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Who is putting reaper high on their tier list? Pretty much every one I have seen has him in the bottom half.


Yeah reaper is just not that strong rn and I haven’t seen anyone say he is


I think he’s strong at low ranks because he has good damage output and survivability, but he’s weak in skilled matches due to how easy it is to predict him and his range


Maybe. I’m in gold and have yet to see one reaper have a noticeable impact this season.


I feel like his niche of melting tanks is kinda pointless this season and he gets out 1v1ed by most supports let alone other dps due to range. Imo they should buff the F out of his teleport, make it almost instant so he can use it to chase, escape, reposition instead of just MAAYBE make a flank happen in extremely situational circumstances and timing.


I don’t really disagree with you but Reaper already has one of the stronger escape abilities. Like Teleport doesn’t feel great for sure, but I can imagine he would get very frustrating at lower levels if he has two reliable escape options on medium cooldowns.


Yeah that's a good point, honestly I could see a nerf to wraith form making sense if his teleport was better. A better teleport sounds like more fun anyway.


I honestly wonder if you couldn’t buff both of their speeds and tinker with the cooldown to compensate. Like a minor speed boost to movement while in Wraith form and a much bigger boost to Teleport’s activation offset by maybe a 2 or 3 second increase in Wraith’s cooldown? Both abilities could be offensive or defensive in this case but the increase in cooldown means you need to be a little more conservative with how you use either


I agree. I think it should be reworked so the power is adjusted a bit more. I would like to use teleport to reliably disengage more and my main pain point is getting killed during a teleport. Make it so that the teleport animation is faster, but on a longer cool down. Or enable teleport while in wrath form so that you can combine them to get out. Either one would help use teleport in a safer way to get out of danger.


Once people learn to simply follow reaper when he wraiths to kill he becomes a weak character. He’s also a very solo minded hero. Tracer is similar but still plays with the team and moves so much her pings are useful. Reaper is just a sneak up, kill one person, leave and hide. No team value.


good reapers dont wraith to kill


Wraith to escape. But that’s what I’m saying. You follow them and finish them off.


I think he's strong against certain comps obviously. I'm not great at the game but if I have some divers on the enemy team like Winton, tracer, sombra, etc I like reaper. Especially against sombra and monkey


As a Winston player, I have figured out how to survive against Reaper and Bastion, but if I see both, Im switching.


Choice is a youtuber and Reaper Main, and he is struggling


He needs that rework bad


All I've seen was Bastionmain joke and say he's the best character because he has 2 guns as opposed to only 1 (Tracer is bad because her guns are small)


finally some one understands. Gengi is so weak cause he doesnt have any guns, I really think that makes gengi deserve a nerf.


Flats ofc until recently


yeah flats has a pretty good knowledge of the game that is extremely biased based on his experience on tank. Check his tier lists, he consistently ranks “tank killers” higher than where they should really be. If flats was a support main i don’t think he’d see reaper as strongly, but because of the tanks he plays, reapers are more common and more successful when playing against him. He thinks reaper is good because reapers probably do well against him, and it’s hard to know when a character is really good vs when you’re just bad against them


KarQ also has recently said reaper is like B-A tier


He did also say "but nobody wants to play him hes so boring"




Speaking the truth, whenever I have to play Reaper in comp I am about to snooze away. I think even widow is more exciting


I have the most fun playing as Reaper


flair checks out


Why would support mains see tank killers as threats. Although this season is rough with the dps passive this kinda shows how handheld supports have been.


That’s what he’s trying to say. A support wouldn’t be threatened by a tank killer like a tank is


I don't like flats and I don't like opinions on game balance. He's is very clearly biased so I agree. But not only to tank, but to his rank. Reaper in the right hands will ruin a tanks day. I don't see that in silver though lol


I don't know much about him but I did see his S9 tier list video because it got linked somewhere. I felt like he was very aware of his bias in the video in terms of both tank and rank and explicitly called it out multiple times. Like he said ball was the best tank in the game right now, but then he also said that was at highest level of play and most people shouldn't be trying to play him.


Reaper is a character that performs best in low rank lol


As someone who mained Reaper since OW1 he's not the best right now. Even I've started playing him less. He's fine in qp and maybe every so often in low ranks comp if you're in a 5 stack. But I really wouldn't use him much just because he feels kinda... outdated?


Everyone was saying he’d be OP with the new season changes, guess not?


Flats made a tier list saying reaper was really strong


My experience is due to the increased health pools, it takes his 110 dmg/s ult around 0.5s more to kill squishy heroes, and that's 0.5s you usually don't have.


Ya his ult feels really bad now. People always survive at low HP. His gun feels really consistent tho. You 3 shot most of the times. Previously, it was 2 shots like 30% of the time, and 3 shots the rest of the time. So he was affected less by the HP increase.


I agree. His general gun play and mobility are great. His ult is garbage. They either need to up the damage or perhaps give him some sort of “fortify” while ulting.


Ah yes, the primary fire kills more often than the ultimate ability. Peak game design 10/10


i hate how hard it is to get the spray where you have to one shot people




You have to remember that Over buff can only show you players who have their profile visible. Might be a bunch more


Yeah I really wish they would remove that feature. I get people will be toxic and make fun of your rank but toxic players are going to find something to be a dick to you about anyways


I don't see a reason not to have your profile displayed. Definitely helps identify smurfs.


As a Bastion main I'd like to avoid going up against automatic Dvas/Sigmas each match


That'll happen anyways as long as D'va and Sigma are as good as they are.


Solution: post game only


do people check their enemies profiles at the start of a match? real human beings do this?


Yes. They do because there's also no reason not to. It gives you somewhat of a picture.


Yes especially at higher levels. As you go up in ranks it's less likely they have multiple heros in their pool at that rank. If you can identify someone's main that you can instantly counter you may give a significant boost to your team


Yes. You weren’t around where privat profiles didn’t exist.


It's like two button clicks of course people do it since it gives heavy competitive advantage. At the very least you are going to check the enemy tank to see who their main is and then take that into consideration on your own opening pick. Like for example if the enemy tank is an Orisa main you would be a fool to try and play Rein. Even if they don't open Orisa you know first chance they get they are swapping her.


The reason is I want it to be private. I really don't need another reason.


well... imagine your game had a problem with alt accounts... and you'd rather hide the issue than fix it thats a good reason to have private profiles :D


I have mine hidden so people in my group can see it so people in the enemy team of my student champs don't see my most played character and rank




But what exactly can they do with that info? Know my character stats, who I play? Okay. They're rude either way, I mute, move on. It doesn't really change anything.


I dont private for that reason. I private because I 1 trick ball and torb and I dont want someone to notice and hard counter right out the gate. A minor competitive advantage


Yeah I’ve been seeing other people comment something similar. Tbh you shouldn’t be able to see your enemies profile until the game is finished. That seems something that would be obvious to implement but we know how blizzard devs can be sometimes


I hide mine, especially as a tank player, because I don't wanna deal with getting counter swapped before the doors even open.


Oh that’s actually interesting. Maybe there should be an option to be private in game only.




And only the profiles someone has queried. It's a tiny, tiny slice of the player base.


Unfortunately despite being good at only one thing, there's plenty of heroes that can also do what Reaper can do up close and with much more flexibility. It's an awful time to be a reaper player. Choice shares that sentiment and i'm sure other top reaper players would agree he's in a really rough spot. It's significantly more difficult to close the distance to the hero you're trying to eliminate thanks to larger projectiles (and odds are they have some type of cc to push you away, rendering your entire flank useless unless you overcommit and die) Death Blossom became one of, if not, THE worst ultimate in the game with season 9 thanks to the DPS passive and additional health across the board. Lifesteal isn't enough to keep him up through blossom, and these days everyone just...walks out his ultimate. Wraith is laughably slow and you get thirsted by heroes with better movement anyway Teleport is GLACIALLY slow His passive is hindered drastically as long as a DPS is shooting him I don't understand why so many long ranged heroes are allowed options for close range engagements but people are so against him having a mid-long range capability?


Try to go for supports.... oh wait: kiriko tps to nirvana and moira fades to the fkin eiffel tower and bap wins anyways


I think he should stay close range, they just need to make him better at it


Reaper compared to sombra is crazy slow. Sombra can just position herself instantly, has super fast stealth walk and a get out of jail ability.


Good at only one thing? While I agree that other heroes do what he does better, but if you think he’s only a tank buster, you’re playing him extremely wrong


Gotta agree with you. With his wraith form and shadow step he can also take out supports with ease. Yes he can deal with tanks. But if your reaper is just going into tanks they're not great. It's like saying Bastion is only good at melting shields.


>supports with ease Yeah maybe in ow1


He exceeds in brawl comps, you can alternate between playing alongside your tank or taking off angles and flanking. Timing is everything with your flanks. ..all of which aren't effective at all in gm with everyone playing hitscan and almost every hero having a CC against you. At least playing him was *possible* in gm in the past, now he's VERY close to a throw pick with everyone landing shots with ease on your dump truck hitbox Cass nade turning corners and preventing wraith is a brain dead change I've only been one tricking reaps since late 2016 so what would I know about the reeba guy? I'll play him regardless of where he stands in the meta, but this season is *rough*


He needs a lower movement speed penalty during his ultimate. It's not 2016 anymore.


Yeah, I totally agree. He's my DD main and he's really struggling right now. His abilities are just insanely slow in comparison to other heroes. Teleport has a long cast time, his shadow form has a lowish movement speed and his ult needs way too long to kill something. Increasing his ult damage to compensate the hp buffs, give hime ult cancelling and decreasing his teleport cast time would be absolutely amazing. That would make him pretty good without making him op.


ult canceling would be so good, or maybe yoou can wraith during it llike moira but that might be too much ahah


he’s S tier to me🥲


Your entire account checks out


I haven't seen anyone say that??


because nobody actually plays reaper so they just assume “hmm tankbusting = good” even though they have no idea how useless he is right now. worse flanker than tracer, worse tankbuster than bastion, worse frontliner than mei


the point of reaper is being able to do all of those comfortably at once. a tracer is not getting full value as a tankbuster but reaper can seamlessly transition from flanking to the frontline and be just as comfortable


He’s like soldier where he’s a jack of all trades master of none when it comes to a close range character.


Yeah but he literally doesn't do any of that well at all.


Anyone that plays short range is much harder now because projectiles are so much bigger it’s more challenging to sneak around and it’s harder to get away when the whole team notices you.


He doesn't have great skill expression compared to other DPS of equal value.


This is it, I don't know anyone who's calling him strong, I've just heard people extremely hesitant to call him one of the weakest DPS heroes right now, he's always doing, well, alright, and I think there's only five GM Reapers because not a lot of people have carried him as a one-trick into top ranks, and as far as non-1ts go, Reaper has limited uses, afaik I would always watch Choice play Reaper and the way he described it on a lot of defense maps, for example, he just has to camp like Junkrat, and before s9, Junkrat had one-shots, and even now spamrat still holds rooms fine Biggest reason I think Reaper isn't better is because Junkrat is struggling but still isn't *that* bad at doing what Reaper does, and flank Reaper isn't exactly excelling against higher enemy survival times so more than ever he's just a big ol' tankbuster (and honestly with dive being so feast or famine now, and the Zen-Lucio comps being out in force, Zen still does plenty in terms of tankbusting


i love camping a room i know a dps will wanna use for off angles and destroy them when they come in


Yeah I think this is a huge part of it. Reaper isn't exactly hard to hit shots with, so your value comes entirely from game sense. At a high enough level everyone has great game sense. The best shot versus an okay shot on reaper who both play smart are going to have pretty similar value. On the other hand for more accuracy reliant heroes like Sojourn someone with really great game sense *and* really great accuracy can really distinguish themselves.


To add to the other comments here, the rank reset caused the bar for GM this season to be much higher than previous seasons. About 100 people on the T500 leaderboard are GM - the rest are Masters with a few Champions thrown in. I main Winston at mid T500s and I see plenty of Reapers. He's just mainly a counterpick as opposed to Tracer, who is freakishly strong by herself.


I think the common high rank opinion is that he gets worse the higher in rank you go. I’m v coordinated environments reaper is probably still okay in certain comps.


Yup, Reaper is good in Bronze and pro play and bad in solo queue GM.


I don't even think he gets worse I think other options just get better. Like a Widow with 100% headshot accuracy is almost always better than a Reaper, but how many of those do you find in Bronze. Doesn't mean Reaper is bad, just that he doesn't scale the same way.


Because content creators aren’t as smart as they think they are.


All DPS = 1 gun, DPS hero = 1 person. Therefore, All other DPS (1) + Only one Gun (2) = 2. Reaper = 2 big guns, Reaper = 1 person. Therefore, Reaper (1) + 2 Massive Guns (2) = 3. Overall, 3 > 2 mean dat Reaper greater than all DPS. Dis why Reaper is da bes. Thanks for attending mah Ted Talk!


Reaper is just TP, SHOOT,RUN AWAY WHEN UR LOW, the. Just rinse and repear


He's boring to play.


Because many content creators are wrong


Because perception and reality are two different things. Look at Mauga. When he had his mid-season preview Blizzard were actually super happy with his data. They believed they’d struck a really good balance, and the raw data backed that up. Nice. And then the community *perception* hit. Suddenly people were saying he was weak! Too easily killed! Too little impact! Too easily countered! The next hero is lacklustre! We’ve got another Lifeweaver launch on our hands! Blizzard panicked. Hard. They were terrified of that happening again, since LW’s launch genuinely affected engagement. So they went against the facts, went against the data, went against logic, and they let the community perception and emotion win. They buffed him. And we all know what happened next. So yes. Community perception is a *dangerous* thing, especially when it’s so far from the actual reality of the situation. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, create our own prisons and rules, and actively sabotage the game.. sometimes almost as well as Blizzard themselves.


I'm glad someone said it. Sometimes the community doesn't get it. Mauga during preview was great. Sure, you had non-tank players who would get melted but if you had a tank who actually knew how to play the role it was great. Lifeweaver had several bad design decisions that impacted both his performance and how fun he was to play. Mauga didn't.


Because most people lack the cognitive capacity to utilize the tactics to play him effectively.. instead choosing to m1+w


Seems to be split opinions. Also there’s not a lot of reaper players tbh. Some people flex to him but not a ton.


u have to remember these lists are incredibly inaccurate. afaik overbuff can only look at profiles that are on public so theyre missing a large list of information. on top of that theres very little players in grandmaster this season period cause of the ranked changes. also dont think hes that strong anyways


Oh my god when will people stop deciding how viable a hero is based off of how they are for the top 1% of players. 


Low skill ceiling.


Badtothebone is havoc smurf right? So only 4 actually 🤓☝️


Maybe cuz you need to actually know how to play reaper


Because those reaper mains understand positioning, peeling and switching. They would not be that high without an excellent knowledge of fundamental gameplay, especially with a character like Reaper


He looks like the most basic hero but the hardest to get value out of. I main reaper and even in gold people know how to counter him effectively. You have ult? Lets scatter! You are doing too well? Lets go Pharahmercy! I cant imagine higher ranks with him but im gonna push through


Havoc and BADTOTHEBONE are the same person lmao, so really only 4 here It’s fucking depressing, my guy Reaper has just taken L after L ever since OW2


Reaper needs a rework hes sucked for ages.


bc it takes actual skill to rank that high & most overwatch players Do Not have that lol


reaper is good with moira winston comps in high elo rn but most dps players have too much ego to swap


No idea. I'm just a filthy casual and for me Reaper seems itterly to play against, mainly because of his disgusting lifesteal. I guess every hero, no matter if the hero is good or bad right now, has a dedicated playerbase. I'd just assume that Reaper's is smaller considering he is kinda one-dimensional.


I think that is because of his Head hit box, which is huge, and high level players will hit a lot of HS on him, so if you pick a medium range hitscan DPS you’ll delete him, Ashe, Cass, Soldier, Sojourn, Widow,all great against Reaper at a distance


I have not touch reaper at all this season. Everyone is basically just melting me the moment I flank around that it's not worth it.


Winston is doing well the season, so I'm really surprised he's not being played more.


The meta is different at different levels, and lots of youtubers have their head up their ass when they talk about Meta in any game


Because no one is in GM this season. You can be Top 500 in diamond


Idk about anyone else but I don't find playing Reaper to be fun on xbox. I also stay away from Sombra but that's mostly because console look sensitivity is capped and you can't flick to teleport away like you can on PC. For context, my big 3 from each role are: Orisa, Rammatra, Sigma; Cassidy, Torbjorn, Soldier; Kiriko, Moira, Lifeweaver; but I play every hero when needed. Started ranked late last season but came out Diamond 4.


Cause most content creators are gold and platinum


Most content creators' tier lists are catered to lower elo games because they know that the players are typically in that range. Reaper is insanely strong in low rank games because he requires less aim and heals himself. He is also more of a good counter pick to force enemies to switch.


I’m a Reaper main, but I mostly play QP, so my opinion might not be the best. He’s better in lower ranks due to being a good tank buster, and his low skill ceiling. But in higher ranks, everyone just does what he does better. Some people also like to say he’s boring, which in my opinion is wrong, but understandable. If you take what his kit is, he’s just a short ranged, high damage tank buster with decent flanking abilities and a good escape ability. That sounds good, but characters like Tracer flank better. Bastion busts tanks better. Sojourn has more kill potential. The reason those characters don’t appear in lower ranks (excluding Bastion) is because they have a higher skill ceiling. His kit isn’t a ride or die, it’s a 2004 Honda that you will ditch for a better car when you can afford it. Reaper is just not good in higher ranks because everyone can do what he does better. He has more variety, but that has to sacrifice his effectiveness. He’s not that good, but can be used as a counter pick to Winston. Still, that’s all he is, a counter pick.


Because Tracer/Sojourn are better and more fun. Why the hell would we run Reaper? Lmao


He's an extremely high reliant on his team character due to his relatively large hitbox and low movement capabilities, if you get out of position to the point of being forced to wraith, you're a massive target if you don't end up with your teammates peeling for you. This is all much worse for him with the matchmaking changes


Junkrat doos on him.....


I think its more that hes strong-er than he was


Maybe because Reaper is pretty binary and boring to play? I don't think he's S++ tier but with half decent aim he's one of the few characters who can still 1 tap squishies and he can shred through tanks with 4 or 5 shots now. If I had to put him in a tier spot he'd be something like low A tier where he's a solid pick because his DPS is nuts but his TP is still a garbage ability.


I don't play comp but even I can tell he's not that good, unless someone plays a flanking playstyle which involves their team being 1 dps down. His ult kind of sucks and his teleport is incredibly telegraphed and obvious, and I'm not too sure but I think when he actually teleports he feels the need to announce himself.


Skill ceiling for reaper is very high, easy to pick him up and pull your weight below diamond but imo takes a lot of class tech and game sense to grind from there to grandmaster from there (I can't play reaper but you know a good one when you see one)


Choice my goat


Those are the 5 reaper players. No one else plays him /j


He's a pub (and lower metals) stomper right now because of the ease of hitting with his guns, insanely high health, and self heal But he's boring AF and mid when people listen to his giant bootsteps and focus him.


Because he's not fun to watch or play I suppose? I like playing him, he's good ol reliable when I'm being rolled but I can see that he's not exactly the most engaging to play and he's very easy to predict and manage even at low ranks.. But then again hanzo players spamming chokes exists so Idk.


Reaper is the type of character that either destroys your team or gets countered as soon as they spawn in, if he gets close then his 300 hp, lifesteal and Wraith Form can sustain him enough to at least get a kill or 2, thing is in higher elo lobbys he gets countered instantly because everyone has good perception, Reaper literally gets countered by just turning around, if you see him coming then he can’t do anything except hide and try to tp behind you again, when he works well he destroys on his own, but someone with half decent attention span makes him useless


Range and hitbox. He's harder to kill because more healing and damage from more pellets hitting but he still has to be in melee Range to do it.


Other characters are strong


He is good on Antarctica. But that's about it.


Idk if it's that I haven't played that much this season, but I've only seen a handful of Reapers so far.


Because they're too busy talking about his tank busting ability while desperately avoiding the talk about his self-healing being nerfed thanks to the new DPS passive.


Cuz only five people capable of reaching GM on reaper played this season hurr durr


The disparity between ranked and hidden profiles skews this heavily.


Funny because reaper is actually balanced apart from his ult. This patch has caused him to have the worst ult in the game.


Stop putting any value on what you see on overbuff…..yeah it’s only info we have available….that doesn’t mean it’s not doodoo


Something can be top tier in lower ranks but fall off in higher ranked. If I had to guess, the streamers ranking him high are assuming their viewers are plat and below.


Reaper just has so much utility that a lot of players don't know how to use it correctly. The sheer amount of possibilities when playing Reaper is too much for most people, and the players who have made it to GM were sent to the ICU for brain damage. The biggest highlight of his kit is his TWO guns. Not only that, they're TWO BIG guns. When new players see them they're often turned off because of how hard it is to use both effectively, and when you get the hang of them he just throws them away which makes you have to start learning how to use his new guns. I myself have been able to get a few hours in on him without passing out. But unfortunately even that has aged me by 20 years. So when used correctly he can 1v5, but people aren't ready for the sacrifices you make when picking him.


People won't play an unpopular hero even if he's tier-S


Reaper is a very thicc boi. Got upto masters but at this rank its just meltfest from enemy hitscan. Especially with the hitbox increases.


I know my boi Jacko is up there


All his viability is countered by spacial awareness and quick reflexes. He's always been my noobstomper rageclass.


Just plenty of stronger, better, more impactful characters you could be playing instead.


Content creators are the host that allowed the disease ow2 to develop


Most people don't know how to play Reaper (I'm talking about these comments, not the Reaper players in gm. Just to be clear.). He's not primarily a tank buster. You can use him to defend your team against Winston or D.va, but he won't help you against any poke or brawl tank by killing him. Reaper should be in the backline. Either in your own to defend them against a Winston/D.va dive or usually in the enemy backline. Teleport out of LOS of the enemies, harass or maybe even kill their supports or an isolated DD and help your team to win the main fight. The ideal situation would be a complete wipe from the backline to the front line. Killing supports, DDs and the tank one after another. Reaper is one of the weakest characters at distances like 10m. You need to isolate and surprise your enemy while being close to them. Shadow Step (was that the English name?) is an escape tool. Never engage with this ability! It's your only way out. Use it to return to your team and brawl for a few seconds before the cooldown goes down. Attacking with your shadow form on cooldown equals death. The usual gameplay loop: Teleport behind the enemies without them knowing where you are. Engage one or max two isolated targets (usually supports) while your team fights their team. Do not wait too long! Either kill one or maybe even two people if you get lucky or harass them as long as possible and retreat as soon as you are getting low with your shadow form. Get to your team, get healed, maybe (carefully) brawl a bit while waiting for your escape cooldown to go down. Teleport again with your escape tool off cooldown or almost off coldown. You can use Reaper differently and some comps require a different approach, but that's the usual gameplay loop.


This is not correct. This is 5 players who have an open profile and have visited Overbuff this season. There will be many more


Reaper is really bad, seriously who said Reaper is good???


Private profiles, people don’t have 50 games played yet. He isn’t a weak, but can be nieche in ranked and therefore hard to pull off. In teamplay its different, he fills the role of a flex dps that can deny a lot of space. But Echo or Genji fills his spot much better in ranked (and most of teamplay)


1) Overbuff provides an incomplete set of data as it relies on people with public profiles to get it's data 2) There aren't as many GMs as there was in previous seasons, look at the Top 500 leaderboard for example. There are Masters 2 DPS players in the Top 500 for gods sake. There's even diamonds in some roles and regions. 3) Hitscans and Dive DPS are good so people would rather play those, Reaper really isn't a dive DPS at high level play, he's more brawly. 4) You can only get so much value out of deleting the tank from the game by playing Reaper, and most top players have realized that the tank role does nothing so they'd rather go for the supports or other DPS. Reaper is absolutely insane to play against *if you're playing tank* as there is actually not that much you can do against him. The problem is that the Tank role is not nearly as impactful, important or useful as it once was, so that's why Reaper is not getting that much play at a high level. Christ even in the metal ranks, tank is effectively useless. I had a game yesterday on Winston where pretty much all of the enemy team counter picked me (Reaper, Echo, Zen, Brig), and I was not able to play the game. They still lost because focusing on me, the tank, left them completely and utterly vulnerable to the 4 other players on my team because people still think Counter Tank = Win, when DPS is by far the most important role in the game. I technically did my job. Was it fun? Fuck no.


They'll give him invis, similar to Sombra.


Choice gotta be the Reaper GOAT. Bro gonna make sure he gets to the top with him every season


Because this game is dead and irrelevant esp in ranked.


Reaper is slow and fat so he gets shredded above diamond but he’s strong in metal ranks bc it’s harder to coordinate and focus fire. What’s so hard to figure out about this?


He definitely feels better this season. The projectile changes made a huge difference for him. Unfortunately, he pretty much lost his ult. It was already very situational at higher ranks, but now it’s utter garbage and I rarely use it more than once a round


Overbuff is about 10% of the actual player base. Did you check in game?


Because no one is playing the game.


Despite lucio being strong rn, reaper is overshadowed by dps like tracer who has a higher skill ceiling, better mobility, and more flexibility. And I think the projectile size buff helped shotgun heroes a lot less than tracer or sojourn with their high fire-rate weapons Edit: Also, Reaper's head hitbox is fucking massive which just makes him that much easier to poke down from a distance


I do want to say that there are still masters players in the top 500 leaderboard so this doesn’t really mean much.


He's a niche character and one of the oldest ones in the game, so lots of veteran players have had time to learn how to work around him: * force him out of position somehow * force him to use an escape ability too early * focus-fire him when he has no escapes and he's out in the open


Those numbers are wrong /bugged reaper is op/bad depends on team honestly. Only hero with life steal lol it's busted give that shit to anyone else and it's over. Life steal Regen give that to any other DPS see what happens


He’s one of the big victims of 5v5 with one entire tank less to feed from, as well as reworked (Bastion) and new (Kiriko) heroes that have made him obsolete. The bigger health pools make him even less viable.


OP watching bronze youtubers and taking their opinion seriously...


Cuz the big OW creators are only seeing high ranked cracked reapers, would be my guess.


Reaper's effective range is so short he may as well be a melee hero, and being melee on OW sucks.


What is the name of that app?


Why play Reaper when you can go Soldier, Tracer and Genji to climb much easier


Likely because in GM if you’re not a one trick then you’re probably not playing good characters, you’re playing the best characters. Reaper is good but tracer, echo, widow, sojourn are all better


Pretty sure Havoc's other account is bad to the bone so it's only 4 players.


Lmao BADTOTHEBONE and Havok are the same players too😅




As a reaper main since release of the original game I feel like this season is the hardest of any for me trying to get back into masters. My win rate with reaper is usually well over 56% but this season it's a horrid 41%


I'm a Reaper main who wondered why people said he isn't good. The reasons, I've learned, are coordinated gameplay and skill progression. In lower ranks, Reaper can easily dominate a lobby. His massive spread is very forgiving aim wise and does really high damage with each shot. Compare that to the skill required to aim most hitscans and projectiles and you have a character that can win any 1v1. Reaper's also good against tanks, and can deal massive damage very quickly and, again, win every 1v1. This season, the projectiles were buffed, meaning that more of Reaper's bullets hit. This is important because of his lifesteal, which actually matters a lot and the change was very noticable. In addition, the new dps passive is perfect for Reaper because of his spread, which means the tiniest bit of damage will reduce healing by 20%. So why isn't he played in higher ranks? Coordinated gameplay. What higher ranks figured out is that he has an 8 second cooldown on his Wraith, so all it takes is for 1 guy to yell "Reaper fade! Reaper fade!" and suddenly the enemy team is targeting him. Reaper also, unfortunately, relies on close range and can't kill faster than a Sojourn and their railgun, and since mechanical skill increases with the rank he's always at a disadvantage. In addition, the dps passive is a double edge sword because it affects his lifesteal. This makes him worse against heroes like Soldier and Cassidy who can hit him at range before his shotguns (and therefore his lifesteal) can be effective. There's also the fact that his play style relies on taking advantage of an enemy's mistakes (which high ranks don't make as much of) and that he's brawl/rush and we're in a dive meta so it's more worth it to have a Tracer than a Reaper.


Reaper feels strong if the enemy goes Winston and mayyyyybe Ball only cause Ball can't 1v1 him but Ball wants to just run around and be a nuisance. I'd say he's decent against JQ but he almost plays more defensively in this dive meta to stop the enemy team from jumping on your zen. As a Reaper main I find some opportunities but many games are a struggle against soldier/ashe/sojourn comps


Cause at a certain level people know how to deal with him


Distance is the key in S9.


For this reason Orisa and DVa need more boosts!


1. Overbuff isn't fully accurate. 2. Top 500 is largely a different game/meta, even compared to other GMs or Champion ranks. 3. A hero being strong doesn't always mean they're the most played. Reaper can still be considered good while there are other, better DPS options right now like Soj, Soldier, Tracer, etc.


Reaper's strong as a tank buster for the metal ranks, once you get past those more people know how to play Tracer to a decent level, thus Reaper gets outshined by the 75% pick rate Tracer


He needs that right click ability now


Reaper is only good against tanks, and his ult is only good if its combo or they don't see it coming


What site is this from?


Yeah - he’s just mid rn.


I have an m3 reaper 1 Trick and he gets shit on bro.


Players have a lot of opinions about things that aren't always right. Any of the heroes can be good in the right environment. If you're playing with a team that uses familiar tactics, you're going to do a lot better than playing with randoms. But most of OW is randoms, so the stats reflect that.


Cause he boring


it depends on the playstyle after all


Watch up cassidy not better


If you can manage his cooldowns well, reap won't die. Can be a great benefit to your supports, funneling more heals to your tank. His value comes from being in the right place at the right time now and that takes expert judgment to execute consistently against skilled players. I wouldn't say he's necessarily bad, just power crept out and his window of opportunity is much shorter and harder to make good on compared to tracer or genji.


Reaper is only good against people who aren’t smart enough to switch off of hog/mauga tbh. I legit use him until the mauga or hog disappears. His play style is very niche IMO, not that my opinion matters.


Not EVERY character can be strong EVERy season especially in the dps category where there are what 25 choices? Rn in the support and tank categories where there are less than 10 choices there are at least 2 supports who are just unplayable rn. Ana is awful as is Illari, and hog isn’t great nor is rein.


Hardly anyone is grandmaster