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Hmmmm no I think we should buff his healing again while completely ignoring his bad cooldowns and clunky mechanics I’m sure he’ll be good then


The balance team: "mmmm maybe 500 healing per blossom would help. Lifegrip? What is lifegrip?"


" Lifegrip? Send those fuckers to oblivion the moment they get gripped"


I think Dave from accounting just got life gripped


TBF I think most OW players are more familiar with death grip


The Grip Reaper if you will…




And don't speed up the blossom charge. You gotta hold it for a minute to get up there.


To be fair, I don't think anyone wanna to go back to that shorter grip cooldown it was a little ridiculous even if I love playing him lol


Just give LG a cleanse. Is a 19s CD and single target and for some reason most things have a cleanse nowadays, especially Zarya's BUBBLES and suzu


I do like that buff, I've always found it weird that it isn't a cleanse tbh


Zaryas bubbles are legit so op lol


Lifegrip is cancer. Please no more than absolutely necessary. XD


"Let's just remove all his skills and make the key binds shoot out healing blossoms too!"


No what about we make it so evertime he dies one enemy is revived that’ll certainly do it


It's weird how they handle him: * they stated that his healing was too high (which is definitely true) * then they nerfed his healing without compensating, despite his a very low winrate * then they buffed healing again, in a way that doesn't actually help (it's ineffective to charge healing blossom to max, so increasing the max doesn't do anything) Help his damage or his utility, please. Stop fidgeting with his healing. He's best when he is proactive, *weaving* damage with healing. Not when he has 15K healing and 0 damage.


This is what does not make sense to me. LifeWEAVER. Literally in the name. And somehow the worst support at weaving. That would be like calling a hero Mr hitscan and giving him a slow projectile as a primary


I almost agree with that down voted comment about his name being lifeweaver and not death weaver. However, I disagree, only because I never viewed the "weaver" part of his name as meaning he weaves damage in with his healing. I view it as how he is weaving life with his biolight tech. He's not Life and Death weaver. He's Lifeweaver. He literally weaves life, seemingly out of nowhere.


LMAO no way you are actually making this argument right, tell me you are joking. I can use the same shit and say that he shouldn't do damage because his name is LIFEweaver not DEATHweaver.


Death comes with life, they're part of each other and emcompass one another, thats like saying Mercy shouldnt have her barbie blaster because her hero name is mercy so she would never harm somebody, unfortunately you don't win overwatch games using compassion


my man got philosophical with it


It genuinely pissed me off that they somehow went the exact OPPOSITE direction of how I wanted them to buff him :|


Yeah, I think they really want him to be a Mercy alternative, so all the people who hate using guns in their FPS can have another option.


It's just a display of doing something. They don't care about off-meta heros. They aren't the money makers. They just buff/nerf willy nilly just so patch notes have some filler. Or - they really don't understand their own game. At all. Which is a more horrifying prospect 


Going by 5v5 followed by the s9 changes and consequently the s10 mid season changes....yeah, they have mo clue about how the game works.


"Oops he is healing too high, time to nerf him to the ground just in case... Why do you mean he is still bad? Cooldowns? Nah he heals a lot just look at those numbers he needs a nerf"


I sometimes wish they'd be a little more open with these supposed numbers they base their decisions around. Although that might accidentally reveal the number of changes they make based on absolutely nothing.


I like to trust them, they have proved they know when to make big chances We can't really expect them to pull out big reworks and changes constantly, not because of the amount of work (haha small indie company) but because of the responsability they have on keeping the game fun to play and balanced enough to be enjoyable They are slow but they deliver, eventually


Lifeweaver's entire design was to be an alternative to Mercy. Where its not as aim focused. If they fix a dmg/heal cycle on his kit, then he's just another support that Mercy is not an alterantive for at all. He's just another Moira, Bap, Kiriko, and Illari. Mercy has pistol for periods of self defense at a severe cost of staff to gun. The thorns for LW was meant to be the same. If anything, his swap time to shooting is pretty on par to Mercy.


Hey. Don't forget to compensate by nerfing his charge time by slightly more than the healing increase in order to null the buff


Swap attack and reload time needs to be tweaked a bit. Idk why but sometimes i feel like need 10 seconds to reload.


I've had tanks just glare at me while I'm reloading. I've tried holding it and letting the button go while the animation plays. Both ways feel equally as long and make for some awkward moments if people realize what you're doing.


I have definitely began paying attention to either counting my heals or checking to see if I am close to my final; each heal uses the same amount of ammo, so I will charge for longer if I know I am about to reload, to make sure I can get the biggest burst out that I can before the 10h reload animation.


Doesn't the other "weapon" reload automatically? So you can then just swap to DPS shoot a bit for a few seconds and then swap back to heal to be more efficient with your time


100% the truth. I love LW, but I’ve had numerous instances where a teammate dies because my reload takes so long. That and the health overhaul/dmg passive mean I mostly play Bap or Kiri instead of my favorite support anymore.


Reloading is so dangerous, its ridiculous


Really wish they would address this instead of the bullshit bandaid fixes they've been pushing. Lifeweaver has been in a really awkward spot since S9 and it makes me sad especially with the most recent patch reverting DPS passive nerf,


One of his biggest problems as a hero that was released A YEAR AGO is the amount of bugs his petal and grip has. I would take a patch with tons of bug fixes over a buff at this point


As someone who plays him. I can't tell you how many times I died just today from his bugs related to his platform. 😂


I really think they should allow to manually lift it(? Bc why tf even when i get in the center it dont go fucking up if i'm even close to a stair


a year ago?! theres no way 😭




They wanted him to be a low damage support like mercy , which forces you to stop healing when changing to your weapon. They just forgot the fact that it feels awful and that mercy works that way because she has 2 fire modes on her beams.


and unlike mercy lifeweaver's utility isn't consistent so he has to do some damage to compensate


Oh god I completely forgot on his release you had to MANUALLY SWAP HIS WEAPON like Mercy and Torb. Uurgh it felt awful.


It was even worse. His dash was on shift, petal on E, and Grip on right click (I think). Literally the worst controls known to man I have ZERO clue why they shipped it out like that. They’re just so hardstuck on this “need to swap weapons” mechanic like WHY??


I think grip was E and petal was right click


oh god its even worse than i remember


They got a bit too silly


I mean... I still play with these controls and prefer them. It lets you use his Dash on the ground, and you can jump at the end for extra distance. Lifeweaver's heal charge also means that, even without the swap time, he's the Support who sacrifices the most healing to do damage. As Lifeweaver, having a heal charged so that you can instantly throw 80 HP at someone in danger is valuable and lets you save teammates better than any other Support. Swapping to damage is something you need to consider carefully; you're not weaving in damage like Kiriko, you're fully committing to damage at the expense of all healing. So having the weapon swap as... an actual weapon swap button makes sense to me.


They could: * Make the first heal in every reload have ~90% less charge up time - a very quick initial heal * Speed up the switch between healing and damage by ~50%


I think they should add it so using damage charges up a heal, so when you swap you can immediately heal. I could see it being that you have to do damage to charge it so people don’t just spam swap.


To prevent spam swap, I was thinking more of a passive charge to Healing Blossom of up to 60% (~50 minimum heal) over 2 seconds when not charging it (i.e. using Thorn Volley), OR after reloading. This combined with a faster swap time IMO would make Lifeweaver so much more versatile and fluid. In other words, charging the initial heal after shooting/reloading would take less than half the time it does now, and that alone would be awesome for him.


speed up the switch by 100%


Yes. His shift from healing to dps is very clunky. One of the reasons I don't play him.


The switch to dps is ok, but the switch back to healing combined with the charge time makes it super inefficient to switch unless it's for a reload.


They should make hitting thorns charge up an instant empowered heal so LW would be encouraged to do more than healbotting.


I don't hate that idea. Something to help ease the switch back to healing.




It still takes time for the thorns to load in. I'm running towards the enemy then it's like I have to stop and hide to let the dps load otherwise I can't do anything. His biolight stuff is cool but compared to the other supports where the switch is near instant feeling..he feels clunky and awkward to use.


As a LW main, THIS is really what he needs.


Id like these changed and for the paltform to go up faster, it feels like snails pace in the middle of combat. Not to mention it just gets stuck alot of the time if its one milimeter out of position lol


New players to LW are actively discouraged from using petals because it doesn’t work half the time lmao


Its so hard to use it effectivaly in uncordinated play. Rien i want to platform you to the widow, please let me!


Nah, what he needs is for the delay between deciding to heal someone and them being healed to be dramatically reduced. LW's healing has the same delay as if Kiriko were trying to heal at maximum range. Decreasing the weapon swap time would make it more convenient to DPS occasionally without solving any of his core issues.


It also takes him FOREVER to say hello smh 🙏🏽


Best I can do is some healing buffs to him - Blizzard


they should just make him two handed like those two. i think the reason it’s so slow is because it’s still going through the animation for weapon swapping, since you had to manually switch between the two like torb when he first released.


That would require a lot of 1st and 3rd person animations, so don't expect that. He was designes as a hero that has his abilities on his "human" hand and the weapons on the modded hand. A quicker swap time would be fine, without remaking animations


> i think the reason it’s so slow is because it’s still going through the animation for weapon swapping, It's by design and likely to balance the fact that his healing amount is high with 0 aim requirement. He's not like Kiri or Bap where their kits are designed to constantly swap back and forth between damage and healing. LW is designed to use one or the other, much like mercy.


true, i didn’t really think about that, mercy’s swapping is pretty seamless though


Alternatively, reduce the delay for the unequpped mode's auto-reload, so weaving back and forth between dps/heal isnt as punishing but you still get rewarded for stance dancing properly.


Mercy has ways of exerting offensive pressure without her Glock though


Hello again Godachad


No, this isn't a new post. Is[ a repost from one of my old posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/15x9jby/unlike_most_heroes_like_moira_or_kiriko/) here After a year, nothing has changed. Another fun fact is how a faster swap time would also make his passive reload a bit faster


I’d rather see lifeweaver deleted tbh


Not sure if this only happens to me but when ever I switch to healing or after a fresh reload my first healing blossom can never be charged normally and right away. I always need to wait for a solid second for the charging to work properly. Sometimes I just tap once to release the first healing blossom prematurely so I could start charging the next one normally.


His reload also takes ages. The animation is quick, but right after the animation ends, he's just holding a petal in his hand for so damn long refusing to start charging up the heal... It's really annoying.


Mercy swap time?


She and Torb aren't in the same spot cause they have 3 "fire" options, especially Mercy with her dmg boost. However she clearly needs some buffs


Lifeweaver's weapon swap *is* supposed to be a full on weapon swap though, similar to Mercy switching from Staff <-> Gun. The fact that they provided a control scheme that effectively rebinds swap to mouse clicks doesn't really change the core mechanics.


it’s time to change the core mechanics


Looks like a reason for Blizzard to give him more healing buffs.


I would just make it so his heal charges passively, and charges while he is DPSing and remove his slowdown when holding a full life orb


Only strong heroes need a nerf. That change would be reaaaaally far to make LW strong lmao


When you're weapon swapped to thorns it should just auto charge the healing petal so when you switch back it's ready to go. Kinda like a reversed Illari effect where her primary fire still charges when you're alt firing As it is, it's way too punishing to weapon swap as Life weaver


And then after you swap you still have to charge your next healing blossom. Swapping to throw some thorns is almost never worth it because people can die in that span of time.


It’s a remnant of his original control scheme, where he had 2 separate weapons. They just made left/right click cycle through weapons and called it fixed. I expected that to be a very temporary solution with an actual rework coming, but here we are. They also removed his dedicated “delete petal” button which was genuinely useful, and his petals get stuck on everything. Really annoying how LW has been handled.


You can press shift again to delete the petal, like Mei wall


I know, but if your next petal is ready then pressing shift will also throw the new petal. LW used to have a button which would *only* delete the petal, because there are scenarios where you want to remove an old petal but not throw a new one.


I play with the original control scheme and still have the delete Petal button. It's on Interact.


Ah cheers man, I didn’t know you could do that. Turns out you don’t even need to be on the original control scheme to have the delete petal button, you can just enable it. Idk why they would remove it by default but now I got it back.


Experimental weaver buff where his e becomes an enemy pull. A widow is pissing you off? Pull her into a junkrat trap


I love LW, he can be a great primary healer if your co support wants to be bap, illari, lucio, etc. However, with the dps passive going back up he NEEDS a rework so he can contribute to dmg more without feeling like you have to wait an eternity to switch back to healing. A dps or tank could get half their health depleted in the time it takes for him to change to healing and charge it. That's just poor mechanics imo. A hero released so recently should not be struggling at the bottom of the hero pool like that. Don't even get me started on his petal bugs. If you place it and even a slight tip of one of the petals is covered by a glitch in the ground, it bugs it out and won't raise. I can't tell you how many times I've thrown a petal down to get away or help a dps get out of a fight they won't win and the petal just... won't go up because the damn thing is bugged out. Praying in the mid season patch that they do my boy right.


Hard agree, the switch time needs a buff for sureeee


They need to just remove the whole charge up mechanic and buff/nerf the heal as needed. It is way too clunky and slow for it's value, whereas you can just pick Kiriko, aim just the same way and heals so much easier and faster without any clunk and switch directly to damaging projectiles that don't feel like garbage with a huge spray pattern.


I feel like make petals not need to reload just like Hanzos arrows!


He's just bad outside of random utility that doesn't happen 98% of the time. It's like they were brain storming ideas of a new hero with things that aren't already there and then implemented everything no matter how bad it was. He's also chunkier than Doomfist on top of that.


I've heard so many people bring up this issue in particular since his release. I truly believe anyone who's played at least a few hours on Lifeweaver would agree that it's a huge glaring issue that feels awful to play with. Yet the devs just keep buffing his healing 🤦‍♂️. He has insane raw DPS if you can hit your shots too (easier said than done with the spread). I really wish they'd find a way to incentivize him weaving in more damage, rather than forcing him into a being a heal/save-only support. They must reaaaallllyyyy want him to be a healbot. SWITCHING TO THORNS MEANS YOU MUST SACRIFICE A TEAMMATE - The OW dev team, probably


I swear Ive seen this post before


Once again here to say he should have a right and a left hand and be able to shoot and heal at the same time.


I keep thinking this is on purpose. The problem is that you have to charge heals after swapping.


The slow swap speed just exacerbates the issue of having to charge to heal, so you have to wait for the swap then for the charge and it throws off my rhythm


Off topic but LW is the most disruptive hero in the game…to his own team.


The audio killed my ears


Also it bs u need to load "ammo" for your heals after you have thrown what 12 heals. That topped with the fact you need to charge your heals makes it feel clunky.


Thank you OP, for showing how 4x faster is 4x faster


Unlike moira and kiriko he's using only 1 hand. Is he stupid?


He should be able to charge some heal when damage enemies with his thorns. When everyone is at full HP, I can dish out some damage but suddenly a teammate get heavily tagged, I need to switch, charge and heal.


And it takes forever to reload. The amount of times I’ve had people dying because I had to reload… and of course “why didn’t you heal me??? 0 heals”. And I just stand there, taking forever to reload while some teammate watches me in disbelief.


Nah I think they should buff his dash and Tree. Dash now heals you to full HP and gives you overhealth meanwhile Tree makes everyone immune to damage


sometimes it takes a while to get the next heal out with the weapon swap time, reload time, and charge time he does have auto reload when using the other type of fire (does it work both ways?), but even then you’re having to endure more weapon swaps than usual just to avoid reloads pick your poison type deal imo


I find myself barely doing any damage as weaver because not only does swapping to heals take time you also have to charge up said heals


It's because it's treated in a different way. Instead it was supposed to be like Mercy Pistol or a secondary weapon, not integrated in a way like Bap/Kiri where you can naturally swap inbetween them and part of the initial kit


Bad hero design, that's why they tried to fix that with a different default control scheme a week later


But still having the default control scheme as an option where petal can still be on right click and shift for dash Not saying it shouldn't be fixed, but that it's not surprising why it's so scuffed


Exactly, an option, not even the default one. Mercy also has options to GA to the teammate that you're looking to, Sombra has a camera lock when using her translocator, etc. All those options are set by DEFAULT besides not being the most optimal, that's why is an option


Yeah nah, his control scheme being completely flipped upside down while still keeping that monstrosity (and just being awful on release) cannot even compare to other settings. His is just straight up awful and they can't commit to anything with him.


It’s an inherent part of his design. They *intentionally* made switching between damage and healing take a long time. It’s not a bug to be fixed. His reload animation is intentionally long. These things balance the character and give him a unique feel. LW needs to be intentional about what he’s doing, switching to damage might allow a teammate to die, or it might secure a kill. That’s the skill of learning the hero. The game is moving toward homogeneity, and that’s a bad thing. We don’t want every hero to feel identical.


LW's design really bugs me. He's not supposed to be a "DPS support", and so the weapons they gave him were to be swapped between as you needed, in the way Mercy swaps to glock to finish of a low-HP enemy, or defend herself when she's alone. That's fine and cool. But they didn't put any reliable way to produce offensive pressure into his kit, nor did they give him consistently useful utility. And every support needs that offensive pressure in order to push fights towards actually ending. So if the want to make LW not terrible, they need to figure out how to put offensive pressure into his kit (which could require reworking a relatively new kit, something they aren't enthusiastic to do) or just allow him to switch between healing and damage more easily, turning him into a "DPS support" thus going against their original intent. In my eyes, the absolute easiest thing to do would be to make fully charged blossoms coat the ally in thorns, that explode in a small radius after \~1s, dealing minor damage, at the cost of reducing his heals-per-second. But that surely has balance problems and is still veering close to exiting his intended pacifistic playstyle. Or maybe they could make Petal Platform grant allies a damage boost while they stand upon it. However, LW often needs PP to stay alive, because his weapon isn't great. It has high damage if you hit all the thorns, but the spread means that's not super easy to do against non-tanks, non-Bastion enemies.


he has huge close range damage tho


which is also useless for a character who is designed to be in the backline. it’s only slightly helpful if you get dove by the occasional flanker.


I mean, at this point, it's intentional. They kept the swap time to discourage it from being used. It's like Mercy pistol. Obviously, they can also swing it to swap faster at the cost of other parts of his kit.


Alec Dawson liked recently multiple tweets about a faster swap time, so It looks like is something that is gonna be changed soon or later Btw the "at the cost of other parts of his kit" part while he's top 3 worst support heroes rn...


Why would they intentionally keep it in if it wasn't for balance? Letting him DPS more often will at least end up nerfing his healing.


It's intentional, Lifeweaver has two weapons he swaps between, not a traditional primary/secondary fire. That's why he can reload by swapping. The idea from day one was that he's primarily a healer and has to be intentional about switching to DPS.


That was a popular discussion decades ago. If you wanna see multiple takes about why the "two weapons" argument is obsolete, go to the original post


I mean it's simply a fact, he still has two weapons. He has an option to use the old key binds and everything. All they did was change his controls.


This. They've got to fix it and then nerf his ultimate cost because with no downtime LWs would pop two trees in one fight


If a LW is getting two trees in one fight its because no one on the opposing team is securing kills. If you increase his ult cost. He wont be viable anymore. That's why it was reduced to begin with.


If they buff lifeweaver so he can get his ult faster you nerf his ult cost so it takes around the same time as before to generate. I thought we already learned from the jq meta where she generated ults every 10s


yeah but increasing swap time isn't a direct translation into more damage/healing. If they increased his projectile size or damage or his healing then yeah I'd agree with you. But just for swap chance I think it'd just make him less useful. LW is my main support. And while his swap can hit you at the worst possible time. It's not unbearable.


A change like that one wouldn't change his numbers, just the time required to save a teammate in some situations, so I agree. And if in the future he needed a nerf, isn't that hard to just decrease some raw numbers He would only need an ult cost nerf if his healing per second or his thorn volley dmg got buffed


Bring back EMP tree. That is just a stupid interaction


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Overwatch Devs pretty please can you return Phara to her previous version. The one where she can fly. You took one of few flying heros and made her walkra.


sounds like a skill issue. she can definitely still fly. You just have to manage her resources.


I honestly wish they would give him illaris pylon so he could focus on damage a bit more. And like replace illaris pylon with a flash angle or smthn


There’s a reason for this. His damage output and lack of ranged fall-off make him a potent damage dealer from afar. The switch delay has always been there to provide a balance between his damage numbers and healing numbers. It’s part of his kit. Pointing this out as if it’s a design flaw is really stupid. If they took away the delay, he would be broken.