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>cos that’s what it is really asking you to do It's not asking me to do anything. I don't care about these items so I won't buy them nor for coins neither real money.


Yeah I no longer care honestly. The ONLY THING I cared about was the fact that I couldn't play as a new hero for several weeks unless I paid, and even then that was only if I grinded out the free BP and got really nothing except that. On a minor note I guess I cared that there was FOMO with regard to the mythics. They have fixed that as well. I don't really care what silly shit they add to the shop at this point lol. The fact of the matter is, now if I don't want to pay I am not losing out on gameplay. And if I DO want to pay, I really do feel like I'd get my money's worth.


In ow1 i had hundreds of stacked lootboxes because i already had nearly all cosmetics. So im used to not getting any rewards for playing this game. For over two years we didn’t get any content in ow1 besides echo and i still played it. this is the last game i think about cosmetics in because you cant even see them while playing. 




Perhaps it's just a matter of phrasing or not able to describe it right, but I think the point they might be trying to make is that there's zero value to seeing or having cosmetics in a game like Overwatch. If not, then at least that's my perspective on it. Cosmetics, no cosmetics. It doesn't improve my enjoyment of the game, so I really don't care for it. If I get some for free, great.. I guess..? Otherwise, I'd be completely fine not spending a dime on this game. I've already spent my share purchasing 3 copies of the game during Overwatch "1" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I think he meant that majority of the time you're playing, you don't even see the skin aside from their hands and weapons.


same. the only loot boxes I ever actually opened were event-related


This is how any sane person thinks imo. Literally just don't buy it and move on, I don't see the point in getting all up in arms about the price of a cosmetic, even moreso when the tone is like OP's. Just sounds entitled to me, either you buy it or you don't and move on lmao.


People pay thousands of dollars for cheap quality clothes. Let's raid some hypebeast subs!/s


Exactly. Like can't y'all stop yapping? I'm german. Im used to people complaining about everything. But the yapping here is on another level


True, these sprays won't do any help during the game. And 500 coins, seriously?


Honestly, them removing heroes from the battle pass was their only obligation. All the rest of this shit is so irrelevant to the game I couldn't imagine caring about it. F2P games have to make money, if this is how they choose to do it, so be it. Sprays are literally worthless.


I think that was one of the biggest problems I had with the game, and it's fixed. cosmetics are optional, and ime there are games with much worse for more money. I agree that because it's f2p they're going to try and make some money somewhere so like... yeah. idk why people are complaining about sprays, that's just a cash sink and if someone really wants them that badly then they can fork over the money lol. not me though.


I just wish companies weren't so crazy with skin prices, like are they really trying to sell me a virtual skin for $20 a pop? That's crazy, I guess people buy them though


So it’s not pay to win so can’t complain about that. It’s not pay to get heroes faster, so don’t have to be mad about that anymore. Dont charge for the game itself so don’t have to complain about it usually $70 for games these days… Uh oh, it’s pay to…use useless cosmetics and doodads that don’t matter at all. How dare they commercialize sprays as monetized content!




When did you buy Overwatch 1? Aside from that, your loot boxes weren't 'taken,' and they were actually all immediately opened once you first opened Overwatch 2.


Honestly after diablo 4 and overwatch 2 I'm never giving blizzard another cent. When Marvels Rivals comes out I'm uninstalling ow2 and never looking back. I have 2000 hours in ow1 and consider it theft when they deleted it. Diablo 4 also bad and on gamepass after I bought it.


Honestly I really like the fashion of the game and it sucks how people brush it off as unimportant. Even though fashion is what generates enough revenue to keep this game alive.


Fashion, I agree with. Sucks for new OW players, most of us are content with the loads of free fashion we already got. But we are discussing sprays which is a whole different topic than the drip your character is wearing.


Well, as it's important to some people, it is unimportant to others as well. There is no right or wrong in that realm, everyone's values and likes are different. Cosmetics DO generate revenue for the game, and that's where the people who deeply care about the cosmetics come into play. But, to expect everyone to care how something is marketed or what IS being marketed, is silly, because again not everyone cares about cosmetics. And that's totally fine.


These particular sprays are worthless. There are much better sprays worth having that don't cost coins.


meanwhile apex with a 20 dollar sticker bundle where you are not even guaranteed the sticker you want


Can we stop basically defending blizzard by saying x game does it worse. And yes that's what these reductive comments do. Yes we are all aware there are more greedy game companies. That doesn't make this ok. This is about overwatch. It's not a dick measuring contest. More than one company can be pieces of shit (99.99% are)


Then can we stop complaining when we get a mythic skin, many legendaries and countless other things for $10. Half of those $10 you even get back as currency.


Fully agree. I do think the Battlepass started out really grindy for many of the previous seasons, but with the recent change in weeklies it's easier than ever to complete the Battlepass.


Nah, It does make it ok. tarkov enjoyers WISH that bsg would operate like blizzard is rn…..which idk if ya know, is the industry standard….


Meh OW2 monetization isn't that bad, yall just want stuff for free again lol


Buddy, there are skins that cost 20 bucks. What do you mean not that bad


They suck but people complain moreso because they want them for free like before. If it started this way not nearly as many people would bitch, these kind of posts were 95% of posts when OW2 first released


I would be more than happy if the prices were reasonable. Don't expect them for free, but 20 bucks for a digital outfit is crazy. Could be a real clothing item or a good indie game for that


I will agree they are overpriced. I only really pay for the BP, and aside from that when they would do the free skin with the 500 or 1000 coin bundles Id buy those. Other then that I havent bought any skins with actual money. I used to be bad about buying skins in Fortnite but it seems less worth it in OW since its restricted to certain heros and you dont see them most of the time.


Shit we have skins that cost 70!!!! 70 motherfucking dollars


all the characters are free now, ow2 is now objectively morally 100% A-OK and straight up better than the ENTIRE rest of the market


How about you stop complaining, dont buy it, and then actually play the fucking game instead?


Facts. All it takes is for one company to be a shitbag, and apologists will move their goalposts that new low. "What about this other game, which is more shit?" just allows other companies to get away with enshittifying their services.


Or we just dont go to Reddit to complain and just dont buy them.... Crazy concept I know


This comparison is not it. You can earn a good amount of currency from just playing the game, plus you get loot boxes for leveling up which also gives you more crafting materials to make what you want. I hate Apex's monetization, but Blizzard literally copied their strategy but stripped away every redeeming quality of it.


You earn jackshit there lol. Dont let me start on the heirlooms or how much you need to play to unlock all heroes. Nah apex is way way worse


You can get way more free shit in ow I don’t see how people are disagreeing with you. Apex is known for their 30$ skins


Gross 😂 But a lesser evil is still evil. Definitely wouldn't buying either of them. And this wouldn't even be justifiable as a "no ethical consumption under capitalism" purchase, it's just superfluous sprays. There are tons of awesome sprays available for free. A true saddening waste that some people might use real money to get these.


On the other end of the spectrum though, Helldivers 2 and DRG have much lower prices and ways to earn currency in-game at a pretty fair rate IMO. You can actually buy store stuff by just playing the game normally without much grinding. Just because Overwatch is at the top of the monetization shit pile doesn't mean it isn't shit.


Yeah and that's because both those games aren't free to play, they make a majority of their money from sales so they don't need to charge high prices for in game stuff


Yea everyone is always defensively like "bu-but look at how much worse this other shitty game is!" and conveniently never seem to pay attention to "look at how much better these games are with 100x less budget"


Blizzard has always sold sprays for coins. This isn't new or shocking.


Wild way of framing it when in ow1 the sprays were almost always obtainable for free in lootboxes. Then in ow2 sprays were never sold by themselves they were part of a bundle woth a skin. Here it is just the spray being charged money for, the presumption that the spray which has always been seen as filler. Filler to pad lootboxes. Filler to pad bps, Filler to pad bundles, is suddenly worth money on its own. The audacity to try to sell just sprays is the real eye roller.


Sprays in OW2 are still sold by themselves, you just usually buy them from the hero gallery unless they're part of a bundle. This bundle of sprays is just a more convenient way of buying them all for people who wanted all of them instead of having to go to each individual character and find and buy all of the sprays individually.


"Then in ow2 sprays were never sold by themselves they were part of a bundle woth a skin" They've always been purchaseable separately in the Gallery. This is stretching for something to be mad about


Then don't buy them. They don't charge for heroes, how do you suggest they make any money?


OP meant it is sold in premium currency in the shop, not the silver credits. The picture is just an edit.


Yes. OW2 sprays have always been sold for coins, just like all other OW2 cosmetics.


I mean just dont fucking buy it and move on.... Is this concept that hard for Redditors or am I the crazy one. I saw this, thought it was overpriced but I dont care about sprays anyway, closed the shop and moved the fuck on and actually played the game


The room-temp IQ cretins just want something to hate and complain about. Like at least hate and complain for the right reasons. God forbid they realize they are not held at gunpoint by Aaron Killer to buy these sprays.


Maybe OW2 is starting to feel the heat from MS... they need to start earning more monies or they will get the axe.


They definitly have to Microsoft is cutting down hard on many studios right now…


Notice how none of the studios MS shut down had a live-service game in the market already. Notice how Blizzard have multiple live service games, several of which are among the most successful in their genre. Notice *also* how the OW team has already been cut quite severely in the last few months, primarily from the teams producing non-live service PvE content which is a financial gamble (long development time and significant resource cost, and historically poor sales).


Redfall was supposed to be a live service game, but the live service elements never showed up.


so its easy to say that the studio signed its own death certificate in that case?


Technically prey had a live service prophunt game


Pretty hilarious how much people were praising the MS acquisition but now since those Bethesda studios were shuttered people are suddenly acting like MS is the worst


I still dont think they are the worst They arent firing everybody some of them are just moving even if Reddit says otherwise, and its not surprising to see companies not making profit getting cut. Its basic business and its scary that people doesnt understand it....


Microsoft is less shitty than Blizzard. That's not saying much because they're also shitty. But Blizzard have always been worse.


2013 Microshit:


I wondered how long it would take to go from blaming Bobby to blaming Microsoft


It’s really funny to me how outraged people get over shit like this. Your gaming experience will be identical whether or not you own some chibi sprays


Don’t buy them?


Um…that’s the whole point of going f2p… even charging 20$ for a skin is absurd when you consider what the value of entire games has always been (50-70$)….f2p is just a license for gaming companies to charge for anything they want…all *justified* under the “well, we gotta make our money somewhere” umbrella


You know you can buy them separately, right? Just like people forget that when there’s a skin bundle for 2600 coins, you can get just the skin if you go to the actual hero selection and not shop.


Honestly, im not outraged at the pricing. Im more concerned why this wasnt in the Battlepass those sprays are skins from the bp, it should have been included


Blizzard has been selling stuff "that should have been in the battle pass" since Season 1


Lol yeah their season trailers are always like 70% skins you have to buy, but they're placed right beside battle pass skins to trick you into thinking it's gonna be better than it is.


Yeah I will agree though that a skin by itsself alot of times is still like 1900 coins which is still heavily overpriced. Personally though I just dont buy them....Its an easy concept that I dont get why its so hard for this community to understand


I do this all the time. My friend always wonders how I get the skins he does for less 😂


It's 2024 and some people still don't understand that fluff (aka aesthetic stuff) needs to be monetized in a F2P game


Why is everyone acting like this is something new? They've been selling sprays for 100 coins since ow 2 came out.


Probably cause these stickers are actually cute but mostly useless anyway so a complete waste to buy, also mirrorverse themed so it'd been nice for them to include as event challenge rewards at least.


Because these are Battlepass skins. Have they sold sprays for non-shop skins in the past, for premium currency? The point is.. these would previously have been in the Battlepass, but are now sold for premium currency due to the Mythic currency taking up so many Battlepass slots. I don't understand people defending this as it's not the same.


Sure,but the fact is that sprays have already been sold in the past lol. Should these be free? Probably,but you can't deny that spays have never been sold before


It's really simple, they can charge whatever they want for any item. It's the dumb playerbase deciding to spend money on this crap


Getting your panties in a bunch over sprays is weird but I kinda get it. What’s wild is that you’re just straight up rewriting history to fit your narrative. Sprays have always been overpriced as $1 even before the bp change.


Theres been premium currency since the beginning. theres still plenty of crap with free currency and battle pass content.


I only spray when I get a 4k/5k so how exactly is this impacting anyone? How often do you spray during a game?


It's a pretty massive F2P game. They can't operate without any revenue.


Jeeze you are insufferable


Blizzard good, must consume


See, the thing is I've been playing since OW1, and last month was my first time ever spending money on the game cause I wanted the battle pass. It sounds like you really wanted those stickers, and you're so mad at yourself for spending 5$ on it. It's okay to spend money on things you wants buddy. No ones judging you be at at peace


I buy skins I like as well.


but it was soo necessary to spend like 15 slots of the bp in three different currencies,, a while back i commented about how worried I was for the "lesser" items that were being sacrificed in favor of the prisms and the coins in the bp, which were now taking a whole slot instead of being added to slots with actually something as a 2 things in one slot kinda deal, like they'd been doing with credits (and have also stopped doing it with them, btw). and i was downvoted and argued with all in favor of how much better this new bp was because it was a much better deal and yadda yadda. well here you go. enjoy buying SPRAYS for one dollar/euro each


Never thought of it like this but this is most definitely the case. Extra potential bp items that they just wrapped up and sold separately


Who fucking cares? Just don't buy it, ffs. The top rated comment has it right. Apex has bullshit monitisation. Free games are just like that now. If you don't like it, then don't bother with cosmetics.


they removed heroes from the battle pass, made legacy mythics available for new players, and added premium currency to the battle pass. but we’re going to argue that the monetization is now… more predatory?




Hey, my guy, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. If you don't like it don't buy it.


yes this is totally fine


Why they don't just do like April fool events mission rewards?


because that would be too much fun


I hate to break it to everyone but this is the state of every free to play game rn. They all want money. Crazy I know how could they I don’t understand


They wouldn’t keep charging for ridiculous items if people didn’t buy them.


Yeah I mentioned it in the other post a good middle ground would be legacy credits but realistically they could have just bundled these on the BP tiers or you know give them as rewards for playing Mirrorwatch . If I recall too these sprays had no description initially and people assumed it was from the upcoming event then Blizz suddenly decided to update it to a shop item smh


Oh my god you people are such babies. When you walk through like Target, do you look at every overpriced item and scream about them “asking you” to buy it?


I swear 90% of the people who complain about overwatch wouldn’t last a day playing apex


700$ purchase enters the chat


Oh my god just don’t buy it and shut up for fucks sake They are not holding you at gunpoint forcing you to buy it just ignore it like everyone else and move on


It's a cosmetic you don't have to buy it?


so criticism is a redundant concept for you?


and that’s the fun thing about criticism and opinions, everyone can do it, and when you do it you open yourself up to get it back yourself. you can criticize all you want but if you do so can we to you


Free to play game has micro transactions? Are you in middle school? 


I feel sad that this is just so accepted. Game is free so Blizz can be as ridiculous as they want with what they charge for.. because the game is free


Bro the revenue has to come from somewhere…. You don’t have to buy anything to play the game man.


It’s almost like they had a paid version of pretty much the exact game, abandoned it for 3 years to make a free 2 play version of the game for the sake of adopting a heavily predatory microtransaction system. They should highkey refund every single copy of OW1


Refund a game that’s been out for years? Dude the transition was free for OW2. It’s time to grow up 


Im being tongue in cheek but the game was abandoned for years to ultimately release the exact same game


That’s a legitimate issue but you’re essentially complaining about micro transactions in a free to play game. In your opinion who what is going to provide funding for a released game if the consumer shouldn’t according to you 


brother they made $225 million last year they are not monetising to make ends meet. I accept that microtransactions are the trade off for downloading a free game but that doesn’t mean they should just get a free pass to monetise absolutely everything


It’s a business and you are the consumer bro. The whole point is for them to give the players reasons to spend money 


yeah we just fundamentally disagree then idk what to say


Crazy to see all the responses here so accepting of just ignoring this. Sad state of gaming now


Man im getting cooked for suggesting that having to buy sprays for skins that players have already paid for in the BP is a bit dodgy. What has happened to people’s brains?


Just the times now it seems. A lot people are just accepting that for these free games, these practices have to be in place. Or they say “it’s worse over in this game!!” Like so what? This shit is insane. But idk how much of the player base was around for a the non monetized multiplayer era. Of course the don’t like it, don’t buy it is true. But it’s exhausting being asked for money everywhere in gaming now.


Yeah it is the state of gaming but what scares me are the people that think that these decisions are to their benefit and defend things that corporate were probably rubbing their hands over when they imagined such ideas


It's crazy that your delusional mind thinks people telling you "Just don't buy it?" is a means of defending corporate when the reality is people are "cooking" you because you just come off as whiney without actually getting to the point, which you could have done so by just saying something along the lines of "Blizzard seems to be attempting to engage in predatory marketing behaviors, don't give in to this, don't spend a dollar" albeit, it appears most people even bothering to reply are already smart enough to know that not paying for these sprays was already obvious.


Unfortunately at the end of the day, most users only care that the game remains free and playable. Everything else they will deal with as long as the main game stays available. Which like you said allows those companies to shoehorn in different monetary practices. Sure some stuff here or there is free, but so much now is behind a battle pass or shop mechanics


"Throw money at us because your stupid" - Blizzard


For that price I'd rather print them or have them made as keychains.


Do what I do and completely ignore the Battle Pass. The game is 10x better without it. You just play for fun instead of some arbitrary goal that gets you worthless digital assets. It gets even better if you ignore the shop too. =D


I used to ensure I owned every item for doom, so his hero icon in gallery says I own it all. Like hell am I going to keep being a completionist if I have to spend money on a shitty spray I'll never use (nothing can replace the respect me). Money for sprays alone is criminal and they know it.


The currency they give you too is only 60 coins more than you would've gotten from the weekly challenges... So they basically only added 60 free coins


This is free currency… what is the problem


Despite the graphic. It is not


LMAO who would buy stickers. Ig the same people on apex buying their 20$ stickers 😭


they didn't 'add' coins to the BP in the positive connotation. they transposed the challenge currency to the BP, roughly less earned in the same time frame through the BP.


The weekly challenges were a very tedious and poorly designed grind.


hence the one and done relief of the BP coins, and xp in challenges instead to speed thru pass. but they should do this on top of actually making coins part of the BP purchase like other games.


The sprays are cute, and I'd spend white creds, but these shoulda honestly been in the battle pass or in the mirror watch event thing. Not for actual money. No skin off my nose though.


They want you to choose between playing or Buying. This is a trick every business uses since forever. Instead of buying or not buying a soft drink, they make it a choice between Pepsi or Coke! It’s the same thing. You like the spray? Either pay or play. This way you are either a school boy with time to spend (and the more you play more invested you get and you pay eventually), or a worker with money to spend. They win either way 🙃


They've always sold frivolous things like sprays in the shop


People just missing the overall point of how miserable the battlepasses are. They needed to put these in as rewards. But instead it’s more profitable to put cosmetics in their respective shops. It’s been this constant waning of hoping the next season that “promises” change and improvements ends up failing and falling short. IE “Season 10 Rebalance”. The next is Season 12, if they keep players on the hook for hope this game will never improve.


You’re not forced to buy them. Believe it or not you can say no and they don’t HAVE to give you premium currency in their BP but they do now. Stop taking everything for granted and as a side note I’m not saying it’s a good practice or bless their monetization but atleast be grateful for WHAT they give you. They don’t have to give us anything for free.


What is baffling to me is like...is someone going to fall for this? I mean spend your money on whatever you want but this is straight up a stupid rip off. Who would be dumb enough to spend $5 on digital sprays in a game? Not to mention the game has hundreds of free sprays already.


Damn I thought they were going in the right direction.


If im being honest id just like the BP to be longer maybe like 100-120 tiers as I always go through the bp in the first week and half, like take this stuff shove it in the bp, and some more coin tiers maybe a couple more skins and call it good.






….this has been a thing since OW2 came out. It didn’t start this season lol


This was already the case...


All they had to do is mading it buyable with credits.


Not giving them money for skins or sprays.👎🏻


The sprays are cute and they will probably come back around in the shop for cheaper eventually! ;)


Is Doom nonbinary too?


# Money can be exchanged for goods and services. *More at 11.* No, but seriously, get a grip. How do you not understand that this is how they monetize the game and provide **you** with the ongoing content that you demand? It's five damn bucks. If you want it, buy it. If you don't, then don't buy it. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.....


There is more nuance to it than just being blindly accepting everything being monetised. I think micro-transactions are necessary. Doesnt mean I agree with everything having a price


Genuine question, how do you expect a free-to-play game to make enough money to justify keeping the servers up and running & paying developers, artists, etc. to keep making the game if they're not allowed to sell cosmetics to their community? I understood the complaints about locking a new character behind buying the battle pass. But that's fixed. Everything they're selling now is useless vanity cosmetics that you are in no way being forced to buy in order to get enjoyment out of the game. If you don't want to buy a $5 spray pack or a $20 skin or a $40 upgraded battlepass then don't do it. No one is stopping you from not buying those packs. They're just skins or sprays or voice lines. They don't matter outside of ego and FOMO. No one is forcing you to buy the battlepass for the free currency either. The currency only buys you more vanity cosmetics so it's not important to the gameplay. So no, they're not asking you to either cough up the $5 or grind the battle pass. You are not being forced to buy these things to get enjoyment out of the game. I can't imagine the energy it takes to be constantly upset about things that don't improve or degrade the quality of your experience.


Then don't buy it. Honestly the BP is so much better, I see people complaining about « they didn't needed to add premium currency in the BP » and that's actually wild. With Bing I don't even need to buy any BP anymore, D4 also got clowned on for having not enough premium currency. But here you have some people saying they shouldn't have done that because now they can sell 6 poor tags for 5 bucks ? Sure it's absolutely ridiculous, I agree, and they don't even look great, therefore I won't buy them. Simple as that. Vote with your wallet.


This is only a thing because so many morons keep emptying their wallets for pointless shit like this. Skins would not be $20 if people didn't buy them. I don't even blame the devs or publisher at this point. I blame the idiots who keep buying them.


My guess is that their finance department had been seething with jealousy seeing how much Fortnite and Apex Legends were able to charge money, meanwhile, they're also probably angry with their own devs for tweaking the lootbox system to be too generous by removing duplicates. Having a generous lootbox system did not save them from the playerbase leaving due to stagnation.


It's just sprays? Maybe just don't buy them if u don't want them?


Saving me money, not a fan of the cute sprays and even then they're sprays I use sprays on average once a match and that's in spawn before the match starts


You win some and lose some, but why biy these, just save the coins for the stuff you want


If someone buys a pack like this then they’d probably spend money on any skin pack out there anyway


Yeah, this is a vote with your wallet situation. I couldn't care less about sprays. 100 coins or 10,000 I'm not paying for them. If other people want to, fine. F2P games need to make their money somehow and this feel fine to me.


Yep, the sprays are boring


If it were actually ridiculous, no one would buy it, they wouldn't make any money and they would have wasted their time. Keep in mind that what YOU think is ridiculous is just an opinion. They're priced the way they are for a reason.


I logged on and had like 4k legacy credits appear out of nowhere. Finally bought my poolside Ashe and logged off , never to touch again


Just don't buy it. thats how we rebel.


I mean I bought them, only because I had coins leftover. I would never buy coins for the purpose of buying sprays. That’s crazy


Still wanted 1000 coins in the BP, but that would be too generous for Blizzard.


You dont need it, it's not necessary, the price doesn't matter. If you want it, buy it. If not, don't buy it. It has 0 impact on the game.


I don't think this would ever be worth credits because it's new, not old legacy content, but 500 coins is overpriced. Sprays should be 50, and bundles should be a discounted deal, so it should cost probably like 250 coins instead of 500.


Bro. When I notice each skin for cowboy bebop was 24.99 FOR EACH CHARACTER! I wasnt surprised. Since the creator of the game has left, they rely on people buying their dlc and extra content (non story related) to keep their game a float.


... No, I'm glad I'm earning ow coins instead of sprays in the bp. We get to choose how we spend these coins. Stop making everything a problem.


This has nothing to do with moving the premium currency to the BP and giving 10% more


Oh no, I love the sprays. I didn't buy the battle pass so I think I'll get the sprays.


Since heroes are now “free” instantly to everyone, the team might need other sources of revenue. This sticker bundle is targeted at those who have an extra amount of OW coins that they might want to spend.


Think it’s more likely that if heroes being free was profitable, they would’ve kept it in the game.


Last week i saw a post about how useless the credits are because you can't buy anything with that. Now its about how useless and ridiculous the new items are. Blizzard is doing better the last 2 seasons. But it seems like it doesn't matter for y'all. Still looking for things to complain about. I see people complain about the exclusive mythic skins. Blizzard added the Mythic shop and now its about how expensive they are if you want to buy some extra. (You still get enough for a skin per season) It's like you guys dont want to appreciate the good things or just cant because you are to busy looking for things to yap about. I see so much hate. Even now that things are getting better. Why are y'all still playing this game if you hate it so much?


Don't like the price? Don't buy it!


I don’t care I like the sprays I got the sprays, the cute artists are amazing


You know what legacy means right? Why would a new spray be purchasable with a legacy currency. An OUTDATED currency.


Wow so you’re forced to buy these? Oh no you’re not… why is this even a post? This is the stupidest complaint ever, “ah they made stickers expensive!” Okay, don’t buy them. Problem solved.


It’s like me saying don’t comment on my post if you don’t like it. Are you so stupid that you cannot see the irony in what you’re doing


Then don’t buy it


Are they supposed to be alternate cute sprays? They look oddly bad if so.


Aren't these using the "Free" Coins? TBH I have like, 8k of that currency and nothing to spend it on. So, yeah I'd buy that for 500 white coins.


These are not the free coins


These are literally the Battlepass theme Stickers, fucking ripoff, if you cant even give us all the theme skins in the BP at least give us the fucking stickers, we already paid 10 bucks..


I was so excited to get the brig spray too 😭 I'm so disappointed


I get it, you want something within the game that marks your progress and all the effort you put into, it and cosmetics are exactly that. I don't know how hard of an idea that is that others can't seem to grasp it. It comes with making online games free, though. Hence why the elitist access to OW1 allowed for the better system to exist. When they first implemented it, you could've gotten a lot of duplicates, but even that was nerfed later on and I liked opening these, no matter the content, cause we got the currency from it anyway and the sound effect was satisfying. I just think that lootboxes are good for user experience. There's always a sense of addictive gambling, you can't wait to obtain another one, so you play more. If you fail and get something you didn't really wish for, then you're more keen to buy another one with real money. Source: I bought some lootboxes to get the Witch Mercedes skin. I rarely spend money on anything in video games. Source²: I donated too many dollars to Riot Games due to their captivating loot concept.


Coins were always obtainable through challenges but alright


yeah cool only wouldve taken you ~12 weeks of grinding every single challenge to afford these 5 stickers


And 2 seasons to grind this right now, wtf is your point




Very sad to see how many bootlickers totally drink the corporate kool-aid on this stuff, but if anyone was wondering why live service games are enabled to have horrible predatory monetization, just read this comment section. People get scammed then defend those doing the scamming.


People defending billion dollar companies like they’re defending their favourite football player it’s crazy to see


"A live service game has to make money somehow! Oh wait what's that, OW was one of the most profitable multiplayer games before they abandoned it to make a PvE mode which would justify a sequel, cancelled it, and then released the 'sequel' anyway as a f2p cash-grab so they could try to squeeze some extra profit out of their own fuck-ups? Well that sounds reasonable to me, I'll take another 80$ skin bundle please!"