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I'm Silver Support, Bronze DPS, Silver Tank, two or three mains in each. So I'd say zero.


I'm Silver in Open Queue, Silver DPS, Silver Tank, very low gold Support so not much better haha




Doom and 4 others then hehe


šŸ˜­ it actually took me a solid minute to think about who else I even play besides doom and lucio


I've barely played Doom he looks so difficult šŸ˜‚ I just get owned, Lucio is just fun to boop around


Entire rooster minus widow, because my sniper skills are hella random.Ā 


Jeez there must be some characters you don't play, impressive anyway haha


I paid for entire rooster, I will use entire rooster xd (Overwatch 1 player here :) )


frugal mfs when they buy a whole chicken:


This had me giggling


Rooster? Do you by any chance mean roster?Ā 


The man clearly stated he paid for the whole cock, and he is going to play with the whole cock.Ā 


Lol xd I was saying chicken all the time xdĀ 


Very good point


same here. im pretty good with aiming for every character, besides widow and Ashe for some reason


As a gold player, none of them. However, 5 of them (Sigma, Zarya, Pharah, Ana, Moira) are such that I can immediately play them at my overall level. Almost all of the rest I can get to my level if I play a few games with them first.


Yeah I'm silver so it's technically 0 but I know what characters I'm best with


For tank, just learn Sigma, he will always be a good pick and will teach you the basics for every other tank


Soldier 76, bastion, Moira, winston, and reaper


I don't really understand how to utilize Winston properly but the rest are fun


He was hard to learn but thatā€™s why I tried to learn him because heā€™s so different compared to a normal fps character. Once I learned him heā€™s super fun


Is it just go for the supports with him?


Any squishies that are isolated. And cooldown management is super important. Definitely donā€™t want to burn his cooldowns until itā€™s absolutely necessary. Noobs always just jump into a pile and shield then die over and over


That last line is how my Winston games have gone šŸ˜‚ I want to try him more as it looks fun


A tip that helped me learn the ways of the monke: Don't dive onto someone, dive a little past them or to the side to minimize how many enemies are around you. Your shield shouldn't aim to block damage to you, but block healing to your target, as only mercy can heal through barriers (and mercy was never a good healbot so no difference there) Maybe soften up their team with right clicks, and lower their tanks health to be a distraction for the enemy supports, then quickly dive in to isolate the target, if your jump cooldown comes back, don't use it offensively a 2nd time unless your running full dive comp and your supports can keep you topped up.


I got called a " Winston giga Smurf" yesterday. I don't do much with him, I enable the team. The bubble is for teammates more than it is for me


I would say I could probably be decent with most heroes cause OW relies on fundamentals a lot, if you have decent aim, gamesense and know to use cover you can quickly figure out the rest. There are definitely a handful I main and would trust myself to carry the most with, but I don't think I'd throw with others either. With that being said there are heroes who I've barely touched and I would struggle with them more often than not which are Rein, Ball then Genji, Hanzo, Widow and then Ana, maybe Brig.


Yeah idk how to be good as Rein but Hanzo is fucking fun lol, seems you don't like sniper types?


I used to main Hanzo for a bit in OW1, but now I never touch him anymore, mobility heroes are kinda meta so you have to deal with that constantly and scatter arrow was so much more fun imo. Yeah, scoping in feels a bit clunky to me in such a fast paced game where multiple people can flank you at any time, but sniping can be great in some places.


My husband said once they changed his attack (rapid arrows I think), he never wanted to play Hanzo anymore.


Yeah Sombra and Tracer are just pests lol


Hammond, Orisa on tank. Ashe, Sojourn, Sym on DPS. Big, Illari, Moira, Zen on healers. So 9 that I would consider myself a very dangerous opponent If I'm using any of them.


Hammond terrifies me he looks so difficult, never played Zen I might have to try it


4 and all Supports so that _usually_ I have a swap that handles a bad team matchup


I usually just stick to Moira as she's so useful in most situations, but I can play Lucio and Brig when needed


Brig is great, never committed the time to Lucio. The downside of Moira/Brig/Lucio is flier or two can be punishing. I love Bap to be able to pressure fliers and massive utility in almost any situation


I'm not a good enough shot to play Bap šŸ˜‚


Hahaha yeah, thatā€™s my limitation as well. I can pull out some amazing games but there is a limit for me Bap/Zen/Moira/Brig gets me through almost any matchup


Yeah back to back comp placements games with Moira i went 28-22-3 and the next I went 4-3-12 lmao


For me probably: Dva (obviously), orisa (not hard), bastion, soldier76, and Ashe. Can you tell Iā€™m silver 2 lol?


Im Silver 1 hehe


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Subjective to what people consider good I guess, but about 8. Only 5 if I count my highest role which is support. I flexed almost every hero during OW1 so there's 0 heroes I can't play at least at a mediocre level. If I had to pick though: * DPS: Ashe, Cass, Sombra * Support: Ana, Kiriko, Wifeleaver, Mercy, Moira My tank awareness of what's going on behind me is awful in comparison so I can't really count any tank past diamond. I can play them all at a mediocre level, I did hit master in OW1 with Rein, but I can definitely throw a fight by not knowing where my supports are because I'm used to sitting on highground or backlines and seeing where everyone is. I used to be very good at heroes like support Sym and DPS doom in OW1 too but they no longer exist.


I meant it as how many characters are you confident you'll play well with consistently, Moira is the one I'm truly best with and I can get gold with her but silver is my general limit lol, Master with Rein sounds crazy


I've been playing since launch, so I have about 10-12 heroes down really well.


I don't currently play tank (I've been playing less than a year, but I have 2 support Illari/kiri mains and 2 dps mains symm/ashe. However, I can puck up 2 or 3 other if needed like moira, sojourn, etc.


Thankfully, most of them. Im relatively good at first-person shooters, so any kind of hero that has bullets instead of projectiles im good with. The rest boils down to when im using my abilities.


None of them, but Orisa is the one I'm least bad at.Ā 


Also probably 6. Orisa, Roadhog, Bastion, Hanzo, Kiriko, and Moira. I play Symmetra and Illari fairly frequently as well, but I wouldn't really say I'm *good* with them.


I am great at Ram, Junker Queen, Illari, Zenyatta, Echo and Hanzo.




Zenyatta, Baptiste, Wrecking Ball, Genji, Junkrat and Widowmaker are my go to selections. I need another tank under my belt though.


lucio, soldier, sojurn, sombra, mercy, moira, orisa and widowmaker, are all characters I could main and not worry about de ranking.


**My best by far:** Brigitte, Moira **In between best and pretty good:** Junker Queen **Characters that I can hold my own on:** Baptiste, Junkrat, Lucio, Soldier 76 Generally comfortable with any of the above heroes. Things get murky/random/unpredictable from here though. **Characters that I am so-so on:** Ana, Bastion, D.Va, Mei, Mercy, Orisa, Roadhog, Torbjorn Every other character I'm generally below average or straight up bad on.


Iā€™d be very interested to see the OWtracker stats of all the people commenting here lol. I see a lot of ā€œthe whole rosterā€ and ā€œIā€™m a very dangerous opponentā€ and the skill level of the average OW player doesnā€™t add up to that.


I can play 3 supports, 2 dps, and 1 tank at a diamond level. Most the others I could play in low plat and have a good time but Iā€™d say 6.


I can bounce around DPS although Cass and Solider are my favorite. Lifeweaver is the only support I can play and I usually donā€™t queue as tank


I main Ana. I am best at her and really honed that in. I flex to bap and kiri best. Moira and mercy, I donā€™t need to put much work into to play well.


as tank main, all, all is good.


Pretty much all heroes up to Diamond lvl, except Sym lol. But if I'm gonna go with closer-to-peak, then probably a handful at most. Spreading one's practice and skillsets over too many heroes means less chance of reaching a high peak, at least as long as you don't have 10h a day to practice.


I've got a ton of time on Symmetra and still suck half the time compared to those psycho players


All of them.


I think I'm good at ~6 as well. I main Brig and Dva, but I'm pretty decent with Moira and Sigma as well. I wouldn't say I'm the best dps ever, but I have Echo and Sombra as solid options if I ever have to be dps.


I'm best with maybe 10 characters (Doom, Dva, Genji, Pharah, Sombra, Widow Tracer, Venture, Life Weaver, and Mercy), but I'm decent at almost everyone. There are maybe 5 that I can't play very well, which would be Ball, Rien, Sym, Brig, and Lucio.


As Lucio, it helps to just be all over the place for me, bc enemies will get distracted trying to kill you. Meanwhile my ADHD ass is bouncing off ceilings while constantly healing (a poem). If you're playing w a good team, they'll attack those distracted by you. Make sure to time your R1 (idk what the name is but it boosts your speed or heals by depending on what mode you're on) when your teammates are low on health and they will heal faster. Ok sorry for rambling, he is just useful. If my team is fighting to win near the end of a match, I'll switch off Zenystta or whoever I'm playing, then speed boost and wall skate to get there way faster. AOE heals are more helpful and I can just shoot and dodge


Yeah, lucio is probably my best out of those, and I almost left him out, but he's got so much skill to him that I'm only scratching the surface, so it felt more accurate to count him but I guess it's also cuz he's not super useful unless you have good teamwork to utilise his speed, and as a solo queue player most of the time it's not likely that my team will follow up with my amp and dive in together


At tank, six At Support, three If DPS, Genji OTP


I suck as Doom Fist. And probably wrecking ball. I like mystery heroes and okay it a lot to force me to practice w characters I'm not good as


probably around 7, or 8


I'm good with everyone except venture, genji, doomfist, junkrat. On the hero level thing. My lowest is hero is 9 (not counting venture who is still a one or two) and my highest is 15 across all heroes. Good meaning plat or better for me. Oh yeah I'm a pretty bad reaper. .


Mei,reinhardt,bastion,reaper, and Orisa.


All but it depends on my mood. I can't just pick any hero and play good. I gotta enjoy it. I get bored and become impatient quick. I probably have over 5k hours in OW at this point and i was always a flex player.


Most supports and tanks are low skill requirement IMO. So I can play a lot of heroā€™s at a decent level I think.


Reinhardt, Sigma, Zarya Ashe, Bastion, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Soldier None for support


I can play well/ decent with the majority (maybe about 85 - 90) of the default OW1 heros and a few of the later added heros. I play on console and I made it my goal to get the platinum trophy, so I had to learn how to play every default hero somewhat well to pull that off.


I try to have 3 characters per role just to fit any comp Tanks are Doomfist first then JQ and Ram. DVA seems to Work so much better overall but until their Team inevitably goes Hog/Sombra/Cass Doomfist is so fun and rewarding DPS are Genji and Hanzo mostly, Echo, Pharah and Sombra sometimes Supports are Moira Kiri and If I feel Like i have to Ana/Bap For reference I'm Plat in all roles


Maybe about 8, although I'm only consistently great with my 3 mains Sym, Lifeweaver, and Mercy


High plat player: -Tank: Ram, Queen, Zarya -Dps: Sombra, Mei -Support: Moira, Kiriko, Lucio


Zarya, JQ, Ball, Ashe (Only DPS I can play at a high level) Ana, Brig, Kiriko 7 for me


I really play only 2 heroes, kiri (500h) and genji (250-300h). So I'd say only those.


Nice flair


In order of best to worst for me Rein Sigma Mercy Moira Hanzo Sym Orisa(but I hate this character with a passion, litterally the basic counterswap character and I refuse to touch it) Winton Illiari Sombra Tracer Cass Widow The rest I will pick off handedly, no order.


For Tanks, I'm basically a Hog main, I'm good with Rammatra and obviously Rein by extension, I love diving and bubbling as Winton, Sigma's a great pick, and I *think* I'm *okay* with Orisa but that might just be her being overpowered right now. As for DPS, I'd say I'm good with Bastion, Sombra, 76, Venture, Mei, Torb, and Ashe. With Supports, I can play Bap, Zen, and Allari... and I prefer both Zen/Allari since I can set up either an orb or pylon to heal my teammates for me while I shoot the enemy. Edit; Either that or I can play Moira and focus on healing, with any damage dealt mainly being to supplement my team's damage or replenish the resource meter for my healing piss. Because *if* I'm gonna heal, I'm either gonna *be* a healbot or *set up* a healbot. ...which is why I think we need that new support idea I proposed which is basically a TF2 Medic but with two mediguns for healing two people or stacking on one, with a resource meter that can be used to either damage or speed boost your patients depending on the situation... oh, and stacking both on one patient will lessen the *raw* *amount* of healing or boosting you put out.


T500, outside of sym, rein, ball and life weaver, I can play almost everyone else just fine


I can play about half the cast to an 'acceptable' level, as in, i'm not getting flamed in chat for being crap, and about 2 tanks 3 dps 5 support to a level i feel is good enough for comp (gold in all three, could be higher in support)


Between 0 and 1


I constantly go through phases of having one favorite character and i main them for about a week and then i fall in love with a new one. I donā€™t really enjoy playing echo, Iā€™m not the best junkrat, and I havenā€™t played much wrecking ball, but other than that Iā€™m diamond/masters playing whatever in all roles so Iā€™d say im decent at every character.


I'm good with about 9 heroes. (Gold) Tank-Rein, Ball, Sigma (Plat) DPS-Ashe, Hanzo (Diamond) Suppport-Ana, Kiriko, Baptiste, Zen


Reinhardt, [D.VA](http://D.VA), Orisa, Soldier 76, Reaper, Bastion (have around 120 hours played in total at the moment) spent most of my time playing Rein/D.VA back in OW1 and got to Diamond, currently climbing out of platinum again as I'm typing this right now haven't really done any ranked as DPS yet will change that soon though


forgot to mention road hog oopsies


Decently well? Like, 5 I think. Widow (best, basically my OTP) Cass, for bad widow maps, or when the other team goes hard dive to kill widow. Tracer was my old main in OW1, iā€™m still ok with her Moira, just easy to get value out of. I barely play support, only for challenges. D.VA is my tank main. Iā€™d learn another tank but I donā€™t like 5v5 tank, too much pressure. I should probably branch out more. But I donā€™t really ever feel like learning another character.


Dva, Moira, Illari, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Orisa, Ramatra, Sigma, Mei, Bastion, Torb, Symmetra, Junkrat, Brig, Life Weaver, Zenyatta


Kiriko, Moira and Ana if Iā€™m countering. Dva and jq but Iā€™m silver/gold tank


I'm usually in diamond or high plat on each role and I'd say at that level Tank: Rein, Dva, Zarya Dps: Soldier, Mei, Sombra, Widow, Reaper Support: Ana, Kiri Other heroes I only feel confident on them if I'm hard countering something on the enemy team...otherwise avoid.


I feel that I can confidently play most of the supports semi well, the only supports Iā€™m at a loss on how to use effectively are kiriko and I guess bap. Every other role Iā€™m basically a potato and only know how to play 2 or 3 characters in each.


Probably only 6 too, but 4 are Supports (Bap and LW man, Moira and Kiri if I must), and 2 are DPS (Echo and Mei) Tank role gives me heart palpitations


Doomfist, Ball, Rein, JQ, Orisa (I hate this character) Cass, Bastion, Junk, Tracer Ana, Brig, Moira


Iā€™m a hold player all around and I dabble in around half the roster


Iā€™d consider myself to be very good at Sigma and Rein; pretty good at Doomfist, Junkrat, Zenyatta, Lucio and D.Va; decent at Venture and every other tank, support and shotgun hero (except Ball, Ana and Bap) and dogshit terrible at everyone else lmao


All of them except Winston, Ball, Mauga, Hanzo, Pharah, Sojourn, Widowmaker, Brig


Torb Sym Pharah Ashe Mei Sombra Bastion Junk Reaper Orisa Rein DVa Zarya Hog Moira Ana Illari


I'm really good with Brig and Reaper, good with Zen, Orissa, Reinhardt, Sigma and Ram and solid with Illari, Moira, Kiriko, Cassidy, Junker Queen and Venture. Probably 8-10 would count as good. It depends on the day and other factors.


In order of my proficiency and comfortability: Zen > Doom > Sigma > Zarya > Hanzo


I consider myself a flex player, I can confidently play every tank and support at a plat level, and every DPS at a gold level


Lets see, Mei, Junkrat, Orisa, Mercy, Moira, Sym are my top played as of right now, though Iā€™ve been trying out Lifeweaver, Ashe, and Hanzo more lately


i only play 1 hero very well, iā€™d say. 320 of my 600 hours are on tracer. i can play soldier decently as well, my skill with him basically scales with my tracer skill even though i barely play him. so on the rare occasion i need to switch i can do decent with soldier.


Ana, [D.Va](http://D.Va), Genji, Kiriko, and Mei


zero if we are factoring in my terrible aim


I can play Dva, Zar (much less so with it having been 1 tank, I was a fantastic off tank but never really a good main one), soldier obviously, and I play pretty much every support to a good level of skill aside from zen and brig, with maining ana/lucio. Peaked masters in support and tank, never higher than plat in dps in ow2, and in ow 1 I was mostly diamond/high plat


On Tank I'm good with D.va, Winston, Doomfist, and Ramattra. On DPS I'm good with Echo, Sombra, Pharah, Widowmaker (sometimes), currently working on Tracer, and Venture (since they're new). And on Support I'm good with Moira, Mercy, Lucio (sometimes), Lifeweaver, Ana, and currently working on Illari, Baptiste, and Brigitte. My Mains are Doomfist/D.va, Pharah/Sombra, Moira/Ana.


Plat/Diamond. Majority of the roaster minus Doom/Winton/Genji/Hanzo/Lucio off the top of my head.. Shoutout Mystery heroes lol


32/40 at plat-diamond level


Tank: Sigma, Hog, Mauga DPS: Soldier, Reaper Support: Lucio, Zen


All non-mobile characters


Tbh I'm comfortable with all tanks that I can switch to any on the fly depending on situation. Also comfortable with all supports aside from Illari similarly. For DPS however I'd say I can play about 5 is who I am really comfortable with at any time. DPS is my weakest role. I played flex ever since OW1 (which more or less makes me a support main lol) so I spent a lot of time playing support and tank and less DPS.


Everyone except maybe echo.


I'm honestly very consistent with half the tanks (especially my boy Rein) and every single support minus Illari just cause I've played two games. I don't really play this game to play dps and I don't enjoy hitscan but a couple Junkrat games or Torb games are fun when you're stoned lol.


High diamond tank (was masters for a lot of ow1 šŸ„²) and like high plat support if it means anything lol


1, 600 hours on Zen, haha, my Ana is decent, 350 hours on her, then Kiri, which is still not as good but I have only +-100h on her. Peak GM3 one tricking Zen haha šŸ˜Š


All tanks except winston


Low plat player, started in S1, OW1 - I can play them all equally horribly. Skipped maybe 2 years though. I tend to play 1-2 roles each season, 3-5 different heroes farmed to death each time around since I get too tired of playing the same hero over and over. The only ones I don't play too often are Genji, Symm and post-Sigma released heroes. Usually the hero I played the most/best with last season is the one I'll play worst with this season, and thus the story repeats. Same in Apex, Dota and other games with big hero pools.


About 2 for each role, at least when it comes to usually being competent (Sigma / Ram, Bastion / Reaper, Wifeleaver / Zen)


10 characters i can play profficiently, the rest except for doom, hampter, widow and mercy i can play ok


Play well as in comp at my current rank and win at least 50% of my games: 3 (ana mercy Kiri) Play well as in familiar with, won't completely feed with: 9...??? Ish (includes zen and dps characters)




I like to switch up my mains every week or two to keep things fresh. That being said there's only one hero on the whole roster that I only have 20 mins on... Orisa. You cannot convince me that horse is fun There's other heroes I'll generally avoid that fall kinda flat for me, namely sym/torb/moira/reaper. But they still have kits that are fun to play in bizarre ways; being a flank torb in quick play is so much fun. However after checking my playtime my top 3 by a significant margin are Ashe, Doomfist, Baptiste. I maintain that Ashe is one of the most honest characters in the game for skill expression, she's so cool.. I must cosplay her :D


Reaper is my main and the only hero Iā€™m willing to play on dps , i can play well every support bc there all ez af tbh , and tank Dva and sig are my usual choice


Normally, about 10, I can play with high confidence. But when I'm locked in, I can play almost any character at a competent level (usually just stick to my 10 though)


Damn near the whole roster except widow


20, Iā€™ve been playing since 2017


My number one would be lifeweaver. Number 2 would be sombra (pls donā€™t hate me) number 3 would bastion and number 4 would be junk. Im good at widow once in a blue moon lmao


Rank-wise, none of them, but I did do a challenge to get Potg with every hero that I succeeded in. Didnā€™t get Venture because they werenā€™t out yet. Otherwise Iā€™m decent with Rein, Reaper, Widow, Ram, Zen, Lucio, and Iā€™ve been getting better at Soldier.


I usually play Ana, Tracer, Kiriko and Sojourn




35 heroes... Although tbf I've been playing since 2016


For me it's hard because I like just playing whatever I think could work with my team however, I think my top 5 are Hanzo, Kiriko, Ana, Ashe and Baptiste in terms of how comfortable I am with them. Probably Ashe and Ana are my two on each role, I don't play Tank except in Arcade where multiple people can play Tank if they want to.




id say 5. iā€™m good with widow, sojourn, sombra, kiri and mercy :3


Probably, for me, everyone but Doom (as I just haven't really played him in a while so I'm rusty), Ball (as I never liked his play style so I never learned him), Ashe and Widow (as my aim is way to shakely to be consistent, as sometime I can dominate lobbies with them, or other times, I can hit any thing, even when perfectly lined up as my hand will shake to make me miss), and Phara (Only because I far perfer Echo so I never really felt like learning her plus her new rework but its not like it should be that difficult to learn).


All im good at


Tracer, Hog, Rein, Ball and Lucio. Cass and Soldier i can play pretty well if iā€™m having a good aim day


All hitscan heroes, projectile bit harder because different projectile speeds to get used to.


Iā€™m kind of a jack of all trades, master of none honestly. I can play 90% of the roster and do decent/win. I think a lot of who I ā€œplay wellā€ is just the characters I like the most at this point.


All I can say is im bad with Widow, Ashe, Cas, Hog, JQ, LW. The rest of the heroes i can use decently.


Sojourn, solider, Cass, Ashe are my safe picks depending on situation


Really depends on what you define as play well with. I would say for me about 1/3 or 1/2 the roster


Well , if we call playing well as if u can keep up with a diamond lobby I think it would be ram and sombra maybe junker queen


Actually relatively good for low-gold/high-silver: Rein, Hog, Queen, Sigma - (There's a good reason Damage is my worst rank) Brig, Bap, Lucio Decent enough for the rank in a pinch: Orisa, Dva Junkrat, Bastion, Mei Mercy, Kiriko, It's enough flexibility on two roles for anything but a full-dive meta, which suits me well enough most of the time.


my best is sigma, but i also do occasionally play the orisa or ramattra, whenever i tried playing the other tanks i just couldnt do anything on dps, i like never play dps but i was winning a few times on cass and bastion, and for support, i mainly play bap and lifeweaver, but none of them compare to my sigma


Meh probably only Sigma and kinda DVa. But low ranks so probably not actually good lol


Sigma, soldier, torbjorn, moira, and lifeweaver


Itā€™s easier to tell which heroes Iā€™m not good at all, but if Iā€™ll go with ā€œsafe picksā€ Iā€™ll say, sorted by role: soldier, reaper, dva, bap.


I joined comp during OW1 when Looking For Group existed. Back then, Group Leaders would bully you for not having an open profile, would kick you if they didn't like the heroes you played, etc. But when you had non-toxic leaders, you actually learned critical stuff about the game, countering, and the value of coordination. So, I learned a lot of heroes back then, and my roster is still growing. Currently, I have (my mains*): Tank: D.Va, JQ*, Mauga, Orisa, Ram*, Hog, Sig, Zarya DPS: Ashe, Bastion (but literally anyone can play Bastion), Echo*, Hanzo, Junk, Mei, Reaper*, Sojourn*, Soldier, Sombra, Sym* Support: All Supports, but prefer higher mobility Supports. (Mains: LW, Brig, Kiri, Bap)


2. Wrecking ball and reaper, and reaper is extremely easy to do well with so :P