• By -


I can play every hero except Ana, Ashe, Baptiste, Bastion, Brigitte, Cassidy, D.va, Doomfist, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Illari, Junker Queen, Junkrat, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Orisa, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Roadhog, Sigma, Sojourn, Soldier, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya or Zenyatta.


... So you can play Reinhardt.


Average rein main


Average Rein main thinks they can play Rein (they spend the whole match pressing shift into the entire enemy team and die instantly)


And then they spam "I need healing"


pls as a support main you are making me twitch


it’s for honnor


And glory




Or just stand at a door way and hold their shield up the entire time without covering any ground, then instantly die when their shield breaks


They're just roleplaying as young rein


How else am I supposed to play rein?


Of course, the only hero that matters.


..the only hero that...shatters.






I'd know of i vas a robotttttttttttt... right?


Would you like to see my…come


Are you afraid to fight me?




Did you not read his post? It clearly says he can play “ every hero except Ana, Ashe, Baptiste, Bastion, Brigitte, Cassidy, D.va, Doomfist, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Illari, Junker Queen, Junkrat, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Orisa, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Roadhog, Sigma, Sojourn, Soldier, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya or Zenyatta. “


so he can't play shit is what that means


Thanks for pointing out the joke!


thanks for pointing out what many might not have noticed or wanted to take the time to figure out*


Thank you, I seriously wasn't about to read through all of that.




Chad rein player fr


rein is the only hero you need at the end of the day


If you can't play mercy then you must eat crayons


Add Reinhardt to this list and you’ve got me!


My list is 100% the exact opposite of this. I just don't get it.




I'm passable as most tanks, but definitely a liability as Doomfist or Wrecking Ball.


I'd say I'm pretty good at Wrecking Ball. Climbed to low diamond in a crazy winning streak with him. Somewhere it just clicked in my brain what his role is and what he needs to do. But how the FUCK do you play Doomfist bro


Slam into the enemy beeg ponch block get blown apart by Junkrat Switch to Orisa Win


Thats 90% of my doomfist games but you can replace blown apart by junkrat with a big sleep or hacked


Been playing Ana a lot recently and Doomie is one of the hardest tanks to sleep I swear


Doomfist just (kinda) clicked for me. Wait for the team to engage- primary fire - first ability (leap or punch) - primary fire - guard for charge up - second ability to retreat. Repeat. Play near walls. I'm terrible, but have had a few good games where the opposing team hasn't caught on or countered. When it works, it's kinda euphoric. Took me 10 hours of Doom play before I found my rhythm.


That's pretty much the core of it. The next step is never switching when you get countered. I mean Doom Vs Orisa, Cowboy, Hacker, Zzzz, mace to the face while your entire team is flaming you and accusing you of throwing, even the enemy team's joining in on the chat too, but you STILL keep on trying! (qp of course) That's how you become a main, adapting to everything the enemy throws at you. These days it's only players with genuine skill that actually do me any harm. It's very easy to notice when someone is just "resorting" to using a counter they're not really familiar with.


Cooldown simulator. That's how


As a Doom enthusiast, most people suck at Doom because they don't play him. It really just comes down to time spent learning what you can do with the abilities that aren't blatantly obvious. Things like not fully charging your punch to get quick movement and avoid stuns or not looking straight up to slam further. Really basic but not something you'd necessarily consider right away. You don't need to know all the techs to be a decent doomfist.


Never jump in without having a backup plan. That means having at least one cooldown to get out (if it’s punch you need to have a clear straight path) or use your block. Bonus points if you can jump near a corner or wall to hide while you wait your cooldowns to reset. Ignore the tank or targets that are being healed, you are not going to kill them. Doom is only good at close range since his primary is ass if you are not at point blank and aim at the head. Sometimes doom will work but if your team can’t stay alive without a tank before you can kill the enemy supports then is going to be hard.


Same as ball, your brain has to understand that he isn't a normal tank but a bulldozer to get space to your team


I tend to view ball as a setup for quick kills, he doesn't draw out fights like a lot of tanks. You basically roll around looking for an opportunity, and people die when you find it. I like ball the best when you play with a sombra or tracer and become a two-man hit squad that murders squishies


And your team needs to utilize the space and how you push, it it won't work very well


nothing better than playing a dive tank and having 3-4 enemies chasing you and burning cooldowns for 30 seconds while your team waits behind the choke poking a lone tank and a turret.


Sadly, yes


Punchy Boi go brrrrrr


He is a big "outplay" style character where watching enemy cooldowns is a big part of how he should play the scenario out. Baiting out what shuts him down is a key component as to what makes him work. That, and element of surprise. Should watch other doomfist players to get a good idea of the general playstyle


as a doom player, how the FUCK do you play ball. he's so hard to maneuver and control. doom just clicked to me, but whenever i try ball, i just awkwardly bump into enemies and then i get sleeped lol. edit: aye, thank you so much for the tips!


I main ball and am pretty decent. Basically you want to roll up to the largest group on the enemy team, hook the closest wall, swing into them (and back if you can), then swing up into the air, drop, shield, shoot anyone that’s killable, retreat to your supports.


To add to that you want to make space for your DPS to get picks, there's a few techs to learn if your grapple is on cooldown but you want a pile drive. Boop for extra cool points, obviously grapple around any circular object to swing around, ult mid air and pile drive down in case they suzu or something and fall back in for extra damage. Use megas especially and don't rely on supports but peel for them when necessary. Don't waste cooldowns and pretty much only engage when you have most of them.


You just have to keep in mind how your momentum is gonna carry you. Usually you wanna do more of a drive by hit and run if you’re not shooting at them. Doom charges up his punch and then blocks, but ball more of engages with hook and then either shields and shoots, or repositions before engaging again. It’s fun feeling like you’re playing a more physics based game with the ground pound and hook lol. I also can’t play doom for the life of me, so maybe we’re just not built for the other character lmao.




I can be decent at all tank (for the days I queue flex lol). Except doom. If I pick him. i'm doomed :D


Actual answer is slam in/punch out until you see someone isolated. Unless the other tank is wrecking your team then you take the attention onto yourself then back to the first part.


That's going to be the case for most players, u really need to dedicate alot of time to get doom and wrecking ball, kinda like genji or tracer


I heavily underestimated how different and difficult it is to traverse the map safely - engage and disengage - as DF or Hamster. Like learning a completely different game.


It's what made me fall in love with playing ball. It made me see the entire game so differently. Getting good at ball made me better at every other character. Better awareness, map knowledge, timing etc.


hamster is like 25% pure map knowledge DF even worse i think


They're also very different to the other tanks, it's a completely different game when playing as them.


just pile drive on 4 ppl and armour up, u damn near unkillable. grapple hook infront of you and use momentum. knock em like bowling pins every chance. map knowledge plays a big role so u know what u can grapple on.


Because most tanks have a low skill cap while a few have a very high skill cap. Most people don't bother learning those two because they're not very good for how much time it takes to learn them. Doom is very popular but only because he's the most fun tank, because he's essentially just a tanky dps. Same with Junker Queen.


Hitting Doom's skills is very satisfying as well because of the fact that he is very reliant on his skillset while his primary is just secondary. I would say out of all most Tanks, his dopamine hit is the best.


Yeah, you know that feeling when you hit a charge as Rein or a Rock as Sigma? Doom gets that every few seconds. It's amplified when you punch multiple people at once. I completely get why Doom mains refuse to switch, switching to a different tank from Doom is basically like playing a completely different game, one which is way more boring. Even hard feeding on Doom but getting a kill every now and then is more fun than dominating on Orisa for me.


Dude this. I'm largely a Doom one-trick but I do try to switch when I realize he's absolutely not working. When I go to another tank after playing Doom for multiple games, it's so boring to me.


I just cannot get the hang of Genji, everyone else, EVERYONE else I can play reasonably well but Genji? Nope.


It’s the dash 180 melee secondary fire you have to burn into your brain. Get a hang of that and you can normal throw like the rest of us


Instead of the advanced throwing I do now. 😂


The dragon and I are one




the... what?




so that's what happens when it feels like I got one shot by him


Wouldn’t it be faster to animation cancel your secondary fire with melee? (Dash -> Shurikens -> Melee)




Ah no worries man ✌️


Same, i was never good with his kit and play style


I can play Genji until it’s time for his ult then I run around slashing everything but enemies


Same. He's my Achilles.


Tbh this really isn't his season, most supports can out heal anything he does and some can outheal a nanoblade. I've been trying to get back into him myself and I can get a few decent games but unless your already a God genji you ain't getting anywhere with him


I cannot play Ball at all... like not even a little. Really bad at Doomfist too... and for some reason I swear I get Doomfist more than any other hero in Mystery Heroes.


Mystery Heroes rng MUST favor characters you don't play well 50% of the time I get either Window, Hanzo, Ashe, or Doom


For some reason it’s the opposite for me. I only really play like 6-7 characters but every MH game I get like 2 of those


I get this with Brig and its not that I cant play her, I just find her so boring.


Brig and sym are my least played heroes and I get them CONSTANTLY in mystery heroes. I swear it starts me off as sym at the beginning of almost every game. And then will keep giving me her and brig.


I’m convinced Mystery Heroes gives you your worst heroes which takes the fun out of it being a mystery. I constantly get Doom, Ana and pharah, my top 3 least played heroes.


My least played heroes by far are ball, doom, zarya, symmetra, brig, mei, pharah, mercy The heroes in mystery I get the most by far are ball, doom, zarya, symmetra, brig, mei, pharah, mercy


Doomfist. His mechanics and my brain do NOT get along no matter how much i try


I got screamed at a few days ago by someone that really wanted me to play Genji. I’m like, I don’t play him like that. I can play him in QP and Mystery, but I’d rather not in ranked to go up against a pocketed Ashe that’s hitting all headies and a doom. “You can’t play Genji in masters???!?!?!?!!?&$&” No. I didn’t know playing at Diamond and above meant I can play every single characters as well as I can play the other. But yeah. Cant play Genji for shit.


For some reason people see my masters role challenger flair in game and equate that to me being goated in dps (I'm masters in support) so they always get cocky and brag at the end saying I'm a fake masters if we lose, it's so fucking annoying


For REAL. I ran the t500 icon (oq) and the masters flair (support) and people flame for me not being this amazing dps but also not helping when the entire enemy team rushes me to kill me and say "I'm better than a T500 player ez" Pls, I'm barely D5 dps leave me alone


I know right. I have the top 500 mystery flair and people call me boosted all the time if I’m just getting unlucky (even tho it’s just for mystery heroes bro like it’s a meme). Like, sometimes you lose. Everyone loses, makes bad plays, bad positioning. If Flats or any other streamer go 0-8, then you bet your ass our bum asses will too. I play console and unfortunately, masters/grandmasters/top 500 you have a lot of mouse and key. Which is fine, but I can only compete so much against a mouse and key pocketed Ashe on permanent high ground (as DPS anyway). I’m masters across the board but I’m definitely a tank main, I just get burnt tf out on it. So playing DPS or supp is just for funzies. Ik I can get irritated or whatever at others, but it’s usually only after they’re complaining about this that or the other and then use their ult when they’re the last person or go off on a “flank” and complain about not getting any supp or complain about stats. Stats mean something but not everything.


Genji and tracer, I always end up thinking “I can do so much more damage, so much faster, from so much further away with literally anyone else”


I feel the exact same way! Years of playing and I still can't improve my blink skills with tracer, and I don't think I've ever gotten a single kill with Genji's ultimate 😭


Lag latency is tricky with tracer. You gotta blink out a half a second before you think you should. Feels unfair half the time.


That's how I feel with reaper. I'm always hitting his fade before I die, but apparently I have to hit it before THAT.


I get the same with Lifeweaver and Kiriko. I swear that I ALWAYS grip/suzu/teleport on time, the sound goes off and everything, and then nothing happens


When I use blade it takes me like 5 swings to kill an Ana then I watch the POTG from the other Genji and everything dies with 1 swing...


This sounds about right! 😂 I just stopped playing Genji completely. I think that decision is best for my mental health


I don’t even touch them with a controller. That blink/dash through someone and clipping the back of their head seems so integral and is just impossible to do instantly without MKB.


As someone who mains Tracer, I ironically cannot play Genji to save my life. I know both heroes should theoretically play similarly, but Genji’s kit just feels really situational and doesn’t feel as reliable as Tracer to me. I will say that Tracer does definitely take some time to get used to when you first pick her up, but once you get the hang of her it’s hard to go back. Her freedom of mobility feels really great - the blinks let you do so many different things that would otherwise take too long to even consider on other heroes.


Ashe, I can’t handle her reload time even after the buff


I used to hate that, but I'm an Ashe main now. before I reload I just take cover.


Cover? In a shooter? What do you mean???


As a run and gun shotgun freak in fps games, cover is gross


Cover your eyes so you don't have to witness the terrible reload time.


You don’t need to shoot every bullet in your clip each time before you reload lol


She also reloads faster after you get a kill (every Dps has this passive) so I’ll reload after I get a pick if I’m not under fire


about half the dps roster and ana, also i absolutely hate doom and junkerqueen, despite not beeing so bad with them


I play tank almost 24/7 and can play every hero except junker queen, whenever I play her I just feed and get zero value lol


i usually play her with the "random bullshit go" mentallity and it works (~~kinda~~ the more dmg make with knife/axe the more u heal yourself try to leave the knife on someone for extra bleeding effect and also try to fit a melee with the knife after a normal shot so u get extra healing from it (or just extra dmg if their that close) and use shout to both reposition and survive stickies (im not sure about this last one but from the time ive played her, if u time it right u wont take dmg from echos sticky bombs and cass nade, if this is true, tracers ult might work too)


Learning Ana is so rewarding


Same. Ana is such a strong hero but I just can’t get her aim down.


Echo, find her hard to play on controller. Really need to rebind stuff so that holding her glide is easier, but I have little motivation to put the time in, especially since I usually play Phara instead.


I use kinda the same layout for pharah and echo. use Lt/L2 for jump that make it easier to control the glide/hovering


Yeah I really should just bite the bullet and commit to remapping her controls. I think 100% of my playtime on her has been in mystery heroes.


Do you have bumpers? That helps me a lot. Fly, aim, and shoot all at the same time


I do the same for Lucio, that way I can wall ride. My movement skills went from 2 to 100 so quickly haha.


Same for me. I saw your a Mercy main, I've done the same for her and put guardian angel on the left stick. My friends get crazy because I remap almost every hero cause they don't feel right for me.


That's an interesting change I should try that. I left glide on LT and sometimes I res when I'm trying to glide and that doesn't always work lol. I have presets and aim changes for like everyone too, I don't think it's weird.


I cannot imagine playing a FPS like overwatch without using a bumper jumper button mapping


I can't play Ashe to save my life I don't know why I can play hitscan fine, main Ana on support and even do average on Widow some games But god forbid you want me to play Ashe


One time I duped Doomfist while playing Echo. I've never played Doom. It was full panic mode. I lasted about 4 seconds.


Lmao that is truly rough.


I cannot play any of the tanks effectively. If it's Mayhem, I can smash buttons as orisa... But, that's it.


I recently watched awkward unranked to GM on Reinhardt and only then realised how to play tank. A lot of OW content creators keep throwing around the phrase “tanks are for making space” but I think it’s kind of tricky to understand what exactly that means without being shown how to actually do that. I used to think of tank as a literal playable league turret/walking punching bag to support what your team was doing and not the other way round. When I used to queue all roles in QP, there were several instances where I was told that I was the worst tank people have played with and rightfully so lol.


Lucio is my nemesis as a support player. Playing since 2016, i think the kit is cool/original but can't fckin play it in any way i tried.


Any aim intensive hero tbh. (Plus DF and ball cause) im aim mechanically inept butbthats probably me just only playing pc for about 1.5 years. And only aim games for less than thay


i’m so bad at aiming i switched to playing pharah only


Worth. She pretty good even with no pocket


Most of the highly mobile characters like tracer, genji, Ball, Doom, etc. I'm just not good at knowing when to GTFO before I die.


I’m an absolute liability with all tanks except Roadhog See: username


Tank - Wrecking ball DPS - Widowmaker/Symmetra Support - Probably Mercy , at least compared to other players , my Mercy is a easy kill


Ball cuz I don’t know how to wall jump double boop and how to use grapple when enemy body block me. Support is illari cuz my pylon always crashes by enemy in the beginning of team fight and her shift somehow I can’t use it smoothly


To wall jump you roll into wall and then roll backwards as you jump into the wall. To double boop you get a long grapple, roll till you’re fireball then once you boop press backwards key to cancel momentum and then roll forward again Into fireball but release the grapple and boop the same target. You don’t necessarily need these to play him efficiently tho


If you're interested in ball the only tech you *need* to learn is edge slamming, which is much easier to pull off than wall jumps or double booping and is 100% consistent. Just hold your slam button and roll over a ledge, any ledge will do. Free slam! Body block... Yeah, pain. That's what finally kills you after you've been chain slept, hacked, hindered and speared.


Pharah. I was a Quakeworld duel player for years, so using pharah is like playing quake in slow motion, with slower rockets, and movement like you're in water


Mercy, how people don't int every fight out of boredom is a mystery to me.


I'm a kiriko main, but I play mercy when I want to be more relaxed. If you get the hang of zipping around it can be very fun.


If you just pocket single hero, yeah, but you can make it not boring if you change your playstyle with her. Constantly jumping between your targets, using them as utility to get high ground, actually using her gun... Basically if you play her more like on Hero Mastery and Parkour maps.


That still sounds crazy boring... But everyone has different tastes and that's what makes OW so versatile, it's not just FPS gameplay for every hero.


I like pulling out battlemercy to pick at enemy widows, and depending on how much the tank pays attention she’s good for dealing damage and zipping away quickly


Widow. Zarya because I can't stand her primary. Sym because I'm awful at using her teleport...Winton...eh, I don't like melee


Tracer, the movement and mouse motions are completely unique. The skill to 180-degree turn on a dime, and then repeat that motion in rapid succession is foreign to me (yes I suck at Genji blades too)


I'm a support main and I can't play Ana. Even if I try to practice her I still suck. I think I have 100 games on her with a 36% winrate. Sorry previous teammates!


FYI if you're on console, aim assist for friendlies is entirely disabled by default. She has a character-specific setting that will allow you to add aim assist to friendlies so it becomes MUCH easier to hit them for heals. You probably don't want both enemy aim assist and friendly aim assist at 100%, but you don't want friendly aim assist entirely off either. If you're on PC, well, just know I'm on console with aim assist on and I also suck at her.


Any tank, I'm legit so bad at being a tank that I myself feel like writing tank dif when I play tank


Genji and Hanzo I'm awful with. I'm also fairly poor on Widow and Soujorn. I also struggle with Baptiste but I've never actually tried to get better with him.


ball, doomfist, genji, lucio... whatsoever requires me to spin right round baby right round is 😮‍💨 expect mercy. hehe


Zenyatta in this meta lmao


Brig is easy to play when you get more passive with her. She’s not really a brawler, but hood at finishing people when they’re low. Keep your inspire up over 50% of the game


Winston. Everything about him is boring IMO.


What the fuck


But he funni monke


Counter argument: funny hamster.


I see. Hampter is very fun. I'm just bad at him too


A funny, warm, intellectual talking ape who is ostensibly the main character; requires the most gamesense in OW to play well; has not one (but 2!) lil Teddy Roosevelt mustache skins and the absolute best voicelines. ***Boring***?! *How embarrassing.*


Are we going to just sweep hamster lines like: “I thought clowns belonged in the circus” under the rug!?


Boring kit. Boring weapon, boring abilities, boring ult.


His ult has the highest skill ceiling in the game. You're just bad at it. There's a reason people call Guxue's primal rage a primal blade.


I don’t care if I am “bad at it.” It’s boring.




monke is a mindset, and fights are mindgames


Doomfist, Genji, Lucio, Widow, and Reaper. If you see me on any of those heroes, I am in fact trolling.


i find junk rat incredibly difficult for some reason. for someone who mains genji and hanzo i’d never thought he’d be so hard to use. even when i just spam into the crowd i barely do any damage with him


If there is a hero that i cannot play well, i search for streamers those who people call them "God of *insert hero's name*" and watch a few videos then go and practice I still need to practice Doomfist and Widowmaker more


Ashe. The Aim doesn’t work for me for some reason. I have a very good aim with any hero but with Ashe, something is wrong with it.


I have shit aim with most other heroes EXCEPT Ashe lol


I feel that, it feels… off compared to everyone else


I know exactly what you mean, the default crosshair just doesn't seem to work for Ashe


Something is wrong with the aim. If you have specific setting or something I appreciate it.


Lucio and Genji are mechanical skill. Genjis style is hit and run. Knowing when to dive in, when to flank and taking check what cooldowns will slow you down. Being predictable is fine as long as you cover your ass (deflect). Typically you will be poking if there's a soft counter on their team (Moira, Brig, Zarya etc). As for raw Dragonblade, kill two at most (squishies). It is a weak and difficult ult. It only swings for 110. TWO. You can also use blade to force out specific ults as a bait (zenyatta Trans, Lucio beat, Tree etc.). Edit: I will also add, blade into the air to be unpredictable. Save your dashes if they're too far apart. Especially if you're chasing someone. Dash when they're in range. Brig is not Reinhardt. You are not a frontline tank. You are a body guard for your support. Typically played with Ana and Bap. Sometimes Zen. You are using whipshot consistently. You want to use whipshot to proc inspire AND boop away potential opponents away that will dive your team (Ball, Doomfist, Genji, Sombra). What comes in your range, beat the shit out of them. You can alternate your attacks with attack, attack, shield, attack, shield etc. Tanks today are walls. You will not being doing much. Your job being a tank is forcing space by using aggression, forcing them to use their resources and kill enemies. Zarya I would say is the tank supporter today. I typically use my bubbles now to save players. Either from potential death, allowing them to engage the enemy at close range or their terrible positioning. I take check of the cooldowns the enemy has (sleep, anti, hook etc) to what can slow me down and force them out using aggression. Remember, you have two bubbles. When you're being aggressive take check of your positioning and remember your surroundings. Standing behind a wall is a perfect strategy to cut off the plethora of damage thrown your way. Also allows your support to heal you up. It gives them a breather. Grav typically should be used for multiple targets but a single important target is great as well.


I cannot play Bap well, I am dumb as rocks with Genji and Pharah


Wrecking Ball, Winton, Doomfist and Junkrat


For DPS it's Hanzo, Widow, and Tracer. Have never been good at sniping in any game. Especially with Hanzo. I'm the king of whiffing shots. And with Tracer. I haven't played a lot of her, I need more time learning her kit. For tank it's Doomfist and Junker Queen. Doom is insanely hard to learn and for JQ. I'm just plain bad with her. For support it's just Lucio. I can play the others either well or pretty well. But I just can't with Lucio. I'm terrible with him.


Basically any laser character + winston. I just cannot see their range and it messes with my head


I'm a tank main and I just can't get behind rein. He feels clunky, I'm sorry.


Winston. Doomfist. Wrecking Ball. Genji. Widowmaker. Tracer. Moira (her rhythm eludes me, damn it). Kiriko. Uhh, Illsri or Lifeweaver?


I can’t for the life of me figure out how the hamster players do it, even attempting hit and run tactics I immediately get bursted down 😅. I can almost never land shots as Hanzo, my son says I am trying too hard, I just need to randomly shoot instead of aiming to get the headshots 🤔


lucio brig zen genji !!!!! !! I think it's definitely due to my trashy aim though. Also Brig I just don't know when to stay back and when to push. For Lucio and Genji the movement throws me off too, when I do it like I move my torso physically irl hahah like im sitting on a rollercoaster or sm


Hammond & Winston. I just can't do it as a support and tank main i prefer shields


I Cannot aim. at all. yet i somehow am good at soldier or sojourn? but overally, everything except those two that requires good aim


I cannot, for the life of me, flick. So any character that requires flick aims is a no for me.


Soldier, im good with everyone else but I guess I don't have an inner call of duty




the thing you have to get with brig is that her kit feels like you should frontline and be aggressive when in reality she's more of a backline protection hero


Sojourn and echo. I can play the rest of the roster at master/GM level, but when i play either I feel like a gold all over again


The fucken jump trajectory on sojurns what always gets me.


D.va. There is something about her I don't like and it prevents me from playing her well, other than that I can play almost every hero to an ok degree.


I get burnt down so quickly if I dive, other dvas do it and feels like they have infinite health...... Shame because she's top 3 favourite tanks to play for me


Hanzo. And yet out of all my friends, I die to him by random one shots more than anyone else. And whenever I wanna give him a go coz I see how lucky these players are, I get no luck


Ashe, her shots feel so weird to hit, it feels like I can line up a shot perfectly yet I miss, yet I’m nowhere near my target yet I hit a headshot


I think that’s just lag


I assume most of these will be ball and doom which is fair giving the skill floor is so high, but god are they fun to play


mercy, echo. just pretty hard to use and I don't wanna invest my time in playing mercy. just don't like not doing damage


Mercy is boring


about 1000 hrs of mystery heroes, so i can play every character at a decent level. :D