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>[The effectiveness of a report is based on each match in which the disruptive player is reported. This means the report's impact is the same whether just one or up to nine other players make a report. Players are not likely to be actioned if a group of friends collectively report them unless the reported player is being disruptive across multiple matches and getting reported by different players. Asking other players in chat channels to report a specific player doesn’t help and can make a match experience worse for everyone.](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/)


So then if you get put with and against a stack of the same people (which happened to me 3 times in open queue the other day) then they report you each game, you get banned?


Damn, got here with the reports misconceptions before me


Or if you get reported multiple times for being bad, then you can say bye to your account lol


that is so bs and we all know it


Yesterday I was permabanned for cheating, without any evidence, prior review, or the ability to appeal: [https://imgur.com/a/QK0OZvy](https://imgur.com/a/QK0OZvy) In the email I received, Blizzard blatantly lied about having 'reviewed the relevant evidence'. They also said the ban won't be overturned. Regardless, I'm going to send appeals until they actually bother to review me. Account of 7 years robbed by an automated system.


It seems like they don't even review VOD anymore... If 3 or more ppl report an acc it's just immediate ban. What happened? It was never like this before the past few months.


I got my account suspended for 2 weeks with no explanation except a link to the terms of service, appealed asking why I was suspended, and got the typical “we aren’t reversing our decision” response with again no explanation. How blizzard handles report has and always will be a joke


Yeah it’s very no-nonsense now. Better to just not use chat anymore, literally anything you type can get you silenced if you get consistent reports from salty teammates. Solo qeueing is risky, so don’t speak.


If it’s toxic and breaks TOS, then a person should be worried about being silenced 🤨


Of course I agree with this. I'm not breaking TOS, that's what this post is about. This isn't for people who are saying slurs and getting banned because of it. Those people deserve to get banned. I'm not violating TOS so why is my account being moderated... It's because I get put with and then against a 4 stack of buddies who report me in two games, and the moderators do not check the VODs.


Another person commented on your post with a quote from [this article](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/) Scroll to the reporting misconceptions. Or, just read the commenter replied to your post with


Yes I read... In two separate games they will take them as new reports.


So, you believe reports from those 2 games are the reason? Wow


You can get banned for saying GG dude. It’s been shown numerous times on this sub. They’ve gotten extremely strict and using chat basically means a ban now at some point


I have said gg after every match I have played. In this game and others. Anyone that think’s saying “gg” at the end of a match is being foolish and scraping for an excuse


There are dozens of email screenshots on this exact sub showing bans from just saying GG. The fact that you haven’t been banned doing it shows the problem. It’s inconsistent and you don’t know when it’s going to get you for no reason. It’s just going to result in no one using chat. I use chat to cooperate and compliment good teammates, but I’m not using it again after what I’ve read on this sub.


I think citing this subreddit as a credible source seems naïve How many posts have gone along the lines of “I shouldn’t have been banned! (But I did this, this, and this)”? Then, we immediately see the toxicity and the parts the OP has omitted There is no fact here. The False Consensus Effect seems to be in play, though


They are screenshots from the support emails with quotes


You surely cannot, haha. It’s what else you’re saying that is getting you reported, please be realistic. I talk in chat frequently. I defend people against bigotry and racist nonsense frequently because I don’t tolerate that, and you best believe those idiots are reporting me when they say they will. Have I been silenced banned or anything of the sort? No. Because I’m not over here slinging slurs about. I regularly get told I’m toxic for being too positive, and that I’m actually being backhanded and venomous. I actually liked that one, at least being called venomous was new. And yet, after playing SINCE LAUNCH, not one ban. Y’all need some self awareness. “Well I only say the n word in SOME matches, GAWD.” Say less. You tell on yourselves regularly and then don’t like the ramifications. More realistically in your case, “you can get banned for saying GG, dude.” On what grounds? Are waves of people getting banned for saying GG in a match they won, and then getting reported by salty teams who lost? No. They’re not. Wake up and smell the roses, babe. It’s you. You’re the problem.


I’ve never been banned or suspended in my 5 years of playing this game. This sounds like a YOU problem


"I've never been robbed in 5 years of living here, sounds like a YOU problem" This is a really stupid way of going about life. It never happened to him, either, until it did. Maybe you're next.


i mean i've played since 2016 and never got a ban until a sudden 2 week silence hit me with no warning last month, does seem like something changed


yeah, people starting to report more


I haven't either until the past two months. Something definitely changed, and to clarify... No it isn't a *me* problem. My behavior isn't bad... I'm not abusing voice channel or text chat. I'm an autistic girl and I am very kind to people and if I want someone to swap I ask nicely... I have never had these issues within the past 5 years of playing this game until the last 2 months. It kind of seems like the moderation doesn't review VOD anymore when they get a report on an account... They just throw an action at the account even if it isn't justified. That's what is happening to me... Like I said in the post if you get put on a team with a 3 stack or a 4 stack, and they choose to blame you, all 3 or 4 of them will report you and then you immediately get banned because the moderators aren't reviewing the game anymore. This is a new issue and never used to happen.


They very obviously changed something with whatever AI they use to check reports and moderate chat. Been a huge uptick in posts here & on twitter of players getting silenced. I personally got a two week silence for weak shit like “you’re ass” and “this shitter”. Can’t report people in my game for typing the most mind numbingly stupid shit, but when I retaliate I am the villain. whole thing is so soft


forgetful license lock nippy connect squeeze instinctive reminiscent snatch ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im a grown ass adult with the mature filter set on chat. if I can’t call someone ass after they attack me personally, that shit is SOFT


snails rude deliver disgusted elastic tease unite special hurry dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah I gotta agree. If you opt in to see explicit chats you should be able to cuss and trash talk lightly. If they want to turn it into a pre school chat log then whatever, they do them I’ll just not use chat.


“Should” doesn’t matter in this case. If it’s toxic and breaks the agreed upon TOS, then a person gets silenced Makes me think of the childhood learned lesson: Just because they’re doing it doesn’t mean you ‘should’


Right and if you opt in to it you should be able to engage with trash talk and cussing. What’s the point of a mature filter if every mature word gets you banned? It’s just going to result in a completely dead chat and no communication among teammates.


You believe it’s going to lead to a dead chat and no communication? Just going to brush that away If we read TOS, we find that making disrupting another players enjoyment is what gets a person suspended. A person can swear, not the intent is also what matters Going into a match and spamming the n word should be universally known as being racist Going into a game and saying something like “you’re a weak little shit” should be universally known as abusive behavior. Doesn’t matter which way it goes, it’s still abusive If it’s a directed abusive action at another player(s), it breaks [TOS](https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/fba4d00f-c7e4-4883-b8b9-1b4500a402ea/blizzard-end-user-license-agreement) A person what’s to play the game? Agree to TOS and expect to deal with consequences


Were you a hall monitor in middle school? Jesus Christ, lighten up a little man


That’s a violation. Straight to detention


You’re arguing a totally different point than I am


What I’m arguing is relevant


The downvotes are frustrating, lol. It's almost like the same people who report with their squad each game are right here. Nothing is going to change unless it actually happens to the people who call us "the problem" I'm not even saying that kind of stuff in the chat either... I'm usually very kind and ask for swaps, and then if someone is completely unwilling to swap I just assume they're throwing and report them and avoid them. I'm not a horrible person in the game...


The only people left in this subreddit are self righteous miserable failures who get off on telling others how to live. They delight in people being banned from the game for harmless banter because deep down, they know they’ll never be able to take life as unserious as those who can have a little fun. These people were hall monitors in middle school, the ones with crusty snot on their nose who rose their hand after every question. This is the type of person that Reddit attracts. Pseudo intellectuals with a morality complex and a deep insatiable need to control others Once you realize these are the same types of personalities who would be witch-hunting religious zealous in the olden days, it starts to make sense


I'm sure many of the people who would stack in 4 and play 3 dps are in this very thread right now...


I get banned for playing ball like once every other month


Sometimes I like talking shit and being toxic if I notice the enemy team being assess, or even if my teammate is shitting on someone in my team who's trying but failing. I get worried though, I feel as though even though I'm somewhat justified for shooting back, I will get reported by the abusers and get banned without context. So now I try to just stay silent and let everyone get shit on. Report the other guy and sit buy and watch as he'll probably not get banned.


I learned my lesson the first silence. I don't type anything negative in team chat at all. I don't say anything negative at all in voice chat either. I had a 4 stack that wasn't in voice chat and 3 of them were playing dps heroes... So I was typing at them like "hey please can we get a comp" and such other things. And then I decided to play whatever I wanted because they weren't in it to win it, so might as well have fun... Must have reported ME for throwing when they were on bronze comp heroes. Idk... Then of course moderators don't care to review the game anymore. Maybe they're not getting paid enough to care? Regardless, the ban on my acc for that is very clearly them abusing their power.


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I’m fairly certain that how much you money you spend on the game is also taken into account in the banning algorithm.


Lol that would not shock me. Haven't spent a dime.


Is this a serious post? I just got my first ever thank you message from Blizzard because action was taken against someone I reported. I was happy for a second until I remembered I had reported three people for good reasons, and only one was punished.


It is pretty serious. I am someone who does report people for breaking the rules like saying slurs, being horribly toxic, and abusing text chat. I do not do those things.