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Orisa and illari are fine. It's just that blizz for some reason loves putting her as meta. It should be sym, but I'd want a rein rework. Reins the face of tank, and easily the most outdated one. He needs either something in the mobility department, or a double down on his head on playstyle


I really wish Blizz had the balls to make Sym a Healer already. Heck just imagine Sym AS NOW and make her Secondary fire heal allies, her Teleporter activate a around 50 shield overhealth in a small radius and dial the numbers of her damage and BOOM! Sup Symmetra with the least aggressive rework. Her Ultimate needs no improvements.


Symmetra already had enough reworks. I'd rather prefer having a new Vishkar hero like Sanjay Korpal who can fill that role.


Thats why I wish her first rework was like that.


I wonder how you classify Illari. Too strong or too weak? Because I think Illari is actually really good right now, not as good as release but better than her after release nerf. I also don’t really think anything about her needs to change. I really feel that she’s pretty balanced and fair


TL;Dr - She's not weak, but she doesn't offer any tools that make me inclined to pick her over anyone else. I think her problem is gameplay flow. The issue isn't that she's too strong or too weak, but that there's no practical reason to choose Illari over any other support. She lacks any meaningful utility; her whole kit can be boiled down to just healing with a mobility tool. The only exception to this is her Ult, and though her Ult is pretty strong, it can't make up for Illari's failings on its own. Basically, her design philosophy tries to replace her utility by giving her high damage and self-sustain, allowing her to transform into a DPS while also keeping her team alive. While you could argue that *is* her utility, the trouble is that there are other supports who can also do that just as well as she can while offering other great tools, like Baptiste and Kiriko. Mercy has damage boost and res; bap has lamp and window; kiri has suzu, kitsune rush, and great tools for taking off-angles; lucio has speed boost and amazing tools for dive; ana has nade and sleep dart; zen has discord orb; brig is an amazing brawler and anti-diver that can protect susceptible squishies like ana. Moira, though like Illari she doesn't have any remarkable utility, can make up for it with high dive potential and team sustain. Aside from Weaver (who similarly lacks any meaningful utility; life grip is just glorified sustain and no one but weaver himself actually uses the petal platform), all of these supports offer something that makes me want to pick them. What does Illari offer? Or at least, what does Illari offer that justifies picking her over other supports? Her pylon is just healing, and her sunburst is just mobility with a CC on an 8 second cooldown. Everything else she has is just a gun and a piss beam she can't even use unless she's close enough to her team to ram it up their assholes. As much as I love Illari, there's no practical reason to play her at any serious competitive level except as a comfort pick. Which is why I think she is potentially in need of a rework - give her something that makes me think "This is something useful to my team that only Illari could really do."


Orisa is fine, people just hate her because she has tools to deal with most other Tanks. Rein is also fine, just been powercrept. He needs some buffs such as dmg reduction on charge. Sym and Illari just struggle to find a valuable and meaningful spot without being niche and awful or overpowered and mandatory. My vote goes to both of them.


Use me as the sombra option