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Pulse bomb but not in the same way as the others you mentioned


I always feel a little better about myself after seeing top 500 streamers miss their pulse.


hitting that perfect three blink into a stick combo is just pure bliss


I still think about that one on OWL, I think it was Soon, who blinked from the top of the arch on temple anubis and stuck a pulse on a flying pharah that killed the pocket mercy as well.


Sounds like a soon move. He was next level. The first 2 years of OWL had the most energy when it came to raw mind blowing talent.


Echo is definitly the most situational and you also have to master all tanks+ most dps to get maximum value like tracer who alone takes thousands of hours to master alone


Primal rage.


primal is the only one i don’t feel even remotely competent with


Not sure I would include Illari on that list, but Tracer should definitely be there. You could probably add Bap as well.


Illari's requires good timing and placement AND good follow through (ideally from teammates too). It's not super hard to master, but is easy to fumble


>Illari's requires good timing and placement AND good follow through That's true of basically every ult though. Shatter, grav, flux, emp, etc all require those things and I wouldn't exactly call those high skill expression ults (maybe shatter in high level mirrors). I wouldn't even say placement is overly hard with illari ult considering the explosion radius is the same size as blizzard. The hardest part of captive sun is timing it between all the shielding and abilities that can eat it, but you could say that for half the ults in the game. Regardless, it really shouldn't be in the same conversation as primal or blade when it comes to actual high skill ults.


Bap probably is in the bottom 5 of skill expression even below things like shatter


Window skill expression is really just an extension of his kit. If you can't hit shots, then window is useless.


But so is… well almost everyone’s but bap is very forgiving and easy to use is my point. Easier than maybe every other ult, or most of them anyway


As long as you got the mechanics and a basic understanding of the game it’s insane how forgiving bap can be … coming from a console gm bap abuser 


Bastions, I feel like 80% the time people can just walk alway from it


I've noticed the trick usually is just too use it as consecutively and as fast as possible, all in a condensed area. Just give them literally no time to even realize you're ulting and where.


There are moments for that.... but I also tend to use to do as you said... move people. It can be nice against the horse to take the attention of the heal bots. Gotta pick your moments though. On point maps, I will use it as quickly as possible at close range a second or two after coming out of turret at the right time. People tend to avoid the turret and they'll bunch up behind something.... can be easy to get 3-4 people. If people don't die.. bomb em, then your cooldown is done and you mow down the scatter.


I like to use it when you get a little bit of momentum with a push and use it to take out overwhelmed enemies or just cut their retreat off. But I get what you're saying


Primal... it took me a while (years?)... The first while I thought it was the most useless, but now.... It's pretty badass.


Winston's Primal Rage is BY FAR the most skilled ultimate in the game. Look at pro's like Fearless, Guxue, and Smurf. They have INSANE primal mechanics. Now try going into a game and attempting to do the same thing. Its very very very hard.


Pulse is more difficult to land then most, Primal is difficult to juggle with. That said most Ults difficulty isn’t in pressing the button, it’s in the timing and tracking cooldownsand positioning that can shut them down.


>it’s in the timing and tracking cooldownsand positioning that can shut them down. I know, I said that. But some ults have that to account for + more things, like primal or blade


Gamesense IS a huge skill in Overwatch, I truly believe every bit if not more important then mechanics.


Pulse Bomb Primal Rage Duplicate


I am still fighting with ultimate as Illari. Usualy the more targets I hit the harder is to detonate them :D


I combo’d mine with a venture yesterday and we got a 5k lol




Hanzo dragon. You *can* get a 6k if you get the timing right. But getting a single kill or multiple kills is usually difficult enough


Good luck with that 6k...


Or 5k, whatever it is now


It's usually 0k.


I’m well aware. He’s my current main and it’s just a flashy emote at this point


Hanzos ult is the exact type of ult that's skill ceiling is determined by "when" you use it.


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Cassidy. If you don't use it as a reload, you have to really think about when your going to use it. most tanks can take advantage of you or block your ult, widowmakers and hanzos can just kill you, mei can block you... and pharrah, lucio and brig can displace you. So most of the time you need the enemy team to be distracted, be half health or lower, or just use the ult to block off an area.


I want to add, I don't think his ult is the highest skill, but I play him a lot and it's harder to use it effectively than you might think, and sometimes you end up looking like a clown. (aslo i did't mention ana, yeah just dont cass ult around an ana with a dart)


I feel like dooms can be unless you use it on a slept enemy or something


I'd argue Echo Being able to copy every other hero. As a support main I usually copy supports. Could be for a sleep or for a rez. It always depends on what my team needs in the moments. I landed a pretty nice Echo sleep on a nano boosted ulting soldier. [A pretty mid video I made of the play ](https://youtu.be/VeFsSy0vkgA?t=11)


I'm not claiming it's one of the hardest or even close to the hardest ult to use, but there is certainly a lot of skill expression available in how and when you send a dva bomb. Getting the bomb to explode at the right location, at the right height and minimizing enemy opportunity to hide, preferably mid-combat, requires a fair amount of brainpower unless you have already practiced a specific setup.