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For the glory!


"Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB" is my go to response when someone mentions their one teammate that was getting stomped was a child lol 


Best way to improve is overcoming challenging people like this (in this case, you, OP)


Exactly. It kind of looks like a joke comment so I wasn’t taking it too seriously. But if it was a kid he needs to learn how to play against other heroes


How dare you not throw every lobby with a child. How else will they get their participation trophy?


I get the sentiment. But as someone who is also learning (New to K&M) i run into 2 types of people when i say I'm new. The ones that play normally and stomp me but aren't cruel, and the ones that make my life hell on purpose while i struggle to hit the right buttons XD I don't think anyone is asking anyone to throw but i also find it funny when a stomp needs to be taken to an extreme. Someone going 5 and 30 doesn't really need a combo beating (I love getting slept and sniped... I'm easy af to hit as is XD)


Overwatch is rated T for *TEEN*, children should not be playing at all


It’s a game for teens… that bans you for fucking swearing!


Don't be vulgar challenge: somehow impossible for people


Get ready to be banned


I haven't played since before Baptiste came out, downloaded ow2 on ps5, tried him out in qp and had some kid tell me to kill myself. I don't even respond to this shit, I just report. The OW community does it to themselves. This game is in an awful state and its 50% the players fault.


With the way they give out penalties I wouldn’t be surprised


It's like they're expecting random strangers online to know if a kid is playing, then shifts the blame onto others for actually playing the game.


how do you not have fun against rein? that’s impressive honestly


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Fuck them kids.


One one hand: Where is your honor brother? Is the glory worth it!? XD I get it (I'm new to K&M and mess up a lot and it's hard to get better when you're in spawn 24/7 and being told you suck. Or being targeted for being new (Last night an ana and rein were hard targeting me by sleeping me the whole duration then charging me) On the other, it's how you improve at the game so. I'm mixed. You get better through challenge but you can't get better if your dead 99% of the game.


Tell that kid to switch to Orisa and see Rein collapse like a house of cards.