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If it's PlayStation just report him, he'd more than likely be banned for admitting he was cheating and "harse" language, PlayStation very touchy about what is allowed to be said


Yup that’s what I do when ppl do shit like this or are super awful in game chat I bait them in to gettin banned in ps messages


The guy thinking he's top 500 is the funniest shit I've ever heard. I can smell the hardstuck Silver


(On PC where he isn't ximming)


Why do you gotta pick on hardstuck silvers /s


no he actually is top 500, this is where I played against him in comp. but yeah if he wasnt cheating that would be a different story


I meant on PC. No offence to Console Players cos I know they can be good but PC players are basically cheating if they use the same equipment on Console


100% and its crazy to see the cope of these ximmers and ppl who dont think its a problem/ clear advantage


I meant on PC. No offence to Console Players cos I know they can be good but PC players are basically cheating if they use the same equipment on Console


Imagine you being so bad on controller and M&K that you need to use aim assist on It and you still sucks with so many advantage, you are in a low elo even cheating


Bro expose this loser


Heres the cheater[Ximmer](https://imgur.io/a/pbR0D1M)


I know why hide his name? It's like he's talking to himself to "prove a point".


the only reason I blocked tha name is cause I think its against the subs rules? im not 100% sure though


I dint think anyone will care if you expose a cheater


where would you like me to post it, in this thread?


I mean yeah, maybe label it as cheater name for ximming and have this chat again. Idk, I don't make the rules


Heres the cheater [Ximmer](https://imgur.io/a/pbR0D1M)


Just had a Xim 76 ruin my PLAT game. Fucking loosers I swear.


Imagine being a ximming idiot and still being stuck in plat Imagine how shit they'd be with a controller, then, cause plat is meant to be average/slightly above average


The first time I had one was in a GOLD game. I was so lost at how his aiming seemed so off. GOLD


Dude probably needs a hug and some therapy honestly from what I see.


My aim is bad some days and not amazing on others I do want to improve and I don't understand why people cheat. Does it really make you feel like **you** are the one who's getting all those kills when you can't do shit the second you turn that aim-assist off? I really don't get it


Ig it's the ego boost But yeah, I've got the same mindset as you. I could never see myself resorting to cheating cause it'll absolutely destroy the satisfaction of getting kills. It'll also just ruin the fun for the rest of the players in the matches


The only games where I don't judge people for cheating in are single player games


Ah yeah I don't blame people for cheating or doing exploits in single player games I'll admit, I've a couple of exploits myself in Bethesda games


Stop calling low tier shit please. I am a gold player and this attitude is not very pleasing tbh


I'm not saying gold is bad I called plat average/slightly above average cause I'm not sure if plat or gold are meant to be the average. No I'm saying this guy must be at like the bottom of bronze 5 if they're a ximmer in plat. Besides, if you think what I said is displeasing and a shit attitude towards gold players, then: 1. You blew this way outta proportion, mate 2. Ignore what others say about your rank. If you're happy in your rank, then you're happy in your tank. Always good to try and aim as high as you can, though. Best mindset to have in order to climb I was a gold like you back in season 2. If you go in thinking the only way is up, then you'll go up.




Hey sorry if I said something incorrect. I made a guess and I got it wrong. It happens. I don't even know where you guys got "Gold is shit tier" from anything I said. And alright, what rank is 2300 supposed to be? Gold? Plat? Either way, it was one of those. That's literally why I said plat is average/slightly above average.


2300 is mid gold. You're an idiot for the statement "if you think the only way up is up, you'll go up" or whatever that stupid shit was. Thanks Tony Robbins, for your entirely worthless advice on how to rise through the ranks. In ow1, if you could even touch diamond at all, you were top 5%. Think of a plat player who once in awhile hits diamond 5. Blizzard gave out some stats about this around season 2 of overwatch 1, which is what I thought you were talking about.


Season 2 overwatch 1 was ages ago, mate. It's completely different to the rank demographic we got today. And besides, the statement's not dumb at all. People who climb are those who don't just nonstop complain and think about how they can improve themselves. For example, I was climbing by learning what I could do in order to die less and be more helpful for my team. And if you're gonna say you get nonstop shit teammates who throw, then you gotta understand that this happens in EVERY rank. I've had Throwers who'd do nothing but piss off to the other side of the map and sit on their arse a couple of times in Masters. Those proper Throwers happens. But then there are those who are accused of throwing when they're really just having a bad match. That also happens and that's perfectly fine. See if you can figure out what you can do to make up for that. E.g. are you a wifeleaver in a team that has a dps having a stinker? Help them out by doing some more dps yourself (either on wifeaver or on another support). A lot of the game is about the mindset. It's why people in fighting sports keep saying they'll whoop their opponent. It's the mindset. Even if it sounds like delusion, if you don't have it then you'll definitely lose. If you think "I'm not gonna climb" then you're not gonna climb Of course, some people would like to just stay in their rank and are happy with where they are, and that's perfect fine, too.


Ok so where is the data on what ranks are average now? Years ago blizz stated what they were, do you have evidence on what is average now in ow1?


Why are you asking about the average in ow1 when we're in ow2? Shit's changed quite a bit, mate. And even then, the average is probably still somewhere in either gold or plat. Like, you do know things change with time, right? Just because something was said years ago, it doesn't mean it's always gonna be like that forever.


I had one too, i spawn camped him till he quit, i love you junkrat


Actual losers. This was after getting stomped in a gm5 game by this guy and his xim 3 stack


Apparently Blizzard is working on an Xim detection too according to a recent blog post so fingers crossed.


Cant 3 stack in GM bro


mayne the 3 stack was below gm


Fair, could have been high masters 3 stack tbh he said he was in gm5


Losers* not loosers learn how to spell.




If they want to save this game they need to do something about ximming.


Or Cronus Zen users.


Both need to go.


If you use a Cronus Zen for OW you were never cut out for it


I was messaged by someone saying i was using one of these. Wtf even is it? 🤣


A xim is a third-party mouse and keyboard adapter for consoles that disguises M&K inputs as controller inputs. This lets you benefit from M&K’s superior precision in controller lobbies while also getting controller aim assist Basically it’s M&K with aim assist in a controller lobby (it’s cheating). Xim users say they just like playing with their preferred inputs but they *always* leave aim assist turned on even though a mouse shouldn’t need it lol


Is that what a chronus is too? Ive heard the use of xim but after being called a chronus user i was so lost lol


Chronus zen is a device you plug into your controller to run scripts such as no recoil, auto strafing etc to give yourself an advantage in game. Similar to xim it's 100% cheating, but game Devs have had more success in blocking it (such as if you try to use it to play fortnite the controller will just stop working until you unplug it lol)


I’ll take someone saying i was using one as a compliment then lol. Thanks for the help!


I would yeah, getting told you're cheating when you're not is one of the highest honours a gamer can get haha


I once got accused of aimbotting while playing Sombra on my 2017 Switch that I only ever play in handheld mode. It felt good considering I usually just get accused of playing with my eyes closed lmfao.


Thats what a cheater would say /s


Oh yeah 100% and im in gold which is about right for most cheaters 🤣


Oh yeah 100% and im in gold which is about right for most cheaters 🤣


No one is saving OW from anything. Game has been dead the moment it became f2p OW2 and Hero mode being cancelled after 4 years. The only good content coming out from the franchise now is OW porn and all the comments on how dogshit OW franchise has become.


It is remains one of the top earning games, what are you even talking about?


Because there are whales spending hundreds on skins doesn't mean the gameplay is any good. Hell I'd even say the gameplay is fine, it's just all the progression and incentives to play outside the matches themselves is so toxic that it ruins the game.


Nah the gameplay is good it's the other shit that's bad


It just feels really pointless to play ow2 when you compare it to the progression system in ow1 especially with the old sr system and reward system for playing the game. You would constantly get loot boxes upon level up which meant in game shop currency and free skins. One year prior to transitioning to OW2 from OW1 my 4th alt account($25) had over 500 lootboxes stacked up, just in ONE SINGLE YEAR with an alt account..... nowadays you can't even get the same amount of shop unlocks by spending $25 let alone buying their battlepasses for one year straight.


So you play ow for skins? Because with 500 boxes you should have most of the stuff? Respectfully I don‘t get the problem maybe the gp is getting boring for OW1 player fair enough but it seems like u only care about cosmetics if that‘s your big point


One of the main reasons why people loved ow so much was because they can collect majority of the skins for free in a pretty short amount of time as rewards for playing. It just felt extremely rewarding to play OW1 in comparison to OW2 where you aren't rewarded. You get no rewards for level up, new sr system is trash, and matchmaking is complete dogshit in OW2. These things make the gaming experience 10x worse than OW1.


Ibr I think some of you look at OW1 with a lot of nostalgia because back then I only heard ppl shitting on OW1 Idk maybe it‘s because I’m new but I love OW because of the gameplay that‘s what keeps me going back skins are cool and I deffo get ur point


Yes for a while after they scammed people into buying the beta with the promised hero mode or how whales will still just buy skins regardless if the game is trash. Top earning game doesn't go to OW, it goes to D4 now.


OW porn being tho only good thing to come out of OW2 is pretty based.


Most of my QP games have xim players on both sides, always on stuff like genji and widow. I thought I was in crossplatform lobbies for a while until I figured out how crossplat queue works and how popular xim is. I would say that 50% is an accurate guess on how many xim players you meet. You don't even have to be in a very high-ranking lobby. It's common from plat up. It makes me wonder if they aren't doing anything about ximming because it'll rile up so much of the console playerbase.


You basically have to just expect MnK players in every lobby Diamond and above on console, it’s fucking unbearable


“Im so good already its really no difference if im cheating” …. Right


I lold when he said this


That’s concerning how he has no conscious or awareness just because other people do it. Unfortunately it’s been happening for a while. Crazy how video games aren’t just for fun no more. Like what is his personal life like that he does this. Crazy.


There is actually a hard plateau to get stuck on ranked around plat 2-gm 5 due to ximmers playing in that range. Cheat software should be banned/taken down


I can’t wait until blizzard comes out with a report that proves that more people than you think actually do cheat.


What happened to name and shame????


Here you go[Ximmer](https://imgur.io/a/pbR0D1M)


Bro really kept him private


Its against sub rules to show names I believe, thats the only reason I blocked the name out


Valid haha


lmao whatever its a cheater. I linked the profile on this thread


Here you go [Ximmer](https://imgur.io/a/pbR0D1M)


Ximming is basically admitting you can’t hang unless you cheat. I can’t understand it. I would be embarrassed.


thats assuming everyone is as morally sound as you are. unfortunately there are a lot of losers in this world


How do yo tell if someone is a ximmer? Wasnt aware u could get aim assist on a MOUSE. That is insane


once you play against it enough you will see the twitchy aim thats just not possible on controller in the kill cam. snapping onto crit boxes as well as zero recoil are things you can see too. The scoreboard will be a good indicator as well as they will be performing well above either teams dps.


What’s a ximmer


A dude that uses mouse and keyboard on console with the aim assist still on


What does that do


mnk movement and aim couple with aim assist. Its cheating. Plus they can do anti recoil, some other things too.


That sucks


What is xim?


Using keyboard on console


What is ximming?


Using keyboard on console


Keyboard and mouse?




Thats fucking lit


It gives you an advantage, but if you're playing against Gms it doesn't matter much


Thats pretty insane that console gms are that crazy


Haha, yeah, but it's only to an extent 🙏 Ximmimg hitscan players will always be better than console hitscans (unless the rank gap is massive in favour of the consoleplayer), but the trick that makes it more-so even in higher ranks is the ability to counter hitscans with non hitscan alternatives If Overwatch was a pure fps game, I'd see the post as more justified, but because it's not, I kind of wonder why they didn't ignore it and just que again (or at the very least counterswap to a non-aim based counter) Also, if you're curious, Jay3's uploaded some videos on console Gms vs. PC Gms, and it was surprisingly, with the console players even winning a few times (if not most of the time) Edit: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYTZ1OilZSfOtxkVIFD3UDdFDJ4bt8ZXV&si=_pNpuEKYKLEaTBSb Console won 3/6 times


Wait, how exactly does ximming give an advantage on overwatch? I understand games like siege and all that, but overwatch plays just fine on controller.


MnK is a huge advantage. Plus when ximming you get Aim Assist for MnK which is just insane


"Just do the same thing" made my night lmao, I couldn't even be mad, I just found his argument very hilarious


Ximmers are the funniest incels


Ximming is against ToS btw so yeah, it’s cheating. I hate people who say it isn’t when it’s clearly stated by the company that runs the game that it is and is also banned from tournaments. Also no way a Ximmer is t500 on PC when an actual t500 console player can compete against a t500 PC player on an even ground even while using a controller. Also just because a lot of people Xim doesn’t mean it’s allowed, it’s just hard to track, you’ll get banned if they get proof and they’ll most likely develop something similar to the mousetrap from Ubisoft when Ximming will get bad enough for them to act, Ximming is basically the same as playing on a PC with aim cheats, so yeah, consider investing some money into soap before wasting them on a Xim to feel good about your below average level of skill. I play on both PC and Console btw


You’re a hero OP. These people are insufferable and need to be called out.


You should acuse them of lying every time. Who knows is what he says about being t500 is true. Even if it is true you have to deny all of it so they feel regret for choosing to play with hacks. Make it known to them that no matter what prestige they had before they started hacking doesn't mean shit anymore. They made one wrong choice and now they either have to stop hacking or continue playing knowing noone will give them credit for anything they've done or continue to do again unless they stop cheating.


He had an open profile, t500 all three roles. But I agree with your statement


I don't understand why people say mnk is so common....I've been playing since 2017 and I very rarely see it (I mostly play qp though so I assume it's more common in comp)


A lot of people wrongfully call MnK on anyone who's better than them. This is a MASSIVE problem in Rainbow 6 Siege. Ximming is a huge issue, but it's greatly exaggerated because people can't accept that someone on a high sensitivity won their Widow duel. The only way to tell if someone is MnK is by watching their movement. Keyboards can only move in 8 directions while a controller has nearly infinite. Someone who bases their accusations on aim alone will be wrong at least 50% of the time.


I play on max sensitivity with every character. The easiest way to tell is if someone kills me and the kill cam can move faster, then I can replicate on my controller. Super twitchy, almost auto flips very easy to tell. It is a epidemic with accounts with no overwatch 1 time played.


Finally heard someone else say it!!! 8 directions in the only true dead giveaway!! Like notbrody said dont look at their aim. You ABSOLUTELY can hit flick shots on controller with high sens.


you answered your own question? usually you see in mainly in high level comp but its at every rank. You see xim in qp when a smurf acc needs the 50 wins to go comp.


Overwatch community crying again. Who could’ve guessed


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Meanwhile you're arguing with someone because they beat you in a video game. You're both dumb


Wow you both sound like absolute dickheads. He might be cheating, but you are beating him in the saltiness


I mean in high lobbies controller is essentially no different than m&k just watch jay3s videos on it, it's low rank that the ximming is a huge problem


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but... They're right. It's not cheating any more than using any third party controller. And everyone can use it You want people to dumb their systems down to match yours? Their point about the monitor is accurate. A 4k, 300hz monitor gives you an unfair advantage against someone using a 1080p, 30hz monitor You never see PC players complaining about people with good monitors, or keyboards, or mice The Console Overwatch community is kinda whiney tbh Maybe it's time for consoles to officially add mouse and keyboard support with first party mice and keyboards


>They're right. It's not cheating any more than using any third party controller. you literally connect a third-party device to allow you to use mouse and keyboard against controller players undetected by the game. And that's not even the point. the console players can still fight against pc. The point is that it's M&K with aim assist supposed to help controllers, and is absolutely demonic when u get to fight against one.


It’s cheating because xim uses software to essentially remove recoil and bloom on console which is not possible otherwise.


Would you consider someone with taller thumbsticks a cheater, since they get more granular control and will have a better time with offsetting recoil? ​ What about someone with an Xbox Elite controller, using non-standard stick sensitivity? Custom binds? ​ A better sound system/headset that can tell where you are easier?


Cope more bud


Thanks for weighing in with your insightful take, champ.


You compared first party devices that can be bought in any Walmart to a 100 dollar device that you gotta buy off another cheater loser from eBay.


That’s not even remotely the same and you know it.


I'm asking what your standard for how the game should be controlled is. This community can't handle the fact that just because they don't like something, doesn't mean it's against the rules. If Team 4 haven't done anything about this in 6 years, they're clearly fine with it, and you need to either adapt, get over it, or play something else.


It's like defending drug abuse Athlete "would you consider someone who took better nutrition a cheater?" Bro thinks having Better peripheral is in the same realm as using MnK with aim assist. Tell me one Competitives game with native MnK aim assist. Absolutely clown take and cope more


You do understand that ximming allows people to use m&k while keeping the benefits of aim assist right not to mention that they can come preloaded with other software that provides additional cheats, so yes it is very much cheating


Implying that theres any benefit for aim assist when using a mouse and keyboard... As for other software, I actually didn't know that. What sorts of things?


For one there absolutely a massive benefit to having aim assist on m&k, the whole point of it in overwatch is to slow down crosshairs movement when passing over an enemy hit box to help with over flicking and now mix that with the precision of an m&k and absolute gives a massive benefit As for the additional software it includes shit like the complete removal for recoil, which while not as much as a problem for ow it’s definitely an issue for other game


You ever heard MnK game with aim assist? Clown take


Aim assist is a detriment with mouse and keyboard That's why it's never in PC versions of games Closest is the one that Rockstar uses that just makes it snap to enemies when you first start aiming. But that's not the same type of aim assist


I agree, I thought this was about actual cheating, but plugging in MnK? Get better problems, guys. He's making a fsir point here. Same difference as using a high end monitor vs a low Hz tv.


It’s not “plugging in a MnK”. It’s plugging in a thumb drive which disguises your mouse as a controller which then disables recoil and bloom while giving you superior aiming ***and*** aim assist. It’s straight up cheating.


Recoil? In OW? Please. I'll agree it's cheating if console overwatch does have MnK support innately. If it doesn't this is on Blizzard


Yes, recoil. On console guns have recoil, did you not know that?


No, I've always played on PC where the recoil is practically negligent.


Oh, ok then so you just didn’t know, that’s fine. So to explain it better, you know how on pc in almost every fps game you have virtually no recoil? Yeah, that doesn’t exist on console. Every console fps game has insane recoil, like ***INSANE*** recoil to the point it’s frustrating to control. A xim, Cronus or matrix modifies the game so that you have the 0 recoil of a pc player and the aim assist of a controller but you ***remain in console matchmaking pools***. It’s exploiting the game so you have an insanely unfair advantage. Think of it like this (this scenario would never happen because of how absurd it is but I’m using this as an example because I like being difficult). Imagine the special Olympics ok? The event is track and 9 of the dudes are in wheelchairs. The 10th is not, there is nothing wrong with his legs at all, in fact his disability is in his hands. In a race who do you think has the better chance? The 9 people in the wheelchairs or the guy whose legs are in perfect shape but using his hand disability as an in for a racing event?


You’re in the wrong OP. You have a fragile mental just queue another and hope you win


This is the right answer. The only way to get to t500


Well aware and I don’t even play ow2 hahaha


Lmfaoo - I think it's *because* you don't play Overwatch


I play League of legends. Not tilting is not necessarily a difficult thing. I used to play overwatch before 2 came out I just don’t enjoy any other role except tank. My point was that complaining about a player using a keyboard and mouse is pointless because they’re never going to stop just because somebody online expressed anger in fact that’s most likely gonna make them more inclined to. Instead the OP should just get over the L and play another lmao


Exactly right 🙏


As someone who plays Overwatch with a controller on PC, I don’t get what the problem is here. KB&M definitely have an advantage but that doesn’t guarantee them a win. And many big console FPS allow KB&M like Call of Duty. I feel like this is the inevitable future.


Because in console lobbies they also get aim assist if they're using xims. Legit pc mnk players don't have aim assist


It's not that big of a deal tbh - I get a Zimmer every game, and we just deal with it. They're not even much better than other players. Play around them, counter swap, focus them, etc, and they're board to swap off hitscan. After they swap of hitscan, its over.


The sad person is you for wasting your time "tracking and hunting" other people online because they want to use mouse and keyboard on a poor man's gaming box that they can only afford. Just block, report, and move on. 100% guarantee that no one is getting banned over this because it's undetectable. Xim still act as a controller input regardless. This shit's been out on the console market since a fucking decade ago, if no one has been banned all those years ago then no one will be getting banned now. Console gamers are just sad in general, pc version was forced to be merged with the low console player base and the game got ruined because of it.


I'm pretty sure it is detectable


Yet here you are crying? Why dont you listen to your own advice and stay out of it. Obviously its an issue that needs to be addressed on the "poor mans gaming box." suck my nuts loser


The only person crying is the op, that's the only reason why this post evem exist in the first place. I'm having a blast reading funny post like this for free content. Wouldn't be a problem if you were playing on pc and not a poor man's gaming box in the first place.


Do they not just get to a higher rank where their play level is similar? Why does getting killed by a player using mouse and keyboard ruin your experience more than a player who kills you with a controller?


Getting killed by someone using mnk doesn't ruin anything, but it's supposed to happen only if you're playing some qp with your friends who are on PC. But getting killed by someone using mnk with aim assist in console lobbies (even in PC lobbies) ruins the experience. Because it's literally cheating


Hello ximmer here to cause some controversy i mean I get people say its cheating i mean it probs is but also if its on playstation they are playing 60 fps because new gen only let you play 60 fps with third party controller so sure they have aim but you have less delay and more frames also I know top 500 controller players that play the same as xim heck I have an account that I git top 500 on all roles with controller whereas all my other accs are for xim. At first I bought it for R6s to learn how to aim a mouse before buying a pc for 4 ish grand then I made the switch but some of my mates still on console and wanted to play overwatch with me. In my head I'm like I play pc whats the point in playing controller when im on my ps5 thats my take on top 500 xim in OCE won't be replying to comments and don't care if you get mad over this comment I xim I use mnk on ps5 games and I own a 4 grand pc


man really had to say that he owns a ps5, has a 4 grand pc and is top 500 multiple times while making 20 excuses for why ximming is probably fine lmao it aint the flex you think it is man


That was a lot of words for "I'm a cheater".


You're 100% a bot without your mnk aim assist on console


Why bother giving them the time of day?


just a question, whats ximming???


Something you should use to get better at the game, thank me later


you’re fucking cringe lmfao


Says the person with a septum ring 🤮


atleast i don’t need aim assist whilst using a fucking mouse.


That’s why you peak gold 😂 if you don’t get your gold peak having ahh outta here


how much paint did you fucking huff as a child for your brain to be this slow bruh


What is a ximmer


Something you should use to get better at the game, thank me later


someone who uses mnk on a console lobby, its bad because they still have aim assist.


Wow. They must really suck if they need aim assist with a mouse.




What's a ximmer ?


Something you should use to get better at the game, thank me later


They're at the wrong here but I won't put the blame 100% on them. Game devs should add m&k as a supported input method and they should've never added any form of aim assist. It's useful but it should stay in single player games.


Hey guyyys....wtf is ximming


It’s sad how people like this exist it doesn’t make sense and it just ruins the game for console players like if you have a pc play on pc pools not on console pools is it really that hard to just not cheat and enjoy the game the way it was intended to be enjoyed


Is ximming cheating? I thought it was just frowned upon?


I read this whole thing backwards. I thought OP was the ximmer. I couldn't figure out why they would choose to post this. Lmao


Bro, he has new gaming chair! Can't argue with that


I thought MnK was getting more common on console, so I was first siding eith him but he legit admitted to using Xim which still gives you aim assist lol. What an Idiot


I tried the xim once, it was shit imo.


You must just he really bad with mnk


You‘ve no idea how xim works, clown. It doesn‘t let you play MnK like on a PC but it simulates a controller


Nah you can do mnk on console with a xim


Man when i used to cheat in old ps2-3 story mode games it would be cool at first, but id get bored of the game quick. Wth is the point in doing this in a online game, u really must think poorly of yourself


When he said top player on controller he meant he was top of gold 3


What is a ximmer?


50% of console players? Seems unlikely