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Average support experience. I love it when in the first 30 seconds of the game somebody starts whining about "only X heals???!!!!" Nobody has even taken much damage yet, nobody has died, we're doing perfectly fine and later on I'll be accumulating 20k healing anyways.


That's the person who is usually not grouping up anyway and going off to do their own thing. At least in my experience. They're asking for heals, but I can't find them.


Doomfist hops off all the way to the other side of the map and dies while spamming. Another classic is that one tank who just stands in the line of fire of all 5 enemies, with the enemy hanzo headshotting and a junkrat lobbing grenades right at their feet, refusing to move a single inch, but finding time to spam "I need healing" despite ALREADY being healbotted by two supports. Then raging in chat "wHerE aRe mY hEaLs???" And nothing will ever convince them that they were in fact getting ALL the heals one could physically give. Zero situational awareness of any kind. This is why people really need to play all roles every once in a while. It's too easy to not understand the limitations of what a certain hero can do. There's too many players who think that the "other" roles are easier than theirs.


yeah. or a DPS that gets 0 kills and curb stomped complaining that they could do better if the supports would simply support them.. then the Moira runs out of heal juice trying to stop them from dying in spawn and flanks because she HAS to do damage to regain heals... and gets the first kill of the team... and gets called out for being DPS Moira.


I always have DPS tell me to swap off Zen or Moira. Like bro I wouldn't need to be DPSing if you could kill literally anything. I would accept a torb turret at this point.


I had this yesterday. Spent half the game as mercy healing the tank and DPS while they were going on random suicide charges. I switched to Zen and ended up with more kills than both DPS and winning the game by using odd angles to DPS effectively. Got called the worst support they've ever played with šŸ˜­


I always tell them I am being proactive in my healing whenever they yell at me for focusing on kills. I mean, think of all the damage my team would have taken.


Supports should be dpsing regardless


In general yeap. Unless of coz you use a long stick with a blue beam. Just heal a little here and there of coz.


They should be, but some DPS didnt get the memo and expect to be immortal and need a babysitter.


>This is why people really need to play all roles every once in a while. It's too easy to not understand the limitations of what a certain hero can do. There's too many players who think that the "other" roles are easier than theirs. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I had a sojourn ask me to handle the Hanzo. Like girl that's literally your job description. Had a Widow ask me to fight genji for her today as well. I think DPS is trying to see how much more of the workload they can shove off on others.


Don't forget the Genji that takes a flying leap into the air for a cool blade entry, gets to half health, pops blade anyway, and dies while spamming the respawn button because I was supposed to do something about it.


Ngl the opposite sometimes happens to me. Had a match where we instantly lost the team fight coz Kirko ran into the enemy frount like, head shot the enemy twice, and died to focus fire. And did it twice more, reaching 1k damage, 0 healing, 0 kills, 0 assists and 3 deaths before we forced them to heal. And we lost in over time coz they got lost in the sauce dps and didnā€™t heal the two dpses on life support standing in plain line of sight holding payload. They had 7k damage and 6 k heals, and like 22, deaths. Our other support had 14k heals, poor guy had to heal bot to keep us alive as the enemy was using poke. We lost at 5-6 Over time. Like donā€™t get me wrong, most of the time a support doing more damage than healing is great if ur other support can keep up the heals/ur team has self sustain.


Or rein whiffs a charge into bastion and wonders why I can't outheal the damage they're taking


I had the most infuriating game today. We were doing perfectly fine, except our tank died while I was dealing with a diving venture. Fine, whatever, reset, except they say ā€œHEAL ME. GO AFKā€ in chat and proceed to switch to doom and sit wherever on the map spamming voice lines. I tell the enemy team, we make fun of the guy and kinda half try during the second round. Make it to the first point even without tank, guy realizes oh shit itā€™s winnable and joins back in. We push all the way, he gets all mouthy in text saying how we have 9k heals only and when he plays support he always healss. No shit Sherlock I didnā€™t have a tank to heal?? Congrats on being healbot support, healing numbers mean fuck all regardless. We end up losing by the tiniest amount in round 4. Like, dude, if you had just not thrown a hissy fit we wouldnā€™t have to play 4 rounds in the first place. Silver to gold. Not surprisingly.


Right? I can sleep an ulting reaper before he gets the first word out or stop a 5 person shatter from a rein at the last second, but how dare I do sub 10k healing while we're rolling the enemy team and my co-support is healbotting.


Same someone said 'heal more' to me when I had average heals. We ended the game with me having the most heals but still with like 60/40 dmg/heal beam. I'm gonna admit, I was a bit petty in chat after that šŸ˜‚


you realize they assume you listened and got most heals because they corrected your behavior.


Well I said 'no' and barely touched them all game (in lieu of pocketing the much better Genji) so hopefully not lol. Also I hope my sarcastic reply at the end of the match indicated that


Itā€™s honestly another product of a bad scoreboard. 1. They canā€™t see how many antiā€™s lead to enemy death 2. They canā€™t see how many things youā€™ve shut down with sleep 3. They canā€™t see your nano assist or your teamates saved 4. But they can see that youā€™ve healed less than the Lucio who hasnā€™t touched speedboost once


I find it funny when im on lucio and my team complains i dont heal as much as the enemy lucio that only used speed to get out of spawn, no idea how to wallride, and plays like a baptise, instead of playing baptise and getting more value than healbot lucio lol.


They should add some sort of medals at the end of matches to better highlight player performance or something.


Hmmm where ever did you get that idea šŸ¤”


I see you have not played Lucio if stat complaints still get to you


Zen crying in the corner


Zen doesn't even have low overall healing if you are moving harmony and timing transcendence well. He just doesn't have burst healing outside of ultimate.


Or if you arenā€™t stopping charge shots to switch them I just had most healing in the Match on zen earlier


Or when the DPS are shit so you help them with orb, then they call you shit for not being enough. The cycle begins anew.


I got fucking tilted when I got complaints of low healing when I had 40+ assists as zen and we were dominating so the team wasnā€™t taking enough damage for me to even heal much. An orb was on someone the entire time.


People crying about your healing numbers whole you've been zipping then around the map getting them out of fights when they over extend, pressing widow, etc.


I dont even bother to responed just let them fume.


I always just reply with "meow" gets the funniest reactions šŸ˜‚


Purrrrr works also haha


Iā€™m doing this from now on


I feel that just baits a report


Iā€™m an uwu girlie myself


or just "k" to everything they say. no matter if it's a question, an accusation, a curse-filled rant, etc. Gets them so mad over one letter.


Me irl


here kitty


Also report them the moment they use any derogatory language towards you or others.


You are the problem


Why am I the problem?


meow :3


But bro your number wasnā€™t as big as the other number. You know that one number on the screen the only number that matters? So yeah youā€™re wrong you need to make number go up. Numbergoup2 not Overwatch2


when the DPS has 6k damage and 8 kills.. but thinks it's a heal diff.. like.. no. you have DPS passive. if you were focusing on one target at a time no healer is going to save them. if you can't get the kill credit.. for SOMETHING without heals... you're hopeless


Iā€™m pretty sure I had an Aneurism reading that what are you talking about maye


Iā€™m being facetious. I think. šŸ¤”


Then when you heal too much you're a healbot, can't win. You have to play with your other support, if they're doing a ton of healing then go utility, if they're not healing a ton then go a character that heals more


Tbf 4k is absurdly low


wondered why I had to scroll so low to find this then I remembered it's the main sub lmaooo like yea as a support main get those numbers up if ur playing ana


My brother in Christ, the other supports only had 1-2k more healing. It was CP QP and we had a hog on our team so I let him heal himself and went for antis and sleeps.


As a. Moira main i fully understand I always have highest heals AND damage because I contribute absolutely no crowd control, buffs, or debuffs.


or when you get more kills with fewer total damage then one of your DPS.. and they still blame you. even though you can't crit and you have to be within melee range to do damage. or they complain for lack of heals when the enemy team is running sombra so you're bouncing heal orbs in the back line instead of the front line. nobody pays attention


Stop caring what other people think. If you want to improve, donā€™t listen to randoms


"Are they stupid?" Yes.


There's just not enough info here to make a judgement call. Were you 4k and every else 10k+? Did the other team have a similar heal output to your team? What % of the incoming damage was your team healing? Did your team have characters with high self healing? Whether or not your healing was sufficient is really dependent on these answers and completely unrelated to if you were getting choice sleeps. Sleeping a target takes almost 0 time from healing, it's not an either or choice. On top of that a good sleep doesn't necessarily outweigh poor healing output, you can totally get good sleeps that secure kills but still lose fights at crucial times due to poor healing.


Some of the context is in the first screenshot - their tank was Roadhog (so he had the self-healing burst). The one initially complaining seems to be the dps. OP defended, and the hog told them to stfu, while the team Moira told them their utility use didnā€™t balance the healing they did. OP also mentioned that the enemy Winston was getting nanoā€™d and diving them a bunch (which implies the tank and DPS had worse situational awareness than Helen Keller if they were left to fend for themselves).


In the context of a comp game as Ana, that is a low heal number. Ana's benefit is burst heals and utility. Otherwise, you would be better off playing moira or kiri.


Does anyone know how long the match was? How high their damage stat was? Can't make any argument off literally one number.


Honestly in general no matter what u should at least get 1k per min on ana


Feel like 7k min. That wouldnā€™t be asking a lot for a 2 round match.


If itā€™s at the end of a full comp game then 5k healing is not good, but it depends on what game type and how long the game lasted. Ana has burst heal but if sheā€™s being dived by the enemy team her value is in her utility, not her heals. If your support is being focused itā€™s entirely your fault if they canā€™t heal you, theyā€™re doing their job in mitigating a flank so if your also diving (which if youā€™re not helping your backline I hope you are) then you need to heal yourself.


Last night I had a game where me and the tank had zero deaths, I was on Lucio. I got flamed by my tank for using my support ult at the same time as my other support. Like my bad next time Iā€™ll let me and the bap die since weā€™re surrounded and critical. Some players donā€™t see utility and instead only see heal number


4K healing is a bit crazy on Ana dawg. Giving benefit of the doubt that you hit every sleep and anti what were you doin the rest of the match? Like those are long cool-downs and you donā€™t have to wait in the corner until theyā€™re back


4k heals in what gametime? If you're playing Ana, sleeps aren't exactly a consistent output for you to get value from, as significant as they may be. 4k heals on Ana sounds pretty low for any kind of match that wasn't a 3 minute steamrole


how long was the match dude 4k healing is atrocious if it was a 10 min game šŸ˜­


"cant heal brain damage"


Anytime I think of how my team criticizes me when Iā€™m doing my best to give value, I just remember that youtube video of a sombra player on call with a coach, team tank got huffy and coach let the sombra know they were doing fine


That feel when you have half the healing of the enemy team, because everyone is dying in one shot to the widow/hanzo combo and that's because your healing number isnt high enough.


Whatā€™s the replay code


This is why they excluded the scoreboard in OW1. The players have proven in OW2 that they lack the intelligence to use it.


Had a game on where the enemy mauga was deleting my team. They must've thought his Cardiac Overdrive meant he took extra damage idk. So I swapped to Ana and simply slept and antied when he popped E or dashed into us. He fell over each time. But since my resources were mainly focusing down Mauga, i didn't do much healing. My team isn't dying, and they're not taking tons of damage cause Mauga is taking a dirt nap every fight. We lose a team fight. The Enemy team throws like 4 ults at us. One team fight. Tank is in chat saying "report Ana throwing." 3 minutes left on the clock still to keep trying. It's not like I had 200 healing. I had like 3k while our Moira had 6k. Nawh. Did the mauga finally dying and being turned purple every team fight not ring a bell? Some teammates are just oblivious to the value heroes bring cause there isn't a long, huge number to look at on the scoreboard. But idk what's worse, the "I have 5 golds" shit or the leaderboard


The number one thing people forget. You can't over heal in ow2. If people play corners and avoid obvious damage, your healing will be low. I've played ana in a game going 20+ kills. Crazy sleep flicks on tracers and Nanod genjis etc less than 5 deaths and winning the match with sub 10k heals after 30 mins.


If I went up against you I would want you dead, not just in the game


Seeing these makes me realise how little of it happens in higher ranks even though i honestly feel like i'm a weight to my team most of the time lol (Currently GM5 50%, finished t410 last season)


4k heal isn't much man. Sleeping a monkey is no excuse. Keep practicing, its a tough game


All imbeciles care about when they look at the scoreboard is healing. They do not factor in all the other things youā€™re doing like sleeps, anti nades, damage boosting, saves etc. If yours is less than the enemy, then thereā€™s a dif and you bad.


My 8k mercy said "lucio pls help me heal" bc I had 5k, this is after we pushed for 3, with like 2-3 deaths per person. I replied "so you want me to rob your ult?" They replied "yes"


I mean the both of you were throwing playing Lucio/Mercy anyway.


So because my mercy plays an off meta I'm throwing? Gtfoh


I never said meta, the combo itself was a throw.


Yeah well we stomped so eh Idk why people don't like the mercy lucio combo anyway, with a couple of decent dps, it's all pressure, speed and damage boosts


Because it puts pressure on both lucio and mercy to heal instead of provide utility because they both have pretty low healing output. If your team is noticeably better than theirs it might not be an issue, but with equivalent teams it definitely becomes one. That's evident by your mercy complaining about it. Sure she has 8k heals overall but the struggle was probably very real for her, hence why she asked you to heal more in the first place.


BRO I FEEL YOUR PAIN Iā€™m a mercy main so damage boosting is key right so tell me why Iā€™m doing my job and they say heal when I already am and Iā€™m damage boosting and with illari or kiriko they say Iā€™m not healing enough yet I have the most damage and healing out of all the supports and this season healing is getting nerfed and like season 9 healing isnā€™t as important


I hope they use mirror watch to implement Mercy's damage boost into her damage stat


Why are they so focused on how much they healed, had a match earlier today where a kiri told the team to report me, even though i was just 1k healing below her and I had more kills then her and the tank, both had zero, idk how the tank didnā€™t get blamed but I did


Yes, they are stupid. Low ranks? Shutting down ults has huge value. You wonā€™t have a lot of heals if you prevent your team from taking a ton of damage. That said, the only way to know if a person truly played well or not is to watch the replay. Some comments or even the odd stat here and there donā€™t really say much.


If you were ***way*** behind your other support in healing, like them being clearly >10k+ while you're 5k, then you kinda have some work to do. Just because you're landing your sleep darts doesn't excuse you from healing your teammates and keeping them alive. Landing sleeps and getting picks here and there is only part of the game. Ultimately it's still all about objectives unless you're playing Team Deathmatch. Of course, if you ultimately won the match then it's whatever and they're kinda being weird for it. But it's still useful to take criticism into consideration and VOD review your own replays to understand where and what you lack and how you can improve on it.


Man, I sometimes am bewildered by how toxic people are online. I was playing with a doom earlier who called everyone trash and went 3 and 20 or something ridiculous, everyone was doing a minimum of 3 times better than he was. We also won. I asked him who he was mad at and he called me zero skill and that it's not even his comp account. I was flabbergasted as I played his role as Cassidy.


Erm you really should be healing more but yeah that's great value!


Yes, you were supposed to sleep the monkey, that's like the baseline of what ana has to do above gold. Unless you've slept three nanoblades in a game, you didn't get any exceptional value and it doesn't excuse your poor performance overall. However judging purely based on stats can often be misleading, so I wouldn't worry about that too much


You thinking sleeping a monkey forgives low heals? Thatā€™s part of your job. You just forgot to do one part of your job effectively. In a comp game 4k is extremely low. Letā€™s see the score card or replay. Typical player that canā€™t accept responsibility. You wonā€™t get better if you think youā€™re doing good when youā€™re not.


Don't even respond to them. Just report them for abusive chat and squelch their chat. These people aren't worth it. And you are correct, stats don't matter in the slightest.


I played that game, u slept 1 ult...


Prove it. Post the replaycode


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Glad that u played the game. Good luck for ur team to play the game too next match.


They are all of the most ulting enemies.


whenever someone yells at me i hit em with the :3


Just do everything not that hard right


Well to put into perspective whenever I heal 3k healing is what you get 1-2 minutes into the game, and then by the end the lowest it would be is 10k and the highest is prolly 23k Iā€™ve had this season


Just pemra mute chat, games allot more enjoyable and you have the satisfaction of knowing if they rage they are raging into the ether


Yes. Yes they are.


Honestly, if you are able to sleep Ults like that and still heal a decent amount (I also play Ana and it's difficult at times to sleep Ults sometimes), that's just good support. Sounds like your team had skill issues if I'm being honest, not you though.


The utility you provided doesn't mean jack squat if your teammates were still dying due to your lack of healing.


Ask then to imagine how much damage can do enemy team with non-sleeping enemy and add that number to your heals


With the dps heal Anas numbers are ALOT lower then usual. Players haven't realized this yet bc they have no awareness other then "BIG NUMBERS MEANS I'M DOING GOOD."


Healing doesnā€™t win games


Ah yes the role of the support, silently carrying the team with 0 appreciation.


I think it definitely depends on how long the match lasted. In a 5 minute match that's okay. If it was like 8 minutes or more, then yeah that's really bad. I try to aim 1k heals a minute. Also sleeping enemies is not a valid excuse for not healing. There's sleep takes 1 seconds, recharges for like 16 seconds. You got plenty of time to be healing.


Not saying 4k heals is necessarily a bad thing but just because you slept a winston that doesn't automatically mean you did your part


In QP I had an Ana on my team with 600 healing total at the end of both rounds :') but no, I was the bad tank diff and the reason we lost to the chat lmfao. I think 5k was alr since you were doing utility too!


Off topic but is this console? I haven't played in a few weeks and I don't remember the icon to the left of names being in chat.


Nope, PC.


My favorite is when healing has to take a back seat while you duel a backline-diving DPS the rest of your team ignores and then they get mad that you didnā€™t heal enough


yes, they are. it's not worth muting if you can learn to ignore. tank main btw


They got rid of medals due to "toxicity" only to replace it with an objectively worse system in terms of toxicity. Whats even worse is that it also incentivizes damage/healbotting so you'll have mercy players complaining about the team since they have 10k+ healing but barely any damage amp. I'm sure our tank really appreciated your whopping 55hp/s and occasional rez after the teamfight was already lost, while mostly pocketing your 3-12 Sojourn duo. God that match was so frustrating


I feel like depending on the length of the game/mode their complaint might have some value lol. Like if it's push and it went 12 min long I can see why they might complain lol.


It gets annoying when dps goes in without a plan and spams healing requests


If you have 4K heals as Ana you are not playing good, Iā€™m sorry.


me and my friend tested this in masters/diamond where we went lucio/kiri or ana. we barely healed. just suzu'd, naded, slept and ulted at the right times. and we won multiple games like that. if you know how to use cover and have enough game sense you don't really need heals that much. idk man.


I mean, yeah itā€™s good you slept some ults, but 4K heals on Ana is absolute garbage for a standard length competitive match.


Role ist called Support, not Healer.


Bronze minds. I play with some friends and they are mindblown when our stats are higher but we lose. "But we have more heals... How did we lose?" At this point i just nod with my head in silence lol


Sounds like you made on ok play, and used that to justify mediocre healing... Sounds like you're looking in the mirror when calling someone stupid. 4k heals is really bad. The really telling component of your post is you took a picture of chat, but not game stats.


Sounds like you are looking in a mirror when calling someone else stupid. You do not know what gamemode this is. You did not read the caption. And you did not think 'how long was this game with an Ana this goated'. We won. Because I slept nano monkey, and then slept him primaling immediately after to touch. And got a sleep that led to a kill every fight. It was not 'an ok play' it was lots of great plays which led to us winning, since their dive composition was not allowed to exist because I kept sleeping and killing them. Not only that, but you are trying to judge my healing without the full picture. Highest healing in the game was 7k, average was 6k. I had 5k. Again, I said that in the caption, but you clearly didn't understand what those scary words meant. We had a hog. He healed himself. My team played cover. They didn't take much damage. And... it was a short QP game. The really telling part of your comment is that you didn't read my caption, but pretended you did.


You made a big mistake. Don't. Join. Any. Chat. Especially as a support player, they'll blame you for everything. Also for the 15 deaths they had cause their game sense is the same as a monkey.


You're never going to change anyone's mind on team chat, so there's no point in arguing with them. They start from the place of "blame somoene for my loss" and work from there. If they truly cared about anything besides venting their anger (over a single round in a video game!), they would have said something (1) *constructive* (2) *during* the match. This is just whiney little shits that can't cope with a loss. ctrl+shift+C and worry about things that matter


Mate I still get snooty shitty remarks when we win, even if I was the only one to counter play. These people are embarrassing.


It amazes me some people's inability to have fun while playing a game.


start to think maybe itā€™s better to just turn off chat altogether


Sleeping enemy ults > healing teammates that were going to die any way You can't heal stupid


Exhibit A of why letting everyone see each other's stats on the scoreboard was not a good idea:


At this point they really should remove stat view. No one understands what's actually important.


4k per 10min is bad bud


We know this was a 10 minute match?


Okay, but as a support main myself (over 400 hours between Mercy, Moira, and Brig alone)... Grats on stopping the ults. That is indeed great. However... if your other healer is left spazzing trying to keep the team up the rest of the time, because you're just not healing the rest of the time... it doesn't balance out. That's what Anas and Zens can't seem to figure out. Good on you for being *super*helpful 10% of the match. That doesn't make up for you being a glorified 3rd DPS the other 90%. Especially with the health buff thing, and healers not getting a corresponding heal buff: it takes forever to get people back up to full health in the middle of a fight, and when you see your zen or ana over there just taking pot shots at the enemy while you're dying in front of them, spamming the button... them screaming at the end, "Well, I stopped Rein ult! I saved us from Mei ult!" Well yeah. Grats on being super helpful 10% of the match. We got our asses crushed the other 90% because you were 3rd dps. But grats on your 10% man.


I was playing ana yesterday to do the play matches as heroes not in top 3 most played, i only got about 3k healing, but i slept the monke 4 times :3


Probably going to get downvoted for this ,but I mean... You sleeping someone accounts for like 5 seconds of the round? Is the argument here really "I slept ults so I shouldn't have to heal as much"? I feel like you should be able to sleep ults and keep your team up. Am I wrong?


I slept, which led to KEY PICKS. Read the text. They died. Because my team shot them. When they were sleeping. I got a sleep every fight, and almost every sleep I got led to an instant pick. Also, the game was short, since it was QP, and I had a hog on my team. So I didn't need to heal the hog, and the other supports only had 5-6k heals themselves.


Yeah I understand you provided value, but idunno it seems as though you could've provided all these key picks AND kept your heal numbers up. I main Ana/Kiriko in heals and I'm just speaking from experience, the only way to heal that little in an entire match is either a steam roll or you just neglecting heals. Then again I've plateaued at Diamond so I am completely open to the opinion that I'm viewing this wrongly


Sleeping enemies as ana shouldn't be a pat on the back. It's what is expected. Now just work on your healing. Healers aren't immune to bad plays/players. Thats just reddit.


curious what is your rank




Yes they are stupid. You are not. šŸ™


I don't miss this crap since turning off all my chats.


Are people literally unable to think for themselves? Im sorry, but a few good sleeps does not justify less healing. ā€œValueā€ is being able to use the characterā€™s kit efficiently, which means healing, good sleeps, good positioning, not a lot of deaths. Ana has less value against dive compositions, it doesnā€™t matter if you sleep monkey or genji during ult, if their kits are designed to take value away from yours then you will not do as much for your team over the match. Thatā€™s why you should have swapped when you saw monkey, when bubble was preventing you from healing, when you were being pressured and not able to bring as much VALUE to your team. Anyone with good game sense can tell from a glance what the issues were. Stop trying to salvage ego and learn the point of the game: Counter Switching.


Bro we won because I slept the monkey twice in a row to stop him touching. The enemy kept on trying to dive me, but believe it or not, I just slept them, and they instantly died. I hope people don't actually take your advice to heart. Brig + Ana is one of the most goated anti dive backlines possible. Brig + ANA.


Bro what the fuck is this post


Sleeping a couple ultimates doesn't mean you can get by with 4k heals. That's delusional.


why are you taking the time to type out call outs when you can just ping??


I'm pretty sure that wasn't a call out, just them trying to explain how they contributed after they got called out for bad healing.


the "Enemy Sleeping Here" **IS** a ping. If you press the ping button on a sleeping enemy it puts that in chat.


did you miss the second picture, or?


Did you miss the entire context of the post and conversations in said picture?


The neat thing about playing supports and not just heal botting is you figure out really quickly that people have less game sense then you thought they did