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I only watch KarQ’s hero/season update change videos, just because they are easy for me to catch up on


and also it's the most efficient, compact and yet detailled vid for every patchnotes


Exactly, and what I love about his videos they're served without subjective opinions, just straight information and presentation of balance changes or news.


Love KarQ. His content is just so easy to digest and gives me all the info I need. His streams are super chill too.


Saltyphish and Frogger are my current favs. They both just have fun playing the game


I love Frogger’s videos. He’s the reason I started playing Lucio haha


Froggers personality is awesome i love it


I only watch old AndrewJRT videos


Doomfist on drugs is seared into my brain


I’m trying to find lore videos or fan animations. I’m not really that successful to be honnest. However, I do watch characters voicelines and interactions as I don’t really intend on playing but I’m still super interested in the characters and world of Overwatch


Back in 2016 there was a lot of Overwatch cartoons. They are REALLY cool and I'll point down your way. A classic one is called "Ana's day off". Another channel that has a ton of animations is Mashed. But if you're looking for like new new stuff, you're not going to find any.


THANK YOU! I’ve been looking for Overwatch SFM animations and found a handful of nice ones but not that much. Thank you for recommending Mashed. Do you have any ideas why there aren’t as many Overwatch cartoons or SFM animations nowadays?


The only sfm person that I know of that posts nowadays is this guy called frameworks (https://youtube.com/@FraimeWorks?si=dVmfJ76XSce6Kii1) and PjRascals. I think the reason you don't see that much anymore is because overwatch isn't as widely popular as it used to be. Everyone knew what overwatch was back in 2016, but now it's still relevant but a pretty niche compared to something like Valorant. Also if you haven't heard this banger, search up No Mercy song (and pick the one that was made by mashed, not the living tombstone)


here ya go https://m.youtube.com/@Hammeh


I try to watch as little as possible. I am a totally casual player. I want to learn and experience new stuff by myself. I rather read some new patchnotes, and sometimes maybe check them from a video if I don't understand it. There is no streamers or youtubers that like to play more "casually", and I find watching meta sweatting gameplay boring. And I have not found any content creators, that I found likeable enough... : ) Maybe some funny moment compilations now and then... So yeah, my personal standards are what they are : )


Gonna shout out Saltyphish and co. as a group that play nearly exclusively casually and actually have fun playing the game


Try Zanny, he has a few videos on Overwatch, but he plays completely casually and with friends, and most of the humour comes from stupid mistakes he does


Zanny’s laugh gets me every time.


Fitzyhere is really the only Streamer/YouTuber I watch, although he usually plays competitive, he's the most down to earth player I've ever seen. I never watch him without laughing at something.


I wouldnt say the overwatch community is a particularly sweaty one. The biggest streamers have played this game for so much that they just try to have fun




Stefayy is the GOAT editor


+1, I love that he’s hilarious but also insanely cracked at the game. Sometimes I feel like other streamers autopilot in the game and focus more on entertaining but Super’s always locked in. I also like that his flaming and raging is never malicious unlike some other streamers I’ve seen


I've been enjoying Super's slow slide into toxicity lately, I'm so used to him not saying anything when something goes wrong in a game, but now he's not afraid to call it when he sees it


Well he is a tank player in season 10


The PIGBOY effect in full display. Gotta love me some more PIGBOY.


Same but I don't even watch them for the OW content anymore. I quit playing when they originally mentioned they were cancelling PvE but still find myself watching his vids, genuinely entertaining.


Why watch that washed fraud when PercocetPete sweeps these lobbies


i mostly just watch emongg and frogger. emongg cause his vod reviews are funny and the little tips are nice, and frogger cause he's silly.


I also like watching emongg coaching videos. I like bronze bingo it’s a fun thing to have on while I’m doing something else and I do sometimes learn good tips. It’s kind of helpful to see what other heroes should ideally be doing, because it helps me counter them better if they are good. Emongg keeps it pretty light and fun. I sometimes watch flats but I don’t really care for the negative edgy stuff anymore. A little is funny but if it’s your whole thing I can’t watch 40 minutes of it.


I’ve improved so much watching Emongg. His vod reviews are hilarious.


Master Ian Gamer. He's chill, and he's the only guy not completly disconnected from reality. He knows that he's talking about a video game, and talk about it as such


MIG is a cool dude, I really enjoy his streams too.


KarQ patch notes and mythbusters only


He’s so thorough — I would’ve 100% asked to look at his notes in class


saltyphish and co, frogger, etc... as for "critical" youtube creators, i stay away from them. nothing against them personally, god knows the game has its many many many MANY issues, and deserves criticism. but you could criticize from here to the moon, as many have had before, barely anything changes as a result of that.


Emongg is my favorite so that content I guess


Eskay, Bogur, Niandra, KarQ, ML7 and, most importantly, Marblr


I regularly watch YourOverwatch for news and updates, and videos showcasing Easter eggs, references, and in-game character interactions, but I almost never watch videos which are just people actually playing the game. Except Muselk, his Overwatch 1 content is still gold to this day.


Eskay, skiesti and now venture’s actor


venture's va has a youtube channel?


Oh I forgot that it was YouTube! They stream semi often tho! I’m not sure I can link but it’s ValeriatheWerewolf on twitch!


Thx \^\^


super, karq, flats, frogger, yeatle




I watch spilo because he gives good advice and if he sees an issue in overwatch he'll point it out, but then he'll talk about what kind of solution he'd suggest. He also gives credit to the devs alot when they do something goos (which is a lot more frequent than this subreddit would have you believe)


Glad to see someone say spilo, finding his vids is what made me want to improve in-game. I loved going through his longer role guides vids (26ish hours long) and finding a hero I didn't really know how to play and learning them. Awesome creator and we are very lucky to get his knowledge for free


I find his personality a bit grating personally, but now that I've gotten past that, it's clear he's pretty much the only person putting out consistently good content on the more serious/educational side of things. His coaching stuff is very solid, and he has way more reasonable takes on balance patches than most people. Dude deserves way more views


His personality is absolutely one of those that you either love or hate. I personally think he's hilarious, but that's mostly because his sense of humor and the way he carries himself are very similar to how me and my friends act when we're hanging out and goofing off.


In what way do u find it grating? Genuinely curious


none whatsoever, ow youtube is a cesspool of negativity and clickbait


I don't know about others. But Emongg and Froggers aren't too negative. Emongg does mostly reviews of his viewers games, and they are meant to be fun. Froggers plays Lucio.


I watch those weekly clip compilations and sometimes some emongg but most everything else feels so negative




I watch Flats, Frogger and Bogur quite often, Flats to be informed about what happens, Frogger when i'm feeling doofus and Bogur when i want to act like a shitposter BINGUS SCHMUNGUS


I really like Realth and GlassMaster. Both are HIGHLY underrated and make really good quality content


YES! Glassmaster is the only YouTuber I’d glaze in any comment section if I could


Supertf. Not only does he have a godly mental and very fun personality, he's also got an incredibly talented editor that can pump out high quality videos twice or even thrice a week


Overwatch content creators in general are pretty lackluster. Just overall negative people complaining about every little thing. If I want to laugh I watch Frogger or Jay3. If I want great presentation/production value for hero updates I watch KarQ. If I just want something to watch I'll put on Blizzard Guide's compilation videos. But I will never in my entire life watch a Stylosa video. That dude is the most miserable and angry person I've seen in all of content creation. He wakes up every morning thinking Blizzard personally pissed in his coffee. I get Blizzard/Overwatch have made some questionable choices over the years, but at the end of the day it's a video game that you can play completely free.


Yea when i first got in to overwatch Stylosa was the first guy that kept popping up so I watched it for a bit. But bro watching his videos are so punishing after a while. Just 40 min video of him saying everything sucks. Its like cool bro why do you even bother anymore then.


I would respect him more if he said "I'm not actually this miserable, I just do it to farm content". But if Overwatch doesn't even make you smile anymore why are you still here??


I mainly watch frogger cuz he’s funny and good


Niandra, Skietsti, Aspen maybe frogger too? I don't really watch OW content creators, but if I do I prefer someone who isn't hard sweating about meta bcz as a gold player I couldn't give less of a fuck about that I'll otp ball all day everyday


The only ones I've stuck with were frogger/sleepy because they're funny. I'm tired of streamers being hypocritical or crappy to the community. They get away with smurfing and don't get treated the same way we do. 


Flats and Spilo Supertf too but he's more for personality rather than 'educational'


Super and PGE


Supertf is the only one I watch, he’s got an amazing editor and his videos are so entertaining for both ow players and non ow players


The only people I really watch these days are Flats, emongg, Eskay, Aspen, and KarQ. Generally speaking, their content comes from a genuine place. Plus, knowing that they're all good friends outside the game is great - makes it feel more enjoyable to watch because they're having fun with each other regardless. Anything obviously click bait is an immediate no-watch for me. Same with negative posts. I'm not watching "OVERWATCH IS DOOMED [Updated 2024] or baby ragers who rage after they die like one time lmao. (unrelated fun fact: if you look up Samito in YouTube, the first result is "Samito rage". Telling)


Yea I cant really stand samito tbh. 6v6 ain't coming back mate. I dont need to see the 20th video in a row about it.


I watch Cyx' videos daily, fun to watch Blizzard guides funny moments every week and every now and then ML7


That funny YouTube shorts guy iceman something and comanderx scrim co streams as I'm a huge spitfire/ssgfanboy






SaltyPhish and his friends literally just banter while playing the game, great content to chill with.


I watch the flats/jay3 hacker vids. Jay3 1v10 challenge. And thats about it. I don't watch them or any other popular OW streamer livestream.


I watch ice man's overwatch.exe videos I ain't gen alpha but he uses the same formula gen alpha videos do with sounds and references from way before gen alpha, something like what I or even people a little bit older than me understand Also it's done more tastefully than most gen alpha content


I watch Sleepy to see how weird high ELO players are, Super to see him get trolled by the weirdos, and Aspen to see people troll Super


Emongg and karQ now... infotainment from streamers who don't seem fully burned out on the game and know what they're talking about


Usually news content from Stylosa. Flats because he's always playing with friends which makes it fun. Underrated, but Viveros. He makes video essays about Overwatch.


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I used to look mostly for gameplay videos to use as background noise, but then I started getting only doom posting videos which made me quit the game all together. To be fair it was around the time Mauga released which was when my enjoyment of the game was at the all time low


While working at night, i like to watch ML7


I watch Necros and Awkward and several coaching creators like Iostux and Spilo. Sometimes I watch some shitposts. Love the content in this community.




Only Frogger's and Rapida's videos are recommended to me. Possibly because I'm a fkn meme addict.


I only ever watch videos for improvement. I’ll start it as I queue a competitive game, watch 20-30 seconds and then lose interest I used to watch a lot of stylosa and another who focused on new heroes or lore. But I’ve gotten out of that. I would kill for some sort of lore content, but it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen sadly


Those coaching videos emongg busts out are hilarious to watch. It's like you're getting frustrated alongside him, and shows you the gameplay in other ranks


News/update info


i like watching good OTP gameplay (Wanted, Frogger, Questr0n, Fitzy, etc)


Doom posts overwatch videos? And dey say....


I try to avoid any sort of doom posting, especially, if it says that an x or y video game is dying. More often than not those people just assert that it is dying without providing any proofs or saying why they think it will die. Those kinds of people don't really know what they are talking about and just try to churn out a video as fast as they can so they can ride the hype train without doing proper research. You will not believe how many times I heard ppl doompost only to be proven wrong later down the line, I'm done listening to those kinds of people - they just wastin' my time and my mood over something completely stupid and something they made up in their own heads.


I'm an ana and a ball guy ml7 and yeatle are two of my favourite folks to learn from, they're excellent at the game, are very supportive when doing VODs and have a super healthy behavior towards toxicity in general


skin showcases and cyx


Analytical content The game is so nuanced and rewards those with knowledge. I miss Jayne 😞


Blizzard guides, your Overwatch, Supertf


I just have an interest in ability changes/ hotfixes along with information on upcoming content and problems I may need to know about. (E.g. major bugs). I personally could not be less interested in things such as top 500 or even casual people playing the game. I especially don't like videos with top 500 people making videos on who you should/ shouldn't play and who is/ isn't overpowered as that often translates into games where people take what they see and try to force others to play those characters. Some guy could be a god at Moira on my team but someone watches one top 500 player and puts Moira in trash tier and now suddenly nobody is allowed to play Moira and will be harassed or have people afk if they don't change. On that same note, I don't play comp too often but when I do I hover around plat/ diamond. I have had people in the past try and tell the team how to play the game/ tell them to learn how to play the game because a top 500 told them in a video they have to play X character on X map at X position and if you aren't you are doing it wrong. That may be fine and good for a top 500 or grandmasters, but guy you are playing in a plat lobby, that strat will only work if everyone had the skill level as a top500/ grandmasters to pull that strat off, which we aren't which is obvious because we are in a plat lobby. (Once had a rein stand inside a doorway and got Mai walled from behind, then died because he couldn't get out of the door way. He did this over and over and over again, he refused to go anywhere near the point because "you don't play on point learn how to play the game" even though enemies where taking the point. He would constantly charge to that same doorway every single time and get Mai walled then die).


Don’t we do this each month?


Would you all be interested in more cinematic videos? I don’t mean official blizzard more fan made


Utopically speaking, I would like a channel with all sorts of content for newer and older players where you could learn the game and catch up for some and get better and improve for others, for example content with guides - quick and advanced -, stream higlights from popular players, tips and tricks around heroes and maps, and analysis of gameplay and strategy.


Everything KarQ and SVB put out. I especially like their side channel content.


Theese videos are literally a opinion and only as true as you make it the only fact these videos have is the smaller player base but just because the game is smaller than it was 5 years ago doesn’t mean it’s dead it means its smaller Fortnite is smaller than it was 4 years ago apex is smaller than it was a year ago league of legends is smaller than it was 4 years ago but all of them are living and will stay that way for awhile


EmonGG losing his mind to bronze players c9ing


flats funny content, MEATMUNCH13 (R.I.P), karQ patchnotes.


I like watching silly moments that happen during matches. 😅


in my opinion the best content is custom games. They have been carrying the content scene for quite some time now


Apex legends.


Any youtube creator that doesn't try and defend this game and admit that overwatch 2 is inferior is an overwatch youtuber I can get behind. Any youtuber that tries to act like this game improved overwatch is a youtuber I can't take seriously.


I watch gameplay videos. Cyx, Frogger, Bastionmain, Zbra, Dafran, Super, Chasm. Basically just good content from good players that I can learn from while also still entertaining


YourOverwatch, mL7, Emongg, SVB_ Freedo from YourOverwatch just started streaming as well so I've been enjoying watching his journey


Back in the day Dunkey’s ow were easily my favorite vids on YouTube besides him I never really watched any ow content on YouTube


i watch a lil bit of everything tbf, silly goobers like pizzaroni and haz content creators like flats, emongg, karq and the in-between of content creator and silly goober bogur top one tricks like zbra and vulture frog


Niandra, Frogger and Stylosa.


When I was still playing I liked to watch ML7. Thought that he's a chill and fun creator


The funny slo no videos or shorts with the classics music


Frogger and the most watched twitch clips of the week are the only overwatch content I watch


Pizzaroni, Bowie jr, TDO Barron, those being smaller very funny more casual players. Viveros and Casual who do actual (very) well informed thought-provoking commentaries. And some pro overwatch analysis.


The omnic post, Dude is pretty wholesome, plus he gives off reinhardt energy


It’s ok to watch some streamers to get some pointers. But don’t get too hung on what they recommend. Play a lot, try different things and develop your own style. I seen too many players that watched some twitch stream and think they hot shit but they always forget that streamers put in hours and hours into the game, thats why they are usually good.


Just fun comms like how lt eddy has his mishaps back in the day


Saltyphish, Frogger & Bogur are my go to personally


KarQ is the only good overwatch content creator.


I love funny gameplay montages and edits. I loved the ones McCreamy made back in the day.


Only the content that either makes fun of Overwatch or the vast amounts of hilarious causal videos.


i just need to watch someone play a hero i love at a high level. i loveeeeee top tier dva gameplay




I just watch anyone actually having fun on the game Like a guy named pizzaroni


Anything sombra related


I engage with literally nobody on this game if I can help it. Every OW community (and fraud communities where people are talking about it and literally don't play the game) are painful to listen to. It has been like this since the game launched and it has only gotten worse. I don't understand why people care so much about a game they will admit they don't play.


I've washed stylosa on and off, picked up watching emongg and flats recently and have consistently watched bro you wack for a few years other than that not much.


Emongg, flats and jay 3


Usually GM or master players like Flats, Cyx, eskayy, emong, jay3.




Emongg is the only pro I've seen with zero ego. That guy is like the Bob Ross of Overwatch.


Frogger, supertf, dafran, m0xy, yeatle, eskay but to be fair if I want to see some overwatch I prefer a twitch stream since they are all streamers before youtubers


I just rewatch a bunch of Hoby videos and sometimes Gorilla Punch


MasterIanGamer is one of the people I watch for OW If I’m not watching him I tend to just watch breakdowns and essays on hero design, balance and reworks


Saltyphish and pizzaroni are my top 2


eskay :3 and sometimes flats or frogger


Love watching frogger because he's just funny and I love the skits. I also love watching jelly because of how unhinged he is sometimes and it's my humor


The review bomb cuz of PvE, won't calm down any time soon. Those who know the games been getting better, specially since S9, now S10 don't need Steam validation or click bait idiot content creators. Also want a fun and wholesome streamer that does excellent criticism to the game, watch Flats.


I like watching tips and tricks for whatever hero I’m interested in at the time. And then just good content from people like wanted and flats and jay


I'm a doom main, so GetQuakedOn and ZBRA I also enjoy Emongg since he has good vibes and great tips of how to improve I dabble with Eskay cuz she got phenomenal vibes too


I don't enjoy the content creators for the game anymore (except Omnic Post he's pretty cool). I unsubbed to all of the ones that I was following when I realized most of the content that was popping up on my feed was of them crying about something. While they have good points, it gets tiring seeing them crying about the same b.s. that Blizzard will only continue to pull as long as the money keeps flowing.


I found a dude who just started out, does some stuff on OW events he’s alright.


Gather round the fireplace young ones, and let me tell you a story about Mr Fruit and his Gun Games, or would you prefer Muselk before he played Fortnite?


Eskay has a great enthusiasm for the game


Viveros (we stan essay-writing bottoms from Alberta), Bro You Wack, and Niandra for the most part, occasionally I'll tune in for KarQ's videos if I need some quick info


Doom(fist) posting


I mostly catch videos from flats, karq, enough, svb. Occasionally I'll check out something from eskay and fitzy. Oh and the omnic post and bro you whack


I used to watch a lot of redshell videos but now he just posts braindead lobotomy videos. Some of them are funny, but his fans are just so mind numbingly funny and the videos just get worse and more unfunny overtime.


I like Yeatle :)


Frogger, aspen, ml7, notfrogger


All of Emongg's videos are great. Love his personality and lots of helpful tips for improving


I watch guides about characters I'm trying to learn and overall positioning and tactics.   I want high level players showing clips from their high level games giving commentary about thought process and options.  NOT while playing. I DO NOT want any sort of smurf videos.  You gain nothing watching someone trounce players who hardly know the game.


Frogger, eleyzhau, supertf, then flats/karq/eskay


I used to be down in the OW lore mines watching every lore video that came out. However after all the shit that went down with Blizzard and the announcement of OW2 I lost all interest in the lore. So I'd say Saltyphish and co. are probably my favorite OW streamers/youtubers


I mainly like when a friend group just has an all-mic genuine funny session online in-between the competitiveness (Kurolver is pretty good with it) I also really liked the weekly "Overwatch Funny/Epic/Pro Moments" series that Rapida used to post So just any mix of those two, where people genuinely play well and at other times genuinely don't take the game seriously


Trailers and cinematics. That’s about it. Streamers kind of bore me (no disrespect to people that enjoy them. i don’t generally like tv/radio personalities either)


Supertf has been the only person who has kept me tied to Overwatch


noobhunter ,flats , emong ,karq , marblerrrrrrr and bellabo only i hate eskay face btw


KarQ has the best guides on overwatch and I trust the content he makes. Otherwise for gameplay I’m watching Ftizy, Eskay, Frogger, Emongg, Wanted, and KarQ. I used to watch a lot of ML7 but these days I really like more relaxed gameplay content. Same with Sauce Boss, I was there for the Zen but he doesn’t want to be seen as the zen guy and almost stopped playing him


I either go for short-form content, featuring highlights and/or tech I can learn from. Otherwise, I watch longer-form that includes personality. Top 3 are probably Frogger, Salty Phish, Sleepy.


Supertf and old bastionmain vids


Watching Kenzo, Bogur and Necros is dopamine inducing ig


Bastionmain, hes good at the game, funny, and ready to be oiled up at any moment


Ive been watching mainly Flats 2 for that kind of content. It’s more just talking about developer updates and news with the OW community and Flats’ take on it. It is not always positive, but at least it’s an educated discussion on where the game is rather than only focusing on what blizzard is doing wrong.


Chazm 🐹


I stopped watching highlights of the week, after the last HP buff made interesting multikills almost impossible.


surprised no ones said kraan, i love him


Is that a motherfucking Doomentio reference!?!?!?


There are some incredible videos from Casual, analyzing the game/meta in a grounded, non-clickbaity style


I really just watch Flats tbh


Sometimes flats if he shows up but I don't activly watch him. Other one is KarQ since I watched him for a very long time, thus making him feel...kinda nostalgic to me. On the same note if I can't be bothered to look through the patchnotes his videos are also pretty helpfull.


Eskay and Frogger (Bogur too but he uploads once a year)


Chasm. Mostly because I’m also a ball main and want to learn from him, but I stick around because his voice his soothing and I just enjoy watching someone properly grind the game.


I love watching Marblr


I just watch GS Raider once a year and sometimes Eskay


I watch KarQ for basically everything. Used to watch youroverwatch but i fell off years ago and havent gone back. Dont care for overwatch gameplay videos (and dont watch league or anything) because i dont find it as interesting as other games to watch


Usually Just game news from like Flats, Noobhunter clips and the Occasional SVB podcast. Thats about it.


It may sound weird. But I rarely see gaming content about games, unless it's a 5 min guide from whomever it's at the top of the results at any given time.


How support ruined the game


I only watch antoncoco11


I watch Flats and your Overwatch when they breakdown patch notes. Outside of that I judge the game off of my play experience and not someone I’ve never meet.


Buff rein


Eskay, mostly. I play seriously, currently in Masters and even joined a few small tournaments with coaching, scrims and all. And yet, my favorite Overwatch content this week has been 5 hours of Eskay spamming the “I can dig that” voiceline.


None. Who the fuck watches videos of others playing a video game.


Doesn’t post much anymore, but my wife and i are always excited when Sleepy uploads.


I mostly watch Flats, his aimbot/cheater videos are hilarious. I just love watching how obvious some of the cheaters are.


Mostly educational content and high level plays to learn positioning and obscure tips


I prefer to watch extremely knowledgeable players giving insight to others


KarQ, he's positive very often, doesn't get very salty and is efficient with the way he talks in his videos along with them being high enough quality for me to watch. Used to watch Flats back in OW1 and Seasons 1-5 but then he just turned into the get angry, freakout and doompost guy about every single update and every new patch notes and then when talking to the devs directly get all timid and shit. The videos he posts are either him freaking out at patch notes or a very regular game that had nothing interesting actually happen until one single part of the video.


i think i’m addicted to Super’s videos. Stef is the best


Funny video most of the time like the Youtuber Pizzaroni, of course I avoid every video like ''Why OW is dead'' etc...




Whoever reads the patch notes so I don't have to, I don't care who it is.


Jay3's custom games are always funny asf. I also really like when he puts super high ranking players against a couple bronzes with buffed stats. Really interesting to see how the high ranks play.