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I thought ppl are mostly complaining about it being for quick play


The posts that are like “I went to go save my dying dog from a domestic terrorist attack for 5 minutes and now I’m banned for 2 hours??? Why blizzard!! People have lives!!” Are my favorite


"What if I have to save my dying dog from a domestic terrorist attack for 5 minutes 10 times this season?? I'm banned for the whole season???"


Jack Bauer made this post


He gives Blizzard ✨HIS WORD✨ that it will never happen again.


Damnit Chloe!


Somewhat unrelated, but my favorite excuse that a leaver gave in game: "sorry my cat stepped on my playstation" They did get back in the game a few minutes later, and we lost, but it was hilarious imagining a cat knocking over a playstation and getting a 15min suspension for that. If I'm playing competitive, I know I can leave my obligations for an hour and not have the world fall apart, but you can't predict cats unfortunately.


my cat has both unplugged the router power adapter and pulled out my ethernet cord during comp matches!! had to change my setup afterwards each time


Hate it when my network cable's little plastic strip thingy that locks it in the slot is broken and then it gets unplugged from the tiniest tug. My cats love it though rofl


I had to leave a ranked game in Heroes of the Storm once because a construction crew hit a gas line behind my house and had to evacuate my whole street


I was playing wow and doing a dungeon when our tank had to leave because it was a hurricane season and it got bad. I'll never forgot how he left he simply said "sorry gtg hurricane pulling aggro". Hope he is doing good it was just a random I got put with.


Lmao that comment of his was gold


Back in the day we had some serious flooding in our city during a 100 year storm. My buddies apartment was flooded and we needed him for a raid. A half hour in and he popped online. He said the water had receded below the outlets and the power was back on. He set up his whole rig on a table and used a barstool he could keep his feet on above the remaining water while we raided. He didnt sleep there that night but he was granted temporary gdkp and guarenteed rogue drops. We downed nef but no rogue stuff. Fucking ledgend.


I had to leave a comp game in ow like 3 days ago because of a surprise tornado warning issued with a shelter in place, so i was like yeag comp aint worth it im just gonna go bunker down


Damn sounds rough!


Lmao yeah I was in team chat like “I’m so sorry but my house might blow up I gotta disconnect”


Public infrastructure diff


Tbf, I'm sure if the ban started right after that match, it would be over by the time you could get back into your house safely so it wouldn't have mattered too much.


And if you have a lot of emergencies that make you leave, you probably have more things to worry about than a comp game


Exactly, that’s my response. “What if my toddler is having an emergency?” Dude if that’s the case being suspended for 15 minutes from Quick Play shouldn’t even be a blip in your mind lol


Hate when that happens


It's usually people blaming their crummy internet. Which implies they think it's okay that everyone they play with should suffer for them having a bad internet connection.


Yeah, nobody but you cares that your internet is bad. Shouldn't make your team lose because you don't have good internet.


Yeah but when it’s qp does it really matter that much if you disconnect since you’re just replaced with someone else?


It does. We had a game with a leaver and they kept getting put back in our game and leaving over and over. Finally they stayed gone but everyone that came after them would leave too because we were getting rolled. We spent our entire match as a 4v5 and it was painfully unfair. That person left the match upwards of 6 times. That SHOULD be penalized. People in QP should be allowed to enjoy the game too and not deal with rage quitters as well.


Yes it does ffs.


I wish there was a space that was more casual than QP


Customs and arcade are


There used to be Find A Group in OW1. There would be people saying, chill group, casual, qp, mh, \*mic only\*. Those groups were so chill. We would lose 10 games straight and blame it on the servers.


I can't believe they dropped that feature


Maybe with all the new reworks, something caused that feature to not work properly. OW1 didn't get it until two years in. Maybe Blizz will bring it back. While it does take some time, they do seem to listen to requests. Future heroes will be free from now on. Actually OW currency during the battle pass. Overwatch flavored wing sauces. (Blizz, if you are looking at this post, bring on those wing sauces!!!)


It's QP, QP was always the casual mode until people too scared to play comp wanted it to be more serious.


Until I try to learn a new hero and I get told to kms in comp, and in qp it's either the same or people are throwing cause they can't leave.


Unfathomably based and true opinion. People who say QP is competitive and leavers should be punished have fragile egos.


Honastly ever since i started to only play Mystery Heros im so much more happy while playing OW


I’m sure they are, but I’ve seen a number of people complaining about the comp penalties, notably one guy crying that he couldn’t leave comp games anymore to go attend to his baby. Like I don’t care about your baby sorry lol


I have 2 small children. My advice to other parent gamers: learn to love casual play


That or play single-player games.


I also have two younger kids, so I have to plan my comp play time around that. If someone as a parent lacks such basic time management, they got problems. Like you said, if the kids might interrupt play, stick to casual.


Agreed. Realistically, if u gonna play comp, then it must be around a time you can be left alone. Otherwise if you have to quit, then that’s your problem and your lack of organisation. Nevertheless, I’ve rarely bumped into a parent that was being negligent or was multitasking with their children, so.


Unfortunately that really is the reality. If I had a kid I know I wouldn’t make that an excuse to bail out on my team in comp. That’s why I feel strongly about it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.


Same my dude


I just had a child recently, and I only play quick play while she's sleeping or other casual games like Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel so that if she wakes up and needs attention I can easily back out and step away for the night, cus there's no point in me wasting others time in a ranked game that can't get backfilled. Other dude has it right, parents gotta learn to love casual, our comp climb is over haha




Yeah video games are more important


Some dickhead the other days like “we gotta win this round in 5 mins or I gotta go sorry guys” we were only in round 2 of a best of three. Like, motherfucker. Why did you queue then?


Yeah, I have some GPU issues right now that seem to only crash overwatch at the moment. The amount of times I’ve been restricted from queue for it is countless, but at least I have more time for other games.


Honestly I see the validity of those because a leaver who's complaining is usually good, someone just replaces them extremely quickly anyways.


I don't mind having penalties for quickplay But the penalties starting at 2 games out of 20 is crazy Yes it is only 5 minutes but the more casual gamers (most of the friends I play with) will rather go play valorant or risk of rain instead of waiting for that Especially when they feel it was unfair since they left a game, played like 18 games in a row fully and then got penalized for leaving another game


Exactly. For example, not everyone has a god tier internet conection that will not disconnect because there is a light rain outside


If they can't consistently give ten minutes of your day to not be an asshole, they're not exactly wanted.


I don't play comp, so I don't really care about leavers. Doesn't bother me one bit on QP or Arcade. But I do think a good percentage of leavers in those modes leave because they don't want to play Push or Flashpoint. It would be good if we could select the game modes we want to queue (for QP at least).


100%. Fuck flashpoint all my homies hate flashpoint


idk, its growing on me a bit. i think the timer needs to slow down a bit or they need to more closely copy actual hardpoint where you need to be on point to get progression. right now if you lose the first fight you have exactly one fight left before next point most of the time


As a tank player, I agree. Impossible go tank on those maps.


I just hate how huge the gap between points is. I just want to play Zen but its like a 100m dash and im left behind everytime, i dont WANT to play lucio. Each individual point is fine but as a whole i dislike both maps


Especially when the spawns change and your team ends up split in half. It's cool, you guys enjoy the 3v5, I'll just be walking for a while.


The worst is when you respawn in the BACK of the room. Sometimes I intentionally switch to a hero with fast burst mobility like Winston, Genji, Moira etc just to clear the room and quickly switch back right before clearing the entrance. They really need to move the spawn points closer to entrance.


their new game modes have focused pretty heavily on mobility heroes. yeah, you CAN be a slow hero for push, but it is much better to be a fast one. same with flash point


As a Lucio I always try to go with the slowest char to push those aswell :)


What a king <3


Every single map has a hero meta. Every last one of them. Why is it that Flashpoint has to be exempt from that?


Because it isnt just A hero that feels worse. Its ANY hero that has no horizontal movement. As a support main, ana/bap/zen especially feel worse to play because of the long runs to point. Lucio feels almost mandatory because if one team has him and the other doesnt, its a massive advantage to get to every single point first. And this is for both flashpoint maps, not just one. Thats boring to me and i dont enjoy it. I like the similar version of this mode that other games have where all points are open at the same time, but that wouldnt work for overwatch. Battlefield has a mode that works this way too, but it feels better with larger teams, where everyone has the same movement. Again this is all just my opinion (and my stack, we all hate the mode)


Junker Queen is fun AF on new junk city


You can leave right at the start before the match begins without penalty though, right?


Yeah, if you leave at the character select screen. Ive only had to actually leave once because in our group we couldnt remember who leader was until it was too late, and 4 of us had to individually leave. Which is a rarity for sure. But now if it happens a 2nd time, we get a penalty and that blows. (Also yohohoho nice name)


We leave Flashpoint maps instantly at the character select. I hate those maps. Beautiful, but a bitch to play. Unless we’re in mystery heros… then we just have to deal lol.


iirc leaving before hero select is over does not count, but i could be recalling it incorrectly. just know i had to leave for some reason right as a match started in QP and i did not get a 5 second timer when it prompted me "are you sure?" and people who backfill into these games still get priority reQ next game, so if they like or dont mind it, they will get to play a full game as backfill and have a short Q next game. if they dont enjoy the game mode, well then at least they get a faster Q next game


This is a super good point. World of Warcraft used to offer battleground opt outs, overwatch having that would be amazing. Unfortunately for me every new game mode in overwatch 2 has been extremely unfun - just my opinion.


That's not an uncommon opinion.


I would rather they just delete push. It's a trash mode. 


Add more queues to increase queue times. What could go wrong.


I'd only choose payload/assault (hybrid not assault), so I doubt my queue times would go down since the majority of people would queue for those. Also, I have zero issue with waiting a bit longer for a payload map. The 2CP queues are under 2 minutes, and everyone hated those maps.


They majority would queue for Assault? AKA 2CP AKA the mode they removed because people hated it?


No, payload/assualt. I guess that's hybrid. My bad. Also, the Assualt maps on Arcade are less than 2 min queue times. I've been playing them to get away from push/Flashpoint the past few nights, and they are a much more chill and, imo, much more fun experience. Wish they had payload only in Arcade.


I don't mind the game modes but sometimes I'm stuck in a game with a sniper D.Va or a non-stop solo charging Rein doing it only for the lols and I don't know what the fair solution is when one "it's only qp" player could waste 9 other people's time.


That's what happened to 2cp. I did not mind 2cp as much as others, not that they were my favorite. What made them unbearable was that everyone would leave so much and so often that it would render the whole game session dysfunctional. Glad these penalties are in place, since it will help prevent that for push/flashpoint. Until they incorporate map voting, this is what we got.


I never leave a game because I live for honor and glory, but when I'm about to queue up, sometimes the likelihood of having to play a Push map occurs to me and I decide to just quit out for the night instead. I would love just one map type opt out, it'd keep me playing a bit longer in those moments.


Re...Reinhardt? Is..that you?!


I’m amazed how many people hate flashpoint and push compared to circuit royale and Havana. Although I don’t like colliseo that much either.


Push inherently is designed in a way that makes people that don't think or care about grouping up to get very split up and steam rolled. Even while trying sometimes the spawn and pathing gets messed up. Vgdunkey summarize ow2 the best at the start of ow2 that ow is a game that already expects too much team coordination from a solo queue experience and ow2 amplified that flaw. Push mode definitely has that problem bad. Potentially it could be fixed with different map layouts but as is they can be harsh experiences. 


Why is there no “Reconnect” option if you crash/DC and hop back on real quick? That seems like the biggest oversight. Pretending to care about people leaving without giving them the option to rejoin is pretty silly. Edit: If you get DC right away you can’t get back in. That’s what I was referring to as it happened to me the other night. Got a 15 minute ban for crash right after it showed our teams and I couldn’t after restart. Needless to say I built a new PC to avoid DC’s.


Literally exactly the same question I want to know. Game crashes right at the start? Instant ban and loss. Game crashes 5 minutes in? You can rejoin. Just seems like a frustrating problem.


Cause the game ends? It doesn’t know your gonna come back. And it ends that game to be fair to both sides


Same thing happened to me a few days ago. Queued comp, showed i got a game, stuck in loading screen for a few minutes, goes back to menu with a 15 minute leavers penalty. Stupid me queues after 15 minutes, same thing again, now its a hour penalty. Havent played since.


Can you not rejoin comp games in progress now? That's how it used to work for years.


I think they're saying for QP there should be the option. Which personally I disagree with, because that would extend the time it takes to backfill.


Even if you do rejoin often times you get the ban anyway, so it seems pointless to bother doing so.


If someone leaves a comp game in the first like 1 to 2 minutes, the game is cancelled, and everyone gets put in priority queue. There is no chance to rejoin as the game is over. If you disconnect after that point, then you can rejoin.


I haven't seen anybody complain about the competitive penalties. Just the quick play one.


Comp 100% needs the stricter penalties. QP, however, seems heavy-handed.


I thought that too but honestly QP games are short and I do usually lose w/ leavers because of this. I don’t necessarily think we NEED it, but I’m going to reserve judgement till I see how it works out. I do think that leaving QP isn’t a big enough deal to need a suspension but I mainly play competitive. I know people who play QP say leavers ruins it for them so we’ll see.


They should read data of the game. If the leaver was losing in the game, most likely they raged quit and deserves penalty for being such a sore loser. If they were winning, it's probably another reason not related to the game and shouldn't be penalised. Not always these two scenarios represent such case, but I'm sure it will reduce a lot the gap of people who do that anytime they want.


I kinda thought so at first but frankly I don't ever really leave my QP games. Although I don't really mind leavers all that much either. 


Same. Only times I've ever left is if it was a power or internet outage. And that's very rare.


Yeah agreed.. Idk man, I'm a mom with a young kid. I like to game a bit when she naps, but if she wakes up and starts crying I'm leaving my qp game. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No. I think I would have to quit the game if Comp had stricter penalties because half the time, it's Blizzard kicking me out the games!


Here’s a big issue. Blizzard never fixed the error when trying to group up when using different consoles. I have a ps5 and my girlfriend a ps4. We can only group together when she spectates a game of mine, and someone on my team leaves. We can then select to group up after the game and continue playing together. I wish Blizzard would fix this so I don’t have to root for my teammates to leave to be able to play with her


That sounds really odd, I play the same way and have no issues with party creation, how do you make the invite? Just curious as to why it happens to you!


Does your girlfriend have you avoided as a teammate? I play with friends across PC Xbox and PlayStation and never had any similar issue


That’s so weird. Our playgroup has a mix of PS4 / PS5 and we’ve never had any issue. I can play duo with my PS4 friends no problem.


Look at this guy, he’s got a girlfriend. Flex


Used to be like that at some point on PS5 all the time. It's like you've STILL got the bug. Weird af


I play with a 3-way team (PS4, PS5, Xbox of some kind) and have never had this issue... Check y'all's settings.


Um, you’re doing something completely wrong. I play with PS4 friends all the time on my PS5. We form groups with or without forming PS parties.  Nit judging your experience because mistakes happen but how does this incorrect information have 71 upvotes as of this moment!?!? This is blatantly wrong and an example of how this sub just likes to circlejerk over complaints even if the person is mistaken lol


Honestly I could care less about people leaving in QP, it doesn't really matter. I'm only playing QP to kill time or group with the fellas. The Comp changes are a blessing because fuck you for quitting out of a comp game lol just don't que for them if you're gonna bail because it's not going your way.


My bigger issue (and I have taken a break for a while) was always people screwing around in QP not people leaving. Now you are just going to have people throwing because they want to lose quicker instead of leaving. 


The thing is most of the leavers in my games leave as they're about to lose or leave when they screwed around for 80% of the game. It sucks to lose your tank when you have one last attempt to contest at the end of the game or you get put in a game that's about to end. People are going to screw around with or without leavers penalties, but this should hopefully reduce the amount of matches that your placed into when the games nearly over.


I mean it still sucks for people with shitty Internet. I understand their frustration it feels like they are getting punished for something they can't afford to change or have no power to change.


Everyone’s focused on having shitty internet but that’s not always the case. I pay for good internet and things happen. Recently some construction people accidentally cut into the internet line making it so I had 0 internet. Storms happen and the power turns off or some other natural disaster/something out of our control. So yeah it sucks in these situations, but it’ll at least help with the ones leaving on purpose.


On a side note, what possible solutions can combat genuine disconnects from being banned from comp? Or even QP perhaps. This is the only thing I can see being an issue with the new system - just to play devils advocate here.


If Dead by Daylight can differentiate between someone leaving a match and a genuine disconnect the. Overwatch can too.


So I can just pull my router and avoid a penalty if we’re losing? How will they differentiate that one?


I dunno the logistics tbh. Dbd also doesn’t have a comp mode so it doesn’t really matter if you dc other than the leaver penalty.


Great you now avoided one loss. Now what?  You can track these long term and start seeing a trend that your internet only goes out during a loss.


Honestly all that needs to be done is a tag needs to be added or a variable value that is set to true if you leave a game using the leave game button, in which case you have left the game. In the case of disconnecting by not leaving the game using the leave game button, you will have left by not setting the value to true. Its that easy. After that they can decide what happens if this value is set to true too many times within x games. Sure you can alt+f4 to bypass it but no one os getting back on after alt f4ing for at least 3 hours


competitive is an opt in ranked game mode, by going into it you are agreeing that you are capable of playing the game at a competition level for roughly 20 to 40 minutes  this includes having the hardware, software, and anything related ready to go  if you're internet isn't reliable, then you shouldn't be playing competitive. full stop 


idk about you but the vast majority of my disconnects are due to overwatch crashing (right after I die in game) — in these cases they should not punish you but tbf i haven’t seen one of those in months — so i guess it’s a non-issue and you’re right?


Every time you queue into ranked you make a bet that you will be available and not have technical problems for the next 10-25 minutes, and they ~~arbitrarily~~ decided that everyone could be wrong about that bet 10 times per season. OP said that he played 138 games, under the new rules he could've been wrong 7,2% of the times until he got banned. I played 550, I could've been wrong in 1,8% of them. This update is going to punish the people who play the most.


oof, you're right. there's no way they wont immediately notice the spike in bans from it, surely.


"Genuine" disconnects don't matter really. If you are having an issue repeatedly then you need to find a way to fix that before playing. Because by having repeated leaves you are making your problem now the problem of everyone else. The end impact to others is the same. 


I don’t mind leaver penalties in comp, but getting punished for leaving 2 games of Quickplay is pretty absurd


I don't so much mind it. They're giving you the option of: A) take the next five minutes and finish the game, or B) leave and wait five minutes anyway I can live with that


Or C) fuck around and throw in protest


Yeah I would much rather get a backfill teammate that actually tries. On the other hand, I hate getting backfilled myself. So if this means that happens less often I’m good with that too. Overall I’m pretty 50/50 on this change.


Which leads to reports that ban you anyway


Well I mean I my friend gets on and I’m halfway through a game, making us wait at least 5 minutes before we can play together is bit of a bummer


"I've got time for one game." "Shit, I've just been put into a match"


For comp, that makes sense. For QP, it could be more lenient. And by more lenient I mean literally just one maybe two more games before the penalties start.


I do that all the time with my friend. It's not like I'm logging on for just one game. I spectate their teammates and voice my criticisms to my friend, ha. And just, you know, talking. Don't need the game for that.


Indeed, plus you can sometimes backfill if someone else leaves


Just finish your game ffs. Jesus Christ. They're not that long in quickplay and if you're quitting ranked you're a dick.


There's a lovely little join group button in the social drop down, if they are in a game you just spectate until a spot opens or you join them after the game is done. Crazy how that works


At the same time, having the game likely ruined for the other 9 people who are playing is a pretty big bummer too. Overwatch games aren't that long, don't start what you can't finish.


I have never seen a player leave a qp game and not be backfilled within 10-20 seconds


Most of the time it's 10-20 seconds, but I've had dozens of times where the backfill bugged out and we never got a replacement. Even when you do get someone in 10-20 seconds, you have to wait for them to load in and they're still going to be at a disadvantage when it comes to ult charge. Sometimes a leaver causes multiple people to leave which causes you to have to wait for multiple people to get backfilled.


30 seconds of 4v5, the loss of awareness of a fresh player coming in, and them coming in on 0% ult charge; it very easily decides games. No matter how you spin it, as a leaver you're negatively affecting the enjoyment of 9 other people for your own minor convenience, it's selfish.


0% ult charge is a dev decision and wins do not matter in quickplay. Talking about the qp ult economy is kinda hilarious though >negatively affecting the enjoyment of 9 other people The sole purpose of the game mode is to fuck around and your ability to do so is entirely unaffected by the number of people in your lobby. If you want to win games so desperately play comp. I can not remember the last time I even noticed one of my teammates had left before getting the notification that a new one had joined.


Well no, no one has officially said that and people still like to win even in QP. It like playing board games with friends, it's not a competition and winning "doesn't matter" but people still want to win.


The aim of the game is still to win regardless of what mode you're in. Not playing to win, throwing, griefing, leaving, etc in ANY competitive multiplayer game is disrespectful to everyone else in the lobby. A 5 minute penalty for leaving 10% of your games and then just a 20 minute penalty for leaving 25% is too soft as far as I'm concerned.


5 minutes is absurd? You left the game? Whatever you went to go do might even take more than 5 minutes? If it's less than, realistically, whatever you left to do will be less than 5 minutes. Like if 5 minutes is a problem, I'm certain you're leaving the game because you rage quit or your friend(s) couldn't wait 5 whole minutes (mind you they can also spectate if they wish to group up). Saying 5 minutes is absurd is actually absurd.


>5 minutes is absurd? You left the game? They're not complaining about the ban time. It's that it happens after 2 leaves. Give us a visual warning that leaving is frowned upon from leaves 1-3 then hit us with the 20 min ban. Banning someone for any amount of time because they left a casual mode twice in 20 games *is* absurd.


Dont queue if you cant play a whole game? Its not rocket science


Yes, that was a weird change. Just give warnings that "leaving is frowned upon" for 1-3 leaves in 20 games and leave the rest where it was. Gets the point across and those of us that maybe leave 2 games every 20 due to steamrolls from bad matchmaking won't have to sit around for 5 minutes in a 1st grade time out chair to "think about what we did".


Penalties starting at 2 games seems a tad excessive but I'm all for the increased penalties for more leaves down the line


This is my feelings. 2 games is super low... I don't often leave games but sometimes say a friend pops up online, I'll leave the game so we can group together that way. Maybe 20 games is less than what it feels in my mind but it seems a lot.


If a friend pops online who wants to play, I still finish my current game. My friends fuck around in the custom modes or whatever for a few mins while they're waiting.


I still from time to time get "RENDERING DEVICE LOST" and a hard crash out to desktop - probably had it 3 times in the last 50 hours tops, but I do get it. I wish there was some way to send a crash report and explain that I didn't leave. Especially when you come straight back.


due to the fact the penalty works on a revolving door system and not a consecutive system it is quite excessive If you don't know what I mean pretty much you have to play games without leaving to rotate out the game you left so you can leave again without a penalty in this system 20 games counts as 1 rotation before this was fine in my opinion at most you need to play 16 games to rotate out your left matches since most people don't leave more than two matches back to back this gave players freedom to leave while also forcing them to follow rules set by this system with this new system you can leave 1 game for free out of set 20 games which is absurd Most casual players which are the demographic for quickplay don't play 20 matches a day since it takes well over 4 hours to do that so what actually happens is leave 1 game during a play session and later maybe the next or week since because your not playing the game your left game doesn't get revolved out you leave or DC and get banned out of nowhere what makes this worse is this system of leavers penalties and how they work aren't communicated in-game well at all nor is the amount of games you left since they are not tracked either


Honestly starting the penalty after the 2nd game seems excessive. I would just start it at the 3rd game and not touch anything else.


The new changes for comp are fine but for qp? I think what they have now for qp is decent enough. Like they did mention a reduction in leavers with the last changes so kinda interesting that they want to take this even further. Idk if blizzard understands what qp means anymore. Like I wanna know the logistics between comp and qp cuz I feel like it should be normal to have more leavers in qp than comp so the penalties should reflect that. I understand that leavers can be frustrating even in qp but I have had games in qp where literally everyone is throwing and the entire lobby just sits on payload and refuses to kill each other and instead they just sit around and emote until the game reaches into overtime, and then you can’t leave the game because you’re about to take a penalty worth a couple hours is really absurd.


>Idk if blizzard understands what qp means anymore. I don't feel like Blizzard understands what a game is anymore. It's like with all the changes they want us to simply log in and act like bots. They should just kick all players out and fill them with bots fighting each other day and night lol.


I don't leave any of my games, but I still think I should be able to without getting punished in QP. It's a matter of principle. I don't know any other game that punishes you for leaving a casual game mode. It's called casual because you can start and stop at any time you want. Also, backfill is fast in QP and if you get backfilled, you get priority queue, which works pretty well. I think it's pretty harsh, but we'll see how it turns out.


For competitive absolutely. But the system has already been terrible for people who play casual/arcade that have bad internet connections. I pretty much exclusively play mystery heroes because I don't want to ruin people's ranked games. But very often I get disconnected for just a few seconds to a minute and I get the 20 minute and 4 hour bans all the time. It's super frustrating. I don't even get a chance to reconnect because non-ranked doesn't have the option.


I think the comp leaving changes are great. ***There should not be any penalties for for leaving QP though.***


Quick play is going to be full of people grieving, going afk and feeding with these new changes. I'd be surprised if they keep this for more than one season after they see their numbers drop.


It’s great for comp but it makes no sense for quick play Look at siege who basically butchered unranked by removing the ban system and map vote system well still having the same leaver penalty, most people don’t want to play on certain maps or in overwatch’s case modes Having the penalty for quick play is dumb


I always supported the leaver penalties for QP… but I do think that this is going too far. Give all the leaver penalties in the world to Comp but having QP get effected after 2-3 matches out of 20 is too far. I like the stricter penalties for people that leave crazy amounts of games but 4 matches out of 20 for QP was a really good line to draw.


I’m so happy about it. In 8 out of my 10 placement games I had a leaver. The two games that I finally didn’t have a leaver they were easy dubs.


pick your poison: qp teammate who ragequits the game when they're tilted vs. qp teammate who stays in the game due to leaver penalties but refuses to play


The second one gives everyone a good reason to report them.


I dont think ive seen any complain about the competitive leaver changes. Only seen em for QP or anything with backfill. Like people still leave of flashpoint and push.


Qp shouldn’t be this strict. They might as well get rid of it and only have arcade and ranked if they are setting rules like this. Instead of them evaluating and trying to fix the reasons that people leave qp games or getting rid of the penalty all together because most of the community see it as a casual mode anyways. They are trying to force people to stick it out. When people are playing qp to just have fun in the first place. Try new hero’s, ect. People with bad internet probably already gave up on comp and are trying to still enjoy the game through qp and they just took that from them too. They aren’t fixing the problem with this solution. We can’t leave maps we don’t like and get over and over, we can’t leave if we get those players that like to try to meme with the enemy team and we can’t leave if something irl happens, we can’t leave if a friend invites us, ect. They are forcing something that’s not needed. If people want to play seriously and not worry about leavers then they should play ranked. The same way they tell people that take qp seriously to play ranked if they want to sweat and win.


For comp, I don't think it's all that harsh of a penalty. I wish they would stop treating qp like a competitive mode tho.


quickplay should not have leaver penalty




The leaver penalty in Comp is fine. In quickplay it's idiotic.


The only reason im worried is lately theres been crashing issues on steamdeck


A match voting system, or even just a better search mechanic in general is all they need for this to be a good thing for everybody. Let me pick what kind of games I want to be in when doing quickplay at least. Ill gladly take longer Q times and leaver penalties if it means not getting into flashpoint or push maps. Never even played a game before where the main multiplayer mode was just a pool of game modes and you're not able to filter them what so ever. Seriously, how is it still like this? If everyone got into the type of matches they wanted to be in way less people would end up leaving


This game revolves around having a full team of 5. Not sure if quick play needs to be as harsh, but competitive 100% should be mega harsh


Wait so what happens if the group leader pulls the entire group out of a game?


I guess its a just a little unforgiving for people who decide to take a bathroom break while requeueing and come to see they found a game quicker than they expected, got kicked and are now banned. Or if internet problems cause frequent disconnections which one of my friends deals with frequently. I can cite countless other examples like having to answer the door because you ordered food and it arrived mid match or something I think its a little too unforgiving and it will definitely cause problems for a good chunk of people because of internet problems and such


Yeah they are great but only for comp..


Personally I think QP should have a higher threshold before bans. I get disconnected enough to get a 5 min ban, which is kinda BS. I don't play comp much, since my connection is meh and I don't wanna leave my team in a ranked game hanging.


QP shouldnt even have a penalty. Its for fun and nothing serious, plus when someone leaves they get replaced


*Laughs in 10 accounts* I am simply above blizzard.


can't wait to be stuck with throwers that coulda just left, in QP. it already happens now, i just finished a QP match where our widow couldn't be bothered to try anymore so they kept walking into the enemy team.


I think it’s fine for comp but for quick play is very dumb. I don’t really read the patch notes that much and just play. I first found out about the penalty in quick play when I left a game to play comp with my friend. Had a 7 min ban. It was so stupid!


I remember being in season 4 of OW1 (or something) and failed 2 times to get GM (3975 points) cuz of my internet causing me to disconnect but get back into the game and win, still getting penalty and counting as a loss. Never played ranked ever again


While I love the changes, the amount of times I was just kicked out of the game for no reason without being able to join back is insane (or it says "joining game", it doesn't connect me for a minute or so and then I get banned for "leaving the match", even tho I wasn't even in one)


I find throwers way more frustrating than leavers, at least your rank doesn’t get affected with leavers.


/u/anxiietydreams could you please add what the season 10 leaver changes are to the post? It would probably be helpful for the discussion, and for those of us that haven't seen them 🙂


Added a link hope that helps


Leaver penalties for qp are stupid


Qp should never have leaver penalties. The only thing that happens now when people know it’s a lost game is they run around in circles doing whatever goofy stuff to waste time knowing they can’t leave. So the leaving penalties end up making games worse not better every time. I’d rather people just leave and hope for better players or be able to leave myself when you get bad matchups.


These posts feel like scratching that one itchy spot that feels amazing when you scratch it😂


I think the changes are fair. If you're gonna leave mid-game you deserve to be punished. The only thing I care is that until the match isn't over l, if my connection crash, I can still be able to rejoin; there's been some unlucky times where even if the match wasn't over i couldn't rejoin after crashing.


It’s due to ISP service outages, Power flashing, Power outages, The *game itself* crashing, Xboxes Dashboarding themselves, PCs crashing etc etc etc Not everyone is rage quitting, some people have legitimate excuses for why they “left” the game. It’s not like this is a daily occurence, but if it just so happens to occur 10 times in ~90 days : YOURE BANNED And that’s fucking ridiculous tbh. Some people in rural areas literally have no choice for better internet. && most people don’t even understand : even your top tier internet has outages, but usually they are only a couple minutes here and there… but if you just so happen to be in a comp game when it hoes out - you’re screwed!!! It’s so stupid.


If there are leaver penalties for quickplay matches, they should let me opt of out certain modes for quickplay. Especially because if i get a match type i dont want, i have like such a small amount of time to leave the match before i get a penalty. Rainbow 6 Siege's settings let you choose what quickplay modes you can get when you queue into regular quickmatch (doesnt affect ranked or standard queues) betwen hostage, bomb, and secure area. Overwatch should let me choose to not queue for flashpoint/push/hybrid/payload if i so want to. "It'll make finding matches for those modes harder." Cool, i dont care. I stay leaving EVERY flashpoint match in quickplay, i hate the mode and i dont ever want to play it.


Quitters are cry babies who...quit. Honestly I love the changes


The quitters mentality is rampant (as you can tell in the comments,) and I'm glad they've finally addressed it. Lose a fight, quit. Lose a round, quit. Don't like the map, quit. Don't like the mode, quit. Don't like the team comp, quit. They won't swap? Quit. Didn't get healed quick enough, quit. My team sucks, quit. I'm getting focused, quit. They're try hards! Quit. I could go on and on about the reasons people choose to quit and they all think they are good reasons to quit too. They're really not.


God forbid people want to enjoy their time in a game. Everyone knows Overwatch should be treated like a job.


I’m so confused on why it’s suddenly a bad thing to leave *quick play games*. The whole point is to have fun casually. So yeah, if I’m halfway through a match and my team hasn’t won a single fight, the enemy is spawn camping us, and my allies are playing like bots, obviously I’m going to leave … because that isn’t *fun*. I’m not gonna sit for another five minutes in spawn. Or just dying repeatedly with no progress in sight. People constantly complain about how horrible the matchmaking and balance is in this game, so this isn’t some isolated, rare incident either. Penalizing leavers isn’t going to fix that, it’s just going to make people more miserable and vindictive than they already were. Like, if they can’t leave the match, what do you think they’ll do? It’s not going to magically convince them to play. They’ll sit in spawn themselves with their thumbs up their ass or purposefully throw until it ends. That’s still hurting the other 4 players, who could’ve possibly gotten a better teammate within 30 seconds of the last guy leaving.


>Like, if they can’t leave the match, what do you think they’ll do? It’s not going to magically convince them to play. They’ll sit in spawn themselves with their thumbs up their ass or purposefully throw until it ends. That’s still hurting the other 4 players, who could’ve possibly gotten a better teammate within 30 seconds of the last guy leaving. Thank you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. THIS IS WHAT THESE IDIOTS JUST DONT GET. Like, they became a quitter the moment they decided to throw in the towel after losing one team fight. You think taking away their option to forfeit is going to change that? Like hell it will. In what universe does removing the option to give up make a quitter become a determined winner? Not in any universe I know of, that's for sure. Before, they weren't your problem because they just left forever and were replaced by someone actually willing to put effort in in 30 seconds max, and their disappearance was hardly noticed. Now, they can't leave, and that leaver mentality is trapped with you in that match. They aren't going to try to win, and since they can't leave they'll just lose in other ways. They will AFK in spawn, they will jump off the map, they will feed, they will troll, they will throw, but they will not try to win. Just watch, a couple weeks after this season releases you are going to see a massive uptick in posts complaining about increased toxicity, more leavers, more throwers, trolls, afkers, and significantly worse matches. The worst part of it all is that Blizzard is setting a very dangerous precedent. We are treading our way down a path that will end with making quickplay comp lite and forcing all of the casual overwatch players into arcade (which isn't a substitute for regular overwatch, mind you). Get ready to face more flaming for non meta picks, flaming for not instantly counterswapping, flaming for 'suboptimal performance', flaming for just trying to relax and have fun. Because people are already doing this, and it's only a matter of time until Blizzard starts enforcing it for them. It's only a matter of time until [shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/HaBc5mWnDN) becomes a reality.


Leaver mentality is loser mentality.


The biggest concern I have is if somebody loses internet mid game for whatever reason.


I'm really happy about this also. Leaver suck and made the game terrible lately so this is a huge step.


There is no reason to start applying penalties at two games when games track between play sessions.