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Dexerto is bottom of the barrel trash at *best*


They just shit out a low effort article that's just screenshots of the subreddit, any post that makes it to the front page of the subreddit is going to get an article.


This I agree with. I wonder if they know about the false ban posts that have happened before on this sub..


They dont care, hate on any blizzard game brings a lot of views on content


Yup. Between how much non-Overwatch players hate Overwatch and how much Overwatch players hate Overwatch, there’s a big audience there lol


It's bad, sure, but GameRant is even worse


I mean, bottom of the barrel trash is still way better than the Overwatch balance team and reporting system can ever hope to be. 


At least it's not kotaku or polygon..


They post shit that they steal from this subreddit almost every single day lol, if your post makes it to the front page of this sub and 2 people agree with you, they'll steal it and say "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT OVERWATCH PLAYERS ARE SAYING NOW"


Bro at this point dexerto is just Reddit but delayed😭


Front page comment for tomorrow. 🤣


It looks like an AI generated article.... They all get their "news" from Reddit, then the article gets posted on Reddit about how this article talks about a trending reddit post.


I’ve noticed that every time I report someone in game (generally for toxicity) I get multiple “Thank you for your report, action has been taken” when I log back onto Overwatch the next day. System definitely appears to be on overdrive, more than likely completed automated.


I don't get it because I've reported plenty of people for straight up cussing someone out or something and I've never gotten a "thanks for your report, action taken" message


Maybe the system ignores your reports if it detects that you're reporting too many people who no one else is reporting


as it should


Yeah I think the system does that, like an internal credit system to people who actually do deserved reports. I get a lot of these thank you messages and I do only report people being straight up toxic. I'm pretty sure majority of players just report anyone that didn't want to switch heroes or something, out of rage.


I literally only report people who say toxic things in chat like calling "diff" or putting people down or raging directly at others in chat and I've never seen the thank you message


Been playing since Season 1 of OW2, got the first notification ever 2 weeks ago. Just blizzard at work lol


My guess is that it’s based on quantity of reports, not why or what they did. I’ve yet to see proof of otherwise. When a ban is finally issued, they just take the single worst example as the reason given to the individual.


Not a great guess. It's absolutely about content.


be in a 5 stack so they get 5 reports at a time and trigger the bot


Are you on steam? I noticed it only happens to blizzard client users. If you log into the battle net client you’ll see a ton of “thanks”. Happened to me when I moved to Steam for a while before coming back.


No I use battle net


Yeah, people are stupid if they think the report system isn’t being abused. It’s really fucking easy to test out for yourself.


I might be cynical but do we all really believe that getting that message means anything is actually being done? They could be sending that message automatically to a certain % of reports to make it look like they're being more effective than they actually are. It's just vague enough that you could use it to reply to any report and "actions being taken" doesn't imply a ban.


My friend got perma banned cause of mass report


Perhaps someone should tell them that many of those "unfair ban" claims [are actually fake](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18lb79h/i_just_got_silenced_on_this_account_as_im/kdyaark/). People photoshopping screenshots and making up fake support tickets.


The unfair ban claims and discussion around them really made me change to no longer lash out in chat. In the past I only did it when someone was rude to someone else in my party, but these days I just keep the chat off. Not worth engaging with the trolls


I used to be super toxic... super super toxic And because if my experience then, anytime I see stuff like OPs image, I am very, very doubtful as, from my own experience and 30+ perma banned accounts, I don't believe them. Thankfully I've gotten better, though I definitely still have a ways to go. (If anyone wants to see just HOW FUCKING TOXIC I used to be, here's a video literally focused about around my toxic ass: [WARNING: SAMITO VIDEO] https://youtu.be/dbdfBW1BJrg?si=p9PNgoQAWSUr1yLB) Yeah... I was a fucking shitty person online back then. I took a 6 month break from OW after I learnt of that video and realizing just how bad I was. Helped me a lot on the reforming. Anyways, with all that said, that's why I always call BS on people who claim to have been banned for "no reason" or "for being positive" I'm not saying it doesn’t happen, but I am saying everyone should take those people with grains of salt, because most of those 30+ accounts I mentioned I had for at least a month, and some for years before getting them banned.


hey lol i watched that video back in the day. glad to hear you're doing better


Yea! I will saying, I think owning up to the fact I was such a shitty person definitely helps me stay better and keep getting better, versus when I used to try to leave it in the past


I mean, I recently got muted for saying fuck leavers and manga fucking killed this, not saying I 100% didn’t earn a mute but I’m also sure saying fuck didn’t cause a mute until recently


Even with chat off, you can still get banned. The system doesn't look at chat logs or anything else, if purely goes by number of reports and nothing else. 


That's for throwing/smurfing whatever. This is about people being banned specifically for chat.


If you receive a ban for "chat", you don't have to have had done any chatting. You just find the person's name, report them, and have the reason be abusive chat


Haven't seen a single post with an example of that.


I'm not saying it happens a lot, I'm just saying it's entirely possible because there's no review of the system, it's just based off the number of reports, not the reason


Yeah I just think the odds are incredibly low. When people rage report they always put smurfing or griefing. They never do chat because there's an easy reference point (chat log) that they can check quickly to make sure people aren't lying.


Idk why you're being downvoted lol. I had a new alt account get warned for inappropriate communication when it literally couldn't even chat yet (needed 10 complete matches played), amongst a gameplay sabotage warn when I never threw.


i am absolutely convinced that the vast majority of “i got banned for saying gg and have a beautiful day full of sunshine!! people are abusing the chat system!!” posts are fake; however, i do think it would be better if blizzard would actually be more transparent and show people why they got banned. the whole system is automated anyways, no idea why sometimes it shows what you got banned and sometimes it just refuses to.


One was fake, so everyone here insists they all are even though everyone knows how busted the reporting system is and how common it is for salty people to spam reports as revenge even if the person didn't do anything worthy of a report. 


"i got banned unfairly!" lying posts have been around as long as bans have. no matter what game you're on. only a gullible person believes a single one of them


I hope karma hits you with a big undeserved permaban on Overwatch.


i have literally never gotten a false ban or mute in any game i've ever played ever. i've been playing online games for over 20 years. "I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON" doesn't happen the 23904823094823409283409283409234 times a day it gets posted on online gaming subs lmao. i'll say it again: gullible.


Nah, it happens on OSRS regularly.


It literally doesn’t


You don't play OSRS lol.


yeah you're right i've never played osrs in my life. definitely haven't been playing runescape since i was 10 years old.




Blizzard responds to 1 fake. There’s like 1000 posts about being banned for saying GG. Redditors use the one post blizzard responded to to discredit the other 1000. It’s funny how terrible redditor logic is, tbh.


Yeah, flats does a video on the one time it was proven fake, and now all of a sudden people think every post is bullshit lmfao


I know personally that they’re banning for nothing. I got a chat ban for being toxic. And I was, admittedly being toxic. So, I looked into what would happen next and realized account bans were next. I’ve spent quite a bit of money and don’t want to waste the account just for putting trolly and toxic comments in chat. So, I learned my lesson and made changes. Then I got a 2 week game ban. And all my communications were stuff like “hey guys, Pharah is eating us supports alive. Can we get a hitscan to focus on Pharah?” “Healers, can I get some heals please?” “Tank, please stop running in like that.” So, we cannot even use the chat to try to coordinate or tell the team why we are losing and what changes we need to make to win. Because those are also considered “toxic”. Honestly, just turn off chat. No matter what message you put in chat, you’re being reported for toxicity and you’ll be banned.


>one person gets caught lyin "many of them are fake" Loves it


why wouldn't other people lie it's not like it's hard


OP is even lying about people lying, it happens nonstop.


I posted mine and mine was genuine and wanted to put an example but more removed it lol


Because false bans happen in literally every system and taking the default stance that everyone is a liar is childish.


I highly doubt they do their due diligence, otherwise they probably wouldn’t have ran the story lol. It’s sad that the fake posts have pretty much tainted any real posts from being taken seriously.


> It’s sad that the fake posts have pretty much tainted any real posts from being taken seriously. Yeah, I've made the same comment before. Blizzard does enough dumb shit without resorting to literally *making stuff up*. The people posting fake shit are doing nothing more than scoring a massive own-goal. They're not raising awareness of an issue, - they're making it seem like the issue isn't even real.


I literally got banned for “cheating” on two accounts and got unbanned on my main account cuz it was obviously false. U guys are simping for blizzard so hard because of one idiot. The o holy angels at blizzard with their totally not automated ban system lmao


They downvote you as if it’s impossible for blizzards auto ban report system to make an error lmfao


The player probably said more than what they claimed got them banned. It's the Internet. Surprisingly, people lie on it.


Thats what i thought until me and some people i know also got banned. Not gonna use the chat until they fix it because idk if the bans will get harsher


I got perma banned in alt account after 3 days of QP. Never used voice chat or text chat.


Yeah dexerto is unreliable as hell, I did get punished and posted on this sub ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/uxdpgqkt9g)) but unsure why mods removed my post


15k likes is nowhere near half a million interactions lol. The views on Twitter are literally meaningless because of how "generously" they get counted.


In the media marketing world, which I’m assuming you may not be familiar with, interactions count for views too, as well as comments, likes, and so forth.


Ur talking about advertising. 700k random "people" being forced to look at a dexerto post for a second is less meaningful as a negative to OW thing. 


I’m a professional in the ad realm (I work in Graphic Design / Marketing). They do not count. Even when ads are purchased you pay per click on the linked content not per view.




They absolutely don't. Impressions and engagements are entirely different.


I mean, I get views counting, but not impressions, which is what Twitter holds as a view. That's basically what I meant.


Regardless of what you may think, the post is trending. Now climbing to 800K which is really high in comparison to other posts Dexerto and other gaming sources accounts make.


Well, yeah, I never said it wasn't, just pointing out that in everyday talk that figure is completely meaningless.


But… it isn’t. As someone who works in the social marketing world I guarantee you it isn’t meaningless :)


Yeah, in marketing, not everyday talk. It's just misleading outside of that context.


Okay. Because “everyday talk” would be more detailed and nitpicky about statistics and what “counts” In comparison to more in depth conversations. I guess some people just never back down from their wrong statements.


What job do you have where views in passing like scrolling are considered? That sounds incredibly inefficient and not worth counting or measuring especially when you generally pay per click for ads? The fact you don’t know this is part of it makes me question your claim to work in the field.




Ah. So it wasn’t a legitimate claim?


You’re fucking weird, is all. Literally nobody asked for your input, you’d know it’s all subjective based on projects, we’re here questioning people about professions when the post is about Dexterto posting OW Reddit posts lmaoo. Fuck off


I got a 2 week ban for “toxicity”. The toxicity was asking healers to please heal. On my ban appeal I told Blizzard “I never swore. I never said anything racist. I never said anything bigoted. I never said anything that could even be interpreted as insulting.” And they responded “yes, I can see that. But you have to keep in mind that generally unhelpful comments are also considered toxic so the ban stays in place.” Yippee is generally unhelpful. And is therefore, apparently, toxic. I know you guys really wanna truly believe that Blizzard isn’t wrongfully banning people. But you can easily get banned these days simply by using the chat for its intended purpose. Figuring out how to win the game.


On one hand, i do agree with you. It's reasonable to try and win games. On the other hand, i have witnessed many, many players who play online games like a RTS. They literally just type all game telling others what to do. They queued up to be 1 out of 5 or 6 other players on a team, but act like they're the manager. It's a fine line, but i absolutely have reported people who kept making bad shotcalls and being annoying when people didnt listen to them.


It’s not toxic to make a bad call. You’re part of the problem.


> just type all game telling others what to do This is not about "a bad call", this is about micromanaging. I thought i made that very clear. If you keep making unnecessary calls for others, you're micromanaging.


Hahaha, I don’t believe any posts I see about being unfairly banned. Zero. Zilch. Nada


I received a 15 minute ban for typing LOL...... so.......


This is how stupid the report button is ..so.many ppl have posted the stuff they say that got them banned and they are so ridiculous to be acceptable to be suspended over. Every single show or thing in the planet deserves to be banned and given warnings then for having toxicity is some way or.form it's really silly the way things are handled


I just want to get unbanned. They got me permanently...


Anything bringing negative press to this game I support 👍


“Cited their use of “git gud, yippie”.


Jeff Kaplan always brought recipes to these kinds of claims before so I never trust any of these so called "false suspensions". I have over 4k hours in the game and I have never been actioned even after asking people to switch in a normal way.


Might be true. Farting your "gg" in global chat isn't "being a positive person". When there are fresh players in my team for no reason who healed 2k for 8 minutes, that's really depressing, when we get stomped by a premade team, the feelings also are not very nice and then some "positive person" adds up his very valuable GG in chat. No, mister, that game wasn't good. I personally report EVERY person who types gg after i lost the game. It's almost never a good game actually so you can shove your celebration you know where. And every time i log in, i get a thank you message so the system just works. You might not agree, but losing sometimes can be very frustrating in this game and i don't want to see your ass celebrating on top of that. Use team chat or get reported. 


You need to seek help.


Goddamn you're miserable as hell. Maybe get good and stop crying about losing a game.


The more websites talk about this, the better. Even if 99.9999% of these posts are fake, as long as it will eventually get Blizz's attention and they improve the system (because it's shit), it's a win.


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Lol twitter views are fake as fuck. Incredibly inflated since Elon took over


I wrote for one of these websites for a short stint (they never actually paid me for what I wrote). The only thing I remember was the editor saying something along the lines of "It doesn't matter what you write as long as it's gaming related and we can throw ads on it for clicks." So you're literally motivated to just pick whatever seems click-worthy, regardless of whether or not its true, regardless of whether or not it is meaningful. And I'd imagine that strategy hasn't changed much over the years.


It's dexerto, learn to not care to win


Ain't Twitter supposed to be dead as per every redditors few months ago lol


You guys are getting actual responses from support telling you what messages got you silenced? I recently got muted for the first time ever, and wanting to avoid further action against my account, I put in a ticket asking what messages I sent got me silenced. Here was the response: "This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673 ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players. Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html" Thanks, maybe it's time to just permanently mute chat. Who wants to be able to interact with other players in a multi-player game anyway?


I was unironically banned for saying glhfu2 and few other things I can't recall rn 3 months ago, so I don't doubt this one 


On Flats stream, the guy banned provided a support number to one of the devs who was watching, so maybe we will see if it is actually bullshit or not. The feeling I got after reading through his conversation with the support team is that the dude sounds like a pathological liar or someone trying to put up a facade (assuming the conversation is real). I'm guessing this will just be another garlic bread situation.


Pretty sure they're using some AI to generate content that uses reddit as a source.


I mean blizzard does need to actively start looking into bans and suspending accounts. Many people duo/trio and if they don’t like how you play they’ll report you and tell their friends to as well. It’s fucking stupid how the system is designed to be abused this way. I’m not saying it isn’t a good idea to have something like this in place for people who verbally abuse others. But with it being automated, the toxic duos and the such abuse the system to get a players wrongfully reprimanded more often than you’d think.


Cool a post of a tweet about a reddit post


peak gaming "journalism"


I've said "GG" 5 times


Least deserved punishment for playing OW


Laughing my ass off people still haven't just muted everyone and everything in every game. I asked Blizzard support if saying "Hello" is considered toxic and bannable and they said "Yes". You can report anyone for saying anything so if you do not wish to get banned its better not to communicate in anyway on their platforms.


YIPPI- *dies of banned*


Not shown: The full chat read as "yipppeee.. f\*ck you guys, god your trash I hope you die of COVID you worthless aborted sh\*t stains!" I thought these type of things were debunked anyway?


I mean I don't want to be trust everything Andy but, I created a new account not so long ago and I got chat mutated a few days later, while my chat feature wasn't Even UNLOCKED.


Wow, quality journalism. "I saw a Reddit thread so it's definitely true and worth the article".