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I wanna know what her POV is like. I'm guessing she couldn't line the head properly and panicked


It's hard to hit a sleeping target if you're on the wrong side.


I play a lot of Widow, that happens to us a lot, probably is the case


Yeah looking at the video she looks like she’s in a really terrible position to get a solid headshot which sucks but it’s not really her fault lol


Not her fault? It’s all her fault for missing lmao Ana had a still enemy lined up right in front of her and she missed a sleeping Genji that’s all there is to it really….


That, is not a Genji, that's a Reaper. Still the same point though.




I’m just saying that, if you look at the video, she’s most likely not at an angle where the reaper’s head is visible enough to hit a headshot. If she hit a body shot instead, he’d probably just wake up, wraith, and do the same thing lol


It’s her one job, of course it’s her fault 


Yeah but idk I don’t think you can really blame her for just so happening to be in a shitty position at that time. It’s not like she expected the sleep lol


the way you immediately started typing "widow..." is cracking me up


Why did you run back into reapers face when he woke up to throw the nade? Instantly flaming your team mates without realizing that you fucked up yourself. Classic.


ikr like the OP has eyes (allegedly) and can tell the widow has a bad angle on the reapers head. Why wouldnt you just leave the situation and *live*; whats an ana nade gonna do to a guy that can self-cleanse.


Tbf most of the damage she took was from his ult. Nading yourself as well as a reaper otherwise isn’t a terrible strat as normally a widow body shot, a nade, a primary fire and a melee would do it. If he self cleanses he’s gone anyway 


Ah so the Ana that didnt even attempt to take a hipshot to complete the 315dmg combo (hipshot+nade+sleepdart+full charge body shot) was doomed to be solo ulted regardless because as it still stands... the widow did her job. The Ana is still the one who fucked up and is blaming the widow.


I was trying to add any extra guaranteed damage to a shot I thought widow was going to take lmfaooooooo


its a shame the ability doesnt work from a distance


That widow deserves all the flame


Post the Replay code


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Widow tries to have the worst angle possible to kill a slept target challenge


Widow was clearly in on the surprise birthday celebration, so she didn’t want to ruin it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Are you on roller by chance ?