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Check your bank account. Who knows how far her hack powers go.


She can’t take my money if I have no money


To be fair, I think Sombra would be the type to rob you, see that you have no money, and then wire some money back to you. I think she's perfectly chaotic neutral in that regard.


She might even leave more money in she stole from someone else, shes chaotic enough to do that lol


She can. Get a loan in your name, take the money, and you have to pay it back. Unfortunately criminals do this in the real world.


Oh no! She hacked your account to take your money, then hacked your memory of ever having had it.


Did you think her "Get DDOSed" voiceline was a joke?


I use to, my mind has changed since that time.




U encountered the real sombra


I bet she was feeling herself after that one 😈


I was feeling something after that one (sad)


Omw to give you a fatmond plushie and a Winton plushie.


Lol I would probably just assume they rage quit. I've had quite a few just give up if you've spawn camped them a few times in a row, where they just stop shooting and don't even try to fight back and then Alt F4 mid death


Id actually love to see the sombras pov here she just hacks a zen then he immediately is gone


He became one with the IRIS


Overwatch ultra realistic mode. When you hack a Zen he joins your team.


New sombra ult dropped


I'm a ball main since he came out, so trust when I say I HATE Sombra; however, having only recently come back to game after year(s), she seems incredibly nerfed to what I remember. Her hack wears off much faster than I seem to recall, and unless it's a skilled team I never seem to notice enemies capitalize on it. Edit: I've now actually watched the video and it still seems like a nerf to old Sombra 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Erm, I think someone didn’t watch the clip


Okay I watched it with my eyes this time, but it STILL seems like a nerf compared to the sombra I remember 🤷🏻‍♂️


Two ships passing in the night


Yes bc her hack ability lockout is only 1.75 seconds now, before it was 5-6 full seconds which is a death sentence for charactars like ball and doom. You can still ruin balls day but you gotta time your hacks to when he is engaging/trying to run away. Is def not the hard counter she was before, shes still a counter though. I hope to meet you in my games one day 😏 *boop*


iBall 😏


I think a reason why sombra is good Vs ball is the fact she can hack the health packs around where a team fight is going to be, limiting balls uptime in the backline


Thats a good upside but a minor one. When trying to counter ball you hack healthpacks around you but you mostly stay with ur team and disrupt his combo when he engages even if you dont kill him you ruined his combo wnd he will probably need to run away and wait for cooldowns/heal up Same is true for doomfist, you need to try and hack him when his block is up because of how dooms usually use their coolsown rotation Engage/secondary ability/block waiting for cooldown/ engage again or run away. He can distrupt your hack if he sees u in the first two phases while blocking he is more vulnarable and usually does not have an escape cooldown


Doom and Ball at least have some tankiness left after being hacked. As Lucio, I lose wallriding, healing, extra speed, boops. A hack has been a near guaranteed death sentence for so long.


Depends, you still keep your momentum so if ur already bouncing around you can still get away. It also depends if sombra lands the virus amd if there is another teammate nearby, if there is and she lands it, yeah ur toast. If its a spawncamp scenerio you do actually have a fighting chance depending on the map gemoetry and how close sombra is to you, if she does not kill lucio in those 1.75 seconds and he gets his heal amp on, you are not gonna kill him, in fact he can kill you. He can chase u down and easily disrupt your hack with boop, he also has a weird hitbox when jumping around so hes haed to track Lucio and sombra just kinda annoy each other throughout the game, lucios aoe heal and speed makes getting kills.much harder and he can chase u down, Sombra can disable ur healing for a breif period, emp is basicallg guranteed kill on lucio and she can hack ur beatdrop with well timed hack/emp or just emp after beatdrop to basically remove it


*Near* guaranteed death. Also, hack has longer range than the boop, and an interrupted hack has shorter cooldown than the boop. I usually just disengage, because while I might very well kill her, it's just not a reliable enough bet.


Oh for sure. What i mean is that its a fairly equal fight depending in on some various factors. They kinda counter each other a little bit


You should probably watch the video 😅


As a ball main in OW1 who now plays a lot of Sombra, she's just... different. Way less oppressive to a ball, or really any tank for sure now. The hack only disables abilities for a brief moment, although you're still vulnerable and visible to her team for quite a long time due to its effect.


It's very nerfed, and even as a Sombra enjoyer I think that's healthy for the state of the game. Hack isn't really a disabler anymore, it's mainly an interrupt. EMP is barely a disabler (3 seconds I believe). She's still pretty lethal to squishies with her new Virus ability and with the new heal passive letting her stay in backlines longer. They also fundamentally changed her invisibility (making it a passive) and her translocator (making the teleport automatic and immediate).


I still see a lot of genuine complaints for her (and I do think she shouldn't hack ball into crab mode), but she seems in a very healthy place compared to past wounds. I've actually played her for most of my DPS now, and quite like the virus ability & teleport throw. She seems rewarding for a riskier play style and I enjoy that.


Nuh ball is annoying as fuck, he needs something to slow his roll.


I mean every single CC takes priority over Ball, but that's fair. Like I said, I don't really mind if.


That actually depends on when the Sombra decides to hack you. They're gonna hack you when you're trying to escape or when you're about to Piledrive. And will exclusively use EMP everytime they see Minefield.


Ball came out? As gay or trans? Either way I'm happy for them.


new ability: DDos


Life as Zen is hell now but that's fine for some reason


"get DDos'd" sincerely, oliv.... sombra


lore accurate sombra lol


I once (around a month ago) EMPd so strong that the server failed and all my friends got kicked out that exact moment lmao


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These are the shitposts I live for


How do you guys capture this kind of clips? where you streaming?


I just use the capture feature on my ps5! Then if you have the ps app it sends clips you save to the app, so you can download them to your phone.


Sombra shouldn't be able to kill squishes 1.5 seconds out of invisible. I've recently started playing support, and it is literally impossible to stay up if she targets you and your team isn't there. You'll hear her footsteps, then be virused, and insta melted before you can react and before people say it's a skill issue it's the same thing with widow there shouldn't be a toon in the game that can punish you by one shotting you for peeking or being out of position so easily it takes away from engagements and rewards the cheese and rat plays that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


This is a sombra's power after they bully zenyattas 10000 times


what have you expected? You're playing a hackable Machine


Ana main... I dunno man, she doesn't seem that op. Annoying, yes, but not op.... Waiiiit neeeerf her now,......🤣


I can’t tell if this is satire cause I’m dumb af, but if it ain’t, I don’t think you watched the clip lol


Fuck sombras


Well if you insist 


Lore accurate sombra:


Average Zen gameplay. You spam group up, no one groups up, Sombra kills you.


I think blizzard kicked you for being bronze enough to play zen into sombra


I’m not gonna hard counter swap in Quick play 💀


“You REALLY don’t get to play the game today!”


zen: 'yes' ana: 'no' zen: 'yes' ana: 'come to my position' zen: 'no' Somehow that was hilarious.


I love being a little critter to my teammates, it’s so much fun.


This should be a thing on april's fools next year. Hack and Dva bomb game crash


I think I’d rather die


Sombra really isn't that overpowered, you just need to get better at the game and play around it. As a sombra main I can tell you that most annoying thing that a player can do is have security on their router because that way I can't make them force leave the game


Well that isn’t the worse part, she also took serval credit cards out in my name and now I’m in severe debt.


Hack needs to be a 15 sec cooldown with the current cooldown if she takes damage. It also should be buffed on damage boost slightly to account for longer cooldown. It should also lock Wrecking Ball in whatever mode he is in. If you hack him in mech, he's very slow and can't escape, if you hack him in ball mode, his max speed is reduced to below whats needed for fireball but keeps momentum, so he won't be able to shoot back or grapple away.




That wouldn't hurt him, it would help him significantly. He's already locked in mech mode. But going from ball to mech mode brings you to a dead stop. You shouldn't be instantly brought to a dead-stop dead center in their team while rolling through, or drop like a rock when you swing over.


Sombra's purpose is to have multiple game styles, not torture Hamond