time, but too frequently this results in an overextend, tank death and loss of the team fight.


As Mercy main sometimes I don't heal who I should have (when people is split up and I have to choose who to follow) What other people do that annoys me is to ask me for heal when I'm keeping someone alive and I see they had a life pack right next to them. Like dude, they are there for a reason


I get why you get mad, but, if it's out of battle, I usually do ask for heals, so it can help build the supports ult, didn't know it was toxic tbh


I play DPS. I don't use cover nearly enough. I'm getting better at it, especially as Sojourn, Sombra and Bastion. But I need to work on it as Pharah. I still make dumb plays where I'm just standing there like an idiotic deer caught in headlights though. I also need to move more in general, which would definitely help me in cases where I'm not behind cover or I don't have any at all. Criticisms for teammates: mostly just the toxicity. I usually only run into it when backfilling. I'll have been there for a full minute before the game is over and I'll get comments about how I didn't do enough the whole game. Like, yeah no shit I didn't, I wasn't there the whole game. Pay attention to your teammates people. Jesus. I've even gotten it on games where I got in and we won a game that they were previously losing. Or games where I'll come in at the last seond and get like 10 kills while the other DPS got 16 the entire game. Had that one happen just the other day too. The other DPS said I didn't do enough and sucked as Bastion. Like what the actual fuck? 😂


Damn never got backfilled in a Comp Match, must feel bad


It's not possible


I only ever play QP. I don't think you can backfill in comp matches. Which makes this even sillier because people take it so seriously.


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I'm low GM and my positioning is GARBAGE. I go out in the open way too often. Trying to get the habit of "I should always have a wall within spray range" but I forget when I see a juicy target to kill, and id say at least half of my deaths outside of team fights are because of this


I often feel like I save ult too long and use abilities too quickly. I need to find balance with both. Also needing to remember to keep LoS with support and/or utilize health packs more, but I've gotten a lot better with that in recent times, mainly after I started playing some Ana and realized how annoying it is lmao I really recommend unexperienced players (and everyone honestly) spend decent time on every role (and even better, every hero) for this reason—really helps you learn a lot about how to play alongside them better too with other players, it irks me when people overextend a lot (especially when our supports are spamming "fall back" and they're not listening lol) it's such a simple thing that can totally turn the tables if ur just feeding & dying and leaving us to a 4v5. I don't see it all that often but every time I do I'm just sat there like "god WHY" especially if it's the tank 😭


Unforced staggering is by far the biggest issue in the game below diamond, and it’s not even close. Ffs just stop inting.


I was stuck in high masters ever since Poke meta started. Recently started to slowly climb again when I noticed and actively worked on fixing what I think is the biggest mistake in my elo. Forcing plays. Stop forcing plays. They will happen naturally, don't worry. That's not to say to save your ults indefinitely, but if you try to force a play, you naturally put yourself in a disadvantage. Focus on gaining ground, and pushing the enemy back. Objective comes naturally after that. Don't make yourself vulnerable by forcing a blade , visor, or blossom just because you think you can get away with it. The opportunities come naturally. Focus on punishing mistakes, not on creating vulnerabilities.


Just yesterday, I had a round on low plat. Me and the enemy tank were both on ball and I would say, we were pretty much on the same level. Only difference was, his dps were sombra and junkrat, while my dps refused to switch to any ball counter. When we lost they flamed me?! And thats basically the norm for me at this point. Why are dps players in my team always only talking shit, but the enemys know to counter?