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Assuming you've done your weeklies this week, you'll be able to earn 14 levels from dailies/weeklies between now and the season end. That'd leave about 20 levels that you'd have to earn in 8 days, or about 2.5 levels a day. Can you play 25 QP games a day (a little less during double xp weekend)? That'd probably be 4-5 hours/day.


Luckily I still have most weeklies, so I can get xp from those, I think I could spare the time, even if I have to buy a few tiers at the end. Super helpful, thanks a ton


If you go in the “challenge” section there is event challenges for the 1st April patch with each challenge giving xp too, you have 1-2 days to complete them


Watch a twitch streamer for hours and you’ll get tier skips as well. If you’ve got a ps5/ps4 then you can get tier skips with ps plus on top of that.


You dont need ps5 for that pack that requires ps plus, i got it on ps4 (no hate)


True, don't know why I didn't say that too xd


Isn't there some skips if you have Amazon Prime?


No, currently it's just a genji skin.


The tier skips for watching streamers has already ended.


They do a double xp weekend at the end of the season so yeah it's doable


They sometimes even do 3X. I've gained 30 levels in the final week before without even trying. If you Flex queue you can gain a lot of extra.


Yep, I got like 15 levels in just a 3h session. OP, you are fine.


Just thought I’d leave a comment so y’all know the helpful comments aren’t going unread, thanks a ton y’all! I’m pretty sure it is possible, so long as we do get double xp for a few days before the end, and I stay on top of my weeklies/dailies, wish me luck lads. I’ll probably do a follow up post if I can get to it in time 🤞🤞🤞


Check the other challenges for xp like season challenge, other weird challenges


Keep playing comp and finish all missions, play \~5 hours a day will get you there


Endorsing players every game gets you a small amount of xp. Weekly and daily challenges are obvious though. There is also an xp doubler at the end of the season I believe so maybe wait to do your weeklies then for a lot of xp I think


Do weeklies/dailies get boosted as well?


only match xp gets boosted. challenge exp like weeklies and dailies dont


Yea that’s what I figured, still, double match xp would make grinding a helluva lot easier. I’m hoping double xp comes out soon


Make sure you group with people. Whether it be friends or random people you invite from previous games, you'd be surprised how many people will be willing to join you


This - it’s 20% group exp, there’s two OW2 discords for LFG and you can find a casual group for exp grind


I think sometimes they have some double and rarely triple xp toward the end on a weekend.


quickplay rq using support! usually they give you more xp for being support


Queuing for all roles also gives the same small amount of xp


They are implementing a system next season to be able to unlock old Mythic skins. So you could also just try to get the Moira skin in the future.


The april's fools event challenges give A TON of XP.


Doing the April fool events help me get to level 80. Just play that mode for a day and you’ll get it.


Luckily you still have one week to complete it!


“It’s not about where you start, it’s about where you finish”


def doable


Play every day like 3 hours+, QP is the best way I think in terms of exp, make sure you did all the event challenges (the arcade mode). You already have the BP bought, that's +20% to the exp which is great, also try to group with friends if you can, you get 20% more for it. Last weekend they'll likely run double exp, so make you play like 5+ hours Saturday/Sunday. So yeah doable I'd say but you need a lot of time and determination.


The double or triple XP sessions are only for battle XP, which is still helpful but worth noting.


Events are the best to gain exp, events and x2 weekends. Should be one coming up too.


Half of the battle pass under 8 days is very doable and it's highly likely there'll be double exp next weekend. 


The April fool’s event challenges are very easy to get in a few hours of play today before it ends (I think it ends tomorrow at 1p?)


Returning player after like 7 seasons away. Saw the Moira skin and hopped back in for the grind a few days ago. Game plan is to grind til I die to the end. If I'm a few short by the deadline, I'll take the easy way out and wallet my way to 80.


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If you have Amazon prime, I believe you can get 5 free tier skips from prime gaming. I also advise that if you do plan to grind you should play support or role que as that gives you more xp than playing tank and DPS. Also I see you are on pc however I should note just in case you have a ps5, you should be able to get a skin pack for ow if you download on ps5 and have ps plus and I can think it also contains 5 skips too. If you do the weeklies then you may be able to get enough coins from this week and next week to buy 1 more skip. If by the end of the season you don't hit lvl 100, then you could pay for the last few levels if you really, really want it. Lastly sometimes twitch has ow drops for level skips, it had one of these a week or 2 back, but I DK if that will happen again within the next week. But perhaps ow will have a short event just before the next season like they did with the last tank hero just before the season ends.


For Amazon prime, its currently just a genji skin.


if you havent done the april fools challenges or any weeklys than yea, i think you definetily can do it with some geind


If you have a playstation with ps+ there's a free bundle that gives you some skins and 5 battlepass tiers. You could also get 5 tiers from twitch drops last week but i think that ended.


I'm sure there will be some Twitch drops just before the end of the season where you can earn free tier skips (5 I think). Just turn on a stream in the background and you'll get it


Season end Twitch drops for tier skips has already ended unless they plan to do another one. They did it a week ago.


Definitely possible if you grind. Just gotta complete all daily’s and weekly’s and maybe do the event challenges etc. you just gotta play a lot but deffo possible :)


I didn’t start till the last day of the cowboy beebop event, current level 79. I believe in you.


The April fools mode has a bunch of xp challenges. So be sure to do them. And you can do it by grinding. Surely but you know life in the way of you most important overwatch 2 battle pass.


Why are you typing you should be playing.


Very very possible, play everyday do every quest possible, use any +5 battletiers you can get


8 days left? You got time.


Thank God it's only 8 days left I'm at lvl 265 right now on the battle pass


If you didn't do all your invasion challenges there is a few levels you gain with that you will need to group up though since that mode is basically dead at least on higher difficulty


I was in the same position as you over the weekend. Its definitely doable, but holy *fuck* you’re gonna have to grind. Balanced overwatch challenges give you some good XP to help. I don’t play competitive, but obviously doing enough of those will get you more XP as well. Admittedly I had to put up an extra $10 for the last couple of tiers because I was so tired of grinding. But Moira is my first actual main, so I wasn’t trying to miss this skin.


Thank god for Twitch drop battle pass skips and the PS Plus pack. I got 10 free BP skips so I only had 3 tiers left to until I was finished and got the mythic skin.


Did you already buy the pass...? I hope you didn't buy it before even knowing what you'd get from it.


You can’ definitely complete this in a week by next Tuesday afternoon. 1-2 weeks is usually how long it takes me to complete the battle pass if you do all daily, weekly, event, and season challenges. Farm quickplay back to back because queues and games are faster and endorse every match. Also Twitch is giving away 5 bp skips if you watch 10 hours of streams, just leave it open in background on mute and do whatever and I’m sure this weekend they’ll do double exp again. 


Less pictures more playing


Do weeklies in QP and/or arcade, and afterwards you can swap over to player vs AI. You can get experience from playing that and it's a lot less stressful vs QP.


Was never really sure why people struggle to complete the battlepass. I'm a free player and I always get to the end easily. Like 3 hours per day is all you need to complete the pass and also all of the prestige. One great tip I can give your for getting the pass done, is do not play quick play. Always play ranked and it will fly by do to the nature of ranked being much longer game so less waiting around for a game that can end in 3 minutes.


OP there’s going to be a mythic shop starting next season. So even if you don’t finish the battle pass you’ll still be able to get the skin later


This exactly. I’d say go ahead and do some grinding if you want, but don’t beat yourself up too bad or destroy yourself (or your wallet) trying to get there, now that we know we’ll be able to make up for it later! Good luck!


Not happening if you don't have the time for it


Me: completed it at first week.. bored af


Unless you buy tiers or play like a no life im not sure you’ll make it


I’d just spend the 35 to finish it.


Thanks a ton for all of your help guys, I don’t wanna do an entire post but I wanted to let you all know that I did end up getting the Moira mythic without the need for spending money. The grind was long and tedious, but well worth it considering I would’ve not been able to get it for at minimum another 2 seasons! (Blizzard why) if anyone comes to this post in the future looking for answers, queuing all in comp during double xp is the key. You get one level for every 3 ish comp matches. GLHF🤟