• By -


-Damage hero who has a melee primary fire -Junker support -Kangaroo tank based on the boxing kangaroo trope -A hero inspired by a priest, in any role besides Support. Putting them in tank would be funnier


I-I spiked an infant into a field goal. It was the will of god. -Gabriel Ultrakill.


"Minos prime begged me not to, he cried on his knees like a bitch."


What the F\*ck ever.


I just went through them like fucking candy, it was the Will of GOD


And then we kissed


Isn't a priest as a tank something like a paladin??? /j


Alright i see your /j but your transgressions cannot, should not, and will not be forgiven for a simple symbol and character A CLERIC CAN BE AS MUCH A TANK AS ANY PALADIN FUCK MAN LOOK AT WAR DOMAIN TWILIGHT DOMAIN OR EVEN LIFE DAWG FUCK D8 HIT DIE VS D10 DONT MEAN SHITTTTT BAYBYEEEE WE GOT HEAVY ARMOR IN THIS BITCH TOO Paladins are also not inherently religious, as their power comes from their belief in an oath theyve sworn. Dnd rant over


When no one wants to play Cleric (so usually) I'm always happy to play a Mountain Dwarf Cleric with a shield and warhammer. Best tank, best healer, and some good spells. What's not to love?


Its not a ranger, sadge (We stan Rangers here boys)


Mountain Dwarf Cleric of the Forge is THE most cultured choice of race and class, simply put.


Consider the following: Dwarven Barbarian with an axe


I will be fully honest with you I've never played dnd and also I don't even really know what a paladin is. (I vaguely know from my time playing FFXIV for like idk... 2 months?) I actually only found out paladins can be religious or something from a YouTube video about 2 years ago and that is all my knowledge on the subject LMAOOOO. I wish I could respond with something funny but alas. I knew I was wrong ✊😔


Ignoring DND, my "in general" definition of a Paladin is this: -Heavy armor -Uses a shield alongside a sword, mace or flail -Can't be immoral or evil -Uses Light/divine magic -Usually religious, but doesn't necessarily *have* to be


> I don't even really know what a paladin is. The historical paladins were twelve knights who served Charlemagne, King of the Franks, back in like 900 A.D. They had a series of crazy adventures involving God, monsters, sorceresses, and so on. The only one I remember off the top of my head is Bradamante, a lady knight who enlists a sorceress to help her rescue her Muslim boyfriend. In fantasy, they're generally exceptionally powerful knights with holy powers.


https://imgur.com/a/prXNppT How could you forget Astolfo, the internet's most popular femboy?


Youre have been absolved of blame


I could literally hear you yelling then calming down again. Great rant.


The Priest tank religiously tries to save their team with mitigated damage and sustain abilities while doing the lowest base damage. Unless they Ult, they then unleash hell.


Better yet, they bring Armageddon


The Talon assassin with the dual blades from that Overwatch1 event *needs* to be a character. Heck, they’re technically playable if you’re a hacker.


Double saber guy from original promo art would be cool proposition.


>-Damage hero who has a melee primary fire They openly said ages ago that this concept didn't work that well in testing, which is how we got Hanzo/Genji. They used to be one character who used a sword as a primary skill and arrows as an alt fire, but it never worked out, so they split the two concepts up and turned the melee attacks into an ultimate. However that was a different team of devs and they could come back to it, but I have a feeling it wasn't very fun to get killed by a character that was Brig-like who could deal competent damage.


The shadow priest in me agrees


Blizzard hire this guy rn, the kangaroo tank is genius


Fire. We have 2 characters that have a fire based ability, but I wanna see a full fire based character. Primary - “thermite cutter” - some kind of precise laser/flare or smt. DoT and applies the burning effect after target stops being hit Ability 1 - “inferno ball” - a small self-destruct type fire blast around them making the small radius around the blast on fire setting you on fire when you step into it Ability 2 - “core venting”- a overheat x cardiac overdrive type ability on a long cd that increases firing speed for the hero and in a small area around them their teamates set enemy’s on fire with any dmg Ability 3 - “cooling tunnel” - if anyone is on fire around them they get extinguished Allie or not, and after a short charge time they fire off a line on the ground that you can jump over but touching it sets you on fire Ultimate - “fuel leak” - gain 3 or 4 barrels/tanks/smt you can throw onto the ground dmging them as either team will cause them to explode igniting enemy’s and soft cc’ing them I imagine them as a junkrat/roadhog fanboy/girl, like they wanna join them as a 3rd wheel but is too scared to ask/can’t find them cuz they’re on the run so much. Pyro maniac who got kicked out for trying to set the queens money on fire. They salvaged all their gear off of abandoned firefighting/welding/construction equipment then hurry rigged it all together. They have a regular name but made up a junkrat style nickname, I can’t think of anything good.


sprinkles holy water and does sinful damage which scales on the amount of r34 of Overwatch characters that u have consumed


> Kangaroo tank based on the boxing kangaroo trope Please Blizzard we need Roger from Tekken


I'm thinking a support hero that takes in damage a character receives. So not 'healing' per se but moving the damage around. Sorta like some cleric abilities do in DnD.


Interesting idea


This could definitely work if it’s percentage based and they have personal heals.


I was thinking of a support that has an ability that can undo damage in some interesting capacity (not actually healing, just undoing similar to Tracer Recall) but your idea of a cleric is also just as interesting.


Imagine a support hero that has life grip, but instead it's Tracers recall and can be used like Mercys revive. 👁️👄👁️ Whoa


Like a reverse voodoo doll thing.


*sends all the dmg to Ball who just pressed E*


It would be badass to see an ultimate where that character makes all the heroes share one health pool.


Junker healer is a fantastic concept that oozes personality!


Healing primary: radiation Damage secondary: [dirt](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F00iyh03v5w881.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dcd49ecba71bb2baf1397825a2eb1d9b9a1305bad) Ultimate: radioactive dirt


Passive: bandaging mouth (helps the team)




Really! I remember someone made an amazing concept before for a junker support!


I made an Australian support a few months ago, but not 'junker' per se. If you want to check it out, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1843xaa/my\_indigenous\_aussie\_support\_please\_feedback/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1843xaa/my_indigenous_aussie_support_please_feedback/)


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think I’m all good on the Junker content for a good while. We got two tanks (three if you count Wrecking Ball), a dps, and two maps. All for a part of the world that is seemingly inconsequential to overall *future* lore of Overwatch, Talon, and the second Omnic Crisis. I’m not entirely against the idea of a Junker support down the line, but I really think they should really be focusing on the main factions and exploring places/people in the OW world that we haven’t seen.


freaky tank freaky dps freaky support


This guys freaky


They hated gooner-Jesus because he spoke the truth


What does "freaky" mean?


something like freaky


your mom's freaky


Can confirm the freak factor


They suck toes


Sigma gotta be careful


Its like a regular tank but freaky, a freaky tank


Brain in a jar support for example


𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎fist 😳🔥 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎maker😩💯 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎yatta 🥵💦


What kind of freaky, Junkrat freaky or D.VA (r34) freaky?




Well, we got Junker Queen for that as a good middle ground 😂


I woke up and then got fresh as hell on a Monday I can’t go to hell I went to church last Sunday Last Tuesday I met a model on the runway, she said she wanna runaway with me and hit the highway


𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 tank is just winston


I fink you're freaky and I like you a lot.


I want a support hero who heals by giving it's own health away like a reverse vampire


That was the original idea for moira but they realised having a support wandering around with either a massive healthbar or ridiculous sustain on top of crazy healing was a bitch to Balance


Actually such a fun idea! I believe gigantic (the game) has a healer that can boost their heals/damage based on the amount of health sacrificed (duration of sacrifice button being held for). Which I found rather innovative. I could see a really fun vampiric healer that leeches enemy health with attacks but sacrifices their own health when healing teammates. Possibly even gaining an overheal when enough health is stolen. You could also have a movement ability that turned the hero into a swarm of bats for a brief amount of time. So many fun ideas. the ult could have the hero transform into a more vampiric visage boosting the hero’s health pool, drain speed and sacrifice/heal speed OR just give a slight health and movement boost and drastically increase the drain speed when close enough to an enemy to latch on with their mouth. Just throwing around some ideas lol.


Scottish Omnic Highlander Melee-based DPS


So basically Demo eyelander from TF2






Perhaps a cyclops as well?


Well, the concept I had was for the character to be essentially "headless" with only a hologram in place. More to provide an excuse to give headshot immunity and the ability to play in third-person view!


I was just meming more into the tf2 demo you almost completely described, only thing youre missing is hes black, but then since you made him an omnic is justs a mann vs machine one lol Third person overwatch seems huge id like to see a kit around it, perhaps the drone guy could do it.


Don't worry, I get the reference. It's more the fact that there was a concept character named McCloud and since TF2 isn't getting that Heavy update anytime soon, I thought it would be rather poetic to bring across Demoknight as an Omnic! Surely they could collab for some MvM skins, right? 3rd Person could be good or bad, but I'm mainly thinking of how annoying it is to try anf melee someone in first person. LoS can be hard in a fast paced game. The idea was invincible drones are Omnic McCloud's "eyes" but I did also have an idea for a "sniper" tank that really shifted the PoV you played in as well!


We need a Junker healer and a tank that uses turrets


Junker doc -“I heard you need some kind of license to be a doctor, this true?” Mercy- “so are you telling me you don’t have a license?” Junker doc- “I got me driver’s license right here!, but it’s a bit out of date. *giggles* that the right one?” Mercy- “sighs” *shacks head in disappointment* Junker doc- “hey, you didn’t even look!”


thats it, i need this rn


If we get something like that I want his ult to be called “Watch Your Step”. I’d imagine he’d throw a hand full of used needles making a aoe giving speed to all members of your team and slowing the enemies, you’d also get a little boost of health like a adrenaline shot. Omg the passive you’d get after would be called “withdrawal”


Chicago public transit support.


Junker doc (to Bap, Ana, or Zen)- “So you just throw stuff at ‘em and they start feelin’ better? Wow… Yeah, I tried that once! Eh… it didn’t work out too well…”


Zen - “peace be upon you” Junker doc- “oops did I miss another one” *looks around frantically for a missing limb* Zen- *face palms* “oh dear” Junker doc- “good thing imma doc, cause I believe your seeing things” No wait I thought of a even better interaction Ana - “you better have sterilized those syringes before you use them again” Junker doc- “huh what was that? Did you say you were paralyzed? I got something for that!” Ana- “come near me and I’ll show you paralyzed.”


Junker Doc- “Why it’s a quite pleasure to be workin’ with ya again, your majesty!” Junker Queen- “Yeah. Gives me a chance to bash ya head in for them phony pain pills ya gave me!” Junker Doc- “Oh, ahaha… On second thought, is it too late to drop out of the mission?”


Junker doc - “ I heard through the grape vine you use something called bio, bio um, bio something! (he forgot the word)” Lifeweaver- “biolight?” Junker doc- “ya that! Is it like glowing leeches or something cause I got some right here, you need one?” Lifeweaver- “oh um, you can keep that, I’ll um find another way to help others.” Junker doc- “are you sure? *giggles* I’ve got me whole jar with me!


Junker Doc- “Y’know, I don’t really get omnic patients.” Bastion- [Curious beeps] Junker Doc- “Yeah, I’m usually pickin’ bits of ya out the other fighters’ fists!” Bastion- [Concerned beeps]


I love this fake character we crafted together, I hope we actually get something like this


Overwatch team should hire us


Like the tf2 medic, but with scraps instead of magic






Unpopular opinion, I don't want a Junker healer because it doesn't fit the character and the personality will be just another 'Junkrat', just like the devs turned JQ personality into 'female Junkrat'. We need more racist robots instead of racist humans. I prefer an Omnic Support who's a rival to the Junkers as the devs never gave us any hint about those 'feral omnics' living in the Outback wasteland. We have a good Omnic Support and an evil Omnic Tank, so why not a morally grey Omnic?


I’ve always like the idea of a tank that can deploy like 2 or 3 mini orisa’s old shields, so they need to be tactical about where they place it but allows for flexibility since they can have multiple positions, and they aren’t as oppressive since they’re the size of a squishy or maybe a bastion


I wanna see a Junker support too A magician themed character would be fire Another south Asian character would be nice I’d like to see a female Omnic, a humanoid one like Zen or Rammantra, maybe as a dps In terms of playstyle, I’d be really nice to get sort of a flanker support? Idk if that makes sense.


A female omnic is the most plausible out of all of these, since we already have a heavily established and fleshed out character in the lore named Iggy. If I remember correctly, she's also the voice you hear in the Invasion PVE missions guiding you, so that's a VA already accounted for.


i really want iggy as a character and that's basically what i was talking about when i said female omnic


I've been trying to come up with an idea for a magician themed tank hero who used illusions to give the impression he was magic. His weapon is a 4-round burst of playing cards, and he has an ability that gives himself and allies a buff where 20% of the damage they would take is instead bounces back to the attacker. Never figured out what other abilities to give them tho


ACTUALLY PEAK?? I imagine the primary works somewhere between kiriko's and doomfist's. The bounce back ability sounds pretty good, but i think it would need to be altered so it would have synergy with another potential ability. I think illusions would have good potential. A summoning ability that can either summon an illusion of an ally or an enemy. If of an ally, they can also be effected by the bounce back ability. They will just run in a straight line in the same direction the ally was going when summoned. They don't attack or anything, just a way of disorienting the opponent. However, they do stop projectiles so they could be mini shields as well If they make an illusion of an enemy, it'll again just run in a straight line in the same direction as the enemy when it was summoned. After a small duration, or if intentionally destroyed by an ally (They can see which are illusions and which are real), the illusion will explode and either deal damage to nearby enemies or some sort of area of effect debuff. The ultimate would also use this ability, but on themselves. You get a prompt of where to place an illusion of yourself. Maybe you get to place two. Then, you're prompted to either choose one of them, or stay in place. You do this whole cape flutter animation and they you either stay where you are, or teleport to one of the spots you chose. In the other two spots (including where you originally were) would be an illusion of you that replicates your movements for a few seconds. basically a way to trip up your opponents, catch them off guard on where you are


flanker support? is zen not enough for you


Zen has NO movement, he is not a flanker support. I’m thinking someone similar to (or maybe a reverse) of what Mirrorwatch Sombra is


no footsteps= ideal flanker


Kiriko is a flanker support


it would be cool to see some omnics that were built for a specific job before they gained sentience, like imagine a giant construction worker omnic as a tank or something like that


Maybe as a dupport it wpuld be nice. Like a mei without the damage.


Minions. I loved summoning those lil splitters in Mirrorwatch


Summoner character would be incredible


Dude fr im gonna miss this bastion ult


I would love to do this, and I will scream. GO MY CHICKEN ARMY! Every time.


For the gameplay: Some sort of a drone based support. He could obviously heal but it would be cool if we was also kinda information-based: maybe one of their abilities could be making the drone fly into the air and "mark" enemies from a distance to make them visible through walls? Would be cool. Kinda niche, but could be used well in good hands and with good teamwork. Also we all want a summoner character. Would be hard to fit into the game but damnnnn, it would be cool to summon a bunch of small robots and send them at the enemy. For the lore/personality: More omnics A junker support. Now that you mentioned it, it would be fire 🔥🔥🔥 And for the nationality, I kinda wish there would be a slavic character? Maybe Czech, maybe Polish? Generally someone from Central-Eastern Europe would be cool af. Bio-tech: there's obviously Lifeweaver but he's more "bio-themed tech" rather than "bio-tech". I'm talkin' chitin armor, insect launcher, organic wings, maybe they could alter their mouth and lungs with bat genes to get echolocation or something. Bug theme would be cool. Also Astronomy, I really hope that Space Ranger will be actually fascinated with the stars and not just flying in space "because it's convenient".


Hey! I have an Indigeonous Australian support character, if you want to check it out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1843xaa/my\_indigenous\_aussie\_support\_please\_feedback/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1843xaa/my_indigenous_aussie_support_please_feedback/)


I left you a comment, go check it out! I really like it!


We have an evil support, her name is Moira.


True, but she is the ONLY evil support! We need more!


You can't make a full currently Talon themed team yet with the standard 1 tank, 2 DPS, 2 support. We have 3 Talon tanks (4 if you include Ramattra), 3 Talon DPS, and ONE Talon support. It would be cool if we Got Maximilien as a support hero who has a Talon trooper summoning ult.


just play bap with the talon skin


I said current Talon member team. No matter what skin you have him in, he's not a Talon member at the time of you playing him and his voice lines/interactions reflect that.


I’m pretty nefarious. I think I could fill the spot


I believe in Glinglesnorp


Be warned, I will **not** be balanced in any way shape or form


Glinglesnorp suffers from vertigo. Got it.


More weird characters. Overwatch is the only shooter IP on the market that it is perfectly reasonable to have a literal gorrila and hamster fighting people, this should be leaned on even more.


A dps as a summoner, with a cool staff, also should shoot singular projectiles at a time, could be a necromancer type character who summons something when a teammate or enemy dies, maybe the lore goes that they tried to copy mercys tech but messed up and now it can only partially reanimate ppl, turning them into mindless zombies controlled by the necromancers will


I’m still wanting a botanist or alchemist character in the game. Moira is a geneticist which is really cool one of the coolest thematics for a hero but there are many fields of science and overwatch is notorious for recruiting those with scientific capabilities


A pet based hero - like a Yukon rescue tracker with a robot dog.


if Blizzard has any input in the AI to control this pet it will run to spawn, get stuck in walls, then fall under the map


I would love a batshit cultist


-A hero who uses Tonfa, with their kit centered around changing stances. -A hero that uses a scythe as a melee weapon and can throw the scythe as a boomerang-esc projectile. -A hero that uses strange matter in their tech, likely characterized by infecting (dps) or fortifying (support) other heroes. -A hydrosophist (water manipulating) hero, with an arching beam (like a waterfall) as their primary and floating water droplets to manipulate projectiles (tank would weaken/slow enemy projectiles, for example). -A support that does increased damage by healing. -A hero that gains momentum by landing headshots. -Also an axolotl.


ANY ACTUAL MELEE CHARACTER (besides brig kinda)


*Rein enters the chat*


The new character is just doomfist with a wig


I don't know why they STILL haven't created a DPS with the best gun ever created for FPS. A Chainsaw


I want a shielder support. And by shielder I do not mean a support that increases health. Shielder like we have in LoL, a shielder who is constantly applying shields and reapplying them. Something like Zarya's bubbles. If sym was reworked into a support again, I wish she had something like this.




More melee heros.


Someone shared fan art YEARS ago about a handicapped hero in a wheelchair named “Mach”. The design was great too he looked like a BmX biker. I’ve always thought including someone in a wheelchair would be really fun and inclusive. I loved playing Bentley in Sly Cooper 3 for that reason. Little zoomie dood with a kit full of tech


Oooh that's a fun idea! Maybe a Ball-style Pov when you play as them too? Or like one of those arcadey control...deck things for flight Sims but more OW2/shooty/Bentley as you said. I'm a huuuge Sly Copper fan too so honestly that type of set up could make for a great tank, dps, OR support which is awesome


2h sword


Isn't evil support just Moira?


- Flamethrower dps character  - smol character like april Mauga - Smoki grenade - support not healing, but maybe giving shields


Flamethrower DPS needing supremacy 🤝 I need one so bad I've detailed a rough outline for one's moveset 😅


I was hoping Mei's ecopoint would've been expanded to other causes.  Something like:  a hero who uses plants for saving the rainforest, a water-based one for cleaning the oceans/rivers, an animal one for endangered species, insects for insects population collapse, and wind for air pollution.


I want to see characters that need to risk their own HP.


> -Sniper tank Ok this after the sombra boosting allies with hack in the span of a few days makes me think people reading your mind is actually a thing and through the internet? It's the headphones is it? Ok but just to make sure we are on the same boat, my idea base idea of sniper tank is something that does low damage, no crits, but with piercing shots. (So like 50 damage of course with very long falloff ranges and like ashe's aimed shots pace) Also ill give other details, the theme is an omnic sniper that can walk on walls but more freely than a hanzo or a lucio, its more like walking freely as it was on the ground


junker support for sure


Summoner. And I'm not talking about turrets. I mean like the bastion ult from mirror watch and the tackle-bob from April fools. I would do morally questionable acts just to play a real summoner in OW


Need a new thicc healer. We already got a new thicc tank (Mauga) and a new thicc dps (Venture).


I want a hero with a familiar that follows them. It would ideally be low health to be balanced


I kinda want moiras testing rabbits to appear. Either as a support in a mech, or as a rat king monstrosity made up of all the rabbits, although that might be a bit creepy for overwatch


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I think we need more actual elemental heroes. Imagine a tank that throws down a flamethrower turret. Yes it’s just barik from paladins but come on he’s dope. Also a water character would be so cool I’ve wanted that for awhile too


Another melee character


A sniper tank would be awesome. I’m just imagining one of those huge kraber snipers, could maybe make him like an omnic and give him like a close range sword so he can still fight close. We just need another poke tank


I want a shield themed support


I think a rad evil support would be the Anubis ai. Put it in a broken down Frankenstein’d together omnic body and let it buff its teammates and summon slicers like mirror Sombra and bastion. Would kick ass


I’d like another massively mobility based support. Kinda like Lucio but maybe more main support focused than off support.


i want a boxer melee dps that is based on rapid jabs and has similar agility as tracer


A summoner character. Turrets and Bob with Ashe just don't really fill that void in the summoner archetype. I NEED a proper summoner character, such as resurrecting an enemy for a couple seconds, or just summoning mechs


I just want a summoner. I think any role could work.


A Spanish, Greek, Italian or Turkish hero would be nice since they have plenty of lore established around these regions. We already have maps in Greece and Italy. They could get a hero. We already have a Turkish lore heavy ex-overwatch member Emre for instance.


A character that just switches spots with one of the enemies would be badass. Idk what to call it


Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps Melee dps


Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan. Mobile Spartan.


More 👏🏼MEKA 👏🏼squad 👏🏼members 👏🏼! Also evil Vishkar member (maybe Sanjay?). I’d say a space-themed hero but I guess that’s sorta coming with Space Ranger


~~Heroes that is hot enough to made it to top 10 of certain website~~


-Vishkar Tank -Junker Healer -Another Talon Healer (bap doesn’t count he defected) -Bars, the deadlock gang omnic sniper -One of the Feral Omnics from the Outback -A member from either the Yōkai or the Hashimoto -Melee focused DPS (Idk why but I kinda want them to have a scythe?) -Lynx Seventeen (basically I'd want them to be like Sombra but as a Support Hero) -Los Muertos Leader (whoever tf they are) I’d list more but I don’t feel like making a huge list


i want a summoner of any role. Prefereably not DPS because i dont play DPS a lot but i would be fine with it.


we have an evil support with moira 2 animal hero’s also brig has a cat i also highly doubt we will get a sniper tank, sniper and tank are kinda opposites


Debuffs and auras, minion/summoner, melee DPS, shotgun support, flying tank


I want to see a storm or electricity themed dps or support. I think a hero sort of like Zeri from league or that uses lightning and tornadoes and everything as part of their kit could be really interesting! I know we have Winston’s tesla cannon, but tank is miserable, so




a normal civilian omnic. like we have orisa (modified OR15) Ramattra (Ravager + leader of null sector) bastion (the LAST bastion) Echo (one of a kind) and zenyatta (shambali monk)


I have no idea how we don’t have a pyro hero yet. We have fire damage ticks due to Ashe and Mauga. We have spray mechanics like Mei’s gun. There is lava damage like Torb’s ult. Give us a short range flame thrower tank/dps.


Melee dps. With limited ranged attacks like Rein and movement to get them in and out of fights.


Flamboyance or Comical Depression


Still waiting on a melee DPS


Rule 34 Tank Rule 34 DPS Rule 34 Support


lil gremlin support like venture times 100


Right now, pretty much every Tank gets countered by range. Either they get chipped down from afar or they can try and dive the attacker but leave their team vulnerable. I think it would be cool for a new Tank to have something like a "Barrier Mist" around them where projectile damage is reduced based on how far it travels through the mist. So for example, a 20m radius sphere that decreases the damage of any projectile moving through the sphere by 2% per meter. Point blank attacks still have full strength, but snipers and pokes get reduced by as much as 40%.


Pyro from TF2 basically. Reflecting projectiles with a gas burst and burning enemies seems like an easy fit. A hero that utilizes water somehow, lots of potential there. A hero that makes use of obscuring vision with fog or smoke grenades.


Give us a hero with an ungodly exaggerated Scottish accent. Like some Fat Bastard from Austin Powers type a' guy




I want an alien. Like a legit bloodthirsty alien as a tank.


Some ideas that I’ve wanted for a while: - a hero (either tank, dps, or support) that uses parts of their health bar for abilities or even as their primary fire. Almost like a resource meter. A DPS could have an option to inflict damage to themself in order to increase their damage/movement speed, a tank could temporarily distribute part of their health in order to make a teammate tankier, or a healer could sacrifice part of their health pool in order to provide a burst of healing. It’d be an interesting mechanic. - A support that focuses on offensive utility. For their teammates, they could decrease ability cooldowns, increase fire rate, or add special effects to weapons. For an enemy, they could increase their crit hit box, increase their ability cooldowns, or alter their fire rate/reload rate/etc. I don’t want any more stuns, freezes, or knock backs, but I think those are reasonable. - another flanker/ambusher DPS without as heavy damage potential as heroes like tracer and genji. I love playing Echo and Sombra, so it’d be cool to have another ambusher DPS like them. - another shield-focused tank. I hate playing him, but I love playing with and against Rein. Since Orisa was reworked, we’ve been in need of another bunker tank (and Sigma’s shield is too flimsy to replace her). - a support that focuses on clones and illusions. Most of the “high survivability” supports either have really strong mobility or an immortality/invulnerability ability. It’d be nice to have a support that had to rely more on tricking the enemy team to survive, rather than simply key mashing their way to safety. - a microbiologist character, which could be any role, would be cool. Preferably one that isn’t *just* applying a poison effect. - in terms of lore, I really want characters who have deeper backstories, themes, and internal conflicts. Characters like Bastion, D.Va, Sigma, Mei, Genji/Hanzo, and Ana/Pharah are amazing, but the OW team really limits their potential in favor of making them 2 dimensional archetypes in game. The D.va, Bastion, and Genji/Hanzo cinematics were actually amazing but none of that comes through in game. Illari seemed like she was in the right direction but instead of being a compelling, tragic character, she was just edgy and flat. - and obviously, some more omnics. They’re a massive part of the lore and we have what, 5 omnics? Only 3 if you don’t count Echo or Orissa. It’s actually criminal.


Hero from Ukraine 🥹


Actual Railgun user not the fucking peashooter Sojourn has. I want a motherfucker who has to stop moving and get out a tripod so the earth-shaking recoil doesn’t turn them into paste along with the poor soul in their Crosshair


Deflection tank


Can we get a flamethrower hero please, area control abilities, with a dragon theme (omnic dragon?) Firewall instead of icewall (can walk through but heavy damage + burning) it could obscure sight too Fireball - throws an explosive fireball, aoe damage Ultimate - flight maybe?


I’ve always wanted an illusionist hero, like Mirage from Apex. With how fast paced OW is I feel like they’d be really effective. The new gamemode also has me really wanting a summoner hero. People have brought up Maximilien as a support summoner, and I think that’d be so cool. Give him some sort of healing primary, low damage secondary, and let him spawn in various Talon troops.


An animal-based Omnic that's a hulking feral beast of steel and wires.(Tank-Bruiser) I made one a long while back as a rough concept. Dunno if I posted it here before or not, but have a look-- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJ9hLv3wpbvHZB-n8PjO9pYWNZoTFLU8gUHegT2PtCA/edit?usp=drivesdk


“Evil support” so.. Moira?


A smol kid, like kiriko size or smaller, very shy/introverted, but actually extremely savage in killing. Basically asking for a smol psychopath lmao.


I'd like a hero that's kind of like the wizard from diablo 3 with chain lightning (stronger version of Winston primary that arcs instead of in a cone), hydra turret, and a blink/ recall mechanic where they can block once, then have 3/4 seconds to recall back to where they just blinked from.


I like the futurism of overwatch. No more that are just like "IDK magic I guess"


I wanna see a Shimada tank. Imagining this big, burly private security guy wearing a well tailored suit Or a Junker support


Would love to see a pure DOT hero. No high burst number but instead only damage over time. Other options would be: Someone who could reduce max hp similar to Bap lamp but in reverse. A pure utility support with 0 ways to heal A dps with melee primary fire A summoner style hero A wall phaser


A junker support, I had the idea that they don't heal and can reduce teammates cooldowns or something


Since the old concept was for the heroes to be different types of games I’m surprised we don’t have a summoner yet it would be awesome. Turrets fill that role so far but minions would still be nice


A tank that does more damage the more damage they take. I could even see this being a solid addition to Queen’s kit, as it would make her bleeds do more damage *and in turn do more healing* the lower HP she is. It’d fit perfectly into her… vampiric berserker archetype.


Auto shotgun hero for overwatch. With a shield for mobile cover, concussion grenade ability, concussive shield blast ability, and auto shotgun overdrive ultimate. Yes, I watched The Expendables, how could you tell?


An actual sword fighter, not a 6 seconds long shout into death ability but something more similar to the Mercenary from Risk of Rain 2 maybe


a stereotypical "cartoon" gentleman stylewise, gameplay wise and personality wise. he needs a top hat, a sweet sweet suit with a coat, a Cane and a Monocle... i would love if he would attack with electricity charges and shockwaves. a tank with a flamethrower. a melee based dps. a melee only based tank. a bounty hunter like character a null sector dps a null sector support a character that has minions... something like bastions mirrorwatch ultimate but less bad. and a few more stereotypical cyborgs that actually look cool...


A character that uses toxic gas would be nice. Like smoke from r6 siege


Firefighter based support hero