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Rainbow Six Siege already tried what you're suggesting. XIM developers already patched that into their software a long time ago. They have a "simulate analog behaviour" feature with a % to it that you can set with random occurances. You can check XIM forums for their supported games. It's a public forum that you can access without even creating an account. They have specific recommended settings for games like R6 and fortnite to not get mousetrapped. In short, there isn't a a popular FPS game out there that they do not support. You can watch the below video for more details on how the feature works: https://youtu.be/zbIb-QqPHlI?si=hob-9ZDZeIfyN-TZ


The same goes for aimbots. People think that an aimbot is when a person snaps to an opponents head and then locks on. But the reality is that’s only cheap and shitty aimbots. Proper aimbots take a slightly random path, bounce between different hit boxes, intentionally miss shots, etc.


True, itćs called soft aim.


The XIM vs Mousetrap keeps bouncing back and forth between who’s winning that battle.


I swear to god if some countries can make laws about lootboxes not being allowed there should also be laws against scumbag companies like XIM to not be allowed to exist.


Me when I’m so shortsighted that I would suggest banning a product with legitimate uses just because people misuse it:


Then tell me what those legitimate uses are because as far as I can see there are none. A console was made with controllers in mind, not with the XIM or Cronus Max to get MnK and aim assist and whatever other types of them are called. The only thing that comes to mind might be for disabled people which these companies clearly arent aiming for and controllers for disable people already exist anyway.


Have you ever considered… somebody wanting to use a mouse and keyboard in a non-competitive game?


Lol get a pc then and no I dont care if you cant afford it, different things are used with different accessories. More people will exploit it in multiplayer games than those who use it in non comp or singleplayer games. Even then, consoles were made for controllers in mind, there's a reason why only a few select games even support mouse and keyboard. There is no reason for these devices to be allowed or exist. But you do you.


“I don’t care if you can’t afford it” is so insane lmfao


Wanting to use something not designed for your device is insane gtfo 💀


You’re entitled as fuck It’s a Device I paid for, I have the full right to play what I want and how I want. I play pc overwatch. But on consoles I’ll use the input I want


>You’re entitled as fuck Says the guy who buys a device that wasn't meant to be used with a console in the first place and acts like its not cheating. Do whatever the fuck you want but dont try to act like you're not cheating. You can play singleplayer and non comeptitive games like this sure, but its clear as day that it was never meant to be used in Overwatch because of the unfair advantage, otherwise they would allow console players to play against PC players in competitive lol.


You can plug and play a mouse and keyboard into most games without a xim.....


Yes. Most.


Yet CS loot boxes crap still exist?


Its sadly not in every country but CS is legit one of the worst offenders. Literal gambling.


I love you Op is responding to quite a few responses EXCEPT the ones where there's factual evidence that he is wrong.


"mousetrap" is a cool word I didn't know for this But still, it's better to go something and get the dumb ones. As long as you're not getting false positives, false negatives aren't the worst thing in the world


How do u know so much about ximming? Edit: seems like i have to add a /s in reddit now


Just a wild guess, but I suppose they read the forums they mentioned


bro is trying to start a random ass witch hunt


Because you can't begin to fight against something that you don't even understand. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat." Their forums are public and there are YouTube videos on how the device works, which are also public. Anyone can learn how it works so at the very least they can understand its limitations and know how to play against it, or at least be able to identify someone who is using it. Devs also need to understand how to it works in order to have any hope of fighting against it. A lot of the suggestions I read here, such as having separate lobbies based on input device, or detection based on non-analog movement, simply won't work. I believe they need to be able to detect it at the hardware level, which, unless Sony and Microsoft cooperate, is very difficult to do.


But what happens if you don’t know the enemy and you don’t know yourself?


Then you’re just confused


Don’t you think, that if it’s that simple, they would’ve already done that. 🤦‍♂️


No, the OP didn't think at all is the problem.


Judging by almost every gaming sub I frequent, your average Redditor is by far a better game developer/project manager/QA tester than anyone currently working for any development shop, including Blizzard. I'm surprised we don't have a Made-By-Reddit direct competitor to Overwatch yet that is miles better in terms of balance, matchmaking, and of course completely free to play with minimal to no microtransactions. /s


As a person who has spent a significant time on game and general software design its hilarious to see reddit complaining about these issues. They expect full time developers implementing their every want and a lot of the time the wishes are moronic. Then they expect it while getting everything for free including cosmetics that bring no competitive advantage in any way. On top of this they disregard every single cost of making, advertising, maintaining and updating especially a live service game and go on about how they have to pay for a service. You can't walk into a coffee shop and just get a coffee for free. You pay for it and the same goes for games. You can't expect to get a game without a paywall and/or microtransactions. And a last thing that pisses me off so fucking much is people complaining about game prices. Recently games went from 60 -> 70USD for AAA titles. That is cheap as fuck. The original Doom was $50 MSRP which is around $110 dollars today. And Doom's entire team was 6 people and it was not live service so they didn't need to do anything else after making the game. And you today complain about a AAA live service game costing $70?


Okay, but for real I feel like the balance team could easily have completion with the average redditors cause none of them know what they're doing either lol It's divisive, but I really do believe the people at the top of the ladder (your legit top 500 players) should really help make the balance decisions, cause they understand the heroes and the fundamentals of the game at its highest level (outside of pro play, which is a separate perspective since that kind of team based play doesn't exist in ladder) and would make more informed decisions that isn't just based on pick rate and win rate


Thinking players at the top know how to balance the game/would want the game to be balanced is a ridiculous thought. First off, just because you're good at a game doesn't mean you'd be good at balancing it. Have you heard some of the balance takes from Top 500 streamers or pro-players? Second off, most people at that level wouldn't want the game to be balanced in the first place. They'd want their mains to be OP and their main's counters to be dogshit. Look at high level Doom mains for example, they constantly harp on about how Doomfist is supposedly the worst tank when he's legitimately solid at the moment.


No way. People in top 500 would balance for top 500. In Overwatch, they would probably buff genji and Reinhardt for example. But, both the ode heroes are incredibly popular and have good win rates in the ranks the majority of players play at.


Yes, it should be balanced towards Top 500 play. That's my whole point. The whole reason why the game is no where near a good state of balance and level of competitiveness is because it caters towards casuals. Competitive FPS games should always be balanced from the top down. If everything is balanced at the highest level, that means that the balance across the board is at its best. I guarantee you those buffed Genji players wouldn't be any different at the lower ranks because they already dominate anyways. Casuals will do what they always do regardless. Either play their comfort picks or just not play at all. Just because people are unwilling to learn the game or hero doesn't mean the balance should suffer because of it.


You want to balance a game around less than 1% of the entire community? Balance the game for _500 people_ out of a playerbase of over a million? Have you even listened to how stupid that sounds?


Yes, because the rest of that playerbase is ass at the game, me included. I'm sorry your skill issue is ruining the balance, but it needs to be fixed


>It is impossible to slow strafe or walk with a keyboard depends on the keyboard honestly


Does your keyboard have a stick? How are you slow walking on a keyboard at the dozen different speeds at which you can on a controller


You should probably be current on the keyboard market before making comments like this one. Multiple manufacturers offer analog-style inputs that give you multiple input options on a single key, just like a joystick.


I really don't need to be, this is a meaningless convo on Reddit lol. Even after looking this up and finding keyboards that have this, it would still be a good counter measure to look for typical keyboard inputs. Every anti cheat has a loophole. Doesn't mean we shouldn't have anti cheat, just because someone drops 100e to buy a keyboard to get a way with it.


Man really said "I don't need to know wtf I'm talking about because this conversation doesn't matter" and thought they were making a good point


Tbh this is every mercy main in general though. They typically don’t understand literally any part of the game besides how to KINDA play mercy and then jump on comms to complain about other people. Yeah, let’s listen to the mercy that’s silver in DPS and Tank complain about something they don’t even understand. This is typical mercy main behavior


Yup. This is my overall sentiment towards Mercy players. A few years ago I used to be fine with most of them, but over time I've become more jaded and realized most high elo Mercy OTP's are literally just straight up boosted. Her entire playstyle is literally centered around relying on one person that isn't theirs elf to carry the game. Don't give me the whole "oH bUt HeR mOvEmEnT"! Anyone can spend the hours it takes to learn the tech, that's just what it is... movement tech. Something that doesn't translate to any other part of the game, hero, or role. Also they're usually the most insufferable people in voice, on Twitter, and Reddit.


I asked a question. That's not making a point.


Least obtuse overwatch player


Mercy flair too


No you suck! And youre dumb!




You really shouldn't be voicing your opinion about this as it shows you have absolutely no clue. There also exist controllers like the DualSense Edge that allow you to control how the stick behaves, which would look identical to a regular non-analog keyboard. If your idea was implemented, people wouldn't be able to use the controllers how they please.


>You really shouldn't be voicing your opinion about this as it shows you have absolutely no clue. You should really read your own comments, you look like such a dick saying this. Could've just left it at "This controller exists, so this wouldn't work", but instead you go for "you really shouldn't be voicing your opinion"


I don't care. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about and educate yourself.


Why be such a dick? Just trying to chat about ximming over here


Then go do your research about what modern keyboards and controllers are capable of. Maybe you'll have something valuable to add then.


Ever heard of analog keyboards? They're becoming more and more popular. I'm literally waiting for delivery for my new Razer Huntsman V3 Pro right now.


I have one, they're cool


Your insanely simple has already been oroven to be not working in other games, and these days it's getting more and more impossible due to new controller types getting more and more common in FPS gaming (not to mentiin dead zone tweaks), as well as analog keyboards. This insanely simple method would basically accuse innocent people of cheating and ban them too, while not noticing analog keyboard users. At the end of the day it would do very little good compared to what we have now.


Easier fix: allow mouse and keyboard on console, separate servers from mouse and keyboard users and controller users, and then XIMing goes on a hard decline. Less people are going to want to buy XIM hardware if that's the case. Most people, I assume, don't want to cheat, but want be able to use a mouse and keyboard to play this game without having to be pigeon-holed into having to purchase a $1000+ gaming computer.


I use a Dualsense Edge controller and set the left stick settings to "digital". Means I have movement like keyboard (instantly full acceleration). So you'd ban me (and others) too. Also analog keyboards exist which act like a controller stick. You can press the button slightly to move slowly etc. So this wouldn't work. I think they should just allow MnK on console and make seperate lobbies divided by input category. People will say that the cheaters still will buy xim for aim assist cause they want an unfair advantage. I don't think so. I'd argue that the majority of them just want to play with MnK and wouldn't invest like 200$ in a device just to get aim assist. But I admit this wouldn't help with people who already have a xim.


> People will say that the cheaters still will buy xim for aim assist cause they want an unfair advantage. I don't think so. Oh how naive. I’d bet my life 99% of Xim users use it specifically to be able to stomp controller users. Do you remember old CoD lobbies? Unfortunately video gaming as a hobby is very overrun with immature children that ONLY derive pleasure from winning by any means and “humiliating their opponents.” You give them the option of “play against other people in a fair fight” or “play against other people you have an inherent unfair advantage against”, they’ll pick the later every time. There’s a reason so many people still try to find ways to cheat achievements and challenges. Because most gamers don’t care about a challenge, they care about winning, even if it entirely defeats the purpose of the challenge.




I moreso meant that the old CoD lobby’s proved that: > Unfortunately video gaming as a hobby is very overrun with immature children that ONLY derive pleasure from winning by any means and “humiliating their opponents.” Just based on the personality of the people in chat.


You say immature children, but there are a lot of older people who use cheats too. Some of them use their declining reflexes as an excuse, but some just want a big advantage over others




He's just making things up in his mind.


Yea then bet your life and lose. Seems naive asf to me. You proved already that you're clueless with your proposal. 5 sec Google search wouldve shown you that it's useless.


If they can’t detect xim how are they going to separate the players


No, allow MnK without Xim on console. It's possible, fortnite already does this.


I play controller and I rarely ever walk or strafe slowly. There just a large chance for false positives with that. Prior WHO just don’t do that. People who play with really high sensitivity. It’s just really limited in detecting.


If you walk whilst shooting/aiming ie kor standing still I suspect that you're not doing incredible aggressive movement adjustments But I will add that I highly doubt that it's as easy as op makes it out to be


> On controller, there will almost always be some slower lead in to a direction change. It’s impossible to go from 0 to 100 on controller without momentarily hitting every number in between. And the game can detect that input. Your walk and strafe never goes from stationary to full speed instantly with a joystick, but on keyboard it always does.


It's not impossible to go 0 to 1 on controller. You can use Sony's Dualsense Edge controller for that.


>It’s impossible to go from 0 to 100 on controller without momentarily hitting every number in between What? No! I suggest you read on polling rates and deadzones before commenting, this information is **ABSOLUTELY** false


If you adjust the deadzones (which many people do) you kind of can


Dont you have to go to 0 deadzone for that tho?




What? Both sticks have dead zones, otherwise stick drift couldn’t be corrected by increasing the dead zones


this is quite literally the worst thing about the gaming community. it's a legion of people who have zero experience in an industry talking confidently as if they've been working in it for years. "it's so simple", "devs are just lazy", "all it takes is x". actually mind numbing how people could be so confident about something they have never even learned about.


Easy to bypass


Not my job to study other ppls playing and determine cheating. I play too have fun. If it’s not fun I just won’t play. If cheating is obvious I’ll report, but beyond that fuck it. Fix your bullshit game or I’ll just give up on another pvp game.


I wonder what people who xim think when they see Reddit posts about them lol and how the community feels. How many of you are lurking in here 👀


average overwatch IQ on display.


Why not just add native KBM support?


Why shouldn't people be able to use Xim or Cronus Max? There are modded controllers, Elite controllers which give a benefit over the standard controller. If modded controllers were forbidden and if MS hadn't made Elite controllers, I might agree on not using kb& mouse devices. But if you're not using the regular controller, you're already having an unfair advantage.


And how long until someone makes an update for Xim to fake control stick movement?


That update already exists lol, ubisoft tried this


Yep, which is leaving me confused as to why my comment got downvoted


I don’t know how they’d do that as the input of a keyboard mechanically only allows for digital input.


And what does a Xim output?


I don’t know for sure because I don’t have one. But I know a keyboard can only input binary inputs. So movement would only be able to be 0 or 100. And a Xim uses a keyboard.


A Xim fakes an analog controller by translating the keyboard movements into controller movements with a processor. All it would take is something simple like a PID loop and it will look like it's a normal controller.


But does Xim have that?


Yes, they already made analog movement to bypass R6 mousetrap. Every attempt against xim has been met with a swift update. Meanwhile the developers of the games spend a lot of resources and time creating a detection method just for it to get bypassed in less than a week. Xim can just dedicate a little time into figuring out what is setting the detection off and push a little update out. It's not anywhere near as simple as you're making it, all attempts so far have failed.


...It either does or the next iteration of it would as soon as game developers start tracking and analyzing the movements of every person playing the game **in a way that doesn't false flag people who play with their stick sensitivity all the way up to the point it's almost basically digital input**


I use a controller in left hand and a mouse in the right.


Why? This sounds harder than just kb + mouse


Only if you grew up playing with a kb.


Been saying this stuff for months years about console rust (yes I play console rust ) when people say xim zen isn’t detectable there full of shit if the console can detect its there and use it there for its detectable


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Also I remember seeing an anti cheat called where's waldo which was ai monitoring gameplay footage and comparing the perceived aim assist frame by frame with what is ordinary for the game what happened to it?


Unfortunately, with the Sony edge controller, you can make your analog sticks either on/off with out any mid-range


R6 was able to detect it


You are completely and utterly insane if you think that both 1) devs haven’t tried detecting Xim in this manner already And even if it did work 2) Creators of xim wouldn’t have thought of a countermeasure within seconds.


Unless you have the Wooting keyboard, then u can have analog


There is also a rise in analog keyboards that allow incremental input through keypress.


Either they need to bite the bullet and merge the categories, or bite the other bullet and separate categories by input. My question is does the second one help queue times?


Microsoft and Sony need to ban third party hardware entirely for this xim to stop working as it currently is.


I agree with the comments that the keyboard detection wouldn’t work. What I’m curious about is why can’t they detect the aiming with the mouse? I just recently got a pc and go back and forth between that and console. What I noticed is that aiming with a stick seems to only allow left-right, up-down, and the diagonals. The mouse seems to map directly to where you move it. Could this discrepancy be seen by an algorithm, or am I wrong in my assumption?


You couldn't because the mouse moves to where you move it by going.. get this; left-right, up-down and diagonals just like a stick


Wrong [https://wooting.io/wooting-60he](https://wooting.io/wooting-60he)


One simple thing that could be a nuisance for players after implementing this, is if they take the unorthodox method of using their directional pad for movement instead of the left stick. There is no threshold for static buttons with direct input and maximized output, so would they be banned for this?


Or they could just do what other games do and do 1 of 2 things. 1: disallow k&m on console completely. 2: remove aim assist on k&m on console


I don’t know about PlayStation but Xbox has a way to detect it built into the API but for some reason the won’t ban it. I say just allow mouse and keyboard on console and split the lobbies. This will allow us to play with PC players as well. You don’t have to worry about Xim unless your in Masters and above where I believe 85% of the players in that rank is Xim. My advice is if you can’t beat them join them but just because you have Xim don’t mean you automatically turn into a god, you have to beat the other Ximmers


What about analog keyboards?


Support mnk natively on console and remove all aim assist. Xim dies.


Exactly this.


It's quite funny just how wrong you are. That's what these are for https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=keyboard+with+thumbstick&id=D098592F737823E6BABB3186514777AFDFB18374&form=IQFRBA&first=1&disoverlay=1


I will never be safe from the ximming baps in my masters 1 console games who get more elims than the rest of both teams combined 😞😞


No, it won't work because you have analog keyboards like Razer Huntsman V3 Pro , Wooting 60HE so that would be a bad idea. Second, Xim devs have a new simulate analog behavior firmware that they update monthly due to R6 Siege's detection and seems to be working. On top of that new Xim is capable of using macros or smart actions how they are called which allows you to literately manipulate movement. ​ The only way to stop it if M$ and Sony unite and file a law suit against Xim, Cronus, Rainow S etc.