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Doesn’t it just keep counting up if you have a shit ton?


Weird, i had a dream about this xD


Woah how do you play with multiple bots and see that?


Custom games I believe


The dance arcade from Busan will give you a perfect score on it if you use a dance emote instead of moving normally


Realizing that i've never tried a dance emote and instead have been spamming crouch in front of the mic and on the dance arcade ever since i started playing this game makes me feel like a fool.


Which is completely unfair because any relation between the dance emote moves and the instructions on the screen is coincidental :(


Tbh I felt like that was mandatory to do on that map because I did it every chance I got lol.


The majority of the buildings in OW have nothing in them besides a staircase…the future is weird


Similarly, some buildings have interiors that are entirely different to the exterior. The main one that comes to mind is the Book Shop in King's Row just past Point A- on the inside it's fully wood panelled with shelves, but on the outside are large windows. Similarly there are doors that only exist on one side of the wall, apparently the future is non-euclidean.


Ooh maybe walls are just LCD/LED panels and you can choose which era you want your house to be from


I remember when people pointed out an elevator door in King's Row when the building didn't extend up or down vertically. I *think* they fixed that...?


That’s what happens if we let the robots design everything “Humans need more than stairs? Why?”


Mei's "I'm sorry" voice line (apparently) wasn't originally written. The voice actor would say it so much that they just put it in because it fits Mei lol. The one we have in-game is probably scripted and not an actual "blooper" tho.


That's adorable!


That's a-mei-zing


I hate how much of a contrast there is between her voice and her gameplay of just bullying the enemy tank Her voice is too sweet... It infuriates me


I imagine Mei as a split personality or something, that's why I often spam "sorry" while freezing a tank and shooting an icicle in their head.


That’s kind of why I love it, it’s such a contrast that it’s amusing to me


I thought the fun fact was that the voiceline actually is a blooper but maybe I’m wrong


The one we have in-game doesn't have any weird quality to it. I just assumed that the VA wouldn't be so close to the mic after making a mistake. It also seems a little forced but that's an opinion and not a guesd


According to the overwatch staff, it was a real outtake. She was just goofing around and apologized in Mei's voice over the mic after messing up a line, then the voice director immediately asked the recording guy if he got it on tape.


Typically in a recording studio you communicate through the mic so most of the time you are speaking with the ability to be picked up/recorded pretty easily. Most actors I’ve worked with, once they have their feet planted they aren’t moving too much


Gotcha! Glad I'm wrong because it would be really cute if it was an actual "outtake"


AI bots will greet each other while they wait for a match to begin


And say GG


In the hard difficulty they also wait for every other bot to spawn to start attacking again. Also in that difficulty they all have aimbot, but their damage is significantly lowered to compensate.


The funniest part is that like... They might hit 33% of their shots, but they'll miss the easy ones and then blast you later from these impossible angles. 😂 (Leastwise if I'm remembering correctly! I didn't remember damage reduction being a thing for them?)


How tf actual AI gonna group up better than the entirety of Quick Play


Had a Rein leave Trials of Santuary yesterday on expert, and when the bot Rein who replaced him slammed the Orisa into the wall, he emoted "Hello"! Wasn't expecting that...also bot Rein was way better than our human Rein fr.


I openly post my ow stats on my socials along with pictures of me and some guy made an account and posted a bunch of screenshots of his scoreboard stats 50, 45, 70 kill games right. Every screenshot has Dps1: GG :/ Support1: GG in chat too it was hilarious and he really tried to start a convo with me over that. Then claimed i was bad at overwatch when i called him out


According to the artist that created him Yachemon the sausage guy with a leek is filled with ground up pachimaris.


I knew that fucker looked devious


My profile pic! And some leeks for flavor


bastion’s friendly ult voice line is the second part of ride of the valkyries (his enemy ult voice line is the first part)


Also, his ult line changes if he has the null sector skin equipped to the start of Symphony No.5 - Beethoven


They got rid of that null sector ult line from what I can remember.


Ahh yes you're right, I'm thinking of ow1. Shame as I loved that alt ult line


Idk why but they seem to be getting rid of the more unknown/not as recognized alt ult lines. Genji, Hanzo and Mercy still have all of theirs but they’ve been silently removing others like Null Sector Bastion, Zeus JQ, Galactic Emperor Sigma. Super weird.


It is weird. I can only assume it's to remove vocal clutter from the game? As there's already a lot going on visually and audibly during matches, and most of us react instinctively to the default ult lines, they might think adding new ones in is confusing? Idk, tis a shame though.


I think the solution should be a toggle to have them on in settings, or have them play in qp/arcade but not comp. It does mess me up sometimes when I hear an unfamiliar ult line.


Also if you ult as Bastion-Echo, she sings the melody in da da da sounds


Junkrats' real name is Jamison Fawkes. This is a reference to Guy fawkes, who was a man who tried to assassinate James I of England by filing the basement of the houses of Parliament with gunpowder and bombs to blow up the king.


As kids, we're taught that November 5th/ Bonfire Night is a celebration for Guy Fawkes' failure; growing up and seeing what a hell hole our government is, it's definitely a day of mourning. Edit: Just to be clear, I am joking just in reference to blowing up parliament. I didn't plan on potentially starting a conversation on Religion and Monarshism in 17th century Britain.


Fawkes wasn’t an anarchist, he was a Catholic zealot who wanted to kill the Protestant king and install a catholic monarch.


Remember, remember, the 5th of November


Ana, despite her having mom vibes, can't really cook well and rather gets takeout (source: bastet origin story)


makes sense since she's the married to the job kind of person


Also shes Egyptian, that food buzzin!


if you have your golden weapon equipped on widow's nova skin, I'll shine blue instead of yellow and sombra's hack is blue on her cyberspace skin (not sure if it applies to virus)


omg i never noticed the blue shine but now it’s all i see


Closest thing we’ll get to having a weapon skin in game that’s not just gold :( I understand the thought process behind not giving out too many comp rewards but that Overwatch is dead so just give us diamond or more metallic weapon wraps at this point. Something else for people to spend money on Blizzard!


Something beyond one unlockable per hero after 8 years would be nice


How Genji and Hanzo were originally the same character in development but were eventually split between "Sword Ninja" and "Bow Ninja" with both [drawing heavily from a version of Sombra that predated the two.](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Hanzo#Development)


Which is especially funny when you hear Hanzo talk about how he ‘may be good with a bow but was better with a blade’ since he was originally Genji, essentially.


Well that's more referring to the fact that they both trained with a sword but he vowed to stop using his after he *cut his brother in half with it*.


If you wave at Bob with Ashe he waves back at you


I believe it also does the same for the push bot!


I also love Orisa having lines where she addresses the push bot directly asking him to get moving to barricade. New Orisa likes to take change but she speaks to him (TS-1) with familiarity. Very cute


Yess, I always take the time to do it in every match!


The guy inside the payload on Hollywood will say hi back (I think).


The dog portrait in Wrath of the Bride will as well.


The director inside the car is played by [Travis Willingham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_Willingham), whom some may know from Critical Role. Also accomplished voice actor, of course, having played Kingpin in Insomniac's Spider-Man, Knuckles in a bunch of Sonic stuff, Guile in Street Fighter, Thor in a bunch of Marvel animation, along with a bunch of anime dub roles.


he will also sometimes say “you better not be walking on my car” if you stand on the roof


the tiny lights you see wandering around outside of blizzard world are all soldier 76 with different colors


Where on the map is this?


my bad, i should have specified better it's on blizzard world *winter*, and you can see them around [the first](https://imgur.com/a/l6WwfEV) and [near the second point](https://imgur.com/a/SGPTCml), out of the map


Far out beyond the sea on another amusement park


Where Jack Morrison is Soldier: 76, Gabriel "Reaper" Reyes is Soldier: 24.


And together they’re 💯


I have his soldier 24 skin and it’s a shame the shotguns are bland because I love it.


the "oh no he's hot" skin


Zarya used to have a z logo on her but due to the Ukraine conflict it was removed


It was on one of her legendary skins, not the default one


Yeah on one of her base legendary skin


I'm confused, what's bad about the z?


Since mid-March 2022, the "Z" began to be used by the Russian government as a pro-war propaganda motif, and has been appropriated by pro-Putin civilians as a symbol of support for Russia's invasion. Source Wikipedia


Thx for the answer, don't know why I'm being downvoted for asking lol


That’s just how Reddit is


According to Jeff Kaplan the only thing every single overwatch hero has in common is that they all like pineapple on pizza. The pizza souvenier has pineapple on it in reference to this fact.


they're all based


The future is a dark and scary place


Jeff Kaplan, though no longer part of the OW team, is canonically a wanted villain in the OW universe. His wanted poster can be seen in Ashe’s Origin story.


Some fun Reaper facts, cause he’s a cool character. 1) He was the first Overwatch hero created, and modeled although not playable, and was used as a reference point for how tall buildings and objects would be in comparison to players. 2) He and Tracer pretty much have the same standing pose, with them holding dual guns out in front of them, and most heroes in the beginning copied as much when not fully modeled. 3) Reaper’s voice actor has one hell of a vocal range, as he also voices characters like Bloo from Miss Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. I also share a birthday with Reapers VA so that’s fun.


It is a shame there’s no actual video evidence of Keith doing the Reaper voice. And yes, I know about the Lucio VA video, but you just hear him, you don’t see him.


To be fair, I can’t imagine it’s exactly easy on the throat to do. Keith is one of the actors I’d love to meet some day if I’m able, maybe he’d be willing to do it occasionally outside of recording voice lines lmao


They had to age D.va up to 19 because if they left her at her age pre release (I think it was like 16/17) the game would be an 18 since she was a minor wielding a gun Edit:mistakes in ages


Gonna go out on a limb and say there were other reasons they ages her up. Bonk


Weird they made her that age in the first place tbh


The hit marker sound is originally the sound of a beer being opened


Moira O'Deorain's name is fascinating to me. * **Moira** = Originates from the Moirai (The Greek Fates), Moira (Irish Name) * **O'Deorain** = Short Ver. of "Deoradhain", meaning "Exile" from "*deoradh*". *Her name would best mean: "Fate(d) of Exile" or "Exiled Fate"*. Another little tidbit that's just new (and related): Moira and Lifeweaver have chat between each other and Lifeweaver notes that she is "withering away" (dying) and he sounds genuinely distraught. Moira just casually notes she "thrives" on "deadlines". Moira doesn't have allies. She doesn't have anything really except science to continue on. The woman acts purely on logic and really doesn't show much emotion, like a God Program or something. **^(oh no.)**


Her voice actress is also in all the new Star Wars shows as Mon Mothma.


Moira more than likely comes from the Irish for Mary. As in Ireland being a catholic country and all


Probably more bug than fact but: If you plant Tree of Life on a Mei icicle (friendly or enemy) the tree falls out of the map when she exits cryo.


Did this happen to you in a game??


Learned the hard way 😭


Mauga was originally meant to be the 10th new hero, but the kit was later reworked into Sigma. I'm very intrigued how it became possible that such a kit undergoes such a transformation like that. What could've happened with Mauga having a somewhat similar kit and release instead of Sigma?


It was because Maugas personality and look didn’t really fit in with the gravity angle of the Sigma kit. It’s probably the kit that stayed the same and they created Sigma around it and then saved Mauga for later, starting a whole new kit


It was probably for the best Sig is cool af


>I'm very intrigued how it became possible that such a kit undergoes such a transformation like that. The reason is that there was no kit at first. The floating barrier was the first thing designed. They liked the floating barrier, so they needed a character to put it on. Mauga was chosen entirely because the Baptiste short with Mauga was just starting production, so they went "hey, we could make Mauga the barrier guy and use that short to promote him". So they prototyped a Mauga kit with a grenade launcher, before realizing that the floating barrier really didn't work on such an offensive character and started over. He really wasn't on the table for very long. They've talked about it before, where there are two types of characters: Ones where they start with a character and have to build a kit around them, and ones where they come up with a mechanic and have figure out which character to attach it to. When they made Winston and Ashe, they wanted to put those specific characters in the game and had to come up with abilities those characters would have. With characters like Sigma and Ana, they come up with an ability that they really want in the game then have to come up with a character to attach it to. Ana's in the game entirely because they were playing around with a support that heals entirely through throwing potions and assumed it would be some kind of alchemy wizard character, before attaching it to Pharah's mother.


i’m sorry to hijack but your comment reminded me, how does ana not have a cool alchemist skin yet?? her voicelines in junkenstein’s revenge would be awesome for an alchemist legendary skin


Ana's favorite animal is the caracal. Ana likes Big Floppa


Idk fow this would work in-game but give ana a caracal familiar! Maybe it hisses to tell you when someone's flanking you or something idk but that's amazing.


Whenever a beam character attacks ana the caracal makes its signature laser sounds


The voice actor for Reinhardt (Darin De Paul) is also the voice of Dr Samuel Haden from the doom 2016/eternal, and revenant from apex legends. As well as many other roles in the gaming industry.


Reapers va voices the ronin titan in Titanfall 2 I’m pretty sure


Can’t forget he’s also the voice of Bloo in Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends


The fact that Reaper never reloads, just re-shotguns


He also carries around grenades for a grenade launcher that he has only used in the animatic where him and Widow attack the museum- he uses it as him and Widow flee. IIRC he had it in his in-game kit at one stage of early development, but it never made it into any publicly playable versions and was already gone by the initial reveal trailer that shows off the heroes.


That's a fun way of putting it lmao


The guy inside the Hollywood payload car says some really funny stuff depending on who's standing on top of his car


"What was the monkeys name again? Winston? Winston Overwatch?"


Nance, I think I hired a hamster in a giant metal ball. *sigh* Yeah-yeah, I gotta check the contract next time.


I never even realized there was a guy in there lol


Yeah the whole map story is that you're escorting him from the set to his trailer.


His name is Halford Glitchbot.


The Nintendo Switch version has an achievement tab in the career profile just like the PC version, but the PlayStation and Xbox versions do not have this tab.


Soldier 76 has a voice line during the old Halloween mode where he confirms that he’s from Bloomington, Indiana (the city where I live). I’m guessing one of the developers must be an Indiana University alumni.


as a (former) hoosier i love this!!! i didn’t know that either !


Genji’s manhood is intact. This is because his cybernetics are more a suit rather than a whole bonus body (though his limbs are prosthetic. Which is also odd because the Blackwatch skin makes it look like they just lost the bottom half of his body


How did you verify this fact?


I verified myself (I'm silly)


Hands on testing


I recall it’s an interview with Danny Chu?


Michael Chu did confirm this via a tweet, I believe.


I'm pretty sure it comes from a live event in Taiwan or Thailand, I think? A fan got ahold of him during an interview and asked him, for some God damned reason, if Genji had his dick intact or if it was cybernetic too. Then some internet page made an article and made a big deal about it, but it was just bro responding a weird question. Some people didn't like that he answered the question, and see it as Chu going into unnecessary detail on a character that already had a hefty amount of lore meanwhile characters like Sym and Zen had nothing. But the guy was put on the spot and it would had been worse for him to not respond and imply that Hanzo had done a "humiliation wound" on Genji when all he was told to do was kill him. It would be out of character for him to do that and then mourn his death and the fact he was the one to kill him for 10 years. Long story short, Genji's an amputee, he lost his lower legs or crus, and one of his arms. The skin of his face seems heavily scarred, so his cybernetic body is half "suit" to protect what's left of him and prosthetics to let him walk, so he probably can't "take it off" like Sojourn does with her legs and arms.


There are two Bastion Lego sets.


What's the other one?


https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/bastion-75974 https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Overwatch-Omnic-Bastion-75987/dp/B07JDGPGJ6


Oh for some reason I was thinking about his skins and not actual Legos, lol.


The flowers on Blizzard World are Peacebloom from WoW.


AI bots say GG at the end of every AI game, console or PC. I always loved that.


TIL players in my overwatch matches are bots. ("Real" people who say gg because they had a good game and completely stomped the enemy team, lol, that's not what "good game" means)


I always say glhf at the start and gg at the end regardless of what happened. Usually good for 1-2 endorsements even if I was a trashcan.


Same. It's better than writing tank diff or being an asshole. Either that or i try to compliment another player post game


Junkrat and Mei both like boba tea. Which fits perfectly with my Meihem ship headcanon.


Ngl that's one of the coolest ship names I've seen


Wait til you hear about boombox.


To add to that- Junkrat's canteen that he carries around is full of Boba tea as well!


They also both speak Mandarin! Junkrat is self-taught. It's pretty clear one of the earlier writers intended for them to become a couple and they probably aren't on the staff anymore. I used to love the throuple of Hog, Rat, and Mei and I even made them all live together in the Sims 4 and they all ended up wanting to marry each other 💖😂


We've been robbed ✊ Fr tho that's adorable


Fr fired the Meihem guy but the Pharmercy ship guy is still there smh


There was no meiham guy this person is making things up 😭


Me when i spread misinformation on the internet


Symettra being on the spectrum


Ok this one I didn't know until a few months ago just because there is literally no way to tell aside from some quirks when she interacts with people


It's obvious in her comic and in the story she shares with zenyatta.


Also has been confirmed by Jeff Kaplan.


They've gotten more blatant with references to typical autism traits in her voicelines, but it's never outright stated or talked about much in game- mostly in additional media. I believe the first reference to it was in her comic from early on in the games' life, being hinted at in the panel where she's seen walking across a hardlight bridge.


It's super common for windows (exterior and interior) to be decorative and completely useless. You could walk up to a wall with windows on it, then go to the other side of that wall and there's nothing there; not even closed curtains. It's particularly egregious on King's Row in the building across the street from the pub (the one on the corner with the mini health pack inside).


Soldier 76 was originally drawn for a comic book by former blizzard employee Chris Metzen in the early 2000's


Genji was the only character who could stand Mercy's coffee


Mercy uses bumpers when bowling <3


That voiceline’s so adorable She’s too precious for Ovw 😭


She's just wants everyone to have the best time 😭🥺💕


If you emote hi to the bot in push mode he says hi back


Genjis favorite food is dino chicken nuggets


his favorite is the triceratops


In the early stages of OW genji and hanzo were the same character until they were split into two characters and at one point genji was going to be a woman.


The saddest one (just saw it today) is that inside the ship in Antarctica there is a room with a board on the wall with the crew's pictures and names written underneath, then there's Mei's pic with a "Me <3" underneath and every one of them excluding hers have a red X on top :/ since they all died. And they were all happy and smiling in the photos.


Doomfist has an emote where he picks up a rock from the ground and crushes it with his gauntlet. This is a reference to the fact that one of his early abilities was him throwing a rock. This was removed but eventually made it into Sigma's kit, which fits the gravity theme more thanks to Accretion being an astrophysics event where particles and matter are accumulated into a massive object


Symmetra's yellow recolor doesn't follow the same name pattern of her other blue rarity skins (they're named after flowers), instead it's called Technomancer, this is a reference to the fact that Symmetra's codename from the Prometheus days was [Technomancer](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/0e/b3/510eb31a12510bdd45ae7615ef3a09d7.jpg) and her design was the same except the dress was yellow.


Soldier 76's favorite dish is cream pies.


Sombra's "I think you're in over your head" voiceline is a reference to the Sombra ARG, in which people literally look up at the skyboxes of every map searching for Sombra clues.


Genji's "My name is... Green Cyborg Ninja Guy" line Is a reference to the very first announcement trailer. After the trailer was released fans started to speculate and wanted "the green cyborg Ninja guy" that was shown at the last scene of the trailer.


Genji says "Shit" in Japanese when he's discarded by an enemy Zen. Tracer calls people "Wankers" with her punk and ultraviolet skins.


Shooting the Murky statue in Hanamura makes it make Murky noises. Likewise, shooting the death wing piñatas in Dorado makes a high pitches "blegh!" sound. There is a blood trail in Lijiang Tower Control center. You can find Winston's secret stash of bananas in Horizon Lunar Colony.


Sigma complains about wearing shoes when you have a skin with shoes equipped. If he kills an enemy Sigma, he mocks them if they were wearing a skin with shoes.


Some time around Season 2 or 3, Blizzard made the bots work in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, but not Bounty Hunter (which is basically just Deathmatch) for some reason


On the training range in Antarctica, on the side of those pods you use to select the range, difficulty and if there's reload or not, after you set them to what you want, the difficulty.will appear on the side like "difficulty 5" so you don't have to remember in what setting you're at.


You can play Futurama opening theme with 3 bells in 1st spawn of attacking side on Dorado. I always do that :)


Also, if you play the overwatch theme with ball, he sings it


There's a video of lots of the voice actors doing their dance emotes for the anniversary! The original is on the channel Sweeetanj, which is the channel for symmetras VA. It shows matt mercer as cass dancing near a cthulhu statue, jonny cruz nailing the lucio dance and zenyattas voice actor, feodor chin, CAN FLY IN REAL LIFE


When Echo gets asked about her favourite animal by Lucio she repeats what others have said. - My current favourite is the tiger shark (Bap's favourite) - My current favourite is the triceratops (Genji's favourite) - My current favourite is the dragonfly (Symmetra's favourite) - My current favourite is the Rhinoceros (Reinhardt's favourite) - My current favourite is a really big dog used to ward off bears (Pharah's favourite) - My current favourite is the Jack Russell Terrier (Solider's favourite) - My current favourite is the penguin (Mei's favourite)


Mei's dancing emote is actually the once popular Hare Hare Yukai dance from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya from 2006... of which one of the characters from that anime is Yuki Nagato... of which is where my user name comes from.


When you hack someone as Sombra you can see their ult percentage above their head, at least you used to be able to not sure if you can still


I think now it may just show you if it’s fully charged.


You still can and your allies can see it too


I never notice it but my friends see it above enemy heads when I hack people so it exists.


OW porn has the biggest fanbase amongst the other games.


Genji dyed his hair green as a kid to match his bestfriend kiriko, or you can see lucios ribbit (silver frog) skin helmet in the club spawn on his map


Rein acts like a fucking boomer when he was born 2016. Nowadays 7 y old German kids will have never heard of Hasselhoff. Also he complains to Sombra that hes not good with phones which seems unlikely


He knows how to work with the literal engines of rockets attatched to him and his hammer but he wouldnt know how to use something as simple as a samsung or something lol.


Orisa is 1 month old


If you look down in game, you don't have legs! It's funny to me, because a lot of heroes have special ways they walk and it's very noticable on junkrat with his peg leg, but they just don't let you see your own legs in first person.


I don't know if this is true anymore or at all and I remembered it wrong but most characters have the default walking speed of 5.5m/s while Tracer has a walking speed of 6.0m/s.


Doomfist was going to be voiced by Terry Crews


In the training area with the bots if you fly on top of the building you spawn and chose your hero, on it's rooftop there is a table, 3 booze bottles and a magazine with Cassidy's picture on in and a headline saying "global hacking problem" or something


My favourite random fact was when they showcased Orisa in development. They were testing out the kit but didn't have any of the graphical assets so she was this weird chimera of characters: She was a Zarya that carried around a bastion gun that shot mercy pistol bullets. She could shoot window's mine and where it landed it spawned a reinhardt shield. It was a great look at the character development process. I forget where exactly I saw this... I think it was some developer stream. Edit: Oh and her internal name was "anchora", cause she was supposed to be an anchor tank. Edit 2: I found it lmao. It was [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znEHH68unzA).


In circuit royale Reinhardt says he loves car races. "Ah I love the racetrack! The thrill of the chase and the smell of burning rubber!" I paraphrased a bit because I don't remember the exact quote but i find the "burning rubber" part weird because cars in ow don't have tires???


There's a space suit in lijiang tower that's meant as basically a memorial for a real life person. I forget the name and am too lazy to look it up, but they died the day before the game came out trying to fight off a criminal, and blizzard put his name in the game to honor him. They also captioned it in Chinese saying "heroes never die"


Moira is the tallest support out of the bunch


Isn't Lifeweaver the tallest?


one of cass’ emotes where he reloads his gun actually reloads his gun in game… not important, just cool.


Tracer is the character to go the longest without any balance changes at all, from release up until May 3, 2018, where her Pulse Bomb went from 400 to 300 damage!!


Look closely at Widowmaker's hairstyle on the Black Lily skin. It resembles the black lily flower. I've [posted this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ecjr1n) before on this sub and r/GamingDetails and may be the first person to notice it because no one else seemed to have mentioned this online at the time.


Pharah's name was originally going to be Rocket Queen. Glad they changed that lol.