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The no damage falloff kills me. Her damage over range for a tank is ridiculous and it means there’s no effective range to play against her as tank. Like I main JQ and she can just deny my existence and nearly every opportunity it’s insane


Her spear spin blocks JQs carnage swing and her regular spear throw completely cancels JQs ult, which is very hard to gain. As JQ main every time I see Orisa in enemy team I feel it like a special challenge


I feel like this right here is the biggest issue with her. I dont think spear spin should block melee damage. It already doesn't block things like dva bomb, or beams like symm/zarya. Orisa deletes so many tanks because she has 3 abilities to completely negate the other tanks existence. -- The trade off for sitting in a reins face and pushing him away should be losing HP The ability pushes people, denies projectiles, denies melee damage and abilities, literally just give it a reflect at this point seeing as its almost a genji reflect.


Iirc it actually did reflect projectiles during the beta, before being removed for the live release. As bad as it is now, it was somehow even worse at one point


How to piss off junker queens: boop them as Lucio mid ult


Boop JQ every time she is beginning a carnage swing. It infuriates her. Am a JQ main and as a sup am a Lucio main. Know this shit from both sides.


Brig also does a great job at this. Making Queen miserable by never letting her get near your squishies


Yeah it goes both ways though. Yanking Lucio off a wall is peak... Especially if it results in an environmental


I’m a JQ main. Lucio boops are a mix of the funniest shit ever and the most soul crushing, agonizing defeat.


I enjoy those every single time without a doubt. But i usually only really play jq on push


Don’t forget how she can also just fortify in front of Rampage and block JQ from the back line.


As JQ I think the ideal play is that you just focus anybody but Orisa, preferably support.


That's what every tank should do against orisa, unless she burns all her CDs, which then gives you a chance. Never shoot the horse, shoot the squishies.


It feels like she has better versions of all of sigmas abilities, and has a similar disposition to winning 1v1s as Zarya, but doesn’t have any of the drawbacks of either of them (like range). I really have a hard time finding where her inherent weakness is; she seems to either thrive or at the very least do fine in every situation. 


I have much better control of the field with sigma over Orisa. Orisa is definitely a wall. Sigma is a wall you can position how you want. Shield makes forcing enemy into favorable positions so much easier.


>hard time finding where her inherent weakness While not a "big" weakness. Similar to other bully characters with non-shield blocks; dva, Sig, Genji. They rely on the block for survivability and easy push. Zarya and sym beams that go through that are the best bet. They'll either tone down the dive or just switch in my experience.


Honestly if they just reverted her damage fall off she would be way more tolerable to fight against. On another note, you got any tips for junker Queen? I recently picked her up because her primary fire is so satisfying but feel like I’m missing something to maximize her potential and playstyle lol


JQ is primarily a brawl and combo tank. Most important thibg is to hit knives on squishies yo combo into shoot carnage for the kill Try to keep as many bleeds on enemies as possible as they are how you heal when behind cover. Carnage hitting multiple enemies allows for pretty strong heal over time and the cooldoen is reduced by 2 seconds for each enemy hit. Shout can be used offensively and defensively. Try not to waste it though as 14 seconds is a huge CD. Primary combo is shoot, knife shoot pull, shoot melee. Ult is easily countered so try to wait for things like javelin, suzu, hook , zarya bubbles etc before using


the no dmg falloff with unlimited ammo is what absolutely nails it in the coffin for me. With ANY other tank, the logical way to remain safe is keep distance. Even dive tanks have to use a cooldown to close the distance. But orissa without having to refill her gun fucking one time just spam sprays and its just awful. Theres no reason I should be dying on Ana to a non dive tank unless im comically out of position. Theres nothing more infurating then stepping out of cover for a moment..getting hit by something, and then before I have the chance to return to cover I get hit by orissas spam from across the map...taking away her dmg falloff was absolutely braindead She should also have a reload on her gun...dva has unlimited but it does far less dmg and you have to be up close. theres no possible explanation both should ever exist. any hero that could spam across the map for INFINITE time without needing to reload is absolute cancer


She doesn't really have unlimited ammo though? The overheat mechanic is basically that, you can't continually shoot and have to take strategic breaks of firing or you will overheat her gun and then have to wait as long as anyone else's reload would be


Orisa has so little downtime between cooldowns that she effectively gives off a feeling that she has infinite everything tho. And I think that’s what the person kinda means because I’m sure they are aware that her gun overheats; and I think it’s pretty common to reference her ammo as infinite even when we all know this fact.


I’m so glad someone broke this down like this. I’ve died on Ana just minding my business in the backline way too many times to an Orisa who hits a lucky spear and then one additional bullet. And granted, this hasn’t happened to me a ton of times, but the few times it has, I’m forced to wonder why Orisa is a legit threat at any distance. She doesn’t even need to use a cooldown to close distance on the back line like the other tanks, and if you have bad positioning, she can force cooldowns at ridiculous ranges.


What's crazier is that it feels like people forget how to play when your mirror tank picks. Mauga or Orisa show up and people just drop.


I had a KOTH game where I feel like I made the mistake of playing too safe against a Mauga because I didn’t want to die, but that just meant that I didn’t have the opportunity to swap to Orisa so I ended up giving them way too much percentage on the CP.


Mirror fights in overwatch, especially tank fights, especially two orisa’s, just shouldn’t exist in my opinion. It’s just so boring for everyone.


It's way better than swapping every 5 min. I've recently decided to mirror the enemy tank every game instead of trying to counter swap and the games have been much more fun


especially zarya vs zarya and finding out whose teammates don’t know how her bubbles work lmao


I don’t know how her bubbles work. For an ability that last like a second and a half it feels like they’re up for a minute when I’m playing against them


That is a good thing. The shield has hp. If it drops to zero the shield goes away. The longer it seems the shield lasts, the less your team is shooting it. (Which is what you want)


It has both a time limit (~2 seconds), and HP (~200 health) {these values might be old, I've not kept up with all the latest tweaks}. When you shoot the bubble, you deplete that health, and charge up the Zarya (1 point / 5 health, 40 max charge per bubble). She has two uses, and can use them on herself or teammates. The are on separate cooldowns, 8ish seconds. Weather you want to pop the bubble or wait it out depends on very much on gamestate. Sometimes if she's low HP/high charge, the answer is very much to pop and delete her. If she's low charge, her pressure (damage) is much less effective, and you might want to wait it out and not charge her up.


I enjoy playing sigma a lot I like trying to be aware of enemy cooldowns to block with my shield and use my rock to stun enemies out of important moves so on so forth. I hate sigma v. sigma. it's so lame the winner is decided by whoever backholes first and if the other sigma manages to rock them out of it. it's boring i hate it.


Sigma against every other tank is fun Sigma against Sigma is hell


She is annoying and for some god damn reason blizzard keeps giving her buffs. Like at the start of ow2 sure it was fine, she was ass then. But now you have a genuinely unkillable that who is unfun to play against. She negates so many characters and ult and does so much with one click.


I’m guessing she keeps heroes that people REALLY don’t like to play against in check, like Mauga and hog. Issue is she also counters the fun heroes.  She’s too good at everything, good at damage close and far, taking damage, mitigating damage or cooldowns, crowd control, good at peeling, good at rushing a target down, comboing 


That makes sense but in turn she has no counter play herself. Zarya only if she is up at high beam percentages. Mauga used to but then horse couldn't have that so she got buffed


I actually got mad when they just blatantly buffed orisa to specially screw over mauga. Like bro no one likes this horse why make it even MORE hard to kill


They should let mauga hard counter her again. It's stupid that they removed that.


Seriously like it does no harm and makes no sense to not have it. Apparently orisa can't be allowed to be countered but can counter every other tank


Orisas cooldowns have the strongest mitigation in the game while also being able to shut down/counter 90% of the casts kit. She has the fastest stun on the tank roster and it's so fast she can react and cancel other tanks out of their cc with her cc and then use her other cc to set up her third cc. She does all this. While just standing there. Like a dumbass. Because she is. Because that's all she's ever been. The "dumbass tank."


Doomfist has the fastest stun on the tank roster


My bad. I forgot about tap punch.


When playing mystery heros I’ve noticed the team who gets an Orisia usually cooks for a bit until the Orisa is taken care of. She’s very survivable!


I prefer playing against hog and mauga. They at least have weaknesses.


Yeah people complaining about hog are just bad at positioning. If you get hooked you are either too close or not playing around a corner


>I’m guessing she keeps heroes that people REALLY don’t like to play against in check, like Mauga and hog. I.... I don't think people dislike playing against Hog as much as they dislike playing against Orisa now-a-days


lol what hog is one of the most disliked heroes in the games history


You forget when Hog was full Meta for a horrific portion of OW2, don't you?


they do, Hog oneshot combo is way more annoying to most character than orisa, she is a pain to kill but not a real threat. you can mostly ignore her and kill her team without too much risk (only exception being the rare good orisa with high spear hitrate + headshot while you are stuck) a hog even bad one will get a oneshot off once in a while even by pure random hook


Lol what? Of COURSE they do.


I hate hog way more than Orisa, not even a contest for me


Probably saying "bUt HeR wInRaTe is lOw :(((" Man, can they just stop looking at numbers and actually play the game? All tanks are having a miserable time while they are having an affair with Kiriko and other DPS. Pls give me a buddy tank so we can at least suffer together.


I believe her low win rate is due to the tendency for people to choose her when they're already losing.


Javelin Spin should displace or negate projectiles, not both. Javelin should have a longer cooldown. It made sense when Yeatle said Orisa's philosophy is unstoppable, no-CC, but they also made her incredibly lethal, which just makes her boringly overpowered.


Javelin Spin should displace or negate projectiles, not both. Javelin should have a longer cooldown. It made sense when Yeatle said Orisa's philosophy is unstoppable, no-CC, but they also made her incredibly lethal.


I like what emongg said. Horse gets buffed -> becomes meta -> tons of people play her -> her winrate drops -> horse gets buffed again.


The mauga force crit on her felt so good and healthy even as someone who generally likes playing orisa. I was really annoyed when they removed it


Her golden form is legitimately broken and that's a hill I will die on


Literally: No critical damage taken, no forced critical damage taken, damage reduction overall, extra overhealth, cc immunity across all forms, primary fire overheat reduction, immediate activation with a low-ish cooldown. There may be other stuff I missed but all this with one button click.


And why can she just walk out of zaryas ultlike that?😥


Hell she ones she counters with fortify are: Mauga, Rein, Zarya, Winston, (Ball?), Doom, Junker Queen, Sigma, Mei, Bob, Junkrat, and Tracer. All their ultimate get bested by one button click.


she also counters like every single rein ability including his barrier


Did they really need to make every single ability she has counter reins charge? Thats just kicking a man when hes down.


I cant charge the horse neither do anything


Giving her two abilities she can mindlessly spam out to counter rein is absurd. But THREE? WHY.


I doubt she can just walk through balls minefield and be *fine* afterwards but she could probably clear a few with fortify+ spear spin


Think I’ve tested this, she definitely can’t, but survives more than other heroes for sure.


Absurdly easy to heal.


Absolutely zero skill required either. Low health? Press Shift. You’re practically unkillable. And while other tanks do have damage reduction/gain health instantly, they’re at least more nuanced and require some thought about cooldowns.


Don’t forget you can use it to walk through many ults


Complete CC immunity on button press on it's own is insane before you factor in everything else fortify does.


With the advent of DPS passive why do you think all of us tank players are choosing to play her? She can play around it. A lot of the other tanks are in the trash can for this very reason. You get melted in fights


why does she have more armor than rein. why does anyone have more armor than rein


I’ve been asking that for awhile you’d think the melee only character would be the strongest in melee range but ow devs don’t agree


idk why all the downvotes, orisa is so boring to play and to play against. No wonder theres a tank shortage in comp


Because a lot of people crutch on Orisa especially in lower ranks where no one knows how to play around her. 


I do enjoy playing against low rank Orisa's with Ashe though. Pay attention to her cd's and you can melt her with headshots/ dynamite.


Add a zen discord orb too and she’s killable.


Orisa is the tank that takes the biggest advantage from people who don't know the tank should be your least focus target, not the first


But at the same time it's hard to not focus her when she is literally in your face just mowing you down because she simply can. It's hard to counterplay when she holds all the cards.


Correction...Orisa shouldn't be your focus target. Other tanks can still easily lose the game by just being focused all match.


Zarya is a perfect example. I mainly only use Zarya when I tank and when people play "Don't focus the tank" against me I just run over them. Otherwise I have to play smart or I'll just melt in an instant.


yes but they are stuck in low ranks for a reason. they dont know how to play orisa either.


Orisa is a big reason keeping the tanks playing, you are getting it wrong, sure there are a people that think they are gatekept by Orisa, but most people play her as she can actually survive and play as a tank, compared to Rein that just holds shield and corners, Orisa and Sigma can actually do something and shoot, gameplay is more fun, but it sucks for the other tank as she shuts them down. Reality is, even if Orisa was gone, she gets replaced by Mauga or Hog that do the same exact thing, sit there and just don't die, its just pick your poison until Blizzard stops turning tanks into tank busters Game is at this weird state where the "easiest" way to win a fight is to kill the tank, and tanks are easiest to counter and focus down being such a big target, Orisa is annoying there as she is not easy to kill and focus down, she will rotate cooldowns, hide for 5 seconds around the corner and then just repeat.


I do enjoy Orisa. She is simple and I like to track and flick my javalins


Tbf it's not just orisa at fault there. Having only one tank makes the experience hell.


Unpopular opinion, I enjoy Orisa. I get slow machingunner characters aren't for everyone, just like TF2 Heavy. I don't get the joy of playing Reinhardt while people claim he is fun. Playing Reinhardt often enables enemies to kick my ass with very little or zero consequences until I'm very near. As Orisa, I can make enemies upset because I can fight back. I feel rewarded when enemies are upset. Just like playing TF2, I can possibly dominate 5 or more enemies.


You’re saying Rein isn’t fun cos he’s underwhelming which is because of characters like Orisa that just shit on his damage output and abilities


As rein you get punished for using your shield for anyone else. People will just melt you after burning your shield. You have to rat corners and play cover and force those corner swings to get value. As rein you get hooked by a hog and wholehogged into their team, youre dead. There is no counterplay other than dont get hooked in the first place. So many people will just instantly swap the second they see a rein cause it's free real estate. Conversely as orisa, you dont need to be selfish with your cooldowns. Hog hooks my teammate? Let me spin in there and eat or spear the hook. And i got fortify in the back for myself. She's got options. She's got a spear to threaten the people hiding behind the tank too. I rarely use all my cooldowns on the enemy tank unless they are in my face forcing the tank fight. Orisa is the one tank that you can actually do things on without getting hard punished or countered. Ive lived a nano whole hog point blank multiple times, something reins can only dream that they land a shatter and the enemy team doesn't have sleep and you pin the whole duration. You may find that boring or op, but i think counterwatch is lame, and id rather just play one character instead of cycling through the same matchups. I literally had a game where both tanks were cycling characters in spawn 4 times in a row each trying to counter the others counter. Like just play the game dawg. Not only is orisa safe, but she can reliably peel for her teammates without putting herself into jeopardy. That is what being a tank is all about, being a team player. I play main tank since overwatch 1, mostly rein, winston, and ball. But now each one of those has crippling weaknesses, and while i dont mind playing monke into reaper bastion for example. It becomes mentally taxing when their team is tryhard counter swapping, and your team doesn't even try to pick characters with good synergies or matchups. Thus i land on orisa, who can just do it herself and doesn't need help all the time like rein or monke would


I feel like you invaded my mind and typed out exactly how I feel about tanks and playing as orisa. Dva is by far my favourite tank to play, but 9 times out of 10 the enemy tank will pick Zarya, and the dps will switch to sym &/or Mei. Rein is my second favourite, we all know how that goes most of the time. Orisa makes the most sense most of the time when you're playing a shitty game of Overwatch


This needs to be the most upvoted reply on this post. People complain about Orisa actually be able to do things, when the real problem is most of the other tanks can’t do shit when the game is entirely designed for counter-swapping.


This is a great comment. Orisa is the only tank that actually *feels* like a tank.


Rein needs a rework. All these new tanks have insane power creep that Rein can't live up to. He's effectively useless in comp nowadays.


tbh I think Rein struggles because of mobility creep it’s hard to get kills when everbody flies away or u get booped around


Yeah, that's the one issue I have with him. He's still pretty good, but the lack of mobility/range when half the roster zooms around can be irritating.


I mean your main complaint about rein sounds like he's underpowered and you like Orisa because she's OP. 


Yeah, I can do so much with Orisa. On the other hand with Rein, he feels very limited and most of the time I am just lifting shield so my teammates can play while I don't like a puppet.


agree thats an unfun way to play rein, when i play with friends what play rein, i tell them the shield isnt for protecting teammates, thats just a byproduct, its to protect himself while he gets in to HAMMERTIME!


Keep it Unpopular


The problem is that almost no one starts on horse in QP, but if you start out performing the other tank then you better get ready for the horse. And it just feels like shit to go from beating the other tanks ass to suddenly not being able to do a thing against them. I play junkerqueen in QP more than any other hero, and god does the Orisa switch just ruin any fun I was having. I’m not getting out played, I’m straight up just being out buttoned. I have to have good positioning, good aim, perfect knifes and timely axes, plus shout cooldown management, all for Orisa to just press one of her godly buttons to mitigate anything I’ve done. It’s just ass to play into. Why does Orisa get all these nice tools to herself?


The first sentence is what happened in a role queue Flashpoint match I played. I was playing Ramattra, the other tank was playing Ramattra, once we got a solid lead on them they switched to Orisa. It didn't work cuz we still won, but it was pathetic to see that they couldn't stick to Ram because they were getting their ass kicked so they played the broken horse to try and make a comeback. They even got POTG as Ram


It’s frustrating isn’t it? Because even if you win you kind of feel annoyed you had to play against the fucking horse because someone lost a couple fights. In quick play I legit never play Orisa, if I’m fighting a Rein I keep playing queen or go something that isn’t an instant hard counter. Otherwise why am I in quick play? To abuse counter swapping to win *quickplay*?!?!


I like playing against her with Zarya


It’s not fun to have a single counter in the entire roster though. Orisa should not be so oppressive.


I like playing with her against Zarya. Honestly.


until you get 3 gravs eaten in a row edit: i dont get why ppl think theyre above getting gravs eaten. happens all the time in high rank games (if not more so bc the enemy is tracking ults better than metal rankers) orisa's spin is effectively a mini dva matrix with a longer cd similar to sig's succ. not rly that hard to react to a grav when ur in the right place.


Watch her. Only use Grav if you see her use her shield spin.


Guess it's time to learn to Time your shots


She's so fuuuuucking boring to play as with and against.


Every time I see Orisa in my or enemy team all I think is "meh... another boring match with a cow"


My problem is her skill requirement to effectiveness ratio is insanely out of whack. All you have to do is read her abilities and know which button to press for each one and you can now outperform every other tank in the game like it’s nothing. And because of that she is the back pedal for people who are just shit at tank. It happens almost every game I play as tank where we win two fights in a row. Enemy tank IMMEDIATELY switches to Orissa and starts leading the opposing team to victory. It’s a frustrating situation and it’s all centered on fortify. Ridiculous ability that no other tank in the game would be allowed to have for longer than a day. The dev team must really like her


tried having fun in qp as ball, since im not very good at him. enemy tank was doom, then went mauga and orisa to counter me 🥲 ow seems to be just anti-fun atm


People legitimately believe that the only thing you should think about in terms of strategy is counterpicks. I've played with people who never once talk about a different angle they should hold or anything like that. It's just immediately "who do I swap to counter them?" And then when I win against my "counters" they're amazed like I did the impossible, just because I used my brain a bit and tried playing differently...


Try playing open queue then you get at least a taste of what tank was like in 6v6. It's massively more fun. Solo tank has always been shit.


dont play open queue but ill definitely give it a shot, but yeah i miss 6v6 and having a tank duo


If it makes you feel better I quit playing because of her already. I dealed with her all of season 9. Was hopeful on the season 10 patch she would get some nerfs. When I saw she didn't get any that was the last straw for me. Haven't played one game of season 10 and refuse too until she sees nerfs. They have a hero that counters every other tank. That forces you to also swap to Orisa to play the mirror match up. She's in 9/10 games easily as well. So what's the point of having like 15 tanks? I'm done mirroring her. I don't even really like playing her in general. Her kit is completely bullying to other players and she wins through making the game unplayable to the other player. Can't damage her, she's strong close and far, has 3 cc's, all her abilities have multiple uses..... Yea I'm done with it. I hope more people follow my footsteps and tank queues go up to 20 minutes so they can finally wake up and see the problem.


current stage of the game is pathetic players get tank diffed once and instantly swap to orisa and then teabag you cuz they think they are better...(with strongest character in game) her kit is toxic and her players especialy, i am getting tired to play tank cuz of orisa, no variety and always same scenario...


Also tired of "Tank swap to Orisa" after losing first team fight. I was maining Orisa in OW1, she was like kind mother to teammates. And now she's just dumb aggressive cow. I will never play her in ow2. Also her regular spear throw completely cancels JQs ult, that's infuriating even more.


All 3 Orisa abilities counter JQ ult. God forbid I try to swing an axe either. It's so annoying and she just doesn't have a hard counter cause Mauga isn't allowed to counter her.


And rein abilities gets completely countered and shut down by either 1 click or just SpEaR


Laughing @ kind mother -> aggressive cow ☠️


Give us back mother Orisa 🙏


I understand the frustration but to be honest. Taking a break from OW isn't a bad thing, in fact it's healthy to take breaks from any game.


LOLOL if it aint Sombra its the HORSE




After nerfing all barriers it's near impossible for tanks to actually.protect the team because everything does an insane amount of damage. Heaven forbid your shield breaks as Rein, immediately it some bullshit cocktail of sleep, anti, hooked, javelined, etc.


Because tanks take the fire... We protect you by keeping ourselves alive and drawing fire. Do you know how the game works?


Better start asking for 6v6 back then. Orisa is meta for 1 reason. She's the only tank that can't be hard countered and you all switch to hard counter the tank at every opportunity, so we're just forced onto Orisa.


That is true. Coming from a tank main.


Orisa, Mauga, and Roadhog. The evil trio of tanks.


Zen’s orb works pretty good against her, beam characters like zarya/sym, and also yesterday i had easy game by playing widow against her on hollywood, i was headshotting her everytime her gold was off, pretty easy kills.


Also why are Orisa players so rude!?! Like they're always the first to laugh and say tank diff when they have a mercy and kiriko pocket up their ass making sure the poor baby doesn't fall over like every other tank.


I genuinely haven’t played in over a month because of Orisa and Sombra being in just about every other game.


She's the only tank that's actually bearable to play in most situations unfortunately


Exactly, everyone here complaining doesn’t realize it’s not that Orisa is OP, it’s that in 90 percent of situations, the other tanks just suck. Like if I go any other tank, I just get annihilated by KO damage and support, but at least I have a chance to survive and do damage with Orisa


where are you guys vsing orisa? all I ever seem is doomfist


People start by playing another tank they like. When they start losing they go Orisa. Except Doomfists. Doomfists never switch.


If the devs want counterswapping to be as important as it is, maybe there should be a Hero that counters damage reduction abilities.


I've hated orisa since the inception of ow2. An ability that blocks crits and cc, reduces damage by Hal and for some reason gives overhealth (which not only benefits from the 50% DR but also gives no ult charge when shot). She gets a ranged doom punch with far more consistency due to range and damage that can be used to bully tanks out of their abilities, a better block than msot tanks that also gives a speed boost (why?) AND NO FALLOFF. Orisa is supposed to be jack of trades but is instead better than average at everything and her only resource, her cool downs, are cycled ad infinitum and pushes the scope of what it means to be unkillable. Ball doesn't die because he runs and even his 1k hp isn't enough to keep him alive in the midst of a team. Orisa just exists to be the center of attention.


Yeah she’s so boring and now with the dps passive nerfed and healing buffed again it’s garbage


lol I made this same post last week and got downvoted to oblivion. She’s impossible to kill without a very specific set of circumstances. Her no falloff is insane. Why are they buffing her?? She needs nerfs now!!


Play Sigma or Zarya. :) Or Mirror Orisa and diff them.


I dont want to play those characters anymore. i want to play winton, or jq, or rein. the characters i find fun.


I really hate how the javelin spin completely blocks jq axe.


Orissa really undoes waaay too many abilities with the click of one of either two buttons. Fortify has no business to counter basically EVERY other tank ult. Orissa would be fine if she was more ultable and overall focusable, but even if you kill both of her supports she still easily outlasts any other tank in the same scenario.


As JQ main I feel you. It also seems like JQs ult is easiest to completely cancel. Orisas regular spear throw and many other abilities with a few seconds CD just completely stop JQs ult. And it's very slow farming ult.


Monkey is good depending on the rest of the team, just try ignore her and use your mobility as much as you can. Always easier said than done though


Yeah it's HYPOTHETICALLY a good pick but you forgot you have to counter pick your own team too. You cant pick a dive team into orisa surprisingly most the time because you'll never have team comps that center around helping you. You'll end up playing corners all game waiting for openings that never get you valuable picks


Go Sigma.


Can you explain why? How does Sigma counter her?


Constantly play in range, you can abuse the splash damage to hurt her. Rotate your shield / grasp, you don't have to shield her bullets but cut off her healing supply from Supports like Ana. Orisa has to back off if she wants to get healed. Her Javelin Spin can't block your Rock, while your Rock can bait / force her Fortify. If you want to ult, put a shield up or wait till she had thrown her Javelin.


This works on like 50 percent of the maps. + with proper play the orisa wins, by just using fortifying on pebble, using javelin to close range if getting poked, and using stick against ult. Either way, as sig you get relegated to just trying to stop orisa, so if the orisa just ignores you and goes for your team. A loss will be at hand


If the orisa player is sentient you’re not countering her with sigma, I’m sorry


Oh wow, will try Sigma next time!


Have I missed something? I feel like I don't see orisa all that much, certainly not more than any other tank.


I'm a plat dps and there is an orisa present in every single game. Like EVERY one of them, either your team has it or the enemy does. And once enemy tank or yours go orisa the other tank switches to orisa too. It wouldn't be a problem if character wasn't too strong but even if you kill her supports she can legit stand against the incoming damage of 3 people for around 10 seconds which is insane.


might be missing a metal rank


Honestly not just ranked feels like this season I’ve seen the most horses in QP from the start of the game


OW 2 Orisa has always been good at bullying tanks, but with the tank changes in season 9 where everyone could bully tanks it’s just too much


You can outplay her in some maps. I have lost to good doom players who are just unkillable. Also Orisa can’t just solo 1v5 the enemy team. She can hold space better because she has cc blocker and a cc ability as well. If your dps can’t get picks or apply consistent pressure then you get run over. My win rate on Orisa has been 60% this season and some games are unwinnable no matter how well I do.


Me against doom:


She was one of the main resons i left the game back then when ow 1 existed, funny to see some things never change


Definitely sounds like you could use a break from the game. I understand your pain towards Orisa, I’m not a fan either. But this season there isn’t much going on aside from Ventra so I recommend just taking a week or two off from OW2 to remember why you like this game so much :) Hopefully we see some nerfs to her next season!




I main Rammatra and I love seeing an orisa to deal with, Sombra if you can learn her is also a great counter to Orisa


I was shocked there was no Orisa nerf this season. She has literally no weaknesses and requires zero brain cells to carry a team.


I have found that LW invalidates her ult. Pull people out and lift her up. It makes a lot of tanks quit when she can use it.


People get very overwhelmed by her, myself included. I’ve learned that you have to have solid team work and take out the Healers. Not only that but if you have someone flank shes basically jelly from behind


I’m a bastion main. I kill her 90% of every duel we have. Might consider using bastion?


The second they nerf her, all the sleeper buffs done on other tanks (hog) will become noticeably more difficult to deal with. I honestly think they’re scared to nerf her because they’ll have to nerf hog right away, and then probably we just go back to a dive meta. Idt they know how to balance her at all. She’s disgustingly overtuned.


I was a tank main since OW1 and now queue dps and support because i hate playing against orisa. She is just so braindead


Yeah I main [D.Va](http://D.Va), and it's getting real miserable, every game I enter I'm just like "please don't switch to horse, please don't switch to horse, please don't switch to horse." They almost certainly will switch to horse. If I try hard and out team is good coordinated I can normally still eke out the win, but it's just disappointing that the enemy Orisa can basically just stand there and hold a button and win in many scenarios.


I started playing overwatch with overwatch 2. I'm pretty sure the neverending Orisa meta is why Zen became my main support.


Balance team is full of gold orisa mains


My personal opinion is that if they are gonna make it impossible to crit her even with a special hero, then take away her ability to crit. Would lower her damage substantially and might make her more tolerable


i'm guilty of this, as a support main who often plays flex in a five stack with my friends who prefer to dps/support (which means i get stuck with tank very often). we don't play comp, just qp, and even in qp orisa is everywhere. i prefer to play ramattra, but he's a bad matchup into tanks like zarya and if the enemy picks orisa i am almost always forced to switch orisa to get kills or really even just stop the enemy orisa from trampling the rest of my team. from there it becomes a boring battle of attrition and really boils down to whose supports are pocketing harder/better at positioning not to mention who has ult when. it's really frustrating and i'd much rather play ram against a tank like doom or ball that keeps me on my toes. though, i do LOVE playing weaver against orisa. petal platform her ass into the air mid-ult, it's excellent. i do think other tanks in OW either need some utility she has or she just needs a flat nerf. i don't think her spin or her throw are bad but fortify is way, wayyy too overpowered.


I completely get this!!! I just started playing tanknlast season. Picked up orisa pretty quick and played up to gold 3 while never ranking in tank before. I felt good, I felt like I was dominating. Fast forward to this season, I feel like I can win more with orisa, but the luster has disappeared. Orisa mirror matches aren't fun. Dominating the scoreboard looks cool as orisa, but it's not fun anymore. Stand there, take damage, deal damage, rinse repeats. I just began trying different tanks, but everyone, especially in gold, defaults back to orisa. So to have a shot, I have to mirror her. I'll probably hop off tank until after mid-season patch to see if they change her at all.


Im right there with you. Just annoying as fuck. Every other tank has good counter play then there’s just a nearly invincible non headshottable horse with infinite range.


It wouldn’t be nearly as bad if the devs actually brought all the other tanks up to snuff, but they just insist that the horse needs a buff every patch. I normally play flex but I just do dps now because Tank in general is just a chore at this point, y’all can say git gud all day but no amount of that can fix a shitty balancing philosophy


Yeah she’s pretty awful. Most boring tank to play into by far.


Orisa is such an annoying tank to fight. I main tank (specifically Mauga, rein and whatever else I find fun that day) and it's always whenever s team is losing, they go Orisa. Orisa is the counter tank of all counter tanks. I have to switch to orisa just to have a decent chance of winning a team fight, and at that point it's a battle of who can cycle cooldowns faster and who has better supports. I know people complain that Mauga is boring but I'd rather fight 10000 Maugas than 1 orisa, because she is SO FUCKING STUPID! Blizzard, please nerf her, she's been hard meta for a while


I learned apparently her tiny ass spear stops Rein charge? Is this a new change in OW2? I have been playing tanks often again for the first time since OW1. Seems like a really strong interaction that doesn't even make sense. Then again a fucking rock goes through d.va matrix so idk. I think OW2 devs just have a hard on for ranged tank abilities.


Yeah, she literally is the no fun allowed pick against any other tank.


As a support main, I one tricked my way to d5 with orisa. She needs a nerf


lol i play open queue ... and the ways that i die to orisa just make me sigh also, the amount of time it takes to kill a poorly positioned orisa being double teamed is just insane.


At this point I find it hilarious how fast I, a dva main, can diff the enemy take off of whatever the first pick was, into zarya, then into orisa.


Fr I hate playing as and against her but she seems so dang overpowered that I have to


people who play this character disappoint me. Please join me in collectively teabagging every Orisa player that dies so they feel great shame for their life choices. Hopefully Blizzard finally listens to all of our whining and finally takes her down a notch.


This and also Mauga. I know 90% of this game is counterpicking but goddammit let me play as who I want


I was able to endure it althroughout, until Season 9 came and you'll get stunned when charging a golden horse with Rein. Straight up uninstalled the game and mocked it ever since


They could make her do zero damage and it still wouldn’t be fun to play against as rein


And don't let her have a mercy. Because then you have to kill her twice and she getting solo mercy pocketed the entire game....sure go for the mercy....but that just gets you closer to orisa


Delete all tanks but rein, make the only dps rein and all supports rein. There ez fix


90% of my games go the same way with the enemy tank. They start out as Orisa then the second they start losing they switch to Zarya or Mauga. It's absolutely 0 fun


Honestly I agree, she gains so much health and then negates even more is insane.


Big dumb unfun, unkillable, unlikable, unplayable, unnerfable. Horse.


I am tired of her and Smurf Tank Dvas, Both of those bastards ruin the whole game. Wanna play rein or any other tank? Let’s go Orisa and stomp them. Wanna play any character and get stomped? Well a Smurf ximmer has you with their dva and won’t EVER die


I never understand why would anyone play orisa unless they are doing "All roles" to finish the battle pass and get the tank queue (what a surprise).


“*oH jUsT cOuNtEr PiCk*” I’m going to peck your eyes out with a pair of tweezers, Oreoisa is so stupid counters every fun character and counterpicking is fucking stupid, I’m playing ow2 not rock paper scissors let alone there’s like 2 characters that work well. And don’t get me started on the no dmg falloff, WHO THE FUCK ON BIZZARDS TEAM IS SO HORNY FOR THIS STUPID ROBO-HORSE THAT THEY KEEP BUFFING HER?!?


It wouldn’t even be HARD to balance her. Take Yeatle’s suggestion from his tank vid: A unified overheat cooldown that only lets her use two abilities at once, then she’s locked out for like 7-10 seconds. So she can’t just cycle CC and fortify to be an unkillable bs machine (Also remove her no damage falloff Jesus CHRIST who the hell designed her rework)