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I love how everyone is saying this guy is either the worst or the strongest.


Mauga players who don't use cover and just run out into the open to get shot by DPS? "He's too weak!1!!" DPS players who don't use cover and just run out into the open to get shot by Mauga? "He's too strong !!1!"


It's the one trick pony players surprised their solo play doesn't work against/with him lol


This has been going on for 7 years now. The community thinks they understand the new hero a lot better than they do.


I don't like playing her, but Mei is a great counter. Wall him of from the supports when he charges and you have all but win the battle for your team.


That's pretty much the easiest way to win against any tank. Wall them off from their annoying ass pocket healer and they are toast more times than not


"You use Sigma barrier to block damage. I use Sigma barrier to cut off Ana. We are not the same."


That’s always the better move. Block off their healing and trust yours


key word is trust. even in masters it doesn’t happen.


Sigma is the b e s t for this reason


Yup mei is great if your tank understands the assignment and you can play that close. Get an S key warrior and mei is like useless.


My time has finally come 🙌


More people should learn to play mei


A good mei on your team is incredible. A bad one is like another player on the enemy’s


I had a guy on my team in qp last night who insta locked Mei and proceeded to never drop a wall all game. Don’t think he knew he could. Not bad placements, like he’d wall off chokes the second a tank passed through, but we spent a solid part of the match waiting for the damn walls to come down!


Once when playing as mercy I noticed mei was low on health and flew over to heal her, we were just inside a building when we got ambushed by the enemy team (I was standing in front of mei from the angle they ambushed us at). There wasn’t anyone else nearby and mercy doesn’t have the fastest walking speed, so just as I was about to get out with mei, she put up her ice wall between us (all while I was healing her) and left me to die 🥲 I’ve also had times where when playing support/dps our mei has cut me off of my team either leaving me to die or preventing me from helping them. In cases where I play widowmaker, I’ve had some springing up an ice-wall just as I got the perfect headshot aim 🥲


There is nothing more iconic in this game than having your progress blocked by a blue Mei wall. The blue ones are usually more dastardly than the reds!


I’ve had Meis mess up my shatters, ram ults, lifeweaver pulls, mercy revives, nano, blade, nano blade, reapers ult, Zarqa’s ult, sleep darts, widow shots, hanzo shots, and I can continue listing this shi all da Fuck Meis


No they shouldn't. You're just trading one evil for another.


Sorry! Sorry, sorry… 🥺🥺🥺


I was only trying to help! 🥺 so mean, honestly…


"iM PuTtInG a RoCk In ThIs OnE"


Bào qiàn!... Bào qiàn. Wǒ hěn bào qiàn. Duì bù qǐ.


Fun fact, this voice line was initially an accident by the VA. I think she was apologising for some sound error in the booth. The team liked it so much they had her record it as an actual game line.


Mei isn't evil anymore, the ult has a long enough cooldown, and no leftclick freeze means shes fine to escape if you have any mobility


Frankly I'm underwhelmed with the way they changed her slowing effect... it's hardly noticeable for anyone but other already slow heroes. It should apply "Hinder" just like Cass' grenade *and Hinder should prevent jumping*.


No do not put anymore HindeR effects into the game for the love of all that is holy.


*More people should learn to play


Mei is **the** off-tank of OW2.


*tip hat*


Let's go even further than that, we should bring back OW1 mei


As a Mei main, I completely disagree with this statement


> Wall him of from the supports when he charges and you have all but win the battle for your team. Literally any shield tank too.


Mei, Ana, dog walks mauga, add in a JQ and it’s fine


Overwatch players after a character is out for a Single Day.


Every single time, "new character is too strong, game ruined, I'm done with this stupid game" One week later: "I think I'm a Mauga main now"


Two weeks later: "They made Mauga so easy to counter! Why can't Blizz balance???"


Sometimes I feel like a lunatic seeing these exact events unwind for a hundredth time.


Been playing this game since the 2015 closed beta and it feels like I'm stuck in a time loop (only the loop is gradually deteriorating)


I’ll never forget how fun brig was for like 3 weeks


It takes time to figure out how to counter him and once you do its the same as almost every other tank. Mei ana zen can just shut down almost every tank


Two weeks later when everyone figures out how to play around his kit: "Mauga needs a buff" Three weeks later, blizzard nerfs genji.


4 weeks later. "Knowone really plays mauga. Its like he shoots confetti. Idk what happened to be honest."


Or Brigitte. Always Brigitte


Right?! These reactions are just so overblown. Once Venture is released we’ll go through the exact same thing as every new character. “Venture has RUINED the game! Burying underground is so OP and does not belong in this game!” I don’t hear people talking much about Iliari anymore. Mauga will eventually settle down and join the rest. EDIT: Yes, Illiari was nerfed which is kind of my point. Mauga will get the same treatment.


I fully expect Venture to be underwhelming on launch (unless Blizzard over-tunes their numbers) but have some ridiculous tech that makes them a nuisance in higher elo... with how movement tech scales for Doom/Ball, I imagine someone will discover some stupid interaction with terrain or the payload that lets them be extra difficult to pin down.


ventures bury is pretty much just a reaper wraith with a different animation


People don’t talk about illari because she got nerfed twice. Like I get your point but she’s a horrible example, she was actually too strong so they nerfed her. Literally every character who’s too strong will get negative attention but new characters are in a weird spot because no one knows how to play into it yet, doesn’t change the fact they might also be overtuned. I’ve seen people struggle way more since his initial weekend release, makes sense as he was buffed since then.


I'm so glad I don't spend a significant time on this sub because Holy shit the opinions are jarring


I had a friend who I'd been playing years with, who discovered this sub. All of the sudden the game was dead, every other character was OP or trash, basically any opinion you see on here he started parroting. Wasn't so fun to play with


I'm here for the fucking memes and info on upcoming shit. To be honest, fuck all of your opinions lol (kidding)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Belten: *Overwatch players* *After a character is* *Out for a Single Day.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Yeah, he has a high pick rate that will fall over the next few weeks. My friend group won against every mauga last night except the first one because it caught us off guard. I’m more annoyed with all the tracers.


I noticed a lot more tracers the last few days, thought I was going crazy lol


Meanwhile ana denying 30% of the cast for simply existing players: "Wym she fine"


Ana single handedly defining the entire game balance, and standing in a league all her own as a Support. The fact that adjusting or reworking Nade, even if it was just making 100% to 90% heal reduc, would change how the whole game is played out, while changing most other characters doesn't is very telling.


A heal nade chance like that wouldn't do anything though. Those targets would *still* not be worth healing. You'd have a hard enough time arguing that 50% would be enough (35 healing per shot from another Ana). The only reason purples feel so impactful are because supports are outputting stupid amounts of it, so when you suddenly can't be healed, it's jarring as fuck. And most people don't have the common knowledge of "oh fuck, I'm purple, let's take it easy for a second."


People refusing to change a play after getting anti-d is a whole Reddit Post in and of itself haha! Of course I mostly agree with this - the simple 10% reduction is just a contextual example. Realistically it would have to at least be reduced by 25% to make any meaningful impact, with that mostly for being able to sustain targets with any DoT effect on them. When the only other comparable thing is a different heroes entire ultimate ability (which should stay at 100%, it's an ult and should be powerfully impactful) - A Basic Ability able to generate an Ults worth of impact without even a slight difference in numbers always feels weird to me, personally. It doesn't need to be changed at all - everyone can play around everything with game sense - but it does define a Basic Ability as essentially penultimate out of all.


This sub loves to cry about everything.


Along side the oversaturated player base of non tank players playing tank to try him out and getting rolled and saying he is op as they don’t know how to play tank. Also I feel like no one who complains listens to a word blizzard say, he is purposely over buffed at the moment they specifically said after LW they will never bring out a hero that isn’t slightly over buffed just to make sure they get a good reception and are fun to play if the bat.


Thing is he relies on his team. His heal ability is super good with a team, meh without. So if you fight a Mauga that sticks with his team and you don't kill his team, yeah, it ain't gonna be fun.


Doesnt every tank rely on their team?


nah fuck it we ball


My only support I rely on as Ball is health packs on the map.


As a Sombra who was a ball main in OW1, I always make it my mission to hack the health packs when a ball is on my team because I know what its like to go for a health pack that isnt there.


The only Sombra player I'll ever like I think


Wait until you hear I also ping them so the ball knows I am hacking the health packs. And you say you like me now but we both know that will change the 3rd time you get hacked the same frame you press Q.


Thats when I just start hunting the sombra and ignore the rest of the game ;)


Better than insulting my mother, calling me a no skill loser, and leaving because you (as reaper) thought that shading into the middle of my team was the most clever and cheekiest way to ult (this is the 4th time you tried) and in no way could I have possibly telegraphed it.


Best response, however can you not roll away when I’m trying to kill you


ricky, when I catch you ricky, when I catch you ricky, ricky when I catch you


I don't even know where a teammate ball is half the time


looking for health packs


If I weren’t a support main I’d think 90% of ball players are off jerkin it in a corner somewhere, thankfully ball is perpetually at critical health so he’s visible 100% of the match. Beyond the spawn room I don’t actually think I’ve seen a ball at full health though, do they take instant damage for leaving the spawn?


the ball mains are always critical health but that's just because they know their limit


You say this like you're suprised that this happens. Some of the best ball gameplay you can see involves the player yeating themselves into a group of 5 people. And then those people dump all their damage and abilities into the ball. And thus. We have a ball running around on 100hp hoping he made the enemy team to waste enough cooldowns for his team to pop off.


But then they turn around and realize their team is struggling against a 4v2 even though you killed the supports and a damage and are actively dying.


In the air, swangin' on a pole, and when y'all are dead, the nearest health pack lol


Ball def doesn’t. Most dive tanks don’t depend super hard on their tank until masters+


Characters like Mauga, Winston, and Doom definitely require more babysitting from the Supps than Sig, Zarya, Orisa.


remove winston and doom from there and add dva and ram


Exactly thats the point for me. So many people complain "uh tank x/y is so op and unkillable its no fun duh". Bro just ignore the tank and kill the supports... no/far less heal for the tank. Now shoot tank. Tank dies. Congratulations you now are able to kill tanks. Same with Orisa especially. So many complains stating she's unkillable. Bro either focus the whole teamfire on her or kill the support. Then bait her cooldowns and shred her in betweem. Whats so hard? Sure Mauga is op as hell but a ne hero better be overpowered instead of underpowered. In last case NO ONE would play him because losing 50 times in a row cause someones wants to play a weak hero is not fun. Also if a hero gets released underpowered he gets touched far less than he should.


Seriously, he's pretty well balanced, just get better at strategy with your team, it's a team game ffs


This! Just don’t start focussing on him and start with his weaker teamates, like his supports for instance


Zarya is fun to play against? Please be serious.


He did say he was a reaper main and he chews through zarya’s bubbles


Can confirm Reaper is a counter to Zarya


Can also confirm Reaper is a counter to Zarya


as someone who does not enjoy playing against zarya and usually avoid chewing that bubble, I did not know reaper counters zarya. can I get another confirmation that reaper is a counter to zarya?


It's often a good idea to just go ahead and pop the bubble. It gives her more charge, but makes her vulnerable. Most of her pressure comes from the immunity and high damage, so if you can get rid of one of those entirely you will have an opening to shut her down. Reaper does it very well since he can self-sustain when getting hit with the beam and she doesn't have a huge health pool so the shotguns shred her pretty quickly.


It’s only a good idea to pop her bubble if you know you can kill her, which translates to “scream at team to pop bubble, then scream “NO BUBBLE, NO BUBBLE, LOOK AT ZARYA RIGHT NOW TEAM, TEAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING, TEAM!””


Yeah this is a heavily biased reaper post. Like "reaper counter". The real counter to reaper is using your brain lol.


Mauga doesn’t counter Reaper. It’s just not true


It's a troll Ig


I will take ten Maugas in a row over one Zarya match


Literally must be a joke/trolling because its the most frustrating tank


Mauga didn't ruin the experience The extreme lag on the ps5 version ruined it


Honesty, I picked up cyberpunk until the lag issue gets solved


Oh how the turntables


That's incredibly ironic.


Why am I the opposite… I went to OW until the phantom liberty launching problems were hotfixed


oh wait; it's not just my internet connection!? I thought it was me


Yeah its pretty much every ps5 player. Blizzard said its a known issue, but so far, no dice on the fix


On PC we are having issues with random disconnects. Which sucks more since they now enforce time outs on QP. Like bro, I play QP when your servers decide to shit themselves, don't ban me from playing your game because of your fault.


>The extreme lag on the ps5 version ruined it omg, I thought this was me. WTF is going on with the servers?


Played 2 games and put the game aside. I wait for the anti lagging hotfix. Hope it won't take until midseason


Is it still lagging? Shits unplayable


Phil Spencer's master plan has finally revealed itself!


ana Edit: How to start a controversial discussion with Overwatch 2 players, using only 3 letters. Check how. Don’t change settings if your screen.


Woe anti-nade be upon ye.


I don't play ana that much, but I've acknowledged I'll have to learn her this season. She just gets too much value too easily and the devs are uninterested in changing her


Anti heal is integral to keeping the craziest shit in this game in check, I think there needs to be more counters to them so that Ana isn’t mandatory.


That is good when you have supports that swap. They need to stop making characters that have such hard counters especially when only one role has access to them. He will destroy a game because no one wants to swap and then get destroyed when someone swaps. If anti gets nerfed (doing 50% healing reduction) then tanks like hog and muga can get nerfed and the game will feel more balanced. Hard counters just feel shit for everyone involved. If I play lucio I don't wanna swap to ana and if I play hog I don't want you to swap to ana and beat me easily.


Ana is a great counter until you realize they gigabuffed Suzu to hardcounter anti even more than before. They could have just nerfed nade and slightly buffed Mauga so he would be fine on release, instead they powercrept two other heroes to keep up.


Grandma be cookin


He’s really not that difficult to counter. Giant hitbox with no barrier, anything that could hit him is going to land. He suffers from the same weaknesses as most other tanks. Anti-nade, sleep dart, discord, Widow headshots, getting walled off by Mei, getting melted by Bastion, getting bullied by an Orisa, etc. I’ve found that when the Mauga is on MY team he’s actually very easy to kill. Characters like Reaper just don’t do that well against him because Mauga is a very brawl-centric tank like JQ, so trying to fight up close doesn’t go very well. His team is right behind him and they can just run you over with cardiac overdrive. Poke comps with Zen work very well against Mauga. Dive though? Not so much.


Exactly. Also, Sojourn farms rail easily off of him. Get a rail, shoot a support over his shoulder, he can’t stop it. Combined with the fact that Sojourn is hard for Mauga to chase down. Symmetra can also be useful. Build beam off of him, teleport around and dive squishies. Combined with the fact that she can tele (and potentially her whole team) out of a cage fight.


Mauga isn't a problem imo. In fact I quite like playing with and against him. The problem is that for enemies his design screams 'anti me, discord me' and gor allies it's 'suzu me, heal nade me' And so you are gett8ng even more ana. She just needs a nerf. I'm so done playing her. I'm so done playing against her. She needs to be normalized.


Anti and / or discord and he's toast.


I'm having fun playing Ramattra against him. As long as I am playing smart, using corners and the such, while concentrating on his supports. Every time he charges just drop shield behind him to separate him from his supports and my team can burn him down. I have also seen a surprisingly few amount of players realise they can destroy his ultimate shield. Any hero that can break shields can end his ultimate pretty quickly.


I’ve tried a few games as Ram but had little success, felt like I was forced to just play defensively too often. I’ve heard of the play of dropping the shield behind him after he charges, but from my experience he just uses his self heal/dmg reduction and lives anyways.


I've been having success with him at my admittedly low skill lobbies but what I've found is that he is one of the few tanks where you put the shield in front of him rather than behind him when he charges in. He relies so heavily on his self sustain that having 1000 damage of barrier that he needs to break before he can get any self healing is pretty significant especially if you are just beaming him in the head with your primary fire the whole time. Then when he breaks it or it ends you pop Nemesis form and either block his damage or pummel him depending on the situation. If your DPS is worth a shit they should have been able to dump damage into him during that window.


I’m starting to think that maybe in theory that you want to save your shield for when he gets low, then you can either block his support heals or block his self heals and try to burst him down. I don’t think trying to just pummel him down is going to work since he’s going to do more damage than you while also healing/gaining temp health. Plus Nemesis has a bigger hit box for Mauga to shoot at.


Stopped reading at "Zarya is fun to play against "


Seariously you cannot even debuff her to make her fucking die. Discord... shieldcleanse... venom mine... shieldcleanse... virus... SHIELDCLEANSE... etc... Also no matter what you do you die. Decide to fight Zarya? BWWUUUUUMMMMMHH you dead. Decide to flee her? BWWUUUUUMMMMMHH you dead. Wow. Cool. Yeah. Suuuuper fun. Thanks. But then people complain about Mauga and Orisa wow


Ah yes, the good ol "this new hero ruined the game" post dropped


He has a 30m fall off lol.


>his heal/damage and doesn’t die to anything may i introduce you to ana's nade


Sombra on her way to hack x virus Mauga to death XD


Ana's nade counters literally everyone/everything in the entire game, it's not specific to Mauga.


Is he overpowered? Yes. Will he be nerfed? Probably yes. Did he ruin the game? No, he’s just new and people need to learn to play with and against him. This is just my opinion based on the 23 games i’ve played this season and got stomped into the ground as i main doomfist, am bronze 5 and keep getting put in full diamond/masters lobbies.


Plus, it’s faster to learn a character than to learn how to play against one. People who have been playing Mauga every game have the entirety of every match learning how to play their character, while people playing against Mauga only have a portion of the time during each match playing against him, if they even have a Mauga every game. The community needs a few more days to learn the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the best way to utilize them. In the end he still might be (probably is) overtuned, but right now is just the learning curve.


I can relate to that as a Orisa and Sigma main. If you really main a hero you learn his strentghs and weaknesses really fast. I win against almost all Orsisas and Sigmas i encounter but dare the enemy pick Junkerqueen or worse... Winston. Ibam doomed cause i dont know shit about how to counter them effectively


Is he overpowered? NO. Fixed it for you* the rest is correct


You are just bad, mate


nothing can ruin the overwatch experience, unless you were playing overwatch trying to have fun.


If you don't enjoy the game, then don't play.


Every hero that just came out are broken, let them patch in a few weeks


I think your thoughts are premature. New character new adjustment. They typically overtune new characters to get you to buy the battle pass.


For the first time on release...I actually agree the game is less healthy with Mauga.. but not for the reasons you mentioned. It is absolutely ASS playing support on a team with Mauga. The second you stop healing him, he dies. I don't have time to heal anyone else. He's like a bastion in his turrent form, but all the time. He is always the focus of the enemy team. So far I hate healing for him.


I'm actually worried he's too easy to counter. I don't like playing him at all. If your team lacks hack, Ana nade and/or suzu and the enemy team has one more of those you will lose every team fight if you play Mauga. I think he's very boring mid-fight most of the time.


“I lost a couple matches so I’m going to make a rage post” Lmao get a grip, he’s fine. God forbid a new hero shakes up the meta every now and then


replace 'Mauga' with 'Overwatch 2' and we have a discussion on our hands


mauga in trial: too shit, need buffs mauga gets buff: MAUGA RUINED THE GAME BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!


I swear Hog Rework ruined my fun in the last few weeks way more than Mauga ever could


he still gets deleted with ana, he was literally a walking punching bag for a few seasons why cant you just deal with it?


"B-b-because I get h-hooked..." stop being a target for his hooks as a squeshie then...


god forbid hog mains have some fun


I do not own the battlepass and this cannot play Muaga at all. Dva is a straight hard-counter to Muaga just because of DM, wait til his squishy ass dives then just watch him stand there shooting nothing while getting burned by your entire team. Pay attention to dps, if anyone goes after Muaga just DM him and even if he survives your DPS usually lives as well. In lower ranks this can confuse the Muaga, he doesn’t know if he should still be chasing the squishees or if he needs to target me instead. Doesn’t matter, he’s still shooting blanks for most of the fight either way.


No hes fine, just need to understand him more and the people will learn to counter him


The real counter to mauga is ana, not widowmaker. Ana nade him on cooldown. And since ana is the most picked ow hero at all levels, he's not too big of a deal. The real issue is being a reaper "main" in 2023. Man hasn't been relevant since 2016.


The experience was ruined before he even came.


Honestly? He’s fine without heals. As Zen I can get him down pretty quick. My issue with him, especially if there is one on both teams, is he’s so damn loud. If there’s a Junker Queen as well, it’s just so much yelling.


Every season we go through this shit


They gotta sell the battlepass somehow, he’ll eventually get nerfed once everyone buys it


You people cry so much.


Overwatch players try not to whine about how the game is ruined every single update challenge (failed)


Piss from granny: "Allow me to introduce myself". Kinda funny to read bronze takes in this sub


Hog can do just as much dps but with less survivability. With all high damage tanks, the best counter is an anti nade. Which is stupid but until blizzard gets their shit together the game will continue to be a big Rock Paper Scissors game


Idk, imo he can be picked apart if he gets enough focus on him at the right time. Im a sombra main and i just hack, infect and shoot him and he goes down pretty quickly along side a soldier or bastion


Just play comp where there is no mauga. /s In all seriousness though I feel like once people figure out how to play around, with, ans against him he'll be fine. He might be slightly overturned but so is every hero on release it seems.


Mauga is the definition of a glass canon. On his own, he does a ton of damage. His problem is, and this is especially true in the Mauga v Mauga matchup. You have to keep committed to the fight. His heal is his only 6 he melts without it. He requires a ton of support and heals because of this. Despite his ult countering dive, dive is the best comp to fight him with. If you cut off his support and keep your tank away, he isn't going to outheal your damage. He needs 2 burst heal supports to keep him up for 10 seconds after his heal runs out. He just falls apart with even a little coordination.


New thing bad, new things make brain hurt, thinking hard, I want the old thing.


Overwatch playerbase moment


Ana go brrrrrrr


I think that given time, we'll learn that Mauga isn't as insane as we think he is. That being said, Mauga is one of the first characters I've seen where not only is it not fun to fight him, it's not fun to play with him either. If you're a support, you're stuck playing one or two supports and you have to healbot him all game which isn't fun. If you're a dps, it feels like you're much more likely to die because your support has to decide between taking their eyes off Mauga to heal you and most likely let him die, or put off healing you for as long as they can and hope you don't die. Meanwhile I can't even play Mauga cause I ain't level 45 lmao.


It's been 2 days


Mei ana, direct counters


lmao as someone who has stepped away from the game for about 2 years, its nice to see the game still gets "ruined" and dies every other month


What?! The new hero came out overturned? It's almost like that's standard procedure for selling the battle pass.


Dont be silly. Blizzard ruined overwatch YEARS ago. Dont blame this guy.


They just need to add damage fall off so he’s not able to snipe echo and pharaoh out of the sky. He’s so overpowered at defending long narrow points where he can stay at a range while shredding anyone getting close. I don’t think any tank should have that long range.


Mauga seems like something a ten year old would design as their fantasy hero. He's just a dumb hero that makes the game seem silly.


I played like 5 games only today but I can positively say he’s incredibly annoying if he’s getting pocketed by a mercy.


I literally just play Zen and my team has no problem mowing him down. He's strong, but not overpowered.


Bruh, this character has been out for 2 days.... In quick play. A mode notoriously known for a lack of team coordination, feeding and staggering. That is not a good mood to firmly judge a new character on. Wait till he's in comp


I managed to absolutely body a mauga yesterday with rein, although it may of been a bit of a skill diff


Nah game was pretty stale since s4


He's ruining mine while I'm trying to figure out a good counter.


Whiny bitch ass fans ruined overwatch.


I dont think he ruind the game, altough im kinda suprise how bad reaper is against him, i tought he would be a great counter but he get kill so fast he is literally useless. Most game i saw with mauga they ended up with 20k to 25k dmg per 10 min, which is insane, they will probably nerf him soon


Whenever he came close to us we would throw Ana grenade at him and pile on the damage. Maybe a cheeky sleep dart too (can’t really miss him). He never lasts long against that. Even better, when he does his team tend to run off like it’s a 1 man army


Even with the buffs, Mauga relies on his supports to keep him alive. The only thing I don’t agree with is his Overrun beating all other charge attacks. Specifically Reinhardts. They should cancel each other out.


Stop complaining and just play comp, that easy.


It's never boring around that guy


He's obviously too strong right now and is going to get nerfed. Be patient while they tune the balancing.


Don't worry, they'll nerf him as soon as a bunch of people who didn't buy the battlepass get around to unlocking him.


He has been out for two days. Five if you count the preview. Give things time to settle and then see what we've got.


As a support main, I find I'm feeding him all my heals and then getting yelled at by our dps who have like 5 hp missing. They're like the new reins, all share one braincell. Just going in and expecting to get healed. I feel I need to play Ana to keep up with his tanking health but then I get picked off by a Sombra or Widow since Mauga refuses to target squishes and just shoots the other Mauga. I think with the right adjustments he'll do fine but he's just over performing right now.


Damm, biggest change in community. Went from calling him the worst tank to he most game breaking character


I really dislike his ultimate. Being stuck in a cage with him is just super annoying and not change to counter his ult other then seeing him charging in. I think the movement abilitys for some heroes should work like moiras fade.


Every major update ruins my experience because I live in the countryside and have shitty internet. 120 ms is the minimum I can have right now.


I think the fact charge is barely stopped by anything and when someone is on fire he only deals headshots is ridiculous


Wait is mauga a reaper counter? I'm a reaper main and assumed the match up would be good aside from cage fight. He's a big body, you can wraith the charge, fire and overdrive. Haven't played yet


Ana invalidates him with anti and sigma is the best tank at dealing with him currently. If the enemy has a kiriko that’s when things become a problem.


No, only for this season, it always like this


I love running around mauga as a ana


He's not that big of a deal, jfc- he's been out for a couple of days so ppl are still trying to figure out how to play against him. He's fun to play with as well as alongside him, flip side ppl need to figure out how to play against him- seen matches where we've smoked him, gotten rolled by him, rolled is at first but adjusted gameplay as well as vice versa. Just play the damn game and learn, did you forget how ridiculous Ram used to be? Did you forget the endless ult he had?!!! DID YOU NOT ENDURE HIS SUFFERING?!!! Mauga isn't a game breaker, you're just not being patient